View Full Version : Time to trade Derrick Rose?

04-28-2012, 09:50 PM
If this season is any indication of what his career is going to look like then I'd start listening to offers when Rose comes back.

Figures. He gets his contract and then breaks down physically right away.

04-28-2012, 09:53 PM
Yep, hit him when he's down. That's what a true fan should do.

04-28-2012, 09:54 PM
Yep, hit him when he's down. That's what a true fan should do.


04-28-2012, 09:54 PM
No NBA teams wants a damage goods.

04-28-2012, 09:55 PM
Go get your dogs new sweaters or something.

04-28-2012, 09:55 PM
A blessing in disguise for the Bulls fans, this whole Rose situation

Dwight Howard is their answer. all the money should be put in getting him

Rose dont have the skillset of true PG. He is neither good shooter or a good defender.

He is clearly overrated as a superstar & reason why LBJ & Wade figured him out in ECF last year.

04-28-2012, 09:57 PM
Yep, hit him when he's down. That's what a true fan should do.

Rose has broken down physically this season. Why keep him if he's just going to have these injuries throughout his career?

I like him. He's my favorite player in the league. But if he's going to have a career full of injuries then trade him. I'm a Bulls fan first and want to see them do what's best for the team.

04-28-2012, 09:57 PM
Yes, to Portland.

04-28-2012, 09:58 PM
good thing you're not the bulls GM

04-28-2012, 09:58 PM
Rose for Gasol after this season.

04-28-2012, 09:59 PM
OP = Worst poster on the Forum?

just an all around retard, at least some of the trolls provide entertainment

all op does is make stupid threads.

if he isnt posting something dumb, then its something redundant/obvious

04-28-2012, 10:00 PM
Noticed that some people are really trying hard for attention.

04-28-2012, 10:01 PM
Rose has broken down physically this season. Why keep him if he's just going to have these injuries throughout his career?

I like him. He's my favorite player in the league. But if he's going to have a career full of injuries then trade him. I'm a Bulls fan first and want to see them do what's best for the team.

If you seriously think that trading Derrick Rose is what's best for the Bulls, than you are one of the most idiotic Bulls fans I've ever communicated with.

04-28-2012, 10:02 PM
Look, I love Rose. Like I said he's my favorite player in the league. But this season has been terrible for him. He's going down with so many injuries. This shouldn't be happening. Either he's going to have a career full of these types of injuries or the Bulls medical staff sucks. But either way something needs to change.

I love Rose but why would anyone want a player on their team that gets injured so easily? Is he even going to be back next season?

noob cake
04-28-2012, 10:04 PM
Rose has low value to 29 teams, and unreasonable value to the Bulls. No one can predict how his recovery will turn out.

Best thing for Chicago to do is to poach PHX's medical staff away.

04-28-2012, 10:04 PM
Bulls fans, would you trade Rose for Dwight?

El Kabong
04-28-2012, 10:05 PM
It's a compacted season, some guys get injured. It'll happen playing so many games in so little time.

04-28-2012, 10:07 PM
LOL at people getting so butthurt in this thread. Yeah, like I'm the GM. Obviously he's not going to be traded. I don't want to see him traded if he can make a full recovery and soon. But you can't deny that he has had many injuries this season and even in previous seasons. He seems a little too fragile. He needs to either change the way he plays and play a little smarter and the Bulls need to go out and hire the Phoenix Suns training staff.

04-28-2012, 10:11 PM
I think we should just realize that hes nowhere near as good as people think he is. He needs to be less Iverson and more Kevin Johnson. If he spent three qtrs getting people involved then looked to drive wed be better off.

Id far rather see the bulls molded into a 93 Suns team over a 2000 Sixers team.

The ball movement goes to shit when he guns. He rarely shoots well and has more turnovers than a bakery. Costly stupid ones at that. His jumping to pass bullshit has cost him and might even be what he was doing today.

04-28-2012, 10:12 PM
LOL at people getting so butthurt in this thread. Yeah, like I'm the GM. Obviously he's not going to be traded. I don't want to see him traded if he can make a full recovery and soon. But you can't deny that he has had many injuries this season and even in previous seasons. He seems a little too fragile. He needs to either change the way he plays and play a little smarter and the Bulls need to go out and hire the Phoenix Suns training staff.

