View Full Version : I just realized how stacked Dallas is now

12-13-2011, 03:45 AM

12-13-2011, 03:47 AM
Yeah Dallas is stacked... if this was 2003. Cuban is still stuck in the early 2000's, still thinks the same players that were good when he purchased the team are good 11 years later.

12-13-2011, 03:49 AM
They could use a center.

But a lineup consisting of...
Kidd - Terry - Marion - Odom - Dirk

..is going to kill teams.

12-13-2011, 03:50 AM
Yeah Dallas is stacked... if this was 2003. Cuban is still stuck in the early 2000's, still thinks the same players that were good when he purchased the team are good 11 years later.

this season will be all about depth and who can survive the brutal schedule. mavs are positioning themselves nicely.

12-13-2011, 03:50 AM
Dallas has to reinvent their team chemistry again in a short offseason/training camp/preseason then eventually short season. i dont see that being stacked. i see that as being prepared for the compressed season.

part of the reason why they won last year was their amazing ball movement and team defense involving chandler. Can Dallas reproduce that or go a different successful route? this year they have more questions than they did at the start of last season. In the end it just tells me Cuban is using this season as a 1 year experiment for the 2012 Free Agency Class.

12-13-2011, 03:50 AM
Terry/Carter/West/Fernandez/Jones/That herpe thing on West's lip
Marion/some of those SGs

Doesn't really stand out as "stacked" to me.

12-13-2011, 03:51 AM
They could use a center.

But a lineup consisting of...
Kidd - Terry - Marion - Odom - Dirk

..is going to kill teams.

and VC, brewer, Beaubois, Rudy Fernandez, Haywood....solid

12-13-2011, 03:51 AM
Terry/Carter/West/Fernandez/Jones/That herpe thing on West's lip
Marion/some of those SGs

Doesn't really stand out as "stacked" to me.


12-13-2011, 03:58 AM
They're kind'a old.

It's a shame that they couldn't keep Barea or Chandler.

Odom is a nice pick up. He could play SF-PF. Vince Carter is a wonder. He could be good for them or so-so,but Carter isn't getting any younger. West is a solid back up, but doesn't he have a personality disorder that caused him to miss some games?

They could trade them for centers possibly.

They're pretty good on the guards.

All Net
12-13-2011, 04:01 AM
They lost


Yet they are stacked? Still a great team but still worse than last year.

12-13-2011, 04:01 AM

Not at all. Kidd is beyond old, they don't have a center, Odom is lazy sometimes, Carter is old even though I love his play still, Delonte West signing is a joke because he does and always will suck. They're only REAL pieces are Terry, Dirk, Odom, Carter and Beaubois. There are much much much much more stacked teams in the league.

12-13-2011, 04:09 AM
They're kind'a old.

It's a shame that they couldn't keep Barea or Chandler.

Odom is a nice pick up. He could play SF-PF. Vince Carter is a wonder. He could be good for them or so-so,but Carter isn't getting any younger. West is a solid back up, but doesn't he have a personality disorder that caused him to miss some games?

They could trade them for centers possibly.

They're pretty good on the guards.

Dallas has gone after too many guys with iq/motor/mental stability issues: VC, Delonte West, Odom, etc, and usually that implies desperation and is not a formula for title contention.

Seriously, this is a team that is now going to rely on contributions from Brendan Haywood, Vince Carter, Delonte West, and Lamar Odom. Does that sound like a recipe for basketball chemistry? Considering guys like Dirk, Marion, Terry, and Kidd are no nonsense, it could frankly turn into a very awkward team that implodes quickly in the first round. I just dont see this team doing anything like what last year's team did.

12-13-2011, 04:12 AM
Dallas is a very stacked team, I'm not concerned with chemistry when guys like Dirk and Jason Terry (for the most part) are solid leaders.

Dallas doesn't have the anchor on defense anymore, but this team is loaded with depth, which is going to be a huge deal with this schedule loaded with a bunch of back-to-backs and a "triback" (3 straight games) as I like to call it.

Dallas has gone after too many guys with iq/motor/mental stability issues: VC, Delonte West, Odom, etc, and usually that implies desperation and is not a formula for title contention.

