View Full Version : Realtalk. NOT TROLLING. Ever wondered why Kobe

12-26-2011, 08:18 AM
always has an "injury" every single season? FourthTenor posted about this today and I realized yes..He always has. Which is sadly used by some of the media guys that like him and stans that rides him. (esp.posters in here)

That's why he's labeled "simply amazing" when he plays great, and a "warrior" when he doesn't. 'Cause he's playing "hurt".

Not that he's not great player because he is. Top 3 guard of all-time. But it's just fishy that he always has that "lingering injury".

Before you Kobe stans react violently, why not think about it without bias?

12-26-2011, 08:32 AM
Well I feel like he's not the same athletically as these other guys. I never saw him as the Lebron or Howard type of athlete who is just a complete physical specimen... He's not the fastest or the strongest or jumps the highest.. but he plays in a way that is just as physically demanding as what lebron and howard and players like that put themselves through. I think sooner or later throughout the year something rips or bruises or whatnot. Hes still a god tier athlete dont get me wrong, but role players go through this one injury every year as well so I feel like the comparison has to be drawn there.

I see your point and it sucks for guys like me who dont care about excuses AS much and just want to see the guy not limp around and play at his best... I would much rather see a shot go in than see him miss and massage his thumb for example. This is just one rational explanation out of possibly infinite.. But its never been one LINGERING injury , its always something else by the way that part in your post is wrong. Heal his ankle tears thumb ligament. Jams finger, heals finger, twists ankle. Never 1 same injury like say Tmacs back.

12-26-2011, 08:33 AM
Y'all really need to stop posting threads like these, proving y'all truly know nothing about basketball.:facepalm The terminolgy is not new, it's been around since the inception of the sport. It's new to y'all cuz again, it's real proof y'all know nothing about basketball. Google Willis Reed and learn something. Wade, Iverson, Jordan, Magic, ALL had injuries they played through, and got labeled the same thing. Has nothing to do with Kobe. The very fact that these insinuations are coming from bandwagon Lebron fans, is purely hypocritical and asinine.

Stop embarrassing yourself:facepalm

12-26-2011, 08:37 AM
One season it's his fingers, the other its his knee, then his wrist. It is a little shady because it's EVERY year. Kobe could \ have a strong pain threshold, who really knows?

12-26-2011, 08:40 AM
I was wondering this to.... its very fishy

12-26-2011, 08:42 AM
fucc the rapist

12-26-2011, 08:43 AM
Well I feel like he's not the same athletically as these other guys. I never saw him as the Lebron or Howard type of athlete who is just a complete physical specimen... He's not the fastest or the strongest or jumps the highest.. but he plays in a way that is just as physically demanding as what lebron and howard and players like that put themselves through. I think sooner or later throughout the year something rips or bruises or whatnot. Hes still a god tier athlete dont get me wrong, but role players go through this one injury every year as well so I feel like the comparison has to be drawn there.

I see your point and it sucks for guys like me who dont care about excuses AS much and just want to see the guy not limp around and play at his best... I would much rather see a shot go in than see him miss and massage his thumb for example. This is just one rational explanation out of possibly infinite.. But its never been one LINGERING injury , its always something else by the way that part in your post is wrong. Heal his ankle tears thumb ligament. Jams finger, heals finger, twists ankle. Never 1 same injury like say Tmacs back.

Fair enough. Good post. One of the few Laker fans who aren't annoying.

12-26-2011, 08:43 AM
I wonder if we can compile a list of what it was every year? I remember nothing before 05.. When did it begin?

05- knee
06- ?
07- ?
08- ?
09- finger
10- finger
11- ankle
12- ligament

12-26-2011, 08:51 AM
I wonder if we can compile a list of what it was every year? I remember nothing before 05.. When did it begin?

05- knee
06- ?
07- ?
08- ?
09- finger
10- finger
11- ankle
12- ligament

That's about it I guess. Not sure if it's 08 or 09. It started his decline.. 'Cause 07-08 was his last complete athletic season.

12-26-2011, 08:51 AM
He either is lying or is the most physically sensitive basketball player in NBA history... ? All he did was slide down on his bum when the wrist injury happened, just like he has 1000000000000000000000000 times in his life.... the wrist/arm didnt look like having any weird position upon landing...

I am leaning towards the LIE.......... even if its not a lie, he sure loves to sugarcoat it!!
For example........... next time you watch Kobe play notice what i am going to say is gona happen, unless you have already seen what im going to say....

Alright... lets say Kobe hits a jumpshot, and1 or some type of clutch shot (example, game against Bulls)... after each such basket Kobe will grab his wrist and grimmace... to remind you: "Aaaaaaaaaaaand i did it with a injury remember!"............ he never does this when he misses or loses a game or something non impressive like that....... because that would be obvious and stupid....... and he doesnt have to, because he has already sugarcoated it the way i mentioned previously.... now you can use that as an excuse if you are a Kobe fan or the Media...............

its not only the wrist... he did this with his fingers previously and so on....... always the same thing.... please think about this next time you watch Kobe, its kindof hilarious...

