View Full Version : "LeBron James is the greatest defensive player ever." - Colin Cowherd

04-17-2012, 05:54 PM
:banana: :banana: :banana:


Video soon. :rockon:

White Mamba
04-17-2012, 05:55 PM
:facepalm :facepalm :facepalm

04-17-2012, 05:58 PM
He was kidding.

04-17-2012, 06:01 PM

04-17-2012, 06:04 PM


04-17-2012, 06:04 PM

04-17-2012, 06:05 PM
he's always slurping LBJ every chance he gets

After that crazy game yesterday he was saying how "this has always been Lebron's team, not Wade's" and was using their 12-1 record without Wade as the reasoning

dude is cool to listen to, until he says shit like that..

having the talent to be the best at something doesn't mean its automatic

04-17-2012, 06:07 PM

04-17-2012, 06:08 PM
lebeast666 is the greatest poster ever

04-17-2012, 06:09 PM
Id say hes the best defender thats a scorer and facilitator.

Ron Artest is a better defender but doesnt do much else.

Lebron is a high quality defender but hes never gonna match up wiht artest cause hes gotta score, and ball handle, and pass, and rebound.

He is the best scoring defender in history, i could go with that.

04-17-2012, 06:10 PM
lebeast666 is the greatest poster ever

What you did there, I see it...


04-17-2012, 06:11 PM
He is the best scoring defender in history, i could go with that.
Hakeem, Wilt, Duncan, KG, Jordan etc etc etc

04-17-2012, 06:11 PM

04-17-2012, 06:12 PM
Id say hes the best defender thats a scorer and facilitator.

Ron Artest is a better defender but doesnt do much else.

Lebron is a high quality defender but hes never gonna match up wiht artest cause hes gotta score, and ball handle, and pass, and rebound.

He is the best scoring defender in history, i could go with that.
Wilt Chamberlain? Or any of the other dominant scoring big men in the history of the league?

LeBron is an overrated scorer, he has two moves:

A)Run at the rim and lay it up/dunk
B)Fast break alley oop

04-17-2012, 06:13 PM
Id say hes the best defender thats a scorer and facilitator.

Ron Artest is a better defender but doesnt do much else.

Lebron is a high quality defender but hes never gonna match up wiht artest cause hes gotta score, and ball handle, and pass, and rebound.

He is the best scoring defender in history, i could go with that.
MJ fans would go crazy at the notion..

04-17-2012, 06:13 PM
Id say hes the best defender thats a scorer and facilitator.

Ron Artest is a better defender but doesnt do much else.

Lebron is a high quality defender but hes never gonna match up wiht artest cause hes gotta score, and ball handle, and pass, and rebound.

He is the best scoring defender in history, i could go with that.

Wait, are there really people who believe this?

Are a few highlight chase down blocks seriously all it takes these days? Holy cow... :wtf:

04-17-2012, 06:14 PM
Lebron is not even a great lock down defender

04-17-2012, 06:15 PM
Id say hes the best defender thats a scorer and facilitator.

Ron Artest is a better defender but doesnt do much else.

Lebron is a high quality defender but hes never gonna match up wiht artest cause hes gotta score, and ball handle, and pass, and rebound.

He is the best scoring defender in history, i could go with that.


04-17-2012, 06:15 PM
How many lock down defenders would get constantly SHIT on by an overweight, slow Carmelo Anthony?:lol

04-17-2012, 06:15 PM
Wilt Chamberlain? Or any of the other dominant scoring big men in the history of the league?

LeBron is an overrated scorer, he has two moves:

A)Run at the rim and lay it up/dunk
B)Fast break alley oop

same can be said about Kobe's overrated scoring.

he has 2 movies

1. turn around & shoot an easy fadeaway jumper.
2. pump fake & shoot fadeaway.

btw LBJ & Kobe, kobe takes tons of shots to get to 25ppg. LBJ is lot more efficient at scoring 25ppg. :coleman:

04-17-2012, 06:16 PM
It's hilarious cause this Fat Stooge guy is actually serious. :oldlol:

Never heard of Hakeem Olajuwon? David Robinson even? Hell even Jordan?

04-17-2012, 06:20 PM
same can be said about Kobe's overrated scoring.

he has 2 movies

1. turn around & shoot an easy fadeaway jumper.
2. pump fake & shoot fadeaway.

btw LBJ & Kobe, kobe takes tons of shots to get to 25ppg. LBJ is lot more efficient at scoring 25ppg. :coleman:
Why did you bring up Kobe? This thread is about LeBron James.

Stop comparing old man Kobe to Prime LeBron.

