View Full Version : I think...we have hit the peak. Never before have more people needed to....

01-04-2012, 02:00 AM
......shut the **** up.

And by that I dont literally mean stop posting. And I dont even mean talk less. I am a hall of fame level windbag at times online and even in person...am one of the most verbose mother****ers you could encounter. But still I must say....

Some of these topics early this season has me wanting to kick down your doors and throw you in the torture rack till you tap and I refuse to break the hold.

Over the last couple decades ive heard a lot of early season idiocy. We all have. From Flip Murray>Ray Allen to Baron Davis for MVP to a 67 win team needed to be broken up because their playoff days are done(The Mavs started like 1-5 after making the finals). Ive heard that Drew gooden would be the best bigman in the NBA by now(look at his first few games...you will see why).

But this shit is a whole other level.

We are coming off a lockout. Like 20% of the NBA is visibly out of shape. Training camp was like 5 days and there are rookies playing who have only had like 5 workouts with the team and 2 preseason games. with the compressed schedule some teams will only have like 10-12 total days of planned practice for the SEASON.

There are still teams with players lost overseas scattered around the world....solid rotation players still free agents....at least one team is trying to implement elements learned from Oregon FOOTBALL that has only been worked on in coaches only scrimmages with 60 year old hall of famers and fat assistants playing the roles of Lebron and Wade.

We are 4 or 5 games into the season with only 2 preseason games.

Normally...the regular seasons begins after a month of practice, preseason games, and so on...and its not after 6 months of being locked out and 8 months after the last regular season ended...

This board is full of people of at least average mental ability who have the benefit of knowing all the above facts that point to the near irrelevancy of the first week of play...

And still....

We have people who actually use season averages to make a point as if 4 games of averages means anything(A guy like Kobe might average 55 for 4 games...or 18). have guys like rose, Wade, Kobe, CP3, Durant, Rondo, and Lebron either treated as gods are trash after one nights work.

After 2 games Kobe was back...after 5....hes Bynums sidekick.

Wade might no longer be elite.

The gotdamn Pacers are contenders...due to the #1 d...acquired by playing the Raptors, cavs, and Pistons....

I really cant believe some of this shit.

Id give anything to have a button to press to make someone climb through some of your windows and bust you in the head with a sack of doorknobs for some of these claims.

Even midseason runs in regular normal seasons dont mean shit. In 93 the Bulls lost 8 of 14 games at one point(including a game Jordan dropped 64 points)...

But 2 bad games in this situation...when the games being played would normally be preseason....after no off season....really no camp...tons of new systems being put in without being worked on...

Still....we find it possible to draw such solid conclusions.


01-04-2012, 02:00 AM
The God has spoken. :bowdown:

01-04-2012, 02:02 AM

My thread was basically like this except in question-form :lol

01-04-2012, 02:04 AM
Thank you based Kblaze God. Thank you. :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

01-04-2012, 02:05 AM
Thank you based Kblaze God. Thank you. :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:
pretty sure half the op was directed at you.

01-04-2012, 02:05 AM

01-04-2012, 02:05 AM
kblaze is like the Don of ISH. Doesn't say much, but when he speaks everyone listens.


01-04-2012, 02:06 AM
:applause: :applause:

01-04-2012, 02:06 AM

01-04-2012, 02:07 AM
It's sad that people praise the OP just because he typed a wall of text.

I could have said that in a paragraph.


STFU already.

Cali Syndicate
01-04-2012, 02:07 AM

01-04-2012, 02:08 AM
you're jumping to the conclusion that we're jumping to conclusions. CP for example has been in steady decline for years and the start of this season just adds additional reinforcement to that well established fact.

lots of these other thing have been going on a while too. i agree with you on the mavs are done theme that is too early to tell.

01-04-2012, 02:09 AM
some people have the foresight to see things before they actually occur

01-04-2012, 02:10 AM
My name is NewYorkNoPicks, and I approve this thread.:applause:

OP you are the MAN!

01-04-2012, 02:11 AM
It's sad that people praise the OP just because he typed a wall of text.

I could have said that in a paragraph.


STFU already.

Oh **** you you dumb piece of shit.. he spoke the truth. you all are some knee jerk dipshits.

why are you posting anyway? go back on sucking Kobe's dick

01-04-2012, 02:11 AM
Well someone needed to speak (or in this case type) the truth.

But are people willing to listen?

01-04-2012, 02:12 AM
I made a thread almost like this last season at this time. It's just bound to happen. People are to retarded to realize 5 games doesn't mean anything. Somebody needs to bump this thread 5 games into every season in fact.

01-04-2012, 02:12 AM
pretty sure half the op was directed at you.

I was just countering the dumb and sudden trolling of Laker fans 'cause they're winning.

01-04-2012, 02:15 AM
:applause: i don't think people can restrain themselves from jumping to massive conclusions around here. i've just learned to tune it out; otherwise i don't enjoy the forums as much...

01-04-2012, 02:17 AM
Well pyt

pete's montreux
01-04-2012, 02:17 AM
I figured OP of all people would have learned to ignore such topics after all this time. I don't even bother clicking on the threads listed. Pick and choose. Sometimes I read 1 thread a day. Sometimes that's all that worth paying attention to.

01-04-2012, 02:18 AM
The first couple weeks are always the worst here. So many knee jerk reactions with little context used, half the time people are just trolling to get a rise out of everyone.

01-04-2012, 02:18 AM
some people have the foresight to see things before they actually occur

sorry gandalf you are pardoned from ridiculous overreactions

Cali Syndicate
01-04-2012, 02:20 AM
you're jumping to the conclusion that we're jumping to conclusions. CP for example has been in steady decline for years and the start of this season just adds additional reinforcement to that well established fact.

lots of these other thing have been going on a while too. i agree with you on the mavs are done theme that is too early to tell.

Steady decline for years? CP3 was having a superb '10 season before he got injured. Last season looked like he wasn't fully adjusted from his injury but he was still ballin as a top PG in the league.

Steady decline for years...:facepalm

01-04-2012, 02:56 AM
Finally, someone has spoken. FINALLY FINALLY.

I don't know why people keep on bothering to reply to those kinds of threads. We just have to leave them alone. Let them say knee jerk statements and just reply to the threads who are really worthy of replies and not to threads who make completely idiotic conclusions.

It's funny to read though.. like the things they say are so stupid you know they know it too..

Mr Know It All
01-04-2012, 03:03 AM
Kblaze types drivel that has been typed in response to almost every overreaction thread by a ton of posters on ISH. He is God.:bowdown:

Please, a big part of sports is fan overreaction. ESPN does it everyday with almost every article they pump out. Every topic on shows like PTI, Around the Horn, the god awful SportsNation. Is Kobe Done? Are the Heat unbeatable? Will the Mavs be a lottery team? It's all BS and pointing it out certainly doesn't make you a guru.

Kblaze is a good enough poster, he doesn't need to be praised for every redundant post he makes by the tools that are begging to be repped by him.

01-04-2012, 03:08 AM
I figured OP of all people would have learned to ignore such topics after all this time. I don't even bother clicking on the threads listed. Pick and choose. Sometimes I read 1 thread a day. Sometimes that's all that worth paying attention to.

But he's a moderator.

Kblaze is right, but that doesn't change anything. People are going to overreact and make stupid threads regardless of what anyone says. The only thing that can really solve this problem is IP banning. Moderators don't have that sort of power and Jeff is not a strict admin.

01-04-2012, 03:18 AM
If you've got irritated this easily and this quickly by it since becoming a mod, sucks for you when it comes to playoff time.