You can be a DOUCHEBAG..... but that doesnt mean you are not smart.......

12-26-2011, 08:54 AM
I wonder if we can compile a list of what it was every year? I remember nothing before 05.. When did it begin?

05- knee
06- ?
07- ?
08- ?
09- finger
10- finger
11- ankle
12- ligament

05- knee
06- knee
07- back
08- finger
09- finger
10- finger
11- ankle
12- ligament

12-26-2011, 09:10 AM
He either is lying or is the most physically sensitive basketball player in NBA history... ? All he did was slide down on his bum when the wrist injury happened, just like he has 1000000000000000000000000 times in his life.... the wrist/arm didnt look like having any weird position upon landing...

I am leaning towards the LIE.

In professional sports there are things like MRI's, diagnosis' and other resources, you know that right?


Bryant was examined by Dr. Steven Shin of the Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic and underwent an MRI exam on Wednesday.

Results show that Bryant has a torn lunotriquetral ligament. The lunotriquetral ligament is a band of tissue that connects bones in the wrist.

"These are tiny little ligaments that keep the multiple bones in your wrist together so that you have movement as well as stability," Dr. Robert Klapper, an orthopaedic surgeon at Cedars-Sinai Medical Group, told 710 ESPN Los Angeles' "Max & Marcellus Show."

But you are so big of a retard that i'm not even going to bother after this. Have a good day

12-26-2011, 09:13 AM
In professional sports there are things like MRI's, diagnosis' and other resources, you know that right?


But you are so big of a retard that i'm not even going to bother after this. Have a good day

Obviously this article was completely falsified to give Kobe an excuse. Don't you know? His wrist is obviously fine.

And his mangled fingers that are blatantly apparent? Photoshopped.

When he rolled his ankle last year? Clearly the cameramen edited live footage and doctored the video.

Yung D-Will
12-26-2011, 09:15 AM
The guy came straight out of high school has basiclly always been in the playoffs and plays overrseas during a lot of the offseasons.

Needless to say the man has a lot of wear and tear on that body and makes it even worse because he doesn't rest his injuries.

12-26-2011, 09:19 AM
Obviously this article was completely falsified to give Kobe an excuse. Don't you know? His wrist is obviously fine.

And his mangled fingers that are blatantly apparent? Photoshopped.

When he rolled his ankle last year? Clearly the cameramen edited live footage and doctored the video.
Even his divorce and trial were fake to may him look better.

Now, seriously, I don't think it's excuses or anything, just the press making stories out of everything.

12-26-2011, 09:22 AM

12-26-2011, 09:24 AM
He either is lying or is the most physically sensitive basketball player in NBA history... ? All he did was slide down on his bum when the wrist injury happened, just like he has 1000000000000000000000000 times in his life.... the wrist/arm didnt look like having any weird position upon landing...

I am leaning towards the LIE.......... even if its not a lie, he sure loves to sugarcoat it!!
For example........... next time you watch Kobe play notice what i am going to say is gona happen, unless you have already seen what im going to say....

Alright... lets say Kobe hits a jumpshot, and1 or some type of clutch shot (example, game against Bulls)... after each such basket Kobe will grab his wrist and grimmace... to remind you: "Aaaaaaaaaaaand i did it with a injury remember!"............ he never does this when he misses or loses a game or something non impressive like that....... because that would be obvious and stupid....... and he doesnt have to, because he has already sugarcoated it the way i mentioned previously.... now you can use that as an excuse if you are a Kobe fan or the Media...............

its not only the wrist... he did this with his fingers previously and so on....... always the same thing.... please think about this next time you watch Kobe, its kindof hilarious...

You can be a DOUCHEBAG..... but that doesnt mean you are not smart.......

b4 i go night night I gotta say this. It is SOOOOOOOOO ANNOYING to see him grimace and do that stuff. But I want to ask you one question.

Is there anywhere on the court during a game that Kobe can be in pain without the camera catching it? It feels like the other side of what you're saying is you expect him to not be allowed to massage his thumb or hold his finger or anything. Which is just weird. If he really is in pain, theres no reason he shouldnt be able to show it and theres nothing wrong WITH showing it if he really is hurting. If hes lying, i just dont get why. His legacy is cemented as a warrior. whats he gonna do, drop 5 ranks on the all time list because he missed a week? holding his thumb after missing a gw will never make that gw go in and that win to occur, so i dont know why anyone would do it.

The Macho Man
12-26-2011, 01:25 PM
He's nowhere near as bad as Oden. Stop playing up these "injuries" and get on the court you asshole.

12-26-2011, 01:27 PM
Pretty much excuses for his shot jacking.

