View Full Version : Shaq REAAALLLLY doesn't like Kenny

Tenchi Ryu
01-05-2012, 02:07 AM
I was passing it off as probably nothing during Open Court, but during the 2 weeks we've been through, watching inside the nba and watching NBA tv right now, he seems to really not like him. When kenny talks, he looks not interested, and says things to kenny that makes Kenny uncomfortable. Like a couple mins ago while posting this, shaq squeezed in "Glad to be here with everyone here....except Kenny. My mom said I had to be nice"

He's trying to play it off, but I honestly think Shaq is dead serious on not liking him...

What's that all about?
:confusedshrug: :confusedshrug: :confusedshrug:

01-05-2012, 02:08 AM
I can't even watch bc of Shaq, it's horrible.

01-05-2012, 02:10 AM
Inside the NBA has been unwatchable since Shaq got on the panel.

01-05-2012, 02:10 AM
probably because they faced each other in the past.

Shaq is the weakest link on that show.

Barkley got serious this year and Shaq is just awful.

01-05-2012, 02:10 AM
Someone needs to fire Shaq, he sucks. He drags the whole damn show down.

01-05-2012, 02:10 AM
Shaq has to beef it with someone everywhere he goes

01-05-2012, 02:12 AM
Shaq should just work for NBATV. He doesn't belong in TNT and neither does Chris Webber either. Inside the NBA on TNT should simply be Kenny Smith, EJ, and Charles Barkley, nobody should break or join that group.

01-05-2012, 02:12 AM
Inside the NBA has been unwatchable since Shaq got on the panel.
Agreed .. I was pissed when I turned to nba tv n saw shaq there .. He's just a giant dildo ughhh I had to turn the channel

Reverend Hoops
01-05-2012, 02:13 AM
Bring back GP and C-Webb


01-05-2012, 02:16 AM
+1... Shaq ruins the show..

It used to be so funny before he joined..

01-05-2012, 02:23 AM
not only that Shaq was throwing money out there for some poor guy to get a tattoo of the 4 of them.

Tenchi Ryu
01-05-2012, 02:23 AM
The thing with shaq is that he visibly seems uncomfortable around certain subjects. Talking about Kobe, Dwight putting up numbers similar to him, or one of his flaws visibly makes him uncomfortable. The thing with Chuck and Kenny is that they can really laugh at themselves when being the butt of the joke. But he honestly didn't seem to take the tree hitting on him joke well at all. Its like he doesn't handle people laughing at him well, only with him.

Honestly, I was content with the original cast with C-webb coming every and then. But I do like the current C-Webb/ Smitty duo on NBA tv. They work well together, that was evident during open court.

01-05-2012, 02:59 AM
+1... Shaq ruins the show..

It used to be so funny before he joined..
Makes 0 sense.

Shaq doesn't have any affect on the show, its still just as funny.

01-05-2012, 03:02 AM
Bring back GP and C-Webb

I laughed my ass off :roll:

Bosnian Sajo
01-05-2012, 03:26 AM
Payton/Web >>>>> Shaq.

Shaq just tries too hard.

01-05-2012, 03:31 AM
I agree that TNT should replace Shaq with Payton and C-Webb.

Ernie, Kenny, Charles, Payton, C-Webb. :bowdown:

01-05-2012, 03:53 AM
Makes 0 sense.

Shaq doesn't have any affect on the show, its still just as funny.

01-05-2012, 03:55 AM
I don't think the show is that bad, I'm still entertained by it. But I do think Shaq tries too hard to be funny. I wouldn't be too mad if he wasn't there.

If I could have him replaced by CWebb, I wouldn't blink an eye and Shaq would be packing his bags.

01-05-2012, 04:33 AM
Incredulous for anyone not to be turned of by O'Neal. And they clearly dislike him. Please leave.

01-05-2012, 04:38 AM
Makes 0 sense.

Shaq doesn't have any affect on the show, its still just as funny.