01-04-2012, 03:33 AM
......shut the **** up.

And by that I dont literally mean stop posting. And I dont even mean talk less. I am a hall of fame level windbag at times online and even in person...am one of the most verbose mother****ers you could encounter. But still I must say....

Some of these topics early this season has me wanting to kick down your doors and throw you in the torture rack till you tap and I refuse to break the hold.

Over the last couple decades ive heard a lot of early season idiocy. We all have. From Flip Murray>Ray Allen to Baron Davis for MVP to a 67 win team needed to be broken up because their playoff days are done(The Mavs started like 1-5 after making the finals). Ive heard that Drew gooden would be the best bigman in the NBA by now(look at his first few games...you will see why).

But this shit is a whole other level.

We are coming off a lockout. Like 20% of the NBA is visibly out of shape. Training camp was like 5 days and there are rookies playing who have only had like 5 workouts with the team and 2 preseason games. with the compressed schedule some teams will only have like 10-12 total days of planned practice for the SEASON.

There are still teams with players lost overseas scattered around the world....solid rotation players still free agents....at least one team is trying to implement elements learned from Oregon FOOTBALL that has only been worked on in coaches only scrimmages with 60 year old hall of famers and fat assistants playing the roles of Lebron and Wade.

We are 4 or 5 games into the season with only 2 preseason games.

Normally...the regular seasons begins after a month of practice, preseason games, and so on...and its not after 6 months of being locked out and 8 months after the last regular season ended...

This board is full of people of at least average mental ability who have the benefit of knowing all the above facts that point to the near irrelevancy of the first week of play...

And still....

We have people who actually use season averages to make a point as if 4 games of averages means anything(A guy like Kobe might average 55 for 4 games...or 18). have guys like rose, Wade, Kobe, CP3, Durant, Rondo, and Lebron either treated as gods are trash after one nights work.

After 2 games Kobe was back...after 5....hes Bynums sidekick.

Wade might no longer be elite.

The gotdamn Pacers are contenders...due to the #1 d...acquired by playing the Raptors, cavs, and Pistons....

I really cant believe some of this shit.

Id give anything to have a button to press to make someone climb through some of your windows and bust you in the head with a sack of doorknobs for some of these claims.

Even midseason runs in regular normal seasons dont mean shit. In 93 the Bulls lost 8 of 14 games at one point(including a game Jordan dropped 64 points)...

But 2 bad games in this situation...when the games being played would normally be preseason....after no off season....really no camp...tons of new systems being put in without being worked on...

Still....we find it possible to draw such solid conclusions.



01-04-2012, 03:37 AM
Why you worrying about those blatant troll topics though :confusedshrug: it's usually the same culprits so no point in trying to speak sense to any of them.

01-04-2012, 04:03 AM
I could have said that in a paragraph.


STFU already.

And nobody would have listened to you. Some things need to be put into detail.

OP, thank you.

01-04-2012, 04:25 AM
that's what you get if you have posters who follow the sport only a couple of years and before that were collecting pokemon memorabilia as their favourite pastime. bunch of hysteric crybabies.

01-04-2012, 05:08 AM
......shut the **** up.

And by that I dont literally mean stop posting. And I dont even mean talk less. I am a hall of fame level windbag at times online and even in person...am one of the most verbose mother****ers you could encounter. But still I must say....

Some of these topics early this season has me wanting to kick down your doors and throw you in the torture rack till you tap and I refuse to break the hold.

Over the last couple decades ive heard a lot of early season idiocy. We all have. From Flip Murray>Ray Allen to Baron Davis for MVP to a 67 win team needed to be broken up because their playoff days are done(The Mavs started like 1-5 after making the finals). Ive heard that Drew gooden would be the best bigman in the NBA by now(look at his first few games...you will see why).

But this shit is a whole other level.

We are coming off a lockout. Like 20% of the NBA is visibly out of shape. Training camp was like 5 days and there are rookies playing who have only had like 5 workouts with the team and 2 preseason games. with the compressed schedule some teams will only have like 10-12 total days of planned practice for the SEASON.

There are still teams with players lost overseas scattered around the world....solid rotation players still free agents....at least one team is trying to implement elements learned from Oregon FOOTBALL that has only been worked on in coaches only scrimmages with 60 year old hall of famers and fat assistants playing the roles of Lebron and Wade.

We are 4 or 5 games into the season with only 2 preseason games.

Normally...the regular seasons begins after a month of practice, preseason games, and so on...and its not after 6 months of being locked out and 8 months after the last regular season ended...

This board is full of people of at least average mental ability who have the benefit of knowing all the above facts that point to the near irrelevancy of the first week of play...

And still....

We have people who actually use season averages to make a point as if 4 games of averages means anything(A guy like Kobe might average 55 for 4 games...or 18). have guys like rose, Wade, Kobe, CP3, Durant, Rondo, and Lebron either treated as gods are trash after one nights work.

After 2 games Kobe was back...after 5....hes Bynums sidekick.

Wade might no longer be elite.

The gotdamn Pacers are contenders...due to the #1 d...acquired by playing the Raptors, cavs, and Pistons....

I really cant believe some of this shit.

Id give anything to have a button to press to make someone climb through some of your windows and bust you in the head with a sack of doorknobs for some of these claims.

Even midseason runs in regular normal seasons dont mean shit. In 93 the Bulls lost 8 of 14 games at one point(including a game Jordan dropped 64 points)...

But 2 bad games in this situation...when the games being played would normally be preseason....after no off season....really no camp...tons of new systems being put in without being worked on...

Still....we find it possible to draw such solid conclusions.


you are a moderator and you make a thread like this?

You are showing your cards. You are going to be one of those emotional and bias mods who delete people's threads.

01-04-2012, 05:16 AM
kblaze is like the Don of ISH. Doesn't say much, but when he speaks everyone listens.

I don't listen to that conceited tripe.

It's five games into an NBA season that many people thought wasn't going to be. Let people have their observations, their analysis and in other words: their fun. That's why people come to ISH after all. They don't come to ISH to listen to some sour bastard telling everybody to stop overreacting, nobody wants to read about that boring shit.

01-04-2012, 05:19 AM
We believe you can do it. :applause:

01-04-2012, 05:55 AM
I don't listen to that conceited tripe.

It's five games into an NBA season that many people thought wasn't going to be. Let people have their observations, their analysis and in other words: their fun. That's why people come to ISH after all. They don't come to ISH to listen to some sour bastard telling everybody to stop overreacting, nobody wants to read about that boring shit.
Pretty much this.

I fail to see what is the alternative the OP proposes.

Shutting up?

Stupid overreaction threads are part of the fun. It wouldn't be ISH without them.

So, while I agree completely with the point that overreacting is ignorant, I really wouldn't want anyone to shut up.

Let the stupid be stupid, let the others tell them again and again.

01-04-2012, 05:58 AM
He is not the right pick for a mod when he posts crap like this.

As a moderator you want to grow and increase viewership to the site.

He basically told us not to overreact and make threads. What are we going to do, chat in the game threads?

