View Full Version : iPhone 4S

10-04-2011, 02:49 PM
bigger, better cam(8 megapixels/1080p), A5 processor, you can talk with your phone

10-04-2011, 02:51 PM
bigger, better cam(8 megapixels/1080p), A5 processor, you can talk with your phone
amazing. magical. this changes everything (again).

10-04-2011, 02:51 PM
no iphone 5.

Time to short apple stocks

10-04-2011, 03:11 PM
Really impressed with the Assistant/Siri feature...

10-04-2011, 03:21 PM
android was already at that point 5 months ago

10-04-2011, 03:26 PM
Really impressed with the Assistant/Siri feature...
i had the siri app on my old iphone back before apple bought them out. i must admit, it was a great app then. that being said, the 4s really doesn't impress me. i would have considered it if the screen was larger, but 3.5 just doesn't cut it for me anymore. spec wise, it is not any better then top end androids that have been out for awhile, and the next batch of android phones will pass the iphone up again. at this point, apple is just playing catch up


in before andgar: "it's not just about the specs maaaaaaaannnnn"

10-04-2011, 03:31 PM
lol at idiots that keep buying the newest version that comes out every 3 months

10-04-2011, 03:35 PM
no iphone 5.

Time to short apple stocks

yup. big letdown from apple, especially after pushing the expected release date back an extra few months.

10-04-2011, 03:38 PM
My galaxy s2 asked if someone could please insert the 50 cent gif of him driving off.

10-04-2011, 03:41 PM
lol at idiots that keep buying the newest version that comes out every 3 months

Word. When you have something that works, stick with it.


10-04-2011, 03:45 PM
lol at idiots that keep buying the newest version that comes out every 3 months
Yeah, im getting it for my mom because she's still clueless with her blackberry torch. i tried to show her about android, but she still wants this new iphone. she has succumbed to the madness... by christmas shell be asking for a macbook. i need to move...

10-04-2011, 03:46 PM
Word. When you have something that works, stick with it.


swag :pimp:

10-04-2011, 03:52 PM

10-04-2011, 03:59 PM
is this the iphone that has bbm? just heard about it

Bless Mathews
10-04-2011, 04:01 PM
Told you .....


10-04-2011, 04:05 PM



Of course, my fav feature....

This alone makes it worth it for me.

10-04-2011, 04:06 PM
Don't worry everyone Iphone 5 is coming out in two weeks. You can buy this one now and buy the iphone 5 two weeks later! :banana: :banana: :hammertime: :hammertime: :party:

10-04-2011, 04:07 PM
is this the iphone that has bbm? just heard about it

The older iphones will have it too. It's just their new OS, iOS5, will have something similary to BBM called imessenger.

10-04-2011, 04:07 PM
Are you ready, Apple suckers?

Why are they suckers?

If another phone updates their specs are those users suckers as well? Everytime a new Droid phone comes out with updated specs the Droid fans go bonkers. Yet, Apple does the same but with added features and they're suckers?

I guess the standards for Apple are truly that much higher.

10-04-2011, 04:17 PM
Lmfao @ idiots who continue to buy iPhones and apple products every half year. Their working on the iPhone 5 now. I'm fine with my Android.

10-04-2011, 04:19 PM
Lmfao @ idiots who continue to buy iPhones and apple products every half year. Their working on the iPhone 5 now. I'm fine with my Android.

err. The iphone comes out once a year while different Adroid versions come out every other week.

10-04-2011, 04:22 PM
err. The iphone comes out every other day while different Adroid versions come out every other week.


10-04-2011, 04:22 PM
Lmfao @ idiots who continue to buy iPhones and apple products every half year. Their working on the iPhone 5 now. I'm fine with my Android.

Wow.. Apple is working on a new phone?

Wow those idiots that buy an iphone every year are truly idiots. And not like the idiots that purchased the new sidekick every year, or the new jordans every year, or the new version of a video game every year, or the new version of their fav Droid phone every year... yeah... bunch of idiots!

Stupid idiots for trying to upgrade... ROFL Idiots!

10-04-2011, 04:24 PM


10-04-2011, 04:26 PM
lol apple is worse than nintendo with their mario games.....sad :roll:

10-04-2011, 04:27 PM
Wow.. Apple is working on a new phone?

Wow those idiots that buy an iphone every year are truly idiots. And not like the idiots that purchased the new sidekick every year, or the new jordans every year, or the new version of a video game every year, or the new version of their fav Droid phone every year... yeah... bunch of idiots!

Stupid idiots for trying to upgrade... ROFL Idiots!

I know right?

I have no issues upgrading the iphone every year. I pay $300 for the 32gb with plan. Upgrade to the new one a year later and then sell back the old phone for $300-$400. Win/Win for me.

10-04-2011, 04:29 PM
I know right?

I have no issues upgrading the iphone every year. I pay $300 for the 32gb with plan. Upgrade to the new one a year later and then sell back the old phone for $300-$400. Win/Win for me.


10-04-2011, 04:30 PM

lol I'm agreeing with you

10-04-2011, 04:31 PM
some of you really expected the iPhone 5?

they already bridged the 3 and 4 with the 3GS so why wouldn't they do the same with the 4 and 5?

10-04-2011, 04:32 PM
wait to upgrade don't you have to trade in your phone?

Ken, are you saying you buying an uncontracted one. Then sell the other iphone on ebay or something?

10-04-2011, 04:32 PM
lol I'm agreeing with you
the anger has blinded him

10-04-2011, 04:32 PM
lol I'm agreeing with you

I was being sarcastic.

10-04-2011, 04:34 PM
wait to upgrade don't you have to trade in your phone?

Ken, are you saying you buying an uncontracted one. Then sell the other iphone on ebay or something?

Nope you don't have to trade in your phone, and I always buy a contracted one. Yes, I then sell my old one on ebay or craigslist and basically make the money back that I paid for.

I was being sarcastic.


10-04-2011, 04:40 PM
Oh ok, well it doesn't sound that bad when you can just do that.

Sonic R
10-04-2011, 04:43 PM
I've been rocking my iPhone 3G for 2 and a half years now and its still good to go

10-04-2011, 04:46 PM
[QUOTE=Sonic R]I've been rocking my iPhone 3G for 2 and a half years now and its still good to go

10-04-2011, 04:48 PM
Lot of Apple fanboys. People like Android because it actually gives us a variety of shit to choose from in different version of phones whether updated or newly on the market. As for iPhone's their constantly updating making little upgrades on software or hardware. I'm glad Google topped Apple on the most valuable.

10-04-2011, 04:51 PM
Lot of Apple fanboys. People like Android because it actually gives us a variety of shit to choose from in different version of phones whether updated or newly on the market. As for iPhone's their constantly updating making little upgrades on software or hardware. I'm glad Google topped Apple on the most valuable.

You do know that iPhones kill in customer safistfaction right

Oh... let me guess... all those people are idiots.... that's got to be it.

10-04-2011, 04:56 PM
Lot of Apple fanboys. People like Android because it actually gives us a variety of shit to choose from in different version of phones whether updated or newly on the market. As for iPhone's their constantly updating making little upgrades on software or hardware. I'm glad Google topped Apple on the most valuable.



10-04-2011, 04:59 PM
Well, at least people wont be able to tell the difference between the IP4 and IP4S when its in the persons hand :)

10-04-2011, 05:02 PM
You do know that iPhones kill in customer safistfaction right

Oh... let me guess... all those people are idiots.... that's got to be it.
trying real hard to convince yourself the keynote wasn't a yawner?

10-04-2011, 05:02 PM
I'm torn between getting a blackberry or an iphone.

10-04-2011, 05:04 PM
Why are they suckers?

If another phone updates their specs are those users suckers as well? Everytime a new Droid phone comes out with updated specs the Droid fans go bonkers. Yet, Apple does the same but with added features and they're suckers?

I guess the standards for Apple are truly that much higher.
1. The standards are "that much higher" because they've surrounded themselves with hype that big. They claim their hardware and software revolutionize the industry at every update, and then they put out a product that's behind the technological curve.

2. The product release is annual. If the only difference is catching up to Android software wise (and adding wireless video streaming), adding a dual core chip (that won't even be as fast as Androids already released), and a slightly better camera, that's a pretty big disappointment, considering Android devices Androids go through that type of update in a shorter amount of time.

3. In a time where quad core tablets are being released this very year, and phones will be quad core by early next year, featuring 720p displays, bigger screens, more versatile software and hardware, they announce a product that's already behind devices either already released or already announced. And then they expect everyone to flock to them automatically (and they will) because they're Apple.

10-04-2011, 05:18 PM
1. The standards are "that much higher" because they've surrounded themselves with hype that big. They claim their hardware and software revolutionize the industry at every update, and then they put out a product that's behind the technological curve.

2. The product release is annual. If the only difference is catching up to Android software wise (and adding wireless video streaming), adding a dual core chip (that won't even be as fast as Androids already released), and a slightly better camera, that's a pretty big disappointment, considering Android devices Androids go through that type of update in a shorter amount of time.

