View Full Version : Are you a Clipper supporter, Clipper neutral, or a Clipper Hater?

12-16-2011, 07:26 PM
I tried my best to reframe from making another Clipper fan because theres already a lot of them out there. But this is for a good cause. It will give us an idea who wants to see the Clippers succeed, and who is sick and tired of hearing about them all the time, and who just doesn't care whether the Clips win or lose.

It's pretty obvious where I stand. Can't spell Clippers without my username. A lot of you already know that I've been a long time Clipper fan dating back to the Odom days where the Clippers showed minor signs of promice but managed to fauck it up. I've been there for the exciting times(DMiles, Sam Cassel, 06 playoff run, Blake Griffin's rookie performance) and been there for the bad (Andre Miller, Livingston's injury, The 06-07 hangover from prior season, Brand's achilles, Brand ditching us, wasted draft picks, Baron Davis wasting 3 years with us, constant injuries and setbacks when times looked good, etc. etc. etc.). Not only the Clippers traded for Paul, but they also brought in some quality freeagents in Caron Butler and Chauncey Billups and the Clippers FO seem like they are serious about turning the franchise from a laughingstock to contenders. The day the Clippers traded for Paul, I was pretty excited, but it didn't really set in until yesterday.

Yesterday, I was walking home from the gym after a good workout and was thinking about how much the face of the Clippers have changed and how astronomical the Chris Paul trade was. Yes, the Clippers made the trade for Chris Paul and the was enormous. But that's not the point. The point is, the Chris Paul trade just opened the door for the Clippers to the promice land, meaning, the Clippers are going to be a winning franchise that can finally attract big name players and valuable veterans and after I realised that, I had to fight tears because I was so ****ing happy that the team that I stood up for time and time again, through all the losing, bad dicisions, the torture, all the bullshit that comes with being a long time Clipper fan. I'm not promicing any championships or nothing, but the scenary has changed for the Clippers and I can't put it in words on how excited I am to see that the Clippers have finally made the big step. There was my cool story, bros.

I gotta say that the NBA Lockout was a blessing in disquise for the Clippers, as painful as it was for everyone.

12-16-2011, 07:29 PM
Supporter. Was an even bigger supporter before they traded Gordon.

12-16-2011, 07:31 PM
Neutral I guess. I enjoyed Blake and Gordon last season, and I'm excited to see Paul lobbing to Griffin every other possession.

Real Men Wear Green
12-16-2011, 07:34 PM
Neutral. Like the players, dislike the owner. The new Clips fans will soon be making us sick.

12-16-2011, 07:34 PM
I'm a Clipper neutral, but am willing to support them if they get farther in the playoffs than the Lakers. Of course, if they are playing the Lakers I can not support them. It is going to be nice to see 2 great teams representing L.A.

12-16-2011, 07:36 PM
Supporter since '00.

12-16-2011, 07:39 PM
I always cheer for an underdog :pimp:

Remember the lockout ?
The owners were trying to get losing teams to be competitive ?

This is how the league does it ... losing team in a big market arena

12-16-2011, 07:40 PM
. But that's not the point. The point is, the Chris Paul trade just opened the door for the Clippers to the promice land, meaning, the Clippers are going to be a winning franchise that can finally attract big name players and valuable veterans and after I realised that, I had to fight tears because I was so ****ing happy that the team that I stood up for time and time again, through all the losing, bad dicisions, the torture, all the bullshit that comes with being a long time Clipper fan. I'm not promicing any championships or nothing, but the scenary has changed for the Clippers and I can't put it in words on how excited I am to see that the Clippers have finally made the big step. There was my cool story, bros.

Fight tears? :roll:

Btw I'm clipper neutral (I'd much rather they win than the lakers...I live in laker land and listening to them cry on the radio is awesome). Just hate the clipper homer fans.

12-16-2011, 07:42 PM
I'm on the neutral side of things but some Clipper fans make you want to hate out of spite.

12-16-2011, 07:42 PM
Supporter for sure.

12-16-2011, 07:42 PM
Btw it's no surprise that this question has only been brought up by clipper fans. No other fan base ever makes a thread like this (except maybe Miami last year? Didnt see it but maybe someone made it)

12-16-2011, 07:43 PM
Neutral. Like the players, dislike the owner. The new Clips fans will soon be making us sick.

I'd hate to agree with a Celtics fan, but he's got the right idea here

12-16-2011, 07:43 PM
Clipper supporter since the year 2000

Yung D-Will
12-16-2011, 07:45 PM
I support most young teams trying to change their culture.

12-16-2011, 07:45 PM
Neutral, will enjoy watching them play, but won't care if they lose.

12-16-2011, 07:46 PM
I like the clippers.

Going to be funny when they overtake the lakers. Imagine how many bandwagon laker supporters are going to jump ship. :roll:

no pun intended
12-16-2011, 07:47 PM
Neutral. Like the players, dislike the owner. The new Clips fans will soon be making us sick.
Likewise for me. Players are exciting. Organization is aight. Owner is bad. Bandwagoners are annoying.

12-16-2011, 07:48 PM
Supporter/fan since last year.

12-16-2011, 07:49 PM
GOBB and Nugz if a few annoying Clippers fans (I'm sure you're both referring to me) can make you dislike a team less... I'd classify you both as mentally fragile and easily swayed. Me or other Clippers fans being homers or rambunctious shouldn't alter your opinion of the actual team.

I'm not going to strongly dislike the Heat because they have lame fans. I'm going to dislike the Heat because their players act like douches, are selfish or I don't like the actual team etc. Just seems pretty fickle of both of you... but can't expect much else in sports nowadays.

Nugz you remind me of Thornton. You talk about how you like/don't mind the team... but in every fu**ing thread about them.. you're ragging on the team, calling players overrated, talking trash on the fans. Frankly you can stay on your shi**y Nuggets wagon and watch it go straight to hell because you're not getting on this wagon.

12-16-2011, 07:49 PM
Hate the Lakers so I'm a Clipper supporter by default. I'd say in between support and neutral.

Optimus Prime
12-16-2011, 07:49 PM
Neutral...it's not their fault that David Stern screwed over the Lakers and Rockets, so I can't fault the Clippers for that. CP3 + Blake will be some exciting basketball, assuming that CP3 and/or Blake don't wreck their bad knees...again...

12-16-2011, 07:55 PM
It will also depend on who they play of course. I will support them against the Heat and the Lakers, I will want them to lose against the Knicks and Denver

12-16-2011, 07:58 PM
Supporter. Lakers are my team. But I've been following both teams for some time. I've been following the Clipps since the early 90's when they had Loy Vaught, Danny Manning, Ron Harper and Doc Rivers. Always was able to go see both the Lakers and Clippers when I was growing up so I knew players from each team. As a lot of Clipper fans know, I regularly post in Clippers threads and I probably know more about the Clipps than some of their "fans."