01-04-2012, 05:59 AM


01-04-2012, 07:25 AM
Let the morons post all the delusional hot garbage they want cuz it'll just be used against them when their "expert analysis" doesn't pan out. Then they'll either, a) SUDDENLY develop amnesia and can't remember anything they said, b)haul a** at the site of their own posts, like vampires do when the see the sign of the cross, or c) simply flat out disappear and come back in here with another profile. Case in point, a few weeks ago, it was Clippersmania on here. Clippers this and Clippers that, Clippers, Clippers, Clippers are the dominant team in LA, Clippers, Clippers, Clippers, Clippers are going to the Finals, Clippers, Clippers, Clippers. NOW, since they started losing games, you can barely find a thread about the Clippers. And ALL of the same people who were inciting Clippersmania, have either disappeared, or have amnesia now claiming they never said anything of the sort. :facepalm

01-04-2012, 07:29 AM
As a moderator you want to grow and increase viewership to the site.

and you do that by keeping up the level of quality bball conversation.
wade not elite anymore? shit cant be serious. :facepalm

01-04-2012, 07:30 AM
I don't listen to that conceited tripe.

It's five games into an NBA season that many people thought wasn't going to be. Let people have their observations, their analysis and in other words: their fun. That's why people come to ISH after all. They don't come to ISH to listen to some sour bastard telling everybody to stop overreacting, nobody wants to read about that boring shit.

says the 15 year old whos only watched basketball for 3 years. Go make another "____ Greatest of All Time" thread with the rest of your kind. Nobody wants you ignorant posters on the board, go back to your twitter, foursquare, super tight jeans, pink sesame street t shirts, and any other desperate attempt you guys participate in to try and prpve your individuality.

01-04-2012, 07:44 AM
I don't listen to that conceited tripe.

It's five games into an NBA season that many people thought wasn't going to be. Let people have their observations, their analysis and in other words: their fun. That's why people come to ISH after all. They don't come to ISH to listen to some sour bastard telling everybody to stop overreacting, nobody wants to read about that boring shit.
There is some truth in this you know. The problem on ISH, in my opinion, isn't the overreaction threads, it's the people who actually know they're trolling. They are making the ridiculous threads. An overreaction thread here and there because somebody plays out of their minds is not a problem if you ask me. We need to get rid of the trolls.

01-04-2012, 08:23 AM
It's sad that people praise the OP just because he typed a wall of text.

I could have said that in a paragraph.


STFU already.


01-04-2012, 09:12 AM
your the only one that needs to shut the fucc up

01-04-2012, 09:24 AM
I gotta chime in cause if I didn't then... well, I wouldn't be me.

I can't completely rock w/ the op simply because it's coming off as you (I presume a bball fanatic) are really making excuses for "professional athletes" to basically come into their work environment unprepared (out of shape/ not ready mentally) due to them being locked out and it seems you're ok w/ that.

I am not ok w/ that because to me things like that weed out those who take their craft seriously and those who take it for granted.

Is it a fact, no, it's my observation/ opinion which leads me to my next point:

You claim to be "anti-troll" due to your "online rep" but you pretty much make a troll thread about being tired of troll threads, which by the way is your prerogative which of course is every members prerogative to make a thread about what they observe, no matter how ludicrous it may be.

If someone feels Wade or CP3 is slippin' or MarShon Brooks is the next Kobe or the Mavs should blow it up then maybe it's true, maybe it isn't, but it IS their prerogative to make such a thread.

The way you worded this thread title I came in here expecting some bball insite and a hot bball conversation, had I known the thread was about this I would've used my discretion to NOT click on this thread, which all peeps have the ability to do.

I guess your mission was accomplished because you got a reaction so....

W/ that being said, I bid you ado...

01-04-2012, 09:32 AM
:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:

Needed to be said. Some of the threads and posts in recent weeks are completely knee-jerk reactionary BS.

01-04-2012, 09:38 AM
knee-jerk is part of the whole scenario.

01-04-2012, 10:20 AM
this clown telling us to shut up..

he's the one who keeps telling otc "rick ross is as good as biggie and jayz"

:roll: :roll: :roll:

keep eating those "im better than thou" cookies, kblaze.

01-04-2012, 10:27 AM

Duckie MAN
01-04-2012, 10:37 AM

01-04-2012, 10:42 AM
I gotta chime in cause if I didn't then... well, I wouldn't be me.

I can't completely rock w/ the op simply because it's coming off as you (I presume a bball fanatic) are really making excuses for "professional athletes" to basically come into their work environment unprepared (out of shape/ not ready mentally) due to them being locked out and it seems you're ok w/ that.

I am not ok w/ that because to me things like that weed out those who take their craft seriously and those who take it for granted.

Is it a fact, no, it's my observation/ opinion which leads me to my next point:

You claim to be "anti-troll" due to your "online rep" but you pretty much make a troll thread about being tired of troll threads, which by the way is your prerogative which of course is every members prerogative to make a thread about what they observe, no matter how ludicrous it may be.

If someone feels Wade or CP3 is slippin' or MarShon Brooks is the next Kobe or the Mavs should blow it up then maybe it's true, maybe it isn't, but it IS their prerogative to make such a thread.

The way you worded this thread title I came in here expecting some bball insite and a hot bball conversation, had I known the thread was about this I would've used my discretion to NOT click on this thread, which all peeps have the ability to do.

I guess your mission was accomplished because you got a reaction so....

W/ that being said, I bid you ado...


01-04-2012, 10:52 AM
The Pacers contenders? LMFAO

01-04-2012, 11:43 AM
i will repeat myself again because its necessary.

OP is the only one that needs to shut the fuccc up.

01-04-2012, 11:52 AM
i will repeat myself again because its necessary.

OP is the only one that needs to shut the fuccc up.

yea good response corny ass little kid. Not enough brain power to think of a more clever retort

01-04-2012, 11:59 AM
I gotta chime in cause if I didn't then... well, I wouldn't be me.

I can't completely rock w/ the op simply because it's coming off as you (I presume a bball fanatic) are really making excuses for "professional athletes" to basically come into their work environment unprepared (out of shape/ not ready mentally) due to them being locked out and it seems you're ok w/ that.

I am not ok w/ that because to me things like that weed out those who take their craft seriously and those who take it for granted.

Is it a fact, no, it's my observation/ opinion which leads me to my next point:

You claim to be "anti-troll" due to your "online rep" but you pretty much make a troll thread about being tired of troll threads, which by the way is your prerogative which of course is every members prerogative to make a thread about what they observe, no matter how ludicrous it may be.

If someone feels Wade or CP3 is slippin' or MarShon Brooks is the next Kobe or the Mavs should blow it up then maybe it's true, maybe it isn't, but it IS their prerogative to make such a thread.

The way you worded this thread title I came in here expecting some bball insite and a hot bball conversation, had I known the thread was about this I would've used my discretion to NOT click on this thread, which all peeps have the ability to do.

I guess your mission was accomplished because you got a reaction so....

W/ that being said, I bid you ado...

Nah...I find the OP fueled by common sense...This season is waaaaay too early for some of the posts that we've seen. I realize that some of these wild posts are being made by some of the younger ISH heads who maybe don't know better. But it has been getting ridiculous...

Still entertaining though...

01-04-2012, 12:02 PM
Nah...I find the OP fueled by common sense...This season is waaaaay too early for some of the posts that we've seen. I realize that some of these wild posts are being made by some of the younger ISH heads who maybe don't know better. But it has been getting ridiculous...

Still entertaining though...

You realise a lot of them will be for entertainment purposes... i.e enjoy winding certain people up, don't see the problem myself, better than the endless threads full of ppg, fg% and per.........

01-04-2012, 12:16 PM
I gotta chime in cause if I didn't then... well, I wouldn't be me.

I can't completely rock w/ the op simply because it's coming off as you (I presume a bball fanatic) are really making excuses for "professional athletes" to basically come into their work environment unprepared (out of shape/ not ready mentally) due to them being locked out and it seems you're ok w/ that.

I am not ok w/ that because to me things like that weed out those who take their craft seriously and those who take it for granted.