Actually he does. As many others on here seem to agree..
Its too forced with Shaq. The last few years its been free flowing and funny.

Also id love to see GP and Webber together, pretty sure thats not going to happen ever again though:lol

01-05-2012, 04:47 AM
Why do people think Shaq hates Kenny? Trust me Shaq qould be on the show if they hatedeach other. Kenny would not have allowed it.

01-05-2012, 06:05 AM
When Shaq retired, Kenny said on TNT that Shaq was the most dominant force in basketball during his lifetime. This was just months ago.

They get along fine, they get paid to clown and banter with each other. They aren't supposed to be 100% buddy buddy the whole time. Ever watch or listen to Mike and Mike in the morning? Those guys really go at each other almost every day. It's been that way for years.

BTW, I really liked GP and Webber as well.

01-05-2012, 06:18 AM
shaq looks mentally retarded at times, and when everyone is talking, tries to add in a stupid comment instead of trying to have an input on the conversation.

01-05-2012, 06:23 AM
Its a mystery to me why anybody thought that Shaq would be good on tv. He isn't funny, carries huge grudges, takes himself way too seriously, and can't articulate his thought well.

01-05-2012, 06:25 AM
probably because Shaq doesnt like how this scrub talks & interrupts and jokes around with rings and so on as if he was some basketball god or something....

i kindof feel the same way when Kenny all of the sudden interrupts Barkley or Shaq as they were talking about their old competition and how they used to dominate games and then this career SCRUB interrupts and goes something like (without laughing, being dead serious):

"How many rings did you have Charles? nah just kidding...... but i remember to when i faced John Stockton, we used to battle so hard... i did this dunk on him, i remember this time i defended him blablablablabla"

you were that good and we thank u for letting us hear your much more accomplished career moments? GOAT PG 4 real!!...... like.... really? know your place Scrubby Smith

01-05-2012, 06:42 AM
know your place Scrubby Smith
Kenny Smith is no scrub, and he's a hell of a lot more entertaining to listen to than Shaq.

01-05-2012, 06:50 AM
Kenny Smith is no scrub, and he's a hell of a lot more entertaining to listen to than Shaq.

for me its not about entertainment. Shaq is entertaining but he doesn't know how to talk basketball and thats what kills the show

01-05-2012, 06:55 AM
he doesn't know how to talk basketball and thats what kills the show
He shouldn't have been hired, then. Didn't they do any test shows to see how well he would do, and if there was enough chemistry on the set?

01-05-2012, 06:59 AM
probably because Shaq doesnt like how this scrub talks & interrupts and jokes around with rings and so on as if he was some basketball god or something....

i kindof feel the same way when Kenny all of the sudden interrupts Barkley or Shaq as they were talking about their old competition and how they used to dominate games and then this career SCRUB interrupts and goes something like (without laughing, being dead serious):

"How many rings did you have Charles? nah just kidding...... but i remember to when i faced John Stockton, we used to battle so hard... i did this dunk on him, i remember this time i defended him blablablablabla"

you were that good and we thank u for letting us hear your much more accomplished career moments? GOAT PG 4 real!!...... like.... really? know your place Scrubby Smith


I have always thought this about Kenny Smith. He was just a scrub and because he won, somehow he thinks he has more authority over Charles, who is one of the top 50 players, even top 15.

He did the same thing to Gary Payton and Payton clowned him hard.

01-05-2012, 07:01 AM
Kenny Smith is no scrub, and he's a hell of a lot more entertaining to listen to than Shaq.

dude was a scrub.

He's probably a better analysts than he was a player, minus those stories he tells, like he was a rival to an all-time great.

01-05-2012, 07:18 AM
Shaq's jokes just come off as childish and forced at times. It just doesn't feel natural when it is him there. I don't know if he just isn't comfortable or if he can only dish it but can't take it back. His ego is too large and it seems like Charles is the one that really gets annoyed when Shaq is doing his thing. Sometimes it feels like they just gave Shaq something to do or say to get his spotlight so he won't throw a tantrum or get his feelings hurt. Or they just don't want to admit that so far he just doesn't fit in well at all.

