View Full Version : Who's that clown who just trolled Lebron?

05-03-2012, 09:33 PM
The black guy in that WTF outfit eyeballing Lebron staring him up and down while he was trying to inbound? That shit was hilarious :lol :lol :lol :roll: :roll:

05-03-2012, 10:16 PM
Bump, anyone else saw the dude in purple jersey whatever that was?

05-03-2012, 10:26 PM
I can't tell if you're serious but that was Spike Lee. LOL.

05-03-2012, 10:27 PM
yep that was spike

05-03-2012, 10:28 PM
Bump, anyone else saw the dude in purple jersey whatever that was?

Spike Lee. One of the best directors of all time.

05-03-2012, 10:29 PM
Ok ok it was lame :roll:

05-03-2012, 10:30 PM
Spike Lee. One of the best directors of all time.

He's not even close to being one of the best directors of all time, he's good but that's hyperbole.

05-03-2012, 10:33 PM
Spike Lee. One of the best directors of all time.

05-03-2012, 10:34 PM
Spike Lee. One of the best directors of all time.
:roll: :roll:

05-03-2012, 10:35 PM
Spike Lee. One of the best directors of all time.
I dunno man 25th hour was good but that being his best aint gonna cut it for shit.

05-03-2012, 10:36 PM
Spike Lee. One of the best directors of all time.

:roll: :roll:

05-03-2012, 10:39 PM
Spike Lee. One of the best directors of all time.
:lol :lol :lol

I knew we could always count on you for some unintentional humor.

LeFraud James
05-03-2012, 10:51 PM
I guess LeBron23's mom didn't love him enough to buy him good movies, if he actually thinks Spike Lee is one of the best of all time.

Then again I can't blame her for not having a lot of time to shop for decent flicks, as she's probably out prostituting to put some food on the table for him.

Great mother. :applause:

05-03-2012, 10:52 PM
I guess LeBron23's mom didn't love him enough to buy him good movies, if he actually thinks Spike Lee is one of the best of all time.

Then again I can't blame her for not having a lot of time to shop for decent flicks, as she's probably out prostituting to put some food on the table for him.

Great mother. :applause:
oh man you beefing with him now? :roll: :roll: :roll:

05-03-2012, 10:52 PM
:oldlol: 6 straight posts on LB23's post.

Dwyane Rose
05-03-2012, 10:55 PM
Spike Lee. One of the best directors of all time.


LeFraud James
05-03-2012, 10:57 PM
:oldlol: 6 straight posts on LB23's post.

That's what he gets for jumping on LeBron's dick like a ****ing jackrabbit.

05-03-2012, 11:01 PM
Spike Lee. One of the best directors of all time.

05-03-2012, 11:22 PM
Spike Lee. One of the best directors of all time.

not sure if serious.

05-03-2012, 11:25 PM
Spike Lee. One of the best directors of all time.

Son just stop you dont know jack shit about the American culture

05-03-2012, 11:28 PM
Spike Lee. One of the best directors of all time.

LeBron fan. Makes sense

05-03-2012, 11:28 PM
Spike Lee. One of the best directors of all time.

what a fvcking f@ggot


Mr. Jabbar
05-03-2012, 11:32 PM
Spike Lee. One of the best directors of all time.

My god, remind me not to look at any GOAT list you come up with...

05-03-2012, 11:34 PM

05-03-2012, 11:35 PM
i need a video of this STAT

05-03-2012, 11:36 PM
Son just stop you dont know jack shit about the American culture
He's from the Philippines. What in the world would he know about the American culture? Told ya guys that pinoys like him love to act like they know everything when they know jack shit

05-04-2012, 12:01 AM
Spike Lee. One of the best directors of all time.

I bet you have no idea who my name references do you?

05-04-2012, 12:03 AM
I bet you have no idea who my name references do you?

i do.

stray dog. greatness.

Tenchi Ryu
05-04-2012, 12:04 AM
Damn, nobody like Spike Lee up in here?

Shit, I thought his movies was pretty good
:confusedshrug: :confusedshrug: :confusedshrug:

05-04-2012, 12:05 AM
i do.

stray dog. greatness.

Exactly. Kurosawa is one of the greatest directors of all-time. Spike Lee? I guess if you've only seen Michael Bay movies...

05-04-2012, 12:09 AM
Damn, nobody like Spike Lee up in here?

Shit, I thought his movies was pretty good
:confusedshrug: :confusedshrug: :confusedshrug:

yeah he's made some good stuff, he is not bad at all... but greatest? thats a bold statement....

05-04-2012, 12:11 AM
Damn, nobody like Spike Lee up in here?

Shit, I thought his movies was pretty good
:confusedshrug: :confusedshrug: :confusedshrug:

He has a couple of good movies, but Spike has also made a lot of crap as well. He's too interested in what his films say than just telling a good story.

05-04-2012, 12:11 AM
yeah he's made some good stuff, he is not bad at all... but greatest? thats a bold statement....
To his defense he did say "one of the best" but that still is pretty retarded :oldlol:

Mr. Jabbar
05-04-2012, 12:11 AM
Damn, nobody like Spike Lee up in here?

