View Full Version : Is Steve Novak the Best Three Point Shooter in the League?

02-10-2012, 04:41 AM
I know we Knicks homers are getting a little out of hand as of late, considering all the Lin stuff, but I'm wondering if you guys are aware of the freak of nature that is Steve Novak.

I'm not saying he's a god or anything. He has a lot of limitations as a player which is why he is a journeyman, but shooting is not one of them.

I have never seen a shooter like him before. He is unbelievable. I honest to god think he could average 50-60% from three for a season if all you gave him was open jumpers. People are going to bring up Ray Allen and Steve Nash, and I am a fan of those players and they are obviously all time great shooters, but I can say without a doubt that Novak is better than them at open threes. Plus he has a bunch of spots around the arc from which he can shoot it.

Can Houston, Spurs, Clippers, and Mavericks fans attest to this?

Jeff Van Gundy coached him in Houston, and he says Novak is the best shooter in the league every time he broadcasts a Knicks game.

SacJB Shady
02-10-2012, 04:44 AM
No brandon rush is the best 3 pt shooter followed by Ray Allen. Klay Thompson will be a great player though.

02-10-2012, 04:46 AM
He is unbelievable. yes

Cali Syndicate
02-10-2012, 04:47 AM
Uh Anthony Morrow?

02-10-2012, 04:48 AM
No, I am telling you this guy is not normal. He is Drazen Petrovic / Stojakovic level ridiculous.

02-10-2012, 04:48 AM
No. But hes Top 5.
Unfortunately, shooting 3's is all hes good at but it requires consistency and he just doesn't have that. If he was a consistent 3PT shooter he'd last much longer with the teams he plays for because they could rely on his shooting each night. Thats practically how Matt Bonner & Channing Frye have made their careers.

Best shooter in the NBA is Ray Allen.


02-10-2012, 04:55 AM
okay, Novak beats Ray Allen and it's not even much of a competition.

The only guys who I think you can even argue for are guys like Rush, James Jones, Morrow, Korver. Guys who are only in the NBA because they can spot up shoot ridiculously. I think he's a notch better than all of them. I think if he gets a consistent role on the Knicks this year, he's going to average around 50% from three.

02-10-2012, 05:01 AM
part of it is he's 6'10 and hardly has to jump at all to shoot . . . I think it makes his shot more consistent.

02-10-2012, 05:08 AM
He shoudl enter the 3 point all star contest this season, he's been burying them 5 ft behind the 3 point line, dude is crazy

02-10-2012, 05:08 AM
okay, Novak beats Ray Allen and it's not even much of a competition.

The only guys who I think you can even argue for are guys like Rush, James Jones, Morrow, Korver. Guys who are only in the NBA because they can spot up shoot ridiculously. I think he's a notch better than all of them. I think if he gets a consistent role on the Knicks this year, he's going to average around 50% from three.

02-10-2012, 05:27 AM

but he is . . .

02-10-2012, 05:35 AM
Yes, he can shoot lights out. He's automatic when open. The problem is that's literally the only thing he's good at. He is pretty horrible at everything else. Can't guard anyone, can't rebound, too slow and weak. He's like a poor man's Matt Bonner.

He was an outstanding three point shooter in Houston but his negatives heavily outweigh the positives.

02-10-2012, 05:39 AM
but he is . . .
No hes not.

You make the thread specifically mentioning if Novak was being consistently "fed open looks" that he'd be the best 3PT shooter.

You dont think Ray Allen's automatic if he is being fed open looks?

A lot of his 3's come off of screens and he gets a little space to shoot.
When he spots up and is "wide open", hes guaranteed to knock it down except in the NBA Finals.:lol

02-10-2012, 05:43 AM
Ray Allen is the best shooter in the league and maybe the best shooter of all time.

His 3-pt % is ridiculously high considering that he takes a lot of three pointers and many of them are tough ones.

Steve Novak is good and maybe (only maybe) he would hit wide open threes at better rate than Ray Allen but three point shooting isn't just shooting the wide open shots.
You need to make tough ones and also be clutch.

Ray Allen :bowdown:

And this is coming from a Knicks fan who doesn't like the Celtics at all.

02-10-2012, 05:47 AM
No hes not.

You make the thread specifically mentioning if Novak was being consistently "fed open looks" that he'd be the best 3PT shooter.

You dont think Ray Allen's automatic if he is being fed open looks?