01-05-2012, 07:39 AM
dude was a scrub.
You're a scrub.

Dude is a two-time champion, and was one of the best shooters of his era. He was a key contributor in the championships, especially in 1995 when he went bananas from three to force overtime against the Magic in Game 1.

All Net
01-05-2012, 07:39 AM
Shaq has been terrible, doesn't Belong on TV

01-05-2012, 07:44 AM
The difference is Kenny is entertaining... So what if he wasnt a superstar player, hes an awesome presenter imo. Its hilarious when him and chuck go at each other...

With shaq its just awkward and his jokes are more spiteful than playing around it seems...

01-05-2012, 07:48 AM
seriously, we need to petition to have shaq out of inside the nba! during the show i feel like everyone is trying to hard to accommodate shaq but its not working and they feel uncomfortable with him being there. esp. cause this guy is mumbles and is not articulate when he speaks.

01-05-2012, 07:51 AM
seriously, we need to petition to have shaq out of inside the nba!
Get a campaign going:


I just sent my note.

Da Doc04
01-05-2012, 08:02 AM
Shaq does come off as being very spiteful instead of joking...

i was watching open court and he kept saying how Steve Smith's portland trailblazers choked.... Smitty just laughed it off but damn, i know he had to be pissed off about that. Even if it is true, some things you just dont say.

01-05-2012, 08:05 AM
You're a scrub.

Dude is a two-time champion, and was one of the best shooters of his era. He was a key contributor in the championships, especially in 1995 when he went bananas from three to force overtime against the Magic in Game 1.

people acting like kenny smith was a scrub, lol! these people must be too young, go watch some youtube games in the early 90's when he was with the kings and rockets...

01-05-2012, 09:30 AM
Shaq ain't that bad, let him get comfortable.

01-05-2012, 09:58 AM
probably because they faced each other in the past.



If anything, I don't think Shaq regards Kenny highly as a player. If it's a matter of 'because they faced each other', then Shaq would have an issue with everyone he ever faced?

Frankly, as great was Shaq was, he doesn't analyze the game very well. The greatness of a player doesn't necessarily translate to greatness as a coach or commentator/analyst. There's plenty of scrub NBA players who are masters of the nuts and bolts of the game, and are known coaches or analysts today.

01-05-2012, 10:10 AM
he ll ruin this just like he ruined everything else in his life.

It was a lot better without him. He s just a dumb, ignorant, immature bully.

01-05-2012, 10:12 AM
Shaq should just work for NBATV. He doesn't belong in TNT and neither does Chris Webber either. Inside the NBA on TNT should simply be Kenny Smith, EJ, and Charles Barkley, nobody should break or join that group.
my thoughts exactly, webber is empty. He's trying too hard but he s not fooling anyone. He ll eventually keep his place by becoming mister nice guy.

Doing what these guys do isnt as easy as it seems, it's not for everyone. These youngers guys dont have it, no heart, no passion, no ...Faith, and a very minimal education.

On a side note, not just kenny seems lost since shaq joined, barkley feels a lot less confortable too. The chemistry is falling appart, it'S a conflict of generations, and i dont particularly like the "new generation", i prefer the old one. At least they look like they respect each others.

Our current generation of spoiled brats who never worked hard a day in their lives is a disaster, and the next generation is even worse. At some point all of this will need to be balanced again and Fathers and God will clean the place.

01-05-2012, 10:14 AM
There's just no flow when Shaq speaks and not to mention its hard as hell to understand him.

Somebody should link this thread to Shaq via twitter.