12-16-2011, 07:59 PM
GOBB and Nugz if a few annoying Clippers fans (I'm sure you're both referring to me) can make you dislike a team less
That's literally the only reason I've ever disliked any team/player and I'm sure 90% of people are the same way

Yung D-Will
12-16-2011, 07:59 PM
Fight tears? :roll:

Btw I'm clipper neutral (I'd much rather they win than the lakers...I live in laker land and listening to them cry on the radio is awesome). Just hate the clipper homer fans.
For other teams that might be weird But looking at the clippers history this must be like the greatest thing to ever happen to them

12-16-2011, 08:00 PM
Supporter. Lakers are my team. But I've been following both teams for some time. I've been following the Clipps since the early 90's when they had Loy Vaught, Danny Manning, Ron Harper and Doc Rivers. Always was able to go see both the Lakers and Clippers when I was growing up so I knew players from each team. As a lot of Clipper fans know, I regularly post in Clippers threads and I probably know more about the Clipps than some of their "fans."

Yea you're legit. You, Dave3, Zen and a few others stand out as non Clippers or Clips as a second team fans who definitely are supporters and are knowledgeable about the team.

12-16-2011, 08:01 PM
That's literally the only reason I've ever disliked any team/player and I'm sure 90% of people are the same way

Then why do you even like sports? It's supposed to be about the team... not the fans. If you like a team you like a team. Choosing who you like and dislike based on a couple homer fans is fickle. For example. I grew up in LA/OC and deal with a ton of annoying Lakers fans who like to talk sh**. Doesn't mean I hate the Lakers. I may dislike a lot of the fans but the actual team.. why?

12-16-2011, 08:02 PM
GOBB and Nugz if a few annoying Clippers fans (I'm sure you're both referring to me) can make you dislike a team less... I'd classify you both as mentally fragile and easily swayed. Me or other Clippers fans being homers or rambunctious shouldn't alter your opinion of the actual team.

I dont dislike the clippers less. Or more. Whichever.
Just you guys.
Mentally fragile? Heh..you've lost it.

. Just seems pretty fickle of both of you... but can't expect much else in sports nowadays.

Not my fault you are annoying and on this site 24-7.

you remind me of Thornton. You talk about how you like/don't mind the team... but in every fu**ing thread about them.. you're ragging on the team, calling players overrated, talking trash on the fans. Frankly you can stay on your shi**y Nuggets wagon and watch it go straight to hell because you're not getting on this wagon.

I guess u is mad :oldlol:

But seriously if you didn't make a new thread everytime Blake chooses a new cereal or if the clips get new shoe laces this wouldnt be a problem and you wouldnt be crying. You bring all of this on yourself.

And do you actually think I want on the bandwagon? Really?

Al Thornton
12-16-2011, 08:03 PM
supporter. "clippersfan" = the opposite of clippers fans and he sucks and makes me care about the team less. wish he didn't exist or at least didn't post on this forum.

12-16-2011, 08:03 PM
For other teams that might be weird But looking at the clippers history this must be like the greatest thing to ever happen to them


12-16-2011, 08:04 PM
Kind of neutral I like the team they are putting togther...but it's just I like my team first (Lakers).

But I am biased to all California basketball teams...


Honestly I support them all...as long as they don;t beat my Lakers of course.

12-16-2011, 08:04 PM
Then why do you even like sports? It's supposed to be about the team... not the fans. If you like a team you like a team. Choosing who you like and dislike based on a couple homer fans is fickle. For example. I grew up in LA/OC and deal with a ton of annoying Lakers fans who like to talk sh**. Doesn't mean I hate the Lakers. I may dislike a lot of the fans but the actual team.. why?

And now you finally get it

12-16-2011, 08:06 PM
Then why do you even like sports? It's supposed to be about the team... not the fans. If you like a team you like a team. Choosing who you like and dislike based on a couple homer fans is fickle. For example. I grew up in LA/OC and deal with a ton of annoying Lakers fans who like to talk sh**. Doesn't mean I hate the Lakers. I may dislike a lot of the fans but the actual team.. why?
Don't get me wrong I like teams but if I don't care about some team and lots of people love it and the media gushes about it and I still find any reason to like them, I will eventually start to cheer against them. That's not just true of me. How many Hornets or TWolves haters have you seen? If you have any team you dislike it's usually some team that a lot of other people you're around irl or online like.

12-16-2011, 08:07 PM
I dont dislike the clippers less. Or more. Whichever.
Just you guys.
Mentally fragile? Heh..you've lost it.

Not my fault you are annoying and on this site 24-7.

I guess u is mad :oldlol:

But seriously if you didn't make a new thread everytime Blake chooses a new cereal or if the clips get new shoe laces this wouldnt be a problem and you wouldnt be crying. You bring all of this on yourself.

And do you actually think I want on the bandwagon? Really?

Last night you claimed you wanted to be a Clips fan (figure you'll deny it or claim you were trolling though). Then you claim to be a neutral in here but everything you've said about the team is clearly ANTI Clipper. Make up your mind bro. I didn't start this thread either. I just don't appreciate you talking sh** to Clipps just because it's a Clippers related thread and you're burned out on them.

Reality here is Clippers talk is crazy because of all the sh** that happened. No different than when Heat formed. Bunch of hype, lots to talk about. If you don't want to read it don't fu**ing open the threads retard. It's really that simple! I don't care if you don't like me but no reason to be a prick to all Clippers fans.

12-16-2011, 08:10 PM
And now you finally get it

So I get it you don't like me.... but what's your beef with Clipps? Dude rarely posts here and doesn't troll. Reality here is you're salty as fu**. You live in LA and your team is falling apart (likely to take the biggest record drop in the league) while the Clippers are the talk of the country right now. The Clippers were the top trend around the nation last night. If you don't wanna hear about the Clippers move somewhere else fa**ot. Don't open Clippers threads.

It doesn't take a high aptitude to understand these common sense things does it?

12-16-2011, 08:10 PM
I support most young teams trying to change their culture.

Same.. or I am neutral.
Personally I think Gordon/Paul is going to be a fun combo to watch, but it doesn't really affect me if they make the playoffs or not.

12-16-2011, 08:10 PM
IMO, the typical true Clipper fan is very dedicated to the Clippers. Fact: The Clippers hardly ever see anything close to success so when there's any glimps of hope(and in this case, major hope) we get really excited an pumped up and, hate to admit it, we get irrational. In the past when I was a teenager, I was very unrealistic thinking that every year was that year that the Clippers finally turn things around and become relevent. It was rare that I would predict the Clippers wouldn't make the playoffs during off-season/mid-season predictions. Made a fool of myself a few times lol. This time, I won't guarantee anything, but this is finally a good team.

12-16-2011, 08:12 PM
Last night you claimed you wanted to be a Clips fan (figure you'll deny it or claim you were trolling though). Then you claim to be a neutral in here but everything you've said about the team is clearly ANTI Clipper. Make up your mind bro. I didn't start this thread either. I just don't appreciate you talking sh** to Clipps just because it's a Clippers related thread and you're burned out on them.

