View Full Version : LeBron will never win due to lack of skills, here Kblaze

Da Heroic One
10-10-2011, 05:01 PM
I knew that was going to be deleted, so here......part II

6 games never convinced me of anything. never will. Even guys I hated. Karl Malone in the finals for example...sucked. Ive pointed it out. But explained that he sucked down the stretch because of basketball reasons which were the basis of my thinking he was overrated to begin with. Lack of reliable go to moves. Scoring great volume off great chances t oscore that he cant get on command. In the end...it was a basketball issue proving itself true. But the finals itself just put it on a big stage to be seen. He sure as hell didnt fail...because it was the finals.

You said this a while ago right, Kblaze?

It is funny because the same applies to LeBron.

Lebron lacks reliable go to moves right? LeBron is a rhythm shooter too, Lebron's jumper is not automatic nor is it reliable. He isn't Ray Allen, he isn't even Kobe Bryant in 09-10 when it comes to shooting jumpers. LeBron cannot play without the ball, he is nothing more than a spectator when the ball is out of his hands, LeBron has one move and that is attack the basket, take that away and he has nothing but a streaky jump shot.

Lebron's lack of reliable moves is why he will continue to fail until he improves in that area.

Take away his ability to drive to the basket and what else does he have to fall back on? His jumper that he had lost all confidence in after Game 2? Take away his drive which was what the Mavericks did and he has one more thing to fall back on and if his fall-back move fails then he has nothing except for the ability to make pointless swing passes that go no where.

LeBron cannot take anyone and any defense off the dribble like he could in Cleveland, that is a fact. Can he still beat most people off the dribble? Absolutely but he is not like Wade where he can attack any defense regardless of man, zone, doubles, etc. where as LeBron, you can easily take away his ability to attack the basket. LeBron was confused as hell when the Mavericks threw a zone at him, why? Probably because he isn't that smart and probably because he thinks the game and his game is too simple. There is nothing more overrated than LeBron's Basketball IQ, nothing. He isn't smart.

Problem with you (Kblaze) and every other LeBron fan is that you think he can create like Magic Johnson or Steve Nash when he isn't even close. He can't impact the game without the ball nor can he impact the game without scoring or with the ball in his hands. LeBron's ability to create for others is comparable to the likes of Tracy McGrady and Dwyane Wade, not the likes of Magic Johnson or Steve Nash which is what you and every other LeBron fan seems to think and which is why you and every other LeBron fan will have to learn how bad LeBron is the hard way.

I'm not even going to bring up mental weakness even though I do feel that was PART of why he struggled in the finals. If you do want me to bring it up LeBron lost all of his confidence after Game 2 when he blew that huge lead they had and LeBron tried to close and win the game for them and failed. He lost all of his confidence after that game. This is a mental weakness because there is no reason a player should lose all of his confidence after 1 game, after 1 quarter, etc. A player like Wade, Kobe, Ray Allen, etc. they would have kept gunning regardless. I'll take a shot from a struggling Wade, Kobe, LeBron, etc. than just a shot from Mario Chalmers, Mike Miller, or whatever scrub they have down in Miami.

LeBron didn't fail because of some Finals jitter bug, he failed because he is mentally weak (I know you like to ignore this Kblaze but it is true) and because he isn't that great like most people think he is to begin with.

It is more of a skill problem more than anything.

10-10-2011, 05:07 PM
2 things....

1. I cant begin to express how little interest I have in discussing this subject again. Why with all the players in the NBA and in history we have to discuss this guy all day every day is beyond me. Id much rather discuss any of the following:

Breaking bad season finale. That was outstanding TV.

Damon back in Toronto and if he had stayed could he have been a true franchise point.

The video for Gnarles Barkleys "Save my soul" and Cee-Los general performance as an artist since he quit rapping.

The massive difference in quality between the girls in Onyx strip club in Atlanta and the one in Charlotte. Charlotte ones cant get nude which I suspect attracts a less...trashy...variety of stripper.

Why it seems Quiznos doesnt have commercials anymore after that big push they made.

How Antionio Davis always did that two hand dunk then kinda pulled up on the rim and jumped off drawing his legs up a bit in the process....and other people who really did one dunk their entire careers. People like Sprewell, doug West, and Michael Finley.

The current whereabouts of Lenny Cooke, God Shamgod, and Eddie Robinson.

The material that make up volley ball shorts and other form fitting pants and how I thank whoever created it.

What might have happened to the league if anthony Carters agent didnt screw up and forget to opt into his last year in Miami which is why the Heat had the capspace needed to sign Odom...who they traded for Shaq....who they traded for Marion...who I think they traded for JO. Anthony carters agent changed the course of NBA history in a way. Odom could have signed elsewhere not giving the HEat the pieces to get Shaq so he goes...where? Odom isnt sent to the Lakers for him along with Butler....so Butler isnt traded for Kwame...who is traded for Gasol.

A world where Carter took that last year of his deal might be wildly different NBA wise.

But instead im asked about Lebron James. Again. Having just discussed him last night with some friends of mine while playing 2k12....all of whom believe I hate Lebron because of my comments dueing the Bulls/Heat series and my amused reaction to the Mavs winning the finals.

Its just...not an interesting subject for me anymore....



You clearly took the time to explain yourself and put thought into what you have to say. In such situations I try not to disregard anyone no matter how little I want to discuss it. so...I will read it...consider what you have said...and get back to you. I just wont do it right now because any moment now I have a meeting starting.

Yes...I took just as long to explain why I dont want to discuss Lebron as culd have taken to just get the discussion out of the way.

Mostly because the things id rather talk about interest me more. But as I said...ill read it...and I will tell you what my thoughts are. And then hopefully not discuss it any more for quite a while.

Da Heroic One
10-10-2011, 05:10 PM
That is fair Kblaze. I know you are close minded for the most part but I would like to see what your thoughts are AT THE LEAST when it comes down to this. Don't be surprised if this thread gets deleted again, I already copied my original post so i'll just make another and crap if it does. Btw, my swag account is deactivated and it will prboably never be re-activated so I'll be in this one.

10-10-2011, 06:09 PM
Kblaze, all of those discussions sound wildly interesting. You must make more topics in the OTC.

10-10-2011, 06:27 PM
I thought of an absurd hypothetical question I need to pose to someone online at some point.

Da Heroic One
10-10-2011, 08:12 PM
Funny, I never even included how or why Wade is better when I usually do. Well I knocked LeBron a lot so maybe you'll learn to place him a few spots back, doubt it though.

10-10-2011, 08:19 PM
Lack of reliable go to moves. Scoring great volume off great chances t oscore that he cant get on command.

So...SO true about how it applies to LeBron. It's why he's never beat a team with a great big man.

Lost to:

Big Ben(Pistons didnt have em when LeBron beat them in 07)

He doesnt have that dribble drive jumpshot game, or post up skills which are all so crucial in playoff basketball.

10-10-2011, 08:27 PM
I'm just baffled how any one could allow themself to succumb to such a stupid anaylsis.

"LeBron isn't going to win a title because he isn't skilled enough" :roll: :roll: :roll:

A guy with the 3rd highest regular season scoring average in history, and the 5th highest scoring average in playoff history...

Isn't 'skilled' enough? STFU. I don't even with f*ck LeBron like that, but I cannot wait until this negro wins an NBA Championship. So I'm not subject to hearing stupid sh*t like this.

The Iron Fist
10-10-2011, 08:30 PM
I'm just baffled how any one could allow themself to succumb to such a stupid anaylsis.

"LeBron isn't going to win a title because he isn't skilled enough" :roll: :roll: :roll:

A guy with the 3rd highest regular season scoring average in history, and the 5th highest scoring in playoff history...

Isn't 'skilled' enough? STFU. I don't even f*ck LeBron like that, but I cannot wait until this negro wins a NBA Championship. So I'm not subject to hearing stupid sh*t like this.

Other than jumping real high for a powerful slam dunk,

what does lebronz do great?

Nothing. No post game, can't play off the ball, average d, average rebounder, average face to face shot blocker.

He has very little basketball skills.

10-10-2011, 08:32 PM
i think these kobetards need to be reminded of who is better... a thread coming up, with ONLY FACTS mind you...

10-10-2011, 08:34 PM
Other than jumping real high for a powerful slam dunk,

what does lebronz do great?

Nothing. No post game, can't play off the ball, average d, average rebounder, average face to face shot blocker.

He has very little basketball skills.
Then why isn't he James White? Hell, James White is more athletic, but he's not in the league. If LeBron has no skills then why can't other unskilled players make the NBA?

10-10-2011, 08:34 PM
He has very little basketball skills.

Wow. You can't make this shit up, man. :oldlol:

10-10-2011, 08:36 PM
Then why isn't he James White? Hell, James White is more athletic, but he's not in the league. If LeBron has no skills then why can't other unskilled players make the NBA?

:oldlol: Yep. How about Gerald Green? Why didn't Stromile Swift dominate? :oldlol:

10-10-2011, 08:37 PM
LeBron has skills, and probably will win a couple of titles....but he doesnt have the skills to the EXTENT where he can dominate in the playoffs at will. He's a great player, but his numbers make him look better than he is.

10-10-2011, 08:39 PM

10-10-2011, 08:41 PM
So he got to within 2 games of winning it all last year with a whole new team and system, but somehow he's never going to win? :facepalm

10-10-2011, 08:44 PM
Lol at the stans being impressed wit him almost winning a ring wit WADE AND bosh.lol

Da Heroic One
10-10-2011, 08:45 PM
LeBron has skills, and probably will win a couple of titles....but he doesnt have the skills to the EXTENT where he can dominate in the playoffs at will. He's a great player, but his numbers make him look better than he is.
That is just like Malone....

So he got to within 2 games of winning it all last year with a whole new team and system, but somehow he's never going to win? :facepalm
Same logic Kblaze said about Karl Malone. He was 2 games of winning it all for two seasons but he says he was never afraid of him and he knew he would never win.

Same applies to LEBron.

10-10-2011, 08:45 PM
2 things....

1. I cant begin to express how little interest I have in discussing this subject again. Why with all the players in the NBA and in history we have to discuss this guy all day every day is beyond me. Id much rather discuss any of the following:

Breaking bad season finale. That was outstanding TV.

Damon back in Toronto and if he had stayed could he have been a true franchise point.

The video for Gnarles Barkleys "Save my soul" and Cee-Los general performance as an artist since he quit rapping.

The massive difference in quality between the girls in Onyx strip club in Atlanta and the one in Charlotte. Charlotte ones cant get nude which I suspect attracts a less...trashy...variety of stripper.