01-05-2012, 10:20 AM
Shaq ain't that bad, let him get comfortable.
you dont get confortable despising others with sheer scorn. You get confortable and get others people confortable when you want to cooperate, when you understood one or two things about life the hard way, not when you want to dominate exageratly at all costs constantly cause you re insecure, spoiled and never met real obstacles. At his age it s not going to change. I said it alrdy, he simply doesnt have the mentality, maturity to deserve the place. Some marketing genius thought it would be great to have him in there, but it's a major fail so far.

There are some things weight, height, basketball skills and money cant buy.

Other are real men, he's just an immature kid who badly needs a long overdue slap.

01-05-2012, 10:32 AM
There are some things weight, height, basketball skills and money cant buy.

Other are real men, he's just an immature kid who badly needs a long overdue slap.

01-05-2012, 10:36 AM
probably because Shaq doesnt like how this scrub talks & interrupts and jokes around with rings and so on as if he was some basketball god or something....

i kindof feel the same way when Kenny all of the sudden interrupts Barkley or Shaq as they were talking about their old competition and how they used to dominate games and then this career SCRUB interrupts and goes something like (without laughing, being dead serious):

"How many rings did you have Charles? nah just kidding...... but i remember to when i faced John Stockton, we used to battle so hard... i did this dunk on him, i remember this time i defended him blablablablabla"

you were that good and we thank u for letting us hear your much more accomplished career moments? GOAT PG 4 real!!...... like.... really? know your place Scrubby Smith

Kenny only brings up his rings when Chuck or whoever brings up the fact that he was just a role player/scrub. He doesn't just bring it up out of thin air.

I do think Shaq tries too hard. But oh well. Its still funny to me. I love the whole Shaq/EJ backstage fights.

01-05-2012, 11:15 AM
I think I remember Kenny saying something once about Shaq while Shaq was still playing, and Shaq not taking to it very well. He said something to the affect of "I don't care what Kenny Smith says." Could be lingering tension from that.

01-05-2012, 11:17 AM
i'm hoping this was a seasonal test run. shaq doesn't go with the flow at all!

01-05-2012, 11:33 AM
Haters. lol.

The main thing that made me sad about Shaq was when he got up to walk and take that FT on Christmas dude looked like an old man. It's like damn Shaq. dude needs to lose a lot of weight now that he's not playing in the NBA.

It makes me feel old to see Shaq's almost-40 year old ass limping around.


01-05-2012, 11:36 AM
i stopped watching nba shows with shaq

01-05-2012, 12:15 PM
Shaq ain't that bad, let him get comfortable.

Tenchi Ryu
01-05-2012, 03:30 PM
I don't think it has to do with adjusting...its just him not really meshing well on tv at all. For those who have NBA tv and watched Gametime last night, I don't know if it was just me, but there were some awkward moments there....specifically between Kenny and Shaq, which is what made me create this topic in the first place.

Someone mentioned earlier that a lot of shaq's jokes seem to come out of spite, and I'd have to agree with that from what I've seen so far. And like someone else said, Kenny is not the only one, Chuck seems uncomfortable as well. I remember that last open court episode, Chuck and Kenny were Shaq on one of his bad games since they were talking about their bad games. Shaq was not comfortable the entire time, to the point where he told Chuck "Ok that's enough", and then start explaining all the good stats from that game.

He can't laugh at himself well at all....that was one of the things that made Inside the Nba so good...Charles, Kenny, and even Webb can honestly chill and just laugh at the joke instead of getting defensive.

01-05-2012, 03:31 PM

01-05-2012, 03:42 PM
NBA Tv is more serious and they actually analyse and talk about the games. TNT is more of a comedy show. Shaq is not a good fit. He should be a guy that guest appears sometimes, not be on every show. Payton was horrible, no wonder he was fired. They spent most of the time joking and laughing and not talking about the basketball games.

get these NETS
01-05-2012, 03:53 PM
kenny bends over backwards to appease shaq

yesterday's discussion of dwight howard was laughable

01-05-2012, 04:00 PM
Payton and C-webb were hilarious. I cry from laughter when I watch some of their old videos.