Is it a fact, no, it's my observation/ opinion which leads me to my next point:

You claim to be "anti-troll" due to your "online rep" but you pretty much make a troll thread about being tired of troll threads, which by the way is your prerogative which of course is every members prerogative to make a thread about what they observe, no matter how ludicrous it may be.

If someone feels Wade or CP3 is slippin' or MarShon Brooks is the next Kobe or the Mavs should blow it up then maybe it's true, maybe it isn't, but it IS their prerogative to make such a thread.

The way you worded this thread title I came in here expecting some bball insite and a hot bball conversation, had I known the thread was about this I would've used my discretion to NOT click on this thread, which all peeps have the ability to do.

I guess your mission was accomplished because you got a reaction so....

W/ that being said, I bid you ado...

:roll: :roll: :roll:



01-04-2012, 12:25 PM
Of course they disagree with this thread.. It's about them needing to slow down and STFU.

01-04-2012, 12:26 PM
......shut the **** up.

And by that I dont literally mean stop posting. And I dont even mean talk less. I am a hall of fame level windbag at times online and even in person...am one of the most verbose mother****ers you could encounter. But still I must say....

Some of these topics early this season has me wanting to kick down your doors and throw you in the torture rack till you tap and I refuse to break the hold.

Over the last couple decades ive heard a lot of early season idiocy. We all have. From Flip Murray>Ray Allen to Baron Davis for MVP to a 67 win team needed to be broken up because their playoff days are done(The Mavs started like 1-5 after making the finals). Ive heard that Drew gooden would be the best bigman in the NBA by now(look at his first few games...you will see why).

But this shit is a whole other level.

We are coming off a lockout. Like 20% of the NBA is visibly out of shape. Training camp was like 5 days and there are rookies playing who have only had like 5 workouts with the team and 2 preseason games. with the compressed schedule some teams will only have like 10-12 total days of planned practice for the SEASON.

There are still teams with players lost overseas scattered around the world....solid rotation players still free agents....at least one team is trying to implement elements learned from Oregon FOOTBALL that has only been worked on in coaches only scrimmages with 60 year old hall of famers and fat assistants playing the roles of Lebron and Wade.

We are 4 or 5 games into the season with only 2 preseason games.

Normally...the regular seasons begins after a month of practice, preseason games, and so on...and its not after 6 months of being locked out and 8 months after the last regular season ended...

This board is full of people of at least average mental ability who have the benefit of knowing all the above facts that point to the near irrelevancy of the first week of play...

And still....

We have people who actually use season averages to make a point as if 4 games of averages means anything(A guy like Kobe might average 55 for 4 games...or 18). have guys like rose, Wade, Kobe, CP3, Durant, Rondo, and Lebron either treated as gods are trash after one nights work.

After 2 games Kobe was back...after 5....hes Bynums sidekick.

Wade might no longer be elite.

The gotdamn Pacers are contenders...due to the #1 d...acquired by playing the Raptors, cavs, and Pistons....

I really cant believe some of this shit.

Id give anything to have a button to press to make someone climb through some of your windows and bust you in the head with a sack of doorknobs for some of these claims.

Even midseason runs in regular normal seasons dont mean shit. In 93 the Bulls lost 8 of 14 games at one point(including a game Jordan dropped 64 points)...

But 2 bad games in this situation...when the games being played would normally be preseason....after no off season....really no camp...tons of new systems being put in without being worked on...

Still....we find it possible to draw such solid conclusions.


lol. ISH is one unprofessional board. Even the Admin trolls from time to time.

:hammerhead: :hammerhead: I swear this board is ran by teenagers.

01-04-2012, 12:29 PM
I gotta chime in cause if I didn't then... well, I wouldn't be me.

I can't completely rock w/ the op simply because it's coming off as you (I presume a bball fanatic) are really making excuses for "professional athletes" to basically come into their work environment unprepared (out of shape/ not ready mentally) due to them being locked out and it seems you're ok w/ that.

I am not ok w/ that because to me things like that weed out those who take their craft seriously and those who take it for granted.

Is it a fact, no, it's my observation/ opinion which leads me to my next point:

You claim to be "anti-troll" due to your "online rep" but you pretty much make a troll thread about being tired of troll threads, which by the way is your prerogative which of course is every members prerogative to make a thread about what they observe, no matter how ludicrous it may be.

If someone feels Wade or CP3 is slippin' or MarShon Brooks is the next Kobe or the Mavs should blow it up then maybe it's true, maybe it isn't, but it IS their prerogative to make such a thread.

The way you worded this thread title I came in here expecting some bball insite and a hot bball conversation, had I known the thread was about this I would've used my discretion to NOT click on this thread, which all peeps have the ability to do.

I guess your mission was accomplished because you got a reaction so....

W/ that being said, I bid you ado...

:applause: :applause: :applause:

01-04-2012, 12:31 PM
Of course they disagree with this thread.. It's about them needing to slow down and STFU.

No..not really...it's about small man complex getting some power and thinking they are better..

Kind of like a peckerwood getting a badge and hiding behind it.

OP is mad about stupid threads...then guess what?...he makes a even stupider thread complaining about stupid threads.:facepalm

It's basketball:confusedshrug: ...who cares if people are talkin bout _______(fill in random sh!t here)....click in what ever thread you want and have fun...

the OP just got a badge ...now he has to pop off for no good reason...

just silly IMO

Interwebz = serious Biznazz:mad:


01-04-2012, 12:31 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll:



this post sums up the sad state of ish: 3 smilies, lots of empty space, no content

01-04-2012, 12:34 PM
No..not really...it's about small man complex getting some power and thinking they are better..

Kind of like a peckerwood getting a badge and hiding behind it.

OP is mad about stupid threads...then guess what?...he makes a even stupider thread complaining about stupid threads.:facepalm

How and why is it stupid, though?

01-04-2012, 12:36 PM
How and why is it stupid, though?

Kblaze use to be a random ish poster who posted stupid stuff all the time. Now that he's a mod he wants to act high and mighty.

01-04-2012, 12:36 PM
How and why is it stupid, though?

Because it's stating the obvious. There have been a handful of posters "preaching" the same exact thing. But because an admin with neon bars says it, people want to give dude e-brain.

01-04-2012, 12:38 PM
this post sums up the sad state of ish: 3 smilies, lots of empty space, no content

when you can bring the basketball world together and make it rain then you can speak to me....until then you do not rate to talk to me or any other worthwhile funny/original poster on this or any other website...

because you are unoriginal/boring.....you bring nothing to the table...

so sit down and enjoy the show....and husshhh up now.

moving along.........

01-04-2012, 12:42 PM
when you can bring the basketball world together and make it rain then you can speak to me....until then you do not rate to talk to me or any other worthwhile funny/original poster on this or any other website...

because you are unoriginal/boring.....you bring nothing to the table...

so sit down and enjoy the show....and husshhh up now.

moving along.........

more waste of bandwith.:rolleyes:

01-04-2012, 12:42 PM
Because it's stating the obvious. But because an admin with neon bars says it, people want to give dude e-brain.

Ok.. but I'm a little confused.. so he's stating the obvious? I'm assuming you agree with his post. But you hate that people agree with him?

Kblaze use to be a random ish poster who posted stupid stuff all the time. Now that he's a mod he wants to act high and mighty.

really? what were those stupid stuffs?

Mr. Jabbar
01-04-2012, 12:43 PM
Every season is the same, only OP has less patience now as he is a year older.

01-04-2012, 12:45 PM
How and why is it stupid, though?