Seriously, this is a team that is now going to rely on contributions from Brendan Haywood, Vince Carter, Delonte West, and Lamar Odom. Does that sound like a recipe for basketball chemistry? Considering guys like Dirk, Marion, Terry, and Kidd are no nonsense, it could frankly turn into a very awkward team that implodes quickly in the first round. I just dont see this team doing anything like what last year's team did.

Your making too big of a deal out of this, guys like Dirk, Terry, Kidd aren't going to accept if Vince Carter or Delonte West play like shit or make any distractions, I don't expect them to either. Delonte seemed to be pretty quiet in Boston from all indications I heard.

Odom's had a pretty IQ, and has never been a big disruption in the locker room at all, so I'm not sure where your getting that from.

12-13-2011, 04:14 AM
in b4 gino.. the revisionist. :hammerhead:

12-13-2011, 04:16 AM
Do they have the oldest starting line-up in the league right now?

Jason Kidd (38)
Jason Terry (34)
Dirk Nowitzki (33)
Shawn Marion (33)
Lamar Odom (32)

12-13-2011, 04:19 AM
Do they have the oldest starting line-up in the league right now?

Jason Kidd (38)
Jason Terry (34)
Dirk Nowitzki (33)
Shawn Marion (33)
Lamar Odom (32)


12-13-2011, 04:26 AM
Dallas has gone after too many guys with iq/motor/mental stability issues: VC, Delonte West, Odom, etc, and usually that implies desperation and is not a formula for title contention.

Seriously, this is a team that is now going to rely on contributions from Brendan Haywood, Vince Carter, Delonte West, and Lamar Odom. Does that sound like a recipe for basketball chemistry? Considering guys like Dirk, Marion, Terry, and Kidd are no nonsense, it could frankly turn into a very awkward team that implodes quickly in the first round. I just dont see this team doing anything like what last year's team did.

I live in LA and am a laker fan....you're wrong about Lamar. He can disappear at times but when he is a 3rd option, he is awesome. And he is a great teammate.

12-13-2011, 04:32 AM

They do, don't they? :oldlol:

Damn, Kidd is ancient.

12-13-2011, 04:35 AM
They do, don't they? :oldlol:

Damn, Kidd is ancient.

Yea... They are stacked if everybody on their roster was 5 or 6 years younger. They do have good depth... but "stacked" is an exaggeration.

12-13-2011, 04:37 AM
is Dirk going to be starting at C and Odom at PF? or are they starting Haywood and Odom comes off the bench?

12-13-2011, 04:39 AM
Most of those are no longer in their prime. I don't think they will win the West this year. Haywood can't anchor the defense. Odom will do a lot of things for them but he ain't Chandler on defense.

12-13-2011, 05:11 AM
we have to see how the new mavs gel first. the old mavs won a ship and that should of been priority number 1 going forward but it wasnt so its hard to tell how these new unproven mavs will fair.

12-13-2011, 05:16 AM
we have to see how the new mavs gel first. the old mavs won a ship and that should of been priority number 1 going forward but it wasnt so its hard to tell how these new unproven mavs will fair.
do u think the new mavs have more UPSIDE than the spurs?

12-13-2011, 05:33 AM
Do they have the oldest starting line-up in the league right now?

Jason Kidd (38)
Jason Terry (34)
Dirk Nowitzki (33)
Shawn Marion (33)
Lamar Odom (32)

add vince (34) as starter since terry is more effective off the bench

12-13-2011, 05:38 AM
Its an old team. It will be blown up in 2 years.

12-13-2011, 05:57 AM
They lost


Yet they are stacked? Still a great team but still worse than last year.

sure..they lost those 4. And Peja. But in reality, neither Butler nor Peja helped them win the title in the end. So they basically lose Chandler, Barea and Stevenson. Added Carter, a healthy Beaubois, Fernandez, West, Odom and Wright. That's pretty damn stacked IMO.

12-13-2011, 05:59 AM
Its an old team. It will be blown up in 2 years.

Two years, how about six months.

All Net
12-13-2011, 06:05 AM
sure..they lost those 4. And Peja. But in reality, neither Butler nor Peja helped them win the title in the end. So they basically lose Chandler, Barea and Stevenson. Added Carter, a healthy Beaubois, Fernandez, West, Odom and Wright. That's pretty damn stacked IMO.