Shit, I thought his movies was pretty good
:confusedshrug: :confusedshrug: :confusedshrug:

They are ok, but when looking at all time directors hes not even top 30 if you ask me....on the bright side, lebron23 has so many good movies too watch ahead of him, while I wish i had the opportunity to watch them for the 1st time...

05-04-2012, 12:18 AM
To be fair, Do The Right Thing, 25th Hour, and Malcom X...all masterpieces. He's done some great work.

He has a couple of good movies, but Spike has also made a lot of crap as well. He's too interested in what his films say than just telling a good story.

And this...one of the most annoying human beings to ever live.

I still wanna know what the hell was the ending of Mo Better Blues was about...some massive steam of shit.

05-04-2012, 12:22 AM
To be fair, Do The Right Thing, 25th Hour, and Malcom X...all masterpieces. He's done some great work.

And this...one of the most annoying human beings to ever live.

I still wanna know what the hell was the ending of Mo Better Blues was about...some massive steam of shit.

They're all very good films but I think they fall a bit short of being masterpieces. Godfather I and II, The Good, The bad, and The Ugly, and Citizen Cane are masterpieces.

Mr. Jabbar
05-04-2012, 12:24 AM
They're all very good films but I think they fall a bit short of being masterpieces. Godfather I and II, The Good, The bad, and The Ugly, and Citizen Cane are masterpieces.

Great movies, but if you wanna watch some real quality which are a little more "under the radar" masterpieces search no further than john carpenter films. Specially his horror films. Also nowdays, you gotta see everything Tarantino makes, hes going down as a top 3 GOAT director, book it.

05-04-2012, 12:27 AM
Spike Lee. One of the best directors of all time.

Holy fukk. lmao, spat my water all over my ****in desk coz of this post.

05-04-2012, 12:28 AM
Note to self "Just post a thread and pray Retard23 posts something in it".

05-04-2012, 12:30 AM
Great movies, but if you wanna watch some real quality which are a little more "under the radar" masterpieces search no further than john carpenter films. Specially his horror films. Also nowdays, you gotta see everything Tarantino makes, hes going down as a top 3 GOAT director, book it.

Tarantino, top 3?


Mr. Jabbar
05-04-2012, 12:32 AM
Tarantino, top 3?


Dude I'm dead serious, we are witnessing on of the greatests ever, hes going dwn not worse than top 3 although I know theres some subjectivity to it.

05-04-2012, 12:36 AM

No one is touching these guys and there may be even some guys ahead of them that I may not be remembering... this is right off the top of the dome

Mr. Jabbar
05-04-2012, 12:39 AM

No one is touching these guys and there may be even some guys ahead of them that I may not be remembering... this is right off the top of the dome

Hard to argue with that list, but trust me time puts all in perspective, I'd also throw in Scorcese and Coppola in that bag. Kubrick has a lock for top 1 tho

05-04-2012, 12:40 AM
He's without question one of the greats, I'm not sure about top 3 however. You have greats like Coppola (who directed 3 of the greatest films of all time), Leone who redefined the Western genre, Scorsese who directed Goodfellas, Raging Bull, Taxi Driver etc., Kubrick, directed Clockwork, Space odyssey, Strangelove, Shining, Full metal Jacket. Directors from his own era like The Coen Brothers are also up there.

Mr. Jabbar
05-04-2012, 12:43 AM
He's without question one of the greats, I'm not sure about top 3 however. You have greats like Coppola (who directed 3 of the greatest films of all time), Leone who redefined the Western genre, Scorsese who directed Goodfellas, Raging Bull, Taxi Driver etc., Kubrick, directed Clockwork, Space odyssey, Strangelove, Shining, Full metal Jacket. Directors from his own era like The Coen Brothers are also up there.

1st half of full metal jacket is so damn good it makes the 2nd half look bad.

05-04-2012, 12:45 AM
Tarantino and Spike are prob ranked close on the all-time list...

Mr. Jabbar
05-04-2012, 12:48 AM
Tarantino and Spike are prob ranked close on the all-time list...

I don't think I'm exagerating when I say Tarantino is on WHOLE new level than Spike. Tarantino is top 5 in my books right now

Simple Jack
05-04-2012, 12:49 AM
I don't think I'm exagerating when I say Tarantino is on WHOLE new level than Spike. Tarantino is top 5 in my books right now

Something we can agree on.

05-04-2012, 12:50 AM
Tarantino and Spike are prob ranked close on the all-time list...

Resevoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction stand head and shoulders greater than anything Spike Lee has ever done.

05-04-2012, 12:51 AM
I don't think I'm exagerating when I say Tarantino is on WHOLE new level than Spike. Tarantino is top 5 in my books right now

based off which film? because although he made a great comeback with IB after the KBv2 letdown he still has not reached PF levels in a hot second...

IB was interesting though...

05-04-2012, 12:51 AM

No one is touching these guys and there may be even some guys ahead of them that I may not be remembering... this is right off the top of the dome

There are a lot of directors that are more influential than Spielberg. Spielberg is "huge". He has had a huge impact culturally and at the box office. But from a film-making perspective? He's had his moments, but he's a tough sell as top tier, much less top 3 all-time.