:oldlol: Guess my sarcasm button wasn't working last night. I'm just a fan of one team, just like you.

Reality here is Clippers talk is crazy because of all the sh** that happened. No different than when Heat formed. Bunch of hype, lots to talk about. If you don't want to read it don't fu**ing open the threads retard. It's really that simple! I don't care if you don't like me but no reason to be a prick to all Clippers fans.

No reality is you created this annoying mess. Pretty much single handedly. Nicely done.

Just make a clippers board and post all your clipper crap there. Everyone wins.

12-16-2011, 08:13 PM
IMO, the typical true Clipper fan is very dedicated to the Clippers. Fact: The Clippers hardly ever see anything close to success so when there's any glimps of hope(and in this case, major hope) we get really excited an pumped up and, hate to admit it, we get irrational. In the past when I was a teenager, I was very unrealistic thinking that every year was that year that the Clippers finally turn things around and become relevent. It was rare that I would predict the Clippers wouldn't make the playoffs during off-season/mid-season predictions. Made a fool of myself a few times lol. This time, I won't guarantee anything, but this is finally a good team.

People aren't taking this into perspective. For Clippers fans this is winning the basketball lottery. Of course we are going to go apesh** right now. If your team was the worst in NBA history and all the sudden analysts were saying you could be a home court advantage team in the playoffs after not making it but 6 or 7 times in the franchise history... how would you act?

We've never had anything to this degree happen and it's groundbreaking. Once the Clippers start winning we will get used to it.. and it will be a thing of the past. No reason to get offended by us making a bunch of threads, talking up the team etc. I'd wish the same on any young team who's been down on their luck. I pull for other young teams.

12-16-2011, 08:14 PM
they re going to be a huge disapointment. Blake wont be able to play the way he did last year forever, and paul is aging. Rest of team are scrubs.

12-16-2011, 08:15 PM
Fight tears? :roll:

I'm extremely passionate about the Clippers

1- God
2- Family
3- Close friends
4- Clippers
5- Girlfriend

12-16-2011, 08:15 PM
Neutral. Will watch them when I can but otherwise I don't really care.

12-16-2011, 08:16 PM
:oldlol: Guess my sarcasm button wasn't working last night. I'm just a fan of one team, just like you.

No reality is you created this annoying mess. Pretty much single handedly. Nicely done.

Just make a clippers board and post all your clipper crap there. Everyone wins.

I've been making a ton of threads but many of the Clippers threads in the last few days were NOT started by me. I don't give a sh** how you perceive me. Just stay out of Clippers threads kid. If you see one started by me come in and we can go rounds.. I don't care. Don't throw stones from glass houses though. Reason you don't hear from Nuggets fans here... is because your team is taking a turn for the worst and you all disappeared for the most part.

At least I was here long before the team was good or relevant. Nobody can say anything about my loyalty. Call me a prick or a homer... but I've proven my colors time and time again.

12-16-2011, 08:16 PM
I'm a Lakers fan first but I would say I'm a Clipper supporter. Never hated them and always wanted them to do good. I guess I'm just a LA homer.

12-16-2011, 08:17 PM
they re going to be a huge disapointment. Blake wont be able to play the way he did last year forever, and paul is aging. Rest of team are scrubs.

:oldlol: :cheers:

12-16-2011, 08:25 PM
So I get it you don't like me.... but what's your beef with Clipps? Dude rarely posts here and doesn't troll. Reality here is you're salty as fu**. You live in LA and your team is falling apart (likely to take the biggest record drop in the league) while the Clippers are the talk of the country right now. The Clippers were the top trend around the nation last night. If you don't wanna hear about the Clippers move somewhere else fa**ot. Don't open Clippers threads.

It doesn't take a high aptitude to understand these common sense things does it?

No problems with clipps. Just you.

Pretty sure Denver isn't falling apart. Funny - you talk way more shit about Denver than I do about the clips. Irony?

12-16-2011, 08:27 PM
I'm extremely passionate about the Clippers

1- God
2- Family
3- Close friends
4- Clippers
5- Girlfriend


12-16-2011, 08:28 PM
No problems with clipps. Just you.

Pretty sure Denver isn't falling apart. Funny - you talk way more shit about Denver than I do about the clips. Irony?

Dude... you responded to him like a complete dic* and I wasn't even going to post in here until I saw that. Just think it was lame. If you're sick of hearing about the Clippers stop opening threads and posting sarcastic comments. Just leave them alone. It's really simple.

You just need to get some tough skin about it because the Clippers are a big buzz around the league right now. Non Clippers fans started like 10 Clippers threads when the trade went down.

12-16-2011, 08:30 PM
I've been making a ton of threads but many of the Clippers threads in the last few days were NOT started by me. I don't give a sh** how you perceive me. Just stay out of Clippers threads kid. If you see one started by me come in and we can go rounds.. I don't care. Don't throw stones from glass houses though. Reason you don't hear from Nuggets fans here... is because your team is taking a turn for the worst and you all disappeared for the most part.

At least I was here long before the team was good or relevant. Nobody can say anything about my loyalty. Call me a prick or a homer... but I've proven my colors time and time again.

You are a homer. THE homer.

The reason you don't see nugget fans here posting 10000 threads a day is because we have - wait for it - our own board!! Nice try but you fail once again.

12-16-2011, 08:32 PM
Dude... you responded to him like a complete dic* and I wasn't even going to post in here until I saw that. Just think it was lame. If you're sick of hearing about the Clippers stop opening threads and posting sarcastic comments. Just leave them alone. It's really simple.

You just need to get some tough skin about it because the Clippers are a big buzz around the league right now. Non Clippers fans started like 10 Clippers threads when the trade went down.


Don't care if the clips win or lose. And i do enjoy hearing laker fans cry about it so I'm good. Thanks

12-16-2011, 08:34 PM
You are a homer. THE homer.

The reason you don't see nugget fans here posting 10000 threads a day is because we have - wait for it - our own board!! Nice try but you fail once again.

Have you been on the Clippers board here? Or for that matter any of the team boards? They are all dead. The reason this is a general NBA section... is so that topics can be posted about all teams. For every 3 Clippers threads I post.. I'll post a couple about other things.

Not to mention I post in a variety of topics, not related to the Clippers. I may be a homer but It's better than being a sarcastic, insecure ..di** like yourself. You have yet to debate basketball with me. Rather you make little di** comments towards me because you're an@l about my threads.

Get over it. It's an exciting time right now. In the summer almost all of my threads were NON Clipper threads and OTC threads. Right now the Clippers had the craziest offseason of the entire NBA and the most historical offseason/events in Clippers history.

12-16-2011, 08:35 PM
What if the Clippers have an Eagles type season?

