View Full Version : So I'm starting a paranormal research group.

10-31-2011, 03:52 AM
Last night conducted my first paranormal investigation with my girlfriend and my buddy. Even though we didn't get anything it was incredibly fun to have that adventure together. We only have very basic equipment but by Christmas I should have everything we need to catch some great evidence. Really excited to keep building a team and get this thing off the ground.

Any evidence I get in the future.. I'll be posting it here for those interested.

List of things I have so far:

1. Flashlights (4).

2. Digital recorders (2). One of them is a top of the line 200 dollar one.

3. Extra batteries. Stocked up.

4. Camcorder with night vision.

5. Digital Camera, Nikon 8 megapixel.

Things I'll have by December:


1. Heatseaker Infrared Thermometer. 40 bucks.

2. Ghost box/Hack box, can be made with Radioshack radio for 30-40 bucks. This is a Ghost Box...


3. ELF Zone Gauss Meter (EMF detection), only costs 12 bucks.

10-31-2011, 04:07 AM
Come to where I live. There's an old small castle around me, who many say is haunted. They say the wife was locked in a room by her husband because she was psychotic.

I went to it once, creepy as ****kkk

But with that said, those ghost tv shows are so dumb. They never see anything, they just go... "OMG, DID YOU HEAR THAT???" And, "OMG, DID YOU SEE THAT?" Yet no one in the audience seen or heard anything.. only them.


10-31-2011, 04:16 AM
Come to where I live. There's an old small castle around me, who many say is haunted. They say the wife was locked in a room by her husband because she was psychotic.

I went to it once, creepy as ****kkk

But with that said, those ghost tv shows are so dumb. They never see anything, they just go... "OMG, DID YOU HEAR THAT???" And, "OMG, DID YOU SEE THAT?" Yet no one in the audience seen or heard anything.. only them.


Yea I agree most shows are lame. First 3 or so seasons of Ghost Adventures was legit but I'm starting to doubt them now because it just feels staged at times. Kinda like how American Idol the first few seasons was legit and now all these talent shows including Idol are clearly staged and dramatized.

Where are you located anyways? The big problem for amateur paranormal crews is we don't get access to any of the places Ghost Adventures and Ghost Hunters does. I can't get clearance for closed down insane asylums etc... because I don't have 10,000 bucks to slip the owners.

Those crews are funded and have TV networks behind them working out legal issues etc.

10-31-2011, 04:20 AM
Yea I agree most shows are lame. First 3 or so seasons of Ghost Adventures was legit but I'm starting to doubt them now because it just feels staged at times. Kinda like how American Idol the first few seasons was legit and now all these talent shows including Idol are clearly staged and dramatized.

Where are you located anyways? The big problem for amateur paranormal crews is we don't get access to any of the places Ghost Adventures and Ghost Hunters does. I can't get clearance for closed down insane asylums etc... because I don't have 10,000 bucks to slip the owners.

Those crews are funded and have TV networks behind them working out legal issues etc.

I'm in upstate New York. This is the castle I was talking about:


There's only one picture of it on that site. But if you google "craig-e-clair castle" you'll probably get more.

The "legend" is that, a husband had this castle built. But his wife went crazy, so he locked her in one of the rooms.

I went there. It was really fun and creepy. We smoked an L and just walked around. The place is heavily vandalized though.

We had to walk through the woods to get there. On the walk up, like 15 feet off the path to the left, there's like a 25 foot drop into a room in the castle. lol. Scary shit.

10-31-2011, 04:22 AM
I'm in upstate New York. This is the castle I was talking about:


There's only one picture of it on that site. But if you google "craig-e-clair castle" you'll probably get more.

The "legend" is that, a husband had this castle built. But his wife went crazy, so he locked her in one of the rooms.

I went there. It was really fun and creepy. We smoked an L and just walked around. The place is heavily vandalized though.

We had to walk through the woods to get there. On the walk up, like 15 feet off the path to the left, there's like a 25 foot drop into a room in the castle. lol. Scary shit.

Crazy man. Too bad I'm in So Cal or I would go there. If this hobby/interest turns into more years down the line and I develop funding etc.. and start house calls.. I'll definitely travel and investigate.

10-31-2011, 04:30 AM
Crazy man. Too bad I'm in So Cal or I would go there. If this hobby/interest turns into more years down the line and I develop funding etc.. and start house calls.. I'll definitely travel and investigate.

You should just make stuff up. Go to an aunt or uncles house, and have them pretend to be a stranger.

