View Full Version : Clippers Front Office Get Rid Of Clipper Darrell

02-29-2012, 05:15 PM

It is with great sadness 2 say this that I have been told by @LAClippers front office that they no longer want me 2 b Clipper Darrell

WTF is going on?

For fans who don't know who he is, Clipper Darrell is the guy whos constantly at Clipper games with the half red half blue suit on always being the loudest guy cheering for the Clippers.

02-29-2012, 05:18 PM
i didnt know the front office gives a shit about a single fan

MeLO MvP 15
02-29-2012, 05:18 PM
Damn really? That's kind of horrible. He's always been so passionate about the team and when they're finally good they tell him to leave? C'mon, this is like the stuff that people rag on the clippers for.

Then again, he could just buy his own tickets like most.

I saw him heavily recruiting JR and Kenyon earlier.

02-29-2012, 05:19 PM
What possible reason could there be for this?:facepalm

02-29-2012, 05:20 PM
This guy is a loyal fan, Mark Cuban offered him 1 mil to be Maverick Darrell and he turned him down. Hope this doesn't foreshadow something in the future with our club.

02-29-2012, 05:21 PM
F*ck That!!!

02-29-2012, 05:22 PM
One does not simply stop being Clipper Darrell

02-29-2012, 05:26 PM
I don't get it. A guy who goes to every game dressed up and getting fans involved (you can hear him start the "Let's go Clippers" chants from up in the nosebleeds) and asks for no compensation (that I know of), and they want him to stop?


02-29-2012, 05:27 PM
SMH, this dude advertises your shit for free all day, buys tickets every year, and you toss him to the side?

02-29-2012, 05:29 PM


It is with great sadness that I must report to all those in NBA NATION that I have been told by Clipper management they no longer want me to be Clipper Darrell, a name that was given to me by the media because of my unwavering support and team spirit. I am devastated!!!!

I have been a season ticket holder for over a decade and a FAN for over 15 years and have dedicated a major part of my life to support the Clipper organization and it’s players no matter what the season’s outcome. Over the years (400 home games) I have gone to great lengths to show my appreciation and loyalty in my attire, the car I drive and in my very own home. I’ve taken seriously the mantra of being “Clipper Darrell” in performing community service, mentoring young children and my participation in outreach programs. I’ve appreciated the struggles of the team to overcome obstacles as I’ve done in my life. I felt vindicated for all the years we as Clipper fans have gone through trials and tribulations and NOW we have a team that can win it all. Yesterday was the hardest day of my life, I felt powerless as a fan, as I was stripped of my identity however, no one can take away my heart and the love I have for my team!

02-29-2012, 05:31 PM
Donald Sterling always finds a way to f*ck something up had to have been him behind this

02-29-2012, 05:33 PM
Maybe they gave him a job and this is some poorly planned PR stunt? Just weird.

02-29-2012, 05:35 PM
fvck sterling

02-29-2012, 05:36 PM
So what stops him from continuing to go to games as Clipper Darrell regardless? :confusedshrug:

02-29-2012, 05:37 PM
Pretty remarkably bad.

02-29-2012, 05:38 PM
So what stops him from continuing to go to games as Clipper Darrell regardless? :confusedshrug:
Maybe they wont let him come in dressed up as Clipper Darrell? IDK.

02-29-2012, 05:39 PM
So what stops him from continuing to go to games as Clipper Darrell regardless? :confusedshrug:
Probably nothing... but it's the gesture that's so terrible.

This is the most loyal Clipper fan of all time, and he's getting public ally slapped in the face.

02-29-2012, 05:42 PM
LOL@LAC. Seriously.

02-29-2012, 05:43 PM
I was hoping Twitter'd teem Clipper Darrell important enough to get one of the verified checkmarks

02-29-2012, 05:44 PM
This fan was straight up Buffoonery and Foolery and while this is a punk move by the Clipper Organization as this should have been dealt with in the off-season in a professional manner this fan made it a point that while at the games it wasn't so much about the Clippers as it was about him being a Fan Legend

Some of you have to see the Forest between the Trees sometimes with people and their agendas. He has a semi image of a Pimp who at times appears drunk, sloppy, disruptive, and out of sorts at games. It's not an endearing image of a franchise nor represents any form of professionalism even as a fan. Just because you commit so much of your financial resources towards a cause/work/company does not give you unlimited entitlement/right to display a poor image of a model fan that of which you claim....

This guy was a piece of work at times and like I said just as much about himself as he was the team.



That's exactly what you get a lot of when he's at the games.

You wish as an organization the Clippers would have better timing and professionalism themselves when resolving internal issues. Bad situation all around

02-29-2012, 05:47 PM
Just the fact that this guy has a "Clipper Darrell" website, a "Clipper Darrell" myspace, a "Clipper Darrell" twitter, a "Clipper Darrell" facebook, a "Clipper Darrell" youtube, sells merchandise and the fact that you can "book" him goes to show this thing of his is not entirely about the Clippers anymore.

All they did was tell him to tone down the personal branding and attention whoring a little bit probably. So now he's crying foul to get more attention.

02-29-2012, 05:50 PM
Donald Sterling always finds a way to f*ck something up had to have been him behind this

Yet most Clipper fans dismiss this notion when you mention Griffin, Paul and future success....

02-29-2012, 05:52 PM
Just the fact that this guy has a "Clipper Darrell" website, a "Clipper Darrell" myspace, a "Clipper Darrell" twitter, a "Clipper Darrell" facebook, a "Clipper Darrell" youtube, sells merchandise and the fact that you can "book" him goes to show this thing of his is not entirely about the Clippers anymore.

All they did was tell him to tone down the personal branding and attention whoring a little bit probably. So now he's crying foul to get more attention.

+ Infinity

I mean get real I as a paying fan would not want to sit through 41 home game watching him and his act. All the shucking and jiving with the Cheerleaders and running around like he's a Mascot and whatnot.....

Are you a Clipper Fan and/or are you role playing for an Oscar as a Clipper fan as Clipper Darrell?

"Uhhhh no calm down a thousand broham or else"

02-29-2012, 05:53 PM

They want him to drop the "Clipper" from his name and stop marketing himself with it. Even offered him a free season ticket.

02-29-2012, 05:57 PM

They want him to drop the "Clipper" from his name and stop marketing himself with it. Even offered him a free season ticket.

Totally reasonable request yet once again handle this in the off-season as he's been doing it for this long. It's not like this couldn't have waited to be addressed at a better time.

Yeah call himself "Darrell Darrell" and get Chris and Busta to put him on another remix version of "LOOK AT ME NOW" if he wants more exposure

02-29-2012, 06:03 PM
I guess its just a huge coincidence that as soon as the Clippers no longer need the promotion that "Clipper Darrell" brings they all of sudden have problems with him making coin off of the name. SMH.

02-29-2012, 06:04 PM
Just the fact that this guy has a "Clipper Darrell" website, a "Clipper Darrell" myspace, a "Clipper Darrell" twitter, a "Clipper Darrell" facebook, a "Clipper Darrell" youtube, sells merchandise and the fact that you can "book" him goes to show this thing of his is not entirely about the Clippers anymore.

All they did was tell him to tone down the personal branding and attention whoring a little bit probably. So now he's crying foul to get more attention.

Agree 100 percent. Darrell is a pretty selfish dude. When you go to games and talk to him it's as if he loves the attention. Dude isn't doing it for the team, he's doing it for the fame. I get it... he's been loyal... but they are still giving him FREE season tickets. He rubs a lot of Clipper fans the wrong way including me.

02-29-2012, 06:05 PM
When the Clippers were doing bad, it was ok for him to be "Clipper" Darrell. Now, the team is winning, and Sterling's greedy ass pulls this?


Watch him become Laker Darrell now. Everyone knows their quiet fans could use him.

02-29-2012, 06:06 PM
What the f*ck is the Clipper front office smoking?

This guy is the BEST thing about the Clippers period...even with the additions of Paul and company. Come on now.

02-29-2012, 06:07 PM

02-29-2012, 06:07 PM
When the Clippers were doing bad, it was ok for him to be "Clipper" Darrell. Now, the team is winning, and Sterling's greedy ass pulls this?


Watch him become Laker Darrell now. Everyone knows their quiet fans could use him.

Yea this is the one thing I don't like. Is the timing of it. Once Clippers blow up they want to toss him to the curb.

02-29-2012, 06:08 PM
Agree 100 percent. Darrell is a pretty selfish dude. When you go to games and talk to him it's as if he loves the attention. Dude isn't doing it for the team, he's doing it for the fame. I get it... he's been loyal... but they are still giving him FREE season tickets. He rubs a lot of Clipper fans the wrong way including me.

I've been going to games since 99, never had a problem with this guy.

I understand hes probably making money off of the name but would've been better if the team handled this differently or during the offseason. Now you have guys like Deandre Jordan and Reggie Evans who are super cool with him tweeting WTF and pretty soon they will be bashing the front office as well.

02-29-2012, 06:09 PM
When the Clippers were doing bad, it was ok for him to be "Clipper" Darrell. Now, the team is winning, and Sterling's greedy ass pulls this?


Watch him become Laker Darrell now. Everyone knows their quiet fans could use him.

Dude it's not like people don't know who he is after all this time. They've probably wanted to address this situation for some time now and who knows how often it's been discussed internally. Brand yourself how you want but tone it down some using the team branded name. Which belongs to the NBA btw.

The Clippers made the playoffs in 2005-2006 did Sterling tell him to knock it off then? Sterling was still greedy then right? Clippers aren't even locked into post-season yet right?

02-29-2012, 06:10 PM
About time. Watched him get thrown out during a Lakers Clippers pre-season game a couple years ago. Had about 10 Lakers fans so worked up it was either toss him out or watch him die. Funny part was when he was tossed it was the Clippers fans in attendance that did all the cheering

02-29-2012, 06:10 PM
I've been going to games since 99, never had a problem with this guy.

I understand hes probably making money off of the name but would've been better if the team handled this differently or during the offseason. Now you have guys like Deandre Jordan and Reggie Evans who are super cool with him tweeting WTF and pretty soon they will be bashing the front office as well.

I didn't know players were tweeting about it. No doubt it's a very bad PR move... just saying at the end of the day he's still getting free season tickets so he shouldn't be so dramatic.

02-29-2012, 06:11 PM
I've been going to games since 99, never had a problem with this guy.

I understand hes probably making money off of the name but would've been better if the team handled this differently or during the offseason. Now you have guys like Deandre Jordan and Reggie Evans who are super cool with him tweeting WTF and pretty soon they will be bashing the front office as well.

He's making money off the name, but he's also making money for the clippers. Getting their name out during some really dark times for the franchise and they should have just kept him. It's something that sets them apart imo.