12-16-2011, 08:36 PM
Playing 2k12 now and the opposing player always picks the Clippers and it's annoying. Otherwise, I'm neutral. Maybe I'll cheer for them during the playoffs if other teams I like get eliminated.

12-16-2011, 08:37 PM
Have you been on the Clippers board here? Or for that matter any of the team boards? They are all dead. The reason this is a general NBA section... is so that topics can be posted about all teams. For every 3 Clippers threads I post.. I'll post a couple about other things.

Other clipper boards exist.

I think

Not to mention I post in a variety of topics, not related to the Clippers. I may be a homer but It's better than being a sarcastic, insecure ..di** like yourself. You have yet to debate basketball with me. Rather you make little di** comments towards me because you're an@l about my threads.

Dude you need thicker skin

12-16-2011, 08:42 PM
neutral, i enjoy seeing Blake griffin, but i am not a fan of the franchise.

12-16-2011, 08:43 PM
Playing 2k12 now and the opposing player always picks the Clippers and it's annoying. Otherwise, I'm neutral. Maybe I'll cheer for them during the playoffs if other teams I like get eliminated.

Are they beating up on you :oldlol: ?

12-16-2011, 08:43 PM
Supporter since the Larry Brown and Ronny Harper days. BINGO~!!~

12-16-2011, 08:44 PM
Neutral. How can anybody hate the Clippers? :oldlol:

Ask this question a few years from now and we'll see. Maybe even 30 games from now. I'm pretty sure Clippersfan86 is like 99% of the reason Clippers get hate around here. He just goes to far. Goes above and beyond homer and than lashes out at your team\player.

Also I think hating on the internet and in real life are two separate things, in sports atleast. People may hate Kobe\L.A on ISH or wherever because of how annoying there fans are .. but doubt in real life when there sitting in a bar talking sports it carries over. Ex for me would be Brandon Roy. Pissed me off how overrated he was on here and would probably come off as a "hater" but in real life talking with buddies would never be like "**** Brandon Roy" and once I log off ISH I couldn't careless.

12-16-2011, 08:49 PM
I may be obsessive.... but homer isn't accurate I don't think. When people are respectful I'm very reasonable. I don't claim the team is good at everything or the best team. I admit the flaws and weaknesses of the team. A homer is somebody blinded to the truth. Nothing I say is lies, just some things are overly optimistic. I said Blake Griffin was going to be an all star in his rookie year and was perceived as a homer.. but then it happened. I think I just have more knowledge than a lot of the people offended by me and it intimidates you guys.

Most of the really good posters here.. I've always gotten along with and haven't had clashes with. Just you middle tier softies and known trolls. Not my fault I spit straight fire.

12-16-2011, 08:57 PM
I may be obsessive.... but homer isn't accurate I don't think. When people are respectful I'm very reasonable. I don't claim the team is good at everything or the best team. I admit the flaws and weaknesses of the team. A homer is somebody blinded to the truth. Nothing I say is lies, just some things are overly optimistic. I said Blake Griffin was going to be an all star in his rookie year and was perceived as a homer.. but then it happened. I think I just have more knowledge than a lot of the people offended by me and it intimidates you guys.

Most of the really good posters here.. I've always gotten along with and haven't had clashes with. Just you middle tier softies and known trolls.

I'm a known troll now? Listen to yourself. People are intimidated by you on a basketball message board because of your vast knowledge? :oldlol:

Your just way over the top. Your just like a Laker fan or a Kobe fan with Blake difference is they've actually done something. When a Laker fan get's arrogant or a Kobe fans pimps out Kobe .. it's like ok they've won tons of rings, Kobe's dominated. Whatever. Hearing that Blake Griffin surpassing Tim Duncan as the GOAT PF if he wins rings or something like that .. after he's coming off his rookie season and winning 32 games is just like wtf.

I'm almost positive you said Blake Griffin if he stays healthy is a lock for the HOF. That could be very well true .. but after 1 season? It's ridiculous.

12-16-2011, 09:05 PM
Used to be neutral, but now not so much, because Clippers fans apparently exist and are worse than Heat fans.

12-16-2011, 09:05 PM
Used to be neutral, but now not so much, because Clippers fans apparently exist and are worse than Heat fans.

This, although I actually used to like the Clippers.

12-16-2011, 09:10 PM
I'm a known troll now? Listen to yourself. People are intimidated by you on a basketball message board because of your vast knowledge? :oldlol:

Your just way over the top. Your just like a Laker fan or a Kobe fan with Blake difference is they've actually done something. When a Laker fan get's arrogant or a Kobe fans pimps out Kobe .. it's like ok they've won tons of rings, Kobe's dominated. Whatever. Hearing that Blake Griffin surpassing Tim Duncan as the GOAT PF if he wins rings or something like that .. after he's coming off his rookie season and winning 32 games is just like wtf.

I'm almost positive you said Blake Griffin if he stays healthy is a lock for the HOF. That could be very well true .. but after 1 season? It's ridiculous.

You're not a troll. You're just negative poster and a skeptic dude. You're the same guy who basically implied Griffin isn't going to improve much and that his stats will remain where they are at pretty much but get a little more efficient. So if Blake Griffin stays healthy it's unreasonable to call him a lock for the HOF? You've got guys like Shaq and Barkley calling him a sure fire hall of famer but I can't? If you can't see greatness in a player, that's not my problem.

I see the greatness in Griffin as a fan and MANY other posters here that don't even follow the Clippers have commented that Griffin has that greatness.. that "it" factor. Just because you want to remain skeptical and patient doesn't mean it's ridiculous to say he's a HOF lock IF he stays healthy. Griffin could literally drop to 20 and 10 for the rest of his career and make the hall of fame first ballot. He's ALREADY a hall of fame TALENT.

Maybe I'm way too excitable.... or I jump the gun... but when you call somebody a troll or homer... it's usually different than how I'm acting.

12-16-2011, 09:12 PM
This, although I actually used to like the Clippers.

Haha.. you can't take Dirk's or the Mavs ***** out of your mouth long enough to acknowledge another team dude. You were trying to convince everybody that Dirk is the best individual player in the game right now.

12-16-2011, 09:14 PM
Haha.. you can't take Dirk's or the Mavs ***** out of your mouth long enough to acknowledge another team dude. You were trying to convince everybody that Dirk is the best individual player in the game right now.

I don't need to convince anyone, his play does the talking.

I've actually liked the Clippers for some time now, especially the Staples atmosphere during Clippers game (having gone since the early 2000s). It's unfortunate that are you nearly singlehandedly ruining my enjoyment of the team with your posting.

12-16-2011, 09:14 PM
I'm a Clipper Fan.

12-16-2011, 09:17 PM
love the team, hate some clipper homers and dislike the owner

neutral supporter if they make it far in to the playoffs

12-16-2011, 09:18 PM
I don't need to convince anyone, his play does the talking.

I've actually liked the Clippers for some time now, especially the Staples atmosphere during Clippers game (having gone since the early 2000s). It's unfortunate that are you nearly singlehandedly ruining my enjoyment of the team with your posting.