"Well, every 15th of the month for the last 35 years, we've heard noise coming from the attic. When we go up there to check it out, the noise stops. It used to scare me, but now it's just a nuisance. I have to walk up to the attic just to get the noise to stop."

Then talk to some "historians" of the area, have them tell you some bogus facts about how that house used to be owned by a convicted serial killer. haha

THAT IS.. if you are just playing around. If you actually expect to see ghosts..... than that idea might not excite you. And you might also be crazy, no offense :D

10-31-2011, 04:45 AM
You should just make stuff up. Go to an aunt or uncles house, and have them pretend to be a stranger.

"Well, every 15th of the month for the last 35 years, we've heard noise coming from the attic. When we go up there to check it out, the noise stops. It used to scare me, but now it's just a nuisance. I have to walk up to the attic just to get the noise to stop."

Then talk to some "historians" of the area, have them tell you some bogus facts about how that house used to be owned by a convicted serial killer. haha

THAT IS.. if you are just playing around. If you actually expect to see ghosts..... than that idea might not excite you. And you might also be crazy, no offense :D

Visual sightings are extremely rare. I don't expect it. I hope to just get some EVP's for now.

10-31-2011, 06:46 AM
Watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09eBzjxlu1s (both parts)
One of those groups is actually pretty close to me

10-31-2011, 10:19 AM
i'd join if u had ghostbuster outfits w/ the backpacks and all, even if they were fake. it'd be so pimp :pimp:

10-31-2011, 10:50 AM
Can you make your first case here in the OTC? There's a high level of activity with old posters re-incarnated as new poster on this board. These spirits won't tell us who they once were. It's a strange phenomenon that needs to be solved

10-31-2011, 10:58 AM


Zak Bagans
Never bring your work home with you -- especially if your job involves ghost-hunting and human skulls -- because you could end up with one pissed-off spirit haunting your house ... and pushing your friends down stairs.

"Ghost Adventures" star Zak Bagans tells TMZ, the supernatural encounters began after he found a human skull during an investigation last month at an old mining town hotel -- and genius actually decided to bring the remains home with him.

Zak -- who built a display for the skull in the basement of his Las Vegas home -- tells us, he noticed a huge surge in paranormal activity almost instantly ... an angry, demonic-type presence that had never been in his house before.

On one night, Zak tells us, he was woken up by a slight pressure on his ankles -- what felt like hands grabbing him -- and all of a sudden, the force yanked him several inches down in his bed.

Days later, Zak says he had a girl over at his house -- and out of nowhere, she spilled head over heels down his stairs ... insisting someone ... or something ... had pushed her.

But that's just the tip of the iceberg -- and Zak tells us, he's so terrified ... he hired a local bishop to perform an exorcism at his house in the next two weeks

Zak adds, "I love my job, but i want to feel safe in my house. I don't feel safe." Word to the wise -- don't jack human skulls and bring them into your house.


10-31-2011, 11:20 AM
are you gonna put up a youtube channel

10-31-2011, 11:47 AM
are you gonna put up a youtube channel

Definitely. When/If I start getting good evidence I'll make a website+Youtube channel. For now this is a trial type deal. Since I'm self funded...... I can't afford to do this more than MAYBE 3-4 times a month or so. Especially because we will be traveling all around So Cal.

I plan on doing The Queen Mary in Long Beach soon. As well as parts of LA.

10-31-2011, 11:55 AM
ish has a resident ghostbuster. :applause:

paranormal activity 3 went down well then?

10-31-2011, 11:59 AM
Definitely. When/If I start getting good evidence I'll make a website+Youtube channel. For now this is a trial type deal. Since I'm self funded...... I can't afford to do this more than MAYBE 3-4 times a month or so. Especially because we will be traveling all around So Cal.

I plan on doing The Queen Mary in Long Beach soon. As well as parts of LA.

ure not worried about bringing ghosts/demons home with u? :confusedshrug:

10-31-2011, 12:10 PM
ish has a resident ghostbuster. :applause:

paranormal activity 3 went down well then?

Lol. Dude I've been doing things like this for a decade plus. I've always been intuitive to this kind of thing and since I was a kid I've been into paranormal. I should of mentioned my previous experience because people seem to think this is just out of the blue. It's just this is the first time I have a group of people who also want to do it with me.

BTW my intentions aren't to just investigate spirits. I want to delve into UFO, Alien Contact etc as well. My knowledge is there... now I just need the experiences for myself.