Hitchcock and Kubrick need no defense. But there are many hugely important directors you probably never heard of that influenced all these guys, or whose work is incredible but never reached a worldwide audience.

Basically, any list of "top directors of all time" that leaves out Akira Kurosawa or Sergei Eisentstein is flawed from the start. Watch their films and go from there, if you're interested in pure film-making, trail-blazing talent. I guarantee you all the directors talked about in this thread obsessively watched films of Eisenstein and Kurosawa, and other unknown-to-the-masses filmmakers of their caliber, over and over again to learn their craft.

And yeah, I'm a ****ing film nerd.

05-04-2012, 12:53 AM
Resevoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction stand head and shoulders greater than anything Spike Lee has ever done.

I know this is blasphemy to some but I did not like RD, I do love PF and I think Spike's DTRT is as good as that film.

05-04-2012, 12:53 AM
There are a lot of directors that are more influential than Spielberg. Spielberg is "huge". He has had a huge impact culturally and at the box office. But from a film-making perspective? He's had his moments, but he's a tough sell as top tier, much less top 3 all-time.

Hitchcock and Kubrick need no defense. But there are many hugely important directors you probably never heard of that influenced all these guys, or whose work is incredible but never reached a worldwide audience.

Basically, any list of "top directors of all time" that leaves out Akira Kurosawa or Sergei Eisentstein is flawed from the start. Watch their films and go from there, if you're interested in pure film-making, trail-blazing talent. I guarantee you all the directors talked about in this thread obsessively watched films of Eisenstein and Kurosawa, and other unknown to the masses filmmakers of their caliber, over and over again to learn their craft.

Add John Huston and Orson Welles, a couple of old timers who help turn film making into an art form.

05-04-2012, 12:55 AM
Yeah but I think Spielberg epitomizes the blockbuster, therefore making him the top dog of the modern era... therefore he is in my top 3

Mr. Jabbar
05-04-2012, 12:56 AM
based off which film? because although he made a great comeback with IB after the KBv2 letdown he still has not reached PF levels in a hot second...

IB was interesting though...

Both Kill Bills
Jackie Brown (bridget fonda :bowdown: )
Grindhouse (1st one)
Reservoir Dogs
Pulp Fiction
and damn, he produced hostel

IB is not that good imo

05-04-2012, 12:56 AM
Imagine if instead of Spike Lee, it was Woody Allen at the games acting wild.


05-04-2012, 12:58 AM
He would try to fire the players.

05-04-2012, 12:58 AM
Both Kill Bills
Jackie Brown (bridget fonda :bowdown: )
Grindhouse (1st one)
Reservoir Dogs
Pulp Fiction
and damn, he produced hostel

IB is not that good imo

Grindhouse was badass

05-04-2012, 01:01 AM
Add John Huston and Orson Welles, a couple of old timers who help turn film making into an art form.


Orson Welles is fairly well known to most. Citizen Kane is the most well-known art-house film of all time. But John Huston? Hugely influential and almost completely unknown to anyone but film geeks.

Werner Herzog anyone? A living great still making films. Terrence Malick? His stuff lately is debatable. But his first several films up to Thin Red Line are movies other filmmakers study to learn how to make great movies.

Errol Morris is another living great, with some of the most important documentaries of all time.

Mr. Jabbar
05-04-2012, 01:04 AM
Grindhouse was badass



05-04-2012, 01:05 AM
Tarantino has a LOT of competition in the current era:
coen bros, aranofski, almadobar, W Anderson...

i dont care about who studies whom...

C Kane was brilliant

05-04-2012, 01:06 AM
i dont care about who studies whom...

Then you don't know who is the best.

Is Kobe the best? Or who he studied?

05-04-2012, 01:07 AM
In fairness, Spike Lee's He Got Game will go down as one of the best basketball films ever made :bowdown:

05-04-2012, 01:08 AM
Then you don't know who is the best.

Is Kobe the best? Or who he studied?

no, no im not saying i dont care about the legends, im saying that i dont care about where the artist got the technique from as long as it is a good film...

i dont care that Kobe copied the fadeaway because he can do it well, thats all Im saying, really...

Tenchi Ryu
05-04-2012, 01:12 AM
In fairness, Spike Lee's He Got Game will go down as one of the best basketball films ever made :bowdown:
For a moment, I kinda wished Denzel was my pops so I could play him when I first watched it
:lol :lol :lol :lol

And we gonna all act like we don't call Ray by his real name? Jesus Shuttlesworth.
:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

05-04-2012, 01:15 AM
no, no im not saying i dont care about the legends, im saying that i dont care about where the artist got the technique from as long as it is a good film...

i dont care that Kobe copied the fadeaway because he can do it well, thats all Im saying, really...

You don't want to watch who he studied to learn it from? I don't get that. I guarantee Kobe obsessively watched who he learned it from. Watch Kobe yeah. And then watch HIS teachers and you'll gain a whole new perspective.