3. In a time where quad core tablets are being released this very year, and phones will be quad core by early next year, featuring 720p displays, bigger screens, more versatile software and hardware, they announce a product that's already behind devices either already released or already announced. And then they expect everyone to flock to them automatically (and they will) because they're Apple.
As I've mentioned time and time again, specs in regards to Apple in comparison to other manufacturers is a relatively moot point.

The iPhone could be a year old with outdated 'specs' yet a Droid phone coming out this week with the newest updated specs, won't be significantly better than the year old iPhone. Even then, most of the Droid phones with newer specs aren't even faster.

As far as the OS is concerned, sure... there's some things that Droid has and does that the iPhone plays catch up on. But once Apple integrates them they do so better. And even then, it aint as if there's tons of these features in the OS, even then it aint as if they're huge features that will make or break the entire OS.

And I always love the "Apple makes themselves out to be revolutionary!! when they're not"... as if they were the first and only company to hype up their products. I see huge hyperbole coming from damn near every manufacturer all the time on almost every release of their devices. The difference is, people don't care what they say even tho they don't deliver (or come close too). Apple has a history of changing the direction of the market something that even the biggest Apple hater/critic can't deny. So yeah... there does seem to be a double standard and higher expectations. If a new Droid device comes out this week, with the same specs or slightly better specs, Apple haters go crazy over them. Yet they talk shit and complain when Apple fans are overjoyed for similar releases, even tho Apple along with spec bumps usually includes other goodies.

And yes... their new Assistant can be considered revolutionary.

Apple has taken Siri and improved on it, and made it native. All of the hands on reviews are raving over it calling it truly great and different than other voice activation 'apps'. And I still haven't heard any mention of wireless Airplay, which will be a killer feature that no manufacturer can compete with.

10-04-2011, 05:28 PM
And yes... their new Assistant can be considered revolutionary.

Apple has taken Siri and improved on it, and made it native. All of the hands on reviews are raving over it calling it truly great and different than other voice activation 'apps'. And I still haven't heard any mention of wireless Airplay, which will be a killer feature that no manufacturer can compete with.

A new IPHONE!!! OMG nice. I can ugrade from my i4 that i bought 3 months ago.

Wait.... hmmm... Oohhh I see.

I just launched the free Siri app on my i4 and it auto-updated to display this welcome message:

“I’ve been replaced! The new Siri is even smarter and better-looking than me, and waiting for you on the iPhone 4S. I’ll be leaving for home Oct 15th. Until then…. how can I help you?”

So Apple pulls the old Siri app from the app store on October 15th. That’s right, kids — why allow users to have the functionality when you can use it to con them out of money for an otherwise-lacking hardware upgrade?

Well played Apple. Well Played.

Touchey Gimmick.

“Why can’t iPhone 4 users enjoy Siri? That’s because if they didn’t limit Siri to the iPhone 4S, no one would buy it because there wouldn’t be enough new features.”

Absolutely 100% spot-on.

Tying Siri to the 4S is a con. I couldn’t care less about Siri — it’s a gimmick, as far as I’m concerned, and I’d get very little use out of it other than setting the odd alarm or reminder — but that’s not the point.

The point is that *Apple* cares about Siri: they made a huge fuss about it, spent a lot of time showcasing how “revolutionary” it is, basically selling it as the major new “shiny” feature of the 4S (because no amount of talk about antennas and GSM/CDMA is going to get your average gadget addict salivating the way something interactive and gimmicky will). And yet Siri should actually just be part of iOS5. Heck, I already have 60% of the functionality from the free Siri app on my i4. (Knowing Apple, they’ll probably pull said app from the appstore, pronto.) <--- Which they are.

10-04-2011, 05:29 PM
As I've mentioned time and time again, specs in regards to Apple in comparison to other manufacturers is a relatively moot point.

The iPhone could be a year old with outdated 'specs' yet a Droid phone coming out this week with the newest updated specs, won't be significantly better than the year old iPhone. Even then, most of the Droid phones with newer specs aren't even faster.

As far as the OS is concerned, sure... there's some things that Droid has and does that the iPhone plays catch up on. But once Apple integrates them they do so better. And even then, it aint as if there's tons of these features in the OS, even then it aint as if they're huge features that will make or break the entire OS.

And I always love the "Apple makes themselves out to be revolutionary!! when they're not"... as if they were the first and only company to hype up their products. I see huge hyperbole coming from damn near every manufacturer all the time on almost every release of their devices. The difference is, people don't care what they say even tho they don't deliver (or come close too). Apple has a history of changing the direction of the market something that even the biggest Apple hater/critic can't deny. So yeah... there does seem to be a double standard and higher expectations. If a new Droid device comes out this week, with the same specs or slightly better specs, Apple haters go crazy over them. Yet they talk shit and complain when Apple fans are overjoyed for similar releases, even tho Apple along with spec bumps usually includes other goodies.

And yes... their new Assistant can be considered revolutionary.

Apple has taken Siri and improved on it, and made it native. All of the hands on reviews are raving over it calling it truly great and different than other voice activation 'apps'. And I still haven't heard any mention of wireless Airplay, which will be a killer feature that no manufacturer can compete with.

Well said... simply put, Siri looks incredible and I have yet to see anything like it... Airplay is great looking forward to that as well.

10-04-2011, 05:32 PM
A new IPHONE!!! OMG nice. I can ugrade from my i4 that i bought 3 months ago.

Wait.... hmmm... Oohhh I see.

I just launched the free Siri app on my i4 and it auto-updated to display this welcome message:

“I’ve been replaced! The new Siri is even smarter and better-looking than me, and waiting for you on the iPhone 4S. I’ll be leaving for home Oct 15th. Until then…. how can I help you?”

So Apple to pulled the old Siri app from the app store on October 15th. That’s right, kids — why allow users to have keep functionality when you can use it to con them out of money for an otherwise-lacking hardware upgrade?

Well played Apple. Well Played.

Nice Gimmick.

“Why can’t iPhone 4 users enjoy Siri? That’s because if they didn’t limit Siri to the iPhone 4S, no one would buy it because there wouldn’t be enough new features.”

Absolutely 100% spot-on.

Tying Siri to the 4S is a con. I couldn’t care less about Siri — it’s a gimmick, as far as I’m concerned, and I’d get very little use out of it other than setting the odd alarm or reminder — but that’s not the point.

The point is that *Apple* cares about Siri: they made a huge fuss about it, spent a lot of time showcasing how “revolutionary” it is, basically selling it as the major new “shiny” feature of the 4S (because no amount of talk about antennas and GSM/CDMA is going to get your average gadget addict salivating the way something interactive and gimmicky will). And yet Siri should actually just be part of iOS5. Heck, I already have 60% of the functionality from the free Siri app on my 3GS. (Knowing Apple, they’ll probably pull said app from the appstore, pronto.)

yep, it was a nice little switcharoo they pulled there. pull an app that was perfectly capable on the old phones but now you have to buy the new one to use. "revolutionary" indeed. but can't blame them if it works right? fanboys will lap it up

10-04-2011, 05:40 PM
As I've mentioned time and time again, specs in regards to Apple in comparison to other manufacturers is a relatively moot point.

The iPhone could be a year old with outdated 'specs' yet a Droid phone coming out this week with the newest updated specs, won't be significantly better than the year old iPhone. Even then, most of the Droid phones with newer specs aren't even faster.

As far as the OS is concerned, sure... there's some things that Droid has and does that the iPhone plays catch up on. But once Apple integrates them they do so better. And even then, it aint as if there's tons of these features in the OS, even then it aint as if they're huge features that will make or break the entire OS.

And I always love the "Apple makes themselves out to be revolutionary!! when they're not"... as if they were the first and only company to hype up their products. I see huge hyperbole coming from damn near every manufacturer all the time on almost every release of their devices. The difference is, people don't care what they say even tho they don't deliver (or come close too). Apple has a history of changing the direction of the market something that even the biggest Apple hater/critic can't deny. So yeah... there does seem to be a double standard and higher expectations. If a new Droid device comes out this week, with the same specs or slightly better specs, Apple haters go crazy over them. Yet they talk shit and complain when Apple fans are overjoyed for similar releases, even tho Apple along with spec bumps usually includes other goodies.

And yes... their new Assistant can be considered revolutionary.

Apple has taken Siri and improved on it, and made it native. All of the hands on reviews are raving over it calling it truly great and different than other voice activation 'apps'. And I still haven't heard any mention of wireless Airplay, which will be a killer feature that no manufacturer can compete with.The first part is false. I have an HTC Desire which was released early 2010 and it's exactly as fast as the Iphone 4's my friends own. The droids with better specs are indeed faster. Some of the later single cores (Galaxy S, HTC Desire HD, Nexus S) are very slightly faster, while all of the dual cores are significantly faster. I don't know where you get information about the better specs not making better speeds.

And I didn't ignore the wireless streaming thing. It's the sole advantage the iPhone has right now in the way of software. And how does the iPhone implement any of the software features better once they catch up on them? Name me one feature that iPhone has taken from Android and "made better"

Lastly, I don't deny that Apple does revolutionize certain products. The first iPhone, the first iPad, etc. The problem isn't in that. The problem is in marginal updates combined with ridiculous hype. And I'm not an Apple hater (I've owned and still own Apple devices) I just find this announcement disappointing especially considering the hype. And show me where people have gone crazy over an Android device with marginal upgrades. The Android devices that get hyped are the ones that actually revolutionize the smartphone market (the Galaxy S with its GPU, the LG Optimus 2X because of the dual core, the Galaxy S II because of its ridiculous speed, GPU, and display). No one gets hyped about the Desire HD or Motorola X2 in the same way.