Again, **** you.

04-28-2012, 10:13 PM
It's a compacted season, some guys get injured. It'll happen playing so many games in so little time.
he tore his ACL tho. the concern is not abut him being an injury prone, the concern is if he can develop his game to a point where he wont be needing his athleticism as much as before

Go Getter
04-28-2012, 10:13 PM
Again, **** you.
2 times quick.

04-28-2012, 10:14 PM
Trade him, and watch him come back to full explosion and torching us everytime we play him. Option 2, keep him and watch him torch other teams, or lets say he doesnt gain his full explosion. I bet you as soon as hes able to touch a ball, hes gonna be perfecting his shot til he turns into the pg version of larry bird. The thing we can all still be thankful for is his size. for a pg, hes big. Even if he doesnt have his full explosion, we can use him as a chauncey billups on steroids type player.

Go Getter
04-28-2012, 10:15 PM
LOL at people getting so butthurt in this thread. Yeah, like I'm the GM. Obviously he's not going to be traded. I don't want to see him traded if he can make a full recovery and soon. But you can't deny that he has had many injuries this season and even in previous seasons. He seems a little too fragile. He needs to either change the way he plays and play a little smarter and the Bulls need to go out and hire the Phoenix Suns training staff.
Don't backpedal punk you said it. We need to trade you to another fanbase.

Go Getter
04-28-2012, 10:16 PM
I think we should just realize that hes nowhere near as good as people think he is. He needs to be less Iverson and more Kevin Johnson. If he spent three qtrs getting people involved then looked to drive wed be better off.

Id far rather see the bulls molded into a 93 Suns team over a 2000 Sixers team.

The ball movement goes to shit when he guns. He rarely shoots well and has more turnovers than a bakery. Costly stupid ones at that. His jumping to pass bullshit has cost him and might even be what he was doing today.

What rock did you crawl from under?

04-28-2012, 10:17 PM
Bottom line, dont ever ever trade a player with his desire and will. You will regret it for life. Baron davis came back from acl surgery and had the same explosion, except hes a lazy pig. Derrick will make sure his game is refined and master crafted.

04-28-2012, 10:18 PM
and has more turnovers than a bakery


04-28-2012, 10:19 PM
Aaron Nelson says not a problem! :banana:

04-28-2012, 10:19 PM
My God, no one is born this stupid. You put work into this shit.

04-28-2012, 10:21 PM
I think we should just realize that hes nowhere near as good as people think he is. He needs to be less Iverson and more Kevin Johnson. If he spent three qtrs getting people involved then looked to drive wed be better off.

Id far rather see the bulls molded into a 93 Suns team over a 2000 Sixers team.

The ball movement goes to shit when he guns. He rarely shoots well and has more turnovers than a bakery. Costly stupid ones at that. His jumping to pass bullshit has cost him and might even be what he was doing today.

Nice posts from an older Bulls fan.

04-28-2012, 10:22 PM
Don't backpedal punk you said it. We need to trade you to another fanbase.

I'm not backpedaling. All I said is that he's very injury prone and if he's going to be injured all the time then something needs to change.

Go Getter
04-28-2012, 10:25 PM
I'm not backpedaling. All I said is that he's very injury prone and if he's going to be injured all the time then something needs to change.

yeah you are...first it was trade Rose then you softened on your stance when you got blasted.

He only started to be injury prone this year. You have no loyalty, little common sense, and most of the Bulls fans here hate you due to your moronic posts.

You can't gauge how injury prone he will be in the oncoming years.....

04-28-2012, 10:26 PM

04-28-2012, 10:29 PM
yeah you are...first it was trade Rose then you softened on your stance when you got blasted.

He only started to be injury prone this year. You have no loyalty, little common sense, and most of the Bulls fans here hate you due to your moronic posts.

You can't gauge how injury prone he will be in the oncoming years.....

First, I simply asked a question to see what other people think.

Second, he gets injured with something at least once a season and misses games. This season has been ridiculous.

Third, why should this bother you so much? I asked a question and gave my opinion. I'm not "backpedaling" over anything. I'm not the Bulls GM. I have no power to trade Derrick Rose. I simply asked a question that if he's going to be this injury prone should the Bulls consider trading him while his value is so high.