Dude you were just telling me how pathetic the team is.. and how you only go to the games because the tickets are cheap :facepalm . Once again more people claiming to like team, be neutral... when I remember you talking sh** just days ago. I knew with CP3/Griffin people would suddenly play it cool.

12-16-2011, 09:20 PM
Dude you were just telling me how pathetic the team is.. and how you only go to the games because the tickets are cheap :facepalm . Once again more people claiming to like team, be neutral... when I remember you talking sh** just days ago. I knew with CP3/Griffin people would suddenly play it cool.
You were bitching about cp3 for days and satiny you lost respect for him but now that he's a clipper you're on his balls :facepalm

12-16-2011, 09:24 PM
You were bitching about cp3 for days and satiny you lost respect for him but now that he's a clipper you're on his balls :facepalm

What did this post say about CP3 lol? I just said now that CP3 is on team.. everybody who was making fun of the team just days ago suddenly likes the team. It's fickle sports BS. CP3 is a Clipper now. Even if he was being a douche about the whole trade thing... he's a part of the Clipper family now. You expect me to not like him now that he's wearing the uniform?

I hated Sam Cassell before he was a Clipper.. and he's my favorite Clipper of all time :confusedshrug: .

12-16-2011, 09:25 PM
Dude you were just telling me how pathetic the team is.. and how you only go to the games because the tickets are cheap :facepalm . Once again more people claiming to like team, be neutral... when I remember you talking sh** just days ago. I knew with CP3/Griffin people would suddenly play it cool.

What did I say about the team? No, I have gone for years. I have always enjoyed the Clippers games.

12-16-2011, 09:25 PM
You're not a troll. You're just negative poster and a skeptic dude. You're the same guy who basically implied Griffin isn't going to improve much and that his stats will remain where they are at pretty much but get a little more efficient. So if Blake Griffin stays healthy it's unreasonable to call him a lock for the HOF? You've got guys like Shaq and Barkley calling him a sure fire hall of famer but I can't? If you can't see greatness in a player, that's not my problem.

I see the greatness in Griffin as a fan and MANY other posters here that don't even follow the Clippers have commented that Griffin has that greatness.. that "it" factor. Just because you want to remain skeptical and patient doesn't mean it's ridiculous to say he's a HOF lock IF he stays healthy. Griffin could literally drop to 20 and 10 for the rest of his career and make the hall of fame first ballot. He's ALREADY a hall of fame TALENT.

Maybe I'm way too excitable.... or I jump the gun... but when you call somebody a troll or homer... it's usually different than how I'm acting.

Hardly negative or skeptic. I'd say realistic, well thought out. I never once said Blake would NEVER improve or it'd be impossible for him to see a statistical spike. I said it's a possibility. I said it was possible Eric Gordon breaks out more and Blake remains in the same statistical area while the Clippers as a WHOLE improve. Now with Chris Paul? Think that changes abit. Gordon has potential to be an elite scorer, Chris Paul is an elite playmaker. Clippers are probably going to need Blake to develop into that 25 a game guy now. Where as before I thought Gordon breaking out and staying healthy for a full 82 with Blake .. you'd want him to focus on the little things and defense rather than getting 27 a game to win games.

That's it. Blake is going to be an amazing player. Already one. Just don't think you can ANNOINT anybody a "lock" for the HOF after 1 season of play. Durant and Rose are guy's who are like what? The same age as Blake and already have way better resume's? .. atleast wait until he makes an All-NBA team before you call him a virtual lock for the Hall of Fame.

Saying Blake was easily the better offensive player than rookie Duncan makes you a homer. Saying you think Blake was better, alright. Your opinion. Thinking that's it's pretty much a fact = extreme ... My personal opinion of a homer = extreme opinions.

You to me have extreme, over the top predictions for the Clippers witch and I view that as wearing blue and red colored glasses. Never said you were a troll. I'd probably be doing the same thing if I was a Clippers fan. Originally just stated your probably leave a sour taste in people's mouth about the Clippers, no not because your "vast intimidating knowledge" but because of your over the top attitude towards the Clips.

12-16-2011, 09:26 PM
What did I say about the team? No, I have gone for years. I have always enjoyed the Clippers games.

I'm not in the mood to dig up threads. You can live with the lie yourself. You've been talking about how bad the Clippers/it's players are since I've seen you post here dude. :hammerhead:

12-16-2011, 09:26 PM
Don't like them.

12-16-2011, 09:29 PM
I support them to make the playoffs.

12-16-2011, 09:29 PM
I'm not in the mood to dig up threads. You can live with the lie yourself. You've been talking about how bad the Clippers/it's players are since I've seen you post here dude. :hammerhead:

Of course, why wouldn't I? The Clippers have been a shit team. That doesn't mean i can't find the games enjoyable compared to Lakers games.

12-16-2011, 09:31 PM

Last part isn't fully true, will be a fun team to watch. Won't be on either side when my team isn't playing though..

12-16-2011, 09:33 PM
Hardly negative or skeptic. I'd say realistic, well thought out. I never once said Blake would NEVER improve or it'd be impossible for him to see a statistical spike. I said it's a possibility. I said it was possible Eric Gordon breaks out more and Blake remains in the same statistical area while the Clippers as a WHOLE improve. Now with Chris Paul? Think that changes abit. Gordon has potential to be an elite scorer, Chris Paul is an elite playmaker. Clippers are probably going to need Blake to develop into that 25 a game guy now. Where as before I thought Gordon breaking out and staying healthy for a full 82 with Blake .. you'd want him to focus on the little things and defense rather than getting 27 a game to win games.

That's it. Blake is going to be an amazing player. Already one. Just don't think you can ANNOINT anybody a "lock" for the HOF after 1 season of play. Durant and Rose are guy's who are like what? The same age as Blake and already have way better resume's? .. atleast wait until he makes an All-NBA team before you call him a virtual lock for the Hall of Fame.

Saying Blake was easily the better offensive player than rookie Duncan makes you a homer. Saying you think Blake was better, alright. Your opinion. Thinking that's it's pretty much a fact = extreme ... My personal opinion of a homer = extreme opinions.

You to me have extreme, over the top predictions for the Clippers witch and I view that as wearing blue and red colored glasses. Never said you were a troll. I'd probably be doing the same thing if I was a Clippers fan. Originally just stated your probably leave a sour taste in people's mouth about the Clippers, no not because your "vast intimidating knowledge" but because of your over the top attitude towards the Clips.

You obviously thought I was serious about "my vast knowledge intimidating posters" or w/e. I was messing around. I understand you don't like all the talk/hype from me but the fact that you can even admit if you were a Clippers fan you'd probably be going pretty crazy at least proves there is a reason to my madness. I only post Clippers topics I think people will like/want to hear.