10-04-2011, 05:45 PM
yep, it was a nice little switcharoo they pulled there. pull an app that was perfectly capable on the old phones but now you have to buy the new one to use. "revolutionary" indeed. but can't blame them if it works right? fanboys will lap it up

Yep. The herd of sheeples have already jumped off the bridge.
Too late to do anything now

code green
10-04-2011, 05:47 PM
:sleeping :sleeping

I think I'll stick with my dual-core, dual-channel, dual-memory LG Thrill. Twice the phone, half the price.

10-04-2011, 05:51 PM
Did Apple unveil a new ipod touch 5g?

10-04-2011, 05:54 PM
The first part is false. I have an HTC Desire which was released early 2010 and it's exactly as fast as the Iphone 4's my friends own. The droids with better specs are indeed faster. Some of the later single cores (Galaxy S, HTC Desire HD, Nexus S) are very slightly faster, while all of the dual cores are significantly faster. I don't know where you get information about the better specs not making better speeds.

A sheeple is someone who has been fertilized with an idea. An idea that is seeded deep in his conscious. It defines him. Its who he is.

Talking to a deep seeded sheeple is like talking to a plant. He's already in the fold. What we can do is try to dig up the idea.

"The Samsung Galaxy S II... priced about the same as the 16GB iPhone 4S at $199. The Samsung device also rocks a dual-core processor, 8-megapixel rear-facing camera, and a better 2-megapixel front-facing camera. It also features a larger 4.3 to 4.52-inch display (depending on carrier), thinner and lighter chassis, and is NFC-equipped. Apple’s iPhone 4S has disappointingly stayed with the 3.5-inch display, no NFC chip, and no 4G support.

Make sure to check out iPhone 4S vs Galaxy S II vs HTC Sensation vs DROID BIONIC vs G2x for a more in depth comparison of the iPhone 4S and rivals in its tier.

The iPhone 4 at $99 has a bunch more similarly priced Android alternatives and in this category the hardware comparisons leaves the handset looking rather mediocre. For instance, with the same $99 you can get AT&T’s LG Thrill 4G with far superior specs, including a faster dual-core processor, larger 4.3-inch display, and even a dual-array of 5-megapixel cameras capable of 3D video and still capture, if you’re into that kind of thing. Other $99 alternatives include the HTC Inspire 4G, Samsung Infuse 4G, and the Samsung Galaxy S."


10-04-2011, 05:56 PM
[QUOTE=Bladers]A sheeple is someone who has been infulated with an idea. An idea that is seeded deep in his consious. It defines him.

Talking to a deep seeded sheeple is like talking to a plant. He's already in the fold. What we can do is try to dig up the idea.

"The Samsung Galaxy S II... priced about the same as the 16GB iPhone 4S at $199. The Samsung device also rocks a dual-core processor, 8-megapixel rear-facing camera, and a better 2-megapixel front-facing camera. It also features a larger 4.3 to 4.52-inch display (depending on carrier), thinner and lighter chassis, and is NFC-equipped. Apple

10-04-2011, 06:10 PM
That's 8 counts of Murder, Rape, Agrrevated Assault, Manslaughter, Kidnapping...etc


Damn Galaxy S is going away for a very long time! :oldlol:

code green
10-04-2011, 06:10 PM
you can actually get most of these for alot cheaper, and even free if you look around.

Radio Shack's prices:
LG Thrill - $49
HTC Inspire - $49
Samsung Infuse - $100
Galaxy S - Free

All of those phones match up or beat the iPhone 4's specs, and the Thrill beats the iPhone 4s.

10-04-2011, 06:24 PM
even fanboys are disappointed. this is coming from www.cultofmac.com staff members. of course, i'm only quoting the choice comments concerning the letdowns but if some of the biggest apple lovers are feeling like this, you know it has to be bad. :oldlol:


Adam Rosen: I think the important takeaway items from today’s press conference are the imminent launch of iOS 5 and iCloud. Both these areas promise to bring significant productivity improvements and keep Apple’s lead over rivals.

For an event titled “Let’s Talk iPhone” however, today’s event was rather a letdown. No new iPhone 5, no 4G phone. The iPhone 4S will be a solid product but I suspect only Sprint customers are truly ecstatic today.

Nicole Martinelli: Distracted by the postcard app and the Friends & Family sharing – do we really want to give a huge U.S. corporation this much personal information in exchange for “Wish You Were Here” (at Starbucks) missives? It makes me want to fire up Diaspora again and donate to the EFF.

Generally, underwhelmed – though, admittedly, it’s hard to drink the kool-aid when you’re not invited to the party. And although Cook was on point, he doesn’t have that Steve Jobs knack for drawing out a presentation with the only real news buried at the end.

Erfon Elijah: Just had a good cry in the shower about no iPhone 5 announcement today. I qualified for an iPhone 4 in January (I have a 3GS) and discovered I just waited 8 extra months for the letter “S.” Sure, the iPhone 4S is faster, has a better camera, and I’ll be preordering one this Friday, but Apple wasted an opportunity to surprise, delight, and confound with an iPhone 5 and a larger screen.

David Martin: Personally I found today’s iPhone 4S announcement to be a little disappointing after waiting for well over a year for a new iPhone. I was expecting something a little more earth shattering like a bigger screen and a thinner device overall with a metal rear cover. I spent $20 on a case for the rumored iPhone 5, but the iPhone 4S won’t fit in it. No big deal since I’ve spent $20 on worse things. I’ll keep it just in case – no pun intended. Maybe it will fit next years iPhone model.

keep in mind these are people who work for an apple blog, some of the biggest apple apologists out there

10-04-2011, 06:33 PM
all I know is I was anti Apple for years.

then I replaced my Pocket PC (after owning it for 6 years) with a 3GS and switched from PCs to a MacBook Pro.

Their stuff works well the vast majority of the time, their customer service is the some of the best I have ever dealt with, and the products are fairly durable and don't feel cheaply made.

There are very few companies I have been as pleased with as I am with Apple.

10-04-2011, 06:34 PM
I agree I was disappointed there was no iphone 5. I wanted a bigger screen for sure. Even though it's the specs are not up to par vs the Galaxy 2, it is pretty darn close. And I don't mind that it's not the fastest phone out there. Just like Mac vs Windows, people like Macs cause of the OS, not really specs. And that is why I will continue buying the iphone over the Android. I like the look and the feel of the iOS over the Android.

10-04-2011, 06:36 PM
all I know is I was anti Apple for years.

then I replaced my Pocket PC (after owning it for 6 years) with a 3GS and switched from PCs to a MacBook Pro.

Their stuff works well the vast majority of the time, their customer service is the some of the best I have ever dealt with, and the products are fairly durable and don't feel cheaply made.

There are very few companies I have been as pleased with as I am with Apple.
used to love apple, then got sick of them and got rid of most of my apple products, but i just bought the new MBA that I enjoy..after i put win 7 on it. I'm so conflicted :lol

10-04-2011, 06:47 PM
I'm trying to be anti apple. Tryna get rid of my itouch which I love.

10-04-2011, 06:50 PM
The first part is false. I have an HTC Desire which was released early 2010 and it's exactly as fast as the Iphone 4's my friends own. The droids with better specs are indeed faster. Some of the later single cores (Galaxy S, HTC Desire HD, Nexus S) are very slightly faster, while all of the dual cores are significantly faster. I don't know where you get information about the better specs not making better speeds.

And I didn't ignore the wireless streaming thing. It's the sole advantage the iPhone has right now in the way of software. And how does the iPhone implement any of the software features better once they catch up on them? Name me one feature that iPhone has taken from Android and "made better"

Lastly, I don't deny that Apple does revolutionize certain products. The first iPhone, the first iPad, etc. The problem isn't in that. The problem is in marginal updates combined with ridiculous hype. And I'm not an Apple hater (I've owned and still own Apple devices) I just find this announcement disappointing especially considering the hype. And show me where people have gone crazy over an Android device with marginal upgrades. The Android devices that get hyped are the ones that actually revolutionize the smartphone market (the Galaxy S with its GPU, the LG Optimus 2X because of the dual core, the Galaxy S II because of its ridiculous speed, GPU, and display). No one gets hyped about the Desire HD or Motorola X2 in the same way.

On the first part, I didn't just mean speed performance I also meant camera quality and just overall performance as well. Whenever a new phone is released it's usually compared to the iPHone and they're either very slightly faster at doing some tasks, equally as fast or even slower. The camera quality is also something that people point too and are usually wrong when comparing specs. I don't remember each phone this was the case for, but it has been the case various times and that aint even including the various other Apple products such as laptops and pads that on paper have better specs, but usually end up performing worse (specially pads).