12-26-2011, 01:31 PM
every player has this stuff to an extent. kobe just happens to be one of the toughest players and actually plays through it all. he also happens to be one of the most high profile players as well so everything about him gets a ton of pub.

not sure why people get on Kobe about it. yea, by not talking about it he actually...is drawing more attention to it, but so what. he's absolutely one of the toughest players of all time in my opinion.

and a lot of stars always have nagging injuries. wade does. dirk does all the time. dirk's ankles are always an issue. dirk just played through it year after year. people talk about it all the time in dallas on the radio and stuff. its just not on sportscenter because dirk isn't the star that kobe is.

do people actually think kobe makes this shit up? LOL...the only thing that is annoying is when his fans use it as an excuse and pretend like every other player isn't battling some type of nagging injury as well. but that has nothing to do with kobe.

12-26-2011, 01:49 PM
Kobe doesn't pull Lebron's on the court and act like he has an injury when no one ever saw it occur[like with his elbow]. When he gets hurt, it's ALWAYS seen on TV. Everyone saw him land awkwardly in the first clips game using his wrist to break his fall. Everyone saw him twist his ankle last year to the point where he had to limp off and leave the game. Everyone saw his fingers all bent up two years ago. Everyone knows he's had two knee surgeries in the last two years. These things all actually happened. The funny thing is Kobe will be the last person to tell you about any of this.

12-26-2011, 01:50 PM
fyi, players who play the way he does tend to get injuries (above the rim, blah blah blah), esp later in their careers.

12-26-2011, 01:53 PM
He's in LA, there's going to be a story on him no matter what. I wouldn't be surprised if one reporter is drafting a report about the composition of his daily stool.

Yao Ming's Foot
12-26-2011, 01:54 PM
Its a huge media conspiracy obviously...

Just like his all defensive team awards and his 5 rings...

It never actually happened... you live in the matrix

12-26-2011, 01:59 PM
I wonder the same thing about guys like Oden and Bynum. I think they get injured for the publicity

12-26-2011, 02:13 PM
I actually agree with both sides.

Kobe does get hurt legitimately.
The media does pay close attention to his injuries probably mores than others.
Cameras just happen to catch him more than other players.


He does seem to play up to his injuries far more than others.
Other players play hurt all the time, he isn't the only one like the media and his fans make it out to be.

And I know I will get shit for this, but I wouldn't be surprised if he exaggerated or lied when he's feeling ill.

Some of his actions are clearly ploys to prop himself up, exaggerated gestures and antics to appear tougher. Don't' believe me or have a short term memory? does anybody remember the obvious workout after the Heat loss? how he's usually just sick for big match ups? Hell.. even Phil and some of his teammates have questioned how sick he was in the past.

So while I don't think he's faking his current injury, he does play it up to make himself appear tougher.

12-26-2011, 02:26 PM
He either is lying or is the most physically sensitive basketball player in NBA history... ? All he did was slide down on his bum when the wrist injury happened, just like he has 1000000000000000000000000 times in his life.... the wrist/arm didnt look like having any weird position upon landing...

I am leaning towards the LIE.......... even if its not a lie, he sure loves to sugarcoat it!!
For example........... next time you watch Kobe play notice what i am going to say is gona happen, unless you have already seen what im going to say....

Alright... lets say Kobe hits a jumpshot, and1 or some type of clutch shot (example, game against Bulls)... after each such basket Kobe will grab his wrist and grimmace... to remind you: "Aaaaaaaaaaaand i did it with a injury remember!"............ he never does this when he misses or loses a game or something non impressive like that....... because that would be obvious and stupid....... and he doesnt have to, because he has already sugarcoated it the way i mentioned previously.... now you can use that as an excuse if you are a Kobe fan or the Media...............

its not only the wrist... he did this with his fingers previously and so on....... always the same thing.... please think about this next time you watch Kobe, its kindof hilarious...

You can be a DOUCHEBAG..... but that doesnt mean you are not smart.......

What the **** are you talking about? When he hit that shot he got knocked down and landed on the injured wrist.

Yeah, you're ****ing retarded.

12-26-2011, 03:02 PM
The injury is real, but the extent to which it limits him is a bunch of BS. I love how Kobe starts rubbing his wrist during timeouts and whatnot because he knows cameras on him, then the announcers make a comment about the wrist injury and discuss how it's limiting him or how much of a warrior he is to be out there.

12-26-2011, 03:03 PM
Lots of wear and tear.

And Kobe doesn't make a big deal of it at all. It's the media

Bosnian Sajo
12-26-2011, 03:14 PM
Wait a second, are you saying he didn't injure his wrist? EVEN THOUGH everyone watching the game saw him land on it, there are youtube videos up on it, his wrist was swollen, your saying he DIDNT actually injure it? :wtf: Who are you honestly trying to fool, us or yourself? Its not like your arguing a travel or something, no your arguing an injury :oldlol: Whats next, arguing that he isnt really getting a divorce, its just for people to feel bad for him?


Look at how high he is in the air when falling, and you can HEAR him slam onto the floor...yet he didn't actually get injured, they are just doing this to make Kobe look tough!!

12-26-2011, 03:16 PM
Pretty much almost all 30+ year old players are playing with some kind of lingering injury so it shouldn't be used as an excuse. At some point it just becomes part of who they are as a player.