Why it seems Quiznos doesnt have commercials anymore after that big push they made.

How Antionio Davis always did that two hand dunk then kinda pulled up on the rim and jumped off drawing his legs up a bit in the process....and other people who really did one dunk their entire careers. People like Sprewell, doug West, and Michael Finley.

The current whereabouts of Lenny Cooke, God Shamgod, and Eddie Robinson.

The material that make up volley ball shorts and other form fitting pants and how I thank whoever created it.

What might have happened to the league if anthony Carters agent didnt screw up and forget to opt into his last year in Miami which is why the Heat had the capspace needed to sign Odom...who they traded for Shaq....who they traded for Marion...who I think they traded for JO. Anthony carters agent changed the course of NBA history in a way. Odom could have signed elsewhere not giving the HEat the pieces to get Shaq so he goes...where? Odom isnt sent to the Lakers for him along with Butler....so Butler isnt traded for Kwame...who is traded for Gasol.

A world where Carter took that last year of his deal might be wildly different NBA wise.

But instead im asked about Lebron James. Again. Having just discussed him last night with some friends of mine while playing 2k12....all of whom believe I hate Lebron because of my comments dueing the Bulls/Heat series and my amused reaction to the Mavs winning the finals.

Its just...not an interesting subject for me anymore....



You clearly took the time to explain yourself and put thought into what you have to say. In such situations I try not to disregard anyone no matter how little I want to discuss it. so...I will read it...consider what you have said...and get back to you. I just wont do it right now because any moment now I have a meeting starting.

Yes...I took just as long to explain why I dont want to discuss Lebron as culd have taken to just get the discussion out of the way.

Mostly because the things id rather talk about interest me more. But as I said...ill read it...and I will tell you what my thoughts are. And then hopefully not discuss it any more for quite a while.

This. BTW, you seem like a very insightful dude, Kblaze.

How 'bout we highjack this thread and dedicate it to further Breaking Bad discussion? We have a BB thread in the OTC, why not have on here? I think most people would prefer to discuss that over LeBron James. Because lord KNOWS we don't talk about him enough.

10-10-2011, 08:46 PM
LeBron has skills, and probably will win a couple of titles....but he doesnt have the skills to the EXTENT where he can dominate in the playoffs at will. He's a great player, but his numbers make him look better than he is.
And yet he dominated the 2009 playoffs as well as any individual in the decade. Played well for 3 straight rounds this past year. In the 2009 and 2011 playoffs he played Atlanta, Orlando, Boston, and Chicago. 4 great defensive teams for those season and had a very strong series against all of them. Had multiple strong series against the Wizards, Nets, Pistons. He's had bad series too definitely (Spurs 2007, Celtics 2008, Mavs 2011). They don't mean he can't dominate a playoffs when he already has.

Da Heroic One
10-10-2011, 08:46 PM
This. BTW, you seem like a very insightful dude, Kblaze.

How 'bout we highjack this thread and dedicate it to further Breaking Bad discussion? We have a BB thread in the OTC, why not have on here? I think most people would prefer to discuss that over LeBron James. Because lord KNOWS we don't talk about him enough.
Bush4Ever, go back to your original account.

10-10-2011, 08:46 PM
Other than jumping real high for a powerful slam dunk,

what does lebronz do great?

Nothing. No post game, can't play off the ball, average d, average rebounder, average face to face shot blocker.

He has very little basketball skills.

yea an arguably top 3 player in the NBA for the past 5-6 years has very little bball skills. :rolleyes:

do you have anything else you would like to share with us genius?

Da Heroic One
10-10-2011, 08:48 PM
yea an arguably top 3 player in the NBA for the past 5-6 years has very little bball skills. :rolleyes:

do you have anything else you would like to share with us genius?
Who is the best player in the NBA to you? and to be honest, I NEVER SAID THAT, that guy did.

10-10-2011, 08:52 PM
I was wondering why dont Lebron work on his low post moves. He is much stronger and bigger than most small forward. I think he would be unstoppable down low. It's easier to trap him on the high post but if he goes inside and learn how to post up, he would score anytime.

10-10-2011, 08:52 PM
Bush4Ever, go back to your original account.

I still have absolutely no idea who that is.

Care to explain why you think we're the same person?

10-10-2011, 08:53 PM
I still have absolutely no idea who that is.

Care to explain why you think we're the same person?
What's ironic is the person talking to you has about 45 accounts on ISH, but he's telling someone else to go to their original account. Sad eh?:oldlol:

Da Heroic One
10-10-2011, 08:53 PM
I still have absolutely no idea who that is.

Care to explain why you think we're the same person?
Every time you describe yourself, every opinion you even have is the same that Bush4Ever had and the same opinion that Bush4Ever had. literally. I can't think of a thing you two are different in, and it is funny that you started posting here when the ESPN boards were moved and he said he was done with those boards.

Indian guy
10-10-2011, 08:54 PM
LeBron's skill-level is just fine. It's his body that has failed him.

Not that I blame his inability to win last season on his body, because he wasn't even trying in the Finals.

10-10-2011, 08:54 PM
Bulldozing, crab dribble and volume 3s. Lebricks talents

10-10-2011, 08:54 PM
This. BTW, you seem like a very insightful dude, Kblaze.

How 'bout we highjack this thread and dedicate it to further Breaking Bad discussion? We have a BB thread in the OTC, why not have on here? I think most people would prefer to discuss that over LeBron James. Because lord KNOWS we don't talk about him enough.
I demand spoilers warnings if you do.

Da Heroic One
10-10-2011, 08:55 PM
LeBron's skill-level is just fine. It's his body that has failed him.

Not that I blame his inability to win last season on his body, because he wasn't even trying in the Finals.
Well I would say athleticism is some sort of skill. I mentioned how he can't attack any defense like he use to in Cleveland and how Wade can today.

10-10-2011, 08:58 PM
Who is the best player in the NBA to you? and to be honest, I NEVER SAID THAT, that guy did.

I dont think there is a clear cut best right now. But its probably between Lebron, Wade and Dwight. Kobe is not in the best player conversation anymore imo

Da Heroic One
10-10-2011, 09:00 PM
I dont think there is a clear cut best right now. But its probably between Lebron, Wade and Dwight. Kobe is not in the best player conversation anymore imo
Well yeah, no Dirk?

Mr. I'm So Rad
10-10-2011, 09:02 PM
Obviously LeBron is skilled as he is an NBA player and one of the best.

But with that being said, he lacks certain fundamentals because of his athleticism. He has been able to get by with it. He doesn't have a post game because his footwork is poor. His handles, while good for a guy his size, are really average. He has improved his jumper a lot since coming into the league. There's no reason why he couldn't develop other parts of his game as well. But idk, it may be too late in his career to be learning something as fundamental as footwork. Those are the things you develop as a rookie, not an 8 year veteran.

10-10-2011, 09:03 PM
Every time you describe yourself, every opinion you even have is the same that Bush4Ever had and the same opinion that Bush4Ever had. literally. I can't think of a thing you two are different in, and it is funny that you started posting here when the ESPN boards were moved and he said he was done with those boards.

Alright, lemme get this straight.

A guy who goes by the username "Bush4Ever" has opinions that are very similar to mine. And I started posting here around the same time the ESPN boards were "moved," whatever that means, and since Bush4Ever stated that he had quit those boards, you think we're the same person.

Out of the thousands of people who like basketball enough to post on this message board, I'm the only person who's ever shared similar opinions with another person? As soon as you see two posters who have similar thoughts, you automatically assume that they're both the same person, is that right?

If I really was this Bush4Ever guy's alternate account, wouldn't I attempt to post differently and not display the exact same thoughts I did on my previous account, in order to differentiate this account from that one?

Am I making any sense at all to you?

10-10-2011, 09:04 PM
Obviously LeBron is skilled as he is an NBA player and one of the best.

But with that being said, he lacks certain fundamentals because of his athleticism. He has been able to get by with it. He doesn't have a post game because his footwork is poor. His handles, while good for a guy his size, are really average. He has improved his jumper a lot since coming into the league. There's no reason why he couldn't develop other parts of his game as well. But idk, it may be too late in his career to be learning something as fundamental as footwork. Those are the things you develop as a rookie, not an 8 year veteran.

And part of that is because he's been a one man show his entire basketball career until this last year. Its sad in some ways because I think Lebron would be a totally different player today if he had gone to college or played with some quality players early on in his career.

But he's definitely skilled enough to win....that is just absurd to say otherwise.

Da Heroic One
10-10-2011, 09:05 PM
Alright, lemme get this straight.

A guy who goes by the username "Bush4Ever" has opinions that are very similar to mine. And I started posting here around the same time the ESPN boards were "moved," whatever that means, and since Bush4Ever stated that he had quit those boards, you think we're the same person.

Out of the thousands of people who like basketball enough to post on this message board, I'm the only person who's ever shared similar opinions with another person? As soon as you see two posters who have similar thoughts, you automatically assume that they're both the same person, is that right?

If I really was this Bush4Ever guy's alternate account, wouldn't I attempt to post differently and not display the exact same thoughts I did on my previous account, in order to differentiate this account from that one?

Am I making any sense at all to you?

10-10-2011, 09:05 PM
Well yeah, no Dirk?

nope. He played like he was the best player in the world during the finals (and most of the playoffs too) but he had a great team behind him that i feel covered some of his weaknesses such as rebounding and defense.

Nowitzki is an elite scorer/shooter but he isnt as good all around at the other 3 guys i mentionned

10-10-2011, 09:06 PM
Screw Anthony Carter's agent!

10-10-2011, 09:07 PM

lol, alright then. I'm glad we understood each other.

Now that we have that cleared up, you can continue savagely beating the shit out of a long since dead horse.

10-10-2011, 09:07 PM
His skills are just fine (do think he should work in the post more often given his size and strength). His mental approach leaves a lot to be desired though.

Mr. I'm So Rad
10-10-2011, 09:08 PM
And part of that is because he's been a one man show his entire basketball career until this last year. Its sad in some ways because I think Lebron would be a totally different player today if he had gone to college or played with some quality players early on in his career.

But he's definitely skilled enough to win....that is just absurd to say otherwise.

I don't think it's fair to say that if he had better teammates he would have been a better player. If his team was better, he wouldn't have to work as hard to win and therefore imo would be even less skilled.

Playing with a crappy team should make him work even harder to perfect his game. After all of the disappointments the last 3 seasons, quality of teammates shouldn't be what he's focusing on. Maybe he needs to focus on himself and how to get better. He's been the common denominator in his last 3 playoff failures now.

College may have helped though. But he was hyped so much as a teen that it may have made him feel that his game was fine as it was.