You like Tarrantino or modern crime, running-from-the-law films? Watch Terrence Malick's Badlands. It is one of the films that defines every other film about law-breakers that followed it. Not the only one. But one of them.

If you watch it, and then think about other great modern crime films and how they work, you'll realize how visionary Badlands is.

05-04-2012, 01:17 AM
in all honesty if I were a filmmaker i would want to create my own techniques, i dont care what anyone has done.

but i have no problem watching old masters at work, i do enjoy a great film.

Mr. Jabbar
05-04-2012, 01:18 AM
You don't want to watch who he studied to learn it from? I don't get that. I guarantee Kobe obsessively watched who he learned it from. Watch Kobe yeah. And then watch HIS teachers and you'll gain a whole new perspective.

You like Tarrantino or modern crime, running-from-the-law films? Watch Terrence Malick's Badlands. It is one of the films that defines every other film about law-breakers that followed it. Not the only one. But one of them.

I agree.

I once watched Ben Hur just because i read it was the movie which had the most oscars, boi i dint knew it was like 5 hrs long but it was worth it.

05-04-2012, 01:18 AM
For a moment, I kinda wished Denzel was my pops so I could play him when I first watched it
:lol :lol :lol :lol

And we gonna all act like we don't call Ray by his real name? Jesus Shuttlesworth.
:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

Speaking of Jesus, does anyone remember prime Rosario Dawson in that film? Got dayumm :bowdown:

05-04-2012, 01:19 AM
Speaking of Jesus, does anyone remember prime Rosario Dawson in that film? Got dayumm :bowdown:

Dawson is still on some prime.

05-04-2012, 01:23 AM
I agree.

I once watched Ben Hur just because i read it was the movie which had the most oscars, boi i dint knew it was like 5 hrs long but it was worth it.


Older movies are often slower-paced. But if you slow yourself down just enough to buy into them, you'll often be shocked by how much they suck you in and how good they are.

05-04-2012, 01:24 AM
Speaking of Jesus, does anyone remember prime Rosario Dawson in that film? Got dayumm :bowdown:

She was also in Grindhouse and was still hot as hell.

05-04-2012, 01:26 AM
She was also in Grindhouse and was still hot as hell.

pics or it didnt happen :lol

Mr. Jabbar
05-04-2012, 01:30 AM

Older movies are often slower-paced. But if you slow yourself down just enough to buy into them, you'll often be shocked by how much they suck you in and how good they are.


Tenchi Ryu
05-04-2012, 01:31 AM
She was just in the media the other day too, apparently just got a boob job.

05-04-2012, 01:32 AM

just like 60s bball, huh?

05-04-2012, 01:33 AM
Tarantino has a LOT of competition in the current era:
coen bros, aranofski, almadobar, W Anderson...

All of those directors shit all over post-Pulp Fiction Tarantino (note: I have yet to force myself to watch Inglorious Basterds, it may be brilliant for all I know). Everything else he's done is lame, regurgitated wannabee-genre crap cribbed from legit genre films.

Mr. Jabbar
05-04-2012, 01:35 AM
just like 60s bball, huh?

not rlly, ive tried rlly hard to watch some 60's bball clips and they were very, very boring.

05-04-2012, 01:35 AM
All of those directors shit all over post-Pulp Fiction Tarantino (note: I have yet to force myself to watch Inglorious Basterds, it may be brilliant for all I know). Everything else he's done is lame, regurgitated wannabee-genre crap cribbed from legit genre films.

now i feel you.. i would say IB is a step up from everything he has done post-KBv1.

05-04-2012, 01:36 AM
not rlly, ive tried rlly hard to watch some 60's bball clips and they were very, very boring.

not to me....

Mr. Jabbar
05-04-2012, 01:37 AM
All of those directors shit all over post-Pulp Fiction Tarantino (note: I have yet to force myself to watch Inglorious Basterds, it may be brilliant for all I know). Everything else he's done is lame, regurgitated wannabee-genre crap cribbed from legit genre films.

I'd only rate IB with all those tags.

05-04-2012, 01:37 AM
All of those directors shit all over post-Pulp Fiction Tarantino (note: I have yet to force myself to watch Inglorious Basterds, it may be brilliant for all I know). Everything else he's done is lame, regurgitated wannabee-genre crap cribbed from legit genre films.

The Coen Brothers are where its at for current directors.

Mr. Jabbar
05-04-2012, 01:39 AM
Here we go. The GOAT top 10. Not sure about the credibility of this website: http://movies.toptenreviews.com/directors/list_all_time_director.htm , only coppola seems a bit low at the ranking imo

05-04-2012, 01:40 AM
The Coen Brothers are where its at for current directors.
Certainly the best American directors today, imo, and some of the best to ever type up a screenplay. I also enjoy Paul Thomas Anderson.

05-04-2012, 01:41 AM
Here we go. The GOAT top 10. Not sure about the credibility of this website: http://movies.toptenreviews.com/directors/list_all_time_director.htm , only coppola seems a bit low at the ranking imo
Bad list.