A lot of his 3's come off of screens and he gets a little space to shoot.
When he spots up and is "wide open", hes guaranteed to knock it down except in the NBA Finals.:lol

Allen is great, but he's not on Novak's level if we're talking open threes. Allen gets a lot of elevation on his jumper. That allows him to come off of curls effectively and get his shot off well, but I don't think he would be as consistent as guys like Novak whose jumpers are nearly set shots.

and there's no way Novak could possibly go on an epic cold streak like Allen did in the finals unless he were concussed or something like that.

02-10-2012, 05:51 AM
the way allen shoots makes me think he's just as well off shooting the way he does rather than open set shots. high, fast release, good elevation. that combined with his conditioning makes him deadly off of curls. I don't think he's ideal for open spot-up shooting though. not the way novak is. he'd probably be 40-45% if he shot like that.

02-10-2012, 05:59 AM
he shot 97% from the line one season in college . . .

02-10-2012, 06:04 AM
I honestly didnt know who Novak was before the Linsanity fanfare.

But this NOvak guy can hit open shots but can also pump fake take one dribble either toward left or right and is still confident.

I can speak from experience how hard it is to make jumpshots off the dribble as opposed to simply catch and shoot.

02-10-2012, 06:04 AM
Morrow and Kapono might be close. I think by the end of the year Novak will have the best percentage among players who have shot 500 or more.

02-10-2012, 06:33 AM
I know he's a bad defender and all, but still I have no idea how he hasnt stuck on teams being the shooter he is. He'll never shoot you out of games, but he'll shoot you into them without a doubt.

I have no doubt he would win the 3 point competition if he was given the chance.

02-10-2012, 06:39 AM
okay, Novak beats Ray Allen and it's not even much of a competition.

The only guys who I think you can even argue for are guys like Rush, James Jones, Morrow, Korver. Guys who are only in the NBA because they can spot up shoot ridiculously. I think he's a notch better than all of them. I think if he gets a consistent role on the Knicks this year, he's going to average around 50% from three.
I never understood how the fame and accolades of the player gets in a way of recognising the very same player.
So now Ray isn't the best three point shooter, why well because he's all around good, lets name some scrub the best three point shooter so we look cool and independant.:rolleyes:


02-10-2012, 06:59 AM
I never understood how the fame and accolades of the player gets in a way of recognising the very same player.
So now Ray isn't the best three point shooter, why well because he's all around good, lets name some scrub the best three point shooter so we look cool and independant.:rolleyes:


I've been watching Ray Allen play for most of my life, and I doubt you've seen Novak play at all, because if had you would know he is no joke. Novak was a legendary shooter in college. Ray Allen is a great shooter and will go down as one of the best ever, but Steve Novak is better at uncontested, spot-up threes than him. Ray Allen isn't a HOF player because he's the best shooter in the league. There are a few guys who literally can't do anything but shoot who are better than him. He's a HOF player because he's one of the best shooters in the league and has a decent all around game.

Yeah, like I care about looking cool and independent. That's why I said it. Are you kidding me. Watch Steve Novak play and then tell me I'm just saying it to be cool and independent.

02-10-2012, 07:03 AM
like it's blasphemy to say another human being might be better at shooting than Ray Allen . . .

02-10-2012, 07:08 AM
I watched him in LA with the Clippers. This guy is nicknamed "Sureshot" Steve for one reason, he really will knock down everything wide open. We would bring him ice cold into the game into late game situations to spread the floor because this guy truely is a dead eye shooter.

Is he a superstar? Hell to the F no by any means at all. He is in the same mold as a Jason Kapono as in he will be a stretch guy who will knock down his 3s. Will he bring you anything else other than shooting? Absolutely not.

I really hope he gets to join a 3pt contest though. I really think he would win one. Jeff Van Gundy once said that they should rename the 3pt contest to the Steve Novak Contest.

Game winner vs Nets

Game winner vs Kings, ice cold off the bench only possession played in the whole game

02-10-2012, 08:13 AM
I've been watching Ray Allen play for most of my life, and I doubt you've seen Novak play at all, because if had you would know he is no joke. Novak was a legendary shooter in college. Ray Allen is a great shooter and will go down as one of the best ever, but Steve Novak is better at uncontested, spot-up threes than him. Ray Allen isn't a HOF player because he's the best shooter in the league. There are a few guys who literally can't do anything but shoot who are better than him. He's a HOF player because he's one of the best shooters in the league and has a decent all around game.