Such as new Griffin mixes (80 percent of fans consider him most exciting in game and most people love it) or updates on recent events/discussions from other threads. It's not like I literally post every single Clipper topic here. What I personally don't like is that we can have 10 Lakers or Heat threads on the first page and very few people complain... but any time you have 3 or 4 Clippers threads a handful of people cry about it.

Not a single one of my Clippers predictions that are huge has been proven wrong. Nothing I've jumped the gun on predictions wise... has been proven wrong. Last year.. I said Griffin would be an all star (around November on other forums) and got trolled like hell. Then guess what? He makes the all star team.

This year I'm guaranteeing playoffs.... and Griffin to be a top 3 PF. Guess what though? Many people predict those things or at least think them in the back of their mind. These things are more likely than unlikely. Vegas currently has the Clippers with the freaking 5th or 6th best odds to win the championship!

12-16-2011, 09:34 PM
Hardly negative or skeptic. I'd say realistic, well thought out.

Feeling yourself too much??? :wtf:
white text always wins. tebow should endorse this stuff. heh heh But I agree, maybe he is speaking of another Nuggetsfan. I've never found you to be a troll, negative or skeptic. And I'd agree with being realistic more than a homer. We all have biases so that doesnt count either. But someone being extreme, outraegeous in nature turns into a home imo. I dont think you qualify for that. Again, unless he is talkin about a different poster or I missed out on your posts somewhere.

12-16-2011, 09:35 PM
Of course, why wouldn't I? The Clippers have been a shit team. That doesn't mean i can't find the games enjoyable compared to Lakers games.

Doesn't even make sense. So you call the team a sh** team... yet you consider yourself neutral? What's the point of even watching them? :confusedshrug: . You come off as a guy who grew up a Clippers fan and had a meltdown after all the failures/bad luck and have grown to resent the team, while pretending to be neutral towards them.

12-16-2011, 09:38 PM
Doesn't even make sense. So you call the team a sh** team... yet you consider yourself neutral? What's the point of even watching them? :confusedshrug: . You come off as a guy who grew up a Clippers fan and had a meltdown after all the failures/bad luck and have grown to resent the team, while pretending to be neutral towards them.

No, I have been a Mavs aficionado since 94 when I was 12 years old but I have always liked the Clippers having grown up in LA since they got little exposure and did not have obnoxious, irritating fickle fans like the Lakers had. I enjoyed going to the games because it was a pleasant atmosphere without idiotic lakers fans. The Clippers just were always a shitty or middling team at best. That's all.

12-16-2011, 09:39 PM
Feeling yourself too much??? :wtf:
white text always wins. tebow should endorse this stuff. heh heh But I agree, maybe he is speaking of another Nuggetsfan. I've never found you to be a troll, negative or skeptic. And I'd agree with being realistic more than a homer. We all have biases so that doesnt count either. But someone being extreme, outraegeous in nature turns into a home imo. I dont think you qualify for that. Again, unless he is talkin about a different poster or I missed out on your posts somewhere.

Caught the white text but either way when I say realistic or well thought out, doesn't mean it can't be extremely wrong. Just rather from my opinions based on that. I understand emotion takes over some times, heck I have a f*cking dog named Iverson because of the Nugs\Philly trade. Just that it's over the top.

Saying Blake Griffin is lock for the HOF after 1 season ... is over the top. Anyway you want to slice it. That's about it Clippersfan86. Agree to disagree. I think you go about the Clippers in a homerish fashion, no hate intended either. That was my only point, think it rubs people the wrong way. Maybe it doesn't and it's just me. Who knows.

12-16-2011, 09:44 PM
Caught the white text but either way when I say realistic or well thought out, doesn't mean it can't be extremely wrong. Just rather from my opinions based on that. I understand emotion takes over some times, heck I have a f*cking dog named Iverson because of the Nugs\Philly trade. Just that it's over the top.

Saying Blake Griffin is lock for the HOF after 1 season ... is over the top. Anyway you want to slice it. That's about it Clippersfan86. Agree to disagree. I think you go about the Clippers in a homerish fashion, no hate intended either. That was my only point, think it rubs people the wrong way. Maybe it doesn't and it's just me. Who knows.

I'd say in general I can have an abrasive personality a lot of times. I don't hold back and I speak my mind and it offends many. I'm one of those people that either people love or hate.. nothing in between obviously. You're actually one of the few fans on here I've had battles with but we usually come to a reasonable standstill on the discussions.

I don't consider you a troll.... I just think you shouldn't be so quick to label people man. It's sports. We all celebrate and debate differently. I'm somebody who likes to make guarantees and talk trash. I also have no problem making bold, crazy predictions. For me it's a more rewarding way of being a sports fan. When I am right it's MUCH more vindicating than the whole wait and see approach.

I've watched thousands of players come into this league. The greatness I see in Blake Griffin is only in a handful of them. He has that "It" factor all the greats had. In a few years if we are having these talks you aren't going to think I'm as crazy. For now we'll just have to agree to disagree. :cheers:

12-16-2011, 09:56 PM
I am a supporter but not a fan, if that makes any sense.
Being from LA I find it hard not to want the best for the Clippers; they are just as much apart of our city as the Lakers are.

12-16-2011, 10:12 PM
Who cares.......

12-16-2011, 10:13 PM
On the neutral/supporter fence.

Griffin is a lot of fun to watch and my boy Gomesy's still a Clipper!

David J. Stern
12-16-2011, 10:25 PM
I am a Clipper supporter. Me and sterling are bro's. I can't tell you how many times we've done lines of coke off of my homie bronbrons ass.


The Commish

12-16-2011, 10:27 PM
semi supporter, i would care if anyone got injured, wont care if they lose

12-16-2011, 10:30 PM
im a cp3 fan, so i guess.

the hype has been a bit much the last couple weeks though . . .

BGriffin's Dad
12-16-2011, 10:31 PM
That's it. Blake is going to be an amazing player. Already one. Just don't think you can ANNOINT anybody a "lock" for the HOF after 1 season of play. Durant and Rose are guy's who are like what? The same age as Blake and already have way better resume's? .. atleast wait until he makes an All-NBA team before you call him a virtual lock for the Hall of Fame.

Seasons Played in the NBA:

Rose: 3
Durant: 4
Griffin: 1

Out of those 3 players, BG has easily had the most impressive rookie season. Wait until Blake makes an All-NBA team? Rose and Durant didn't make the All-NBA team until their 3rd season. They also didn't make the All-Star team in their rookie seasons. Blake did.

12-16-2011, 10:31 PM
Neutral, but I'm a fan of Blake Griffin and Chris Paul. Looking forward to watching those guys play.

12-16-2011, 10:36 PM
I'm not in the mood to dig up threads. You can live with the lie yourself. You've been talking about how bad the Clippers/it's players are since I've seen you post here dude. :hammerhead:
Yet you were in the mood to dig up one of my 2-year old threads from my leagues fantasy forum, and neg rep me. Psychotic is the best word I can think of to describe you.