05-04-2012, 01:41 AM
Here we go. The GOAT top 10. Not sure about the credibility of this website: http://movies.toptenreviews.com/directors/list_all_time_director.htm , only coppola seems a bit low at the ranking imo

I respect Woody Allen as a director but no way in bloody hell is he even close to being the third greatest director.

Mr. Jabbar
05-04-2012, 01:43 AM
I respect Woody Allen as a director but no way in bloody hell is he even close to being the third greatest director.

yea didnt notice that, would absolutely take him out of that top 5

Mr. Jabbar
05-04-2012, 01:44 AM
Bad list.

not at all.

05-04-2012, 01:49 AM
that list is trash, any list will be trash because it is about personal taste

good lord that list was seriously some trash

05-04-2012, 01:52 AM
that list is trash, any list will be trash because it is about personal taste

good lord that list was seriously some trash

The Woody Allen inclusion troubled me a bit.

05-04-2012, 02:12 AM
No love for Christopher Nolan?

The Dark Knight
Batman Begins
The Prestige

All great movies, Memento is one of my favorites and The Prestige gets overlooked.

05-04-2012, 02:13 AM
Darren Aronofsky is probably my favorite. David Fincher is another who's directed quite a few good movies, couple classics too. Fight Club, Seven. Social Network, Girl with the Dragon Tatoo were pretty good recent movies. I guess Zodiac isn't that highly regarded but I thought it was a pretty awesome movie.

Obviously not greatest of all-time candidates but I'd take both of them over Spike Lee.

05-04-2012, 02:23 AM
Darren Aronofsky is probably my favorite. David Fincher is another who's directed quite a few good movies, couple classics too. Fight Club, Seven. Social Network, Girl with the Dragon Tatoo were pretty good recent movies. I guess Zodiac isn't that highly regarded but I thought it was a pretty awesome movie.

Obviously not greatest of all-time candidates but I'd take both of them over Spike Lee.

Even though he's a comedic director I think you have to put Mel Brooks up there. The Producers, Young Frankenstein and Blazing Saddles.

05-04-2012, 02:25 AM
not at all.
Obviously, this is all personal taste, but any list compiler who chooses to name Spielberg as the greatest director ever and Stanley Kubrick as barely in the Top 5 deserves to be drop kicked.

That isn't even to mention Woody Allen at No. 3 and Peter Jackson beating out either Coen. :biggums:

Bad list.

Mr. Jabbar
05-04-2012, 02:26 AM
Obviously, this is all personal taste, but any list compiler who chooses to name Spielberg as the greatest director ever and Stanley Kubrick as barely in the Top 5 deserves to be drop kicked.

That isn't even to mention Woody Allen at No. 3 and Peter Jackson beating out either Coen. :biggums:

Bad list.

ya i wasnt reffering for the order but the names, the names are fine. kubrick shouuld be 1, coppola into the top 5 as well as coen and allen out of top 5

05-04-2012, 03:00 AM
Wow you really have to be pretty bad to out-dumb the OP... but someone found a way.

Also the OP just outed himself as being a kid, a bandwadon Heat fan, or most likely both.

05-04-2012, 04:25 AM
Hard to argue with that list, but trust me time puts all in perspective, I'd also throw in Scorcese and Coppola in that bag. Kubrick has a lock for top 1 tho
Ron Howard!

05-04-2012, 04:27 AM
Spike Lee. One of the best directors of all time.
Lebron23. :bowdown:

05-04-2012, 04:32 AM
Great movies, but if you wanna watch some real quality which are a little more "under the radar" masterpieces search no further than john carpenter films. Specially his horror films. Also nowdays, you gotta see everything Tarantino makes, hes going down as a top 3 GOAT director, book it.
Tarantino is #1 :bowdown:

05-04-2012, 04:35 AM
Cats hating on Spike Lee, when Hollywood doesn't even back him. He doesn't get huge budgets like the "others" to do his work and still holds his own.

05-04-2012, 04:55 AM
Francis Ford Coppola
Stanley Kubrick
Alfred Hitchcock
Akira Kurosawa
Martin Scorsese
David Lean
Steven Speilberg
John Ford
Billy Wilder
Elia Kazan

My top 10 in no particular order.

So many other great artists that have changed not only how we see film and stories, but life that could easily be up there as well. But for me, those guys are why I do what I do

05-04-2012, 04:57 AM
Some of you are young, or just don't know what the hell you're talking about...and keep in mind, most of spikes movies are geared towards a black audience and have a specific message but this man has some classics...and I'm a Pacer fan so I don't like the dude all that much but some of you sound like haters....

She's Gotta Have It - 1986
School Daze CLASSIC - 1986
Do The Right Thing - CLASSIC - 1989
Mo Better Blues - 1990
Jungle Fever 1991
Malcolm X ONE OF THE GREATEST MOVIES OF ALL TIME, HANDS DOWN, even it its not totally accurate - 1992
Crooklyn 1994
Clockers - damn good movie - 1995
Girl 6 - 1996
Get on the bus - 1996
He Got Game - 1998
Bamboozled 2000
A Huey P. Newton Story - 2001

And he's had movies come out since 2005 and honestly those aren't very good but some of you are just hating like I said, or don't know, or havent heard of or seen, been exposed to some of these movies...

edit: forgot about New Jersey Drive and Love and Basketball...man, ish has turned into a bunch of sheep...