Tenchi Ryu
01-05-2012, 04:02 PM
kenny bends over backwards to appease shaq

yesterday's discussion of dwight howard was laughable
Yeah, I've noticed that....I think its because he's gotten the general vibe that Shaq doesn't like him, so he's probably trying to get on his good side since they have to work together. Its like if you're not kissing his ass, you will have problems with him.

I can honestly start to see why him and Kobe were having beef.

01-05-2012, 04:02 PM
The thing with shaq is that he visibly seems uncomfortable around certain subjects. Talking about Kobe, Dwight putting up numbers similar to him, or one of his flaws visibly makes him uncomfortable. The thing with Chuck and Kenny is that they can really laugh at themselves when being the butt of the joke. But he honestly didn't seem to take the tree hitting on him joke well at all. Its like he doesn't handle people laughing at him well, only with him.

Honestly, I was content with the original cast with C-webb coming every and then. But I do like the current C-Webb/ Smitty duo on NBA tv. They work well together, that was evident during open court.

It's because Shaq is a bully. When are people going to get that? He has daddy issues and was whipped as a kid. He felt helpless back then, so compensates by bullying those around him so he never feels that way again.

01-05-2012, 04:40 PM

was that the year they shortened the 3pt line?


01-05-2012, 05:14 PM
Shaq tried to hard to be funny like you just :facepalm at his stupid joke.

but only funny is Shaq and EJ backstage hidden cam fight. :oldlol:

01-05-2012, 05:36 PM
Inside the NBA has been unwatchable since Shaq got on the panel.

During his playing days, Shaq was a great sound bite guy: well thought out, rehearsed comments that were made to come off as being spontaneous, off the cuff.

In studio he's simply awful. Everything comes off as being forced, and the other guys aren't nearly good enough actors to make their response to him seem believable.

01-05-2012, 06:49 PM
I don't think it has to do with adjusting...its just him not really meshing well on tv at all. For those who have NBA tv and watched Gametime last night, I don't know if it was just me, but there were some awkward moments there....specifically between Kenny and Shaq, which is what made me create this topic in the first place.

Someone mentioned earlier that a lot of shaq's jokes seem to come out of spite, and I'd have to agree with that from what I've seen so far. And like someone else said, Kenny is not the only one, Chuck seems uncomfortable as well. I remember that last open court episode, Chuck and Kenny were Shaq on one of his bad games since they were talking about their bad games. Shaq was not comfortable the entire time, to the point where he told Chuck "Ok that's enough", and then start explaining all the good stats from that game.

He can't laugh at himself well at all....that was one of the things that made Inside the Nba so good...Charles, Kenny, and even Webb can honestly chill and just laugh at the joke instead of getting defensive.

Agreed. Shaq has to dog on people all the time.

It is astonishing, having an idea for both his and Kobe's personalities now, that they were able to co-exist as long as they did.

Phil Jackson - GOAT.

01-05-2012, 06:51 PM
Anyone else get annoyed when Shaq tells a joke or makes some remark and keeps looking off camera to the crew and smiling/laughing, like he's looking for acceptance or validation of the joke? He constantly looks from one person off camera to the next when he tells a joke. The worst is on "Open Court", where he does it almost every time.

I want to give Shaq the benefit of the doubt, but it's been a shaky start thus far.

01-05-2012, 06:52 PM
What's wrong with Shaq? I've been watching and I love seeing Shaq on the show. He's still getting used to it but it's been great so far, IMO.

01-05-2012, 07:33 PM
What happened to Gary Payton? I loved him when he was on.

01-05-2012, 07:53 PM
Payton and C-webb were hilarious. I cry from laughter when I watch some of their old videos.
no problem with being funny at all, but when it's 99.9 % jokes, you re wondering why you watching the game. It should be 80% of the time commenting the game, talking about recent gossip, and 20 % jokes. And smart jokes that are linked to the action or gossip, not spiteful insults. Old guys do it just fine.