:cheers: . Funny thing about your Ghostbuster comment though is me and my buddy joked about naming the group Slimer's Regime... or Ghostbusters INC. For copyright reasons I doubt we could use the name Ghostbusters.

10-31-2011, 12:13 PM
ure not worried about bringing ghosts/demons home with u? :confusedshrug:

Not at all man. Demonic entity's usually latch onto weak or vulnerable people. I have training in the ministry and used to be a "Prayer Warrior" type. Even though I'm not really a Christian anymore.. my faith is strong and I feel protected if you will. I'm not worried man. Funny thing is before debunking noises at a "haunted" playground the other day.... My buddy and girlfriend wanted to leave after they heard banging ETC... and I busted a Zac Bagans and told them we aren't leaving until we get more.

I'm not scared by it at all (as long as I'm with people). Obviously if I wander to a haunted place on my own I'm going to be more paranoid. I'm just wanting some answers and some evidence of my own to share with people.

10-31-2011, 12:31 PM
Can you make your first case here in the OTC? There's a high level of activity with old posters re-incarnated as new poster on this board. These spirits won't tell us who they once were. It's a strange phenomenon that needs to be solved

Honestly I wouldn't want to throw everyone's dirty laundry out there like that :lol . I don't even want to know what kind of multiple personality mofo's I've been dealing with. I can tell you this though. The same people who have multiple accounts like you're saying... have been PMing me a lot asking for reps out of the blue.

10-31-2011, 12:52 PM
RocketGreatness is like the herpes of ISH. No matter how many times you try to get rid of him, he just comes back. Everyone once in a while he'll be gone and you think it's safe then BOOM! He breaks out out of nowhere.

The rep whore

I'll still be the same poster with 10 red bars.... or 10 green bars so I don't get why people go batsh*t over the reps.

10-31-2011, 02:55 PM
I can give you two tips:
1) ghosts are at their strongest at 3am and weakest at 3pm
2) if you call a ghost by it's name it becomes stronger

10-31-2011, 03:45 PM
I can give you two tips:
1) ghosts are at their strongest at 3am and weakest at 3pm
2) if you call a ghost by it's name it becomes stronger

Yea... I need to stay out from 2-4 AM at least for the good stuff. We did it from 7-11 ish.

10-31-2011, 04:06 PM
I can give you two tips:
1) ghosts are at their strongest at 3am and weakest at 3pm
2) if you call a ghost by it's name it becomes stronger

where does this come from?

i mean i can start listing some stuff from Candyman if thats what we're doing :confusedshrug:

10-31-2011, 04:11 PM
where does this come from?

i mean i can start listing some stuff from Candyman if thats what we're doing :confusedshrug:

Wouldn't surprise me. People like to troll these kinds of threads. In all seriousness though most activity happens between 3-5 AM.

pete's montreux
10-31-2011, 04:35 PM
I really wish the Danvers State mental hospital wasn't torn down. It was widely considered one of the, if not THE most haunted location in the world. It's most likely where the frontal lobotomy was invented.

Read up on it here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danvers_State_Hospital).

I lived next to a gentleman that was a foreman for the company that supervised the demo of the hospital. He used to come over and tell me all sorts of stories about how his guys were 'stealing' furniture that they found scattered throughout the premises, and that lots of strange things would start happening at their home and they brought the furniture there and used it. Tables and chairs and all different things. He said a lot of the guys ended up chucking the shit in the trash because they were freaked out. Whether I believe him or not is another question.

10-31-2011, 05:34 PM
I really wish the Danvers State mental hospital wasn't torn down. It was widely considered one of the, if not THE most haunted location in the world. It's most likely where the frontal lobotomy was invented.

Read up on it here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danvers_State_Hospital).

I lived next to a gentleman that was a foreman for the company that supervised the demo of the hospital. He used to come over and tell me all sorts of stories about how his guys were 'stealing' furniture that they found scattered throughout the premises, and that lots of strange things would start happening at their home and they brought the furniture there and used it. Tables and chairs and all different things. He said a lot of the guys ended up chucking the shit in the trash because they were freaked out. Whether I believe him or not is another question.

Damn! Crazy dude. I want to do hospitals and asylums but have no idea where to get approvals.

10-31-2011, 05:58 PM
I hope you didn't buy all that equipment solely for this purpose. I'd feel a bit silly using all that equipment playing pretend-scientist. Hell, even with all these scripted ghost shows on TV they still don't really catch anything on camera. It's usually just EVPs where they say some random noises are voices and personal experiences where anyone can make anything up or misinterpret something and such.