05-04-2012, 05:13 AM
Some of you are young, or just don't know what the hell you're talking about...and keep in mind, most of spikes movies are geared towards a black audience and have a specific message but this man has some classics...and I'm a Pacer fan so I don't like the dude all that much but some of you sound like haters....

She's Gotta Have It - 1986
School Daze CLASSIC - 1986
Do The Right Thing - CLASSIC - 1989
Mo Better Blues - 1990
Jungle Fever 1991
Malcolm X ONE OF THE GREATEST MOVIES OF ALL TIME, HANDS DOWN, even it its not totally accurate - 1992
Crooklyn 1994
Clockers - damn good movie - 1995
Girl 6 - 1996
Get on the bus - 1996
He Got Game - 1998
Bamboozled 2000
A Huey P. Newton Story - 2001

And he's had movies come out since 2005 and honestly those aren't very good but some of you are just hating like I said, or don't know, or havent heard of or seen, been exposed to some of these movies...

edit: forgot about New Jersey Drive and Love and Basketball...man, ish has turned into a bunch of sheep...

How's it hating? I haven't seen anybody in here say Spike Lee is a bad director or hasn't made some really good movies. Maybe they have and I missed it, people were just clowning on buddy saying he was one of the greatest which is fair IMO.

Spike Lee is a good director, don't think he's anywhere near the greatest director of All-Time conversation.

You actually didn't list my favorite Spike Lee film, 25th hour :lol

05-04-2012, 05:18 AM
Some of you are young

BTW f*ck does this have to do with movies? Doesn't matter if your 40 years old or 20 years old anybody can watch movies. Heck people who are younger get to see films in better quality nowadays than those whom were alive when they hit theaters.

I'm 21 and just watched Taxi Driver tonight. 17 year old kids can torrent\buy whatever classics are out their. Age may impact taste but that's far to big of a generalization.

05-04-2012, 06:09 AM
Spike Lee. One of the best directors of all time.
Oh god, just when I think you can't be any more retarded...

05-04-2012, 06:47 AM
Do The Right Thing is a classic.

Everything else Spike Lee made ranges from decent to terrible.

05-04-2012, 07:53 AM
Spike Lee is a punk: made a pretty decent career for himself playing off race issues but sucked at everything else (his recent stuff is run of the mill). He got rightly punked by Clint Eastwood (a far superior director), when he thought it better to ignore historical accuracy just to put black actors in the film.

He's a joke really; a walking cliche; and not a good enough director to make up for it.

Spielberg is nothing special as a director either (he's produced more trash than masterpieces imo, definitely not close to top 3).

05-04-2012, 09:15 AM
No love for Christopher Nolan?

The Dark Knight
Batman Begins
The Prestige

All great movies, Memento is one of my favorites and The Prestige gets overlooked.

Nolan's definitely one of the best imo. I've seen every one of those movies on that list.

I think his best work came whenever he worked with his brother... the prestige, the dark knight, memento, and most likely the dark knight rises.

05-04-2012, 09:28 AM
Spike Lee is a punk: made a pretty decent career for himself playing off race issues but sucked at everything else (his recent stuff is run of the mill). He got rightly punked by Clint Eastwood (a far superior director), when he thought it better to ignore historical accuracy just to put black actors in the film.

He's a joke really; a walking cliche; and not a good enough director to make up for it.

Spielberg is nothing special as a director either (he's produced more trash than masterpieces imo, definitely not close to top 3).Yeah because casting Charlton Heston as Moses, and Liz Taylor as Cleopatra was done in keeping an eye for historical accuracy. :facepalm

05-04-2012, 09:33 AM
The 25th hour is a good movie. Spike Lee and Edward Norton = Good Chemistry.


05-04-2012, 09:38 AM
Yeah because casting Charlton Heston as Moses, and Liz Taylor as Cleopatra was done in keeping an eye for historical accuracy. :facepalm


People needs to stop hating on Spike Lee. He ain't a child abuser and molester. Spike already buried the hatchet with Clint Eastwood.

05-04-2012, 09:40 AM
Spike Lee is one of the best and Nolan too

05-04-2012, 10:12 AM
My god, the outrage over Lebron23's post is so retarded. Dude said one of the best which isnt something you can find fault with.That could mean almost anything.

05-04-2012, 10:13 AM
Yeah because casting Charlton Heston as Moses, and Liz Taylor as Cleopatra was done in keeping an eye for historical accuracy. :facepalm
along with millions of other examples. :oldlol:

05-04-2012, 10:16 AM
Yeah because casting Charlton Heston as Moses, and Liz Taylor as Cleopatra was done in keeping an eye for historical accuracy. :facepalm
What an earth does that have to do with anything i said? What does it have to do with Spike Lee or Clint Eastwood? What does a director trying to create an authentic film have to do with films from the 50s and 60s that although deemed 'classics' by some, are distinctively tacky and unauthentic?