Dude it's not like people don't know who he is after all this time. They've probably wanted to address this situation for some time now and who knows how often it's been discussed internally. Brand yourself how you want but tone it down some using the team branded name. Which belongs to the NBA btw.

The Clippers made the playoffs in 2005-2006 did Sterling tell him to knock it off then? Sterling was still greedy then right? Clippers aren't even locked into post-season yet right?
Worst example ever. I don't remember the 06 clippers having two extremely marketable stars and quality team behind them. I dont remember the 06 clippers pulling in these ratings and getting this many national tv spots.

02-29-2012, 06:11 PM
When you have the name "Clipper Darrell" and give interviews and make appearances and all that then people associate you with the franchise but his opinions are his own and don't represent the franchise. It's not even about the money, it's not like he can be making much, it's that he's seen as an unofficial representative of the franchise when he's not. Obviously the timing is stupid, but it's a pretty reasonable request.

02-29-2012, 06:12 PM
This fan was straight up Buffoonery and Foolery and while this is a punk move by the Clipper Organization as this should have been dealt with in the off-season in a professional manner this fan made it a point that while at the games it wasn't so much about the Clippers as it was about him being a Fan Legend

Some of you have to see the Forest between the Trees sometimes with people and their agendas. He has a semi image of a Pimp who at times appears drunk, sloppy, disruptive, and out of sorts at games. It's not an endearing image of a franchise nor represents any form of professionalism even as a fan. Just because you commit so much of your financial resources towards a cause/work/company does not give you unlimited entitlement/right to display a poor image of a model fan that of which you claim....

This guy was a piece of work at times and like I said just as much about himself as he was the team.


That's exactly what you get a lot of when he's at the games.

You wish as an organization the Clippers would have better timing and professionalism themselves when resolving internal issues. Bad situation all around
:rolleyes: I guess this only became a problem once the Clippers got good, and not the entire decade prior.:facepalm

02-29-2012, 06:12 PM
Wow Blake Griffin just tweeted

"Bring back Clipper Darrell"

If Sterling doesn't want to lose CP3+Griffin he better wise up.

02-29-2012, 06:13 PM
DeAndre Jordan: "I love Clipper Darrell"

You would think the Clippers would at least consult their star players before risking rubbing them the wrong way. Then again it is the Clippers. Not exactly an organization associated with class.

02-29-2012, 06:13 PM
It's not like they banned him from the building. He can still go to games and do all his cheering and gesticulations and all that. Just can't call himself Clipper Darrell.

02-29-2012, 06:14 PM
I meet Clipper Darrel a couple of times...I am a Laker fan and he is fun to talk trash with. See nothing wrong with him he is just a hardcore fan for the Clippers. Attention whore...yeah maybe but come on...dude is mad cool.

02-29-2012, 06:14 PM
One does not simply stop being Clipper Darrell

dude, you rock. :cheers:

02-29-2012, 06:15 PM
I guess its just a huge coincidence that as soon as the Clippers no longer need the promotion that "Clipper Darrell" brings they all of sudden have problems with him making coin off of the name. SMH.

Yup. People who haven't gone to games when the Clippers were the worst team in the league don't understand. In an arena where almost half the people are there to see the visiting team, this was the guy starting the chants and getting people in to the game. In years where you have sales reps offering you seats 2 rows behind the bench in exchange for buying tickets for 3 games because they were so desperate, in years where they offered to let you play on the Clippers floor with your friends for renting a suite because no one was buying them, years when they're giving away tickets for 1 dollar just to not have an empty arena, this was the guy still loving this team and trying to get everyone else on board. How soon they forget.

02-29-2012, 06:16 PM
He's making money off the name, but he's also making money for the clippers. Getting their name out during some really dark times for the franchise and they should have just kept him. It's something that sets them apart imo.

During the dark times dude they weren't a huge draw so what money was he making the team? Maybe what he should have done is remained more of face-to-face fan instead of using the major means of social media to benefit from it.

Did you check to see the ride he drives a SOUPED UP BEAMER, you know not a car the average everyday fan drives to work or to places of recreation. You're looking at an SD-Card instead of looking at the actual pictures on it

02-29-2012, 06:16 PM
I knew it. Look at the aftermath. All the Clipper players are slowly tweeting "Bring back Clipper Darrell." Hes already bonded with the players and formed strong friendships with them, letting him keep the name is a very small price to keep all your star players happy.

Look at the trending topics in the LA area, #CLIPPERDARRELL and #FREECLIPPERDARRELL are on their way to becoming the top trending topics soon.

02-29-2012, 06:16 PM
Dude it's not like people don't know who he is after all this time. They've probably wanted to address this situation for some time now and who knows how often it's been discussed internally. Brand yourself how you want but tone it down some using the team branded name. Which belongs to the NBA btw.

The Clippers made the playoffs in 2005-2006 did Sterling tell him to knock it off then? Sterling was still greedy then right? Clippers aren't even locked into post-season yet right?

Then why not address the issue when the team isn't doing well? And while the Clips did make the playoff that year, they didn't have a Blake Griffin nor Chris Paul to generate any revenue. Besides hardcore fans, no one know of Elton Brand and Cassell was old. Livingston had hype, but not like Cp3/Blake.

Any way you want to spin it, this is a dick way to go about it. Plus, any interviews I've heard with Darrell have always mentioned "Biggest Clipper fan", it doesn't take a genius to connect that with not being a member of the organization.

02-29-2012, 06:17 PM
I hope they fronted him enough cash to get his BMW repainted

02-29-2012, 06:20 PM
Even Andrew Bogut is angry over this:oldlol:

[QUOTE]Andrew Bogut ‏ @AndrewMBogut Reply Retweet Favorite

02-29-2012, 06:21 PM
DeAndre Jordan: "I love Clipper Darrell"

You would think the Clippers would at least consult their star players before risking rubbing them the wrong way. Then again it is the Clippers. Not exactly an organization associated with class.

Maybe the players should grasp what exactly has been requested of this fan instead perpetuating the situation into a drama story.....

Let's see Mr. Darrell

You can go to games for free....on us

You can wear any kind of apparel at the game representing our team

You can act as you please at these games and fraternize with the players and other high profile employees.

You can XHIBIT PIMP YOUR RIDE with our team colors on your Luxury Car

You can do charitable work in the communities promoting our team

You can still promote our team via the internet

All we ask is you drop our team name from your schtik because it's gotten outta hand

02-29-2012, 06:22 PM

He'll be back now :roll: :roll:

02-29-2012, 06:22 PM
Even Andrew Bogut is angry over this:oldlol:

Sterling needs to just go away.

Telling you, Laker Darrell.

Someone photoshop him in a Lakers uni

02-29-2012, 06:22 PM
Maybe the players should grasp what exactly has been requested of this fan instead perpetuating the situation into a drama story.....

Let's see Mr. Darrell

You can go to games for free....on us

You can wear any kind of apparel at the game representing our team

You can act as you please at these games and fraternize with the players and other high profile employees.

You can XHIBIT PIMP YOUR RIDE with our team colors on your Luxury Car

You can do charitable work in the communities promoting our team

You can still promote our team via the internet

All we ask is you drop our team name from your schtik because it's gotten outta hand
Its gotten out of hand? Do you even realize how long Clipper Darrell has been doing this? Why all of a sudden is it a big deal?:facepalm

02-29-2012, 06:22 PM
If he really cares that much he needs to explain the actual situation before this gets really out of hand.

02-29-2012, 06:22 PM
this is about him making a few bucks of off the name?
they risk bad publicity for pocket change, just stupid

02-29-2012, 06:23 PM
If Clippers don't want to get Lebron'd.... they better wise up once the franchise player and core guys like DJ speak up.

02-29-2012, 06:24 PM
and hes called Clipper Darrel, not Los Angeles Clippers Darrel.

Clippers made a big deal out of nothing

02-29-2012, 06:24 PM
Its gotten out of hand? Do you even realize how long Clipper Darrell has been doing this? Why all of a sudden is it a big deal?:facepalm

Because the team is successful and they think Darrell's making millions as a result.

02-29-2012, 06:24 PM
Then why not address the issue when the team isn't doing well? And while the Clips did make the playoff that year, they didn't have a Blake Griffin nor Chris Paul to generate any revenue. Besides hardcore fans, no one know of Elton Brand and Cassell was old. Livingston had hype, but not like Cp3/Blake.

Any way you want to spin it, this is a dick way to go about it. Plus, any interviews I've heard with Darrell have always mentioned "Biggest Clipper fan", it doesn't take a genius to connect that with not being a member of the organization.

I already said the timing was poor/unprofessional but stop acting as if the request was unreasonable... which you are as are many others including the players

It's not like you as a fan would have said "good timing mgmt for handling this in the off-season"(although once again agreed... best time to do so)

We have no idea either what has been asked of him privately until now.

02-29-2012, 06:25 PM
Clippers. :facepalm

They get Blake and CP, still find a way to f@ck it all up.

02-29-2012, 06:25 PM
theres a guy making money as a Pau Gasol impersonator, maybe the Lakers should tell him to shave and stop being tall

02-29-2012, 06:26 PM
Even Andrew Bogut is angry over this:oldlol:

Sterling needs to just go away.

Buck Darrell sounds like a porn star. I wouldn't object to that moniker.

02-29-2012, 06:27 PM
If Clippers don't want to get Lebron'd.... they better wise up once the franchise player and core guys like DJ speak up.

No they don't....they just gave De'Andre $40-50mil wise up to what? Darrell is still part of the franchise as he has free tickets. Will he stop attending games because he's jilted over having some of his lines cut back from the script?

02-29-2012, 06:27 PM
Telling you, Laker Darrell.

Someone photoshop him in a Lakers uni

LOL I wanna see this

02-29-2012, 06:28 PM
I already said the timing was poor/unprofessional but stop acting as if the request was unreasonable... which you are as are many others including the players

It's not like you as a fan would have said "good timing mgmt for handling this in the off-season"(although once again agreed... best time to do so)

We have no idea either what has been asked of him privately until now.

So should the NBA and every organization tell Jeff to close this site down as he is making money off of their brand and a lot of idiots on here are making stupid comments as well?

I don't see a difference between the two personally, and I'm sure the owners of a lot of major NBA sites, like this one, are making more off of it then Darrell was without being in a contract with the association.

02-29-2012, 06:29 PM
theres a guy making money as a Pau Gasol impersonator, maybe the Lakers should tell him to shave and stop being tall

No Pau Gasol needs to find out how to handle the royalties situation not the Lakers, if he deems it necessary

02-29-2012, 06:29 PM
offers from the Mavs and from the Bucks. more teams want Darrel than Allen Iverson

02-29-2012, 06:29 PM
CP3 tweeting about it now. WOW.... Clippers organization fu**ed up big. I'm truly worried that the players will now be thinking "Same old classless Sterling" and be waiting for the first chance to bolt... FML.