01-05-2012, 07:55 PM
It's because Shaq is a bully. When are people going to get that? He has daddy issues and was whipped as a kid. He felt helpless back then, so compensates by bullying those around him so he never feels that way again.
/end of thread.

01-05-2012, 07:57 PM
Anyone else get annoyed when Shaq tells a joke or makes some remark and keeps looking off camera to the crew and smiling/laughing, like he's looking for acceptance or validation of the joke? He constantly looks from one person off camera to the next when he tells a joke. The worst is on "Open Court", where he does it almost every time.

I want to give Shaq the benefit of the doubt, but it's been a shaky start thus far.
can you imagine the rest of the cast and the staff attempting to give him advices on how to be more professionnal? Lol, not going to end well.

01-05-2012, 09:04 PM
What the hell does Shaq have on his lip tonite? He miss some toothpaste or something?

01-05-2012, 09:05 PM
Shaq dissing bosh pretty bad haha.

01-05-2012, 09:06 PM
Shaq dissing bosh pretty bad haha.
If Shaq doesn't like anyone its CHRIS BOSH.

01-05-2012, 09:07 PM
If Shaq doesn't like anyone its CHRIS BOSH.
I remember him calling Bosh the Rupaul of the NBA :roll: :roll: :roll:

Tenchi Ryu
01-05-2012, 09:22 PM
Shaq dissing bosh pretty bad haha.
I don't know what's his problem with Bosh, he acts like Bosh lost him a championship or something
:lol :lol :lol :lol

Da Doc04
01-05-2012, 09:51 PM
I remember him calling Bosh the Rupaul of the NBA :roll: :roll: :roll:
Lmao!!!! Grimey

But yea, he despises CB

01-05-2012, 09:58 PM
Lmao!!!! Grimey

But yea, he despises CB
Something happened between these two in the 08 season I belive. That or Bosh was bangin Shaunie before they got a divorce.

01-05-2012, 10:34 PM

I have always thought this about Kenny Smith. He was just a scrub and because he won, somehow he thinks he has more authority over Charles, who is one of the top 50 players, even top 15.

He did the same thing to Gary Payton and Payton clowned him hard.

What did Payton say to him? Im really curious.

I feel the same way about Smith. He really plays up that championship ring angle. He was a role player on a championship team, he was no Barkley/Payton/Shaq. Did he even make an allstar team?

Tenchi Ryu
01-05-2012, 10:37 PM
What did Payton say to him? Im really curious.

I feel the same way about Smith. He really plays up that championship ring angle. He was a role player on a championship team, he was no Barkley/Payton/Shaq. Did he even make an allstar team?
I've been able to see him a good amount when NBA TV were playing classic games during the lockout. He was a decent player, and really was responsible for some key moments for the Rockets. He was also a pretty good dunker when younger. Think of him like a Luol Deng when it comes to importance and fame to the league.

01-05-2012, 10:40 PM
What did Payton say to him? Im really curious.

I feel the same way about Smith. He really plays up that championship ring angle. He was a role player on a championship team, he was no Barkley/Payton/Shaq. Did he even make an allstar team?

What does it matter if he didn't make an all star team? Does that make his analysis better somehow? There have been some really great former players who have sucked as analysts, (Emmitt Smith, Dan Marino), and some really average players who become very respected analysts.

Timmy D for MVP
01-05-2012, 10:42 PM
Smith was a pretty decent player. But he is the worst player on the panel. Pf the people they rotate in he's a good two tiers below them all.

I still think the most entertaining panel would be Chuck, Kenny, C-Webb, and GP with Ahmad Rashad running point. Might not get a whole bunch of like real good insight from this crew cause it'd just be straight jokes, but in all honesty I don't need it, I can find it on the internet or on NBA TV.