****ing hell, your entire life must be a ****ing facepalm if you're that thick.

05-04-2012, 10:19 AM
The 25th hour is a good movie. Spike Lee and Edward Norton = Good Chemistry.

Retard23 hopped on his other account after getting flamed to ashes :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

05-04-2012, 10:23 AM
What an earth does that have to do with anything i said? What does it have to do with Spike Lee or Clint Eastwood? What does a director trying to create an authentic film have to do with films from the 50s and 60s that although deemed 'classics' by some, are distinctively tacky and unauthentic?

****ing hell, your entire life must be a ****ing facepalm if you're that thick.

First of all, dont know why you're mad. Secondly, read again bro.

05-04-2012, 10:24 AM
What an earth does that have to do with anything i said? What does it have to do with Spike Lee or Clint Eastwood? What does a director trying to create an authentic film have to do with films from the 50s and 60s that although deemed 'classics' by some, are distinctively tacky and unauthentic?

****ing hell, your entire life must be a ****ing facepalm if you're that thick.
One was an example of one thing, I gave an example of the other side.

What's so hard to understand?

The Ownage
05-04-2012, 10:29 AM
This thread went from Lebron being trolled to a heavy discussion about directors :roll:

My personal favourites are Kurosawa and Coppolla. I haven't seen enough films of some of the directors you guys listed. What Kubrick films should I start from?

05-04-2012, 10:32 AM
This thread went from Lebron being trolled to a heavy discussion about directors :roll:

My personal favourites are Kurosawa and Coppolla. I haven't seen enough films of some of the directors you guys listed. What Kubrick films should I start from?
Just pick one and watch.

Mr. Jabbar
05-04-2012, 10:46 AM
This thread went from Lebron being trolled to a heavy discussion about directors :roll:

My personal favourites are Kurosawa and Coppolla. I haven't seen enough films of some of the directors you guys listed. What Kubrick films should I start from?

The Shining

05-04-2012, 11:09 AM
Dude I'm dead serious, we are witnessing on of the greatests ever, hes going dwn not worse than top 3 although I know theres some subjectivity to it.

Tarantino not even top 75 - http://www.theyshootpictures.com/gf1000_top250directors.htm

This doesn't even include more modern people like Nolan, Aronofsky, etc.

Flagrant 2
05-04-2012, 11:12 AM
Spike Lee. One of the best directors of all time.

05-04-2012, 11:15 AM
One was an example of one thing, I gave an example of the other side.

What's so hard to understand?
Your example had no contextual relevance, and in no way contradicted anything i said. It had nothing to do with what i was talking about: just a bit of pointless fatuity from yourself.

You are hard to understand, because you seem incapable of formulating a sentence that actually makes sense.

The irony of you saying something of absolutely no meaning and then following it up with 'what's so hard to understand'?

God it's painful.

05-04-2012, 11:17 AM
This thread went from Lebron being trolled to a heavy discussion about directors :roll:

My personal favourites are Kurosawa and Coppolla. I haven't seen enough films of some of the directors you guys listed. What Kubrick films should I start from?

Full metal jacket
The shining
A clockwork orange

That should be a good start

Mr. Jabbar
05-04-2012, 11:21 AM
Tarantino not even top 75 - http://www.theyshootpictures.com/gf1000_top250directors.htm

This doesn't even include more modern people like Nolan, Aronofsky, etc.

lol, that list is a joke in bad taste.

05-04-2012, 11:30 AM
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the European grates like Ingmar Bergman, Charlie Chaplin, Federico Fellini, Jean-Luc Godard, Francois Truffaut, and Michalengelo Antonioni. Those were all better than most of the names on that list.

My personal favorites are Woody Allen, Billy Wilder, and Ingmar Bergman. That first list is trash, but Woody at #3 is not that ridiculous. He is a writer/director/actor who has created several masterpieces, especially in the 70's and the 80's, and he still continues to make a new film every year.

05-04-2012, 11:31 AM
lol, that list is a joke in bad taste.

Why? Because it includes non-american directors and directors from more than 50 years ago? I suggest you go watch some of their films...

On second thought, no you will hate them if Tarantino is in your top 3. Probably wouldn't be able to even sit through a Bergman or Tarkovsky flick.

05-04-2012, 11:32 AM
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the European grates like Ingmar Bergman, Charlie Chaplin, Federico Fellini, Jean-Luc Godard, Francois Truffaut, and Michalengelo Antonioni. Those were all better than most of the names on that list.

My personal favorites are Woody Allen, Billy Wilder, and Ingmar Bergman. That first list is trash, but Woody at #3 is not that ridiculous. He is a writer/director/actor who has created several masterpieces, especially in the 70's and the 80's, and he still continues to make a new film every year.

Look at the link (http://www.theyshootpictures.com/gf1000_top250directors.htm)I posted. It's for the most part a great list.

05-04-2012, 11:45 AM
Look at the link (http://www.theyshootpictures.com/gf1000_top250directors.htm)I posted. It's for the most part a great list.