Go Getter
04-28-2012, 10:34 PM
First, I simply asked a question to see what other people think.

Second, he gets injured with something at least once a season and misses games. This season has been ridiculous.

Third, why should this bother you so much? I asked a question and gave my opinion. I'm not "backpedaling" over anything. I'm not the Bulls GM. I have no power to trade Derrick Rose. I simply asked a question that if he's going to be this injury prone should the Bulls consider trading him while his value is so high.
1.) You would trade Rose now because you think he is injury prone. Don't backpedal from your sentiment You asked because that's your line of thinking. You don't think to stick with a guy that helped elevate your franchise. You tuck tail and run when the going gets tough.

2.) Who doesn't suffer minor injuries in the NBA...other than this year he has been pretty reliable. Last year he won the MVP for goodness sake.

3.) You make dumb annoying threads. This is classic CRNBC. When our best player is down you bring up hypotheticals to trade him, not ways the team can get better or things that uplift the fans....you're a crab. Root for another team. You probabl;y ain't even from Chicago. Go board the Pacers bandwagon or something.

04-28-2012, 10:34 PM
I'm not backpedaling. All I said is that he's very injury prone and if he's going to be injured all the time then something needs to change.

You love the Chicago Bulls and 1990 Chicago Bulls. The Current Miami Heat are the modern reincarnation of the Bulls.

04-28-2012, 10:36 PM
Anderson Varejao for Derrick Rose straight up.

04-28-2012, 10:40 PM
1.) You would trade Rose now because you think he is injury prone. Don't backpedal from your sentiment You asked because that's your line of thinking. You don't think to stick with a guy that helped elevate your franchise. You tuck tail and run when the going gets tough.

He is injury prone. If he's going to be THIS injury prone throughout his career then why shouldn't they consider trading him? I don't really want to see it happen. I love Rose. I hope he comes back and proves all the haters wrong next season and has a great year.

2.) Who doesn't suffer minor injuries in the NBA...other than this year he has been pretty reliable. Last year he won the MVP for goodness sake.

People suffer minor injuries but Rose seems a little fragile. It's probably because he plays at such a high level so much. He needs to change his game up a little bit.

3.) You make dumb annoying threads. This is classic CRNBC. When our best player is down you bring up hypotheticals to trade him, not ways the team can get better or things that uplift the fans....you're a crab. Root for another team. You probabl;y ain't even from Chicago. Go board the Pacers bandwagon or something.

You don't know me. I've been a Bulls fan since I was a little kid. I live about an hour away from Chicago. I didn't see you posting on the old forum or this forum while the Bulls sucked. I sat through the terrible Chandler/Crawford/Curry era and the Ben Gordon/Hinrich/Wallace era. I'm still going to cheer the Bulls on more than ever in this years playoffs. I'm a Bulls fan all the way.

04-28-2012, 10:44 PM
Rose for Norris cole set it up!

Go Getter
04-28-2012, 10:44 PM
He is injury prone. If he's going to be THIS injury prone throughout his career then why shouldn't they consider trading him? I don't really want to see it happen. I love Rose. I hope he comes back and proves all the haters wrong next season and has a great year.

People suffer minor injuries but Rose seems a little fragile. It's probably because he plays at such a high level so much. He needs to change his game up a little bit.

You don't know me. I've been a Bulls fan since I was a little kid. I live about an hour away from Chicago. I didn't see you posting on the old forum or this forum while the Bulls sucked. I sat through the terrible Chandler/Crawford/Curry era and the Ben Gordon/Hinrich/Wallace era. I'm still going to cheer the Bulls on more than ever in this years playoffs. I'm a Bulls fan all the way.

Again, you ain't from Chicago, you need to change your post game up, and I wish we couldtrade you to the Bobcats fanbase. Piss off.

04-28-2012, 10:46 PM
Again, you ain't from Chicago, you need to change your post game up, and I wish we couldtrade you to the Bobcats fanbase. Piss off.


