View Full Version : Now i understand why people don't like shaq on TNT

05-02-2012, 12:37 PM

that was painful, starts about 3:46

probs a repost but i lol'd hard at the end how kenny is just staring at Shaq like 'dudeeee'

Stat & Melo
05-02-2012, 01:16 PM
I see no big deal in that video at all. :facepalm

05-02-2012, 01:22 PM
still don't get why ppl hate him on the show.
even if you felt like it was better without him, i still don't see that much of a difference that it would force me to dislike it.
ppl are just drama queens

05-02-2012, 01:23 PM
He mumbles. And he tries so hard to be funny, he ends up being a trolling jerk.

05-02-2012, 01:26 PM
still don't get why ppl hate him on the show.
Because with Charles, Kenny, and EJ the show was a classic. Shaq and his mumbling, bumbling act has killed the chemistry.

Its just painful and awkward to watch. Not sure what TNT is waiting for to get rid of him. I'm sure there's been plenty of negative feedback.

Add CWebb or the Glove, I'm good. Shaq needs to go.

05-02-2012, 01:27 PM
Not true at all. THe chemistry between Barkley and Shaq is hilarious.

05-02-2012, 01:29 PM
Yeah I have trouble getting it too. The show is just as funny as it ever was, I think some people just don't like him from before or have painted a picture of the "good old days" where it was just nonstop greatness.

05-02-2012, 01:39 PM
ever since shaq joined the crew, the flow of the show seems interrupted..

05-02-2012, 01:59 PM
Because with Charles, Kenny, and EJ the show was a classic. Shaq and his mumbling, bumbling act has killed the chemistry.

Its just painful and awkward to watch. Not sure what TNT is waiting for to get rid of him. I'm sure there's been plenty of negative feedback.

Add CWebb or the Glove, I'm good. Shaq needs to go.

if the ratings haven't gone down, then he isnt going anywhere. bottom line..

05-02-2012, 02:42 PM
Shaq is terrible. And he ruins the good chemistry on the show. I'm really tired of the banter/conflict between him and Charles. TNT use to shine while having the best pre/post game show in sports. But not any more.

Flagrant 2
05-02-2012, 02:44 PM
It's because he's black.

05-02-2012, 03:41 PM
Shaq talks too much.

He needs his own individual segment. Otherwise, he'll just make noise over the other commentators.

That said, he's not as bad as some make him out to be.

05-02-2012, 03:45 PM
Shaq talks too much.

He needs his own individual segment. Otherwise, he'll just make noise over the other commentators.

I don't know about that, from what I've seen he goes quiet a lot, Ernie often has to make a concerted effort to include him in the conversation.

05-02-2012, 03:54 PM
The only thing that truly bothers me about Shaq being on TNT with EJ, Kenny & Chuck is the fact that he feels the need to interrupt everyone. Charles could be making a valid point about any team but Shaq will interrupt him and say something totally nonsensical just for the hell of it.

I think Shaq should just stick to NBATV with C-Webb, even though C-Webb is definitely worthy of getting another shot with TNT.

05-02-2012, 04:03 PM
I just think he is horrible with phrasing, articulating and formulating his basketball / NBA knowledge (which is very low anyways), its not interesting or educational in any way, you hear him talk basketball you go just "DOH!?".... so he is just a clown there instead and not even good at that to, feels like he is just trying so hard, like often when he just interrupts Kenny or Chuck and says something "funny" and its all just silence... i dont feel much chemistry/connection between him with the rest of the group either...

I feel he should be replaced with Chris Webber or Gary Payton... those guys are more articulate, know much more basketball, interesting to listen to and have great timing for comedy aswell, would fit much better with Chuck/Kenny aswell....

05-02-2012, 04:09 PM
Shaq is terrible. And he ruins the good chemistry on the show. I'm really tired of the banter/conflict between him and Charles. TNT use to shine while having the best pre/post game show in sports. But not any more.

one year in BOS turned him into a jerk!!

05-02-2012, 04:33 PM
People hate him cause they hate change and they were so used to seeing Charles, Kenny and Ernie. Ernie Johnson has been waiting to sign Shaquille O'Neal to his little Turner Sports panel for years, he aint going anywhere anytime soon.

05-02-2012, 05:02 PM
I just think he is horrible with phrasing, articulating and formulating his basketball / NBA knowledge (which is very low anyways), its not interesting or educational in any way, you hear him talk basketball you go just "DOH!?".... so he is just a clown there instead and not even good at that to, feels like he is just trying so hard, like often when he just interrupts Kenny or Chuck and says something "funny" and its all just silence... i dont feel much chemistry/connection between him with the rest of the group either...

I feel he should be replaced with Chris Webber or Gary Payton... those guys are more articulate, know much more basketball, interesting to listen to and have great timing for comedy aswell, would fit much better with Chuck/Kenny aswell....

LOL @ watching inside the nba for basketball analysis. :facepalm

05-02-2012, 07:20 PM
He's redundant. We don't need two analysts saying dumb shit constantly. It's funny when Chuck does it, it's embarrassing when Chuck and Shaq do it together.

05-02-2012, 08:09 PM
OP is a fan of yacks.

05-02-2012, 08:14 PM

Simple Jack
05-02-2012, 08:28 PM
A good example was the other night after the Clipps win in Memphis. Chuck was making some good points and Shaq interrupts him to say something completely retarded. It added nothing to the conversation other than interrupting Chuck. You could tell Shaq thought he was making a good point too.

He's had his moments though; the freestyling the other day was great.

05-02-2012, 08:32 PM
I just think he is horrible with phrasing, articulating and formulating his basketball / NBA knowledge (which is very low anyways), its not interesting or educational in any way, you hear him talk basketball you go just "DOH!?".... so he is just a clown there instead and not even good at that to, feels like he is just trying so hard, like often when he just interrupts Kenny or Chuck and says something "funny" and its all just silence... i dont feel much chemistry/connection between him with the rest of the group either...

I feel he should be replaced with Chris Webber or Gary Payton... those guys are more articulate, know much more basketball, interesting to listen to and have great timing for comedy aswell, would fit much better with Chuck/Kenny aswell....

For someone who doesn't know how to use a period I highly doubt you can discern media that is generally deemed "Educational."

05-02-2012, 10:28 PM
Because with Charles, Kenny, and EJ the show was a classic. Shaq and his mumbling, bumbling act has killed the chemistry.

Its just painful and awkward to watch. Not sure what TNT is waiting for to get rid of him. I'm sure there's been plenty of negative feedback.

Add CWebb or the Glove, I'm good. Shaq needs to go.

C-Webb was good. Shaq got the spot because Shaq is Shaq. But C-Webb deserves it...he's funny, keeps it positive, can speak clearly, and has great nba analysis.

05-02-2012, 10:46 PM
The guy has made great improvements in blending in with Barkely and company. It just takes time for a person with his personality to mesh well with a closely knitted group like that. I'd say he's average now and he wasn't even average at first. There's room for growth and it could get pretty good. Watch Shaq on NBATV and he's pretty good. He's not a good play by play man. He can't call highlights on a video. Maybe he'll get better, but that stuff gets old. BOOP BOOP or whatever he says...

05-03-2012, 01:08 AM
The show has been getting better since Barkley has been calling shaq ugly-lol

Barkley: "All black people look alike"

Shaq: "I don't don't look like you"

Barkley: "Thank God"