12-26-2011, 03:16 PM
He fakes it and so does the training staff and team doctors. He purposely wore finger sleeves to sell the injury even though his shot would be affected.

ISH at it's lowest

12-26-2011, 03:24 PM
every player has this stuff to an extent. kobe just happens to be one of the toughest players and actually plays through it all. he also happens to be one of the most high profile players as well so everything about him gets a ton of pub.

not sure why people get on Kobe about it. yea, by not talking about it he actually...is drawing more attention to it, but so what. he's absolutely one of the toughest players of all time in my opinion.

and a lot of stars always have nagging injuries. wade does. dirk does all the time. dirk's ankles are always an issue. dirk just played through it year after year. people talk about it all the time in dallas on the radio and stuff. its just not on sportscenter because dirk isn't the star that kobe is.

do people actually think kobe makes this shit up? LOL...the only thing that is annoying is when his fans use it as an excuse and pretend like every other player isn't battling some type of nagging injury as well. but that has nothing to do with kobe.
:applause: :applause: :applause:

12-26-2011, 03:24 PM

12-26-2011, 03:31 PM
Because he plays hard constantly which leads to a few reckless decisions that put him in awkward positions. The end.

12-26-2011, 03:34 PM

12-26-2011, 03:47 PM
Such a silly thread.

12-26-2011, 03:47 PM
Everyone in the league has bad feet/knees/fingers. Good on him for playing through his injuries, even if he hasn't practiced in two years.

Its pretty hard to say definitively that he is any more injured than everyone else that toughs it out. Its also hard to say he isn't. But the media has clearly taken it too far.

12-26-2011, 03:55 PM
Kobe's been playing NBA basketball since he was 17 years old. Lots of minutes and usually deep into the playoffs. His body is going to break down.

If he had spent his late teens and early twenties lighting his own farts on fire and throwing rocks at cars like the TS he would be a lot healthier at this point in his life.

12-26-2011, 03:57 PM
Everyone remembers the kid in their school who used to fake injuries when he wasn't playing a perfect game. Tell me a significant part of Kobe isn't that dude all grown up.

12-26-2011, 04:01 PM
He either is lying or is the most physically sensitive basketball player in NBA history... ? All he did was slide down on his bum when the wrist injury happened, just like he has 1000000000000000000000000 times in his life.... the wrist/arm didnt look like having any weird position upon landing...

I am leaning towards the LIE.......... even if its not a lie, he sure loves to sugarcoat it!!
For example........... next time you watch Kobe play notice what i am going to say is gona happen, unless you have already seen what im going to say....

Alright... lets say Kobe hits a jumpshot, and1 or some type of clutch shot (example, game against Bulls)... after each such basket Kobe will grab his wrist and grimmace... to remind you: "Aaaaaaaaaaaand i did it with a injury remember!"............ he never does this when he misses or loses a game or something non impressive like that....... because that would be obvious and stupid....... and he doesnt have to, because he has already sugarcoated it the way i mentioned previously.... now you can use that as an excuse if you are a Kobe fan or the Media...............

its not only the wrist... he did this with his fingers previously and so on....... always the same thing.... please think about this next time you watch Kobe, its kindof hilarious...

You can be a DOUCHEBAG..... but that doesnt mean you are not smart.......

Do you realize how stupid you sound? Yes, I'm sure Kobe went up to the Lakers doctor and asked him to tell the media that he has a torn ligament in his wrist so that people will think he's tough or whatever. Yes, that's a perfectly reasonable theory and not ridiculous at all.

You really think Kobe would go through all of that trouble just to have people think he's tough or something? No, he wouldn't. You are ****ing retarded if you really believe the bullshit you spew.

12-26-2011, 04:02 PM
whats next haters? "Realtalk.NOT TROLLING." you just trolled.

Deuce Bigalow
12-26-2011, 04:05 PM
Are you saying that they are "fake"? :oldlol: :facepalm

12-26-2011, 04:09 PM
Are you saying that they are "fake"? :oldlol: :facepalm

The fake injury conspiracies are always funny :oldlol:

12-26-2011, 04:24 PM
The fake injury conspiracies are always funny :oldlol:

Especially coming from Lebron fans:roll:

12-27-2011, 02:05 AM
I actually agree with both sides.

Kobe does get hurt legitimately.
The media does pay close attention to his injuries probably mores than others.
Cameras just happen to catch him more than other players.


He does seem to play up to his injuries far more than others.
Other players play hurt all the time, he isn't the only one like the media and his fans make it out to be.

And I know I will get shit for this, but I wouldn't be surprised if he exaggerated or lied when he's feeling ill.

Some of his actions are clearly ploys to prop himself up, exaggerated gestures and antics to appear tougher. Don't' believe me or have a short term memory? does anybody remember the obvious workout after the Heat loss? how he's usually just sick for big match ups? Hell.. even Phil and some of his teammates have questioned how sick he was in the past.

So while I don't think he's faking his current injury, he does play it up to make himself appear tougher.

+1 I agree with this.