A big reason why Dallas beat Miami was due to the play of Chandler and Barea. Chandler clogged the paint really well and made it tough for Miami to get easy shots...Barea came up with big shots and plays. Can they replace those kind of plays? I honestly don't think so....will they win the west? yeah maybe but I think winning it all again may be too tough.

12-13-2011, 06:07 AM
Cuban has assembled the 2005 All Star team.

12-13-2011, 06:46 AM
dallas is really stacked
even though they lost chandler/butler/barea look at what they got back
VC Odom Fernandez that is scary plus the fact that dirk +4 scrubs can win a championship its getting harder to oppose dallas.

12-13-2011, 07:12 AM
Read on twitter yesterday that the average age of Kidd/Terry/Marion/Odom/Nowitzki is like 34. With the huge losses of Chandler and Barea (even Stephenson, hit huge daggers in the Finals), they won't be the team they just were. Also, that hunger from Dirk and Kidd to finally win that title will be gone, despite what they say.

12-13-2011, 07:19 AM
Since when is JJ Barea a "huge loss"?

I am a Mavs fan and I love the little guy, but come on people. He's not a starter on any team in the NBA. If you actually watched any of the regular season, JJ has so many face palm moments. He gets stuffed atleast 50% of the time he tries to drive, he is not a good passer and his 3 is inconsistent. A healthy Roddy is better than JJ in every way.

Im glad he's getting paid, but Im really glad the Mavs arent the ones paying him.

All Net
12-13-2011, 07:20 AM
Since when is JJ Barea a "huge loss"?

I am a Mavs fan and I love the little guy, but come on people. He's not a starter on any team in the NBA. If you actually watched any of the regular season, JJ has so many face palm moments. He gets stuffed atleast 50% of the time he tries to drive, he is not a good passer and his 3 is inconsistent. A healthy Roddy is better than JJ in every way.

Im glad he's getting paid, but Im really glad the Mavs arent the ones paying him.

He was very good when it mattered in the finals, can Roddy play with that same confidence and swagger? who knows.

12-13-2011, 07:24 AM
He was very good when it mattered in the finals, can Roddy play with that same confidence and swagger? who knows.

Nobody knows. But at the same time...could Barea have stepped up again? Could Chandler have?...Could Chandler have stayed healthy? Will Terry and Kidd revert back to sucking ass in the playoffs?

The truth is that no matter who the Mavs brought back....a title was still going to be an improbable chance. The team we have now is just as capable of having a magical run like last year. Is it likely? Of course not...but it wasn't likely even if we brought everyone back.

12-13-2011, 07:34 AM
A big reason why Dallas beat Miami was due to the play of Chandler and Barea. Chandler clogged the paint really well and made it tough for Miami to get easy shots...Barea came up with big shots and plays. Can they replace those kind of plays? I honestly don't think so....will they win the west? yeah maybe but I think winning it all again may be too tough.

O no question. I know they're both big losses. I just see the talent they have and it's pretty astounding.

12-13-2011, 08:13 AM
They pretty much look like your typical Mavs team pre-Chandler. They've got a lot of talented players, a couple misfits, a few overpaid guys, and then players like Vince Carter who may or may not be finished. Chandler put them over the top last season, last time I checked they haven't found a replacement for him.

All Net
12-13-2011, 08:28 AM
O no question. I know they're both big losses. I just see the talent they have and it's pretty astounding.
Oh I agree, I still see them making the finals but can't see them repeating what they did against Miami that's all really.

12-13-2011, 10:12 AM
I think they'll still be good solely b/c of the fact that Dirk is a beast and his game will likely stay at a high level (b/c his J is so good).

But really, teams with one superstar and good depth usually don't win. Only 5 players can play at any given time and I think come playoff time, OKC, Memphis, Lakers, and a dark horse being the Clippers with CP3, have just as good of chance of coming out of the West as them.

12-13-2011, 10:15 AM
They pretty much look like your typical Mavs team pre-Chandler. They've got a lot of talented players, a couple misfits, a few overpaid guys, and then players like Vince Carter who may or may not be finished. Chandler put them over the top last season, last time I checked they haven't found a replacement for him.