01-05-2012, 10:42 PM
I've been able to see him a good amount when NBA TV were playing classic games during the lockout. He was a decent player, and really was responsible for some key moments for the Rockets. He was also a pretty good dunker when younger. Think of him like a Luol Deng when it comes to importance and fame to the league.

Luol Deng is much more valuable to the Bulls than Kenny Smith was to any pro team he was ever on. Deng is the Bulls most consistent defender and their second best scorer, Smith was a good three point shooter of the bench for the champion Rockets. He was also a good scorer on some terrible Kings teams.

Tenchi Ryu
01-05-2012, 10:43 PM
What does it matter if he didn't make an all star team? Does that make his analysis better somehow? There have been some really great former players who have sucked as analysts, (Emmitt Smith, Dan Marino), and some really average players who become very respected analysts.
Agreed. People need to realize that not all basketball players are uneducated people who can't have intellectual conversation. And its usually the ones who aren't in the camera 24/7 or considered superstars....Kenny is clearly one of the best people that work for TNT...if not THEE best ex-player. Only EJ is better than him.

@Angel...no not important to US, I mean importance to the league as far as how famous he was.

01-05-2012, 10:45 PM
Smith was a pretty decent player. But he is the worst player on the panel. Pf the people they rotate in he's a good two tiers below them all.

I still think the most entertaining panel would be Chuck, Kenny, C-Webb, and GP with Ahmad Rashad running point. Might not get a whole bunch of like real good insight from this crew cause it'd just be straight jokes, but in all honesty I don't need it, I can find it on the internet or on NBA TV.

Again, what the hell bearing on how good of an analyst does that have? Who cares if he wasn't a great player, it doesn't make you a better analyst, which is his job. Dan Marino was an unbelievable player and he's never had an interesting thought.

Timmy D for MVP
01-05-2012, 11:10 PM
Again, what the hell bearing on how good of an analyst does that have? Who cares if he wasn't a great player, it doesn't make you a better analyst, which is his job. Dan Marino was an unbelievable player and he's never had an interesting thought.

I was responding to another poster saying he was a scrub. Then moved onto my next point. At what point did I say it had any bearing on his analysis.

01-05-2012, 11:30 PM
I was responding to another poster saying he was a scrub. Then moved onto my next point. At what point did I say it had any bearing on his analysis.

First of all, he wasn't a scrub he was a good role player. I saw you mention what kind of a player he was and all I'm saying is that it is completely irrelevant in every way.

Timmy D for MVP
01-05-2012, 11:31 PM
First of all, he wasn't a scrub he was a good role player. I saw you mention what kind of a player he was and all I'm saying is that it is completely irrelevant in every way.



Dawg what...? Just... what?

01-05-2012, 11:38 PM


Dawg what...? Just... what?

Do you ride the short bus?

Timmy D for MVP
01-05-2012, 11:40 PM
Do you ride the short bus?

I am wondering the same thing about you man.

01-05-2012, 11:47 PM
"Smith was a pretty decent player. But he is the worst player on the panel. Pf the people they rotate in he's a good two tiers below them all. "

I inferred from this quote by you that you were placing some importance in what kind of player he was, I'm sorry if I was wrong.

Timmy D for MVP
01-06-2012, 12:00 AM
"Smith was a pretty decent player. But he is the worst player on the panel. Pf the people they rotate in he's a good two tiers below them all. "

I inferred from this quote by you that you were placing some importance in what kind of player he was, I'm sorry if I was wrong.

I may be wrong but I am almost certain that in my next point I very clearly stated that it was in response to another poster. And that at no point did I say it held any weight on his ability to commentate.

01-06-2012, 12:11 AM
You're a scrub.

Dude is a two-time champion, and was one of the best shooters of his era. He was a key contributor in the championships, especially in 1995 when he went bananas from three to force overtime against the Magic in Game 1.

I got to see Kenny Smith play in high school. He scored about 30 on us, mostly from the foul line, because he kept getting by people and getting fouled.