04-28-2012, 10:48 PM
stfu conan, your an idiot. stick to watching wrestling

Go Getter
04-28-2012, 10:49 PM
stfu conan, your an idiot. stick to watching wrestling
The people have spoken:oldlol:

04-28-2012, 11:46 PM
OP is the worst kind of fan.

He's had injury problem most of which are connected in one season and all of sudden he's injury prone?

You're the type of meatball fan real bulls fans hate.

04-28-2012, 11:51 PM
Who would want the PG version of Greg Oden though? :confusedshrug:

04-28-2012, 11:51 PM
OP is the worst kind of fan.

He's had injury problem most of which are connected in one season and all of sudden he's injury prone?

You're the type of meatball fan real bulls fans hate.

"Real" Bulls fans? Like someone who has followed this team since the '90s and continued to follow them when they absolutely sucked in the 2000's? A fan who will continue to follow them even after this injury to Rose?

Go Getter
04-28-2012, 11:53 PM
"Real" Bulls fans? Like someone who has followed this team since the '90s and continued to follow them when they absolutely sucked in the 2000's? A fan who will continue to follow them even after this injury to Rose?
You are a moron and should have your membership revoked. Can't you take a clue?

04-28-2012, 11:54 PM
You are a moron and should have your membership revoked. Can't you take a clue?


04-28-2012, 11:59 PM
"Real" Bulls fans? Like someone who has followed this team since the '90s and continued to follow them when they absolutely sucked in the 2000's? A fan who will continue to follow them even after this injury to Rose?

I'm calling bullshit. You don't sit through the Mark Bryant, Fred Hoiberg,Brad Austin Brent Barry, Cory Benjamin bulls teams and jump ship when the first real adversity shows up.

You might like to refer to yourself as a bulls fan but you're the worst kind.

04-29-2012, 12:03 AM
You love the Chicago Bulls and 1990 Chicago Bulls. The Current Miami Heat are the modern reincarnation of the Bulls.

Really? they have 6 championships already?


04-29-2012, 12:04 AM
I'm calling bullshit. You don't sit through the Mark Bryant, Fred Hoiberg,Brad Austin Brent Barry, Cory Benjamin bulls teams and jump ship when the first real adversity shows up.

You might like to refer to yourself as a bulls fan but you're the worst kind.

Where did I say I was jumping ship? I'm not going to stop cheering for the Bulls or Derrick Rose. I asked a question. Are some of you this stupid? Learn how to read. I never once said I was going to cheer for another team now. I hope Rose can come back and play at 100%.

All I did was point out that he was injured an awful lot this year and then tears his ACL in the first game of the playoffs. That's INJURY PRONE!

04-29-2012, 12:42 AM
I can understand your concern but the timing of this thread is pretty bad!

04-29-2012, 12:43 AM
when i see the replay of the injury it doesn't even look very substantial in terms of the forces involved, his knee just gave out.

I heard that people who are knock kneed (rose) are more prone to ACL tears, unlike myself who is slightly bow legged, i can't imagine this ever happening to me so thats an advantage.

might give the bulls a call see if they need a durable 5'9" PG with a 30 inch vertical

04-29-2012, 12:51 AM
Really? they have 6 championships already?

hes a delusional moron that thinks lebron is gonna win championships :roll:

yes lebron might eventually back into 1, but it wont be because of him :lol

as for rose... he has to change his style of play. sure he is damn athletic, but if its causing injuries he needs to dial it down. he shouldnt be making a killer move up 12 with 90 seconds left. make a quick move and learn that pull up jumper. hell, even westbrooks got that shot down, it will prob extend his career a few years.

04-29-2012, 01:06 AM
how do you say it on the ISH when OP is acting up?......................

Umm...I believe it's "OP is a *******" right?

Well that's what you are OP......a big ********

04-29-2012, 08:29 AM
yeah you are...first it was trade Rose then you softened on your stance when you got blasted.

He only started to be injury prone this year. You have no loyalty, little common sense, and most of the Bulls fans here hate you due to your moronic posts.

You can't gauge how injury prone he will be in the oncoming years.....

Derrick Rose, Allen Iverson, Wade were always injury prone. Its the nature of their game.

In"faaaking"ability to land on their feet after being 3 feet in the air is extremely straining to ankles & knees.