11-01-2011, 06:26 AM
Wouldn't surprise me. People like to troll these kinds of threads. In all seriousness though most activity happens between 3-5 AM.

No buddy. I'm not trolling you.

What I stated earlier is a well documented fact. Ghosts are at their strongest at around 3am. I will scan a few pages of a book by Professor Pashupati, a well known paranormal sciences and occult practices expert. He's gone ghost chasing at that time. He met with a fair bit of success. Then he decided to go commercial and publish his books, thats when the ghosts deserted him.

But he's a known expert for exorcism, ghost hunting and communicating with those in the other world.

I've never personally met the guy, but I know a friend who has. Her home was on grounds that were once a cemetery and she needed his help to 'de-spook' the place.

Also, according to this guy, taking a ghosts name gives the ghost a certain degree of credibility and he becomes stronger.

Truth be told, I get very scared of all this stuff. Good luck to you though.

11-01-2011, 11:38 AM
No buddy. I'm not trolling you.

What I stated earlier is a well documented fact. Ghosts are at their strongest at around 3am. I will scan a few pages of a book by Professor Pashupati, a well known paranormal sciences and occult practices expert. He's gone ghost chasing at that time. He met with a fair bit of success. Then he decided to go commercial and publish his books, thats when the ghosts deserted him.

But he's a known expert for exorcism, ghost hunting and communicating with those in the other world.

I've never personally met the guy, but I know a friend who has. Her home was on grounds that were once a cemetery and she needed his help to 'de-spook' the place.

Also, according to this guy, taking a ghosts name gives the ghost a certain degree of credibility and he becomes stronger.

Truth be told, I get very scared of all this stuff. Good luck to you though.

It's not just ghosts. Everything becomes more active at 3 AM. It's said to be the witching hour and demonic activity peaks as well.

11-01-2011, 11:40 AM
I hope you didn't buy all that equipment solely for this purpose. I'd feel a bit silly using all that equipment playing pretend-scientist. Hell, even with all these scripted ghost shows on TV they still don't really catch anything on camera. It's usually just EVPs where they say some random noises are voices and personal experiences where anyone can make anything up or misinterpret something and such.

Honestly.... I'm not spending a dime really dude. I'm trading my camera I don't use for a camcorder with night vision (I'd do it anyways!). My girl is getting me 2 items worth 50 combined (Infrared laser thermometer, EMF detector). Then that's it for me for now. Until I start getting some legit evidence. I'm not going to go all out on this immediately.

I agree everything is pretty much audible. The night vision thing is mainly actually for safety reasons. To look out for hobos, broken stairs etc because it works better than a flashlight since it lights the whole scoped area.

Timmy D for MVP
11-01-2011, 12:29 PM
Consider me an ultra skeptic.

I chuckle at those stupid shows and there's one that I am convinced is a parody of the whole scene.

That said... if it's something you're passionate about, and lets be honest, have fun doing then I think it's cool. It really sounds like something that a group of friends could really have fun doing if you can get into it.

11-02-2011, 12:34 AM
Honestly.... I'm not spending a dime really dude. I'm trading my camera I don't use for a camcorder with night vision (I'd do it anyways!). My girl is getting me 2 items worth 50 combined (Infrared laser thermometer, EMF detector). Then that's it for me for now. Until I start getting some legit evidence. I'm not going to go all out on this immediately.

I agree everything is pretty much audible. The night vision thing is mainly actually for safety reasons. To look out for hobos, broken stairs etc because it works better than a flashlight since it lights the whole scoped area.

I understand that going into creepy locations that have haunted reputations at night can be fun, but bringing all the equipment just seems over-the-top to me outside of a camera because even simply filming creepy locales could be cool. What's the point in using an infrared laser thermometer? Somebody made up all the stuff about cold spots. What's the point of an EMF detector? All you're going to do is get readings from pipes, lights, wires and other electrical stuff. I don't really see the point of the audio recording stuff, either. You're going to play the stuff back and then you're going to convince yourself that the sounds you hear are words/sentences.

11-02-2011, 01:31 AM
I understand that going into creepy locations that have haunted reputations at night can be fun, but bringing all the equipment just seems over-the-top to me outside of a camera because even simply filming creepy locales could be cool. What's the point in using an infrared laser thermometer? Somebody made up all the stuff about cold spots. What's the point of an EMF detector? All you're going to do is get readings from pipes, lights, wires and other electrical stuff. I don't really see the point of the audio recording stuff, either. You're going to play the stuff back and then you're going to convince yourself that the sounds you hear are words/sentences.