1. It has absolutley nothing to do with BBALL
2. Whining about trolls and then creating a troll thread is so 2002 (expected better)
3. Just got some imaginary interweb badge (I guess...there was thread about it:lol ) now uses an example from 1993 to somehow show that people are making judgments too early....even though they are at least talking about basketball.
4.I remember in 1988 fans thought Danny Manning> Magic and Bird after leading Kansas to the Final 4.....OP is just stating the obvious like it's some grand statement....
5.we are all posting in a troll thread....:applause: great job OP!!

01-04-2012, 12:47 PM
Every season is the same, only OP has less pacience now as he is a year older.

I agree but I think this time it's more strange 'cause it multiplied heavily..

and I'm really wondering "what's up with all these new breed of trolls? especially the Kobe ones.. Why the sudden expansion?"

01-04-2012, 12:47 PM
Ok.. but I'm a little confused.. so he's stating the obvious? I'm assuming you agree with his post. But you hate that people agree with him?

I don't "hate" anyone. What was in the OP is stating the obvious; there have been dozens upon dozens who've already stated the above. It's redundant. We know the first month of the NBA regular season is full of sensationalism.


01-04-2012, 12:50 PM
Ok.. but I'm a little confused.. so he's stating the obvious? I'm assuming you agree with his post. But you hate that people agree with him?

really? what were those stupid stuffs?

Click his name and go go to find posts....

01-04-2012, 12:52 PM
more waste of bandwith.:rolleyes:

well without embedded video and the primitive version of Bulletin....shouldn't be a problem...

you could reply to all my posts and still have free space....

without me....you prolly only got 100 posts ..

Your welcome BTW....

01-04-2012, 12:57 PM
Click his name and go go to find posts....

No I know his posts, I've been on ISH for years. I was just asking you what where the specific posts/threads that you thought we're "stupid" since you know it, right?

I've read lots of his posts and threads and I don't find anything stupid or anything negative. Honestly, this is the first time I've seen disagree with him.. I thought guys in here liked his posts and insights in the game very much.. that's why he became a mod..

01-04-2012, 01:00 PM
No I know his posts, I've been on ISH for years. I was just asking you what where the specific posts/threads that you thought we're "stupid" since you know it, right?

I've read lots of his posts and threads and I don't find anything stupid or anything negative. Honestly, this is the first time I've seen disagree with him.. I thought guys in here liked his posts and insights in the game very much.. that's why he became a mod..

I don't feel like looking up this guy's post.....

01-04-2012, 01:02 PM
What is I bid u ado? Where are you from Mr Rogers? :roll:

Thread is spot on. These ridiculous reaction threads posts that aren't made only by trolls but actual normal posters are ridiculous. Why would I bother to engage in a good bball discussion if people overreact and argue on it? Skip it sure but tired of having to sift thru crap threads that have started becoming the majority here.

Funny part is 9thempire doesn't belong on ISH. He should be IP banned. Look at his posts in here "omg mods type like this??? Pathetic". How are u going to talk crap about the content of someone's posts when you constantly troll the msgboard? Get lost literally. I don't know why Jeff doesn't permantly deny you access here along with others. I'd pay him money to terminate someone these posters here.

01-04-2012, 01:02 PM
I don't feel like looking up this guy's post.....

Anything you remembered?

01-04-2012, 01:06 PM
I don't feel like looking up this guy's post.....
you'll find very little that are without profound basketball content.

01-04-2012, 01:09 PM
Thread is spot on. These ridiculous reaction threads posts that aren't made only by trolls but actual normal posters are ridiculous. Why would I bother to engage in a good bball discussion if people overreact and argue on it? Skip it sure but tired of having to sift thru crap threads that have started becoming the majority here.


01-04-2012, 01:09 PM
Anything you remembered?

Aside from the OP, Kblaze is a good poster. One of the best this forum has to offer.

01-04-2012, 01:13 PM
Aside from the OP, Kblaze is a good poster. One of the best this forum has to offer.

I know, that's what I just said.

Notice that the trolls are the only ones who don't like this thread. I won't include since I don't really know you as a poster.. I've seen you post before but I can't remember any.

01-04-2012, 01:18 PM
It's amazing how people turn on you once you have a little power.

Some of you dumb bastids need to heed the advice instead of getting all butthurt.

And for those of you going "who the **** is this guy telling me what to do waah waah" I suggest you go to youtube and type kblaze. Then stfu.

01-04-2012, 01:19 PM
Anything you remembered?

I don't have anything specific. And I'm surely not searching all threds threads for it. Both just for your amusement look at the op post.

01-04-2012, 01:19 PM
What is I bid u ado? Where are you from Mr Rogers? :roll:

Thread is spot on. These ridiculous reaction threads posts that aren't made only by trolls but actual normal posters are ridiculous. Why would I bother to engage in a good bball discussion if people overreact and argue on it? Skip it sure but tired of having to sift thru crap threads that have started becoming the majority here.

Funny part is 9thempire doesn't belong on ISH. He should be IP banned. Look at his posts in here "omg mods type like this??? Pathetic". How are u going to talk crap about the content of someone's posts when you constantly troll the msgboard? Get lost literally. I don't know why Jeff doesn't permantly deny you access here along with others. I'd pay him money to terminate someone these posters here.

and what do you bring to the table exactly??....

all I ever see you do is whine and complain about post's/ certain posters...

I made a post talking about watching the the 1991 Finals live...then you popped off about me lying about it:confusedshrug: ....for no reason....

(kind of hard to prove you watched the game over the internet....but I shut you up real quik showing the actual VHS tape I recorded it on)

and even when you do decide to chime in....it's the same ol' tired posts over and over.." Blahh...Blahh...Blahh...look at his grammer"..." Blah...Blah...you just a troll""...

real talk....It's some of the "elitists menatlity" people here that should not even bother posting....for someone who says they been here so long and (well just look at your post count...:lol ) you think you would have learned by now...

elitists fans who put down every other poster or who they are better then everyone else are the worst kind of fans....and ruin sports/sports forums as a whole.

now get back to criticizing people's grammar and calling out people on teh webz....because that's the only thiong I seen you do...

(opens pocket)

01-04-2012, 01:22 PM
and what do you bring to the table exactly??....

all I ever see you do is whine and complain about post's/ certain posters...

I made a post talking about watching the the 1991 Finals live...then you popped off about me lying about it:confusedshrug: ....for no reason....

(kind of hard to prove you watched the game over the internet....but I shut you up real quik showing the actual VHS tape I recorded it on)

and even when you do decide to chime in....it's the same ol' tired posts over and over.." Blahh...Blahh...Blahh...look at his grammer"..." Blah...Blah...you just a troll""...

real talk....It's some of the "elitists menatlity" people here that should not even bother posting....for someone who says they been here so long and (well just look at your post count...:lol ) you think you would have learned by now...

elitists fans who put down every other poster or who they are better then everyone else are the worst kind of fans....and ruin sports/sports forums as a whole.

now get back to criticizing people's grammar and calling out people on teh webz....because that's the only thiong I seen you do...

(opens pocket)
your spelling sucks.

01-04-2012, 01:22 PM
It's amazing how people turn on you once you have a little power.

Some of you dumb bastids need to heed the advice instead of getting all butthurt.

And for those of you going "who the **** is this guy telling me what to do waah waah" I suggest you go to youtube and type kblaze. Then stfu.

did you just use search "Youtube videos" as a reason to do what exactly???

OP is a great Poster.....still we are all posting in a troll thread!:lol

01-04-2012, 01:25 PM
your spelling sucks.