AI escaped, Wade didnt, Rose got the Worse & he'll never be the same player with constant unstable knee despite aggressive rehab from 25 yrs on.

He is finished & he has himself to blame. His attitude of jumping in the air 4 feet & not worrying about how he'll land is too much for 82+ games NBA season.

Coming back from rehab, Rose will be full step slower. He doesnt have any 'mid range game'. He cannot slash like Wade. He cannot 'post-up' like Kobe. Neither is he a true PG like CP3. He will still be effective but above average player.

He'll be a notch below superstar status.

in so many words, he's finished & he might have other knee problems in future as well.

Go Getter
04-29-2012, 08:43 AM
Derrick Rose, Allen Iverson, Wade were always injury prone. Its the nature of their game.

In"faaaking"ability to land on their feet after being 3 feet in the air is extremely straining to ankles & knees.

AI escaped, Wade didnt, Rose got the Worse & he'll never be the same player with constant unstable knee despite aggressive rehab from 25 yrs on.

He is finished & he has himself to blame. His attitude of jumping in the air 4 feet & not worrying about how he'll land is too much for 82+ games NBA season.

Coming back from rehab, Rose will be full step slower. He doesnt have any 'mid range game'. He cannot slash like Wade. He cannot 'post-up' like Kobe. Neither is he a true PG like CP3. He will still be effective but above average player.

He'll be a notch below superstar status.

in so many words, he's finished & he might have other knee problems in future as well.
If you can tell the future so well why didn't you pick the winning powerball numbers?

I see that you're trolling and that's fine by me but you aren't doing a really good job at it. Your statements are pretty thin and unfounded.

04-29-2012, 08:49 AM
Derrick Rose, Allen Iverson, Wade were always injury prone. Its the nature of their game.

In"faaaking"ability to land on their feet after being 3 feet in the air is extremely straining to ankles & knees.

AI escaped, Wade didnt, Rose got the Worse & he'll never be the same player with constant unstable knee despite aggressive rehab from 25 yrs on.

He is finished & he has himself to blame. His attitude of jumping in the air 4 feet & not worrying about how he'll land is too much for 82+ games NBA season.

Coming back from rehab, Rose will be full step slower. He doesnt have any 'mid range game'. He cannot slash like Wade. He cannot 'post-up' like Kobe. Neither is he a true PG like CP3. He will still be effective but above average player.

He'll be a notch below superstar status.

in so many words, he's finished & he might have other knee problems in future as well.

I dont see how a franchise can build around a player like you just described. Its lunacy in my eyes. He is not a traditional PG. He has a lot of passion and for sure he will win you games, but what you need is something you can bank on. Rose ducks and weaves to the basket with amazing ability, but his game relies on these often impossible shots to fall. You can't rely on that flash in the NBA playoffs. You need consistency and i don't think Rose's game was ever based on that, even though his freakish athletic ability might of fooled some people into thinking those shots he makes will always fall.

At the end of the day their franchise player is a PG who is neither a pure scorer or facilitator. He is somewhere in the middle ground. Don't get me wrong, the guys a game changer but you don't build a franchise around these kind of players. It didn't work for AI, it won't work for Rose.

Go Getter
04-29-2012, 09:07 AM
I dont see how a franchise can build around a player like you just described. Its lunacy in my eyes. He is not a traditional PG. He has a lot of passion and for sure he will win you games, but what you need is something you can bank on. Rose ducks and weaves to the basket with amazing ability, but his game relies on these often impossible shots to fall. You can't rely on that flash in the NBA playoffs. You need consistency and i don't think Rose's game was ever based on that, even though his freakish athletic ability might of fooled some people into thinking those shots he makes will always fall.

At the end of the day their franchise player is a PG who is neither a pure scorer or facilitator. He is somewhere in the middle ground. Don't get me wrong, the guys a game changer but you don't build a franchise around these kind of players. It didn't work for AI, it won't work for Rose.

Another Nostradamus here.

Funny how players like TP/Zeke did just what you described:facepalm

We get it....you don't like Rose's game and are taking the opportunity to kick him when he's down.

Funny how we never heard stuff in this vein last year when he lead our team to 62 wins.

Dude shot 48% for two straight years....yeah, he had us fooled.