04-17-2012, 06:28 PM
Wilt Chamberlain? Or any of the other dominant scoring big men in the history of the league?

LeBron is an overrated scorer, he has two moves:

A)Run at the rim and lay it up/dunk
B)Fast break alley oop

Sorry sir would you prefer he chucked up crazy off balance jumpers all day which are far less efficient and shot 35 or 40% like Kobe? At least it will look good right?

04-17-2012, 06:31 PM
Wilt Chamberlain? Or any of the other dominant scoring big men in the history of the league?

LeBron is an overrated scorer, he has two moves:

A)Run at the rim and lay it up/dunk
B)Fast break alley oop

Hm? Have we not seen his fg% this season? His step back jumper is actually pretty hot this year.

And you guys kill me with Wilt. You honestly watch that old as film and tell me the people hes playing against played defense? Are you ****ing nuts? I see footage of a bunch of guys watching his ass dunk. So hes not even close to in the same league as lebron offensively. NO matter what his over inflated numbers say. He played ole fogeys who were garbage at the game and wouldnt even make in highschool these days.

Get real.

MJ is the only one in this same category.

And who the **** said KG? LOL Wilt i can understand cause people are dumb and he had 100 points and blocked a bunch of suck ass players who had no game at all. But KG? Defender but hes not on the same scoring level. Hes a defender who scored. Not a scorer who defends. LOL So i dont put him in the same category.

KG is a better defender yes. But hes a defender. That is his primary concern.

And IMO what seperates Lebron is his ability to get anyone and everyone. He can play the 1-4 and block any of the above. Shit he'll get down on the 5 too. No one else had that sorta versatility with it.

Also the other defenders stop more set plays. The chase down block. That stops a fast break. So yes that block counts for more than Ibaka rotating over and blocking as hes supposed to.

Did MJ do this? No. He was not as widely ranging defensively. He didnt have the power Lebron does. He obviously had hte ups to block a 4 or 5 but lebron can bang with em. Jordan would be a block from behind scenario. So thats why i give lebron the gold on this one.

And enough with Wilt. God. Wilt would average 12,10 in todays league. Eh 18,10. Defense? Yea right. Wilt banged around with a bunch of stick dudes with no muscle. And not as many smaller faster players. Todays players would be strong enough to deal with him. And the smaller players would be way to fast for him. Honestly. Watch the footage and tell me you see him playing tough d, and playing against tough d. Dude get real. The footage is a joke. I wouldnt even watch the shit cause its not even entertaining as basketball.

Wilts NBA footage look like pick up games at the Y. Ok maybe not that bad but not even close to the sort of defensive effort you see today. Im sorry that people are so nostalgic but Wilt gets a * from me. You put lebron against these dudes back in the day? Hed average 100 pts a game. Get real.

04-17-2012, 06:33 PM
:banana: :banana: :banana:


Video soon. :rockon:

Do you hear his slurping sounds as he's saying that B.S. :oldlol:

Cowherd is a moron

04-17-2012, 06:35 PM
The name Colin Cowherd doesn't really help his or the OP's case either. :oldlol:

04-17-2012, 06:48 PM
Wait, are there really people who believe this?

Are a few highlight chase down blocks seriously all it takes these days? Holy cow... :wtf:

This is just 1. Im sure i could find many.

You have become spoiled by his chase down blocks. Is it a serious highlight? You bet your sweet ass it is. get the lebron haterade out of you dude jesus.

Now look here. @ 2:47. Tell me in all seriousness "lebron would not have blocked that" and ill get you that MJ is a better defender than Lebron.


You guys are ****ing hyped in nostalgia. Open your eyes and watch the game. get off the "pop culture" of basketball and pay attention the game.

Also jordan only passed when he got stuck. Lebron creates. Jordan would create but was not looking to create. He would just pass when he got stuck. But always wanted the ball right back. Literally every time. lol

04-17-2012, 06:51 PM

04-17-2012, 07:10 PM
Then they should have put him on this guy (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pj2-UlgCD3w&feature=youtube_gdata_player).

04-17-2012, 07:33 PM
I didn't know being the 195th defender in the league meant you were the best... :roll: :roll:

04-17-2012, 07:38 PM
:banana: :banana: :banana:


Video soon. :rockon:


04-17-2012, 08:07 PM
Id say hes the best defender thats a scorer and facilitator.

Ron Artest is a better defender but doesnt do much else.

Lebron is a high quality defender but hes never gonna match up wiht artest cause hes gotta score, and ball handle, and pass, and rebound.