Apple has been late to implement 2 key things that other OS had and were criticized heavily for:

Multi tasking

Apple's multi tasking integration does a better job because it conserves the battery in a more efficient rate. It is by no coincidence that for a long time, the top Droid apps on the market were control panels to conserve battery life and kill running apps.

But to be honest, part of the multi tasking isn't just battery consumption but also how one navigates through teh various apps. And this has been addressed in the iPad version of iOS 5 (I have to look up the iPhone version... not sure). Apple implemented their multi tasking very seamless and as good as anything out (not made from Palm).

Notifications on the iOS were also heavily criticized, but even those that criticized it were more than pleased by their integration and all around execution.

For those two features most observers believed Apple had implemented in a smoother more elegant fashion than most of its counterparts.

Marginal updates?

One is getting double the performance and even 7 times more in the new iPhone over its predecessor, all while maintaining the same size and price. Not to mention the other features that will only be available on the 4s. And if you ever visit any tech sites/blogs you'll see Droid fans foaming at the mouths in the same way Apple fanboys do, over the same upgrades (at times less). I can't go around and search through every discussion on Engadget, TechCrunch, Gizmodoe, etc.etc... but they're there.

In regards to Siri on the iPhone... it's all about 'implementation'. Apple took that app and made it a native implementation that works better and with all of its native apps. Not just that, but they've rewritten the code to include native interaction with 3rd party apps as well (which it's still in BETA at the moment). So sure, Apple took the app down and sure Apple added its code to their OS, but its no different than what other manufacturers do when they acquire other companies. It just happens that Apple usually does to do a better job at integrating the code better.

By better I mean, seamless integration throughout, better overall quality and dependability along with superior aesthetics. And one can't argue that aesthetics don't matter since most of Droid user's entier customization revolves around skins and themes.

10-04-2011, 06:53 PM
even fanboys are disappointed. this is coming from www.cultofmac.com staff members. of course, i'm only quoting the choice comments concerning the letdowns but if some of the biggest apple lovers are feeling like this, you know it has to be bad. :oldlol:


keep in mind these are people who work for an apple blog, some of the biggest apple apologists out there

Apple fans and haters are both hard to please. If Apple had indeed released an iPhone 5 with some of the rumored specs and features, people would still find something to complain about.

I can guarantee one thing....

If the 4s was exactly the same, but had a different design, 75% of those that were disappointed would be ecstatic.

10-04-2011, 07:04 PM
iPhone 4S will still be the highest selling smart phone.

Just proves Android needs to head in a different direction if they want to top Apple's iPhone. When will they realize that nobody gives a flying f*ck about specs. If you got the specs, but it doesn't feel good and doesn't look good, it's crap. Specs are like a girl's personality... who gives a shit.

Sonic R
10-04-2011, 07:24 PM
all I know is I was anti Apple for years.

then I replaced my Pocket PC (after owning it for 6 years) with a 3GS and switched from PCs to a MacBook Pro.

Their stuff works well the vast majority of the time, their customer service is the some of the best I have ever dealt with, and the products are fairly durable and don't feel cheaply made.

There are very few companies I have been as pleased with as I am with Apple.

I am anything but an Apple fan boi

bada bing
10-04-2011, 07:33 PM
so any news on when apple will release the iphone 5? will it probably be another year? i am urgently in need of a new phone. my current 3GS is kinda broken down and i need to upgrade. not sure if i am eligible for an upgrade from AT&T??? had this phone for 2 years now.

also, any idea on what the new sprint plans will be like? much cheaper than AT&T? or around teh same price? also how is the coverage and network for sprint?

10-04-2011, 07:35 PM
all I know is I was anti Apple for years.

then I replaced my Pocket PC (after owning it for 6 years) with a 3GS and switched from PCs to a MacBook Pro.

Their stuff works well the vast majority of the time, their customer service is the some of the best I have ever dealt with, and the products are fairly durable and don't feel cheaply made.

There are very few companies I have been as pleased with as I am with Apple.

I know most won't believe me due to my current fanboy antics, but as much as I Love Apple today, I hated them the same way. I was worse than some of you here, hating Apple and Apple fans.

Until I was forced to buy my first Apple product... Mac Mini. I've been sold and drinking the Kool Aid ever since. Although they do have some flaws, the pros far outweigh any negatives. And the all around execution/implementation is better than whatever advantage some of its competitors may have.

A reason why most Apple fans buy Apple products exclusively is due to their seamless integration without much (or no) hassle. As much as people hate on the following it is very true... "It just works."

I walk into a room and any Apple device is automatically detected and connected without any issues or configuration. I have a software and it works seamless and integrates beautifully with other software and hardware.... again... little to zero configuration required. I can go on and on on the benefits of having Apple products exclusively, but one would have to own them to understand.

10-04-2011, 07:41 PM
iPhone 4S will still be the highest selling smart phone.

Just proves Android needs to head in a different direction if they want to top Apple's iPhone. When will they realize that nobody gives a flying f*ck about specs. If you got the specs, but it doesn't feel good and doesn't look good, it's crap. Specs are like a girl's personality... who gives a shit.

I know youre just replying to the fandroids in this thread but its all about what the individual needs. I like Android because its open and the Google integration is what I need to manage my life. Saying it doesnt feel good is a matter of preference.

And btw, the iPhone will always be the best selling phone. No one will ever take that away from Apple. I dont think Android fans care.

10-04-2011, 07:45 PM
I know most won't believe me due to my current fanboy antics, but as much as I Love Apple today, I hated them the same way. I was worse than some of you here, hating Apple and Apple fans.

Until I was forced to buy my first Apple product... Mac Mini. I've been sold and drinking the Kool Aid ever since. Although they do have some flaws, the pros far outweigh any negatives. And the all around execution/implementation is better than whatever advantage some of its competitors may have.

A reason why most Apple fans buy Apple products exclusively is due to their seamless integration without much (or no) hassle. As much as people hate on the following it is very true... "It just works."

I walk into a room and any Apple device is automatically detected and connected without any issues or configuration. I have a software and it works seamless and integrates beautifully with other software and hardware.... again... little to zero configuration required. I can go on and on on the benefits of having Apple products exclusively, but one would have to own them to understand.

Funny, Im the opposite. I loved Apple since HS until iOS came out. I think their philosophy is a setback for computing imo. Im all about open source and open standards. Apple likes to close things up. The only thing worthwhile for me is OS X. iOS is a step back.

10-04-2011, 07:57 PM
Funny, Im the opposite. I loved Apple since HS until iOS came out. I think their philosophy is a setback for computing imo. Im all about open source and open standards. Apple likes to close things up. The only thing worthwhile for me is OS X. iOS is a step back.

What exactly do you mean by 'closed'?

code green
10-04-2011, 07:58 PM
so any news on when apple will release the iphone 5? will it probably be another year? i am urgently in need of a new phone. my current 3GS is kinda broken down and i need to upgrade. not sure if i am eligible for an upgrade from AT&T??? had this phone for 2 years now.

also, any idea on what the new sprint plans will be like? much cheaper than AT&T? or around teh same price? also how is the coverage and network for sprint?

Dial *639# on your handset, and you should get a message a few seconds later that'll tell you whether or not you're eligible.

Sprint's plan is the most economical, but their 3G/4G coverage is subpar to the other three carriers. Sprint has unlimited everything for $79.99, AT&T will run you a little bit more.

450 minutes - $40
Unlimited texts (includes unlimited mobile to mobile calling on any carrier)-$20
2GB data - $25 - $10 a GB for any overage

So assuming you're part of the 95% of smartphone users that use less than 2GB a month on data, you're looking at $5 more for AT&T. Well worth it, IMO.

10-04-2011, 08:02 PM
What exactly do you mean by 'closed'?

Proprietary standards such as not adopting micro USB. App developers not having access to certain APIs in the OS, etc. etc.

Of course, Apple will give a reason for it but I dont buy it for the most part. Even the Adobe Flash debacle could have been resolved if they simply allowed it to be installed as an application and have the user turn it on or off such as Android.

At the end of the day, you gotta choose what's best for you. Android is open and chaotic whereas iOS is closed and polished.

10-04-2011, 08:17 PM
Proprietary standards such as not adopting micro USB. App developers not having access to certain APIs in the OS, etc. etc.

Of course, Apple will give a reason for it but I dont buy it for the most part. Even the Adobe Flash debacle could have been resolved if they simply allowed it to be installed as an application and have the user turn it on or off such as Android.

At the end of the day, you gotta choose what's best for you. Android is open and chaotic whereas iOS is closed and polished.

But they do have legit reasons.

The Adobe situation was also for the best since Adobe has yet to prove it can deliver a good product for Apple. Shit... it has a hard time providing an up to standards product for other devices. Sure... they may be 'usable' on some devices, but usable isn't up to Apple's standards. And sure, you and I can disable flash and I agree the option to include flash would've been nice. But looking at it from their pov I don't blame them. The overwhelming majority of users won't know how to manage it properly and the phone as a whole would be tainted.

The only issue I have with Apple is them keeping their web browser code to themselves, everything else I really could give a f*ck about.

10-04-2011, 08:30 PM
But they do have legit reasons.