12-27-2011, 02:28 AM
every player has this stuff to an extent. kobe just happens to be one of the toughest players and actually plays through it all. he also happens to be one of the most high profile players as well so everything about him gets a ton of pub.

not sure why people get on Kobe about it. yea, by not talking about it he actually...is drawing more attention to it, but so what. he's absolutely one of the toughest players of all time in my opinion.

and a lot of stars always have nagging injuries. wade does. dirk does all the time. dirk's ankles are always an issue. dirk just played through it year after year. people talk about it all the time in dallas on the radio and stuff. its just not on sportscenter because dirk isn't the star that kobe is.

do people actually think kobe makes this shit up? LOL...the only thing that is annoying is when his fans use it as an excuse and pretend like every other player isn't battling some type of nagging injury as well. but that has nothing to do with kobe.

i get what you're saying, but injuries to your shooting hand are some of the worst, speaking from experience. Ankle sprain etc are common place, i play on those all the time, but the worst injury i ever had in regards to affecting my game was a dislocated middle finger on my shooting hand a sprained wrist.

This iron man business needs to come to an end now...this injury he has right now is no joke, his shooting hand already looks like it was hammered.

12-27-2011, 02:59 AM
I actually agree with both sides.

Kobe does get hurt legitimately.
The media does pay close attention to his injuries probably mores than others.
Cameras just happen to catch him more than other players.


He does seem to play up to his injuries far more than others.
Other players play hurt all the time, he isn't the only one like the media and his fans make it out to be.

And I know I will get shit for this, but I wouldn't be surprised if he exaggerated or lied when he's feeling ill.

Some of his actions are clearly ploys to prop himself up, exaggerated gestures and antics to appear tougher. Don't' believe me or have a short term memory? does anybody remember the obvious workout after the Heat loss? how he's usually just sick for big match ups? Hell.. even Phil and some of his teammates have questioned how sick he was in the past.

So while I don't think he's faking his current injury, he does play it up to make himself appear tougher.


He gets hurt just like every other player, but then drags it out with the big time Broadway production and show.

We are talking about a guy who had the networks show him hug his kids in some big Broadway display about how much he loves his family...

12-27-2011, 03:00 AM

He gets hurt just like every other player, but then drags it out with the big time Broadway production and show.

We are talking about a guy who had the networks show him hug his kids in some big Broadway display about how much he loves his family...

he was operating the camera?

12-27-2011, 03:02 AM
he was operating the camera?

Was any other player doing this ? You honestly think he had no hand in trying to reverse his image by doing this ?

Sad part is that after all that...he's destroyed it all with the divorce and the enquirer coming out with the claim that he had 105 mistresses across the country

12-27-2011, 03:04 AM
Was any other player doing this ? You honestly think he had no hand in trying to reverse his image by doing this ?

fishers wife was there as well. Lamar had khloe come out but they couldnt show it on their cameras since it was for their show..

I just don't think Kobe has any say in whether or not the camera shows his family on the court. Why should Kobe not be allowed to bring his kids out if he wants to? his image was already reversed by freaking 2010...

just wondering here... i dont think its beneath the guy to do it i just dont see the reason to believe it.

12-27-2011, 03:10 AM
fishers wife was there as well. Lamar had khloe come out but they couldnt show it on their cameras since it was for their show..

I just don't think Kobe has any say in whether or not the camera shows his family on the court. Why should Kobe not be allowed to bring his kids out if he wants to? his image was already reversed by freaking 2010...

just wondering here... i dont think its beneath the guy to do it i just dont see the reason to believe it.

So you really think the cameras caught this by accident every time ? So where was his family in games where they were getting their ass kicked ?

That sh*t looked about as staged and anything could ever be...

12-27-2011, 03:12 AM
So you really think the cameras caught this by accident every time ? So where was his family in games where they were getting their ass kicked ?

That sh*t looked about as staged and anything could ever be...

Well no I think the cameras are looking for that. They are trying to show kobe and his family every time. They want to sell a story. I don't think its possibel for kobe to bring his family out without the cameras watching.. My point is that I dont think he does it for the camera, I think you just cant have one without the other...

12-27-2011, 03:21 AM
Well no I think the cameras are looking for that. They are trying to show kobe and his family every time. They want to sell a story. I don't think its possibel for kobe to bring his family out without the cameras watching.. My point is that I dont think he does it for the camera, I think you just cant have one without the other...

I definitely think he did it for the camera. People think he's a robotic personality that they can't relate to. What better way to relate to people than to show your a family man ? People like to watch him play, but as far as his personality or life off of the court...he's always been pretty secretive about that.

I'm not saying him loving his kids is fake, but I think the whole hug and kiss thing on camera is probably something a publicist came up with

12-27-2011, 03:23 AM
he was operating the camera?

Man... even KPAH in the past has mentioned that Kobe is too conscious of his image.

Now... I wouldn't have any issue with that at all, of course he needs to take care of his image. However, he seems fake and very choreographed. It's like he wants to be remembered as this warrior this tough guy. He says all the things people wanna hear, he tries to do things to make his legendary status grow.