He is the best scoring defender in history, i could go with that.

i can understand him being in the arguement for best allround player of all time, the guy really can do it all on the court..... but seriously have you seen scottie pippen play ? not highlights watch a number of full games from 94-97 the guy gives you no option but to enjoy defense, he glorified perimeter defense in the 90's and made it enjoyable to watch im still yet to see a perimeter player anchor a whole team defensively like that

04-17-2012, 08:11 PM
This is just 1. Im sure i could find many.

You have become spoiled by his chase down blocks. Is it a serious highlight? You bet your sweet ass it is. get the lebron haterade out of you dude jesus.

Now look here. @ 2:47. Tell me in all seriousness "lebron would not have blocked that" and ill get you that MJ is a better defender than Lebron.


You guys are ****ing hyped in nostalgia. Open your eyes and watch the game. get off the "pop culture" of basketball and pay attention the game.

Also jordan only passed when he got stuck. Lebron creates. Jordan would create but was not looking to create. He would just pass when he got stuck. But always wanted the ball right back. Literally every time. lol

Sorry, I am having a really hard time deciphering this pile of garbage you spewed.

You can spam about nostalgia all you want, I have watched the entire careers of both players, Lebron comes nowhere near the impact defensively that Jordan, or quite a number of other "scorers" have had in this league.

The fact that you weigh a few chase down blocks as more meaningful then consistent quality defense speaks enough of your intelligence.

04-17-2012, 08:12 PM
This is just 1. Im sure i could find many.

You have become spoiled by his chase down blocks. Is it a serious highlight? You bet your sweet ass it is. get the lebron haterade out of you dude jesus.

Now look here. @ 2:47. Tell me in all seriousness "lebron would not have blocked that" and ill get you that MJ is a better defender than Lebron.


You guys are ****ing hyped in nostalgia. Open your eyes and watch the game. get off the "pop culture" of basketball and pay attention the game.

Also jordan only passed when he got stuck. Lebron creates. Jordan would create but was not looking to create. He would just pass when he got stuck. But always wanted the ball right back. Literally every time. lol

man are you mentally disabled ? HE WAS THE GREATEST SCORER EVER, he wanted to score and he fukin did when ever he wanted, that is the problem with lebron right now he has the skill and ability to do it but he wont? HE WOULD RATHER PASS thats all great when your playing rec ball to keep your buddies happy but at some point you have to turn around and say .... i am the best player on the fuking court my team needs to win give me the fuking ball and get the *** out of the way WHY IS LEBRON SCARED TO DO THAT? because he may hurt bosh and wades feelings ? who gives a **** when your a competitor feelings dont mean shit

04-17-2012, 08:15 PM
Lebron is certainly not the best defensive player of all time.

However he is the best all around player of all time.He doesnt have a weakness in his game.He can be everything on the court for you.You can just put him at center and he will average around 11rpg then you can put him at pg then he will average around 10-11apg.You can put him at sg for scoring he will score 35ppg(no distributing).He will defend the post and the perimeter.In terms of pure basketball talent,we may never see anyone like lebron again.

Given the chance he is one of the best closers of all time.As evidenced from his cavs days and heat without wade.He is probably the best finisher of all time.Because of his size and strength athleticism he is basically pg in center's body

04-17-2012, 08:16 PM
I didn't know being the 195th defender in the league meant you were the best... :roll: :roll:

04-17-2012, 08:23 PM
there are plenty of athletic freaks in the NBA

there are plenty of skilled players in the NBA

what sets the goods from the GREATS is mentality

every single good player goes through a shit time were they are crucified by the media, team mates and coaches.....it happened to MJ (ballhog) pippen(weak minded, migranes) shaq(lazy fat) kg (empty stats YES ppl were saying that a long time ago) kobe (chucker ballhog cant lead) isiah thomas(ass hole, scoring guards dont win games rings) I

but what counts is how they bounce back, they all put it a side and didnt give a *** and proved ppl wrong .... LEBRON is in that situation right now (he has become unclutch soft minded and a ***** even though in cleveland he wasnt like that) he needs to bounce back by being aggressive and shoving the ball down ppls throats

i know this has got nothing to do with the topic but im just ranting

04-17-2012, 09:23 PM
Hakeem, Wilt, Duncan, KG, Jordan etc etc etc
Where do you rank him in this aspect?

I think he's way up there to be honest.

04-17-2012, 09:23 PM
op is a ph@ggot

04-17-2012, 09:27 PM

04-17-2012, 09:27 PM
MJ fans would go crazy at the notion..
Rightfully so...