Da Heroic One
10-10-2011, 09:11 PM
His skills are just fine (do think he should work in the post more often given his size and strength). His mental approach leaves a lot to be desired though.
By skills I mean his scoring skills, same thing Kblaze refers to about Karl Malone. I am making a connection here bro.

10-10-2011, 09:11 PM
I don't think it's fair to say that if he had better teammates he would have been a better player. If his team was better, he wouldn't have to work as hard to win and therefore imo would be even less skilled.

Playing with a crappy team should make him work even harder to perfect his game. After all of the disappointments the last 3 seasons, quality of teammates shouldn't be what he's focusing on. Maybe he needs to focus on himself and how to get better. He's been the common denominator in his last 3 playoff failures now.

College may have helped though. But he was hyped so much as a teen that it may have made him feel that his game was fine as it was.

There are some things you have to learn by playing. Off the ball stuff...coming off of screens...etc. That stuff comes with playing those roles. Unfortunately Lebron never really played those roles until this year.

Last 3 playoff failures? Lebron was absolutely not to blame in 09. The other two I put on him though.

We are talking skills and not mind set. There is no excuse for his lack of mental toughness or inability to excel on the biggest stages. However, his lack of ability to do certain things on the court can be traced back to not going to college and playing as a one man show for his entire career.

Da Heroic One
10-10-2011, 09:15 PM
LEbron's game is too simple.

Hog the ball for about 17-18 seconds, attack the basket and either pass or shoot it with 5-6 seconds left on hte clock.

Anybody can play like that.

Mr. I'm So Rad
10-10-2011, 09:20 PM
There are some things you have to learn by playing. Off the ball stuff...coming off of screens...etc. That stuff comes with playing those roles. Unfortunately Lebron never really played those roles until this year.

Ok I see your point with that. But that's not necessarily a product of quality of teammates as it is the kind of game his teammates play.

Last 3 playoff failures? Lebron was absolutely not to blame in 09. The other two I put on him though.

The blame may not be solely on him in '09, but it was still a disappointment to go out like they did. I'm sure he considers it a failure. Losing is losing.

We are talking skills and not mind set. There is no excuse for his lack of mental toughness or inability to excel on the biggest stages. However, his lack of ability to do certain things on the court can be traced back to not going to college and playing as a one man show for his entire career.

I agree he shouldn't freeze up in the big stages. The mark of a true superstar is how they respond to the big moments.

10-10-2011, 09:27 PM
i think these kobetards need to be reminded of who is better... a thread coming up, with ONLY FACTS mind you...

of course youre only good at facts coz you dont have the analytic skills to form an opinion

The Iron Fist
10-10-2011, 09:52 PM
yea an arguably top 3 player in the NBA for the past 5-6 years has very little bball skills. :rolleyes:

do you have anything else you would like to share with us genius?

lol top 3..

Based on what? media hype? Its going to take more than that to convince me he is top 3 in the last half decade.

10-10-2011, 10:25 PM
lol top 3..

Based on what? media hype? Its going to take more than that to convince me he is top 3 in the last half decade.

name me 3 players that were better than him for each of the last few seasons

10-10-2011, 11:24 PM
Only in this site when someone could average 26/7/7 and. Then try to think of ways to think that its nothing special

10-11-2011, 12:11 AM
He definitely plays like he learned how to play in AAU

Da Heroic One
10-11-2011, 01:36 AM
where is kblaze

10-11-2011, 02:03 AM
Other than jumping real high for a powerful slam dunk,

what does lebronz do great?

Nothing. No post game, can't play off the ball, average d, average rebounder, average face to face shot blocker.

He has very little basketball skills.

Its the truth.

Simple Jack
10-11-2011, 02:25 AM
Insisting LeBron has very little skills is like insisting Whoopi Goldberg is hot.

Mike Tyson
10-11-2011, 02:39 AM
So is it true op=rg=phagg0t?

10-11-2011, 02:47 AM
So is it true op=rg=phagg0t?
Yup. =truearistotle=dapercieve=thaswagg3r= about 40 other accounts. He's so starved for attention to the point where he now makes threads with other posters' names in them, just to guarantee a reply. And he does the exact same thing on realgm btw. He's been banned (or "waived") there multiple times and keeps coming back to the point where posters there too are getting frustrated with him making the same topics over and over again.

I'm trying to think of the extreme type of environment that would produce something like this. I mean, not only would his parents have to be 100% neglectful, but he'd also have trouble finding attention from colleagues or friends or any type of peer. He could be in a different country (not America) with very limited social exposure and I guess this is his only outlet?:confusedshrug: No clue.

Da Heroic One
10-11-2011, 02:48 AM
Yup. the OP's dick is so hugeeeeee I want it in my mouth
Can't disagree with that. Meet me in the alley.

Da Heroic One
10-11-2011, 02:49 AM
Insisting LeBron has very little skills is like insisting Whoopi Goldberg is hot.
Lebron has skills but not enough skills that will help him win a championship or be the best player on a championship team. Karl Malone-esque really.

10-11-2011, 02:51 AM
Can't disagree with that. Meet me in the alley.
Creative and mature. Not at all supporting my post about you being a child stared for attention. Great job disproving what I said:cheers: :rolleyes:

Da Heroic One
10-11-2011, 02:52 AM
Dude, I want to suck your dick in front of everybody, take your pants off here!!!!
Naaaaah homie.

Mike Tyson
10-11-2011, 02:58 AM
lol rg is butthurt



10-11-2011, 07:31 AM
LeBron's skill-level is just fine. It's his body that has failed him.

Not that I blame his inability to win last season on his body, because he wasn't even trying in the Finals.
:oldlol: Damn bruh, you really turned your back on LeBron.

10-11-2011, 07:43 AM
:oldlol: Damn bruh, you really turned your back on LeBron.

No he is right (not about the body part, i dont even know wtf he is talking about... body fail? wtf?)..... but i got pissed at Lebron myself....

he was trying to please his new teammates so much in the Finals, wanted to make the right decisions, so careful, so passive........ Lebron didnt actually play BAD in the Finals, with that i mean its not like he shot super bad, he simply was passive, he took EXTREMLY low amount of FG attempts by his standards....

i would have wanted him to CHUCK AT LEAST, "go out banging"........ but hey... Wade did that instead (there is only 1 ball).... so it seems they wouldnt have won anyways.... if Lebron shotjacked, Lebrons scoring ppg would have gone up, Wades scoring ppg would have gone down, but they would still lose........... because at the end of the day they lost by not being able to stop Nowitzki and not being able to close enough games out in the clutch.....

10-11-2011, 07:54 AM
No he is right (not about the body part, i dont even know wtf he is talking about... body fail? wtf?)..... but i got pissed at Lebron myself....

he was trying to please his new teammates so much in the Finals, wanted to make the right decisions, so careful, so passive........ Lebron didnt actually play BAD in the Finals, with that i mean its not like he shot super bad, he simply was passive, he took EXTREMLY low amount of FG attempts by his standards....

i would have wanted him to CHUCK AT LEAST, "go out banging"........ but hey... Wade did that instead (there is only 1 ball).... so it seems they wouldnt have won anyways.... if Lebron shotjacked, Lebrons scoring ppg would have gone up, Wades scoring ppg would have gone down, but they would still lose........... because at the end of the day they lost by not being able to stop Nowitzki and not being able to close enough games out in the clutch.....
He played pretty bad after game 1, man. I think that Game 2 collapse really affected his play, he never recovered after that 4th quarter meltdown.

He wasn't attacking the basket and getting to the line and he wasn't shooting, especially in the 4th quarter. I understand that there's only one ball, but he didn't assert himself at all offensively for the majority of the series after Game 1.

I'm sure he'll learn from that series and play much better in his next finals, but there's no need to sugarcoat his performance. It wasn't horrible statistically, but given the player that he is, what he's capable of, and the passiveness that he played with... it was pretty bad.

Yung D-Will
10-11-2011, 08:53 AM
To much defending just say the kid had a bad finals performance and move on. Doesn't mean he hasn't had a great career or isn't one of the greatest to play the game just means he didn't play up to what was expected of him in the finals. I'm pretty sure he'll have plenty more opportunities to win a championship. I just find it crazy people become so obssesed with a player they can't admit when they didn't perform well just because you're a fan you shouldn't be blind to reality.
I've seen D-Will,Kobe,Lebron,Wade,Paul,Griffin and nearly every player in the leauge perform bad at one point it happens.

10-11-2011, 09:58 AM
Doesn't mean he hasn't had a great career or isn't one of the greatest to play the game just means he didn't play up to what was expected of him in the finals.

That's fine, but in that case we need to stop trying to put him in the same sentence as Jordan, Magic, Bird, etc until he proves himself capable on the biggest stage. How ironic is it that a week after Scottie Pippen, of all people, says Lebron may be the greatest player ever, he proceeds to stink it up in the finals. I could accept it in 2007 when he was 22 and still relying more on physical skills and sheer talent, but how on earth as an 8th year veteran do you play that crappy( in the 2011 finals), with Wade and Bosh there to take the pressure off? If Lebron had played like a good THIRD option, the Heat would have won and we wouldn't be having this conversation.

As dominant as he's been in the regular season( sprinkled with some playoff success and some notable meltdown/failures), some grasp of certain fundamentals can make this guy even better. It's so easy to point out what he can improve on, and it's not like he doesn't have the talent to do it. Hell, Kobe Bryant for years seemed to come into every season with a new trick or refined moves, effectively maximizing his talent. Lebron seemed to have plateaued back in 2009, and he's been slowly regressing since, starting with the 2010 playoffs against Boston, through his noticeable decline in physical athleticism, to his epic 2011 finals flop.

10-11-2011, 10:23 AM
where is kblaze

ya can't read?

1. I cant begin to express how little interest I have in discussing this subject again. Why with all the players in the NBA and in history we have to discuss this guy all day every day is beyond me. Id much rather discuss any of the following:

if he's not interested then you shouldn't be surprises why he isnt trying to answer to your garbage.

10-11-2011, 11:00 AM
Lebron has skills but not enough skills that will help him win a championship or be the best player on a championship team. Karl Malone-esque really.

Karl Malone would have a ring if he didnt have the greatest player of all time standing in his way. It wasnt because of a lack of skills.

Who is standing in Lebron's way thats gonna prevent him from winning a ring? The celtics? Kobe? Durant? Derrick Rose? :confusedshrug:

10-11-2011, 11:01 AM
I think there is some truth to what the OP said, and I'm a Lebron/Heat fan.

I don't think Lebron or players of his type can never win, but it's harder. Wade is extremely similar, and I think he has a lot of the same deficiencies.