Your analysis sucks man.....it really does....have you ever played ball seriously?

Go Getter
04-29-2012, 09:09 AM
It didn't work for AI, it won't work for Rose.

Hate at it's worst.

"he ain't gon get it....I hope he don't get it"

GTFOH Dae Dae.


04-29-2012, 10:33 AM
I dont see how a franchise can build around a player like you just described. Its lunacy in my eyes. He is not a traditional PG. He has a lot of passion and for sure he will win you games, but what you need is something you can bank on. Rose ducks and weaves to the basket with amazing ability, but his game relies on these often impossible shots to fall. You can't rely on that flash in the NBA playoffs. You need consistency and i don't think Rose's game was ever based on that, even though his freakish athletic ability might of fooled some people into thinking those shots he makes will always fall.

At the end of the day their franchise player is a PG who is neither a pure scorer or facilitator. He is somewhere in the middle ground. Don't get me wrong, the guys a game changer but you don't build a franchise around these kind of players. It didn't work for AI, it won't work for Rose.

well said.

This is the post-Jordan era effect.

the real success of Laker's '00 decade has to do with franchise being built around SHAQ & not KOBE.

the real success of Spur's '00 decade has to do with franchise being built around DUNCAN & not PARKER.

Just like AI, Wade, Kobe is a great scorer but LA waited till 2007 to make Kobe a franchise by adding dominant big men to facilitate him.

You built franchise around a sure shot. Rose is neither a facilitator or a scorer. He should at best be a support of Dwight or Duncan or Lebron or Kobe. as # 2 or even # 3 option.

Even Wade is a facilitator material without real 'post-up' SG game. despite winning a ring, I see wade as a facilitator with pure scoring ability.

Iverson was also a facilitator & not a franchise. He is shot jocker ball hogger & sixers went no where except 1 finals appearance by building franchise around AI. They got him MVP just like Rose but thats about it.

Michael Jordan Effect has been devastating to the NBA. NBA teams dont realise perimeter player like Jordan is once in a lifetime, an absolute rare gem. Even drexler as Franchise player went no where in '80s & '90s till he joined Olaijowan, a franchise player & won a ring.

Even when Kobe was chosen as Franchise player by lakers, LA got dominant big men with length to negate all the kobe's shot jocking ball hogging missed FGAs which he often does like Iverson & successfully covered his weaknesses 2 out of 3 lakers finals appearances.

Derrick Rose as franchise player was always a joke. Thibu has lot to do with Bulls Reg sea success & not Rose. But when POs come, Rose is made an example of by LBJ.

There is a silver lining in Rose injury to bulls fans & bulls franchise. Get Howard & get rid of Rose. You aint beating heat without him.

04-29-2012, 10:55 AM
Another Nostradamus here.

Funny how players like TP/Zeke did just what you described:facepalm

We get it....you don't like Rose's game and are taking the opportunity to kick him when he's down.

Funny how we never heard stuff in this vein last year when he lead our team to 62 wins.

Dude shot 48% for two straight years....yeah, he had us fooled.

Your analysis sucks man.....it really does....have you ever played ball seriously?

couldn't be more wrong. If there was any player in the leagues whos natural gifts i could have it would be Derrick Rose. There is just something insanely awesome about the guys ability that i cannot put into words. He is an amazing athlete and i will never forget the first bulls game i watched with him playing, and seeing him 2 foot power dunk out of nowhere over a bigman. Was insane

Not sure who zeke is, and TP had duncan and ginobli lol so I am not sure what you are tying to say. You are saying TP was the franchise player? I don't get how people cannot see it.

Sure rose can drive like almost noone in the game, he can shoot pretty good at times. But at the end of the day he is a PG. When you rely on your PG to both score and facilitate, I don't care what any of you say, you really are leaving A LOT to fate.

When you look at his game, there is nothing completely solid there. Compare him to Rondo for example. Rondo has the hand size, wingspan, handles and passing ability to bank on. That wil never fade and will only continue to develop into his later years. That is a bankable commodity right there. YOu know you have that locked in for good athleticism or not. With Rose what have you got locked in? Mediocore passing ability by NBA PG standards and a pretty good mid range game. Pretty good is not good enough I am sorry.