The Adobe situation was also for the best since Adobe has yet to prove it can deliver a good product for Apple. Shit... it has a hard time providing an up to standards product for other devices. Sure... they may be 'usable' on some devices, but usable isn't up to Apple's standards. And sure, you and I can disable flash and I agree the option to include flash would've been nice. But looking at it from their pov I don't blame them. The overwhelming majority of users won't know how to manage it properly and the phone as a whole would be tainted.

The only issue I have with Apple is them keeping their web browser code to themselves, everything else I really could give a f*ck about.

They're right in that Adobe Flash is poorly coded and full of security flaws. Thing is, much of the internet runs on Flash and I would like the ability to have it. I just think its agenda driven in the sense that Apple is using their dominant position in mobile to push Adobe out and many customers are not doing what they want on the internet because of it

Anyways, Apple got what they want. Microsoft sided with Apple by pushing HTML5 as the future of media streaming on the internet. The only one siding with Adobe is Google. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

The one thing, though, that Apple gets right over any tech company is the user experience and the little details that make it great. Everything is well thought out. I wish other companies would be as thorough when engineering a product.

bada bing
10-04-2011, 08:48 PM
Dial *639# on your handset, and you should get a message a few seconds later that'll tell you whether or not you're eligible.

Sprint's plan is the most economical, but their 3G/4G coverage is subpar to the other three carriers. Sprint has unlimited everything for $79.99, AT&T will run you a little bit more.

450 minutes - $40
Unlimited texts (includes unlimited mobile to mobile calling on any carrier)-$20
2GB data - $25 - $10 a GB for any overage

So assuming you're part of the 95% of smartphone users that use less than 2GB a month on data, you're looking at $5 more for AT&T. Well worth it, IMO.

oh wow. tried it. thanks! says they can offer me an upgrade with a new 2 yr commitment and an $18 upgrade fee. does this mean i get the phone for free or do i still have to pay the $199? also, can i keep my existing iphone plan which has unlimited data or do i need to get the new plan? can i stay on the grandfather plan?

10-04-2011, 08:48 PM
I still have my iPhone 3G. Not gonna change until it dies.

10-04-2011, 08:55 PM
so any news on when apple will release the iphone 5? will it probably be another year? i am urgently in need of a new phone. my current 3GS is kinda broken down and i need to upgrade. not sure if i am eligible for an upgrade from AT&T??? had this phone for 2 years now.

also, any idea on what the new sprint plans will be like? much cheaper than AT&T? or around teh same price? also how is the coverage and network for sprint?
you should be eligible after 2 years, most people are. i dunno why but i'm eligible every year. i don't question it but it is puzzling.

sprint will be cheaper and will give you unlimited data.

Patrick Chewing
10-04-2011, 08:58 PM
I'm torn between getting a blackberry or an iphone.


neither man. Get Android. Plain and simple.

10-04-2011, 08:59 PM
I know most won't believe me due to my current fanboy antics, but as much as I Love Apple today, I hated them the same way. I was worse than some of you here, hating Apple and Apple fans.

Until I was forced to buy my first Apple product... Mac Mini. I've been sold and drinking the Kool Aid ever since. Although they do have some flaws, the pros far outweigh any negatives. And the all around execution/implementation is better than whatever advantage some of its competitors may have.

A reason why most Apple fans buy Apple products exclusively is due to their seamless integration without much (or no) hassle. As much as people hate on the following it is very true... "It just works."

I walk into a room and any Apple device is automatically detected and connected without any issues or configuration. I have a software and it works seamless and integrates beautifully with other software and hardware.... again... little to zero configuration required. I can go on and on on the benefits of having Apple products exclusively, but one would have to own them to understand.

i have owned 5 iphones, 2 1st gen ipod nanos, 1 current ipod nano, macbook pro, macbook air, ipad 1 and 2. only thing i still have is the new nano and newest mba. i still hate apple.

10-04-2011, 09:08 PM
oh wow. tried it. thanks! says they can offer me an upgrade with a new 2 yr commitment and an $18 upgrade fee. does this mean i get the phone for free or do i still have to pay the $199? also, can i keep my existing iphone plan which has unlimited data or do i need to get the new plan? can i stay on the grandfather plan?
you get to buy it for $199 + $18 instead of for $500 unsubsidized

10-04-2011, 09:29 PM
Paid $400 for my phone and now I'm running on $40 a month for unlimited everything.

Samsung Galaxy. Fhuk all that expensive plans.

code green
10-04-2011, 09:57 PM
oh wow. tried it. thanks! says they can offer me an upgrade with a new 2 yr commitment and an $18 upgrade fee. does this mean i get the phone for free or do i still have to pay the $199? also, can i keep my existing iphone plan which has unlimited data or do i need to get the new plan? can i stay on the grandfather plan?

No problem. As previously mentioned, yeah, you'd have to pay $218.

As far as being grandfathered in, that I don't know. I know for sure AT&T is NOT cool with people getting unlimited data and might try to phase you out. My recommendation would be to make a big fuss and threaten to leave for Sprint if they try to downgrade you. Don't take no for an answer.

10-04-2011, 10:15 PM
Paid $400 for my phone and now I'm running on $40 a month for unlimited everything.

Samsung Galaxy. Fhuk all that expensive plans.

Nice. What carrier?

I bought my Nexus S out of contract and did a value plan with T-mobile. It's 59.99 unlimited everything with data throttled after 2 gigs. The catch is that you have to commit to a 2-year contract.

10-04-2011, 10:20 PM
Nice. What carrier?

I bought my Nexus S out of contract and did a value plan with T-mobile. It's 59.99 unlimited everything with data throttled after 2 gigs. The catch is that you have to commit to a 2-year contract.
Sprint for him.

On another note I wasn't that impressed with what they released. Apple is sticking to it's guns I'll give them that. Everyone is going with a 4 inch or bigger screen, but Apple is sticking with the tiny 3.5 screen. I had an original Motorola Droid that had a 3.7 inch screen and upgraded to a Droid X2 that has a 4.3 inch screen. After using for X2 for about a month, I can't believe how small the OG Droid feels. I can't imagine how small the 3.5 on the iPhone feels.

10-04-2011, 10:23 PM
Nah not sprint. Simple mobile. It's the sister carriar to tmobile. Also no contract. Just one flat rate for the phone then you save after. An not to mention unlimited mins, texting, and no limitations to Internet usage of speeds of 3G. if I want 4G speeds I need to pay $50 but fhuk that. That's a deal of a life time when I'm home I use wifi or at college. Saves battery and much better.

10-04-2011, 10:29 PM
No problem. As previously mentioned, yeah, you'd have to pay $218.

As far as being grandfathered in, that I don't know. I know for sure AT&T is NOT cool with people getting unlimited data and might try to phase you out. My recommendation would be to make a big fuss and threaten to leave for Sprint if they try to downgrade you. Don't take no for an answer.

i haven't done it yet but from reading xda forums, ppl who are grandfathered in have been able to keep their plans when they upgraded.

10-04-2011, 10:31 PM
Nah not sprint. Simple mobile. It's the sister carriar to tmobile. Also no contract. Just one flat rate for the phone then you save after. An not to mention unlimited mins, texting, and no limitations to Internet usage of speeds of 3G. if I want 4G speeds I need to pay $50 but fhuk that. That's a deal of a life time when I'm home I use wifi or at college. Saves battery and much better.
3G speeds are fine for phones I think. When I went to upgrade to my X2 they tried to sell me for a 4G phone, even though our area doesn't have 4G until middle to late next year probably. :oldlol: I told her 6-8 months after we get 4G in our area I would be due for an upgrade anyway.

10-04-2011, 11:32 PM
I'm watching the keynote presentation and their iCloud and iTunes Match services are gonna be killer features, just wait. And they just mentioned that the music for iTunes Match will indeed 'stream'.

10-04-2011, 11:40 PM
I'm watching the keynote presentation and their iCloud and iTunes Match services are gonna be killer features, just wait. And they just mentioned that the music for iTunes Match will indeed 'stream'.
like mobile me was?

and google music uploads all my music even if i didn't buy it off itunes for free. the less itunes in my life the better.

10-04-2011, 11:52 PM
like mobile me was?

and google music uploads all my music even if i didn't buy it off itunes for free. the less itunes in my life the better.

Much better than Mobile Me, and Apple's service is better than Google's.

10-05-2011, 12:09 AM
like mobile me was?

and google music uploads all my music even if i didn't buy it off itunes for free. the less itunes in my life the better.


10-05-2011, 12:30 AM
Much better than Mobile Me, and Apple's service is better than Google's.
really? and how long have you been using icloud?

10-05-2011, 12:32 AM
On the first part, I didn't just mean speed performance I also meant camera quality and just overall performance as well. Whenever a new phone is released it's usually compared to the iPHone and they're either very slightly faster at doing some tasks, equally as fast or even slower. The camera quality is also something that people point too and are usually wrong when comparing specs. I don't remember each phone this was the case for, but it has been the case various times and that aint even including the various other Apple products such as laptops and pads that on paper have better specs, but usually end up performing worse (specially pads).

Apple has been late to implement 2 key things that other OS had and were criticized heavily for:

Multi tasking

Apple's multi tasking integration does a better job because it conserves the battery in a more efficient rate. It is by no coincidence that for a long time, the top Droid apps on the market were control panels to conserve battery life and kill running apps.