It Deon'st mttaer as lnog as the frist and lsat lteter are the smae...yuor barin can raed it!!


01-04-2012, 01:25 PM
Ya gotta love OmegaMutt24-er...AlphaWolf24 :lol

I mean, this guy is pure comedy gold!

"Yup. Mad. Get back in my pocket, son. Next"

"Learn to recognize game when it's in yo' face, li'l homey"

"Damn. Dis foo' hella mad"

"(opens pocket) I let you breathe long enough, get back in there. Next"

"Jordan played in a weak era and Pippen was more valuable to the Bulls. Kobe has been the best player in the NBA his whole career"

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

01-04-2012, 01:28 PM
I don't have anything specific.

maybe there's nothing, really? oh well..

And I'm surely not searching all threds threads for it. Both just for your amusement look at the op post.

I won't argue since you're entitled to your opinion.

But I just can't see anything wrong about it.. It's true that the knee-jerking of some of the posters and the random bashing on some of the players has been more often lately.. and it's true that they need to slow down.

01-04-2012, 01:29 PM
RRR3]Ya gotta love OmegaMutt24-er...AlphaWolf24 :lol

I mean, this guy is pure comedy gold!

"Yup. Mad. Get back in my pocket, son. Next"

"Learn to recognize game when it's in yo' face, li'l homey"

"Damn. Dis foo' hella mad"

"(opens pocket) I let you breathe long enough, get back in there. Next"

"Jordan played in a waterd down era and Pippen was more valuable to the Bulls in terms of making them a winning team. Kobe has been the best player in the NBA since 2001"

The Wolfman brings the Rain


01-04-2012, 01:47 PM
For being such a respected poster, KBlaze's writing style and grammar are pretty atrocious. He breaks up sentences into random paragraphs, and he's not very concise either.

01-04-2012, 01:52 PM

:roll: :roll:

01-04-2012, 01:54 PM

:roll: :roll:

Oh shit.....:roll:

01-04-2012, 01:59 PM
I completely agree with the OP. Glad you didn't let your promotion stop you from speaking the truth.

01-04-2012, 01:59 PM

:roll: :roll:

a fat Hairy "white man".....:lol

hey maybe I can get good credit now and get that Fatboy I always wanted

01-04-2012, 02:03 PM
I was just countering the dumb and sudden trolling of Laker fans 'cause they're winning.
Sounds like something a 12 year old would do.

01-04-2012, 02:09 PM
Maybe if people weren't so hateful in their overreaction threads the OP would care less. But considering the Celtics fan who hasn't posted one non-CP3 thing over the last few weeks and the guys like that and all the digressions into stanning and hating...makes sense to me.

01-04-2012, 02:09 PM
Kblaze use to be a random ish poster who posted stupid stuff all the time. Now that he's a mod he wants to act high and mighty.

Now im high and mighty? Ive been the same thing for 10 years. But I will say actually reading a lot of topics I used to disregard is almost like drinking coffee that is too hot.

For being such a respected poster, KBlaze's writing style and grammar are pretty atrocious. He breaks up sentences into random paragraphs, and he's not very concise either.

I type the way I think/speak. Just kinda flows out. Ive never been too concerned with grammar. I type pretty much exactly how I speak. Except when I speak the "....." parts are pauses when im trying to think. My posts are pretty much one sided conversations.

And I think Rick Ross is better than Jay Z and Biggie? Seems ill never stop learning about myself from people who dont know me.

pete's montreux
01-04-2012, 02:15 PM
Now im high and mighty? Ive been the same thing for 10 years. But I will say actually reading a lot of topics I used to disregard is almost like drinking coffee that is too hot.

I type the way I think/speak. Just kinda flows out. Ive never been too concerned with grammar. I type pretty much exactly how I speak. Except when I speak the "....." parts are pauses when im trying to think. My posts are pretty much one sided conversations.

And I think Rick Ross is better than Jay Z and Biggie? Seems ill never stop learning about myself from people who dont know me.

Which is exactly how any sane person should read it.

01-04-2012, 02:17 PM

01-04-2012, 05:15 PM
I was just countering the dumb and sudden trolling of Laker fans 'cause they're winning.

32Dayz had the exact same hilariously stupid idea. (32Dayz w/Goofy voice) Duh huh duh huh duh huh duh huh I'm gonna com on here, dancing around like a clown embarrassing myself saying asinine delusional b.s just to piss off Kobe fans. Duh huh duh huh duh huh duh huh

Next time you see him, ask him how well it worked out for him:hammerhead:

01-04-2012, 05:17 PM
a fat Hairy "white man".....:lol

hey maybe I can get good credit now and get that Fatboy I always wanted

01-04-2012, 05:19 PM

01-04-2012, 05:21 PM

01-04-2012, 05:22 PM

01-04-2012, 05:46 PM
Ya gotta love OmegaMutt24-er...AlphaWolf24 :lol

I mean, this guy is pure comedy gold!

"Yup. Mad. Get back in my pocket, son. Next"

"Learn to recognize game when it's in yo' face, li'l homey"

"Damn. Dis foo' hella mad"

"(opens pocket) I let you breathe long enough, get back in there. Next"

"Jordan played in a weak era and Pippen was more valuable to the Bulls. Kobe has been the best player in the NBA his whole career"

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Don't forget that Alpha Wolf used to wear a Gheri Curl and breakdance on cardboard before half the posters here were born. :oldlol:

Witnessed Magic, Bird, MJ, Shaq, Lebron and Duncan, yet somehow Kobe's the best player over a 15 year period. Dude is a clown, but I like him :cheers:

Real Men Wear Green
01-04-2012, 05:53 PM
......shut the **** up.

And by that I dont literally mean stop posting. And I dont even mean talk less. I am a hall of fame level windbag at times online and even in person...am one of the most verbose mother****ers you could encounter. But still I must say....

Some of these topics early this season has me wanting to kick down your doors and throw you in the torture rack till you tap and I refuse to break the hold
I only fantasize about destroying keyboards. With a bat.

01-04-2012, 05:54 PM
He is not the right pick for a mod when he posts crap like this.

As a moderator you want to grow and increase viewership to the site.

He basically told us not to overreact and make threads. What are we going to do, chat in the game threads?


01-04-2012, 05:56 PM

No one cared when you posted that the first time, and I can assure you that no one will care this time.

01-04-2012, 05:59 PM
How can you delete my beautitful gif and people's reactions??

This is censorship!!


01-04-2012, 06:08 PM

Real Men Wear Green
01-04-2012, 06:10 PM
You repeatedly fail to recognize your own culpability. Moderators exist primarily to eliminate bad posts. You primarily exist to post stupid bullshit. Thus if you never posted kblaze would jave no special authority. You have only yourself to blame (ok, and PB too).

01-04-2012, 06:13 PM
You repeatedly fail to recognize your own culpability. Moderators exist primarily to eliminate bad posts. You primarily exist to post stupid bullshit. Thus if you never posted kblaze would jave no special authority. You have only yourself to blame (ok, and PB too).

thanks dude.

basically I am parked in your minds, rent free.

01-04-2012, 06:15 PM
thanks dude.

basically I am parked in your minds, rent free.

The only thing that is parked anywhere is Bryant's dick in your mouth.

01-04-2012, 06:15 PM


01-04-2012, 06:17 PM
Basically let fans be fans.

If we cant make threads or people overreacting, what fun it is to post. Perhaps, we should wait till the season's over and reflect?

The game threads are cool and all but a lot of stuff gets lost in those big threads.

Let the fans post and make threads....the mods are ruining this board not the people.