Its funny because Rondo isn't even a franchise player (although more and more commentators and the like are pointing out the fact the team's success is highly attributed to Rondo as he takes the reigns) but IMO he is sure as *** more valuable to a team than Rose could ever be. He is solid, consistent and bankable. When Rose was playing he was consistent, but the way he plays...you simply cannot be consistent throughout an entire career

I think being a newcomer to the NBA scene helps me predict these things because long time NBA fans rely so much on stats and numbers to determine the effectiveness of a player. So often they look right past obvious and glaring signs that really should not be looked over like the fact the bulls most highly paid player is a 6'2 hyper athletic guard who heavily relies on athleticism.

04-29-2012, 11:06 AM
well said.

This is the post-Jordan era effect.

the real success of Laker's '00 decade has to do with franchise being built around SHAQ & not KOBE.

the real success of Spur's '00 decade has to do with franchise being built around DUNCAN & not PARKER.

Just like AI, Wade, Kobe is a great scorer but LA waited till 2007 to make Kobe a franchise by adding dominant big men to facilitate him.

You built franchise around a sure shot. Rose is neither a facilitator or a scorer. He should at best be a support of Dwight or Duncan or Lebron or Kobe. as # 2 or even # 3 option.

Even Wade is a facilitator material without real 'post-up' SG game. despite winning a ring, I see wade as a facilitator with pure scoring ability.

Iverson was also a facilitator & not a franchise. He is shot jocker ball hogger & sixers went no where except 1 finals appearance by building franchise around AI. They got him MVP just like Rose but thats about it.

Michael Jordan Effect has been devastating to the NBA. NBA teams dont realise perimeter player like Jordan is once in a lifetime, an absolute rare gem. Even drexler as Franchise player went no where in '80s & '90s till he joined Olaijowan, a franchise player & won a ring.

Even when Kobe was chosen as Franchise player by lakers, LA got dominant big men with length to negate all the kobe's shot jocking ball hogging missed FGAs which he often does like Iverson & successfully covered his weaknesses 2 out of 3 lakers finals appearances.

Derrick Rose as franchise player was always a joke. Thibu has lot to do with Bulls Reg sea success & not Rose. But when POs come, Rose is made an example of by LBJ.

There is a silver lining in Rose injury to bulls fans & bulls franchise. Get Howard & get rid of Rose. You aint beating heat without him.

glad someone here can see it. Basketball at its core was always about overly tall men putting a ball through a hoop because the taller you are makes you closer to the rim thus making it easier to put said ball through the hoop. The job of the PG traditionally was to pass to these big men but no we live in the era of 'heros' where we expect 6'2 guards to bring home chips...lol

Go Getter
04-29-2012, 11:11 AM
glad someone here can see it. Basketball at its core was always about overly tall men putting a ball through a hoop because the taller you are makes you closer to the rim thus making it easier to put said ball through the hoop. The job of the PG traditionally was to pass to these big men but no we live in the era of 'heros' where we expect 6'2 guards to bring home chips...lol
How many chips do Yao Ming, Mutumbo, Mueresan, Bol, and Eaton have?

The game is about heart and skill first, then height.

No one expected Rose to bring us a chip by himself fool.

04-29-2012, 12:24 PM
Rose has broken down physically this season. Why keep him if he's just going to have these injuries throughout his career?

I like him. He's my favorite player in the league. But if he's going to have a career full of injuries then trade him. I'm a Bulls fan first and want to see them do what's best for the team.

And you're basing this off of one season? Where they played a super condensed schedule and a lot of back to backs? Stop being an idiot please.

Also, no you don't ****ing trade Derrick Rose because of unrelated injuries. It has no bearing on what his future is and future prevention of injuries. This reminds me of the Luol Deng hate that went around after the Bulls medical staff falsely diagnosed his leg, then he had a leg fracture. Next thing you know the entire fan base called him "glass" and constantly berated him.

04-29-2012, 01:30 PM
Trade Rose to the Milwaukee Bucks for Monta Ellis. Bulls won't miss a step.