You ever hear of a class A EVP? They aren't open to interpretation. They are clear as day. Also I have a scientific and logical mind. I'm not going to take interference items as ghosts automatically. BTW I got the Infrared Thermometer and EMF detection. Trying it all out Saturday.

11-02-2011, 01:34 AM
mess with a ouija board under video surveillance a few times

11-02-2011, 01:38 AM
Consider me an ultra skeptic.

I chuckle at those stupid shows and there's one that I am convinced is a parody of the whole scene.

That said... if it's something you're passionate about, and lets be honest, have fun doing then I think it's cool. It really sounds like something that a group of friends could really have fun doing if you can get into it.

I'll try to bring you compelling evidence soon. It's so fun though. Beats watching tv or playing video games.

11-02-2011, 01:25 PM
Just bought this.


04-08-2012, 10:01 PM

04-08-2012, 10:09 PM

:roll: Who you gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS! You bought this? Seriously?

04-08-2012, 10:10 PM

:roll: Who you gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS! You bought this? Seriously?

The Ghost Meter has been calibrated to ignore the extremely subtle EMF emissions surrounding the human body, yet is still sensitive enough to detect the small, distinct, erratic EMF energy fluctuations frequently found at reputed haunted locations. The Ghost Meter provides three corroborating indicators of EMF emission strength. A needle based display, LED lights, and an adjustable audio signal. The response time of this meter is excellent, easily outperforming more expensive EMF meters. It can also be operated in silent mode so it doesn't interfere with EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) recordings or distract other investigators during an investigation. Compare the value this meter offers compared to other brands. There is no other offer that comes close to providing these levels of features and performance for the price. You've seen television ghost hunters use similar detectors. Now you can get your own and start investigating the unknown.

Aside from a camera, the most basic tool for a ghost hunter is the EMF meter. When ghostly activity takes place, electromagnetic anomalies often occur in the environment. This meter allows you to detect these disturbances.

All New Exclusive Ghost Dialog Mode!

Mode 1 : Recent Ghosts appear every 3 to 5 minutes.
Mode 2 : Ancient Ghosts appear every 7 to 15 minutes.
Mode 3 : EMF Gauss Meter mode
Mode 4 : Dialog Mode- The ghost can answer 4 to 9 questions in a yes or no format, for example Are you a good ghost? Move the needle once for yes and twice for no, or Are you happy Ghost? Sound once for yes and twice for no.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

04-08-2012, 10:32 PM
i love how all of the equipment and motivation is to discover ghosts as opposed to detecting more probable causes of strange phenomena.

but i guess it would be boring to go to old houses and test the draft flows, look for real world sources for EMFs, and test the structural integrity of the building itself. SCREW THAT, ITS GHOSTS!!

04-08-2012, 10:36 PM

:roll: Who you gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS! You bought this? Seriously?

:oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol:

04-08-2012, 11:07 PM
I shipped that one back when it arrived and got a K2 Meter. Glad to see you guys still have interest in my hobbies I shared with you though. Happy Easter ISH!

Cali Syndicate
04-08-2012, 11:11 PM
I heard San Diego has some of the most haunted hot spots in California/US.

04-08-2012, 11:13 PM
did you catch a ghost yet?
its been 5 months

I've actually gotten lots of cool things. Few photos, tons of audio clips. No point in sharing with a bunch of skeptics and trolls though because it gets ridiculed just to spite me. I do have a FB page for my group though and Youtube page that I post all the evidence on. If you want anything I'll PM you info.

As I said from the beginning... for me it was more about the adventure. Exploring the unknown. It's not like I'm so nerdy ghost hunter who's trying to make this a career or something. It's a hobby where I go out with friends and do it once a month or so.

04-08-2012, 11:14 PM
I heard San Diego has some of the most haunted hot spots in California/US.

Definitely true. Whaley House in San Diego is considered the most haunted location in California. Along with places like Queen Mary, Long Beach... and a ton of places in San Fran. Hopefully soon I can go on weekend trips to those places but my work schedule is unpredictable right now :( .

04-08-2012, 11:21 PM
Can you show me what you have captured so far on video.

04-08-2012, 11:26 PM
this fkn guy is still ghost huntin :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

04-08-2012, 11:29 PM
It's not like I'm so nerdy ghost hunter who's trying to make this a career or something. It's a hobby where I go out with friends and do it once a month or so.