Exactly. In the playoffs, a few teams will simply have better players starting at multiple positions. Depth helps, but unless their role players play out of their mind again, idk.

For example:
OKC / Dallas
Westbrook > Kidd
Harden > Terry
Durant > Marion
Perk > Haywood

Can the bench overcome that? Maybe, but they better be clicking on all cylinders. I think Durant is gonna take a major step this year, dude seemed to be playing in every game he was physically able to be at this summer.

12-13-2011, 10:23 AM
Chandler gave them the much-needed toughness that prevented them from winning in 2006 or the subsequent years. Lamar is great but I don't know about his mental state going into this season...and he's 32 years old. Vince Carter and Delonte West are trash, they looked like they were done last year.

Point Blank
12-13-2011, 10:25 AM
Sounds like last offseason all over again. "Mavs are so old, they won't win a thing!". OKC might > Dallas in the regular reason. We all seen what happened in the playoffs last year..

12-13-2011, 10:30 AM
Mavs had one of the most improbable playoffs run last time... odds are really stacked against them. Not saying they can't do it again but it's HIGHLY improbable

They say the hardest thing is to repeat as champions and I dont see them doing that with them not really getting younger. It's the same arguements for spurs

12-13-2011, 10:31 AM
Perimeter players are weak. Vince Carter does not help, in fact he'll make the team worst

Point Blank
12-13-2011, 10:32 AM
The Mavs aren't keeping Fernandez by the way. Him alond Brewer are being moved to clear cap space.

12-13-2011, 10:54 AM
Sounds like last offseason all over again. "Mavs are so old, they won't win a thing!". OKC might > Dallas in the regular reason. We all seen what happened in the playoffs last year..

It's not an age thing, I don't really care why someone is less productive than they were, all I'm saying is right now, their starting players simply aren't as good as other teams starting players.

They probably were last year too, but young teams usually never win until they get experience. I'm not saying the Mavs aren't contenders, they will always be imo as long as Dirk basically has an unstoppable offensive game when they need a basket, but I'm just saying what the Mavs did is outside the norm; in that usually the team with more stars wins, that could be the Lakers, OKC, Heat, etc. We'll see.

La Frescobaldi
12-13-2011, 11:40 AM
A big reason why Dallas beat Miami was due to the play of Chandler and Barea. Chandler clogged the paint really well and made it tough for Miami to get easy shots...Barea came up with big shots and plays. Can they replace those kind of plays? I honestly don't think so....will they win the west? yeah maybe but I think winning it all again may be too tough.

Yeah all that + . If Chandler keeps his team D monstrous he might start arguing about #1 center before too long. He's the silent type but notice the key is closed when he's in it

Shawn Marion is Rodney Dangerfield here he gets no respect. I watched through games again and his D on L. James was like awe inspiring at times, those unstoppable LeBron baseline drives got shut down like my brother's '72 Pinto {p.s., the gas tank didn't blow up but it sure did fall off while he was driving it down the road}

Also this Mavs lineup I may be way off like usual but to me Cuban is eyeing next year's free agency group and not really opening his wallet on this year.

I think Kidd & Terry will be trashing any hope VC may have for slacking it

12-13-2011, 11:42 AM
I see MArk Cuban (and Danny Ainge) positioning for next year. Cuban signed a bunch of effective players to cheaper contracts only a couple years... I expect that Dallas team to be revamped again next year. They are going to have a lot of capspace.

longtime lurker
12-13-2011, 01:12 PM
Had they kept Chandler and Butler they would have 2 legitimate starters at every position except PF. Getting Odom ensured that they stay a top 3 team in the west. Not to mention they'll have to redevelop chemistry. Its gonna be interesting to see how they match up against the Heat.

12-13-2011, 01:21 PM
Had they kept Chandler and Butler they would have 2 legitimate starters at every position except PF. Getting Odom ensured that they stay a top 3 team in the west. Not to mention they'll have to redevelop chemistry. Its gonna be interesting to see how they match up against the Heat.
You mean re-sign Chandler at $14M a year and cripple their cap until Dirk retires?

12-13-2011, 01:25 PM
If LA can make some moves (mainly adding DH), they will beat Dallas. If not, I see Dallas beating OKC in the WCF, only to lose to the ECF winner.