01-04-2012, 06:26 PM
Let the fans post and make threads....the mods are ruining this board not the people.

i can assure you,you are in the minority of believing this

As a moderator you want to grow and increase viewership to the site.

if there werent so many sh*tty threads, then there would be better disccussions, and more views

you may enjoy posting bs, but posters like you are ruining the forum

01-04-2012, 07:00 PM

:roll: :roll:

Got damn! Bodybag!!!! :applause:

01-04-2012, 07:13 PM
Basically let fans be fans.

If we cant make threads or people overreacting, what fun it is to post. Perhaps, we should wait till the season's over and reflect?

The game threads are cool and all but a lot of stuff gets lost in those big threads.

Let the fans post and make threads....the mods are ruining this board not the people.

Umm theres also a thing called quality. If a guy on twitter stumbles upon on his account then goes to check out the forum to see if its legit... And the first 3 threads are Pacers legit contenders! Kobe is DONE! Bynum better than Howard! then guess what? A poster is probably lost. You can say all the same shit without the ridiculous reactions though, and thats what he wants.

01-04-2012, 07:39 PM
Id give anything to have a button to press to make someone climb through some of your windows and bust you in the head with a sack of doorknobs for some of these claims.

:eek: :roll: :roll:

01-04-2012, 07:51 PM
......shut the **** up.

And by that I dont literally mean stop posting. And I dont even mean talk less. I am a hall of fame level windbag at times online and even in person...am one of the most verbose mother****ers you could encounter. But still I must say....

Some of these topics early this season has me wanting to kick down your doors and throw you in the torture rack till you tap and I refuse to break the hold.

Over the last couple decades ive heard a lot of early season idiocy. We all have. From Flip Murray>Ray Allen to Baron Davis for MVP to a 67 win team needed to be broken up because their playoff days are done(The Mavs started like 1-5 after making the finals). Ive heard that Drew gooden would be the best bigman in the NBA by now(look at his first few games...you will see why).

But this shit is a whole other level.

We are coming off a lockout. Like 20% of the NBA is visibly out of shape. Training camp was like 5 days and there are rookies playing who have only had like 5 workouts with the team and 2 preseason games. with the compressed schedule some teams will only have like 10-12 total days of planned practice for the SEASON.

There are still teams with players lost overseas scattered around the world....solid rotation players still free agents....at least one team is trying to implement elements learned from Oregon FOOTBALL that has only been worked on in coaches only scrimmages with 60 year old hall of famers and fat assistants playing the roles of Lebron and Wade.

We are 4 or 5 games into the season with only 2 preseason games.

Normally...the regular seasons begins after a month of practice, preseason games, and so on...and its not after 6 months of being locked out and 8 months after the last regular season ended...

This board is full of people of at least average mental ability who have the benefit of knowing all the above facts that point to the near irrelevancy of the first week of play...

And still....

We have people who actually use season averages to make a point as if 4 games of averages means anything(A guy like Kobe might average 55 for 4 games...or 18). have guys like rose, Wade, Kobe, CP3, Durant, Rondo, and Lebron either treated as gods are trash after one nights work.

After 2 games Kobe was back...after 5....hes Bynums sidekick.

Wade might no longer be elite.

The gotdamn Pacers are contenders...due to the #1 d...acquired by playing the Raptors, cavs, and Pistons....

I really cant believe some of this shit.

Id give anything to have a button to press to make someone climb through some of your windows and bust you in the head with a sack of doorknobs for some of these claims.

Even midseason runs in regular normal seasons dont mean shit. In 93 the Bulls lost 8 of 14 games at one point(including a game Jordan dropped 64 points)...

But 2 bad games in this situation...when the games being played would normally be preseason....after no off season....really no camp...tons of new systems being put in without being worked on...

Still....we find it possible to draw such solid conclusions.


01-04-2012, 07:56 PM
Id give anything to have a button to press to make someone climb through some of your windows and bust you in the head with a sack of doorknobs for some of these claims.

and I will be sitting there with my H&K USP 45 ready to shoot him in the face, if he tries to climb into my house.

the fact of the matter is, I can't be stopped on the internet and in real life too.


01-04-2012, 08:06 PM
and I will be sitting there with my H&K USP 45 ready to shoot him in the face, if he tries to climb into my house.

the fact of the matter is, I can't be stopped on the internet and in real life too.



01-04-2012, 08:13 PM
and I will be sitting there with my H&K USP 45 ready to shoot him in the face, if he tries to climb into my house.

the fact of the matter is, I can't be stopped on the internet and in real life too.


Good gun. I'm partial to S&W though.


01-04-2012, 08:15 PM
and I will be sitting there with my H&K USP 45 ready to shoot him in the face, if he tries to climb into my house.

the fact of the matter is, I can't be stopped on the internet and in real life too.


Oh shit, TheLogo knows how to post a picture of a gun!

What a ****ing badass!

01-04-2012, 08:18 PM
Good gun. I'm partial to S&W though.


nothing in the SW line impresses me, perhaps the M&P line which are all great guns.

I have shot a buddy's .45 SW and I was more accurate with it then a Kimber 1911 and I love 1911's.


H&K are just great guns but are expensive.

01-04-2012, 08:18 PM
This is actually 9ers gun. It shoots 150 banana slices per minute.


01-04-2012, 08:20 PM
Oh shit, TheLogo knows how to post a picture of a gun!

What a ****ing badass!

guns are another hobby of mine.

I like to encourage many good people to own them and join the NRA too.

They will cover up to 2 grand, if any of your guns get stolen.

01-04-2012, 08:22 PM
guns are another hobby of mine.

I like to encourage many good people to own them and join the NRA too.

They will cover up to 2 grand, if any of your guns get stolen.

Do you have your carry license too?



01-04-2012, 08:25 PM
You're not allowed to carry those loaded tho right?

01-04-2012, 08:25 PM
Do you have your carry license too?




I am in the process of trying to do that but I haven't really decided if I want to carry.

01-04-2012, 08:27 PM
op so mad. troll so hard mophuckas wanna ban me

01-04-2012, 08:27 PM
You're not allowed to carry those loaded tho right?

you can carry loaded if you have a permit to carry.

Bosnian Sajo
01-04-2012, 09:11 PM
Your the moderator, take care of it...

01-04-2012, 09:16 PM
Do you have your carry license too?



dude!? what happened to your obliques!

you gotta start working out again

and your apartment looks pretty shitty, too

01-05-2012, 11:02 AM
What is I bid u ado? Where are you from Mr Rogers? :roll:

Thread is spot on. These ridiculous reaction threads posts that aren't made only by trolls but actual normal posters are ridiculous. Why would I bother to engage in a good bball discussion if people overreact and argue on it? Skip it sure but tired of having to sift thru crap threads that have started becoming the majority here.

Enter: GOOB :facepalm

I noticed nearly everytime I post something you have to interject, it's like you got lo-jack on my posts.

"Bidding him adieu" was my classy way of saying "I'm peacin' outta this bullsh*t thread" (I guess that went over your head) but it seems you want attention so here you go:

See... some peeps may "see" you as the cute quiet good girl from work they think is nice because she sits at her cubicle working hard all day cause well, that's how they know you.

I "see" you as the drunk loud mouth b*tch in the Sixers snapback at the bar drinking jello shots screaming "Whoo whoo!" everytime she sees me hoping I'll come talk to her but I never do cause well, that's how I know you.

Now that that's settled go make some more threads complaining about the 76ers, ok?


01-05-2012, 01:04 PM
Enter: GOOB :facepalm

I noticed nearly everytime I post something you have to interject, it's like you got lo-jack on my posts.