La Frescobaldi
04-17-2012, 10:15 PM
"hey Scottie this is Hakeem."
"Dream!! You hear that trash on tv? Man I wish I never said anything about LeBron...."
"I hear you mon. I just received a telecommunication from Gary Payton. The Glove says he is ready to play right now to prove man to man..."
"yeah MJ just called me too."
"I can't believe they.... Wait... Someone is calling....Scottie? That was Dennis Rodman, he says he's going to Times Square where he will light his hair afire in solemn protest...."
"I gotta run, Dream, Bill Russell is in my driveway RIGHT NOW...."
click drrrrr

04-17-2012, 10:47 PM
"hey Scottie this is Hakeem."
"Dream!! You hear that trash on tv? Man I wish I never said anything about LeBron...."
"I hear you mon. I just received a telecommunication from Gary Payton. The Glove says he is ready to play right now to prove man to man..."
"yeah MJ just called me too."
"I can't believe they.... Wait... Someone is calling....Scottie? That was Dennis Rodman, he says he's going to Times Square where he will light his hair afire in solemn protest...."
"I gotta run, Dream, Bill Russell is in my driveway RIGHT NOW...."
click drrrrr


04-17-2012, 11:12 PM
Wilt Chamberlain? Or any of the other dominant scoring big men in the history of the league?

LeBron is an overrated scorer, he has two moves:

A)Run at the rim and lay it up/dunk
B)Fast break alley oop

my feelings exactly. I mean sometimes he's got the mid-range going on, but for how athletic and coordinated he is, his lack of a scoring arsenal is really sad.

Put a better brain in that body and you're looking at 35 ppg easily.

04-18-2012, 12:04 AM

Outstanding all around player, but LeBron is not even the best defensive player to come from Akron. Not too many have had such outstanding defensive footwork like Nate. :applause:



04-18-2012, 12:08 AM
Now look here. @ 2:47. Tell me in all seriousness "lebron would not have blocked that" and ill get you that MJ is a better defender than Lebron.


Jordan was 33 years old there. A 23-30 year old Jordan blocks that shot no question. lol @ you acting as though chasedown blocks are the end-all, be-all of defense, or that Jordan didn't have a TON of chasedown blocks himself. :oldlol:

04-18-2012, 01:37 AM
Colin wasn't serious was he? He's not even the best defensive small forward in the league and he thinks he's the greatest of all time?:lol

04-18-2012, 01:49 AM
LMAO @these fools in here thinking that Lebron's somehow an "elite" defender simply cuz he's had a few flasy chase down blocks from behind:roll:

Then somebody else up in here insinuating that he can create his own shot. If that were ever even true, and it's not, then he wouldn't be such a ball dominant player. Furthermore, he'd be able to score in other ways than driving dunks and layups at the rim, where he usually runs over the defender and NEVER gets called for an offensive foul.:facepalm

"Elite" defenders don't get punked by a role player in the Finals:no:

04-18-2012, 02:23 AM
:banana: :banana: :banana:


Video soon. :rockon:


04-18-2012, 02:28 AM
Colin wasn't serious was he? He's not even the best defensive small forward in the league and he thinks he's the greatest of all time?:lol

Iguodala is the only one who's close. And that includes Deng.

As overhyped as his defense was before, since the playoffs...he's gone from being a great defender to actually deserving elite status. He's the best defensive SF in the league.

He's also not the best defender of all-time. This must have been a joke.

And credit to the person who asked if Jordan could make that block...that's such a perfectly stupid thing to say, I :bowdown: to you.

04-18-2012, 02:31 AM
Not sure about that... Lebron alongside Pippen is the most versatile defender of all time (those are the only ones who could ever efficiently defend all positions afterall).... but the best defender of all time? Hm... i guess this Colin Cowherd guy values versatility extremly much...

04-18-2012, 02:35 AM
my feelings exactly. I mean sometimes he's got the mid-range going on, but for how athletic and coordinated he is, his lack of a scoring arsenal is really sad.

Put a better brain in that body and you're looking at 35 ppg easily.

It's not a lack of intelligence. It's a lack of talent. Lebron is a much smarter player than Carmelo but he's not as talented a scorer. You can't just hit the gym for a few years or "strategize some moves in your head" and come out with an all-world scoring arsenal.

Mr. Jabbar
04-18-2012, 02:38 AM
If by defensive player he means choke artist, then yes, by all means

04-18-2012, 02:39 AM
It's not a lack of intelligence. It's a lack of talent. Lebron is a much smarter player than Carmelo but he's not as talented a scorer.

Are you serious? Last time i checked....

Lebron is #3 on the all-time list behind Wilt/Jordan in terms of PPG aka. he averages more points than Carmelo...

Has many more 20-30-40-50 point games than Carmelo

Is the youngest player in NBA history from 1000 points to whatever the hell he has now...