Does anybody remember Phil saying Kobe used to manipulate his high school games so he could be the hero?

There's a definitive pattern with Kobe, that some people want to ignore. I don't hate him for trying to be great or legendary, I'm just dubious of how he goes about it. He wants to be MJ, but MJ was just MJ.

A perfect metaphor for this, is the dude that just IS vs the guy that wants just wants to be.

And that's why Kobe rubs many people the wrong way, he's just fake.

12-27-2011, 03:33 AM
Y'all can keep telling yourselves all that delusional hot garbage all y'all want to. But until SOMEBODY can provide ANY REAL VERIFIABLE EVIDENCE, people with some common sense will NEVER forget this:


But then he beasts in THE EVERY NEXT GAME vs Boston.....like nothing happened.:wtf:

Oh, and by the way, Fake would be Lebron promising Cleveland a title, then haulin' a** the first chance he got. As he stuck a knife in their back with a big smile on his face, out the door to Miami.

Try again:no:

12-27-2011, 03:34 AM
So you really think the cameras caught this by accident every time ? So where was his family in games where they were getting their ass kicked ?

That sh*t looked about as staged and anything could ever be...

the fam was in the tunnel even when the lakers were getting blown out. I'm sure other players bring their family to home games as well... whether or not the broadcasting network decides to put that on screen is not up to the player.

the funny thing about this thread is that the injuries that kobe's had have been documented by doctors using MRI's. Its not really something that can be faked... He's not claiming to have a sore shoulder, the flu, or anything of that sort.

he plays through them and deflects every question about them when asked.. yet people want to hate on him for it?

longtime lurker
12-27-2011, 03:42 AM
So I've yet to see someone give me a good reason as to why any player would fake an injury. I'm sure Kobe would rather have a fully healthy wrist than a pity party for when he has a bad game. No one will feel sorry for you about injuries if you're not winning games.

12-27-2011, 03:44 AM
injuries that kobe's had have been documented by doctors using MRI's. Its not really something that can be faked... He's not claiming to have a sore shoulder, the flu, or anything of that sort.

This is not the issue to me. The issue is that he plays up his injuries on the court to look like a badass. You know...similar to how he came up with his own "I'm a badass" underbite face

12-27-2011, 03:47 AM
This is not the issue to me. The issue is that he plays up his injuries on the court to look like a badass. You know...similar to how he came up with his own "I'm a badass" underbite face


12-27-2011, 03:48 AM

I don't need no f*ckin link. We all watch the games and see him show off his injury after he hits shots. I'm not about to spend any time searching through Youtube for something everyone has already seen and you know damn well happens

12-27-2011, 03:51 AM
I don't need no f*ckin link. We all watch the games and see him show off his injury after he hits shots. I'm not about to spend any time searching through Youtube for something everyone has already seen and you know damn well happens

That's only cuz you don't have any to back up anything you're saying. So...we're just supposed to take your word for it....then....huh?!:rolleyes:

You're nothing but a pathetic hater and that's obvious.

Stop embarrassing yourself:facepalm

12-27-2011, 03:52 AM
when a man has 5 rings, you have to be creative in finding other things to hate. good job retards

12-27-2011, 03:54 AM
That's only cuz you don't have any to back up anything you're saying. So...we're just supposed to take your word for it....then....huh?!:rolleyes:

You're nothing but a pathetic hater and that's obvious.

Stop embarrassing yourself:facepalm

Says the Kobe dick riding stan

Plenty of people in here have agreed with me. Including Laker fans

I'm not doing Youtube research of game clips in the middle of the night to please you

12-27-2011, 04:04 AM
Says the Kobe dick riding stan

Plenty of people in here have agreed with me. Including Laker fans

I'm not doing Youtube research of game clips in the middle of the night to please you

...says this OBVIOUS bandwagon Lebron fan, riding Lebron's d***, while saying all that. Who's so pathetic he has to PRETEND to be a Clippers fan.:facepalm

You can't provide any links cuz there aren't any to some MADE UP delusion you Lebron fans have. Oh, and by the way, "plenty of people in here agree with me" means 2 or 3 equally pathetic haters, who are just as re******, or even more re****** than you, to believe something with NO REAL PROOF WHATSOEVER! And one more thing, name me at least 10 Laker fans on here who agree with your PATHETIC delusion. Complete with links and ORIGINAL posts to them agreeing with you.


12-27-2011, 04:11 AM
...says this OBVIOUS bandwagon Lebron fan, who's so pathetic he has to PRETEND to be a Clippers fan.:facepalm

You can't provide any links cuz there aren't any to some MADE UP delusion you Lebron fans have. Oh, and by the way, "plenty of people in here agree with me" means 2 or 3 equally pathetic haters, who are just as re******, or even more re****** than you, to believe something with NO REAL PROOF WHATSOEVER! And one more thing, name me at least 10 Laker fans on here who agree with your PATHETIC delusion. Complete with links and ORIGINAL posts to them agreeing with you.