The difference is Wade is still smaller and fast enough to still be effective against a defense that is trying to stop his driving. Lebron's A LOT bigger, and he'll just never be able to split double teams like Wade, and I don't think he gets the same benefit of the doubt on things like charges b/c when Lebron does it, other people go flying. And I'm not trying to blame officiating at all, but he did not get the same calls he normally gets in the Finals, minus that one time he faked and got a call (maybe that's why).

I think it's part of a team problem too, in that neither of your starting 2 or 3 are very good shooters. I think it would benefit the team tremendously for Wade to improve his 3 PT shooting and Lebron to improve his midrange and post game, and I thought that as soon as we got them to be honest.

Da Heroic One
10-11-2011, 11:44 AM
ya can't read?

if he's not interested then you shouldn't be a surprise why he isnt trying to answer to your bullshit.
You're an idiot.

CAn you read?



You clearly took the time to explain yourself and put thought into what you have to say. In such situations I try not to disregard anyone no matter how little I want to discuss it. so...I will read it...consider what you have said...and get back to you. I just wont do it right now because any moment now I have a meeting starting.

Yes...I took just as long to explain why I dont want to discuss Lebron as culd have taken to just get the discussion out of the way.

Mostly because the things id rather talk about interest me more. But as I said...ill read it...and I will tell you what my thoughts are. And then hopefully not discuss it any more for quite a while.

phuckin *******.

Da Heroic One
10-11-2011, 11:45 AM
Karl Malone would have a ring if he didnt have the greatest player of all time standing in his way. It wasnt because of a lack of skills.

Who is standing in Lebron's way thats gonna prevent him from winning a ring? The celtics? Kobe? Durant? Derrick Rose? :confusedshrug:
I'm just using Kblaze's logic. He always says that Karl Malone never scared him and that he knew he was never going to win due to the lack of skills, the lack of skills that LeBron also had.

10-11-2011, 11:59 AM
Malone is overrated IMO. I think Barkley and Dirk were better players.

10-11-2011, 12:25 PM
Lebron is talented, not skilled. The biggest skill he has tried to obtain was shooting, and he has improved in that regard, but it still disappears when it matters the most. So it was a nice try, I'll give him that, but mission not completed.

Other than that, he really did not improve on any of his skills; and mental strength, which seems to be his Achilles heel, is the hardest to work on, because there may not even be enough opportunities. Who can guarantee that they will make it back to the finals time and time again so Lebron can learn not to crumble under pressure? It's not really something that he can work on during regular season or early playoff series against inferior teams.

I see two ways of him getting a ring:

- Miami beats everyone easily because they have the most stacked team in the league, and Lebron would probably lead that charge, because he's a very good front runner.


- Wade, Bosh, and the rest come up bigger than they did last year, so even if Lebron stinks it up again, they still win, but Lebron doesn't get the FMVP award.

Either way, I will have zero respect for him.

10-11-2011, 01:01 PM
Lebron is very skilled, especially for his size. Not many players that size can handle the ball like him, and he's probably the second greatest passing forward ever behind Larry Bird. In fact, I'm not sure if there has been a better passer who wasn't a point guard aside from Bird. He's always had the ability to get hot and hit pretty incredible shots from well behind the 3 point line, but his overall jumper has improved a lot as well. He's become a pretty good mid-range shooter now and shoots with more balance and consistency. And no, he's not average defensively, I have no idea how someone could watch him the last 3 seasons and conclude that. He hasn't been "average" since at least 2007.

He's certainly capable of dominating the playoffs, look at 2009. I can't think of another player in recent years who could've done more for their team than Lebron did during that run. Some say, well, if not for a lucky gamewinner, they'd have been swept by Orlando. Yeah, except who hit that gamewinner? Lebron. And I could just as easily say if not for Rashard's shots in games 1 and 4 that Cleveland would've had a 3-1 lead. Or if not for Howard having the series of his life. I thought Howard was elite in '09, but I never expected him to average 26/13/3 on 65% from the field or 70% from the line. I never expected Howard to close them out with 40/14/4 in game 6, drop 10 points in OT in game 4 ect.

The most you could pick out to blame Lebron for was a subpar game 6(after a superhuman series to that point) and some turnovers late in game 4, iirc(in a game where he put up 44/12/7). And Lebron seemed to be the least of their problems in a series where he averaged 39/8/8.

A series where their frontline was abused by Howard and couldn't match up with Lewis at the 4. A series where his second option shot 37%....and despite that, the games were close. Brown was also thoroughly outcoached by Van Gundy and completely failed to make adjustments throughout the series.

And keep in mind that Orlando was a really good team with a superstar and top 4 player who happened to be a center(the hardest position to acquire a star at), 2 borderline all-stars in Lewis and Turkoglu, prolific 3 point shooting ability, some solid role players and the best defense during the regular season.

And that was pretty much with Mike Brown and Lebron's cast saying to him "We're not going to do our jobs, win this series for us".

And he definitely proved himself capable of playing well and leading his team past very good defensive teams in the playoffs this season when he beat Boston and Chicago(well, Wade was the MVPof the Celtics series, but Lebron had a very good series as well). Both Chicago and Boston were superior defensive teams to Dallas.

I think it's a mental problem. I can't explain why he played like that the last games vs Boston in '10 or the finals this season. But I don't see why the problem would be his skills, it certainly doesn't explain how he was playing well vs superior defensive teams to Dallas the previous 2 rounds.

And Lebron has simply become a better player than Karl Malone, it's not an accurate comparison because if you watched both of them, you simply didn't see the same dominance from Malone that you did from Lebron. And Malone's numbers fell off far more in the playoffs during his prime than Lebron's have.

You want comparisons? How about some players who have won rings?

Look at Wilt's disappearing act with a 3-1 lead in '68 vs Boston. They lost the series and that included a game 6 where he shot 6/21 from the field and 8/23 from the line while his teammate dropped a very efficient 40(15/24 FG, 10/13 FT). Then in game 7, he had 7 where his lack of aggressiveness has puzzled people 40 years later as he had just 14 points on 4/9 from the field and 6/15 from the line while only attempting 1 shot in the second half.

Granted, Billy Cunningham was injured, but they got the 3-1 lead without Cunningham and Wilt's play late in the series is as inexcusable as Lebron's(considering how good they were).

How stacked was that Sixer team? Well, the following year, they still won 55 games without Wilt despite Luke Jackson only playing 25 games compared to all 82 in '68.

And then his '69 season with the Lakers was eerily similar to Lebron's past season, except less impressive prior to the finals. He went to a team that had been a 52 win finals team the previous season and formed a big 3 with Jerry West and Elgin Baylor. They improved to just 55 wins despite West playing in 10 more games than he did the previous season.

They were favorites in the finals and again blew a 3-2 lead. Wilt had a chance to close out the series, but had just 8 points in game 6. While Lebron's drop from the regular season to finals was well documented, people forget that Wilt had a drop almost as large that season as his average dropped from 20.5 ppg during the regular season to 11.7 ppg in the finals. And he averaged 13.9 ppg on 54.5% shooting and a 51.8 TS% during the playoffs compared to 20.5 ppg on 58.3 FG%/56.4 TS% during the season. All of this while Jerry West dominated and played well enough to win finals MVP on the losing team.

And to avoid making this come off as a Wilt bashing post, look at how well he played in '67 and '72 when he won titles. So you can have these really puzzling failures and win.

It's not quite the same considering the off the court problems, but look at Kobe's 2004 finals. Easily as bad, and while he was taking a lot of shots, he wasn't really aggressive, most were attempted jumpers, very rarely did he attack the basket. Yet we've seen him win.

Lebron's skill set may not translate quite as well to the playoffs, I don't know, but I know that he's skilled enough and talented enough to win. It's clearly more of a mental problem than a skills problem.

10-11-2011, 01:21 PM
^To sum it up:

Wilt is the most overrated player of the past, and LeBron will eventually dethrone him.

Yung D-Will
10-11-2011, 01:24 PM
^To sum it up:

Wilt is the most overrated player of the past, and LeBron will eventually dethrone him.

The ****?

10-11-2011, 03:59 PM
You're an idiot.

CAn you read?

phuckin *******.

You clearly took the time to explain yourself and put thought into what you have to say. In such situations I try not to disregard anyone no matter how little I want to discuss it


10-11-2011, 07:33 PM
Didn't read simply because the title is retarded. Best player in the league.....lack of skills? gtfo troll.

10-11-2011, 07:44 PM
Lebron is very skilled, especially for his size. Not many players that size can handle the ball like him, and he's probably the second greatest passing forward ever behind Larry Bird. In fact, I'm not sure if there has been a better passer who wasn't a point guard aside from Bird. He's always had the ability to get hot and hit pretty incredible shots from well behind the 3 point line, but his overall jumper has improved a lot as well. He's become a pretty good mid-range shooter now and shoots with more balance and consistency. And no, he's not average defensively, I have no idea how someone could watch him the last 3 seasons and conclude that. He hasn't been "average" since at least 2007.

He's certainly capable of dominating the playoffs, look at 2009. I can't think of another player in recent years who could've done more for their team than Lebron did during that run. Some say, well, if not for a lucky gamewinner, they'd have been swept by Orlando. Yeah, except who hit that gamewinner? Lebron. And I could just as easily say if not for Rashard's shots in games 1 and 4 that Cleveland would've had a 3-1 lead. Or if not for Howard having the series of his life. I thought Howard was elite in '09, but I never expected him to average 26/13/3 on 65% from the field or 70% from the line. I never expected Howard to close them out with 40/14/4 in game 6, drop 10 points in OT in game 4 ect.

The most you could pick out to blame Lebron for was a subpar game 6(after a superhuman series to that point) and some turnovers late in game 4, iirc(in a game where he put up 44/12/7). And Lebron seemed to be the least of their problems in a series where he averaged 39/8/8.

A series where their frontline was abused by Howard and couldn't match up with Lewis at the 4. A series where his second option shot 37%....and despite that, the games were close. Brown was also thoroughly outcoached by Van Gundy and completely failed to make adjustments throughout the series.

And keep in mind that Orlando was a really good team with a superstar and top 4 player who happened to be a center(the hardest position to acquire a star at), 2 borderline all-stars in Lewis and Turkoglu, prolific 3 point shooting ability, some solid role players and the best defense during the regular season.

And that was pretty much with Mike Brown and Lebron's cast saying to him "We're not going to do our jobs, win this series for us".