Of course when team is finally going somewhere they decide to try to pinch pennies and end up offending the core of the team.

02-29-2012, 06:29 PM
I already said the timing was poor/unprofessional but stop acting as if the request was unreasonable... which you are as are many others including the players

It's not like you as a fan would have said "good timing mgmt for handling this in the off-season"(although once again agreed... best time to do so)

We have no idea either what has been asked of him privately until now.

You dont get it. It might be a smart financial decision on paper for the clippers, but its a TERRIBLE PR decision. Its completely out of touch with the majority of their fanbase and players. Stupid stuff. You cant tell Clipper Darrell to keep doing his stuff, free seats etc but you cant be Clipper Darrell now. Truely stupid PR stuff, obvious is obvious, no way to defend it.

02-29-2012, 06:30 PM
No Pau Gasol needs to find out how to handle the royalties situation not the Lakers, if he deems it necessary
I believe hes met Pau and he was cool with it. dude is gonna be done soon after the trade deadline tho

02-29-2012, 06:31 PM
You dont get it. It might be a smart financial decision on paper for the clippers, but its a TERRIBLE PR decision. Its completely out of touch with the majority of their fanbase and players. Stupid stuff. You cant tell Clipper Darrell to keep doing his stuff, free seats etc but you cant be Clipper Darrell now. Truely stupid PR stuff, obvious is obvious, no way to defend it.

Bingo. But with all the bandwagon hoppers and fairweather fans, I doubt it'd make a difference. I'd bet most of them bandwagonners don't even know who Darrell is.

02-29-2012, 06:31 PM
offers from the Mavs and from the Bucks. more teams want Darrel than Allen Iverson


02-29-2012, 06:32 PM
A team rep told Darrell that the team didn't want him speaking on their behalf to the media. The story also stated that the team offered him free additional season tickets if he dropped the "Clipper Darrell" moniker.

It's not that the idea is wrong... it's the timing of it.. and not communicating this to the players/team first that's typical Clippers BS.

02-29-2012, 06:34 PM
unless he was leaking out inside info on trades, I dont see why speaking to the media would be an issue

02-29-2012, 06:34 PM
So they were fine with him when the Clippers were losing? Why would anyone want to play for a racist owner who doesn't give a sh!t if his staff gets sexually assaulted?

02-29-2012, 06:34 PM
Next time I'm at a game and I get a reporter, either before or after, asking me for my opinion, I'll just refer to this since they'll refer to me as "blah blah a Clipper fan" or "Clipper fan blah blah", and every interview with Darrell I've seen it is always said "the biggest Clipper fan" at one point or another.

It's just retarded, and on top of that, it isn't like he's making a fool of himself or the Clippers.

02-29-2012, 06:34 PM
You seriously expect them to hold a team meeting and be like "hey guys, we're gonna tell Darrell to drop the "Clipper," you cool with that?"

02-29-2012, 06:35 PM
Watch Cp3 and Blake bolt after next season, DJ demand a trade :banghead:

Hes making chump change compared to all the benefits he brings like pumping up fans and keeping the players happy. Just let him keep the name before the team goes on strike or something.

02-29-2012, 06:35 PM
So should the NBA and every organization tell Jeff to close this site down as he is making money off of their brand and a lot of idiots on here are making stupid comments as well?

I don't see a difference between the two personally, and I'm sure the owners of a lot of major NBA sites, like this one, are making more off of it then Darrell was without being in a contract with the association.

We are not branding ourselves at the expense of the NBA or a particular team here. Not to my knowledge of anyone specifically although it might be done behind the scenes. ISH is a public forum to discuss the NBA along with many other topics abroad. I'm sure they taken the necessary measures to not misrepresent the league or a professional basketball team and conduct the social website business accordingly

Do you see NBA logos plastered over this site with ISH embossed over or under it? Likewise any professional NBA team?

Do you see NBA player images plastered on here wearing ISH gear?

Do you see ISH running any campaigns in affiliation with the NBA for any financial proceeds to be accepted?

You stepped out of Bounds and Letraveled repeatedly throughout this thread homie

MeLO MvP 15
02-29-2012, 06:35 PM
This is from the same owner who is currently still offering full price for a Chris Kaman jersey.....


02-29-2012, 06:37 PM
Watch Cp3 and Blake bolt after next season, DJ demand a trade :banghead:

Hes making chump change compared to all the benefits he brings like pumping up fans and keeping the players happy. Just let him keep the name before the team goes on strike or something.

I've said it since last season when Griffin played and I'll say it again. If the Clippers classless ways lead to Griffin or CP3 walking... I'm done. I'm not going to go through this all over again after 13+ years of being a diehard, dedicated fan. I've put WAY too much into this team to continue this cycle.

02-29-2012, 06:37 PM
Sterling is a bum and unfortunately, Clippers will never reach their true potential with him at the helm. He is a horrible person and is so greedy and money driven that its tough to get a true winning franchise with him. Now that the Clippers brand is increasing in value, he wants to cut out everyone reaping the benefits. In theory, I understand what he is doing, but its ridiculous to do this once the team is having success. They had no problem with him when he was trying to pump up the crowds when the arena was empty.

02-29-2012, 06:40 PM
We are not branding ourselves at the expense of the NBA or a particular team here. Not to my knowledge of anyone specifically although it might be done behind the scenes. ISH is a public forum to discuss the NBA along with many other topics abroad. I'm sure they taken the necessary measures to not misrepresent the league or a professional basketball team and conduct the social website business accordingly

Do you see NBA logos plastered over this site with ISH embossed over or under it? Likewise any professional NBA team?

Do you see NBA player images plastered on here wearing ISH gear?

Do you see ISH running any campaigns in affiliation with the NBA for any financial proceeds to be accepted?

You stepped out of Bounds and Letraveled repeatedly throughout this thread homie

And do you see any of those items on Darrell? Nah, didn't think so.

Clipper Darrell is just another fan that is well known by the media, and the media always includes (from what I have seen) that he is a fan and not a member of the organization in any way as well.

02-29-2012, 06:44 PM
lol hes trending worldwide now

02-29-2012, 06:45 PM
I guess its just a huge coincidence that as soon as the Clippers no longer need the promotion that "Clipper Darrell" brings they all of sudden have problems with him making coin off of the name. SMH.


02-29-2012, 06:49 PM
+ Infinity

I mean get real I as a paying fan would not want to sit through 41 home game watching him and his act. All the shucking and jiving with the Cheerleaders and running around like he's a Mascot and whatnot.....

Are you a Clipper Fan and/or are you role playing for an Oscar as a Clipper fan as Clipper Darrell?

"Uhhhh no calm down a thousand broham or else"
the closet racism in this post is astounding

02-29-2012, 06:58 PM
the closet racism in this post is astounding

It's about as closet as Liberace.

02-29-2012, 07:09 PM
They could have voiced their concerns and still let him keep the moniker. I don't see why they had to strip it from him.

02-29-2012, 07:13 PM
They could have voiced their concerns and still let him keep the moniker. I don't see why they had to strip it from him.
yeah, its not like the media can be forced to stop calling him that.

if anything they made his name stick more than it ever has now that he is being talked about

02-29-2012, 07:15 PM
Seems like a pretty cut and dry issue to me. As this "Clipper Darrell" is using the Clippers' trademark illegally and profiting from it, it was actually beyond nice for the Clippers to offer him season tickets and what-not so he will stop stealing from them, when they could've just sued his ass.

02-29-2012, 07:17 PM
Seems like a pretty cut and dry issue to me. As this "Clipper Darrell" is using the Clippers' trademark illegally and profiting from it, it was actually beyond nice for the Clippers to offer him season tickets and what-not so he will stop stealing from them, when they could've just sued his ass.

Hasn't been a problem until now.
It's one of the stupidest PR moves I have ever seen an NBA team do.

02-29-2012, 07:18 PM
Seems like a pretty cut and dry issue to me. As this "Clipper Darrell" is using the Clippers' trademark illegally and profiting from it, it was actually beyond nice for the Clippers to offer him season tickets and what-not so he will stop stealing from them, when they could've just sued his ass.
Again, he has been doing this for the past decade...

02-29-2012, 07:20 PM
And do you see any of those items on Darrell? Nah, didn't think so.

Clipper Darrell is just another fan that is well known by the media, and the media always includes (from what I have seen) that he is a fan and not a member of the organization in any way as well.

Yes those items are on Darrell...Clipper logos plastered on everything he had/has his name attached with the Clipper name. His car, his gear, his websites etc etc

Also when attending games he often occupies some of the best seats in the house

Representation can be misconstrued/understood however you believe. By setting boundaries they no longer will be. Clippers should have chose a better time to set those boundaries but their requests are more than reasonable.

And get this if you go to his Official Clipper Darrell website he has Jeremy Lin Wallpaper in a Dallas Maverick Uni....lulz at this clown. So go ahead and think this guy doesn't have any agendas

02-29-2012, 07:22 PM
Clipper Darrell?


02-29-2012, 07:24 PM
I couldn't resist.


02-29-2012, 07:24 PM
Just a real WTF moment across the board.

02-29-2012, 07:26 PM
Hasn't been a problem until now.
It's one of the stupidest PR moves I have ever seen an NBA team do.Here's the problem.

When the Clippers struggled they had close knit fanbase, for all intensive puposes they were as rabid as Clipper Darrell. Now the Clippers are selling out despite the raise in ticket prices, they are a hot commodity the fanbase has changed and these new fans don't want to drop a bunch of money on tickets and have the night spoiled by some maniac screaming and jumping up and down. I went to a game two weeks ago and the atmosphere has changed, it's a more subdued crowd not unlike the Lakers crowd. I think they made more noise last year 3/4s full then they do now with a sold out arena.

The Clippers at least want him to continue to come to games. They also want him to stop being a spokesperson for the team, times have changed the fanbase has changed the Clippers are a grown-ups team now.

02-29-2012, 07:31 PM
You seriously expect them to hold a team meeting and be like "hey guys, we're gonna tell Darrell to drop the "Clipper," you cool with that?"

I can't believe some of the responses no freaking kidding.....:facepalm :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm

If cats in the organization are this trivial over 1 fan, who wasn't all about the TEAM then maybe just maybe they aren't about the TEAM.

02-29-2012, 07:36 PM
the closet racism in this post is astounding

There's no racism here, he's obnoxious and sorry you're having a difficult time grasping that he is.

02-29-2012, 07:59 PM
Seems like a pretty cut and dry issue to me. As this "Clipper Darrell" is using the Clippers' trademark illegally and profiting from it, it was actually beyond nice for the Clippers to offer him season tickets and what-not so he will stop stealing from them, when they could've just sued his ass.