They will be worse this year.

12-13-2011, 01:26 PM
They could use a center.

But a lineup consisting of...
Kidd - Terry - Marion - Odom - Dirk

..is going to kill teams.

Kidd is to old, Marion is not the Phoenix player of old, relying on Odom to be your starting PF and Dirk as your center? What worries me is the added vet experience and depth.

Starters - Dirk - Haywood - Marion - Terry - Kidd
Bench - Odom - Vince - Delonte - Rudy

and if they somehow can land a solid center.......shit!

12-13-2011, 01:34 PM
I have seen so many different rosters being posted here on IsH. This is the actually roster the Mavs got now.

PG: Jason Kidd (38)- Rodrigue Beaubois (23) Delonte West (28)
SG: Vince Carter (34) - Jason Terry (34) Rodrigue Beaubois (23)
SF: Shawn Marion (33) - Lamar Odom (32) Corey Brewer (25)
PF: Dirk Nowitzki (33) - Lamar Odom (32) Brandan Wright (24) Brian Cardinal (34)
C: Brendan Haywood (32) - Ian Mahinmi (24) Brandan Wright (24)

The last rumor is that Rudy Fernandez is getting bought out or traded. The same goes for Corey Brewer. Fernandez is still in Spain, struggling with some travel documents. I got the feeling we wont see him in a Mav jersey.

Anyway, for those who don't know who Rodrigue Beaubois is, I recommend you guys to watch this video clip posted below. His sophomore year was ruined because of injuries, but he is back and 100% clear to play

Tyson Chandler went to the Knicks. He was the anchor defense for the Mavs. Some say he was the reason why the Mavs won. Yes, he was a big part of it and I doubt that Haywood will come close to his defense. If the Mavs suddenly stop playing defense this season and playoff, a lot of people will blame it on not having Chandler there anymore. What people need to know is that Dwayne Casey is no longer a ass. coach for the Mavs. He was the guy who was screaming on the sideline every time the Mavs was playing defense. I believe he was a much bigger factor then people can imagine.

This team will cost close to 70mill in salaries this season. Next offseason most of the contracts runs out. If the Mavs use the amnestie on Brendan Haywood or Shawn Marion, the Mavericks will have 28mill in cap space. That means the Mavs got the money to sign both Deron Williams and Dwight Howard.

12-13-2011, 01:47 PM
definitely stacked. stacked with "first team players" maybe not, stacked none the less. much props to the Dallas FO.

12-13-2011, 04:07 PM
I think Haywood starts.
He can be very productive when he knows he is the man.
I also really like the terry/odom combo coming off the bench.

I think it's gonna be VC at starting shooting guard. But crunch time lineup will probably be kidd/terry/marion/dirk/odom

12-13-2011, 04:10 PM
I still don't think they're stacked. They've got a strange mix of players who may or may not develop the chemistry needed to win another championship. They haven't replaced Chandler yet either, and last time I checked he was a huge part of their success last season.

Historically, the Mavericks have always had talent. Cuban's always managed to put a bunch of misfits, underachievers, overpaid guys, etc. next to Dirk. On paper they look very good, but I don't think they've got the right pieces to repeat. They may win the West though.

12-13-2011, 04:13 PM
Don't forget, the Mavs were also within 2 wins of a title in 2006. People are acting like they did absolutely nothing, ever, without Tyson Chandler. He was huge for them, it's going to hurt, but it's not like it was him alone.

12-13-2011, 04:14 PM
I don't really consider them stacked. Most of their key players are in their mid thirties and this schedule is going to be tough for those guys. Odom is a solid player but he was a SMOTY not a MVP canidate .

12-13-2011, 04:16 PM
They have an actual MVP/Finals MVP on the team. Lamar doesn't have to be one.

12-13-2011, 05:48 PM
Why do people keep saying Deshawn is gone when he's still with dallas?

12-13-2011, 05:49 PM
They could use a center.

But a lineup consisting of...
Kidd - Terry - Marion - Odom - Dirk

..is going to kill teams.
not really. This team will be disappointing without chandler. People overrate the offensive side of the game.