And he definitely proved himself capable of playing well and leading his team past very good defensive teams in the playoffs this season when he beat Boston and Chicago(well, Wade was the MVPof the Celtics series, but Lebron had a very good series as well). Both Chicago and Boston were superior defensive teams to Dallas.

I think it's a mental problem. I can't explain why he played like that the last games vs Boston in '10 or the finals this season. But I don't see why the problem would be his skills, it certainly doesn't explain how he was playing well vs superior defensive teams to Dallas the previous 2 rounds.

And Lebron has simply become a better player than Karl Malone, it's not an accurate comparison because if you watched both of them, you simply didn't see the same dominance from Malone that you did from Lebron. And Malone's numbers fell off far more in the playoffs during his prime than Lebron's have.

You want comparisons? How about some players who have won rings?

Look at Wilt's disappearing act with a 3-1 lead in '68 vs Boston. They lost the series and that included a game 6 where he shot 6/21 from the field and 8/23 from the line while his teammate dropped a very efficient 40(15/24 FG, 10/13 FT). Then in game 7, he had 7 where his lack of aggressiveness has puzzled people 40 years later as he had just 14 points on 4/9 from the field and 6/15 from the line while only attempting 1 shot in the second half.

Granted, Billy Cunningham was injured, but they got the 3-1 lead without Cunningham and Wilt's play late in the series is as inexcusable as Lebron's(considering how good they were).

How stacked was that Sixer team? Well, the following year, they still won 55 games without Wilt despite Luke Jackson only playing 25 games compared to all 82 in '68.

And then his '69 season with the Lakers was eerily similar to Lebron's past season, except less impressive prior to the finals. He went to a team that had been a 52 win finals team the previous season and formed a big 3 with Jerry West and Elgin Baylor. They improved to just 55 wins despite West playing in 10 more games than he did the previous season.

They were favorites in the finals and again blew a 3-2 lead. Wilt had a chance to close out the series, but had just 8 points in game 6. While Lebron's drop from the regular season to finals was well documented, people forget that Wilt had a drop almost as large that season as his average dropped from 20.5 ppg during the regular season to 11.7 ppg in the finals. And he averaged 13.9 ppg on 54.5% shooting and a 51.8 TS% during the playoffs compared to 20.5 ppg on 58.3 FG%/56.4 TS% during the season. All of this while Jerry West dominated and played well enough to win finals MVP on the losing team.

And to avoid making this come off as a Wilt bashing post, look at how well he played in '67 and '72 when he won titles. So you can have these really puzzling failures and win.

It's not quite the same considering the off the court problems, but look at Kobe's 2004 finals. Easily as bad, and while he was taking a lot of shots, he wasn't really aggressive, most were attempted jumpers, very rarely did he attack the basket. Yet we've seen him win.

Lebron's skill set may not translate quite as well to the playoffs, I don't know, but I know that he's skilled enough and talented enough to win. It's clearly more of a mental problem than a skills problem.

Great post. Its absolutely not a skill thing. Sure, Lebron is lacking some basketball skills and his game isn't perfect. Just like every single player ever.

Only a mental issue could explain the last two years.

And every single player of all time has had playoff failures. Some much worse than Lebron...some not as bad.

Some of the best players ever have come up short when it matters most. Lebron simply has to go out there in the years to come and not come up short....it won't change what happened in the past, but it will begin to rewrite his legacy.

Kobe recovered from his 04 collapse.
Shaq recovered from getting swept nearly every year.
Wilt recovered...from you take above.
Dirk recovered from his 07 collapse.
Magic recovered from "tragic magic".

And many other players recovered as well.

I support Lebron overall because he's under-rated here. He's a better basketball player than Malone ever was. Just obvious. I saw someone say the other day that Worthy was better. What?

If you want to make is simple, Lebron has played on 1 team truly capable of winning the title in my opinion. Can't count 09 because Lebron couldn't have played better and they still lost. Celtics were just easily the better team in 10.

Its really only been 1 year. And yep...Lebron failed miserably. But so have a lot of the best players in the history of the game.

Lebron's legacy will be written over the next 5 years. All the stuff in the past matters, but it won't matter as much if he turns it around and racks up titles while playing great. That is just the way this stuff works.

10-11-2011, 08:05 PM
Naaaaah homie.

hmmmmn eerily similar to ThaSwagg3r. im not sold on truearistotle yet, but im leaning towards him being RG as well.

10-12-2011, 12:53 AM
"Basketball skills" aren't necessarily a pre-requisite for a championship.

Magic had average defense, a fugly jump shot, minimal shot blocking ability, and wasn't exactly crossing guys off the dribble.

LeBron will have to develop his post game though. I would agree with that.

10-12-2011, 02:05 AM
OP gets banned, returns on his 452nd account. You are a true loser, kill yourself.

06-21-2012, 11:53 PM
Well...thats settled.

01-26-2013, 04:34 AM
:roll: :roll: :roll:


01-26-2013, 04:38 AM
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

01-26-2013, 04:45 AM
LeBron's skill-level is just fine. It's his body that has failed him.

Indian guy such a f*gg*t like always.

01-26-2013, 05:26 AM
now he's won. now what?

01-26-2013, 05:30 AM
Other than jumping real high for a powerful slam dunk,

what does lebronz do great?

Nothing. No post game, can't play off the ball, average d, average rebounder, average face to face shot blocker.

He has very little basketball skills.

Oh man... :roll:

01-26-2013, 05:32 AM
Oh man... :roll:
lmao at that dumbass. no wonder a kobe fan doesnt consider passing a skill

01-26-2013, 05:33 AM
now he's won.

now what?

Win more

01-26-2013, 05:36 AM
Lebron is talented, not skilled. The biggest skill he has tried to obtain was shooting, and he has improved in that regard, but it still disappears when it matters the most. So it was a nice try, I'll give him that, but mission not completed.

Other than that, he really did not improve on any of his skills; and mental strength, which seems to be his Achilles heel, is the hardest to work on, because there may not even be enough opportunities. Who can guarantee that they will make it back to the finals time and time again so Lebron can learn not to crumble under pressure? It's not really something that he can work on during regular season or early playoff series against inferior teams.

I see two ways of him getting a ring:

- Miami beats everyone easily because they have the most stacked team in the league, and Lebron would probably lead that charge, because he's a very good front runner.


- Wade, Bosh, and the rest come up bigger than they did last year, so even if Lebron stinks it up again, they still win, but Lebron doesn't get the FMVP award.

Either way, I will have zero respect for him.
lmao pegahoe nice analysis there

01-26-2013, 05:36 AM

01-26-2013, 05:38 AM
lmao pegahoe nice analysis there

He hates LeBron like he's Hitler or some child molester. It's not healthy to hate somebody that much. I can't stand Rondo, but I don't bust a nut over him in every thread about how much I hate him.

01-26-2013, 05:40 AM
He hates LeBron like he's Hitler or some child molester. It's not healthy to hate somebody that much. I can't stand Rondo, but I don't bust a nut over him in every thread about how much I hate him.
Pegahoe is so fcuking retarded. I wish I couldve seen his reaction for the 2012 playoffs, probably had a nervous breakdown watching bronzy get his fmvp

01-26-2013, 05:41 AM
Pegahoe is so fcuking retarded. I wish I couldve seen his reaction for the 2012 playoffs, probably had a nervous breakdown watching bronzy get his fmvp

What ever happened to Bladers, or is that the same guy?

01-26-2013, 05:42 AM
What ever happened to Bladers, or is that the same guy?
bladers is a f*gg*t too but pegasus is a differernt hoe

01-26-2013, 05:42 AM
shaqattack delivered in this thread, I wonder what his thoughts are on whose the better player between pete and wade :lol

01-26-2013, 05:43 AM
shaqattack delivered in this thread, I wonder what his thoughts are on whose the better player wbetween pete and wade :lol

01-26-2013, 08:40 AM
Lebron is talented, not skilled. The biggest skill he has tried to obtain was shooting, and he has improved in that regard, but it still disappears when it matters the most. So it was a nice try, I'll give him that, but mission not completed.

Other than that, he really did not improve on any of his skills; and mental strength, which seems to be his Achilles heel, is the hardest to work on, because there may not even be enough opportunities. Who can guarantee that they will make it back to the finals time and time again so Lebron can learn not to crumble under pressure? It's not really something that he can work on during regular season or early playoff series against inferior teams.

I see two ways of him getting a ring:

- Miami beats everyone easily because they have the most stacked team in the league, and Lebron would probably lead that charge, because he's a very good front runner.


- Wade, Bosh, and the rest come up bigger than they did last year, so even if Lebron stinks it up again, they still win, but Lebron doesn't get the FMVP award.

Either way, I will have zero respect for him.
damn, this guy nailed it right on the spot. The first guess came true. :applause: :bowdown:

01-26-2013, 09:25 AM
It definitely helped they played an inexperienced and undisciplined OKC of all teams in the finals. Harden went ghost mode, Westbrook was Westbrook, they had Fisher out there like he's still relevant, and their bench didn't do much. It would've been interesting to see San Antonio or LA play them, or if Dallas had went for the title defense instead of blowing it up in the hopes of getting Dwight.

01-26-2013, 09:33 AM
It definitely helped they played an inexperienced and undisciplined OKC of all teams in the finals. Harden went ghost mode, Westbrook was Westbrook, they had Fisher out there like he's still relevant, and their bench didn't do much. It would've been interesting to see San Antonio or LA play them, or if Dallas had went for the title defense instead of blowing it up in the hopes of getting Dwight.

LeBron averaged 33.6 ppg on 54 FG%, 11 rpg, 3.9 apg, 1.1 spg, 1.3 bpg againts the Boston Celtics in the Conference Finals.

Thunder were the best team in the Western Conference last year. They defeated the Mavericks, Lakers, and the Spurs in the Western Conference playoffs.

01-26-2013, 09:40 AM
It definitely helped they played an inexperienced and undisciplined OKC of all teams in the finals. Harden went ghost mode, Westbrook was Westbrook, they had Fisher out there like he's still relevant, and their bench didn't do much. It would've been interesting to see San Antonio or LA play them, or if Dallas had went for the title defense instead of blowing it up in the hopes of getting Dwight.

Why is it so hard to just give Miami credit and move on?

01-26-2013, 09:41 AM
Other than jumping real high for a powerful slam dunk,

what does lebronz do great?

Nothing. No post game, can't play off the ball, average d, average rebounder, average face to face shot blocker.

He has very little basketball skills.

You are really an idiot. Jeff needs to ban this clown.

01-26-2013, 09:45 AM
damn, this guy nailed it right on the spot. The first guess came true. :applause: :bowdown:

How did this guess come true? "Miami beats everyone easily because they have the most stacked team in the league, and Lebron would probably lead that charge, because he's a very good front runner."