He outscores Melo dramatically in the playoffs, where it matters....

He is MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCHHHHHHHHHH more efficient of a scorer.... which means it is Lebron who is the more talented scorer...

.............and last but not least, if Lebron didnt care about passing as much he did, if he wasnt a point-forward, if he was as one-dimensional as Melo... im sure Lebron could have chucked up a few more FG attempts and average MUUUCCHHH more than Lebron ever did.....

Carmelo does NOTHING better than Lebron as a scorer.... except shoot a tiny bit better from the FT line.....

Im sure if Carmelo was more talented of a scorer.... he would have averaged more than 22 PPG on 42% FG right now..............

04-18-2012, 12:19 PM
Only reason LBJ can defend centers is because we are in a weak era of cenyers, let's be honest, Bron would have no chance vs prime Shaq, Hakeem, DRobinson, Ewing, etc.,

DHoward wouldn't be top 5 center in the 80s or 90s.

Hm? Have we not seen his fg% this season? His step back jumper is actually pretty hot this year.

And you guys kill me with Wilt. You honestly watch that old as film and tell me the people hes playing against played defense? Are you ****ing nuts? I see footage of a bunch of guys watching his ass dunk. So hes not even close to in the same league as lebron offensively. NO matter what his over inflated numbers say. He played ole fogeys who were garbage at the game and wouldnt even make in highschool these days.

Get real.

MJ is the only one in this same category.

And who the **** said KG? LOL Wilt i can understand cause people are dumb and he had 100 points and blocked a bunch of suck ass players who had no game at all. But KG? Defender but hes not on the same scoring level. Hes a defender who scored. Not a scorer who defends. LOL So i dont put him in the same category.

KG is a better defender yes. But hes a defender. That is his primary concern.

And IMO what seperates Lebron is his ability to get anyone and everyone. He can play the 1-4 and block any of the above. Shit he'll get down on the 5 too. No one else had that sorta versatility with it.

Also the other defenders stop more set plays. The chase down block. That stops a fast break. So yes that block counts for more than Ibaka rotating over and blocking as hes supposed to.

Did MJ do this? No. He was not as widely ranging defensively. He didnt have the power Lebron does. He obviously had hte ups to block a 4 or 5 but lebron can bang with em. Jordan would be a block from behind scenario. So thats why i give lebron the gold on this one.

And enough with Wilt. God. Wilt would average 12,10 in todays league. Eh 18,10. Defense? Yea right. Wilt banged around with a bunch of stick dudes with no muscle. And not as many smaller faster players. Todays players would be strong enough to deal with him. And the smaller players would be way to fast for him. Honestly. Watch the footage and tell me you see him playing tough d, and playing against tough d. Dude get real. The footage is a joke. I wouldnt even watch the shit cause its not even entertaining as basketball.

Wilts NBA footage look like pick up games at the Y. Ok maybe not that bad but not even close to the sort of defensive effort you see today. Im sorry that people are so nostalgic but Wilt gets a * from me. You put lebron against these dudes back in the day? Hed average 100 pts a game. Get real.

04-18-2012, 12:34 PM
Where would you rank him among defensive players is the question everyone should be asking.

So in terms of just defense where does he rank first wing defenders then among Sf's.

Indian guy
04-18-2012, 12:53 PM
I really don't get the obsession with individual perimeter defense. Their impact is so minimal and they're so easily replaceable. Take the 2 GOAT perimeter defenders for example. Bulls didn't miss a beat when MJ was out in '94 and '95. Same goes for '98 when Pippen was out. Miami's defensive ranking remained unchanged after acquiring LeBron.

Stop obsessing about individual perimeter defenders. It doesn't matter.

04-18-2012, 12:53 PM
Jordan was 33 years old there. A 23-30 year old Jordan blocks that shot no question. lol @ you acting as though chasedown blocks are the end-all, be-all of defense, or that Jordan didn't have a TON of chasedown blocks himself. :oldlol:

the funny thing is Avery Bradley just had a fastbreak dunk with Lebron trailing on him in the last Celtics/Heat game. He's similar in athletic ability to Payton I would say :confusedshrug:

04-18-2012, 12:54 PM
I really don't get the obsession with individual perimeter defense. Their impact is so minimal and they're so easily replaceable. Take the 2 GOAT perimeter defenders for example. Bulls didn't miss a beat when MJ was out in '94 and '95. Same goes for '98 when Pippen was out. Miami's defensive ranking remained unchanged after acquiring LeBron.

Stop obsessing about individual perimeter defenders. It doesn't matter.
:roll: :roll: :roll:

04-18-2012, 02:25 PM

I would say its fitting :lol