04-29-2012, 02:09 PM
glad someone here can see it. Basketball at its core was always about overly tall men putting a ball through a hoop because the taller you are makes you closer to the rim thus making it easier to put said ball through the hoop. The job of the PG traditionally was to pass to these big men but no we live in the era of 'heros' where we expect 6'2 guards to bring home chips...lol

If the Heat win this year however, it won't be because LeBron/Wade was able to get the ball into the hands of Bosh/Joel/Haslem/Turiaf. It will be mostly LeBron and Wade scoring by their own accord and creating open 3 opportunities for Miller/Battier/Chalmers/Jones.

04-29-2012, 02:41 PM
I'm less worried about the ACL and more about that back injury, those things tend to linger and are really "old men" type of problems, surprised it afflicted Rose at such a young age

04-29-2012, 02:44 PM
I heard this is his first season with injuries, dating back to his high school days.

Let's wait and see if he's really "injury-prone."

04-29-2012, 02:48 PM
And you're basing this off of one season? Where they played a super condensed schedule and a lot of back to backs? Stop being an idiot please.

Also, no you don't ****ing trade Derrick Rose because of unrelated injuries. It has no bearing on what his future is and future prevention of injuries. This reminds me of the Luol Deng hate that went around after the Bulls medical staff falsely diagnosed his leg, then he had a leg fracture. Next thing you know the entire fan base called him "glass" and constantly berated him.

It was a terrible schedule but he's 23 years old. It's not like he's Tim Duncan or Kevin Garnett. He missed nearly half the season with nagging injuries. It's worrisome. I hope he bounces back.

04-29-2012, 02:50 PM
I heard this is his first season with injuries, dating back to his high school days.

Let's wait and see if he's really "injury-prone."

He's gone down a few times a season with small injuries. I went to a game against the Magic a couple years ago and he got knocked down hard by Dwight Howard and missed the next 4 or 5 games.

His rookie season and his 2010/2011 season was the only season so far where he didn't miss a lot of games.

04-29-2012, 02:50 PM
if only technology would grant me the power to punch through my computer screen and let my fist go through the ops and land on his b!tch ass jaw.

04-29-2012, 02:55 PM
if only technology would grant me the power to punch through my computer screen and let my fist go through the ops and land on his b!tch ass jaw.

Cry me a river. :cry:

Go feel "numb" some more. Shithead.

04-29-2012, 03:03 PM
Cry me a river. :cry:

Go feel "numb" some more. Shithead.
so hostile :lol

04-29-2012, 03:10 PM
How many chips do Yao Ming, Mutumbo, Mueresan, Bol, and Eaton have?

The game is about heart and skill first, then height.
No one expected Rose to bring us a chip by himself fool.

You are a fool no doubt.

Mutombo never had a complete game hence never become a franchise player with Nuggets.

I wont even bother with yao & bol etc etc. :biggums:

Despite Ewing not winning the single ring. He is a born & bread through franchise player & worth building team around. He had it all offense, defense, court vision, excellent jumpshot, great FT shooter. every thing.

Mourning is another who is franchise player. Excellent defender, very good offensively. aggressive, great leadership quality etc etc

D'Rob is another franchise player. Offense, defense, fundamentals & quickness of guard at 7'0". extremely athletic.

you missed the whole pt. Rose is neither pt guard nor 2 guard. he is in no man's land. He should have realised he aint as tall as wade or Kobe & should've learned the game watching Nash, CP3 in action.

now its too late. But I still think its a huge blessing in disguise for Bulls franchise & fans as Dwight is available. A franchise material who is wasting his prime years in orlando winning DPOY every hear.

Dwight with Bulls is guaranteed 2 seasons MVPs, 2 FMVPs material.

If he can take crappy orlando to NBA finals & loose it. He will win 2 FMVPs with Bulls.

Bulls fans are failing to see silver lining in Rose injury & this is the bigger tragedy than Rose injury as Rose hasnt signed a huge contract with bulls yet.:coleman:

The Macho Man
04-29-2012, 03:16 PM
He's gone down a few times a season with small injuries. I went to a game against the Magic a couple years ago and he got knocked down hard by Dwight Howard and missed the next 4 or 5 games.

His rookie season and his 2010/2011 season was the only season so far where he didn't miss a lot of games.

Rookie year missed 1 game
2nd year 4 games
last year 1 game