I agree... but is it worth penny pinching and upsetting your franchise players who love him?

02-29-2012, 08:04 PM
Clippers released a statement.


02-29-2012, 08:08 PM
[QUOTE=Clippersfan86]Clippers released a statement.


02-29-2012, 08:09 PM
Yea seems a bit harsh no doubt to flat out say he's not even a fan. Sounds like this letter was written directly by none other than Donald Tokowitz Sterling :oldlol: .

02-29-2012, 08:11 PM
Same guy with the Clipper'd out car??

02-29-2012, 08:13 PM
Even if it's all true... still, just BAD execution here. At least wait until the season is over if it's a big problem. And what I don't get is why it hasn't mattered over the past 10 or 15 years? Why is it suddenly a problem now?

02-29-2012, 08:15 PM
Harsh message but it makes more sense now.

Either way, they BOTH kinda look like ***** at this point.

02-29-2012, 08:15 PM
Even if it's all true... still, just BAD execution here. At least wait until the season is over if it's a big problem. And what I don't get is why it hasn't mattered over the past 10 or 15 years? Why is it suddenly a problem now?

Because before you couldn't make money off the Clippers. Now this guy is probably making six figures EASILY off the Clippers name and on top of that getting great, free season tickets every year just to cheer loud. One thing we all have to remember is this dude was hinting at defecting from the Clippers and was courted by Mark Cuban to jump ship and made it seem like he was considering it.

02-29-2012, 08:15 PM
Yes those items are on Darrell...Clipper logos plastered on everything he had/has his name attached with the Clipper name. His car, his gear, his websites etc etc

Also when attending games he often occupies some of the best seats in the house

Representation can be misconstrued/understood however you believe. By setting boundaries they no longer will be. Clippers should have chose a better time to set those boundaries but their requests are more than reasonable.

And get this if you go to his Official Clipper Darrell website he has Jeremy Lin Wallpaper in a Dallas Maverick Uni....lulz at this clown. So go ahead and think this guy doesn't have any agendas
Oh, it is the guy I was thinking about. He's a great fan. Too bad the Clipper heads don't care.

02-29-2012, 08:18 PM
Because before you couldn't make money off the Clippers. Now this guy is probably making six figures EASILY off the Clippers name and on top of that getting great, free season tickets every year just to cheer loud. One thing we all have to remember is this dude was hinting at defecting from the Clippers and was courted by Mark Cuban to jump ship and made it seem like he was considering it.

Didn't Cuban offer him a million dollars or some sh!t? And he turned it down, right?

02-29-2012, 08:20 PM
Didn't Cuban offer him a million dollars or some sh!t? And he turned it down, right?

Yes... but he turned it down for selfish reasons. I've heard the guy makes 500k+ a year off the Clippers name for the last 15+ years. 1 mill ain't sh** to him. So it's not like he turned it down due to loyalty. The brand is worth SO much more this year that the Clippers didn't want him making millions off their name in an unofficial capacity.

As I said before... Clippers are doing the right thing... BUT... the timing and execution of it.. is terrible.

02-29-2012, 08:21 PM
Wow. Clippers need to fire their PR team.

Real Men Wear Green
02-29-2012, 08:22 PM
DeAndre Jordan: "I love Clipper Darrell"

You would think the Clippers would at least consult their star players before risking rubbing them the wrong way. Then again it is the Clippers. Not exactly an organization associated with class.
What would that have to do with DeAndre Jordan?

02-29-2012, 08:23 PM
LMAO. Somebody just tweeted...

"Clippers got rid of Darrell on the last day of Black History Month".

This has Donald T Sterling's hands all over it...

02-29-2012, 08:23 PM
What would that have to do with DeAndre Jordan?

I meant CP3+Griffin who both tweeted about it. Though DJ is a core piece and has a huge billboard picture right next to CP3+Griffin on the hotel next to Staples.

02-29-2012, 08:24 PM
Protecting your trademark is something you HAVE to do. But man, calling him out in an official press release like that? That's just petty.

02-29-2012, 08:25 PM
LMAO. Somebody just tweeted...

"Clippers got rid of Darrell on the last day of Black History Month".

This has Donald T Sterling's hands all over it...
Oh god.:oldlol: :roll:

02-29-2012, 08:28 PM
I agree... but is it worth penny pinching and upsetting your franchise players who love him?

They will get over Clipper Darrell.

02-29-2012, 08:29 PM
Protecting your trademark is something you HAVE to do. But man, calling him out in an official press release like that? That's just petty.

Yeah, that was definitely not the right move. :oldlol:

OG LeeTSkeeT
02-29-2012, 08:32 PM
Haha almost a Dan Gilbert-esque type letter.

02-29-2012, 08:32 PM
Wow. Clippers need to fire their PR team.
Seemed pretty candid and unprofessional

02-29-2012, 08:35 PM
Poor Clipper Darrell...

Next thing you know they will announce at the end of the season that t he Clippers are on the move to Seattle.

02-29-2012, 08:37 PM
When I went to a game earlier I noticed it was a lot louder.... and some guys next to me pointed to clipper darrell and said look no one can even hear him anymore. He was only useful when this place was half empty

I wonder if that same line of thinking has led them to do this. At this point he probably only bothers the 100 fans around him who can hear him instead of energizing a crowd

Regardless tho, its not worth it. Very unclassy.

02-29-2012, 08:41 PM
That last part is actually ridiculous. "He's not a fan of the team but more a fan of what he can make off the Clippers" I understand he's probably used the media dubbed Clipper Darrel for personal gain and what not but when you've had arguably the worst franchise for the last 15 years and this guy has been a fan? Not too smart to say all this now.

Dude was doing his thing getting the crowd involved when your team was utter shit. Serioussssly doubt he makes enough off of "Clipper" Darrel to actually make him stick around for this long.

Plus team likes him, other fans clearly love him, seems like he does work in the community. Clippers aren't paying him. Letting him use Clipper Darrel and letting him do interviews with the media that aren't damaging actually seems like a small price to pay in the long run.

Lotta teams would probably be willing to employ somebody like that :oldlol:

02-29-2012, 08:42 PM
That last part is actually ridiculous. "He's not a fan of the team but more a fan of what he can make off the Clippers" I understand he's probably used the media dubbed Clipper Darrel for personal gain and what not but when you've had arguably the worst franchise for the last 15 years and this guy has been a fan? Not too smart to say all this now.

Dude was doing his thing getting the crowd involved when your team was utter shit. Serioussssly doubt he makes enough off of "Clipper" Darrel to actually make him stick around for this long.

Plus team likes him, other fans clearly love him, seems like he does work in the community. Clippers aren't paying him. Letting him use Clipper Darrel and letting him do interviews with the media that aren't damaging actually seems like a small price to pay in the long run.

Lotta teams would probably be willing to employ somebody like that :oldlol:

As Stro said.. Mark Cuban offered him permanent floor seat season tickets+1 million dollars to defect. So obviously teams want him.

02-29-2012, 08:43 PM
There's a pretty nice irony of a Sterling owned team calling out someone for only caring about money and not the franchise.

02-29-2012, 08:44 PM
There's a pretty nice irony of a Sterling owned team calling out someone for only caring about money and not the franchise.

Everything about this just looks so bad. :oldlol: :facepalm

02-29-2012, 08:49 PM
lmao classic Clippers fail.

Shoulda had smarter PR.

02-29-2012, 08:52 PM
hope cuban buys him, this is low even for stern. how much revenue could this guy possibly be pulling in to affect the clips. dumb ass

02-29-2012, 09:15 PM
It would be one thing if this guy just started doing this stuff this season, just to make money off the name. But the guy has been Clipper Darrell for like what, a decade or more? I remember hearing about Clipper Darrell years ago. What the hell is the point of making a decision like this? Was he maybe making a little coin for himself? Probably, but he ain't taking money out anyone's pockets for Christ's sake. Guy does community work and appearances like crazy. He's not being deceitful in any way, shape or form. I mean all the guy has done is support the living hell out of you.

Don't get it. And then they release a public message, basically putting one fan on blast. Just lame.

02-29-2012, 09:22 PM
Pathetic. Just read this article and seen this thread. They went from 1 fan to 0. Haha. All the bandwagon Clipper fans there and here, now they have no real fan.

02-29-2012, 09:26 PM
He is not actually a fan of the Clippers, but a fan of what he can make off of the Clippers.

Who the **** do the Clippers think they are? They think this guy set out to attend every clippers game 15 years ago and see if he could get rich of Ike Austin and Darrick Martin as they won 17 games?

If this was a long plan to get rich.....the guy is an idiot who got lucky as hell that it worked.

More likely....hes a huge fan who got good breaks as he stayed loyal. I suspect he didnt make millions on day 1....

02-29-2012, 09:37 PM
wait a minute, clipper darrell makes 500,000 a year? jesus christ :eek: :confusedshrug: :facepalm

02-29-2012, 09:43 PM
I see my future profession.

02-29-2012, 09:43 PM

This ****ing franchise is the worst.

02-29-2012, 09:45 PM
This is like sticking with an ugly girl for years, then all of a sudden she gets a makeover, fixes her hair and gets fake tits and she dumps you.

For shame Clippers.

02-29-2012, 09:45 PM
This is like sticking with an ugly girl for years, then all of a sudden she gets a makeover, fixes her hair and gets fake tits and she dumps you.

For shame Clippers.

Nah, it's like getting a blowjob from a girl only to find out 15 later she's your sister.

02-29-2012, 09:47 PM
Nah, it's like getting a blowjob from a girl only to find out 15 later she's your sister.
is that some sort of star wars porno parody?

02-29-2012, 09:54 PM
If they try and stop him from using the name "Clipper Darrell", he should sue. For one thing, the word "Clippers" and "Clipper" are two totally different words, and the word "Clipper" can refer to many things; maybe he's a hairstylist? Maybe he likes sailboats?The other argument is the fact that the Clippers allowed him to use this name for YEARS, which could establish a right by law for him to continue to use the name. The Clippers would have to provide a valid reason why they allowed him to openly use the name for years, and only now want him to stop.

02-29-2012, 09:57 PM
If they try and stop him from using the name "Clipper Darrell", he should sue. For one thing, the word "Clippers" and "Clipper" are two totally different words, and the word "Clipper" can refer to many things; maybe he's a hairstylist? Maybe he likes sailboats?The other argument is the fact that the Clippers allowed him to use this name for YEARS, which could establish a right by law for him to continue to use the name. The Clippers would have to provide a valid reason why they allowed him to openly use the name for years, and only now want him to stop.

Money always wins. That's why the dude who created Ghost Rider is now legally prohibited from saying he created Ghost Rider.

02-29-2012, 09:58 PM
If they try and stop him from using the name "Clipper Darrell", he should sue. For one thing, the word "Clippers" and "Clipper" are two totally different words, and the word "Clipper" can refer to many things; maybe he's a hairstylist? Maybe he likes sailboats?The other argument is the fact that the Clippers allowed him to use this name for YEARS, which could establish a right by law for him to continue to use the name. The Clippers would have to provide a valid reason why they allowed him to openly use the name for years, and only now want him to stop.

Imagine what people would've said if the Clippers told him to stop while he's not making any money off the trademark though.

02-29-2012, 10:02 PM
If they try and stop him from using the name "Clipper Darrell", he should sue. For one thing, the word "Clippers" and "Clipper" are two totally different words, and the word "Clipper" can refer to many things; maybe he's a hairstylist? Maybe he likes sailboats?

If Darrell is a fan of haircuts and boats, he needs to prove that is the reason he's made millions promoting himself as "Clipper Darrell, the fan of Sailboats and Haircuts", not as the unofficial mascot of the LA Clippers.

The other argument is the fact that the Clippers allowed him to use this name for YEARS, which could establish a right by law for him to continue to use the name.

Which legal provision is this? If a company has a trademark, you can't use it without their permission. The "Clipper Darrell" identity is affiliated directly with the LA Clippers. There is zero point in him using the moniker from now on.

The Clippers would have to provide a valid reason why they allowed him to openly use the name for years, and only now want him to stop.

They have more money, they don't need a reason.

02-29-2012, 10:06 PM
If Darrell is a fan of haircuts and boats, he needs to prove that is the reason he's made millions promoting himself as "Clipper Darrell, the fan of Sailboats and Haircuts", not as the unofficial mascot of the LA Clippers.

That's the greatest thing I've ever read. I swear to god I'm stealing that.

02-29-2012, 10:12 PM
That's the greatest thing I've ever read. I swear to god I'm stealing that.

5 Starred
Noble Peace Prized

02-29-2012, 10:16 PM
There's a Pacers "superfan" that calls himself El Pacero, wears a luchador mask, does the same kinda stuff as Clipper Darrell. Hope this doesn't give the Pacers any ideas. Doubt it, they seem to have embraced the guy.

Tmuston Beltics
02-29-2012, 10:28 PM
is that some sort of star wars porno parody?

Nah it's his reality :banana:

02-29-2012, 10:29 PM
Which legal provision is this? If a company has a trademark, you can't use it without their permission. The "Clipper Darrell" identity is affiliated directly with the LA Clippers. There is zero point in him using the moniker from now on.

Well, I'm not a lawyer, but I am a Real Estate Agent, and in Real Estate we have a law called Continuous Adverse Use Principle (i think) which essentially states that if you allow someone to continuously use a section of your property, uninterrupted, an easement can be created giving rights to that property to a third party.

For example, say you have a house by the beach, and there is a trail that crosses over your property that neighbors use to get to the beach for years without you saying anything. Then one day, you decide you want to fence off the trail and grow some tomatoes... well, your neighbors, or the city, could sue you, claiming Adverse Possession, and you would have to leave the trail as-is, despite the fact that you own the land.

Anyway, I'm sure they have something similar in regards to patents and copyrights. If a company (or anyone) openly and publicly allows someone to use their 'image' or 'idea', for years, without contention, they may concede certain rights to that party. I could be wrong, but I don't really feel like searching right now.

If it went to court, the Clippers would have to (IMO) explain why for 10+ years it was okay for "Clipper Darrell" to openly and publicly use the name and image without any contention. I'm sure some lawyer would take the case for free in this economy, just for the publicity and chance at a decent payoff.

02-29-2012, 11:18 PM
Wow.......... I really want this franchise to fail.

02-29-2012, 11:41 PM
Well, I'm not a lawyer, but I am a Real Estate Agent, and in Real Estate we have a law called Continuous Adverse Use Principle (i think) which essentially states that if you allow someone to continuously use a section of your property, uninterrupted, an easement can be created giving rights to that property to a third party.

For example, say you have a house by the beach, and there is a trail that crosses over your property that neighbors use to get to the beach for years without you saying anything. Then one day, you decide you want to fence off the trail and grow some tomatoes... well, your neighbors, or the city, could sue you, claiming Adverse Possession, and you would have to leave the trail as-is, despite the fact that you own the land.

Anyway, I'm sure they have something similar in regards to patents and copyrights. If a company (or anyone) openly and publicly allows someone to use their 'image' or 'idea', for years, without contention, they may concede certain rights to that party. I could be wrong, but I don't really feel like searching right now.

If it went to court, the Clippers would have to (IMO) explain why for 10+ years it was okay for "Clipper Darrell" to openly and publicly use the name and image without any contention. I'm sure some lawyer would take the case for free in this economy, just for the publicity and chance at a decent payoff.

If Darrell was getting free season tickets, and also going on trips with the team, I'm sure SOME papers were signed. If that's the case, I'm positive that there was something hidden in one of those papers covering this.

Yung D-Will
03-01-2012, 12:10 AM
This really left a bad taste in my mouth when it comes to the Clippers organization.

The guy can be "Clipper Darell" Through the rough years. And when I say rough look at the Clippers records the past couple of years. But now with Paul and Griffin and them moving into the national spotlight he has to just be "Darell". :oldlol:

03-01-2012, 01:35 AM
If I'm Clipper Darrell I don't even want to be Clipper Darrell anymore at this point. I'd be saying f@ck that franchise.

03-01-2012, 01:38 AM
If I'm Clipper Darrell I don't even want to be Clipper Darrell anymore at this point. I'd be saying f@ck that franchise.
but the team means so much to him...

03-01-2012, 01:44 AM

Yeah I'm too lazy to look it up myself, I was actually hoping you had it on hand. :oldlol:

This really left a bad taste in my mouth [...]

Now everyone is heisting my blowjob analogies, god damn, give me some credit at least.

03-01-2012, 01:50 AM
but the team means so much to him...

Well clearly he doesn't mean much to them, so f@ck 'em.

03-01-2012, 02:03 AM
Stay classy clippers.
I think the irony is most of the new latch on band wagoner fans probably don't even have a clue or care that this guy stood by this team through a lot of crappy years.

03-01-2012, 02:09 AM
Stay classy clippers.
I think the irony is most of the new latch on band wagoner fans probably don't even have a clue or care that this guy stood by this team through a lot of crappy years.

We know how much he meant, and I honestly believe he loves this team, but let's not act like it was a hard decision to make every year when you're pulling in half a million annually.

03-01-2012, 02:23 AM
You guys don't know about the fiasco last year with Darrell probably. The guy gets great seats completely free... and for one game they accidentally sold his seat. He goes and threatens to leave the Clippers and boycotts them for a few days. That was why/when Mark Cuban was courting him and offered him 1 mill to defect.

What's even funnier is he swears up and down he's been paying for his season tickets for 15+ years but it's a DAMN LIE. It's been verified by many big time fans who go to every single home game+ ticket sales reps telling me personally that he doesn't pay a dime. Clippers handled this like the classless franchise I'm ashamed to say I'm a fan of at times like these... but the logic/request was fair and logical on their part.

03-01-2012, 02:37 AM
We know how much he meant, and I honestly believe he loves this team, but let's not act like it was a hard decision to make every year when you're pulling in half a million annually.

I meant all the folks who became fans this year once the team got cp3...I'm assuming you're not amongst them, or atleast an exception if you are.

03-01-2012, 03:12 AM
This is why people rag on the Clippers management. Stupid, trivial shit like this is unnecessary. Why do it now? The timing of it is bad.

03-01-2012, 03:23 AM
F*ck Donald Sterling

03-01-2012, 03:28 AM
There's not a chance in hell that dude makes 500k a year by being "Clipper Darrell." Just don't believe it.

03-01-2012, 03:33 AM
There's not a chance in hell that dude makes 500k a year by being "Clipper Darrell." Just don't believe it.

He does. Forgot which interview it was couple years ago that mentioned it. Think Bill Simmons.

03-01-2012, 03:35 AM
Clipper Darrell recently was talking about replacing the Clipper car...he was considering various cars around $30,000. If he was making $500,000 a year wouldn't he be looking at more luxurious cars ?

03-01-2012, 03:39 AM
clipper darrell does not make a half million. :oldlol:

not really that suprised considering donald sterlings long history of being a total douche.

03-01-2012, 03:44 AM
There's not a chance in hell that dude makes 500k a year by being "Clipper Darrell." Just don't believe it.

Maybe 50k

03-01-2012, 03:51 AM
Kinda remids me of how dirty Boston did Bob Cousy, back in '09. He was working for them calling games 2 nights a week, or something like that and they just up and fired him, by phone. And it wasn't done by the team president, it was done by one of his aides....by phone. Keeping in mind this is one of the past Celtic greats. Needles to say, notice what has happened to the Celtics since winning in '08?! Karma really is a b***h:banghead:

03-01-2012, 03:52 AM
this guy makes half a million dollars a year?!?!?! :eek:

the fvck????


Anyhow...bad PR move on Sterling's part...:facepalm

03-01-2012, 04:00 AM
this guy makes half a million dollars a year?!?!?! :eek:

the fvck????


Anyhow...bad PR move on Sterling's part...:facepalm

Well even if that number was exaggerated I'm 100 percent sure he makes at least 6 figures off the Clippers. You guys know how crazy I am for the Clippers. I'd do it for 50k..

03-01-2012, 04:08 AM
I meant all the folks who became fans this year once the team got cp3...I'm assuming you're not amongst them, or atleast an exception if you are.

I became a fan as soon as the Grizzlies left Vancouver. Haven't looked back.

03-01-2012, 04:20 AM
Well even if that number was exaggerated I'm 100 percent sure he makes at least 6 figures off the Clippers. You guys know how crazy I am for the Clippers. I'd do it for 50k..

Nevermind you, I'd do it for 50k...and i'm not even a Clippers fan. :lol

Who knew superfans had it like that? :confusedshrug:

03-01-2012, 04:28 AM
there is no ****ing way that some fan makes six figures by wearing a blue and red suit and driving a clippers car.

the guy has gone to like 400 straight home games, which is 10 years of games and basically 8 of those years they were the laughing stock of the nba. Clippers have been garbage for 80% of the past decade.... if anything he deserves a ****ing medal for actually going to 400 games.

03-01-2012, 04:30 AM
there is no ****ing way that someone makes six figures by wearing a blue and red suit and driving a clippers car.

the guy has gone to like 400 straight home games, which is 10 years of games and basically 8 of those years they were the laughing stock of the nba. Clippers have been garbage for 80% of the past decade.... if anything he deserves a ****ing medal for actually going to 400 games.

Deserves a metal for going to free games in great seats? Clippers or not don't act like he was the one doing the franchise a service. They paying fans deserve more respect than Darrell. I know people that have been season ticket holders since late 80's.

03-01-2012, 04:34 AM
Whoever said hes making 500k a year is lying their ass off. I remember when the Clipper mobile was having engine and starter problems, he couldn't afford to fix it and was carpooling with another Clipper fan to games.

03-01-2012, 04:41 AM
You're crazy to think Darrell gets anything over 500 a month or anything close to that.

He has a regular full time job, who the hell would buy his merch, he's probably not paid for interviews or parties, and pretty much all the events he does are charity. Seriously, how would he even make over 4 figures out of being a Clippers fan when he's not hired by them? Damn, cheerleaders only get like 50 dollars a game and they do the same stuff.

03-01-2012, 05:04 AM
You're crazy to think Darrell gets anything over 500 a month or anything close to that.

He has a regular full time job, who the hell would buy his merch, he's probably not paid for interviews or parties, and pretty much all the events he does are charity. Seriously, how would he even make over 4 figures out of being a Clippers fan when he's not hired by them? Damn, cheerleaders only get like 50 dollars a game and they do the same stuff.

Yep he goes to Long Beach St. basketball games and when hes there he wears a Gold and Black suit. He gets paid beans compared to what some people on ISH is making up that he makes. Tell me how many people you see in LA wearing any of his merchandise and how many people actually try to book him for anything? The guy goes cheer to support the teams he loves. I see him at Clipper games, Long Beach St. games, and occasionally HS games all across LA such as Lawndale, Gardena, Compton, etc. All the stuff he does is out of charity.

03-01-2012, 05:19 AM
Regardless of the inconsistent reports about profits he's made off the team.... the guy gets FREE fu**ing season tickets (good seats) just for being such a recognizable fan. Give me the gig.

03-01-2012, 06:03 AM
I remember when the Clipper mobile

Sorry but I have to:roll:

03-01-2012, 06:08 AM
Clippers started a new curse smh:facepalm

03-01-2012, 09:10 AM
To the people using the BMW to support this guy's supposed wealth... I don't have a clue if he's rich or not, but that car is like 15 years old.

03-01-2012, 09:29 AM
Wow. I just read this thread. Clipper Darrell has been down with the Clippers, that I know of for at least 12 years. For the Clippers to pull a stunt like this, now, sad on their part. I mean think about it. Clipper Darrell Bailey has been with the Clippers when they were crappy. They had no problem with him out there in the media hyping the Clippers when they were crappy. Now that the Clippers have a little somethin, somethin going, they get an ego. Stay classy Clippers. THis is your lone superfan.

03-01-2012, 09:44 AM
Clippers started a new curse smh:facepalm

They lost a VERY winnable game against the T-Wolves Tuesday, and if I remember correctly, Darrell wasn't at that game.

I was raised by Cubs fans...and I always keep my feelers open for bad omens.

03-01-2012, 09:49 AM
He does. Forgot which interview it was couple years ago that mentioned it. Think Bill Simmons.
If he was making 500K per year he wouldn't be seating in the nosebleed sections. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPBJAJhcjtE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-0cuLZ0m18

I'm sure he makes some money off the moniker but I doubt it's even enough for him to quit his day job.

And the guy seems like a class act. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UZYnbkVbnE&feature=relmfu

03-01-2012, 09:56 AM
If he was making 500K per year he wouldn't be seating in the nosebleed sections. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPBJAJhcjtE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-0cuLZ0m18

I'm sure he makes some money off the moniker but I doubt it's even enough for him to quit his day job.

And the guy seems like a class act. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UZYnbkVbnE&feature=relmfu

Those aren't nosebleed seats. They're not GREAT seats, but I believe that that's near section 108, which is good seating at Staples.

It's A VC3!!!
03-01-2012, 10:13 AM
I should approach Mark Cuban and ask him for a job position to be a Maverick Darrell. I will settle for $500,000 a year. Fair enough.

03-01-2012, 10:32 AM
They lost a VERY winnable game against the T-Wolves Tuesday, and if I remember correctly, Darrell wasn't at that game.

I was raised by Cubs fans...and I always keep my feelers open for bad omens.
He was at the game wearing a black suit, according to him.

03-01-2012, 11:54 AM
I don't understand how people can shit on him.

It's not as if the Clippers didn't use him. If you watch commercials or other promos they feature him from time to time.

Now, I understand that the Clippers don't want him to use the 'Clippers' in Darrell, but they didn't have a problem with him in the past, at least not enough for them go make him stop using it.

03-01-2012, 12:00 PM
You guys don't know about the fiasco last year with Darrell probably. The guy gets great seats completely free... and for one game they accidentally sold his seat. He goes and threatens to leave the Clippers and boycotts them for a few days. That was why/when Mark Cuban was courting him and offered him 1 mill to defect.

What's even funnier is he swears up and down he's been paying for his season tickets for 15+ years but it's a DAMN LIE. It's been verified by many big time fans who go to every single home game+ ticket sales reps telling me personally that he doesn't pay a dime. Clippers handled this like the classless franchise I'm ashamed to say I'm a fan of at times like these... but the logic/request was fair and logical on their part.

I remember Clippers players talk about trying to give away free tickets to people, but nobody wanted them. The Clippers organization would try their hardest to draw people to their games, and nobody would take their offers, unless they were sponsored by companies that gave them to their workers. And even then, I remember people calling me cause they had free tickets but they didn't wanna go. The Clippers used Darrell for many years as an unofficial mascot. So maybe both of them benefitted from one another, I'm sure that The Clippers benefited more than he did.

03-01-2012, 12:09 PM
[QUOTE=Clippersfan86]Clippers released a statement.


03-01-2012, 12:11 PM
Yea seems a bit harsh no doubt to flat out say he's not even a fan. Sounds like this letter was written directly by none other than Donald Tokowitz Sterling :oldlol: .

If he's a real fan of the Clippers he'll stick to his same gimmick and drop the Clipper name from it. He won't change 1 thing how he went about as a fan with 1 exception.

If not then he wasn't truly a fan and was caught up in his MO

03-01-2012, 12:22 PM
Exactly what I said several posts ago. Glad I GOT IT while so many other ISH posters FAIL TO GET IT

So basically they did have a problem yrs ago but he refused to heed to their growing concerns.

See this is what happens when you start appearing on ESPN, then Jimmy Kimmel Live, NBATV etc etc

He continued to overexpose himself which put more of a bullseye on himself to be called out publicly.

The only thing the Clippers are at fault here is doing this in season otherwise everything else is on point.

If this is true, then I think most people understand why it's being done. In fact, it seems like MOST people here kinda side with the Clippers on this. I went to the Clippers Top Buzz forum and most people there are in agreement with the Clippers as well, and it seems like a lot of them dislike Clipper Darrell. It's not so much that it's being done, it's just that they're doing this NOW, in the middle of the season, when their team is the best it's ever been that has people raising an eyebrow about this. Add to that that ridiculously insulting press release that looks like it was ghost-written by Dan Gilbert, and you have to understand why people feel disgusted by it.

03-01-2012, 12:35 PM
Exactly what I said several posts ago. Glad I GOT IT while so many other ISH posters FAIL TO GET IT

And what you fail to get is that the Clippers went after their best and loudest fan. Was he out of line? Probably. But it is debatable that his persona is breaking any trademark. I don't know that he has ever claimed to be a representative of the team. The team profited from him for 10 years and cannot understand the backlash when they strip him of his identity.

12 years ago Metallica went after Napster. They had every right to do so. But when you go after your fans you reap the whirlwind. There is STILL a backlash for them having done so.

Darrell wasn't costing the Clippers anything. They just weren't getting a cut of the small appearance fees he got and they didn't control him. They used him as long as they could and once they didn't need him they cast his aside. They let it go on for 10+ years and allowed this beast to grow.

03-01-2012, 12:58 PM
Another thing to consider...have you ever been to a Clipper game? It's amazing how many corners they cut. I don't mind it because I personally find a lot of the shlt I've seen at Lakers games obnoxious, but EVERYTHING there seems to be done on the cheap. Hell, if it's true that the Clippers paid for Darrell's season tickets, they were probably stoked that they didn't have to pay for a real mascot.

03-01-2012, 01:16 PM
And what you fail to get is that the Clippers went after their best and loudest fan. Was he out of line? Probably. But it is debatable that his persona is breaking any trademark. I don't know that he has ever claimed to be a representative of the team. The team profited from him for 10 years and cannot understand the backlash when they strip him of his identity.

12 years ago Metallica went after Napster. They had every right to do so. But when you go after your fans you reap the whirlwind. There is STILL a backlash for them having done so.

Darrell wasn't costing the Clippers anything. They just weren't getting a cut of the small appearance fees he got and they didn't control him. They used him as long as they could and once they didn't need him they cast his aside. They let it go on for 10+ years and allowed this beast to grow.

The fact is he's not part of the clippers organizatio,yet he was making money off their trademark(liability since clippers are under nba.) Let's say you owned the McDonald franchise and had a loyal customer who dressed up as Ron McDonald ( a character that customer made up to be Ronald's brother). Everyday Ron McDonald would come to ur restaurant talking abOuthow great McDonald is and even making suggestions to other customers. Ron McDonald alsO sells his own merchandise (Ron's happy meal). Occasionally when a news reporter does a piece about yOur mcdonald, Ron takes part(representing McDonald). As a loyal customer you give him free meal over the year but tell him to stop the self marketing and speaking on behalf of the organization. However, Ron refuses to compile. A few years later, your McDonald blows up to next big thing. Ron's still does his thing even though you keep telling him to stop with the marketing. It wouldn't be wrong to tell Ron to stop using the McDonald name as it isn't wrong for the clippers to ask darrell to drop the clipper Darrell name

Even though Ron is a loyal customer, it doesn't entitle him to represent and sell the brand.

The clippers have been putting uP w Darrell for years, it's not wrong for them to drop the hammer on this trademark issue

Ps typing this on iPhones sucks.... Page collapsed 4 times while I tried to post this

03-01-2012, 02:18 PM
If this is true, then I think most people understand why it's being done. In fact, it seems like MOST people here kinda side with the Clippers on this. I went to the Clippers Top Buzz forum and most people there are in agreement with the Clippers as well, and it seems like a lot of them dislike Clipper Darrell. It's not so much that it's being done, it's just that they're doing this NOW, in the middle of the season, when their team is the best it's ever been that has people raising an eyebrow about this. Add to that that ridiculously insulting press release that looks like it was ghost-written by Dan Gilbert, and you have to understand why people feel disgusted by it.

Had he not went on his mini crusade that DA MAN is doing him wrong after they reasonably asked him to do 1 thing while allowing him to retain 359 degrees of his MO this press release probably doesn't come out. Look at the title of this thread for crying out loud....it's entitled

"Clippers Front Office Get Rid Of Clipper Darrell"

They didn't get rid of him:facepalm

03-01-2012, 02:25 PM
And what you fail to get is that the Clippers went after their best and loudest fan. Was he out of line? Probably. But it is debatable that his persona is breaking any trademark. I don't know that he has ever claimed to be a representative of the team. The team profited from him for 10 years and cannot understand the backlash when they strip him of his identity.

12 years ago Metallica went after Napster. They had every right to do so. But when you go after your fans you reap the whirlwind. There is STILL a backlash for them having done so.

Darrell wasn't costing the Clippers anything. They just weren't getting a cut of the small appearance fees he got and they didn't control him. They used him as long as they could and once they didn't need him they cast his aside. They let it go on for 10+ years and allowed this beast to grow.

Being the best and loudest is not a liberty to abuse privileges as a fan. I wouldn't even say he's the best by who's standard? He may be the most widely known and visible.

They talked to him privately (like I figured) on multiple occasions in hopes for this not to go publicly and apparently Clipper Darrell didn't care enough about the franchise to respect their wishes. They tried to contain the beast realizing themselves what could transpire after the fact but principle never can be trumped by ignorance. To be real about it CD was such a SELFISH fan he contributed heavily to this bad publicity. Oh and not all Clipper fans like the way Clipper Darrell conducted himself publicly.

03-01-2012, 02:28 PM
Had he not went on his mini crusade that DA MAN is doing him wrong after they reasonably asked him to do 1 thing while allowing him to retain 359 degrees of his MO this press release probably doesn't come out. Look at the title of this thread for crying out loud....it's entitled

"Clippers Front Office Get Rid Of Clipper Darrell"

They didn't get rid of him:facepalm

I understand what you're saying, but absolutely nothing justifies that press release. They're a multi-million dollar organization. Their press releases shouldn't be written out of emotion. It looks like something someone from the forums would write, not a professional who gets paid for that job.

03-01-2012, 02:31 PM
You guys don't know about the fiasco last year with Darrell probably. The guy gets great seats completely free... and for one game they accidentally sold his seat. He goes and threatens to leave the Clippers and boycotts them for a few days. That was why/when Mark Cuban was courting him and offered him 1 mill to defect.

What's even funnier is he swears up and down he's been paying for his season tickets for 15+ years but it's a DAMN LIE. It's been verified by many big time fans who go to every single home game+ ticket sales reps telling me personally that he doesn't pay a dime. Clippers handled this like the classless franchise I'm ashamed to say I'm a fan of at times like these... but the logic/request was fair and logical on their part.

Is he any more a loyal fan than Billy Crystal or Penny Marshall? Real Talk is he?

03-01-2012, 02:36 PM
Regardless of the inconsistent reports about profits he's made off the team.... the guy gets FREE fu**ing season tickets (good seats) just for being such a recognizable fan. Give me the gig.

Not just free tickets but intimate access to high profile people associated with the franchise you know like being able to shake Blake Griffin and CP3s hand holding up close and personal conversations with him.

What's the average price of a Clipper floor/lower bowl seat ticket across 10yrs? How often have you seen him in these quality of seats at homes games

Do the math people this isn't Rocket Surgery that's right I said Rocket Surgery

03-01-2012, 02:38 PM
I can't help but think that most people in here are making Clipper Darrell out to be bigger than he really is. They NEVER show him during televised Clipper games, never cut to him on the jumbotron during games (when I've been there), and Ralph never mentions him during a broadcast. The only way you know he's there is if you're sitting near him at the game, are in the stadium doing the chant, or hear the chant on TV.

03-01-2012, 02:57 PM
To the people using the BMW to support this guy's supposed wealth... I don't have a clue if he's rich or not, but that car is like 15 years old.

The car was decked out and you have no idea when he purchased it. It wasn't just a factory beamer. Let's say he's had at least 7yrs you know it's closer to retail right?

But just to put you on front street Stro did you know he spent $12k just to customize the ride?


Let me guess the average everyday fan probably doesn't drive a Beamer but they also don't have $12k to soup it up to their liking.

No he didn't customize The Logo on the back of his polyester trench as himself with the Clipper logo sitting below it :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm





03-01-2012, 03:06 PM
The car was decked out and you have no idea when he purchased it. It wasn't just a factory beamer. Let's say he's had at least 7yrs you know it's closer to retail right?

But just to put you on front street Stro did you know he spent $12k just to customize the ride?


Let me guess the average everyday fan probably doesn't drive a Beamer but they also don't have $12k to soup it up to their liking.

No he didn't customize The Logo on the back of his polyester trench as himself with the Clipper logo sitting below it :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm





Are you kidding me? All fvcking morning you've been replying to old-ass posts. I swear, I'm starting to think you're the guy who wrote that Clippers press release.

03-01-2012, 03:11 PM
LMAO an automobile costing 12k means he's making bank on the Clippers' name?

Are you seriously deluded or something? So you're saying people who hold down regular jobs are unable to spend money they want to in their way? Little baby, you probably dropped down 2k on your computer without a job.

He works in the auto industry too, so he probably has the means to do that to his ride without too much trouble. Fact of life is 12k to splurge is nothing.

03-01-2012, 03:13 PM
I didn't get the chance to read the thread after about 9:00p.m. yesterday and have been hit and miss the early part of the day.

I do not like the fact the called out his fanhood publicly. I believe CD is a real fan but I think he got caught up in his fan persona.

Hopefully cooler heads will prevail going forward and they can mend the relationship

This is the reason I hate college sports to a degree because the fans try to become bigger than the game being played

03-01-2012, 03:20 PM
LMAO an automobile costing 12k means he's making bank on the Clippers' name?

Are you seriously deluded or something? So you're saying people who hold down regular jobs are unable to spend money they want to in their way? Little baby, you probably dropped down 2k on your computer without a job.

He works in the auto industry too, so he probably has the means to do that to his ride without too much trouble. Fact of life is 12k to splurge is nothing.

I'm saying $12k to pimp that out may have came from sponsorships. We really don't know what his financial status is. He may have received the 5 finger discount and not paid $12k(although worth of customization) because he's CD. There appears to have been major perks to being CD.

Hey Clipperfan86 do you have Brian Skinner's sig on your ride? lol lol lol lol lol:roll: :roll: :roll:

I'd wager most posters on this forum right now don't have $12k worth to package their car to their liking from base model

It may be more of a norm in Cali versus other parts in the US

03-01-2012, 03:29 PM
I know people under 21 who work at Target who have nicer cars than he does. You dont need a lot of money to do that type of shit to a car. You just have to make it a priority.

Kids driving around here in nice cars painted like Juicyfruit gum packages all the time.

Guy who works under me(His job peaks at like 13 dollars an hour and hes not even getting that) has an 04 BMW on rims.

Unless hes in a somewhat new model expensive car I wouldnt use it to judge how much money he has. An old BMW no matter what you do to it isnt a car you just have to havea lot of money to get and modify. Its a 90s BMW not a new Aston Martin.

03-01-2012, 03:34 PM
Just to put things in perspective. Those being critical of how the Clippers handled it please take notice. The Clippers never said a thing about it until CD started making noise about it on his blog and the word started sweeping across the net and radio. They had no choice but to come out and tell their side of the story. If Clipper Darrell had kept this on the QT instead of going public we'd have never heard a word from the Clippers front office

03-01-2012, 03:43 PM
It would have come out either way. Guy is too well known and the media would get a hold of him. You dont think hes someone local media might get a word or two from as the Clippers approach the playoffs? And if he told them hes no longer supposed to ___ ___ _____ think that doesnt get back to the public? Think the players dont comment the same way?

THe clippers are too big a deal this season for his change to not be noticed. Let him just.....show up in a regular suit or whatever it is hes said to have done yesterday. Thats a story 10 minutes later.

And I dont care that the Clippers responded. But calling a guy who has been doing it since they were a 15 win team a fake fan as if he was making money on day 1?

Its just a joke.

03-01-2012, 03:45 PM
Hmmmmmmm............that's strange............the Lakers just announced that someone named "Laker Darrell" would be a featured attraction at Laker games.

Coincidence? :confusedshrug:

03-01-2012, 03:46 PM
Who gives a shit? FSN doesn't even bring him up during their telecasts.

Not a single f*ck given.

03-01-2012, 03:51 PM
I'm saying $12k to pimp that out may have came from sponsorships. We really don't know what his financial status is. He may have received the 5 finger discount and not paid $12k(although worth of customization) because he's CD. There appears to have been major perks to being CD.

Hey Clipperfan86 do you have Brian Skinner's sig on your ride? lol lol lol lol lol:roll: :roll: :roll:

I'd wager most posters on this forum right now don't have $12k worth to package their car to their liking from base model

It may be more of a norm in Cali versus other parts in the US

Better. I have a Brian Skinner decal. Keith Closs magnet on the other door.

03-01-2012, 04:12 PM
Yes... but he turned it down for selfish reasons. I've heard the guy makes 500k+ a year off the Clippers name for the last 15+ years. 1 mill ain't sh** to him. So it's not like he turned it down due to loyalty. The brand is worth SO much more this year that the Clippers didn't want him making millions off their name in an unofficial capacity.

As I said before... Clippers are doing the right thing... BUT... the timing and execution of it.. is terrible.

You're kidding right? This might be one of the most delusional posts I've read on here, and that's saying something.

03-01-2012, 04:16 PM
You're kidding right? This might be one of the most delusional posts I've read on here, and that's saying something.

I already addressed this bud. We have moved on. Maybe I heard exaggerations but the guy no doubt makes good change that he is NOT entitled to by any means. If I could even make 50k off falsely representing a team... AND still get free, good season ticket seats every year... I'd sign up immediately. He has nothing to bit*h about. Sure the Clippers didn't handle it with class but what they are asking isn't too unreasonable.

BTW people are being ignorant regarding his car. He's put 15k into it... so even if he was making 6 figures who's to say he would buy a super nice car? He loves that car because it's an icon. Everybody knows it. It's his form of drawing attention. It's seriously customized. If he's the attention whore he seems... driving a new Beamer isn't going to get the same attention.

03-01-2012, 04:25 PM
Also for the misinformed... Darrell calls himself an unemployed business man. I even found this article where he says..

"It's hard to get season tickets when you're out of work."

Read more: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/writers/arash_markazi/04/28/clipper-darrell/index.html#ixzz1ntmHC0FM

So people ignorantly saying he's always purchased his own tickets... or that he works for his income need to wake up. I understand that's 09... but he's been unemployed for most of the time he's been a fan. He considers himself a businessman in recent years and what he means by that is making money off the Clippers name obviously.

03-01-2012, 04:35 PM
If he was making 500K per year he wouldn't be seating in the nosebleed sections. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPBJAJhcjtE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-0cuLZ0m18

I'm sure he makes some money off the moniker but I doubt it's even enough for him to quit his day job.

And the guy seems like a class act. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UZYnbkVbnE&feature=relmfu

Those are nowhere near nose bleed seats. He regularly sits right off the visitors basket.

03-01-2012, 04:53 PM
Why would anyone try to defend the clippers here? :facepalm
They blew it.

03-01-2012, 04:56 PM
The car was decked out and you have no idea when he purchased it. It wasn't just a factory beamer. Let's say he's had at least 7yrs you know it's closer to retail right?

But just to put you on front street Stro did you know he spent $12k just to customize the ride?


Let me guess the average everyday fan probably doesn't drive a Beamer but they also don't have $12k to soup it up to their liking.

No he didn't customize The Logo on the back of his polyester trench as himself with the Clipper logo sitting below it :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm





You're right, I don't know when he bought it. I did know he spent 12,000 to customize it. I don't know if he's rich or not. All I was saying is the fact that he owns a 15-year-old BMW with a Clippers logo on it doesn't mean he's Bill f@cking Gates. 12 grand isn't THAT much money.

03-01-2012, 04:56 PM
Also for the misinformed... Darrell calls himself an unemployed business man. I even found this article where he says..

"It's hard to get season tickets when you're out of work."

Read more: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/writers/arash_markazi/04/28/clipper-darrell/index.html#ixzz1ntmHC0FM

So people ignorantly saying he's always purchased his own tickets... or that he works for his income need to wake up. I understand that's 09... but he's been unemployed for most of the time he's been a fan. He considers himself a businessman in recent years and what he means by that is making money off the Clippers name obviously.

I know a lot of dudes in this thread are feeling the groove as more info comes out about the guy.....

Oy Vey

03-01-2012, 04:59 PM
Why would anyone try to defend the clippers here? :facepalm
They blew it.

What's their to defend? Why are you guys making this story bigger than it actually is?

03-01-2012, 05:07 PM
I already addressed this bud. We have moved on. Maybe I heard exaggerations but the guy no doubt makes good change that he is NOT entitled to by any means. If I could even make 50k off falsely representing a team... AND still get free, good season ticket seats every year... I'd sign up immediately. He has nothing to bit*h about. Sure the Clippers didn't handle it with class but what they are asking isn't too unreasonable.

BTW people are being ignorant regarding his car. He's put 15k into it... so even if he was making 6 figures who's to say he would buy a super nice car? He loves that car because it's an icon. Everybody knows it. It's his form of drawing attention. It's seriously customized. If he's the attention whore he seems... driving a new Beamer isn't going to get the same attention.

Blake Griffin is a Kia guy so Clipper Darrell EPIC FAILS here anyway.

Hey Clipperfan86 $12-15k customization is the norm according to ISH posters no big deal Big Ballers So Hard they go Kray :confusedshrug: :confusedshrug: :confusedshrug: :confusedshrug: :confusedshrug:

03-01-2012, 05:11 PM
Blake Griffin is a Kia guy anyway so Clipper Darrell EPIC FAILS here anyway.

Hey Clipperfan86 $12-15k customization is the norm according to ISH posters no big deal Big Ballers So Hard they go Kray :confusedshrug: :confusedshrug: :confusedshrug: :confusedshrug: :confusedshrug:

People are ignorant. I work on my cars all the time... and 15k is a sh**load of money to invest into a car. I don't know many people that can afford 15k in car mods and many of them make good money.

03-01-2012, 05:14 PM
People are ignorant. I work on my cars all the time... and 15k is a sh**load of money to invest into a car. I don't know many people that can afford 15k in car mods and many of them make good money.

Maybe Clipper Darrell wrote it off his income tax as a business expenses deduction.

03-01-2012, 05:18 PM
Hey Clipperfan86 $12-15k customization is the norm according to ISH posters

Who said it was the norm? What I'm saying is that you don't have to be making some crazy amount of money to blow 12 grand one time. Maybe it was 12 grand he really shouldn't have spent? Maybe he saved it up over the course of a few years?

All I'm saying is that I'm not convinced that he's rich. I'm not sure that he isn't rich either. I don't think anyone here has a clue.

03-01-2012, 05:20 PM
The problem was he was making money off interviews and "representing" the Clippers as a "spokesperson".

I agree with the Clippers. They are trying to change their image.

They can't control what he says in interviews and want him to stop using the trademark name clipper.

03-02-2012, 12:34 AM
Alright, time to seriously clear the air. Highlighted the key points. Article link at the bottom.

"The Clippers' unofficial cheerleader, the rotund dancing guy in a red and blue suit named Darrell Bailey, caused a stir this week when he issued a statement on his website claiming that the Clippers, 'no longer want me to be Clipper Darrell.… I am devastated!'"

First, the Clippers love having Darrell Bailey at their games. They love him so much, for the last couple of years they've given him a free ticket. Yes, while many others in the building are shelling out thousands for the hottest show in town, Bailey is given a prime lower-bowl spot for free.

"We love him in the arena, fans love him in the arena, everybody loves his energy and his passion," said Carl Lahr, longtime Clippers vice president of marketing and sales.

The problem is, Darrell Bailey also wants to represent the Clippers outside the arena. He wants to make paid public appearances on behalf of the Clippers and give interviews as a Clippers spokesman and essentially turn his rooting interest into a business interest.

Amazingly, the Clippers don't have a problem with that either. While most teams would sue any fan who tried to capitalize on their name, the Clippers told Bailey they would not stop him from representing them, but would simply insist that he follow the same rules that apply to every other employee.

"Like any company, we would need control over him and his message," Lahr said. "He is using our name and our colors, and we would like control over how that is done."

Bailey, who did not return phone calls for this story, reportedly felt like this attempt at control was too stifling. So last week in a phone call with Lahr, he offered to stop being Clipper Darrell. Lahr told him that might be a good idea, but that he should think about it. Bailey never phoned back, and then Wednesday afternoon issued the statement on his website, stunning a Clippers organization that thought he was being treated fairly.

The Clippers say they actually offered their cheerleader a chance to be treated exactly like a Clippers cheerleader, with a $70 nightly salary but no unsanctioned interviews or appearances, and he refused.

"He's a really good person, but he told us he's in this to make money," Lahr said. "Once that happens, that changes the whole fan dynamic."

Everyone who believes this conflict would have never arisen if the Clippers had not become a hot ticket should realize the team has been having these discussions with Bailey for five years.

And everyone who thinks Bailey is simply a Clippers "fan" should understand that several years ago, he says, he flew to Dallas to explore Mark Cuban's offer that he become a Maverick "fan."

You can read the entire article here: http://www.latimes.com/sports/la-sp-0302-plaschke-20120302,0,2448729.column

03-02-2012, 12:46 AM
Nice post Fiasco. Always more to the story when you dig deeper than on the surface.

03-02-2012, 12:49 AM

03-02-2012, 01:03 AM
I would still have fvcking KILLED for Darrell's gig. Free tickets, meeting the team, making some extra cash on the side. Sweet gig. Ridiculous that he let his greed fvck it up.

03-02-2012, 01:14 AM
Thanks. I'm hoping it makes up for my "Clipper Darrell makes $500,000 per year" post earlier. :facepalm


I actually feel like I'm owed an apology from quite a few who posted here. I saw this for exactly what it was.

Game recognize Game and Clipper Darrell got his Clipper Dros in a bunch because he became a Clipper Paper Chaser

Actually this may turn out to be a blessing for the organization. This is why you don't consult players on such matters

So had he kept his mouth shut and man up to what he agreed to.... this wouldn't have been bad publicity as it turned out to be.

03-02-2012, 01:17 AM
Joey Buss text'd the Mason and Ireland show today and offered him a job as "Defender Darrell"

He was joking

03-02-2012, 01:20 AM
I actually feel like I'm owed an apology from quite a few who posted here. I saw this for exactly what it was.

Game recognize Game and Clipper Darrell got his Clipper Dros in a bunch because he became a Clipper Paper Chaser

Actually this may turn out to be a blessing for the organization. This is why you don't consult players on such matters

So had he kept his mouth shut and man up to what he agreed to.... this wouldn't have been as bad a publicity as it turned out to be.

Here is your apology:

Anyone who believes that article is pretty naive. :roll:

03-02-2012, 02:55 AM
Anyone who believes that article is pretty naive. :roll:

Refute it.

03-03-2012, 08:43 PM
Clearly there are many many many lies....but its hard to say who told them.

[QUOTE]The man called Clipper Darrell says the worst thing the Los Angeles Clippers ever said about him – their de facto fan mascot – was the following:

“He is not actually a fan of the Clippers, but a fan of what he can make off the Clippers.”

That came in an official team statement this week, and, yes, that one stung.

Clipper Darrell Bailey says the Clippers want him to stop using their name when making promotional appearances.
(NBAE/Getty Images)

“This is hurtful man,” said Darrell Bailey, aka Clipper Darrell. “They said I was never a fan.”

The Clippers told Yahoo! Sports they actually “never questioned Mr. Bailey’s role as a fan at games. This matter concerns Mr. Bailey’s activities outside of Staples Center games.”

Well, the statement is pretty clear, and whether you’re on the side of the Clips’

03-03-2012, 09:18 PM
this shit is entirely bogus. As usual, the media talks out of their ass without bothering to do any actual fact checking. I was in SLC the other day, and their radio guys spent most of their show talking about this without having a clue.

Look, the dude is selling merch and making money off of their name and acting like an authorized rep. The clipps were nice in telling him to cut it out, rather than suing his dumb ass.

03-03-2012, 09:32 PM
F*ck Donald Sterling

Sterling, what a moronic pompous @ss :rant :rant :rant

03-05-2012, 05:21 PM
Clipper Darrell is sad (https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=WW6b8owdhxw). Jesus, what a drama queen.

03-05-2012, 06:15 PM
Haha, so we have this grown man crying like a baby because he's not allowed to call himself "Clipper Darrell"?

Sure, stupid move by the Clippers but seriously, how did this become such a big deal?

03-05-2012, 06:33 PM
lol clipper darrel wants to be a mavs fan now? :oldlol:

03-05-2012, 06:38 PM
lol clipper darrel wants to be a mavs fan now? :oldlol:

I swear, it's like you read half of the sentence and stopped to post.

In answer to your question...NO.

03-05-2012, 06:40 PM
I just read kblaze's post. I commented when I read fiasco's

03-09-2012, 03:17 PM

:( This is pretty damn sad actually. He's staying a fan but he seems neutered... and should feel that way. I guess he was told to stop wearing his suit too :mad: . I understand the FO doing it... but the timing was bad. Not to mention they could just say "You can't show up at events anymore and use the name". To say he can't wear his suit?