So it is nerdy to try to make a career of it, but it is not nerdy to do it as a hobby? If anything, I think it is more nerdy to just do it for fun. If it were for a career, then you could justify it not being nerdy because you could claim you are just doing it for the money. I think you should just own up and say "I am a nerd who likes going on ghost hunting adventures." No shame in that.

04-08-2012, 11:30 PM
GHOST HUNTING? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:



04-09-2012, 12:25 AM
So it is nerdy to try to make a career of it, but it is not nerdy to do it as a hobby? If anything, I think it is more nerdy to just do it for fun. If it were for a career, then you could justify it not being nerdy because you could claim you are just doing it for the money. I think you should just own up and say "I am a nerd who likes going on ghost hunting adventures." No shame in that.

Okay then... it's nerdy. Cool. I was just mentioning that because people act like I'm trying to make a bogus career out of it or something. Regardless.. it's humorous to me that I was obviously secure enough to share a HOBBY and people use it to pick at me like it's going to hurt my feelings :oldlol: . Telling me "Haha pathetic ghost hunter" etc obviously isn't going to bug me when I'm the one who shared that with you guys :confusedshrug: .

04-09-2012, 12:27 AM
Okay then... it's nerdy. Cool. I was just mentioning that because people act like I'm trying to make a bogus career out of it or something. Regardless.. it's humorous to me that I was obviously secure enough to share a HOBBY and people use it to pick at me like it's going to hurt my feelings :oldlol: . Telling me "Haha pathetic ghost hunter" etc obviously isn't going to bug me when I'm the one who shared that with you guys :confusedshrug: .

For what its worth, I think its a cool hobby to have. I personally like watching people hunt for ghosts. :lol

04-09-2012, 12:34 AM
For what its worth, I think its a cool hobby to have. I personally like watching people hunt for ghosts. :lol

It's really fun man. I know for a fact everybody here bagging on me about it... would have fun going and many would be amazed at some of the cool, unexplained things you find.

04-09-2012, 12:57 AM
It's really fun man. I know for a fact everybody here bagging on me about it... would have fun going and many would be amazed at some of the cool, unexplained things you find.
i would have an explanation for everything.

04-09-2012, 01:11 AM
i would have an explanation for everything.

It's not like we don't try to find logical explanations first :oldlol: . I'd welcome any skeptic to come along and hang out with our group on an investigation. I'm actually one of the most skeptical people in the group. I always look for a logical explanation for a while first.

04-09-2012, 04:25 AM
I prefer being far away from ghosts :lol

04-09-2012, 05:37 PM
Okay then... it's nerdy. Cool. I was just mentioning that because people act like I'm trying to make a bogus career out of it or something. Regardless.. it's humorous to me that I was obviously secure enough to share a HOBBY and people use it to pick at me like it's going to hurt my feelings :oldlol: . Telling me "Haha pathetic ghost hunter" etc obviously isn't going to bug me when I'm the one who shared that with you guys :confusedshrug: .

They are just giving you a hard time. If you were a friend of mine who was really into ghost hunting, I'd give him shit all the time about it, but ultimately I wouldn't care that he is into it. The idea of ghost hunting is very silly to me, so I may tease you myself about it from time to time, but it is all in good fun.

04-09-2012, 06:48 PM
Ghost hunting is a great excuse to go to creepy places at night. 2 thumbs up!

Flagrant 2
04-09-2012, 06:55 PM

04-09-2012, 07:34 PM
post a video of ur findings

04-09-2012, 07:38 PM
post a video of ur findings

He did...


04-09-2012, 07:40 PM
I have a decent story. Need to find the name of the place it happened, will post later.

04-10-2012, 08:45 AM
I've actually gotten lots of cool things. Few photos, tons of audio clips. No point in sharing with a bunch of skeptics and trolls though because it gets ridiculed just to spite me.

So, basically, you're only looking to share with people who will tell you what you want to hear.

04-10-2012, 09:44 AM
I have a decent story. Need to find the name of the place it happened, will post later.

it was the park, except they weren't ghosts they were 9 yr old indian kids, except it wasn't just a nightmare you ran from them in RL :roll: :roll: :roll:

12-09-2013, 06:43 PM
:facepalm This is by far the stupedist sh*t I have ever found browsing old ISH threads. If op was being serious, this is Karl Pilkington level ignorance.

12-09-2013, 07:06 PM
:facepalm This is by far the stupedist sh*t I have ever found browsing old ISH threads. If op was being serious, this is Karl Pilkington level ignorance.

Was there thousands of dead flies on a condom?

"buy milk
buy diapers
no need for this now - baby dead"