View Full Version : Blake Griffin is a god damn joke

04-05-2012, 12:51 AM
Commits the huge foul and then stares on Gasol who has won more than Griffin EVER will. Blake is quickly turning into my least liked player in the whole league.



04-05-2012, 12:54 AM
hes a big ol' homo

04-05-2012, 12:54 AM
You mad Blake murdered Pau twice?

04-05-2012, 12:56 AM
You mad Blake murdered Pau twice?

one was a blatant offensive... and then pau got him back exposing his awful post work...

04-05-2012, 12:57 AM
one was a blatant offensive... and then pau got him back exposing his awful post work...

And didn't bother challenging another one as he got yammed on twice

04-05-2012, 12:57 AM
You mad Blake murdered Pau twice?

I dont give a shit, Pau is three times the player blake ever will be and still this kid acts like he is tough????? worst flopper in the L.

04-05-2012, 01:04 AM
I dont give a shit, Pau is three times the player blake ever will be and still this kid acts like he is tough????? worst flopper in the L.
If you just dunked on a 7 footer with 2 championships you would have a little fun too, stop fcking hating.

04-05-2012, 01:04 AM
I dont give a shit, Pau is three times the player blake ever will be and still this kid acts like he is tough????? worst flopper in the L.
I hope your not saying Pau is tougher. Blake would murder the white swan

04-05-2012, 01:07 AM
I dont give a shit, Pau is three times the player blake ever will be and still this kid acts like he is tough????? worst flopper in the L.

Al Thornton
04-05-2012, 01:09 AM

pau gasol on a rollercoaster

04-05-2012, 01:09 AM
If you just dunked on a 7 footer with 2 championships you would have a little fun too, stop fcking hating.

He stares down people a lot, but he's what 23 and has been put on a pedestal you can understand him being into himself a little too much.

That was obvious when they aired him mic'd up saying let's use that after he makes the dunk on pau, he's got an ego.

04-05-2012, 01:09 AM
first, it wasnt a foul.... secondly, he murdered gasol on a put back and taunted him a little bit?

kobe is a god damn joke. he made a jumpshot and acted like an airplane:hammerhead:

its ok for players to gloat a little bit.

Noob Saibot
04-05-2012, 01:12 AM
first, it wasnt a foul.... secondly, he murdered gasol on a put back and taunted him a little bit?

kobe is a god damn joke. he made a jumpshot and acted like an airplane:hammerhead:

its ok for players to gloat a little bit.

that goes without saying for Kobe Jordan.

04-05-2012, 01:13 AM
first, it wasnt a foul.... secondly, he murdered gasol on a put back and taunted him a little bit?

Are you kidding me? Blatant elbow to the face.

04-05-2012, 01:14 AM
Pau's my favorite player, but seriously, get over it. He got embarrassed, plain and simple.

Who won that game though? I forgot.

Cali Syndicate
04-05-2012, 01:16 AM
I don't like BG but that's what he does....like every game. What, you didn't know?

04-05-2012, 01:25 AM
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

This guy is entertaining

04-05-2012, 01:26 AM

pau gasol on a rollercoaster

:lol :roll: :roll: :lol :bowdown:


Gasol's face....man...I'm in tears...he's at Six Flags...

04-05-2012, 01:29 AM
who gives a sh!t about dunking. this isn't the and1 league. Fact is that gasol is a much better PF in almost every aspect of the game. Griffin has no basketball skills whatsoever. Routinely airballs free throws and has no post moves.

Ya Gasol is soft, the same guy who won 2 rings going against Dwight Howard and KG. :rolleyes:

04-05-2012, 01:29 AM
Pau's my favorite player, but seriously, get over it. He got embarrassed, plain and simple.

Who won that game though? I forgot.

Me and my 2/6

Mr. Jabbar
04-05-2012, 01:30 AM

pau gasol on a rollercoaster


04-05-2012, 01:32 AM
You mad Blake murdered Pau twice?

This is really the only excuse Clippers fans have (not saying you are one, just saying clipper fans generally use it). It's quite sad that the whole buzz around the clippers generally stems from a single play which is usually irrelevant. Don't get me wrong, clippers have been playing well... but that one highlight means nothing. They got killed in the paint, a place where they generally dominate. Why not showcase that?

04-05-2012, 01:32 AM
first, it wasnt a foul.... secondly, he murdered gasol on a put back and taunted him a little bit?

kobe is a god damn joke. he made a jumpshot and acted like an airplane:hammerhead:

its ok for players to gloat a little bit.

haha that was funny the way you worded that "acted like an airplane" lol

04-05-2012, 01:35 AM
Pau abused him after that though.

04-05-2012, 01:37 AM
Safe to say you've never played a day of competivive sports. You sound as if you'd demand the ref call a technical if a guy told the crowd you couldn't guard him. Get over it. Pau did.

Mr. I'm So Rad
04-05-2012, 01:38 AM

pau gasol on a rollercoaster

No notes for you

Al Thornton
04-05-2012, 01:39 AM
No notes for you

the urban community (nggas) of tumblr are way more into that than ish.

04-05-2012, 03:10 AM

pau gasol on a rollercoaster

blantant elbow to the head my ass :roll:

04-05-2012, 03:23 AM
loved the dude last season, all the trying to act tough after dunking this seaosn has made me dislike him

04-05-2012, 03:25 AM

pau gasol on a rollercoaster

04-05-2012, 03:41 AM
The fact that Gasol came back strongly and outplayed Blake down the stretch tells you everything you need to know about these two players. One is style, the other is substance.

04-05-2012, 03:42 AM
gasol looks always retarded in the pictures lol

04-05-2012, 03:49 AM
blake's a bitch

04-05-2012, 04:25 AM
Blake will NEVER be half the player Pau is.

Blake is just a tall athlete with no skills. He's made no attempt to even learn half of the game (defense) and his offense is based on being a tall guy who can jump. He can't even shoot free throws at a remotely respectable level.

04-05-2012, 04:46 AM
OP, you just realized this now?

The fact that Gasol came back strongly and outplayed Blake down the stretch tells you everything you need to know about these two players. One is style, the other is substance.

04-05-2012, 05:31 AM
One play for himself and the highlights...

One play for a team and wants to win

which one is better?

04-05-2012, 06:06 AM
blantant elbow to the head my ass :roll:
That isn't the one where he elbowed him in the head :coleman:

04-05-2012, 06:11 AM
That isn't the one where he elbowed him in the head :coleman:

lol gasol jumps into blake griffin mid dunk what the **** did u think was gonna happen bro

04-05-2012, 06:20 AM
lol gasol jumps into blake griffin mid dunk what the **** did u think was gonna happen bro
That the refs would do their job properly, bro

04-05-2012, 06:24 AM
Hand checking was removed only for defensive players, it a-ok to use your arms to shove your defender away or use elbows to the head when you want to dunk.


04-05-2012, 06:24 AM
lol gasol jumps into blake griffin mid dunk what the **** did u think was gonna happen bro

so if some guy jumps toward a defender, there's nothing that stops the offensive player from doing a spinning elbow? blake almost did a stiff arm and i've seen offensive fouls called for way less. not to mention his lame taunting that he never gets a T for. he wants to act all confrontational and tough after a big dunk but flops when a 220 pound SG sets a screen on him. if anybody thinks he's getting subtle cheap shots, that's why. no one likes playing with someone like that on the court

04-05-2012, 06:35 AM
That the refs would do their job properly, bro

hey numbnuts, gasol jumps forward into griffin while he's in the middle of the dunk. he initiates the contact. how is that a foul on griffin? i'll wait.

so if some guy jumps toward a defender, there's nothing that stops the offensive player from doing a spinning elbow? blake almost did a stiff arm and i've seen offensive fouls called for way less. not to mention his lame taunting that he never gets a T for

..... blake is doing a one handed dunk leading in with his free arm... this is illegal how?. gasol is on the other side of the key at the start of the play and by the time he comes over to contest griffin is already in dunking motion. gasol's body hits griffin and he doesn't even touch the ball.

what are you people complaining about? bryant is even on record saying the dunk is fine. hell he says he would taunt too. get over yourself

04-05-2012, 06:54 AM
You mad Blake murdered Pau twice?
If by murder you mean an over the back foul followed by an offensive foul then yes,he murdered him.

Guy can't even dunk on somebody without fouling him and the refs are letting him do anything.
I never liked Griffin but I'm starting to hate the guy.

04-05-2012, 06:58 AM


04-05-2012, 07:02 AM

FT% 23% :roll: That pic is gold if edited better.

And you need to switch elbows and flops.

04-05-2012, 09:04 AM

pau gasol on a rollercoaster



04-05-2012, 09:34 AM
Can't wait when Griffin suffers a huge injury ala McDyess. :bowdown:

04-05-2012, 09:54 AM
Are you kidding me? Blatant elbow to the face.
be more butthurt man

04-05-2012, 10:10 AM
:lol: so many people mad in this thread.

Pau got f*cking embarrassed, twice.

He's also a better basketball player than Griffin.

These two things can co-exist...

04-05-2012, 10:11 AM
Can't wait when Griffin suffers a huge injury ala McDyess. :bowdown:
:facepalm Disgusting thing to say

04-05-2012, 10:17 AM

It says your username right at the top of your post, you don't have to repeat it at the end too.

Especially when the damn post is shorter than your username to begin with. I mean wtf man? :biggums:

04-05-2012, 10:19 AM
It was clear offensive foul. Too bad Gasol isn't flopper. Griffin would do backflip in same situation. :roll:

04-05-2012, 11:42 AM
blatant offensive foul, he used his off arm like the knights of the round table.

04-05-2012, 12:02 PM

pau gasol on a rollercoaster
The Clippers aren't my team, but I love highlights like this one (and the other dunk later on). For folks not affiliated with either L.A. squad, those two Blake plays are going to far outlast anything else that happened last night. Plays like that are a big reason why I grew to love basketball in the first place. Exciting, powerful, awesome, authoritative, high-rising, Kemp-like thunder. I'm sure a lot of you love the game for its backdoor cuts and brilliant offensive execution via bounce pass and that's fine (I like those parts too). It's just hard to pass up fury.

And I know this will fall on deaf ears but typically, on a two-footed, one-handed dunk takeoff, that off-hand is going to be in the air to begin with. We'll all see what we want to see, but I didn't see an offensive foul. If Pau Gasol wasn't there, I feel Griffin's arms would have been in the same position. In fact, even if it were intentional (which I find it wasn't) I'd have been impressed with Griffin's ability to multi-task (intentionally elbowing someone in the face while concurrently throwing down a righteous dunk).

04-05-2012, 12:03 PM
that's why blake recieves so many fouls and gets people trying to be physical on him, because he does stuff like this. awesome dunks though, but griffin fanboys need to understand that for every poster he makes, he's going to get an extra elbow or shoulder here and there.

04-05-2012, 12:31 PM
Commits the huge foul and then stares on Gasol who has won more than Griffin EVER will. Blake is quickly turning into my least liked player in the whole league.




WTF is this shit!? The NBA is becoming a joke, that's practically a FLAGRANT committed by Griffin, elbow to the head, than shoves Pau afterwards - get's away with taunting with his mean mugging bullshit.

For the pansies who think there's no place for violence in the NBA after seeing Griffin take that well-deserved hit for his incessant flopping, how the **** can you side with this clown or the NBA's "no violence" (ON DEFENSE) policy when you can clearly just elbow people in the throat and push, hit, and shove them as long as your a superstar with the ball in your hands.


Incredibly obvious double-standard shit right there. Bring back the Detroit Bad Boys please. **** Griffin's shit up.

04-05-2012, 12:37 PM

:biggums: Reported.

04-05-2012, 12:37 PM

WTF is this shit!? The NBA is becoming a joke, that's practically a FLAGRANT committed by Griffin, elbow to the head, than shoves Pau afterwards - get's away with taunting with his mean mugging bullshit.

For the pansies who think there's no place for violence in the NBA after seeing Griffin take that well-deserved hit for his incessant flopping, how the **** can you side with this clown or the NBA's "no violence" (ON DEFENSE) policy when you can clearly just elbow people in the throat and push, hit, and shove them as long as your a superstar with the ball in your hands.


Incredibly obvious double-standard shit right there. Bring back the Detroit Bad Boys please. **** Griffin's shit up.

Yup. Hilarious hypocrisy from certain Clipper fans. The funniest shit is that a foul was called...on Gasol, and Blake got a free throw out of it.

04-05-2012, 12:48 PM
Yup. Hilarious hypocrisy from certain Clipper fans. The funniest shit is that a foul was called...on Gasol, and Blake got a free throw out of it.

If the ref's and the NBA clearly aren't gonna give a f_ck about these allegedly "dangerous" contact plays - unless said "dangerous" play is committed by the defense (IE breathing on people), than f_ck it, everybody should tackle Griffin and take the suspension IMO it's worth every penny because as a fan I will pay to see every game that one of my teams players can be counted on to lay Griffin flat on his ass. We need bruisers back in the league who play good physical basketball and can actually police these fake-tough clowns. Honestly, I would pay good money to see any team stacked with players that know how to send a message to the floppers :lol

04-05-2012, 12:49 PM

WTF is this shit!? The NBA is becoming a joke, that's practically a FLAGRANT committed by Griffin, elbow to the head, than shoves Pau afterwards - get's away with taunting with his mean mugging bullshit.

For the pansies who think there's no place for violence in the NBA after seeing Griffin take that well-deserved hit for his incessant flopping, how the **** can you side with this clown or the NBA's "no violence" (ON DEFENSE) policy when you can clearly just elbow people in the throat and push, hit, and shove them as long as your a superstar with the ball in your hands.


Incredibly obvious double-standard shit right there. Bring back the Detroit Bad Boys please. **** Griffin's shit up.
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic, so forgive me if I misinterpret. I've been watching Griffin's dunk over and over again, trying to see where folks are coming from and in terms of an intentional elbow, I can't see it. It looks like a normal dunking motion to me. When a player explodes off two-feet, looking to dunk with one-hand while perpendicular to the basket, the off-hand is almost always in the air like that. As such, if someone attempts to contest this type of slam while arriving late to the scene, a Gasol-like result has a good chance of occurring.

Calling Griffin's dunk flagrant on his part would feel similar to calling LeBron's dunk on Damon Jones intentional (Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jUUMCvLPFU) :


Oftentimes, that's just how dunking works. I feel as though you're giving these guys more credit than they deserve, as if intentionally elbowing someone in a specific location while hammering a vicious dunk is an easy thing to pull off. If we wanted to be realistic about things, I feel there's a much better chance Blake Griffin simply wanted to finish that slam by any means possible; meaning there was not a plan prior to attempt to flagrantly elbow someone in the process.

Here's a specific Griffin example. I chose a breakaway dunk to showcase how that off-arm comes up as a part of the slam regardless of situation. It's a natural and to suggest someone rid of that arm movement would be similar to asking players shooting layups to stop lifting their off-knee: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnVC_t2ufR4

04-05-2012, 12:54 PM
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic, so forgive me if I misinterpret. I've been watching Griffin's dunk over and over again, trying to see where folks are coming from and in terms of an intentional elbow, I can't see it. It looks like a normal dunking motion to me. When a player explodes off two-feet, looking to dunk with one-hand while perpendicular to the basket, the off-hand is almost always in the air like that. As such, if someone attempts to contest this type of slam while arriving late to the scene, a Gasol-like result has a good chance of occurring.

Calling Griffin's dunk flagrant on his part would feel similar to calling LeBron's dunk on Damon Jones intentional (Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jUUMCvLPFU) :


Oftentimes, that's just how dunking works. I feel as though you're giving these guys more credit than they deserve, as if intentionally elbowing someone in a specific location while hammering a vicious dunk is an easy thing to pull off. If we wanted to be realistic about things, I feel there's a much better chance Blake Griffin simply wanted to finish that slam by any means possible; meaning there was not a plan prior to attempt to flagrantly elbow someone in the process.

Years ago, that's what was known as an "offensive foul" too. A forgotten type of foul unfamiliar to today's NBA refs... or fans.

You can't hand check on defense... but you can hand check and shove people out of your way on offense especially if your going to go up for a crowd pleasing dunk? :roll:

Seriously. Double-Standards in today's league, all the calls favor the offense, it's a very noticeable change from 60's, 70's, and 80's basketball. It's hilarious how the league has gone from a defensive contact league, where even the small forwards needed to be careful when they dunked, to literally a wide-open open floor league where any little 6 foot point guard with hops can drive to the lane and go totally unchallenged, and on top of that, swat people, shove them aside, or knee them in the gut on the way up. THEN get the foul and free throw :roll:

When the 7 footers are helpless to stop the 6 footers, you know something aint right in this league. It was never like that for the first 40+ years of the NBA. Physically, Pau is more than capable of keeping Griffin away from that basket defensively. But there's nothing he can do because if he had breathed on Griffin he was still gonna get the foul because Griffin would have pretended there was contact.

04-05-2012, 01:06 PM

Years ago, that's what was known as an "offensive foul" too. A forgotten type of foul unfamiliar to today's NBA refs.

You can't hand check on defense... but you can hand check on offense :roll:

Seriously. Double-Standards in today's league, all the calls favor the offense it's hilarious how the league has gone from a defensive contact league, where even the small forwards needed to be careful when they dunked, to literally a wide-open defenseless league where little 6 foot point guards driving to the lane go totally unchallenged, and can basically swat people, shove them aside, or knee them in the gut on the way up. THEN get the foul :roll:
I added this late to my last post and I think it's relatively integral to my point:

"Here's a specific Griffin example. I chose a breakaway dunk to showcase how that off-arm comes up as a part of the slam regardless of situation. It's a natural and to suggest someone rid of that arm movement would be similar to asking players shooting layups to stop lifting their off-knee: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnVC_t2ufR4 "

My point, of course, is I don't find these arm movements to be unnatural attempts to gain an advantage. To me, I feel basketball rules do indeed favor the offense. I think that's always been true. At it's essence, the acceptable means of stopping an offensive player at the rim is to block their shot, take a charge, or wall-up and force a miss. If an offensive player is attacking the rim and the defensive player then runs into the offensive player, that's likely going to be a defensive foul.

Looking at the Griffin dunk over Pau and comparing to the link from his Oklahoma slam, Pau simply ran into a dunk in progress. I don't think that should be Griffin's fault. Darryl Dawkins would have called it a Booty Up dunk. As in, if you're late to the scene and not in position to make a play, it's probably best you get your booty up out of there.

In this particular instance, Gasol was indeed helpless. He was slow to help (maybe due to NBA's illegal defense rules) and even if he were in great position, maybe you're right. Maybe Griffin would have flopped for a call. However, what I'm saying is that in this specific instance, with the way things worked out, I find nothing flagrant about Griffin's dunk. No what-ifs, only what happened.

04-05-2012, 01:22 PM
Not going to bother reading all the posts in this thread but I agree with those who say Griffin fouled Pau twice. Only reason they weren't called were because they were crowd pleasing dunks.

04-05-2012, 01:57 PM
When you make a player like Blake Griffin untradeable, not even for Dwight Howard, well you can see why the Clipps will never win sh!t.