You do realize Miami was almost eliminated by Boston. Struggled against the Pacers. Yep, that's beating everyone easily. LeBron a front runner?? Lmao if he was, how does he pull of that epic game 6 in Boston. Shouldn't he had folded under the pressure. Btw, it was so nice seeing you bitch and moan in every thread after Miami won. Must've been a tough day for you LeBron haters.

Ne 1
01-26-2013, 09:59 AM
You are really an idiot. Jeff needs to ban this clown.

But he's right. LeBron has no moves.

No mid-range game, no crossovers, no fadeaways, no catch and shoot off a screen, no jab steps, no fakes, his jumper is inconsistent, no post up game, nothing at all. LeBron's game is basically iso, take a couple of dribbles, launch a 27-footer, or just bulldoze his way to the basket for a layup or a dunk.

LOL @ traveling and running over dudes being his signature moves.

LeBron is basically Jerome Bettis playing basketball.

01-26-2013, 10:05 AM
But he's right. LeBron has no moves.

No mid-range game, no crossovers, no fadeaways, no catch and shoot off a screen, no jab steps, no fakes, his jumper is inconsistent, no post up game, nothing at all. LeBron's game is basically iso, take a couple of dribbles, launch a 27-footer, or just bulldoze his way to the basket for a layup or a dunk.

LOL @ traveling and running over dudes being his signature moves.

LeBron is basically Jerome Bettis playing basketball.


01-26-2013, 01:23 PM
I thought the OP made a pretty good post. It's true that Lebron doesn't have go-to moves, and that it does present a problem at crucial points of games. He does ad-lib his offense. You never see him do the same thing twice. I've never seen him dominate a great defense at a crucial time unless he happened to get hot. And yes Malone, great as he was, as a shooter, finisher, passer, moving without the ball, and rebounding, ultimately couldn't get you a bucket at any given time unless there was a hole in the defense.

Lacking the jumper of, say, Vince Carter, as well as a couple signature go-to moves that you can't stop, is why Lebron is "only" a top 7 or 8 player all-time to me, and not constantly being measured up to Larry Bird.

Lebron's offense is high-level scrapping. The highest level scrapping I know of, but scrapping nonetheless. He gets his 30 the way Marion used to get his 20 and the way Rondo gets his dozen. (If he gets hot shooting, combine that with the way Crawford gets his 20.) Not the way VC used to get his 25. He'll continue to improve but I don't think he'll ever be able to be a Jordan or Magic or Bird type who could choose to score at any time whether there was a chance to or not.

Again: he's still the best player since Shaq. I would be willing to entertain the title of best player since Jordan, in fact. He just can't be Bird unless he can reliably hit 85 from the line and 38 from 3.

Miller for 3
01-26-2013, 02:19 PM
now he's won. now what?

Uh, what has he won? An ESPY for 4th best player in the league? I have the same number of rings in a full NBA season as Lebron. A big fat ZERO. A *ring does not count. MVPs are nice and good, Lebron is now in the conversation with Iverson and Rose, but he has not won anything of note, and unless he starts playing defense, he won't be winning anything this year

01-26-2013, 02:27 PM
I have the same number of rings in a full NBA season as Lebron. A big fat ZERO. A *ring does not count.
Come on.

It was sixteen fewer games. The schedule was the most grueling in NBA history. And for all that they beat a team younger and more athletic than them in the Finals. The playoffs were a full playoffs. Would they not have had the seed they did in a full NBA season?

And, really,

A *ring does not count.

Yes, it DOES, in fact.

Miller for 3
01-26-2013, 02:47 PM
Come on.

It was sixteen fewer games. The schedule was the most grueling in NBA history. And for all that they beat a team younger and more athletic than them in the Finals. The playoffs were a full playoffs. Would they not have had the seed they did in a full NBA season?

And, really,

Yes, it DOES, in fact.

The playoffs were a joke. Most teams were reduced to D-league talent due to injuries/no one caring because it was a fake season. The Knicks were playing with their 5th string PG and a one armed PF. You really think that series should count? Heat would have been upset by a fully healed Knicks team. If you count last season, then you must rank Blake Ahearn and Jaycee Carroll over Lebron because both of them accomplished much more in tougher leagues than what Lebron did last year

01-26-2013, 02:52 PM
Uh, what has he won? An ESPY for 4th best player in the league? I have the same number of rings in a full NBA season as Lebron. A big fat ZERO. A *ring does not count. MVPs are nice and good, Lebron is now in the conversation with Iverson and Rose, but he has not won anything of note, and unless he starts playing defense, he won't be winning anything this year

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

01-26-2013, 03:10 PM
The playoffs were a joke. Most teams were reduced to D-league talent due to injuries/no one caring because it was a fake season. The Knicks were playing with their 5th string PG and a one armed PF. You really think that series should count? Heat would have been upset by a fully healed Knicks team. If you count last season, then you must rank Blake Ahearn and Jaycee Carroll over Lebron because both of them accomplished much more in tougher leagues than what Lebron did last year

If you are not trolling you should go visit your doctor because you have some serious head problems.

Cali Syndicate
01-26-2013, 03:10 PM
And now op is the biggest lebron front runners on the block.

Miller for 3
01-26-2013, 04:28 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Laugh all you want, but Lebron is that good. He's moved out of the Gerald Wallalce/Kevin Martin tier and is close to Rose/Iverson level. Not there yet, but he can pass Marbury soon if he adds some more longevity. Stop hating

01-26-2013, 04:41 PM
Laugh all you want, but Lebron is that good. He's moved out of the Gerald Wallalce/Kevin Martin tier and is close to Rose/Iverson level. Not there yet, but he can pass Marbury soon if he adds some more longevity. Stop hating
Obvious troll.

01-26-2013, 04:50 PM
I think the concept of "skills" is misused in the modern era. The point of the game is to score the ball, and stop the other team from scoring the ball. Whichever skills get that accomplished more effectively and efficiently is all that matters.

I see people talking about how guys like Jamal Crawford have the best ball-handling "skills" in the game, but at what end?

Fancy dribbles and crossing your guy up might look cool, but it's supposed to be a means to an end, not the final result. Most the time Jamal's incredible ball handling "skills" leave him with mid-low % shots; runners, fade away jumpers, contested layups, etc.. Which is probably why he's a career 40% shooter despite having a great jumper.

LeBron James on the other hand is far from a "fancy" dribbler. He typically explodes one direction from the triple threat position and takes 2 or 3 hard dribbles, then collects for the jumper, layup/dunk, or pass. With this approach, LeBron creates higher % shot and playmaking opportunities. I would argue that LeBron is a far more skilled ball-handler than Jamal Crawford, since the purpose of ball-handling is to secure the ball, and create high % shots for yourself and teammates.

This isn't And-1. Give me a guy with simple and efficient skills, over a guy with flashy and less efficient skills.

01-26-2013, 04:57 PM
I think the concept of "skills" is misused in the modern era. The point of the game is to score the ball, and stop the other team from scoring the ball. Whichever skills get that accomplished more effectively and efficiently is all that matters.

I see people talking about how guys like Jamal Crawford have the best ball-handling "skills" in the game, but at what end?

Fancy dribbles and crossing your guy up might look cool, but it's supposed to be a means to an end, not the final result. Most the time Jamal's incredible ball handling "skills" leave him with mid-low % shots; runners, fade away jumpers, contested layups, etc.. Which is probably why he's a career 40% shooter despite having a great jumper.

LeBron James on the other hand is far from a "fancy" dribbler. He typically explodes one direction from the triple threat position and takes 2 or 3 hard dribbles, then collects for the jumper, layup/dunk, or pass. With this approach, LeBron creates higher % shot and playmaking opportunities. I would argue that LeBron is a far more skilled ball-handler than Jamal Crawford, since the purpose of ball-handling is to secure the ball, and create high % shots for yourself and teammates.

This isn't And-1. Give me a guy with simple and efficient skills, over a guy with flashy and less efficient skills.This x100

01-26-2013, 05:06 PM
No surprise, OP is that flip flopper RG/Stateofmind12

01-26-2013, 05:50 PM
I think the concept of "skills" is misused in the modern era. The point of the game is to score the ball, and stop the other team from scoring the ball. Whichever skills get that accomplished more effectively and efficiently is all that matters.

I see people talking about how guys like Jamal Crawford have the best ball-handling "skills" in the game, but at what end?

Fancy dribbles and crossing your guy up might look cool, but it's supposed to be a means to an end, not the final result. Most the time Jamal's incredible ball handling "skills" leave him with mid-low % shots; runners, fade away jumpers, contested layups, etc.. Which is probably why he's a career 40% shooter despite having a great jumper.

LeBron James on the other hand is far from a "fancy" dribbler. He typically explodes one direction from the triple threat position and takes 2 or 3 hard dribbles, then collects for the jumper, layup/dunk, or pass. With this approach, LeBron creates higher % shot and playmaking opportunities. I would argue that LeBron is a far more skilled ball-handler than Jamal Crawford, since the purpose of ball-handling is to secure the ball, and create high % shots for yourself and teammates.

This isn't And-1. Give me a guy with simple and efficient skills, over a guy with flashy and less efficient skills.
I agree with this, but I think the argument is that as age starts taking its toll, those skills would help keep these players efficient when they're way past their prime. That said, I can see LeBron's scoring suffering when he's past his prime, but his passing will stay elite.

01-26-2013, 05:55 PM
Lebron is great stop the hate... Still I like Durants game better.. Just my preference for great shooters.. Kdurant is mj and petrolike... :rockon:

01-26-2013, 06:04 PM
I think the concept of "skills" is misused in the modern era. The point of the game is to score the ball, and stop the other team from scoring the ball. Whichever skills get that accomplished more effectively and efficiently is all that matters.

I see people talking about how guys like Jamal Crawford have the best ball-handling "skills" in the game, but at what end?

Fancy dribbles and crossing your guy up might look cool, but it's supposed to be a means to an end, not the final result. Most the time Jamal's incredible ball handling "skills" leave him with mid-low % shots; runners, fade away jumpers, contested layups, etc.. Which is probably why he's a career 40% shooter despite having a great jumper.

LeBron James on the other hand is far from a "fancy" dribbler. He typically explodes one direction from the triple threat position and takes 2 or 3 hard dribbles, then collects for the jumper, layup/dunk, or pass. With this approach, LeBron creates higher % shot and playmaking opportunities. I would argue that LeBron is a far more skilled ball-handler than Jamal Crawford, since the purpose of ball-handling is to secure the ball, and create high % shots for yourself and teammates.