12-16-2011, 10:48 PM
Yet you were in the mood to dig up one of my 2-year old threads from my leagues fantasy forum, and neg rep me. Psychotic is the best word I can think of to describe you.

Wth? I've never dug up a thread on anybody in my entire time on ISH :facepalm . You have me confused dude.

12-17-2011, 12:35 AM
Clipper fan definitely.

Was lucky enough to see DJ and Griffin in the only NBA game I've ever seen. Was a dunkfest.

Plus I got for the perrinial loser/under dog team of the Australian Football League, so I've got a soft spot for teams like that.

12-17-2011, 12:45 AM
I guess you can say I'm a supporter of the Clippers. I still have a Clippers poster in my old bedroom at my parents' house from when I was in middle school. That was back when it was still disappointing to be an LAC fan.

With all that said, I'm an LA Lakers fan first, so no matter what happens, if the Clippers are facing the Lakers, I'll be rooting for the Lakers.
If the Clippers have a better record than the Lakers and lead the Western Conference, I'll be hoping for LAL to get their shit together and pass the Clips to the top.
If the Clippers... Ah.. You get the point.

This is definitely going to be a fun year to be an LA fan. :)

Abd El-Krim
12-17-2011, 12:52 AM
I'm a supporter, but don't know that I can call myself a fan. The Clippers were my team from the DMiles/QRich era until the 07/08 season. But the post-playoff Dunleavy era was just too goddamn depressing for me to follow, and I was never able to get back into the team.

They have some of the most loyal fans in the league that toughed it out up until this point but I'm not one of them. Those fans deserve a good team, but I'm not convinced that ownership and management deserve shit. That said, like everyone else I'm looking forward to watching this team play.

12-17-2011, 12:53 AM
Hey to all the Clipper haters in this thread Donald T. Sterling says:

http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/384610_2594359812599_1062780014_32660466_177847010 8_n.jpg

12-17-2011, 12:59 AM
Are they beating up on you :oldlol: ?
Well, I'm a beginner so yes. But still, it's because they pick the same team.

12-17-2011, 01:11 AM
I rooted for them in the Suns series. I thought they were going to the WCF's.

This year I'll actually sit down and watch them whenever I can. I still am not even sure if they'll make the playoffs. Plus I think Chris Paul's knees are going downhill.

12-17-2011, 01:39 AM
Neutral only because I think CP3 is boss. I thought Eric Gordon was the most promising player on that team till they traded him. Wish we had him in Miami.

12-17-2011, 01:42 AM
Lifelong Laker fan, so I guess I'd say I'm neutral. Not getting caught up in all the hype. Heard all this before when they got Baron Davis, and we all saw how that turned out.

12-17-2011, 01:52 AM
Lifelong Laker fan, so I guess I'd say I'm neutral. Not getting caught up in all the hype. Heard all this before when they got Baron Davis, and we all saw how that turned out.

Are you really comparing Baron Davis to CP3? This is the most talented, most loaded Clipper team of all time, not even close.

12-17-2011, 02:11 AM
I have always supported the Clippers after Cassell played there, it's a fun team to watch. Can't call myself a fan, not at all, but I wouldn't mind seeing them win some games for once..

12-17-2011, 02:13 AM
Are you really comparing Baron Davis to CP3? This is the most talented, most loaded Clipper team of all time, not even close.

Learn how to read and then holla back:facepalm

12-17-2011, 02:15 AM
Learn how to read and then holla back:facepalm

Yea you made an idiotic comment about "have heard this before" implying the Clippers have been here before. They are in uncharted territory dude. Hands down best Clipper roster of all time. It's literally not even close.

12-17-2011, 03:24 AM
I would say I'm Clipper neutral. I'm glad that their fanbase finally has something to cheer about and be excited by. I don't think it's healthy for the league to have a franchise that is routinely laughed upon an looked at as more of joke than a competitor. Hopefully this can turn around the franchise.

12-17-2011, 03:26 AM
Yea you made an idiotic comment about "have heard this before" implying the Clippers have been here before. They are in uncharted territory dude. Hands down best Clipper roster of all time. It's literally not even close.

Nice try:applause:

The only person who compared anything to anything is you. All I said(and I should be the one to know what I said, since I'm the only one who posted it) there was also a lot of hype when Davis was signed, just like now. I also said I wasn't buying into it. If you want to say I compared the teams then to now SOMETHING I NEVER DID, (cuz, just like Lebron fans, y'all act like people have no right to THEIR OWN opinion) that's YOU and ONLY YOU. There is a CLEAR difference between reading words in a sentence, and understanding what they mean. Versus reading something and making assumption, trying to MAKE UP your own meaning. I will not co-sign anything you want to add to my post, making the only idiot here to also be you.

Try again:no:

12-17-2011, 03:31 AM
Nice try:applause:

The only person who compared anything to anything is you. All I said(and I should be the one to know what I said, since I'm the only one who posted it) there was also a lot of hype when Davis was signed, just like now. I also said I wasn't buying into it. If you want to say I compared the teams then to now SOMETHING I NEVER DID, (cuz, just like Lebron fans, y'all act like people have no right to THEIR OWN opinion) that's YOU and ONLY YOU. I will not co-sign anything you want to add to my post

Try again:no:

Actually there has never been this much hype. EVER. NOT EVEN CLOSE. So you're really reaching. Clippers sold out of season tickets within 30 minutes. all home games sold out within 24 hours. The Clippers have never had this kind of buzz. You can't compare it to Baron Davis coming to LA. Not only that... but the buzz around the team is that they have two superstars that may actually win a ring in a couple years.

With Baron it was nothing like that. Expectations were never this high.

12-17-2011, 03:35 AM
Actually there has never been this much hype. EVER. NOT EVEN CLOSE. So you're really reaching. Clippers sold out of season tickets within 30 minutes. all home games sold out within 24 hours. The Clippers have never had this kind of buzz. You can't compare it to Baron Davis coming to LA. Not only that... but the buzz around the team is that they have two superstars that may actually win a ring in a couple years.

With Baron it was nothing like that. Expectations were never this high.

I'm glad the Clippers finally have a buzz around them. For years their fans have had to deal with crappy ownership and a putrid product, it's about time their loyalty is rewarded.

12-17-2011, 03:36 AM
Actually there has never been this much hype. EVER. NOT EVEN CLOSE. So you're really reaching. Clippers sold out of season tickets within 30 minutes. all home games sold out within 24 hours. The Clippers have never had this kind of buzz. You can't compare it to Baron Davis coming to LA. Not only that... but the buzz around the team is that they have two superstars that may actually win a ring in a couple years.

With Baron it was nothing like that. Expectations were never this high.

Dude please. The only person reaching here is YOU. Once again, I only used that to reference hype about the Clippers. I never said anything about the level of hype. I simply said there was also hype when he was signed. If you had bothered to read and comprehend the post to begin with, like I told you to in my first response to you, you wouldn't be reaching to save face now

Try again:no:

12-17-2011, 03:38 AM
I'm glad the Clippers finally have a buzz around them. For years their fans have had to deal with crappy ownership and a putrid product, it's about time their loyalty is rewarded.