Yeah, like I care about looking cool and independent. That's why I said it. Are you kidding me. Watch Steve Novak play and then tell me I'm just saying it to be cool and independent.
Well if you want your three point player be better than Ray Allen at uncontested, spot-up threes, you can take that. But how about three point shooting?
Ofcourse some no-namers that are only good for one single thing have to be somewhat comparable to the top players at that very specific thing (note uncontested spot-up threes), but this is ridiculous. Instead of going to the bank you just pick somebody. Man I hate that. The choice is obvious, it's in front of you. Yet, Steve Novak... Who is that guy? I don't care how many uncontested spot up shots he has made, come back when he's been in the league 10 years. Those guys are liabilities on every single other thing, but you find a reason to celebrate them, even call the best. I know this guy, he's just like you, he knows all piatkowskis, a-morrisons, crotties, and always talk how good of a players they were. Why? I don't know. Maybe he just likes betas.

02-10-2012, 08:23 AM
Novak is ridiculous. I swear you could leave him on the bench for an entire season, ask him to come in and knock down one huge three in the 82nd game, and he'd make it.

02-10-2012, 08:28 AM
If Novak was such a great three point shooter, he wouldn't be team-hopping. Teams would keep him if the positives outweigh the negatives. Now, how to explain the man-love Popovich has for Bonner, who is a fatter Novak with a slower release to boot (especially over Splitter).

02-10-2012, 08:30 AM
If Novak was such a great three point shooter, he wouldn't be team-hopping.

Ehh, no. If Novak wasn't such a great three-point shooter, he'd be working at a gas station or something. There is one reason and one reason only that Steve Novak continues to make NBA rosters: he can knock down a three-point shot.

02-10-2012, 08:30 AM
Well if you want your three point player be better than Ray Allen at uncontested, spot-up threes, you can take that. But how about three point shooting?
Ofcourse some no-namers that are only good for one single thing have to be somewhat comparable to the top players at that very specific thing (note uncontested spot-up threes), but this is ridiculous. Instead of going to the bank you just pick somebody. Man I hate that. The choice is obvious, it's in front of you. Yet, Steve Novak... Who is that guy? I don't care how many uncontested spot up shots he has made, come back when he's been in the league 10 years. Those guys are liabilities on every single other thing, but you find a reason to celebrate them, even call the best. I know this guy, he's just like you, he knows all piatkowskis, a-morrisons, crotties, and always talk how good of a players they were. Why? I don't know. Maybe he just likes betas.

sorry for making a thread on steve novak. i forgot that ray allen's the only shooter I'm allowed to praise. i'll only make threads about alphas from now on if it pleases you. off to write the 7000th kobe versus lebron thread.

02-10-2012, 08:38 AM
Novak is ridiculous. I swear you could leave him on the bench for an entire season, ask him to come in and knock down one huge three in the 82nd game, and he'd make it.

that's what I'm saying. the man is unnatural. he doesn't have cold streaks or rhythm. he's a machine. he's inhuman. there are great shooters and then there's steve novak.

02-10-2012, 09:04 AM
Still Ray Ray imo and he probably will be until he decides to leave the league.

02-10-2012, 09:20 AM
OP you need to change the thread title to.. Novak is the best spot up 3 pt shooter or suck on Novak tits thread....

You pose a question but rip everyone for giving there opinion...

While Novak is a nice novelty shooter.... Ray Allen is better. Ray can shoot any 3 open, off screens, etc....

Novak can hit wide open 3's even take one dribble to one side and hit it. But that doesnt mean he is the best 3 pt shooter.

Daquean Cook can do the same thing there are many NBA players who can hit a wide open 3.

Comparing this guy to Drazen is an insult.

02-10-2012, 09:26 AM
I really hope he gets to join a 3pt contest though. I really think he would win one. Jeff Van Gundy once said that they should rename the 3pt contest to the Steve Novak Contest.

I'm almost certain that he's not going to be in the 3-Pt Shootout this season considering Kevin Love has said that he is going to, and they're not going to put two power forwards in a three-point shootout.

02-10-2012, 10:32 AM
He's the best 3 point shooter possibly of all time.