He averaged 13 points a game for ten years. This is a scrub?

01-06-2012, 12:36 AM
Always found Kenny kind of obnoxious.

Even though Chuck and CW (and Reggie) never won a ring, I've got a higher regard for them. They were star players and had to play to that extra expectation. Was Kenny ever expected to lead a team to a championship? Especially so with Chuck and Reggie who had to battle MJ.

Kenny as the centerpiece of a team? el oh el. His arrogance is unjustified considering the people he is sitting with.

That said, I happily prefer him to Shaq. While he's obnoxious, he has thought out opinions and he can express himself clearly.

Shaq is about Shaq, and his failings as an analyst, and a cohesive member of their broadcasting team, are as big as he is. He is seriously ****ing up their chemistry.

Maybe he'll improve with time. But I have a hard time seeing Shaq ever not being ultimately about Shaq.

01-06-2012, 01:21 AM
^right on, dont like kenny much, but he's million times better than shaq. SHAQ NEEDS TO GO TNT!

Tenchi Ryu
01-06-2012, 02:27 AM
Yea, Shaq hates D12 too....just called Bynum best center in the league. He's good but come one now Shaq
:no: :no: :no: :no:

01-06-2012, 02:29 AM
Yea, Shaq hates D12 too....just called Bynum best center in the league. He's good but come one now Shaq
:no: :no: :no: :no:

Shaq can act like a spiteful child at times

01-06-2012, 02:36 AM
Shaq should just work for NBATV. He doesn't belong in TNT and neither does Chris Webber either. Inside the NBA on TNT should simply be Kenny Smith, EJ, and Charles Barkley, nobody should break or join that group.

I agree with that, but I don't mind when Cwebb is on it occasionally.

Indian guy
01-06-2012, 02:52 AM
Shaq's too sensitive to be working on TNT. Just a minute ago he got all offended when Kenny poked fun at his movie career. On Open Court on NBATV, I remember Chuck making fun of Shaq's FT shooting, and Shaq again got all offended. I mean he's really getting p!ssed. A guy like that has no place on Inside the NBA, which is ALL about guys hanging out and ragging on each other. If you can't take a joke, GTFO there.

Tenchi Ryu
01-06-2012, 02:54 AM
Shaq's too sensitive to be working on TNT. Just a minute ago he got all offended when Kenny poked fun at his movie career. On Open Court on NBATV, I remember Chuck making fun of Shaq's FT shooting, and Shaq again got all offended. I mean he's really getting p!ssed. A guy like that has no place on Inside the NBA, which is ALL about guys hanging out and ragging on each other. If you can't take a joke, GTFO there.

Tenchi Ryu
01-06-2012, 02:57 AM
I know yall saw Shaq looking at kenny like that....And even squeezed in "Sacramento brother" as if his opinion is wrongly biased or something....

01-06-2012, 01:23 PM
1. Kenny Smith was a starter on that Rockets team.
2. Kenny Smith was a very good player.
3. Who cares? What does that have to do with it?

Shaq sucks.

01-06-2012, 01:38 PM
Shaq is so dull. its his monotone voice and he's not a good analyst either, nor funny. he's killed their whole dynamic.

01-06-2012, 01:40 PM
Shaq's too sensitive to be working on TNT. Just a minute ago he got all offended when Kenny poked fun at his movie career. On Open Court on NBATV, I remember Chuck making fun of Shaq's FT shooting, and Shaq again got all offended. I mean he's really getting p!ssed. A guy like that has no place on Inside the NBA, which is ALL about guys hanging out and ragging on each other. If you can't take a joke, GTFO there.

Shaq can't handle crticisms, but can dish them. Thats always been the case going back to his kobe feud, and when it spilled over to Phil/Lakers a little he got all sensitive when Phil criticized him some, all the while when he had been taking shots at kobe ever siince he left. shaq is real annoying imo.