Lmao, I've read 2 comments of yours in the last hour or so, and both of them are you bringing up Lebron when he's nowhere in the conversation. You're confirming everything I said about you. You have a one track mind, and it's all about Lebron.

12-27-2011, 04:13 AM
...says this OBVIOUS bandwagon Lebron fan, riding Lebron's d***, while saying all that. Who's so pathetic he has to PRETEND to be a Clippers fan.:facepalm

You can't provide any links cuz there aren't any to some MADE UP delusion you Lebron fans have. Oh, and by the way, "plenty of people in here agree with me" means 2 or 3 equally pathetic haters, who are just as re******, or even more re****** than you, to believe something with NO REAL PROOF WHATSOEVER! And one more thing, name me at least 10 Laker fans on here who agree with your PATHETIC delusion. Complete with links and ORIGINAL posts to them agreeing with you.


I'm a Clipper fan stupid. I'm a fan of a TEAM not a dick riding stan of a player

12-27-2011, 04:14 AM
Lmao, I've read 2 comments of yours in the last hour or so, and both of them are you bringing up Lebron when he's nowhere in the conversation. You're confirming everything I said about you. You have a one track mind, and it's all about Lebron.

Clown please stop embarrassing yourself. The only people stupid enough to MAKE UP something so asinine are bandwagon Lebron fans who HAVE TO tear down Kobe to make Lebron look good. So...please tell me how the two AREN'T related?!:wtf:

Again, stop embarrassing yourself:facepalm

12-27-2011, 04:15 AM
Lmao, I've read 2 comments of yours in the last hour or so, and both of them are you bringing up Lebron when he's nowhere in the conversation. You're confirming everything I said about you. You have a one track mind, and it's all about Lebron.

Dick riding stan whose agenda is to praise Kobe and down Lebron. Nobody has mentioned Lebron in here. I sure as hell hadn't, but I'm a Lebron dick rider...Yeah LOL

Lebron James is an arrogant asshole who choked like hell last year. He's a hell of a basketball player with a serious mental block in big games

12-27-2011, 04:16 AM
I'm a Clipper fan stupid. I'm a fan of a TEAM not a dick riding stan of a player

Sure you are.....sure you are.:rolleyes:

A supposed Clippers fan who is so OBSESSED with Lebron, for some strange and yet STILL unknown reason?!:wtf:

Nice try:applause:

12-27-2011, 04:16 AM
Clown please stop embarrassing yourself. The only people stupid enough to MAKE UP something so asinine are bandwagon Lebron fans who HAVE TO tear down Kobe to make Lebron look good. So...please tell me how the two AREN'T related?!:wtf:

Again, stop embarrassing yourself:facepalm

Since we are doing quote research why don't you research a thread with me dick riding Lebron

Please tell me your not out of high school. If you are then wow...good luck with that

12-27-2011, 04:17 AM
Dick riding stan whose agenda is to praise Kobe and down Lebron. Nobody has mentioned Lebron in here. I sure as hell hadn't, but I'm a Lebron dick rider...Yeah LOL

Lebron James is an arrogant asshole who choked like hell last year. He's a hell of a basketball player with a serious mental block in big games

Notice how this "Clippers fan" is so concerned about what people have to say about Lebron?!:rolleyes:

Try again:no:

12-27-2011, 04:18 AM
Since we are doing quote research why don't you research a thread with me dick riding Lebron

Please tell me your not out of high school. If you are then wow...good luck with that


12-27-2011, 04:19 AM
Notice how this "Clippers fan" is so concerned about what people have to say about Lebron?!:rolleyes:

Try again:no:

Pretty amazed you only have one red bar

Have fun kid

12-27-2011, 04:19 AM
Pretty amazed you only have one red bar

...is really all this clown can think of to say now, as he runs away, cryin' like a little girl after TOTALLY embarrassing himself:facepalm

12-27-2011, 04:20 AM
The guy came straight out of high school has basiclly always been in the playoffs and plays overrseas during a lot of the offseasons.

Needless to say the man has a lot of wear and tear on that body and makes it even worse because he doesn't rest his injuries.

while i do agree about the playoffs thing..
his first international ball came in 07 and 08

he didn't go for the longest time due to things coming up in the summer, marriage (2000), injuries, and of course his trial

12-27-2011, 04:21 AM
...is really all this clown can think of to say now, as he runs away, cryin' like a little girl after TOTALLY embarrassing himself:facepalm

Mmm hmm

Because people with real lives run away crying from a message board. Like I said have fun kid. I'm going to bed so I can be ready for work in the morning

12-27-2011, 04:28 AM

Mmm hmm

Because people with real lives run away crying from a message board. Like I said have fun kid. I'm going to bed so I can be ready for work in the morning

People with real lives DON'T try to ignore the FACT that Lebron CLEARLY faked his elbow injury, while at the same time TRYING to accuse Kobe of faking REAL injuries, so stop embarrassing yourself:facepalm

Oh, and by the way, you said you were "leaving" like 10 minutes ago....why are you still here?!:blah :blah :blah

12-27-2011, 04:46 AM
You've got to give some cred to Kobe though, he never blames injury in post game interviews.