02-10-2012, 10:39 AM
2011-12 3PT% Leaders (not that it decides anything definitively, just putting it out there)
1. Brandon Rush, Warriors-55.9% (38-68)
2. Ray Allen, Celtics-51.5% (53-103)
3. Mike Miller, Heat-50.0% (18-36)
Steve Novak, Knicks-50.0% (22-44)
5. Klay Thompson, Warriors-47.7% (31-65)
6. Chris Paul, Clippers-47.2% (25-53)
7. C.J. Watson, Bulls-46.6% (27-58)
8. Mario Chalmers, Heat-46.4% (52-112)
9. Steve Nash, Suns-45.5% (30-66)
Ben Gordon, Pistons-45.5% (20-44)

02-10-2012, 10:44 AM
No hes not.

You make the thread specifically mentioning if Novak was being consistently "fed open looks" that he'd be the best 3PT shooter.

You dont think Ray Allen's automatic if he is being fed open looks?

A lot of his 3's come off of screens and he gets a little space to shoot.
When he spots up and is "wide open", hes guaranteed to knock it down except in the NBA Finals.:lol

Not only Ray Allen, but a lot of poor 3 pt shooters could hit a high percentage wide open look.

Wasn't it Rondo and Durant doing that stupid horse game a couple seasons ago where Rondo hit like 10 3 pointers in a row to match Durant?

NBA shooters aren't defined by what they do when they are wide open. It is about hitting the contested shots.

04-17-2012, 10:46 PM
uh, bump.

chuck said it tonight. you're seeing it, people. he's unbelievable.

04-17-2012, 10:51 PM
Smh. Smith is 7-10 from the 3 too.

04-17-2012, 10:52 PM
Matt Carroll is the best 3 point shooter in the league.

04-17-2012, 10:53 PM
Smh. Smith is 7-10 from the 3 too.

smith will go 1-15 or something like that next game. novak's got the consistency too.

the announcers are saying it. the inside the NBA crew is saying it. just accept it. he's great.

04-17-2012, 11:10 PM
No. Ray has been doing it consistently with high volume shots. Novak has not done that yet.

04-17-2012, 11:14 PM
Novak is a cyborg

04-17-2012, 11:17 PM
Novak is a cyborg

exactly. dude is unbelievable. he doesn't have the lightening quick release of ray or korver, but don't tell me those guys are close to as good when we're talking about threes with a bit of space.

04-17-2012, 11:20 PM
Dirk = best three point shooter.

04-17-2012, 11:22 PM
Dirk = best three point shooter.

I don't know why I'm even both responding to this, but obviously not.

the announcers were actually talking about how when novak and dirk were in dallas together, they would have shooting contests and novak would destroy dirk every time.

04-17-2012, 11:25 PM
All he has to do is play the bulls adhesive crap.

Korver is a better shooter.

If he was so automatic and good this wouldn't be his 5th team in six years compared to korver.

04-17-2012, 11:30 PM
If he was so automatic and good this wouldn't be his 5th team in six years compared to korver.

:lol because he cant do anything else except shoot. He's a weak defender, poor rebounder, pretty slow etc.

Korver is the much better player, faster, quicker, better defender etc.

But when it comes strictly to the 3 pt shot... Novak >>>> Korver.


04-17-2012, 11:36 PM
I don't know why I'm even both responding to this, but obviously not.

the announcers were actually talking about how when novak and dirk were in dallas together, they would have shooting contests and novak would destroy dirk every time.

So Novak would beat him in practice, so what?

What about during real games? Clearly he couldn't.

Novak is a great shooter, no doubt, but the best in the league? No way.

04-17-2012, 11:46 PM
So Novak would beat him in practice, so what?

What about during real games? Clearly he couldn't.

Novak is a great shooter, no doubt, but the best in the league? No way.

what are we talking about here? novak is a better pure shooter than dirk. simple as that. novak takes 5 3's a game and is hitting them at 46% (and I don't think that number even reflects his shooting from today). dirk takes 3.5 a game and makes them at 36%, and I don't want to hear about Dirk getting more defensive attention because Dirk rarely chucks contested threes.

obviously dirk can create his own shot much better and has a face up game that extends to the perimeter which means he can do more than just shoot threes out there.

Court Vision
04-18-2012, 12:02 AM
Guy does not seem to miss.

Incredible shooter.

04-18-2012, 12:15 AM
best 3 point shooter in the league :bowdown: chandler needs to give him more picks :lol

04-18-2012, 12:22 AM
best 3 point shooter in the league :bowdown: chandler needs to give him more picks :lol

seriously. they need to look for him. get him room to get his shot off and he will deliver. he's the type of guy where I see he shot 2/5 from three and think he had a bad night even thought that's 40%.