Thanks for the kind words towards Clippers fans. It's definitely a good feeling :applause:. I've been a 13 year fan who's had many heartbreaks and always stayed strong and dedicated. It's been worth it man. If Chris Paul and Griffin retire here.. I'll be proud and happy to die a Clippers fan.

12-17-2011, 03:40 AM
Neutral. They're just another team to me. I'm a big CP3 fan and really like watching Blake, so I'd say I'm closer to a supporter than a hater.

All Net
12-17-2011, 03:42 AM
Neutral. Like the players, dislike the owner. The new Clips fans will soon be making us sick.

Part of being a winner if they do.

I'm really happy with the long serving fans..they deserve this. After going to plenty of Clipper fans over the years and knowing alot of them i'm happy for them.

12-17-2011, 04:28 AM
Somewhere between a Clipper supporter and Clipper neutral. But I am a Blake Griffin supporter.

12-17-2011, 04:32 AM
Somewhere between a Clipper supporter and Clipper neutral. But I am a Blake Griffin supporter.

Would you trade Aldridge for Griffin? If they had identical contracts. I ask because of all the debates between Clippers/Blazers fans last year on that and you like Griffin a lot too. Just curious.

12-17-2011, 05:11 AM
I am a Laker fan 1A and a Clipper fan 1B, because I lived in Los Angeles.

I go back to the Clippers back in the 1990's when the Clippers were rocking Ron Harper, Danny Manning, Ken Norman, Charles Smith, Gary Grant, Olden Polyenice, etc etc.

Heck I remember Loy Vaughts rookie year!!

Having that said, I always rooted for the Clipppers to win. Like the OP, there were some exciting times in the past, especially with Miles and Richardson, looked like the sunny days were right around the corner, but then it all disappeared.

Clipper supporter and a Clipper fan here!

12-17-2011, 05:14 AM
Would you trade Aldridge for Griffin? If they had identical contracts. I ask because of all the debates between Clippers/Blazers fans last year on that and you like Griffin a lot too. Just curious.

Yes I would trade Aldridge for Griffin in a heartbeat. I think that Aldridge and Griffin were pretty equal last year, but Griffin will be the better player because he was still a rookie and at the least should have plenty of room to improve his defense. Aldridge on the other hand is either in his prime or nearing it, so he doesn't have as much potential for further improvement. I think most Blazer fans would agree with me. I remember the debates on here about Griffin and Aldridge, and most of the debates were only possible because they were debating that season, not the future.

12-17-2011, 12:45 PM
Yes I would trade Aldridge for Griffin in a heartbeat. I think that Aldridge and Griffin were pretty equal last year, but Griffin will be the better player because he was still a rookie and at the least should have plenty of room to improve his defense. Aldridge on the other hand is either in his prime or nearing it, so he doesn't have as much potential for further improvement. I think most Blazer fans would agree with me. I remember the debates on here about Griffin and Aldridge, and most of the debates were only possible because they were debating that season, not the future.

:applause: very fair, unbiased post. I agree. When I'm being a bit unreasonable I like to act like Griffin was superior last year but it's definitely fair to say last season they were a wash and on the same tier. I agree though that it seems like Aldridge would be in his prime. He's very polished. I don't know why people think he can jump to being a 25 and 10 player or something.

12-17-2011, 12:47 PM
I am a Laker fan 1A and a Clipper fan 1B, because I lived in Los Angeles.

I go back to the Clippers back in the 1990's when the Clippers were rocking Ron Harper, Danny Manning, Ken Norman, Charles Smith, Gary Grant, Olden Polyenice, etc etc.

Heck I remember Loy Vaughts rookie year!!

Having that said, I always rooted for the Clipppers to win. Like the OP, there were some exciting times in the past, especially with Miles and Richardson, looked like the sunny days were right around the corner, but then it all disappeared.

Clipper supporter and a Clipper fan here!

:applause: . I'm a few years after that era haha. I missed that squad that almost took Hakeem out.. by a couple years.

12-17-2011, 12:59 PM
i think the clippers will be my new "western conference" team lol. i like blake and chris paul a lot. historically i've bandwagoned with the suns and mavs, but the suns suck now so they're no fun. i'll probably root for the mavs and clippers.

12-17-2011, 01:10 PM
Clippers fans are happy they acquired cp3. Now they can win 40+ games with a first rd exit. Nothing my Sixers haven't accomplished. Enjoy

12-17-2011, 01:22 PM
the guy talking about ISH vs reality was right IMO. in real life, I like rooting for the Clippers but here on ISH, guys like Clipperfan make me want to write anti-Clipper posts

12-17-2011, 01:29 PM
I am neutral from a team standpoint, fan stand point I hate all of them saying they are winning a championship. I am thinking they might not get out of the West. Not joking when I say that. The addition of CP3 is nothing great when you have to give up 3 good assets from your team that gave your team 39 points each game, and draft picks.

12-17-2011, 08:58 PM
I live in the Socal area so of course I'd like to see them do well. I've always been a casual fan. I was just raised to hate the Lakers and raised a Celtics fan, but I have no problem with the Clippers. I've always been a Clippers fan so I'd like to see them succeed more and Clippersfan83 talk less.

12-18-2011, 05:14 AM
I don't know why people think he can jump to being a 25 and 10 player or something.

Probably because he is only 3ppg and 1rpg away from doing so.

Griffin on the other hand should be 25/12 minimum, and has a chance of being 27-30/12-14.

12-18-2011, 05:29 AM
I live in the Socal area so of course I'd like to see them do well. I've always been a casual fan. I was just raised to hate the Lakers and raised a Celtics fan, but I have no problem with the Clippers. I've always been a Clippers fan so I'd like to see them succeed more and Clippersfan83 talk less.

Raised Celtics fan in LA, LMAO!

12-18-2011, 05:39 AM
Neutral before but now a rival.
Since they are a legit threat in our division.

12-18-2011, 06:16 AM
I ****ing hate Donald Sterling. It makes me sick that a piece of shit owner like him has fell into this cash cow of a team.

On the other hand, I really like Blake and CP3... hell I even like Billups and Butler. They are gonna be a damn fun team to watch. Plus it's always fun seeing the Lakers get taken down a notch.

So I guess I'm a supporter, in-spite myself.

12-18-2011, 06:27 AM
Supporter. It will be fun if hollywood stars goes Clippers games from now instead of Lakers.


12-18-2011, 06:36 AM

12-18-2011, 06:42 AM
Clippers fan but the Lakers will always be first for me.

12-18-2011, 07:38 AM
Neutral. They have every legit reasons to talk and be happy about their team.

12-18-2011, 07:47 AM
Neutral i guess, but it's excited to see the plays between chris paul and blake griffin