This isn't And-1. Give me a guy with simple and efficient skills, over a guy with flashy and less efficient skills.

I agree as well, but even as a Lebron fan, I will say there is something to having a go-to set a moves that you gain a comfort with.

Wade, when he gets it down low, you know he's going to work his way / fake to his right and drop-step hook over his left shoulder. It's damn near impossible to stop if he's allowed to execute it in rhythm. He also has a few other signature moves.

You see Lebron do something well and then not do it for another 5 games, it's infuriating. It's like he's over thinking it and trying to be jack of all trades. He gets away with it b/c of his athleticism AND his touch finishing on drives with either hand (which is amazing btw). But people are right, he'd be more lethal if he picked 3 things to be his staple out of the post or mid-post and try to excel at them, and his game would age much smoother imo.

01-26-2013, 06:42 PM
I think the concept of "skills" is misused in the modern era. The point of the game is to score the ball, and stop the other team from scoring the ball. Whichever skills get that accomplished more effectively and efficiently is all that matters.
Everything you said is true. However, when you haven't hit your last 3 shots, and it's the last 5 minutes of a playoff game, and the other team has a great defense, skills matter. You could have 5 guys guarding Tim Duncan and he could still make that bankshot, blindfolded. Ditto Kobe's freethrow-extended pullup J; ditto Michael's fadeaway, ditto Magic's hook.

Bulling your way over weak or careless defenders to a layup, which is how Lebron scores most of his points (don't deny it), will not do. It is no coincidence that Lebron consistently loses to teams like that. If he hadn't gotten red-hot against a tired-out and old Celtics team, it would have happened last year, too, and people would have a very different opinion of Lebron. (Just as people would have a very different opinion of Malone if he didn't have to go through the Bulls. Malone in any other era would have 2 rings right now. And he would be just as overrated a player.)

To repeat myself ad infinitum: Lebron is the best player since Shaq, and a top ten player all time. But this is because of his passing, ballhandling, speed, size, and, most recently, his commitment to defense and to sound leadership. It's not because of his ability to consistently score on command.

01-26-2013, 06:59 PM
Magic didn't have a go-to offensive move either. Sometimes not having a go-to move can actually make you more difficult to guard.

And it's funny how people refer to LeBron's drive and finish skills in a negative context. "He just 'bowls' his way through the lane and just 'muscles' his way to the hoop". Like getting to the rim at will and finishing is just something anyone can do.

Guess what? Charles Barkley just 'bowled' his way to the rim, Karl Malone just 'muscled' his way into the paint, and Shaq just 'bullied' his way to dunks as well.

01-12-2014, 09:35 AM
Back to Back Finals MVP. Op is still a b1tch.

01-12-2014, 09:37 AM
Back to Back Finals MVP. Op is still a f@ggot.

LeBron 06
01-12-2014, 01:21 PM

01-12-2014, 01:24 PM
The premise of this thread was beyond stupid. One of the dumbest threads ever. The OP should never talk about basketball in any capacity ever again. Same goes for all the other retards who shared the same sentiment.

01-12-2014, 01:26 PM
What a fail

Mr Exlax
01-12-2014, 01:29 PM
Damn this is one of the stupidest threads of all time. It was stupid at the time and even stupider now.

01-12-2014, 01:50 PM
I did not read OP, but to be fair, if he stayed in Cleveland he'd probably be still ringless

Mr Exlax
01-12-2014, 02:23 PM
I did not read OP, but to be fair, if he stayed in Cleveland he'd probably be still ringless

I would think so too. The OP did not make any mention of his teammates though. He blamed it entirely on LBJ's lack of skill smh.

01-12-2014, 02:26 PM
Why do people claim "X" player will never win a ring? There isnt a single player out there that would not win a ring if they got the right team.

01-12-2014, 02:29 PM
I would think so too. The OP did not make any mention of his teammates though. He blamed it entirely on LBJ's lack of skill smh.
That actually has some true to it too.
He was a very poor leader in Cleveland, matured only after 2011 finals, 12 is probably the first season of his reign as the best in the game and it should have come earlier.
Now if he mentions basketball skill as the reason he won't win, that some stupid shit right there

01-12-2014, 02:29 PM
I would think so too. The OP did not make any mention of his teammates though. He blamed it entirely on LBJ's lack of skill smh.

"Skill" is pretty overrated people always talk about how Kobe has more skill than guys like Lebron and d wade but kobe doesn't have a bigger impact on offense he obviously doesn't have a bigger impact on defense either

01-12-2014, 02:34 PM
"Skill" is pretty overrated people always talk about how Kobe has more skill than guys like Lebron and d wade but kobe doesn't have a bigger impact on offense he obviously doesn't have a bigger impact on defense either
Ever heard of prime kobe?

01-12-2014, 02:39 PM
Ever heard of prime kobe?

Kobe having more "skill" never really meant anything to me whats the point of being more skilled and your production isn't the best. His skill doesn't really give him a advantage over other superstar perimeter players

oh the horror
01-12-2014, 02:41 PM
Kobe having more "skill" never really meant anything to me whats the point of being more skilled and your production isn't the best. His skill doesn't really give him a advantage over other superstar perimeter players

Lol yeah it does. All the time. Seriously?

La Frescobaldi
01-12-2014, 02:42 PM
Kobe having more "skill" never really meant anything to me whats the point of being more skilled and your production isn't the best. His skill doesn't really give him a advantage over other superstar perimeter players

I really did laugh out loud when I saw this.

01-12-2014, 02:42 PM
Kobe having more "skill" never really meant anything to me whats the point of being more skilled and your production isn't the best. His skill doesn't really give him a advantage over other superstar perimeter players
That's because you measure production by stats, and that's where your basketball knowledge ends.

01-12-2014, 02:43 PM
Kobe having more "skill" never really meant anything to me whats the point of being more skilled and your production isn't the best. His skill doesn't really give him a advantage over other superstar perimeter players

Never thought I would say this but....

January 2014 :coleman:

01-12-2014, 02:46 PM
Lol yeah it does. All the time. Seriously?

How his production is inferior to guys like Lebron Jordan Bird D wade in his prime. Kobe and his skills dont really translate to an advantage over other superstars

01-12-2014, 02:49 PM
How his production is inferior to guys like Lebron Jordan Bird D wade in his prime. Kobe and his skills dont really translate to an advantage over other superstars

01-12-2014, 02:50 PM
How his production is inferior to guys like Lebron Jordan Bird D wade in his prime. Kobe and his skills dont really translate to an advantage over other superstars
Did you forget the 06-10 stretch where he was the best player in the game and universally feared anytime he stepped on the court? Or the 00-06 stretch where he was constantly top 3? Or when he was burning nuggets and suns with impossible shots? Or 10 50 point games in 07? Either you're a hater or you haven't seen much of basketball.
Not to mention great leadership with insane skill and individual showings time and time again. Kobe really is underrated by the fools :coleman:

01-12-2014, 02:52 PM
I really did laugh out loud when I saw this.

Did I say something that was false what advantage does kobe and his skill give him over Lebron and dwade They avergae pretty much the same numbers in their prime and lebron and wade are more efficient

01-12-2014, 02:57 PM
average numbers efficient
There's your problem, glad to help

La Frescobaldi
01-12-2014, 02:57 PM
Did I say something that was false what advantage does kobe and his skill give him over Lebron and dwade They avergae pretty much the same numbers in their prime and lebron and wade are more efficient
James maybe. Both of them were floppers and that will weigh heavy against them forever. Do you think KB would have been more efficient with another force like wade or James on his team?
The NBA always has unstoppable scorers; but not like Bryant was.
You did make my day on Ish tho.

01-12-2014, 02:58 PM
Did you forget the 06-10 stretch where he was the best player in the game and universally feared anytime he stepped on the court? Or the 00-06 stretch where he was constantly top 3? Or when he was burning nuggets and suns with impossible shots? Or 10 50 point games in 07? Either you're a hater or you haven't seen much of basketball.
Not to mention great leadership with insane skill and individual showings time and time again. Kobe really is underrated by the fools :coleman:

Kobe had his best scoring games against mediocre teams in the regular season also he's not very efficient compared to other hof legendary perimeter players. Look at Kobe and how many missed shots he has compared to made. After you do that look at jordans missed compared to made. If he didnt play for the wizards he would have been a 50% shooter

01-12-2014, 03:02 PM
Ever heard of prime kobe?
Shame we didn't see him in the playoffs, because he kept missing it hehehe

01-12-2014, 03:10 PM
Shame we didn't see him in the playoffs, because he kept missing it hehehe
He only missed it in 05:facepalm

La Frescobaldi
01-12-2014, 03:13 PM
He only missed it in 05:facepalm
Its Just Amazing ain't it?

01-12-2014, 03:13 PM
Kobe had his best scoring games against mediocre teams in the regular season also he's not very efficient compared to other hof legendary perimeter players. Look at Kobe and how many missed shots he has compared to made. After you do that look at jordans missed compared to made. If he didnt play for the wizards he would have been a 50% shooter
Were 06 Mavs a mediocre team?
The blazers got burned for 65.
Spurs got 45-10-3 in PO
Gave 48 or 49 to the nuggets in PO
48-16-3 against sacramento in PO
50-8-5 against suns in PO
42-6-5 against spurs in PO
40-5-5 against Pheonix in PO
40 in 09 finals game 1.
You just can't handle the truth, can you

03-27-2014, 06:41 PM
Damn this is one of the stupidest threads of all time. It was stupid at the time and even stupider now.


03-27-2014, 06:44 PM
i think these kobetards need to be reminded of who is better... a thread coming up, with ONLY FACTS mind you...

03-27-2014, 06:46 PM
Lebron is talented, not skilled. The biggest skill he has tried to obtain was shooting, and he has improved in that regard, but it still disappears when it matters the most. So it was a nice try, I'll give him that, but mission not completed.

Other than that, he really did not improve on any of his skills; and mental strength, which seems to be his Achilles heel, is the hardest to work on, because there may not even be enough opportunities. Who can guarantee that they will make it back to the finals time and time again so Lebron can learn not to crumble under pressure? It's not really something that he can work on during regular season or early playoff series against inferior teams.

I see two ways of him getting a ring:

- Miami beats everyone easily because they have the most stacked team in the league, and Lebron would probably lead that charge, because he's a very good front runner.


- Wade, Bosh, and the rest come up bigger than they did last year, so even if Lebron stinks it up again, they still win, but Lebron doesn't get the FMVP award.

Either way, I will have zero respect for him.

Biggest hater on ISH

06-19-2016, 11:09 PM
Bit of a ritual at this point....