12-27-2011, 04:59 AM
This is not the issue to me. The issue is that he plays up his injuries on the court to look like a badass. You know...similar to how he came up with his own "I'm a badass" underbite face

I get what you're talking about, but there is no real way of knowing if he is acting.. or if it does legitimately sting when he hits his wrist on the rim, or gets hit on the hand driving in, etc. The natural reaction for you or I would be to grab the area where the pain is..

There happens to be multiple cameras focused on Kobe's every move while he is on the court and on the bench. The second the producer see's a wrist rub, they cue that camera. Its possible he does it at times when it doesn't sting, but given the fact that its a legitimate injury, id give him the benefit of the doubt.

I hate the scowl, but most players in the NBA have some sort of go to "I'm a bad ass" move. Metta World Peace kisses his biceps, Lebron beats his chest and stares into the seats, etc.

12-27-2011, 08:04 AM
he also had his dikk jammed in some white biatches kunnt one season.

12-27-2011, 08:06 AM
he also had his dikk jammed in some white biatches kunnt one season.
One season?:roll:

Knoe Itawl
12-27-2011, 12:31 PM
I don't think Kobe fakes his injuries, but I do believe he overemphasizes them. The most annoying thing though, is his fans that have been using injuries as excuses for the past 8 or 9 years or so.

He has a good/great game? Thats Kobe being Kobe baby!!!

He has a terrible game? Well his (insert injury here) prevented him from playing great.

It's the perfect scenario. A built in excuse for poor play.

And by the way, they would NEVER accept the same kind of injury defense for ANY OTHER PLAYER. ESPECIALLY those that they consider Bryant's competition.

That's why the injury thing is pathetic. Not because he's faking them.

12-27-2011, 12:47 PM
I don't think Kobe fakes his injuries, but I do believe he overemphasizes them. The most annoying thing though, is his fans that have been using injuries as excuses for the past 8 or 9 years or so.

He has a good/great game? Thats Kobe being Kobe baby!!!

He has a terrible game? Well his (insert injury here) prevented him from playing great.

It's the perfect scenario. A built in excuse for poor play.

And by the way, they would NEVER accept the same kind of injury defense for ANY OTHER PLAYER. ESPECIALLY those that they consider Bryant's competition.

That's why the injury thing is pathetic. Not because he's faking them.

Everything you just said reflects MORE on Lebron and his fans, more than it does the Lakers/Kobe and their fans. Especailly since ALL Y'ALL talkin' all that trash, but CONVENIENTLY have nothing to say about this:


But I get it cuz that was when Lebron was wearing a Cavs uni, when ALL Y'ALL were PRETENDING to be "real" Cavs fans, so that brings up some bad memories, doesn't it?! Y'all can keep coming on here, prattling on and and on and on, with that b.s. cuz the only people dumb enough to buy into all that delusional hot garbage is bandwagon Lebron fans.:facepalm

Try again:no:

12-27-2011, 01:31 PM
He goes hard and gets injured. He certainly plays it up, but he DOES get injured. He's no lying about it if that's the implication.

12-27-2011, 01:32 PM
I don't think he fakes injuries. Like I said, pretty much all +30 year olds have some nagging injuries. It basically becomes part of who they are as a player at some point.

What I do think he definitely does is play up things for the camera. Not sure you can say that about how his injuries, but it wouldn't surprise me if he does given other situations. The shootaround after the Heat game is a perfect example of this. Another great example of this was the whole 2010 Finals, where he just walked around with a stone cold face and purposefully showed a complete indifference to the "rivalry" with the Celtics and that they were just another team. At the end of the series, he admitted he didn't really feel that way. Seriously, what was the point of that?

12-27-2011, 02:08 PM
I don't think he fakes injuries. Like I said, pretty much all +30 year olds have some nagging injuries. It basically becomes part of who they are as a player at some point.

What I do think he definitely does is play up things for the camera. Not sure you can say that about how his injuries, but it wouldn't surprise me if he does given other situations. The shootaround after the Heat game is a perfect example of this. Another great example of this was the whole 2010 Finals, where he just walked around with a stone cold face and purposefully showed a complete indifference to the "rivalry" with the Celtics and that they were just another team. At the end of the series, he admitted he didn't really feel that way. Seriously, what was the point of that?
Well obviously. Don't you guys remember when he was doing that face everytime he made a lucky shot? That face used to scare babies man!

White Mamba
12-27-2011, 02:10 PM
this theard is a joke, all kobe's injuries happened on the court and we all watched them happen, are we gonna act like they just gone?

12-27-2011, 02:17 PM
this theard is a joke, all kobe's injuries happened on the court and we all watched them happen, are we gonna act like they just gone?

Yeah...pretty much, since according to them, it's all an elaborate well planned out conspiracy between Kobe, the media(to put out photoshopped pics of his f***** up fingers, swollen ankles, and bogus stories about knee surgeries), the team doctors, and head coaches, all in an effort to rehab Kobe's media image.