But to be honest, part of the multi tasking isn't just battery consumption but also how one navigates through teh various apps. And this has been addressed in the iPad version of iOS 5 (I have to look up the iPhone version... not sure). Apple implemented their multi tasking very seamless and as good as anything out (not made from Palm).

Notifications on the iOS were also heavily criticized, but even those that criticized it were more than pleased by their integration and all around execution.

For those two features most observers believed Apple had implemented in a smoother more elegant fashion than most of its counterparts.

Marginal updates?

One is getting double the performance and even 7 times more in the new iPhone over its predecessor, all while maintaining the same size and price. Not to mention the other features that will only be available on the 4s. And if you ever visit any tech sites/blogs you'll see Droid fans foaming at the mouths in the same way Apple fanboys do, over the same upgrades (at times less). I can't go around and search through every discussion on Engadget, TechCrunch, Gizmodoe, etc.etc... but they're there.

In regards to Siri on the iPhone... it's all about 'implementation'. Apple took that app and made it a native implementation that works better and with all of its native apps. Not just that, but they've rewritten the code to include native interaction with 3rd party apps as well (which it's still in BETA at the moment). So sure, Apple took the app down and sure Apple added its code to their OS, but its no different than what other manufacturers do when they acquire other companies. It just happens that Apple usually does to do a better job at integrating the code better.

By better I mean, seamless integration throughout, better overall quality and dependability along with superior aesthetics. And one can't argue that aesthetics don't matter since most of Droid user's entier customization revolves around skins and themes.

LOL @ the fail when a apple fanboy turn apologists.

First of all, they didn't rewrite the code. Second of all there weren't much implementation other than adding a few more apps to the list.

LOL @ "integrating the code better"

Too much wire brush and blowtorch? What a brain-washed idiot.

Seriously, take it from a computer scientist. This isn't healthy for u, you need help!

10-05-2011, 03:10 AM
some of you really expected the iPhone 5?

they already bridged the 3 and 4 with the 3GS so why wouldn't they do the same with the 4 and 5?

Because the competition has really stepped up their game this time.

It's not like a couple years back when the iphone was the coolest thing and no one has anything near that level. The ipad now can afford to slack off since the competition against it sucks.

However you must remember that this new iphone doesn't even match up to the specs of competitor phones that are already a few months old. And the design is dated too! In a couple more months when competitors announce their new models the 4s will look like a brick.

This is obviously a lazy rehash. They have the iphone5 design ready and working on the features to blow the competition out of the water next year.

10-05-2011, 03:11 AM

10-05-2011, 03:12 AM
LOL @ the fail when a apple fanboy turn apologists.

First of all, they didn't rewrite the code. Second of all there weren't much implementation other than adding a few more apps to the list.

LOL @ "integrating the code better"

Too much wire brush and blowtorch? What a brain-washed idiot.

Seriously, take it from a computer scientist. This isn't healthy for u, you need help!
So making it native, adding code for other 3rd party implementation, improving on its overall functionality isn't rewriting code? Nobody said they started everything from the ground up, but some changes did require some revisions are you gonna argue that?

10-05-2011, 03:17 AM
really? and how long have you been using icloud?I haven't used it, but all one needs to do is look at their implementation and compare it to google's. Although slightly similar on the surface, apple takes a slightly different approach in how they implement their version.

10-05-2011, 04:04 AM
all I know is I was anti Apple for years.

then I replaced my Pocket PC (after owning it for 6 years) with a 3GS and switched from PCs to a MacBook Pro.

Their stuff works well the vast majority of the time, their customer service is the some of the best I have ever dealt with, and the products are fairly durable and don't feel cheaply made.

There are very few companies I have been as pleased with as I am with Apple.

I know most won't believe me due to my current fanboy antics, but as much as I Love Apple today, I hated them the same way. I was worse than some of you here, hating Apple and Apple fans.

Until I was forced to buy my first Apple product... Mac Mini. I've been sold and drinking the Kool Aid ever since.

Thanks guys, this pretty much makes your opinions completely invalid!

You both have been on the complete other sides of the opinion spectrum regarding Apple, which shows us how unfounded and labile the opinions you have are.

If Obama joined the Tea Party next week would you ever take him seriously again? Because that is basically what you guys did.

10-05-2011, 04:18 AM
Thanks guys, this pretty much makes your opinions completely invalid!

You both have been on the complete other sides of the opinion spectrum regarding Apple, which shows us how unfounded and labile the opinions you have are.

If Obama joined the Tea Party next week would you ever take him seriously again? Because that is basically what you guys did.


But my Apple hate was based on 'ignorance', while my Apple love is a result of hands on experience. It isn't some willy nilly flip flop opinion like women do in regards to everything.

Like most Apple bashers (and I mean 'most') I had little to no experience with Apple products. I didn't get why the iPod was the best media device when the specs on the Zen, Archos and other devices were better. I hated that I couldn't customize an Apple, after all I used to build my own pcs. I hated the Apple fans, because well... they're all girls and queers right? So my hate was based on ignorance. But luckily for me, I was around musicians, producers, engineers that loved them. I'd see them do things on their Macs that I couldn't, I'd see them talk about how great they were and they always told me to buy one... but I adamantly refused.

I finally gave in and haven't looked back since (which is a story shared by most new Apple users).

So if you think my opinion is unfounded, then that's your problem dude.

10-05-2011, 04:43 AM
When is the iphone 4 expected to drop to $99? Or has it already dropped

And I may get that or the Galaxy SII which I've heard is better than the iphone (also according to that chart on page 1)

10-05-2011, 05:57 AM
When is the iphone 4 expected to drop to $99? Or has it already dropped

And I may get that or the Galaxy SII which I've heard is better than the iphone (also according to that chart on page 1)

If youre gonna drop cash on the GSII, you might as well wait a week to check out the Google Nexus Prime.

10-05-2011, 10:19 AM
I haven't used it, but all one needs to do is look at their implementation and compare it to google's. Although slightly similar on the surface, apple takes a slightly different approach in how they implement their version.
so in other words, it's from apple so in your mind it's automatically better.

apple hasn't done a damn thing of note in the cloud and you know it. so now the free service is going to be better then the paid one? not to mention they have already tried to do this a few times and failed. no thanks. got dropbox. 8 gb free> 5 gb free.
a good portion of my music is ripped and i don't buy anything off of itunes, amazon tracks are cheaper. not to mention you are pulled further into apple's garden. alot of us don't want that. can i share my files between my pc, my macbook air, my nook color, and my android phone using icloud? nope, but i can with dropbox. can i upload a 6 gb movie from my mba and share it to my friend who owns a pc using icloud? nope, but i can with dropbox. and i'll say it again...itunes sucks.

google music + 8 free gigs on dropbox >5 free gigs on icloud + itunes synch

10-05-2011, 10:57 AM
so in other words, it's from apple so in your mind it's automatically better.

apple hasn't done a damn thing of note in the cloud and you know it. so now the free service is going to be better then the paid one? not to mention they have already tried to do this a few times and failed. no thanks. got dropbox. 8 gb free> 5 gb free.
a good portion of my music is ripped and i don't buy anything off of itunes, amazon tracks are cheaper. not to mention you are pulled further into apple's garden. alot of us don't want that. can i share my files between my pc, my macbook air, my nook color, and my android phone using icloud? nope, but i can with dropbox. can i upload a 6 gb movie from my mba and share it to my friend who owns a pc using icloud? nope, but i can with dropbox. and i'll say it again...itunes sucks.

google music + 8 free gigs on dropbox >5 free gigs on icloud + itunes synch

You clearly haven't looked up how this works.

10-05-2011, 11:16 AM
You clearly haven't looked up how this works.
going to the apple website is very hard, yes?

10-05-2011, 11:37 AM
So making it native, adding code for other 3rd party implementation, improving on its overall functionality isn't rewriting code? Nobody said they started everything from the ground up, but some changes did require some revisions are you gonna argue that?

Its very hard to explain it to you because you are not a programmer. So I can't use code-speak. But even then your love for apple is clouding ur judgment.

So even if I do explain it, it won't stick.

And before you call me a apple hater. I have an I phone 4 and my bro has a I phone 3GS. And he's about to get 4GS.

I'm certainly not an apple hater and it surely doesn't run in the family.

Anyway, about the "making it native". Which means to integrate it into the phones OS. Think of it as having your house walls covered with wall paper design. And then one day, you decide to paint the wall paper design in and get rid of the wall paper.

That's what making it native is, its not a special, unique, and daunting task, it takes minutes or a few hours to accomplish.

Secondly you have yet to name these new 3rd party apps that they support which the free one didn't already support?

Thirdly, improving on its functionality isn't re-coding it. Its adding to the existing code. To re-code is to change the entire core and structure of the program and I'm pretty sure they didn't do that. Also It has always been said. Ask anyone who used the free siri, it had more than 60% of the functionality of the new one. But now its been pulled.

Sorry brah but thats a con job.