08-08-2016, 10:06 PM

10-22-2020, 02:37 AM
Bit of a ritual at this point....


10-22-2020, 02:41 AM
Bit of a ritual at this point....


10-22-2020, 02:42 AM
Whole thing was stupid to begin with. And people keep doing it. Talking about whoever won’t do this or that like there aren’t 10-15 years of uncertainty to settle it.

Just shut up and let’s find out together.

10-22-2020, 02:58 AM


10-22-2020, 03:01 AM
This was from the days when haters were convinced, and I mean legit CONVINCED that LeBron was relying 100% on athleticism like Amare Stoudemire, and that he would become nothing right after he turned 30. :roll:

10-22-2020, 04:23 AM
This was from the days when haters were convinced, and I mean legit CONVINCED that LeBron was relying 100% on athleticism like Amare Stoudemire, and that he would become nothing right after he turned 30. :roll:

I legit remember a similar thread from back in like 2012/2013 about how Lebron would decline quickly. Poster said something to the effect of "talk to me in 7 years". I replied "will bump in 7 years". I just can't find it now. Hilarious.

10-22-2020, 07:59 AM
Man. They knew nothing 10 years ago....

Those posters back then were like humans that still doesn't know what fire is or that the Earth rotates around the sun.


10-22-2020, 12:46 PM
:oldlol: hold this dub

10-22-2020, 12:55 PM
He still don't really have a reliable good to move other than drive to the basket for lay up, get a foul, or pass.

I guess he's biggest move is a stare down or dribble step back 3? Hahah! He isn't as skilled as Kobe or MJ. I don't think he is more skilled than Bird either. He don't have the footwork. KD and Kawhi have more good to moves than he does, but he's better than them.

His athleticism is out of this world. And his IQ is top tier.

10-22-2020, 05:46 PM
He still don't really have a reliable good to move other than drive to the basket for lay up, get a foul, or pass.

I guess he's biggest move is a stare down or dribble step back 3? Hahah! He isn't as skilled as Kobe or MJ. I don't think he is more skilled than Bird either. He don't have the footwork. KD and Kawhi have more good to moves than he does, but he's better than them.

His athleticism is out of this world. And his IQ is top tier.

He loves baseline fadeaway from the left side. Has won a bunch of playoff games with that.

02-16-2021, 11:58 PM
Other than jumping real high for a powerful slam dunk,

what does lebronz do great?

Nothing. No post game, can't play off the ball, average d, average rebounder, average face to face shot blocker.

He has very little basketball skills.

Anyone wanna check in on this little guy? :roll:

02-17-2021, 12:06 AM
Posted after his chip in 2012

now he's won. now what?

Hold on to your butts! More to come

Win more

Oh just you wait little fella

Posted in 2014 after Bron's back-to-back

Damn this is one of the stupidest threads of all time. It was stupid at the time and even stupider now.

Oh just you wait :pimp: 2016 hasn't even happened yet.

02-17-2021, 01:59 AM
Posted after his chip in 2012

Hold on to your butts! More to come

Oh just you wait little fella

Posted in 2014 after Bron's back-to-back

Oh just you wait :pimp: 2016 hasn't even happened yet.

Look how much it took for lebron to finally win...

What a joke..

It's like that time Nate Robinson missed 80 dunks and then finally made one

Ultimately, lebron is a loser because he mostly loses, regardless of cast, coach, opponent, or odds - he mostly loses wherever he goes..

he's literally good at losing and can lose any way you want him to... The goat loser.. that's his actual legacy of you're just looking at facts and ignoring media narrative

02-17-2021, 02:07 AM
Look how much it took for lebron to finally win...

What a joke..

It's like that time Nate Robinson missed 80 dunks and then finally made one

Ultimately, lebron is a loser because he mostly loses, regardless of cast, coach, opponent, or odds - he mostly loses wherever he goes..

he's literally good at losing and can lose any way you want him to... The goat loser.. that's his actual legacy of you're just looking at facts and ignoring media narrative
He mostly loses wherever he goes yet he's won more titles than any other player in the league since he was drafted :lol

02-17-2021, 02:14 AM
He mostly loses wherever he goes yet he's won more titles than any other player in the league since he was drafted :lol

Teaming up the most = most titles

He originated modern collusions and cheating in 2011..

Yet still mostly loses with big 3's

He's really really good....... at losing..... the best I've ever seen at it...

heck, only lebron's brand is shitty enough to lose with a 37 PER to a historic underdog and 1-star team led by a guy that probably collects cartoon stickers

02-17-2021, 02:15 AM
https://scontent-lga3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/121067767_10159133006928463_5603022376868430954_o. jpg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=3&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=qy3G266B6_wAX_-kKIb&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-2.xx&oh=07458581cff93369a942cdb755e0954e&oe=6051E842

GOAT loser

02-17-2021, 02:20 AM
LeBron's 4 Finals MVPs are easily more impressive than Jordan's 6:

-Won with multiple teams/systems/coaches
-Won against competition that didn't lose to Hakeem + a bunch of role players
-Doesn't have a FMVP where he shot .415 over the series and shot 5-19 in a championship clinching game
-Doesn't have a FMVP where he averaged 4.0 rebounds and 2.3 assists

02-17-2021, 02:24 AM
https://scontent-lga3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/121067767_10159133006928463_5603022376868430954_o. jpg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=3&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=qy3G266B6_wAX_-kKIb&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-2.xx&oh=07458581cff93369a942cdb755e0954e&oe=6051E842

GOAT loser

Lebron's wins are drowned by his sea of losses

He literally has the worst championship record in 3-pointer basketball history - so it's a fact that he's the goat loser

His skillset yields the worst Finals teams ever (22-33 is the worst Finals record ever)

02-17-2021, 02:51 AM
Lebron's wins are drowned by his sea of losses

He literally has the worst championship record in 3-pointer basketball history - so it's a fact that he's the goat loser

His skillset yields the worst Finals teams ever (22-33 is the worst Finals record ever)
When you have to resort to the losing in the Finals is worse than losing in the first round talking point, you've honestly lost the argument :lol It's so ridiculously stupid you automatically lose credibility when you bring it up

4 titles, 4 FMVP's and 10 Finals is better than any other player since he got drafted, and better than those even in the top 10. The one guy who was drowning in a sea of losses was Jordan without Pippen

02-17-2021, 03:02 AM
LeBron joined the 2nd and 4th highest PER in the league, both from his same already historically weak conference. This move not only bolstered his roster but it also effectively weakened the conference even further. After all of this he ended up barely going 2-4 before bolting to another super team. If you take everything into context it’s not the greatest accomplishment beating the Hawks and pacers every year with an extremely stacked team.

02-17-2021, 08:27 AM
PER is garbage stat used by low IQ posters.

02-17-2021, 08:28 AM
Look how much it took for lebron to finally win...

What a joke..

It's like that time Nate Robinson missed 80 dunks and then finally made one

Ultimately, lebron is a loser because he mostly loses, regardless of cast, coach, opponent, or odds - he mostly loses wherever he goes..

he's literally good at losing and can lose any way you want him to... The goat loser.. that's his actual legacy of you're just looking at facts and ignoring media narrative

Still ahead of Jordan in GOAT ranking.

Not bad.

02-17-2021, 08:54 AM
PER is garbage stat used by low IQ posters.

Oddly enough they avoid discussing PER after someone points out that LeBron led the league in PER 6 times while not having 6 MVPs to match that but 4. Yet they gladly argue that someone who has a higher PER than LeBron these days should be named MVP over him because of his higher PER.

02-17-2021, 08:54 AM
LeBron joined the 2nd and 4th highest PER in the league, both from his same already historically weak conference. This move not only bolstered his roster but it also effectively weakened the conference even further. After all of this he ended up barely going 2-4 before bolting to another super team. If you take everything into context it’s not the greatest accomplishment beating the Hawks and pacers every year with an extremely stacked team.
Curry recruiting the best player in the conference from their biggest rival in the conference after a 73 win season and choking a 3-1 lead in the Finals will never be topped. Bosh's PER from a lottery team won't make up for the non competitiveness of that shit :lol

02-17-2021, 10:19 AM
Oddly enough they avoid discussing PER after someone points out that LeBron led the league in PER 6 times while not having 6 MVPs to match that but 4. Yet they gladly argue that someone who has a higher PER than LeBron these days should be named MVP over him because of his higher PER.

You misunderstand - a player can't be MVP if a teammate leads the squad in PER, WS/48 or other comprehensive stats like that

It has nothing to do with lebron's actual PER - it's all about the fact that a teammate has higher PER (out-produces him)

Got it?

02-17-2021, 11:41 AM
Oddly enough they avoid discussing PER after someone points out that LeBron led the league in PER 6 times while not having 6 MVPs to match that but 4. Yet they gladly argue that someone who has a higher PER than LeBron these days should be named MVP over him because of his higher PER.

LeBron has most 30 PER playoff runs and highest PER runs past 1st round.

But it is still garbage stat used by low bbiq posters.

02-17-2021, 11:49 AM
LeBron has most 30 PER playoff runs and highest PER runs past 1st round.

But it is still garbage stat used by low bbiq posters.

They just use whatever they can and move the goal posts accordingly in their anti-LeBron arguments. It's hilarious to watch.

02-17-2021, 11:51 AM
They just use whatever they can and move the goal posts accordingly in their anti-LeBron arguments. It's hilarious to watch.

No you just misunderstand

a player can't be MVP if a teammate leads the squad in PER, WS/48 or other comprehensive stats like that

So it has nothing to do with lebron's PER - it's all about the fact that a teammate has higher PER (out-produces him)

02-17-2021, 11:54 AM
3ball is such a Phakkit :oldlol:

02-17-2021, 12:14 PM
They just use whatever they can and move the goal posts accordingly in their anti-LeBron arguments. It's hilarious to watch.


What can I say.

02-17-2021, 01:27 PM
Curry recruiting the best player in the conference from their biggest rival in the conference after a 73 win season and choking a 3-1 lead in the Finals will never be topped. Bosh's PER from a lottery team won't make up for the non competitiveness of that shit :lol

Thanks for conceding your point. Extremely mature of you. :cheers:

02-17-2021, 01:43 PM
This thread is such a colossal L lol.

02-17-2021, 01:53 PM
Curry recruiting the best player in the conference from their biggest rival in the conference after a 73 win season and choking a 3-1 lead in the Finals will never be topped. Bosh's PER from a lottery team won't make up for the non competitiveness of that shit :lol
If PER meant anything, Hassan Whiteside would get the max.

05-03-2021, 10:58 PM
Bit of a ritual at this point....