Deuce Bigalow
12-13-2011, 05:50 PM
No Tyson and JJ Barea, I wouldn't call getting 34 yr old Carter and 32 yr old Odom "stacked"

12-13-2011, 05:51 PM
Because he's not? He's a free agent. They haven't signed him.

12-13-2011, 05:51 PM
Don't forget, the Mavs were also within 2 wins of a title in 2006. People are acting like they did absolutely nothing, ever, without Tyson Chandler. He was huge for them, it's going to hurt, but it's not like it was him alone.
and why did they lose that series? inability to stop the drive

12-13-2011, 05:52 PM
Because he's not? He's a free agent. They haven't signed him.

he also has not signed with another team

12-13-2011, 05:55 PM
I dont get ISH when Odom is on the Lakers were garabage and might not even be top 3 in the West. Move him to Dallas and they are on lock for a repeat?

12-13-2011, 05:57 PM
Not even closed to stacked. good team but definitely not stacked lol

12-13-2011, 06:19 PM
No Tyson and JJ Barea, I wouldn't call getting 34 yr old Carter and 32 yr old Odom "stacked"

I'd rather have Tyson back than all of the FAs we signed

12-13-2011, 06:20 PM
All that wisdom on one team....
Imagine all that experience in the playoffs.

12-13-2011, 06:24 PM
I dont get ISH when Odom is on the Lakers were garabage and might not even be top 3 in the West. Move him to Dallas and they are on lock for a repeat?
no one ever seriously said he was garbage. you are just butthurt. now, all they got back for him was a TE, so it does tell you his value.

12-13-2011, 06:35 PM
Carter was cooked last season. They will be reheating him in microwave this season prior to game.

12-13-2011, 06:39 PM
yeah i was happy they lost chandler barea etc then some poster posted their current roster and i was like wtf they're more stacked than last year! :(

12-13-2011, 06:42 PM
they got some depth and versatility this off season,vince carter can play sg or sf,odom can play sf,pf, and can be the point foward,delonte can play either guard spot, vince carter doesnt have to be the man,he isnt as explosive or efficient scorer like he use to be but he can definitely get you double figures,almost 15 pts a night as a 3rd or 4th option. Brendan Haywood isnt a bad center,good shot blocker,rebounder but doesn't have the defensive awareness or athleticism that chandler had,they should add center

12-13-2011, 06:49 PM
mavs arent stacked, but u will eventually hear "dirk won because of his STACKED team" or "LOL how did dirk lose with such a stacked team?"

12-13-2011, 06:54 PM
Nobody knows. But at the same time...could Barea have stepped up again? Could Chandler have?...Could Chandler have stayed healthy? Will Terry and Kidd revert back to sucking ass in the playoffs?

The truth is that no matter who the Mavs brought back....a title was still going to be an improbable chance. The team we have now is just as capable of having a magical run like last year. Is it likely? Of course not...but it wasn't likely even if we brought everyone back.

save me the time. was gonna ask the same question. Honestly, I don't think he could do it again.

miles berg
12-13-2011, 07:04 PM
save me the time. was gonna ask the same question. Honestly, I don't think he could do it again.

Yup, with the same exact team coming back we would still be the underdog to Miami.

Miami is the favorite...until next year when Dallas has Dwight, Dirk, & Deron.

12-14-2011, 05:52 AM
wow didn't expect my thread to get this long


12-14-2011, 05:54 AM
Re: I just realized how stacked Dallas is now

they don't hav stackhouse yet :milton

12-14-2011, 06:27 AM
I have seen so many different rosters being posted here on IsH. This is the actually roster the Mavs got now.

PG: Jason Kidd (38)- Rodrigue Beaubois (23) Delonte West (28)
SG: Vince Carter (34) - Jason Terry (34) Rodrigue Beaubois (23)
SF: Shawn Marion (33) - Lamar Odom (32) Corey Brewer (25)
PF: Dirk Nowitzki (33) - Lamar Odom (32) Brandan Wright (24) Brian Cardinal (34)
C: Brendan Haywood (32) - Ian Mahinmi (24) Brandan Wright (24)

The last rumor is that Rudy Fernandez is getting bought out or traded. The same goes for Corey Brewer. Fernandez is still in Spain, struggling with some travel documents. I got the feeling we wont see him in a Mav jersey.