10-05-2011, 12:25 PM
I don't understand why everyone is so upset that there is no iPhone 5 it was all over the ****ing media today everybody was talking about it
why are people so upset that there is no iPhone 5, if they would have presented a new design yesterday and called it iPhone everybody would be praisin apple right now
the additions they made are pretty good new dual core processor, great camera
longer battery life the iPhone 4 is already a great top 5 on the market right now
with this update it's probably the best or 2nd best phone available right now

i think it's just the posers crying because no one can see that they got the brand new iPhone

10-05-2011, 01:01 PM
SO everyone line up at 5 in the morning for 8mp camera and voice talk ! Yessssss:lol

10-05-2011, 01:03 PM
I don't understand why everyone is so upset that there is no iPhone 5 it was all over the ****ing media today everybody was talking about it
why are people so upset that there is no iPhone 5, if they would have presented a new design yesterday and called it iPhone everybody would be praisin apple right now
the additions they made are pretty good new dual core processor, great camera
longer battery life the iPhone 4 is already a great top 5 on the market right now
with this update it's probably the best or 2nd best phone available right now

i think it's just the posers crying because no one can see that they got the brand new iPhone

people were expecting a revolutionary step, not an evolutionary one. most of the new hardware features are already available on current phones. in the next quarter or two you will see a big jump in hardware among the android phones while new 4s owners will be stuck with 9 month old old tech for an 2 years.

i think the 4s looks fine, but it still has a stupid glass back (seriously..why?), still lcd (amoled ftw) and it still only has a 3.5" screen.

so yeah, the new hardware is fine...for the present generation. but that generation is just about to end.

in b4 "but it's not just about the specs maaaaaan"

10-05-2011, 01:07 PM
Thanks guys, this pretty much makes your opinions completely invalid!

You both have been on the complete other sides of the opinion spectrum regarding Apple, which shows us how unfounded and labile the opinions you have are.

If Obama joined the Tea Party next week would you ever take him seriously again? Because that is basically what you guys did.


10-05-2011, 01:13 PM
and of course, you all knew this was coming...

:oldlol: :oldlol:

10-05-2011, 01:29 PM

You don't understand this?

These are the opinions you've had on this matter:
-"Anti-Apple for years"
-Full Apple product wanker

You hated Apple and now you love it. Basic logic shows that you have been very, very "wrong" one least one of these accounts. And if your opinion can be so completely wrong, which you've admitted is true, then why the hell should we ever take your opinion seriously?

I can understand first being indifferent in regards to Apple and then as you gain knowledge you fall in love with it. But if you initially hated it and then love it, that just shows that your judgment is severely lacking.

10-05-2011, 02:14 PM
iPhone 3GS free
iPhone 4 99.99
iPhone 4s 199.99

Why would anyone in their right mind get any other smartphone but the iPhone? There is a iPhone market for every single corner of the universe now on every carrier. I also hear they are going to attack the pre-paid market next.

bada bing
10-05-2011, 03:51 PM
so here is a question. if i were to upgrade to the iphone4s now and then in a year the iphone 5 comes out, will i still be able to upgrade to the new phone by paying the $199 because i have a contract?

sorry for the stupid questions but i really do not know how these things work.

10-05-2011, 03:54 PM
so here is a question. if i were to upgrade to the iphone4s now and then in a year the iphone 5 comes out, will i still be able to upgrade to the new phone by paying the $199 because i have a contract?

sorry for the stupid questions but i really do not know how these things work.

Apple/ATT have done this in the past, but I don't think anyone can say for certain if that will be the case in the future...

10-05-2011, 04:00 PM
iPhone 3GS free
iPhone 4 99.99
iPhone 4s 199.99

Why would anyone in their right mind get any other smartphone but the iPhone? There is a iPhone market for every single corner of the universe now on every carrier. I also hear they are going to attack the pre-paid market next.

The iPhone simply works, and it works right without problems which is why I use it. I haven't had to reboot the phone since the last update, easily going months and it runs 100% perfect. I have FAndroid friends who have their phone freeze up every so often. I don't really care about customizing the phone like some people have been saying because it does what I want and what I need it for.

Apple's customer service is unmatched. My phone was dropped by a friend of mine 2 months after I got it, and I got a scratch on the screen. Took it to the Apple Store and no questions asked they gave me a brand new one. Hell, someone I know threw their phone on the ground while they were drunk and Apple comped them a new one even after he told them exactly how his screen was cracked. If I ever have any problem I just bring it to an Apple store, which is in basically every mall in America, and they make it right. The same goes for any Apple product. Although I don't use a Mac, my wife does - and it is 100x easier to call up Apple support instead of walking through the problem with someone who barely speaks English in India who wants you to ship the product in or this or that.

10-05-2011, 05:21 PM
galaxy s2 for $150 on Amazon



Patrick Chewing
10-05-2011, 05:30 PM
A phone with external storage is always a plus

10-05-2011, 05:37 PM
A couple of notes in regards to that comparison

-Bigger is not really better. It's a phone, not a TV. I think the Iphone 4 is really about as large as I can accept from a phone and the Galaxy2 is still like 20% bigger. Sorry if I don't carry a purse, portability is a factor.

-The size difference also sort of explains where the extra processing power comes from.

-Android vs. Ios GUI is really a wash imo. It's mostly preference.

-"Use of smart phone as HDTV remote" is some kind of important feature? GTFO with that shit.

-The Galaxy2 clearly does have memory limitations. Maximum usable storage of 48gb. That's the limit.

Patrick Chewing
10-05-2011, 05:41 PM
-The Galaxy2 clearly does have memory limitations. Maximum usable storage of 48gb. That's the limit.

Uhh do we really need more than that?? LOL

I've sold the SII and it really doesn't come across as that big a phone. Considering how slim and lightweight it is, it is safe to say that it may be the best phone on the market today. With it's Super Amoled display and horsepower, there's nothing to compare it to.

What I've read though, is that the phones that are set to launch next year are even larger. Some sort of a tablet/phone hybrid.

We're going to need some bigger pockets.

10-05-2011, 06:41 PM
A couple of notes in regards to that comparison

-Bigger is not really better. It's a phone, not a TV. I think the Iphone 4 is really about as large as I can accept from a phone and the Galaxy2 is still like 20% bigger. Sorry if I don't carry a purse, portability is a factor.

-The size difference also sort of explains where the extra processing power comes from.

-Android vs. Ios GUI is really a wash imo. It's mostly preference.

-"Use of smart phone as HDTV remote" is some kind of important feature? GTFO with that shit.

-The Galaxy2 clearly does have memory limitations. Maximum usable storage of 48gb. That's the limit.

the chart is from an android site so it's going to be biased, just posted it to show some comparisons. that being said..a larger screen is definitely a bonus for me. you say it's not a tv. in my case, it's a tv and a tablet computer. i use my phone to listen to music, surf the web, and watch movies more then actually using the phone. also, don't forget gps functions. it's alot easier to see the map mounted on your windshield when the screen is larger . 3.5 is too small for me. 4 - 4.5 is ideal.

i would have actually considered a new iphone if the rumors of a larger screen actually turned out to be true.

10-05-2011, 06:50 PM
seems to me the galaxy s2 is better than the 4 and 4s

what do you guys think? or are they both top-notch phones

10-05-2011, 07:05 PM
seems to me the galaxy s2 is better than the 4 and 4s

what do you guys think? or are they both top-notch phones

they are pretty equal imo. some things are better on one phone and some are better then the other, it just depends on your preferences b/w ios vs android.

10-05-2011, 07:12 PM
Nexus Prime :D




10-05-2011, 08:05 PM
Galaxy is obviously the stronger phone.

Patrick Chewing
10-05-2011, 08:06 PM
Nexus Prime baby. Hoping Sprint gets it

10-05-2011, 08:34 PM
You don't understand this?

These are the opinions you've had on this matter:
-"Anti-Apple for years"
-Full Apple product wanker

You hated Apple and now you love it. Basic logic shows that you have been very, very "wrong" one least one of these accounts. And if your opinion can be so completely wrong, which you've admitted is true, then why the hell should we ever take your opinion seriously?

I can understand first being indifferent in regards to Apple and then as you gain knowledge you fall in love with it. But if you initially hated it and then love it, that just shows that your judgment is severely lacking.


I'm not an Apple product wanker. I just really enjoy the products I have purchased from them.

I still dont see the need to buy an iPad so long as I have a laptop, i sold my 80 gig iPod b/c while its nice to have that much memory on an mp3 player, going through that much music with a scroll wheel sucks ass. I don't care for iTunes and only use it as a form of backing up to all the music I own.

All I'm saying is I never liked their products before their more current line came out.

Its not like I never used any of their stuff before. :oldlol: My family computer was a Mac when I was growing up. I didn't like it and built my own PC.

never mind that its asinine to say that b/c I have changed my mind, my opinion is no longer valid. Have you never really disliked something and changed your opinion over time?

10-05-2011, 08:36 PM
Uhh do we really need more than that?? LOL
Personally "need" no, but I would like more than that. I'd like to get my full mp3 album collection on my phone one day. It's at 76GB though. So right now I only have the albums I listen to the most on my phone and/or songs.

10-05-2011, 10:16 PM
LG800 4lyfe :pimp:

10-06-2011, 12:16 AM
Dam wdf is that a phone or a UFO? that shit looks mad big for no reason do I need a man purse to carry that shit?

10-06-2011, 07:36 AM
people were expecting a revolutionary step, not an evolutionary one. most of the new hardware features are already available on current phones. in the next quarter or two you will see a big jump in hardware among the android phones while new 4s owners will be stuck with 9 month old old tech for an 2 years.

i think the 4s looks fine, but it still has a stupid glass back (seriously..why?), still lcd (amoled ftw) and it still only has a 3.5" screen.

so yeah, the new hardware is fine...for the present generation. but that generation is just about to end.

in b4 "but it's not just about the specs maaaaaan"
i think that's the problem even if they would have presented a iPhone 5 there would be a better phone on the market within a year
with the 4s the now have extra 12 or 18 months to release something legendary while still earning a lot of money
smart business move

10-06-2011, 08:32 AM
i think that's the problem even if they would have presented a iPhone 5 there would be a better phone on the market within a year
with the 4s the now have extra 12 or 18 months to release something legendary while still earning a lot of money
smart business move

What BS is this? There will always be a better phone on the market within a year. Apple are releasing a new phone every year! This phone is an obvious f-up. They wanted to release the iphone 5, but there were problems, so they crammed everything in the old case and pushed it to the market. So within this extra 12 months they are bleeding money to people buying better androids. The iphone 5 better be really good.

10-06-2011, 11:47 AM
Nexus prime is ugly as hell... what is that shit bent?

10-06-2011, 12:38 PM
Nexus prime is ugly as hell... what is that shit bent?

LOL. Iphone fanboys were all wishing to see their curved glass teardrop iphone5 announced. They are all disappointed with the lame 4s. And here you are complaining about the curved glass nexus?

10-06-2011, 01:02 PM
LOL. Iphone fanboys were all wishing to see their curved glass teardrop iphone5 announced. They are all disappointed with the lame 4s. And here you are complaining about the curved glass nexus?

the reality distortion field is still strong for them

10-06-2011, 01:18 PM
Its very hard to explain it to you because you are not a programmer. So I can't use code-speak. But even then your love for apple is clouding ur judgment.

So even if I do explain it, it won't stick.

And before you call me a apple hater. I have an I phone 4 and my bro has a I phone 3GS. And he's about to get 4GS.

I'm certainly not an apple hater and it surely doesn't run in the family.

Anyway, about the "making it native". Which means to integrate it into the phones OS. Think of it as having your house walls covered with wall paper design. And then one day, you decide to paint the wall paper design in and get rid of the wall paper.

That's what making it native is, its not a special, unique, and daunting task, it takes minutes or a few hours to accomplish.

Secondly you have yet to name these new 3rd party apps that they support which the free one didn't already support?

Thirdly, improving on its functionality isn't re-coding it. Its adding to the existing code. To re-code is to change the entire core and structure of the program and I'm pretty sure they didn't do that. Also It has always been said. Ask anyone who used the free siri, it had more than 60% of the functionality of the new one. But now its been pulled.

Sorry brah but thats a con job.

ROFL @ all this bullshit

Do you think any of us are that stupid?

10-06-2011, 01:18 PM
Nexus Prime :D




looks like a dildo advertisement

10-06-2011, 01:30 PM
going to the apple website is very hard, yes?

You were comparing MobileMe's features (or at least that's what you made it seem, my bad if you weren't).

10-06-2011, 01:39 PM
looks like a dildo advertisement
naaaa, this looks like a dildo advertisement


10-06-2011, 01:50 PM

10-06-2011, 02:49 PM
The second pic looks like a dildo because it's an elongated render. The last one is more accurate.

But 5 more days and we will know how it will look like exactly. If it is really 4.6 inch screen + curve glass + metal chassis it will blow the iphone 4s out of the water.

Eat Like A Bosh
10-06-2011, 11:43 PM
1. The standards are "that much higher" because they've surrounded themselves with hype that big. They claim their hardware and software revolutionize the industry at every update, and then they put out a product that's behind the technological curve.

2. The product release is annual. If the only difference is catching up to Android software wise (and adding wireless video streaming), adding a dual core chip (that won't even be as fast as Androids already released), and a slightly better camera, that's a pretty big disappointment, considering Android devices Androids go through that type of update in a shorter amount of time.

3. In a time where quad core tablets are being released this very year, and phones will be quad core by early next year, featuring 720p displays, bigger screens, more versatile software and hardware, they announce a product that's already behind devices either already released or already announced. And then they expect everyone to flock to them automatically (and they will) because they're Apple.
That's kinda true, the new Iphone is still a step behind the best Androids, not to mention they don't support 4G LTE and WiiMax from Verizon and Sprint.

It's still an improvement overall. I think if they named it the iPhone 5, people wouldn't be complaining that much.

Patrick Chewing
10-06-2011, 11:52 PM
Nexus Prime :D


Supposedly if you look closely at this picture, there's a tablet in there as well :D

Hence, something BIG

10-07-2011, 12:44 AM
LOL. Iphone fanboys were all wishing to see their curved glass teardrop iphone5 announced. They are all disappointed with the lame 4s. And here you are complaining about the curved glass nexus?

LOL. I have a Nexus S and the curved glass is awesome. Feels nice to scroll and it forms to your face. The haters dont get and will never get it. Unless the device has an Apple logo, they will never acknowledge what other companies do. The moment a person gets very defensive regarding a brand's products is the moment they joined their cult.

Dont get me wrong, its alright to love Apple. It's ok to be a loyal fan. I been an Apple user since the old PowerBook days with OS 9. I still continue to use Mac because I love OS X (but hate iOS). Apple makes good products.

But to keep defending the actions of a corporation that is known to nickle and dime their customers is pathetic. Why do Apple fanboys take these criticisms personally? As consumers, we should always be scrutinizing these corporations, not worship them.

I'm aware there are fanboys on the other side and this goes for them too. Fanboys need to read this and get a grip on reality:


10-07-2011, 02:36 AM
Eh, its that time of the year again. All the stupid Iphone talk. I got nothing against Apple at all, but buying a new phone every 9 months or whatever for the new Iphone or Droid is pretty damn stupid. Talk about just wasting money. Lets be honest, I don't use half the shit that my phone has, and neither do you. Buying a new one every year when you know damn well that your current one is perfectly fine and that you haven't even begun to maximize its potential, just doesn't make any sense.

People just want to be trendy, and get the new Iphone just to seem "in". Apple are geniuses for feeding into that social human need with all their gadgets that come out every month. I still got a freakin Ipod nano and I won't get rid of this baby until it can no longer play music, which is what I need it to do. Not be a fashion statement or whatever. Wasted money.

i think it's just the posers crying because no one can see that they got the brand new iPhoneYep, pretty much this.


10-07-2011, 12:35 PM

Too soon

El Kabong
10-14-2011, 03:15 PM
Eh, its that time of the year again. All the stupid Iphone talk. I got nothing against Apple at all, but buying a new phone every 9 months or whatever for the new Iphone or Droid is pretty damn stupid. Talk about just wasting money. Lets be honest, I don't use half the shit that my phone has, and neither do you. Buying a new one every year when you know damn well that your current one is perfectly fine and that you haven't even begun to maximize its potential, just doesn't make any sense.

People just want to be trendy, and get the new Iphone just to seem "in". Apple are geniuses for feeding into that social human need with all their gadgets that come out every month. I still got a freakin Ipod nano and I won't get rid of this baby until it can no longer play music, which is what I need it to do. Not be a fashion statement or whatever. Wasted money.

Yep, pretty much this.

Lordy, that's alot of Mac's. Must be pretty loaded. Never understood the need for a expensive laptop to take notes in class however.

10-14-2011, 03:16 PM
I'm happy with my iPhone 4. Maybe iPhone 5 will change the game? The iPhone 4s doesnt impress me to buy another new phone. The chick talkin is cool, but if I cant make he say naughty things where I can prop my phone on my pillow as a I jerk off? I'll pass. How cool would that be?



Ah well.

Bless Mathews
10-14-2011, 03:21 PM
The iPhone 5 will change the game.

From a reliable 20 year employee. It will "revolutionize" as much as how they made phones have no buttons.

10-14-2011, 03:22 PM

Look at all those sheeples. Wow... so many!

10-14-2011, 05:40 PM
The iPhone 5 will change the game.

From a reliable 20 year employee. It will "revolutionize" as much as how they made phones have no buttons.

Agreed, I cant wait to put my hand thru the iPhone 5 screen and touch someone or something! :bowdown:

Patrick Chewing
10-14-2011, 06:45 PM
Sold a shit load of these phones today....exhausted.

Bless Mathews
10-14-2011, 06:55 PM
Agreed, I cant wait to put my hand thru the iPhone 5 screen and touch someone or something! :bowdown:

Word. I hope they come up with a Ho chi Minh hooker ap

10-14-2011, 06:57 PM
iPhone 5? changing the game? rofl what else can they do, the iphone 4 is enough and I don't think a #5 will change much, maybe a few upgrades a better screen, what else can they implement physically on the phone? A physical keyboard? they're not taking a step back in time