"Bidding him adieu" was my classy way of saying "I'm peacin' outta this bullsh*t thread" (I guess that went over your head) but it seems you want attention so here you go:

See... some peeps may "see" you as the cute quiet good girl from work they think is nice because she sits at her cubicle working hard all day cause well, that's how they know you.

I "see" you as the drunk loud mouth b*tch in the Sixers snapback at the bar drinking jello shots screaming "Whoo whoo!" everytime she sees me hoping I'll come talk to her but I never do cause well, that's how I know you.

Now that that's settled go make some more threads complaining about the 76ers, ok?


Post of the year .......book it.

01-05-2012, 03:46 PM
Enter: GOOB :facepalm

I noticed nearly everytime I post something you have to interject, it's like you got lo-jack on my posts.

You are insecure and suffer from paranoia. I love idiots, errr sorry didnt want to insult you. I love posters like yourself who make up stuff direction from the good ole poop shoot. Makes me wonder why do you even have a brain when you use your ass as your thinker?

We have a search function. You have a memory I presume. So you back this statement up. I dont want to hear you dont have any time you have a life. I dont want to hear you dont remember but you do remember but just dont remember the thread in which you remember I followed you in.

Back that sh!t up, no juvenile.

Lame ass posters thinking the world, the internet, msgboards revolve around you. Who are you? I dont care nor am I asking about your rep here. I'm asking you literally who the f*ck are you that you so full of yourself to think someone is stalking you and your every world? I dont know who you are. I dont know what team you root for. I dont know who your favorite player is. I dont know any other subject topics you are interested in. I dont know if you had an original username here. I know nothing about you yet I'm intrigued about you where I follow you in every post you made and comment.

Prove it jackass. And dont feel bad because other idiots. Oops, sorry dont want to insult anyone here. Dont feel bad because other posters here made similar comments. So I'm stalking everyone now. I have a lo jack on everyones posts.

"Bidding him adieu" was my classy way of saying "I'm peacin' outta this bullsh*t thread" (I guess that went over your head) but it seems you want attention so here you go:

It was lame. It was corny.

See... some peeps may "see" you as the cute quiet good girl from work they think is nice because she sits at her cubicle working hard all day cause well, that's how they know you.

I "see" you as the drunk loud mouth b*tch in the Sixers snapback at the bar drinking jello shots screaming "Whoo whoo!" everytime she sees me hoping I'll come talk to her but I never do cause well, that's how I know you.

More lame, more corny.

Now that that's settled go make some more threads complaining about the 76ers, ok?


Bump those threads please.

ISH has a search function. insidehoops.com, scroll down and on the right hand side will be a search that you can type in whatever you want to find threads. Whatever you remember since you have a GREAT memory over there. Type in that thread title plus my username GOBB. Then bump each thread that supports what you just said.

2 challenges for you. Lets see what happens.

Deuce Bigalow
01-05-2012, 03:53 PM
and I will be sitting there with my H&K USP 45 ready to shoot him in the face, if he tries to climb into my house.

the fact of the matter is, I can't be stopped on the internet and in real life too.


Doctor Rivers
01-05-2012, 04:09 PM
too much seriousness up in here, up in here

01-05-2012, 05:58 PM
trade amare for bargnani!!!

01-05-2012, 06:03 PM
......shut the **** up.

And by that I dont literally mean stop posting. And I dont even mean talk less. I am a hall of fame level windbag at times online and even in person...am one of the most verbose mother****ers you could encounter. But still I must say....

Some of these topics early this season has me wanting to kick down your doors and throw you in the torture rack till you tap and I refuse to break the hold.

Over the last couple decades ive heard a lot of early season idiocy. We all have. From Flip Murray>Ray Allen to Baron Davis for MVP to a 67 win team needed to be broken up because their playoff days are done(The Mavs started like 1-5 after making the finals). Ive heard that Drew gooden would be the best bigman in the NBA by now(look at his first few games...you will see why).

But this shit is a whole other level.

We are coming off a lockout. Like 20% of the NBA is visibly out of shape. Training camp was like 5 days and there are rookies playing who have only had like 5 workouts with the team and 2 preseason games. with the compressed schedule some teams will only have like 10-12 total days of planned practice for the SEASON.

There are still teams with players lost overseas scattered around the world....solid rotation players still free agents....at least one team is trying to implement elements learned from Oregon FOOTBALL that has only been worked on in coaches only scrimmages with 60 year old hall of famers and fat assistants playing the roles of Lebron and Wade.

We are 4 or 5 games into the season with only 2 preseason games.

Normally...the regular seasons begins after a month of practice, preseason games, and so on...and its not after 6 months of being locked out and 8 months after the last regular season ended...

This board is full of people of at least average mental ability who have the benefit of knowing all the above facts that point to the near irrelevancy of the first week of play...

And still....

We have people who actually use season averages to make a point as if 4 games of averages means anything(A guy like Kobe might average 55 for 4 games...or 18). have guys like rose, Wade, Kobe, CP3, Durant, Rondo, and Lebron either treated as gods are trash after one nights work.

After 2 games Kobe was back...after 5....hes Bynums sidekick.

Wade might no longer be elite.

The gotdamn Pacers are contenders...due to the #1 d...acquired by playing the Raptors, cavs, and Pistons....

I really cant believe some of this shit.

Id give anything to have a button to press to make someone climb through some of your windows and bust you in the head with a sack of doorknobs for some of these claims.

Even midseason runs in regular normal seasons dont mean shit. In 93 the Bulls lost 8 of 14 games at one point(including a game Jordan dropped 64 points)...

But 2 bad games in this situation...when the games being played would normally be preseason....after no off season....really no camp...tons of new systems being put in without being worked on...

Still....we find it possible to draw such solid conclusions.



Completely agree!

01-05-2012, 07:03 PM

steve harvey :oldlol:

Optimus Prime
01-05-2012, 07:29 PM
I gotta chime in cause if I didn't then... well, I wouldn't be me.

I can't completely rock w/ the op simply because it's coming off as you (I presume a bball fanatic) are really making excuses for "professional athletes" to basically come into their work environment unprepared (out of shape/ not ready mentally) due to them being locked out and it seems you're ok w/ that.

I am not ok w/ that because to me things like that weed out those who take their craft seriously and those who take it for granted.

Is it a fact, no, it's my observation/ opinion which leads me to my next point:

You claim to be "anti-troll" due to your "online rep" but you pretty much make a troll thread about being tired of troll threads, which by the way is your prerogative which of course is every members prerogative to make a thread about what they observe, no matter how ludicrous it may be.

If someone feels Wade or CP3 is slippin' or MarShon Brooks is the next Kobe or the Mavs should blow it up then maybe it's true, maybe it isn't, but it IS their prerogative to make such a thread.

The way you worded this thread title I came in here expecting some bball insite and a hot bball conversation, had I known the thread was about this I would've used my discretion to NOT click on this thread, which all peeps have the ability to do.

I guess your mission was accomplished because you got a reaction so....

W/ that being said, I bid you ado...

This excellent post can't be quoted enough, especially the bolded part. The fact that a mod made this type of thread is...pretty ridiculous, to say the least. You'd expect this kind of silly and immature rant from the regular trolls around here, not from a mod who is supposed to be above all the nonsense.

01-06-2012, 08:30 AM
and I will be sitting there with my H&K USP 45 ready to shoot him in the face, if he tries to climb into my house.

the fact of the matter is, I can't be stopped on the internet and in real life too.



01-06-2012, 12:44 PM
i'm scared:roll: