View Full Version : magic players pooping on dwight

04-06-2012, 12:56 AM
RT @MagicInsider One player's comments to me: "Our problem isn't Stan (Van Gundy). We got one guy who wants to run the show."

RT @MagicInsider Magic player to me: "I know Dwight will be gone after next season."
RT @MagicInsider Ryan Anderson on SVG: "I won't le to you. It's very frustrating...after all that crap (Howard's traded demand)."

RT @MagicInsider Magic player to me about lockeroom climate: "We're split."

RT @MagicInsider Hedo Turkoglu on Stan Van Gundy: "I want Stan to be my coach forever."

RT @MagicInsider Ryan Anderson on Stan Van Gundy: "I love Stan. I think he's a great coach for us."

RT @MagicInsider Ryan Anderson: "..Now all of a sudden it's chaos."

wow they are just shitting all over dwight

04-06-2012, 01:00 AM
As they should be. Dwight's being a baby back btch right now

04-06-2012, 01:01 AM
orlando management is going to forever regret catering to dwight like this. the ironic part? stan may end up being the best coach dwight ever has. is phil jackson or sloan walking through that door? horrible time for a team to be this divided. i can definitely see them getting bounced out of the first round

04-06-2012, 01:02 AM
the players want stan van gundy and dwight doesnt. this is getting good!

04-06-2012, 01:06 AM

04-06-2012, 01:09 AM
Should have traded Dwight. Look at how much better off Denver is. :facepalm

04-06-2012, 01:10 AM
dwight shoulda just left man, what was this dude thinking

04-06-2012, 01:12 AM
As they should be. Dwight's being a baby back btch right now

Dwight was a pretty likable guy before this season, now he just comes off as a immature brat.

Did you see his interaction with stan van today with the media. Came up and put his arm around stan after van gundy had just confirmed to reporters that dwight had asked for him to be fired. Dwight didn't hear this though & came over trying to buddy buddy with van gundy.

Dwight came off looking like a fool

04-06-2012, 01:12 AM
The Magic probably could've had Bynum (a better offensive center then Dwight) anchoring their squad, had they dealt him earlier in the season...now they have to deal with this mess.

Mr. Jabbar
04-06-2012, 01:13 AM
The downfall of a the best center in the league. He goofed too much, never too serioius about winning it all.

04-06-2012, 01:14 AM
imagine dwight with tim duncans brain. scary

04-06-2012, 01:18 AM
Why didn't they trade him to the Nets when the deal was ready to go?

04-06-2012, 01:19 AM
Maybe they should just put Dwight on waivers lol.

Seriously...three guys lovin Stan. This is gonna be rough.

04-06-2012, 01:33 AM
ofcourse players love SVG. His offense is built on shooting 1 million threes. guys like Ryan Anderson, Hedo, Jameer, JJ love him

04-06-2012, 02:05 AM
At this point you really can't blame anyone but Otis Smith and the rest of the front office. I understand the desperate feeling of not wanting to get Shaq'ed again, but at some point you've go to exercise some kind of control.

04-06-2012, 02:07 AM
Orlando is a joke of a front office.

04-06-2012, 02:08 AM
Should have came to Jersey.:durantunimpressed:

04-06-2012, 02:11 AM
Should've just sent him to the Nets but hey enjoy the rollercoaster

04-06-2012, 02:14 AM
Honestly, at this point, unless you're NYC, Miami, LA, or Chicago, do you even WANT a "superstar?"

Sam Presti gets plenty of love already, and maybe he's just gotten lucky psychologically with his guys, buy holy shit. He got Westbrook and Durant to take extensions with basically no fuss at all. I don't know if it's just the mindset of the players or the culture of the franchise, but seriously, well done.

04-06-2012, 02:15 AM
http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/nn200/nbacardDOTnet/zz%20NBA%20Photo%20Gallery/z%20Funny%20NBA%20Photos/0%20Players/0%20MDE%20Dwight%20Howard%20aka%20Most%20Dominant% 20Elbow%20Ver%202/_misha-celticsblog-.gif

Tmuston Beltics
04-06-2012, 02:27 AM
http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/nn200/nbacardDOTnet/zz%20NBA%20Photo%20Gallery/z%20Funny%20NBA%20Photos/0%20Players/0%20MDE%20Dwight%20Howard%20aka%20Most%20Dominant% 20Elbow%20Ver%202/_misha-celticsblog-.gif


04-06-2012, 02:28 AM
The Magic is stupid. Dwight demands a trade. Dwight recants the demand. Wait, Dwight wants to be traded, but only to teams A and B. Orlando will trade Dwight. Nope, they won't. Wait, they will, but only if they get back two all-star players in return. No, they changed their mind again, they aren't trading him, period. Rinse and repeat.

Deadline approaches: "Dwight, if you stay we'll commit to winning. We are a piece or two away from truly contending with the Miami's of the NBA."

Dwight: "Well Otis, I don't want to stay here, but since my other options are limited, I might as well. But you have to fire everyone and do everything I say."

What makes this situation so mind numbingly stupid is that Orlando spent more time convincing Howard to opt-in than to actually, you know, improve the team. They didn't make any trades. None. Zilch. Rather than actually improving their team and committing to winning, they signed up for another year of Dwight's bullshit. Instead of avoiding Shaq 2.0., they created a drawn-out, worse situation.

04-06-2012, 02:29 AM
Dwight howard is such an immature clown. what the hell is his problem with stan??? thete are players that would love to play for stan, yet dwight cant. i just dont get it.

Tmuston Beltics
04-06-2012, 02:31 AM
Dwight howard is such an immature clown. what the hell is his problem with stan??? thete are players that would love to play for stan, yet dwight cant. i just dont get it.

Because he can't shoot 3's :coleman:

04-06-2012, 02:33 AM
Because he can't shoot simple hook. :coleman:

fixed =)

04-06-2012, 02:49 AM
well, why wouldn't those trigger-happy, shot-jacking 3 point shooting role players not love SVG? under his system, they are licensed to shoot and ignore their superstar. where else in the NBA can these role players get a license to jack up as much threes as they want except under SVG's? ofc they'll love him!

you never saw Phil make the 3 point shooters the focus of the Lakers' offense when Shaq played. no matter how much Shaq got fouled, Shaq was still the focus of the Lakers offense. but in SVG's inane system, 3 point shooting comes first. and oh, if you feel like passing to Dwight, do so.

SVG deserves to go.

04-06-2012, 02:54 AM
well, why wouldn't those trigger-happy, shot-jacking 3 point shooting role players not love SVG? under his system, they are licensed to shoot and ignore their superstar. where else in the NBA can these role players get a license to jack up as much threes as they want except under SVG's? ofc they'll love him!

you never saw Phil make the 3 point shooters the focus of the Lakers' offense when Shaq played. no matter how much Shaq got fouled, Shaq was still the focus of the Lakers offense. but in SVG's inane system, 3 point shooting comes first. and oh, if you feel like passing to Dwight, do so.

SVG deserves to go.

you didn't see that in LA because LA didn't surround shaq with one-dimensional 3 point shooters, guys past their prime, guys who can't break down defenders off the dribble and no slashers. then you have a PG that can't consistently make an entry pass. dwight touches it almost every time down the court so it's foolish to say his teammates are blatantly ignoring him. otis smith constructed the team and went out and got all these 3 point shooters, not SVG. with no consistently great post players and the personnel of that team, what system is SVG supposed to run exactly?

i do agree with those that say he would make a good college coach. he knows his basketball stuff but managing personalities and motivating players might not be his thing. on the college level, those factors are minimized

04-06-2012, 02:57 AM
well, why wouldn't those trigger-happy, shot-jacking 3 point shooting role players not love SVG? under his system, they are licensed to shoot and ignore their superstar. where else in the NBA can these role players get a license to jack up as much threes as they want except under SVG's? ofc they'll love him!

you never saw Phil make the 3 point shooters the focus of the Lakers' offense when Shaq played. no matter how much Shaq got fouled, Shaq was still the focus of the Lakers offense. but in SVG's inane system, 3 point shooting comes first. and oh, if you feel like passing to Dwight, do so.

SVG deserves to go.

For the most part, Orlando's offense is fine. What they're really missing is a legitimate, pass-first point guard.

04-06-2012, 03:01 AM
Of course certain players will side with the coach.....they are expendable pieces and bottom line avarage nba players with little weight...they know Dwight cares little if their @sses get traded so they aren't siding with the devil. They are going to nut hug management and act, do whatever sounds "professional". Everyone is looking for their own best interests and watching their backs....team needs to blow up period. Dwight has been complaining about his srry @ss teammates for 2 years now and nothing changes.....he throws the towel and now he's the bad guy? The irony is blatant...

This just shows how divided the team really is....f'ck the role players, the Magic aint nothing without Dwight....if you're gonna step up and call some bull like you got weight, back it up with your game....none of them have game. STFU.

The only reason the Magic is the Magic that we know is cause of Dwight Howard. The ticket sales, the fanbase, the endorsements....the chances he has given that organization and city to grow with him. He has delivered, his teammates, management and the coaching hasn't. He still gives them a second chance and this sh1t just blows ups on the press and National TV cause of ***** @ss Van Gundy.....

Same happened with Lebron and Melo, and Deron......star players want rings.....scrubs want their jobs. Take the world and their opinions as opera music, sounds like sh1t all the time.

Eric Cartman
04-06-2012, 03:17 AM
Should've just sent him to the Nets but hey enjoy the rollercoaster

Unfortunately for the Magic it's all downhill from here.

04-06-2012, 03:59 AM
in b4 dwights a laker before deadline next year

04-06-2012, 10:05 AM
dwight shoulda just left man, what was this dude thinking

yup. i have no clue as to why he opted in to through 2013 or whatever.

overrated piece of shit...

04-06-2012, 10:07 AM
well if he hates Stan it's good he didn't go to NJ because Avery is Stan with less coaching ability and even more yelling.

04-06-2012, 12:24 PM
i do agree with those that say he would make a good college coach. he knows his basketball stuff but managing personalities and motivating players might not be his thing. on the college level, those factors are minimized

As someone who has had SVG run his talented college team into the ground I RESOLUTELY DISAGREE.

04-06-2012, 12:35 PM
Should have traded Dwight. Look at how much better off Denver is. :facepalm

Bynum, Deng, fvckin' Lopez...the Magic could have been much better off by just trading this primadonna. ANYTHING is better than him staying a year and smashing up the place before he inevitably leaves. Does anyone truly think he's staying after next season?

It's A VC3!!!
04-06-2012, 12:37 PM
This is all Otis Smiths fault. He is simply a stupid gm. A new reports explains that Otis told Dwight an hour before the deadline to sign the papers or he would be a Laker that day. Howard refusing to be a Laker, suigned the papers. Why would Otis keep Dwight? It's obvious that the Dwightmare would continue to exist. It also irks me that the Lakers would be stupid enough to gamble on Dwight. I feel bad the the Magic right now, but Otis STUPID Smith deserves all of it.

Here is the article:http://msn.foxsports.com/nba/story/Dwight-Howard-stayed-with-Orlando-Magic-to-dodge-trade-to-Los-Angeles-Lakers-040612

04-06-2012, 12:40 PM
ofcourse players love SVG. His offense is built on shooting 1 million threes. guys like Ryan Anderson, Hedo, Jameer, JJ love him

good point.. and dont feed the post enough

04-06-2012, 12:41 PM
in b4 dwights a laker before deadline next year


God no.

Please tell me Laker fans don't actually want this. I want Dwight as far away from my team as humanly possible after all this.

04-06-2012, 01:01 PM
in b4 dwights a laker before deadline next year

I don't think Dwight will be a Laker. Bynum will be an unrestricted free agent by summer of 2013 and why would Orlando take Bynum for like 3 month rental?

If Deron leaves for Mavs, what options do the Magic have really?

They should have taken the Nets package and dumped Hedo's contract on them. It would have made the perfect sense to rebuild. But hey it's Otis Smith who is the GM :coleman:

04-06-2012, 01:06 PM
well if he hates Stan it's good he didn't go to NJ because Avery is Stan with less coaching ability and even more yelling.

Avery never yells unless its to MarShon Brooks

04-06-2012, 01:08 PM
And the Dwightmare continues.

04-06-2012, 01:09 PM
Should have traded Dwight. Look at how much better off Denver is. :facepalm

Denver got more than Melo was worth. Orlando won't get anything near what Dwight is worth. If they could his ass would have been out the door a while ago.

04-06-2012, 01:48 PM

D-12 teammates giving him that Rose treatment


04-06-2012, 01:56 PM
well if he hates Stan it's good he didn't go to NJ because Avery is Stan with less coaching ability and even more yelling.

Even worse, Avery's assistant is P.J. Carlesimo - a guy who's attitude wears on vet players, doesn't know how to make proper adjustments, or decide on lineups. Popovich made both these guys look good - Avery in '06 when Pop's smallball lineups gave the Mavs the advantage throughout the series and P.J. who rode Pop's coattails as assistant coach for a few years in San Antonio.

04-06-2012, 02:01 PM
should have traded for Bynum. Now the Lakers got rid of all there 1st draft picks. And Bynum looks like he is improving every game. Magic's front office is estupido.

04-06-2012, 02:02 PM
Dwight didn't want to be a Laker because he didn't want to look like Shaq???? pfft.....what a stupid excuse is that? Who gives a sh1t what the world thinks...the world is full of retards for gods sake....this kid is bland. Nets even with Deron and other pieces ain't carrying you to a Finals kid. If you're aren't willing to team with Kobe, a proven winner then with who? Kid got issues.

What a ***0t...I hope that report is all bull - it's Fox anyways. Had high hopes for Dwight but if he doesn't want to come to LA and be "real"...well boy, suck throughout the NBA....you aint getting max 1 ring. Nets aint going to cut it....be praying to lord Jesus you land on Dallas to have a "chance" with Dirk.

F'cking drama....I guess crybaby Bynum is going to be a long time Laker....

04-06-2012, 02:23 PM
Howard is a clown.

04-06-2012, 02:33 PM
Still don't understand why Dwight won't add OKC and Chicago to his list of destinations. They'd both be a perfect fit. Supposedly he's all about winning, but a lot of choices sure seem to be about expanding his brand.

04-06-2012, 02:47 PM
Why do players talk to the sportsmedia and dont put a name on it?

04-06-2012, 02:55 PM
Why are the 2 best centers in the NBA so immature? I really miss the Olajuwons and the Admirals of yesteryear.

04-06-2012, 02:56 PM
Why do players talk to the sportsmedia and dont put a name on it?

They're afraid of being ostracized if their opinion isn't in the majority.

04-06-2012, 03:40 PM
Dwight was a pretty likable guy before this season, now he just comes off as a immature brat.

Did you see his interaction with stan van today with the media. Came up and put his arm around stan after van gundy had just confirmed to reporters that dwight had asked for him to be fired. Dwight didn't hear this though & came over trying to buddy buddy with van gundy.

Dwight came off looking like a fool

You hadn't been paying attention the last couple seasons then

04-06-2012, 03:59 PM
magic cant fire stan now or cut dwight. they are ****ed

04-06-2012, 04:01 PM
So the PF that just shoot threes likes SVG, what a surprise.

04-06-2012, 04:19 PM
Why are the 2 best centers in the NBA so immature? I really miss the Olajuwons and the Admirals of yesteryear.
Because they have value and they know it, its sad the state of affairs is. It is, it certainly is.

04-06-2012, 04:21 PM
Why are the 2 best centers in the NBA so immature? I really miss the Olajuwons and the Admirals of yesteryear.


04-06-2012, 04:23 PM

So now if you are a part of the Magic front office brass do you trade Howard during the off season before next year?

Is that in play now?

Because he can still walk away for nothing.

04-06-2012, 06:43 PM
Still don't understand why Dwight won't add OKC and Chicago to his list of destinations. They'd both be a perfect fit. Supposedly he's all about winning, but a lot of choices sure seem to be about expanding his brand.

OKC is a small market and Dwight's still a young dude. If I was him, I wouldn't want to live there either.

04-06-2012, 08:54 PM
I'm glad for SVG. I wouldn't expect from Hedo to say that. He was one of Howard's favorite guys.

04-06-2012, 11:05 PM
They gonna lose all their remaining games and let the bucks in above them?

04-07-2012, 12:00 PM
dwight has always been an immature lying asshole, someone you cannot count on. All mattered to him was money and having fun with his "friends" jameer arenas etc. Not a fully grown up man. I even question his ability to play seriously enough for long enough to win a chip.

Van gundy owned, exposed him once and for all with the way he mastered that interview and that was a genius move. Man what an ownage. Dwight must be devastated. The mister nice guy character has been shattered into pieces, but is anyone really suprised to see him for who he truly is?

Dwight is a giant cry baby, a giant spoiled kid just like many other prima donnas in the league. He should have been put in his place a long time ago, but it's a bit late to do his father's job.

04-07-2012, 12:16 PM
white people hating on black players like always.

04-07-2012, 12:24 PM
ISH full of drama queens.

Dwight is still the best center in the L and one of the top 5 players.

You keep that guy happy, F the rest of the team/coach.

Immature, a$$hole behavior hasn't stopped players from winning the Championship before...

04-07-2012, 12:46 PM
ISH full of drama queens.

Dwight is still the best center in the L and one of the top 5 players.

You keep that guy happy, F the rest of the team/coach.

Immature, a$$hole behavior hasn't stopped players from winning the Championship before...
it actually did. They needed to grow up and pair with at least one or two good players and a great charismatic coach to make it happen.

04-07-2012, 12:51 PM
It must be awful to play with a guy like Dwight. Dude is the corniest f@ggot in the league, brings more drama than anyone not named LeBron, and has the maturity of a 5 year old. Shit leader, no heart, quits on his team when he gets in foul trouble...

How can anyone like this guy?

04-07-2012, 12:54 PM
It must be awful to play with a guy like Dwight. Dude is the corniest f@ggot in the league, brings more drama than anyone not named LeBron, and has the maturity of a 5 year old. Shit leader, no heart, quits on his team when he gets in foul trouble...

How can anyone like this guy?
Howard jameer arenas formed a thug bunch who had way too much power. Hedo was lazy as usual and followed them to fit in even if his heart leans toward SVG cause he gives him tons of shots he doesnt really deserve.

Overall, a very very bad, childish atmosphere in the team that lasted for way too long, and now it all collapses.

Van gundy has been way too tolerant with these prima donnas, but the problem is that the front office buys into the thug bunch's ways and not into SVG ways. They actually might have weakened him. And let's not say he s the most charismatic physically speaking guy either. He had his hands tied even if he truly wanted to do his best with these kids.

Svg could never ever get the most of the team because they were only able to stay mature and focused for one or two games, then their immaturity would take over again.

Not enough efforts over the long run, not enough maturity, weak team chemistrey, and howard and others being too lazy and spoiled are the roots of this mess. IT'S sad cause there was some potential, but even SVG wasnt able to make them grow up, and now the lazy spoiled brats who are in touch with the front office -the real problem in fact- ask for even more weakness and compromission to please them, and this front office is about to give in.

They re just a bunch of kids wanting the teacher to leave cause he asks them to grow up and work. And the hippy school 's boss leans towards... the kids.

Typical of our generation.

04-07-2012, 01:10 PM
Howard is a clown.

Nick Young
04-07-2012, 01:14 PM
Of course certain players will side with the coach.....they are expendable pieces and bottom line avarage nba players with little weight...they know Dwight cares little if their @sses get traded so they aren't siding with the devil. They are going to nut hug management and act, do whatever sounds "professional". Everyone is looking for their own best interests and watching their backs....team needs to blow up period. Dwight has been complaining about his srry @ss teammates for 2 years now and nothing changes.....he throws the towel and now he's the bad guy? The irony is blatant...

This just shows how divided the team really is....f'ck the role players, the Magic aint nothing without Dwight....if you're gonna step up and call some bull like you got weight, back it up with your game....none of them have game. STFU.

The only reason the Magic is the Magic that we know is cause of Dwight Howard. The ticket sales, the fanbase, the endorsements....the chances he has given that organization and city to grow with him. He has delivered, his teammates, management and the coaching hasn't. He still gives them a second chance and this sh1t just blows ups on the press and National TV cause of ***** @ss Van Gundy.....

Same happened with Lebron and Melo, and Deron......star players want rings.....scrubs want their jobs. Take the world and their opinions as opera music, sounds like sh1t all the time.


Lebron failed to improve his shooting and his low post game. If he had a good low post game HE WOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO GET SOMEWHERE IN CLEVELAND.

If Dwight learned how to PASS OUT OF A DOUBLE AND NOT CLANK 2 FOOT HOOK SHOTS IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT TEAMMATES HE HAS. AND LEARN TO HIT FREETHROWS. He kept posting all those workout videos of himself with Hakeem, apparently to show how hard he worked on improving BUT WHY CAN'T I SEE ANY RESULTS ON THE COURT? YOUR FOOTWORK AND POST MOVES ARE STILL AS BAD AS THEY WERE IN 2009!!!

Dwight and Lebron both failed in the finals, Lebron with Cavs, Dwight with Magic and ALL THEY DO IS BLAME THEIR TEAMMATES AND MANAGEMENT?

If these guys are as good as they think they are, why do they refuse to take personal responsibility for their own failures?

04-07-2012, 01:26 PM
I didn't mind that Howard wanted out of Orlando, mainly because they proved to be inept and poor evaluators of talent. I do, however, think it's a joke how he's trying to play both sides of the fence. Pick a side and stick with it. If you want to win, go somewhere else. If you want to grow your brand, go to a large-market city. If you want to stay loyal, shut up and re-sign with Orlando. But don't change your mind every day, call out your teammates, leave your coach hanging out to dry, and pretend like you're a loyal, misunderstood superstar.

I thought LeBron's decision to air his decision was a joke, but at least he knew what he wanted. He didn't play games; in fact, the only argument against him was that he played NO GAMES, and gave no one any indication of what he was doing. It's clear LeBron valued friendship and winning. What about you, Dwight?

04-07-2012, 01:42 PM
God howard got owned there. Old school SVG teaching the young barking pupy a lesson.

04-07-2012, 01:51 PM
white people hating on black players like always.

Whoa! Where did you come from? Old school $hit right there.... :rolleyes:

04-07-2012, 01:54 PM
I didn't mind that Howard wanted out of Orlando, mainly because they proved to be inept and poor evaluators of talent. I do, however, think it's a joke how he's trying to play both sides of the fence. Pick a side and stick with it. If you want to win, go somewhere else. If you want to grow your brand, go to a large-market city. If you want to stay loyal, shut up and re-sign with Orlando. But don't change your mind every day, call out your teammates, leave your coach hanging out to dry, and pretend like you're a loyal, misunderstood superstar.

I thought LeBron's decision to air his decision was a joke, but at least he knew what he wanted. He didn't play games; in fact, the only argument against him was that he played NO GAMES, and gave no one any indication of what he was doing. It's clear LeBron valued friendship and winning. What about you, Dwight?

I disagree. Lebron was in the same breadth. No one knew where he was going before he announced his decision. Most of us thought he would stay, some thought he'd go to Chicago or Miami. He went and interviewed with all the teams remember? Anyway, I now dislike Dwight just as much as Lebron for the same reasons.

Nick Young
04-07-2012, 04:41 PM
God howard got owned there. Old school SVG teaching the young barking pupy a lesson.
post link!

04-07-2012, 05:12 PM
If you are the Laker's do you still even want Dwight considering all the crap he has pulled?

Not worth the headache....I rather do everything in my power to trade Bynum for Monroe...

Bynum is just as worse as Dwight....

04-07-2012, 05:43 PM
Howard has no one but himself to blame for his predicament. He made an emotional decision out of guilt to opt-in, which also seemed to be impacted by the fact that they beat the Heat right before he announced he would stay. The fact that the team temporarily seemed to click/gel/whatever (as a lot of teams seem find a greater level of unity when they face the Heat), temporarily blinded him to what he saw clearly earlier this year-- the Magic probably won't give him a realistic chance to ever contend again.

The funny thing is, the Heat almost won that game. Their last second shot in regulation to win it literally almost went all the way down but somehow popped back out. Instead, the Magic won in overtime. It might have been the best thing for Howard's career if that shot had dropped and he was wearing a different jersey now.

04-07-2012, 05:44 PM
ISH full of drama queens.

Dwight is still the best center in the L and one of the top 5 players.

You keep that guy happy, F the rest of the team/coach.

Immature, a$$hole behavior hasn't stopped players from winning the Championship before...
He is the top center, but not a top 5 player.

04-07-2012, 07:33 PM
the players want stan van gundy and dwight doesnt. this is getting good!:rockon:

04-07-2012, 07:34 PM
He is the top center, but not a top 5 player.True, but what do you suggest the Magic do ? Which trade scenario do you think helps their future the most ?

04-07-2012, 07:44 PM
Not a fully grown up man. I even question his ability to play seriously enough for long enough to win a chip.

Van gundy owned, exposed him once and for all with the way he mastered that interview and that was a genius move. Man what an ownage. Dwight must be devastated.I agree, Dwight seems like he isn't capable of being a serious, grown man. And being a giant kid isn't going to get him as far as he wants to go.

And can you post the aforementioned interview ??

Go Getter
04-07-2012, 07:47 PM
I'm sorry but I would hate to play for Stan...his whole demeanor is so ****ing grating.

Dwight should be more professional though without a doubt.

04-07-2012, 08:19 PM
True, but what do you suggest the Magic do ? Which trade scenario do you think helps their future the most ?
Well that is an impossible question to answer since no one really knows what offers were truly on the table. If push came to shove I think the Magic organization should keep Dwight if they can, I just can't respect Dwight at all for how he has handled this situation. This is worse than how Lebron handled the situation with Cleveland.:facepalm

04-07-2012, 08:40 PM
If Tom Brady wanted to get Bill Belichick fired, do you think Bill would tell the media or do you think he would just say "we're just trying to win a football game".

Riley Martin
04-07-2012, 08:51 PM
If Tom Brady wanted to get Bill Belichick fired, do you think Bill would tell the media or do you think he would just say "we're just trying to win a football game".

You mean if a reporter asked him whether the rumors are true, would he answer?