Anyway, for those who don't know who Rodrigue Beaubois is, I recommend you guys to watch this video clip posted below. His sophomore year was ruined because of injuries, but he is back and 100% clear to play

Tyson Chandler went to the Knicks. He was the anchor defense for the Mavs. Some say he was the reason why the Mavs won. Yes, he was a big part of it and I doubt that Haywood will come close to his defense. If the Mavs suddenly stop playing defense this season and playoff, a lot of people will blame it on not having Chandler there anymore. What people need to know is that Dwayne Casey is no longer a ass. coach for the Mavs. He was the guy who was screaming on the sideline every time the Mavs was playing defense. I believe he was a much bigger factor then people can imagine.

This team will cost close to 70mill in salaries this season. Next offseason most of the contracts runs out. If the Mavs use the amnestie on Brendan Haywood or Shawn Marion, the Mavericks will have 28mill in cap space. That means the Mavs got the money to sign both Deron Williams and Dwight Howard.

This pretty much sums up everything perfectly. Its clear what the mavs have in mind. Championship to still being a contender with a strong position in the 2012 free market agent is not that big of a step down, not everyone can build a trio of young stars that will be together 5+ years.

Barea is the most overrated player here after the finals, paying him 5mil a year for 4 years or something would be a huge mistake by mavs. First of all, he isnt that good. Second of all, him playing take any minutes for beaubois away, a young player with a tonne more upside than barea, who even currently is probably better and isnt a midget.

Mahinmi would be an intriguing prospect, he along with wright will be a given a fair few opportunities to prove themselves in this compacted season.

12-14-2011, 06:52 AM

JJ was the backbone and HEART N SOUL of their BENCH. he was unstoppable at driving in the paint and creating for his teammates.. RELENTLESS driver. mavs will miss him greatly.


12-16-2011, 12:56 AM
Perimeter players are weak. Vince Carter does not help, in fact he'll make the team worst

worst then you're speeling and grammer?

Eric Cartman
12-16-2011, 01:00 AM
Don't have chemistry & lost Butler their second best player last year.

Anchor in the middle defensive beast & guy who covered up alot of Dirk's inefficiencies on defense is gone also.

Dont know why people are exited about Carter. Dude is straight up garbage.

12-16-2011, 01:03 AM
Don't have chemistry & lost Butler their second best player last year.

Anchor in the middle defensive beast & guy who covered up alot of Dirk's inefficiencies on defense is gone also.

Dont know why people are exited about Carter. Dude is straight up garbage.

i guess you didnt notice that they won it all without butler, and VC adds similar stats without being a black hole. he is a very good passer. chandler will be missed, but nothing was to be done. too expensive to bring back.

Eric Cartman
12-16-2011, 01:13 AM
i guess you didnt notice that they won it all without butler, and VC adds similar stats without being a black hole. he is a very good passer. chandler will be missed, but nothing was to be done. too expensive to bring back.

Carter won't see the court that much so it doesn't matter.

Gaping hole at center as you mentioned. Other teams (ex. Lakers) will eat these fools up in the paint all year. Sure they have guys that can score the rock, but aside from Kidd i don't see anyone remote to been good defensively.

12-16-2011, 03:43 AM
Carter won't see the court that much so it doesn't matter.

Gaping hole at center as you mentioned. Other teams (ex. Lakers) will eat these fools up in the paint all year. Sure they have guys that can score the rock, but aside from Kidd i don't see anyone remote to been good defensively.

carter will play quite a bit actually. i guess you didnt notice how much haywood played against the lakers last year in the playoffs? Marion isnt a good defender? Dirk is a great man to man defender. Odom is a good defender. Do you even watch basketball?

12-16-2011, 12:02 PM
Don't have chemistry & lost Butler their second best player last year.

but aside from Kidd i don't see anyone remote to been good defensively.

0/10 obvious troll is obvious

12-16-2011, 12:36 PM
Carter won't see the court that much so it doesn't matter.

Gaping hole at center as you mentioned. Other teams (ex. Lakers) will eat these fools up in the paint all year. Sure they have guys that can score the rock, but aside from Kidd i don't see anyone remote to been good defensively.

again, Marion is still with the Mavs