I was referring to the first list with all American's and with poor Peter Jackson thrown in for international flavor.:lol

Yes, that list you posted is much better, although I would shuffle a lot of people around in top-30.

Mr. Jabbar
05-04-2012, 11:49 AM
Why? Because it includes non-american directors and directors from more than 50 years ago? I suggest you go watch some of their films...

On second thought, no you will hate them if Tarantino is in your top 3. Probably wouldn't be able to even sit through a Bergman or Tarkovsky flick.

I watched bergman before you were even born :oldlol: , that list is a joke, a wannabe-alternative critique of cinema, got their numbers all wrong specially in the top 20. No list is perfect though the one I posted has heavy flaws as well.

Eric Cartman
05-04-2012, 11:51 AM
They both in the Illuminati so it's all good.

05-04-2012, 11:58 AM
This thread went from Lebron being trolled to a heavy discussion about directors :roll:

My personal favourites are Kurosawa and Coppolla. I haven't seen enough films of some of the directors you guys listed. What Kubrick films should I start from?

Dr. Strangelove

05-04-2012, 12:00 PM
I watched bergman before you were even born :oldlol: , that list is a joke, a wannabe-alternative critique of cinema, got their numbers all wrong specially in the top 20. No list is perfect though the one I posted has heavy flaws as well.

I'm pretty sure you were born in the 90s but anyway...

You're telling me Tarantino is better than: Wells, Hitchcock, Kubrick, Fellini, Ford, Renoir, Kurosawa, Coppola, Bergman, Godard, Scorsese, Chaplin, Wilder, Hanks, Tarkovsky, Lean, Spielberg, Antonioni, Woody, and Huston? That's 20 right there! :oldlol:

05-04-2012, 12:27 PM
I'm pretty sure you were born in the 90s but anyway...

You're telling me Tarantino is better than: Wells, Hitchcock, Kubrick, Fellini, Ford, Renoir, Kurosawa, Coppola, Bergman, Godard, Scorsese, Chaplin, Wilder, Hanks, Tarkovsky, Lean, Spielberg, Antonioni, Woody, and Huston? That's 20 right there! :oldlol:

He belongs in the discussion with some of these other great directors, I certainly don't think Woody Allen is head and shoulders a better director.

05-04-2012, 12:33 PM
Your example had no contextual relevance, and in no way contradicted anything i said. It had nothing to do with what i was talking about: just a bit of pointless fatuity from yourself.

You are hard to understand, because you seem incapable of formulating a sentence that actually makes sense.

The irony of you saying something of absolutely no meaning and then following it up with 'what's so hard to understand'?

God it's painful.Wait, you're a Rhodes Scholar? Didn't think so. You referenced Clint Eastwood's criticism of Spike Lee just wanting to put black actors in, instead of being historically accurate.

I pointed out two examples of Hollywood's past lack of concern for historical accuracy.

What Clint said in itself is hypocritical because Hollywood never cared about things like that in the past.

Still don't see where the confusion lies. Oh, I get it, you're just trying to be an asshole. Nevermind, carry on.

05-04-2012, 12:33 PM
Spike Lee. One of the best directors of all time.


05-04-2012, 12:34 PM
He belongs in the discussion with some of these other great directors, I certainly don't think Woody Allen is head and shoulders a better director.

That's fine, I'm not a big Allen fan either. Still though, it's not like you can't replace him with other people that are head and shoulders above Tarantino (see: Polanski, Leone, and Bertolucci). Even people like David Lynch, Ridley Scott, and Werner Herzog are quite a bit better. There simply is no possible argument for putting Quentin in the top 20, let alone top 3.

05-04-2012, 12:40 PM
Jenna Haze is the GOAT director and it's not even close.

05-04-2012, 01:03 PM
Wait, you're a Rhodes Scholar? Didn't think so. You referenced Clint Eastwood's criticism of Spike Lee just wanting to put black actors in, instead of being historically accurate.

I pointed out two examples of Hollywood's past lack of concern for historical accuracy.

What Clint said in itself is hypocritical because Hollywood never cared about things like that in the past.

Still don't see where the confusion lies. Oh, I get it, you're just trying to be an asshole. Nevermind, carry on.
No, i am not a Rhodes scholar; being from the UK, i had no access or need for a Rhodes scholarship. Why an earth would you bring something like that up?

Your point would make sense if Clint Eastwood = Hollywood; which is an idiotic thing to suggest in itself (a director regards his work as his own production - not Hollywood's, if he wants historical realism in a war film it is not hypocritical).

I certainly wouldn't want to make a film about WW2 that had intermingling black and white characters, because the army was segregated at the time: it would be idiotic to ignore this, in fact it would nullify the plight of those that had to suffer segregation during the war.

All in all: an extremely stupid thing to say (by both Spike Lee and yourself).

05-04-2012, 01:08 PM
He belongs in the discussion with some of these other great directors, I certainly don't think Woody Allen is head and shoulders a better director.

Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs were great movies, I'll give you that. Kill Bill 1 and Inglourious Basterds were very good, but not great. Jackie Brown was watchable, but other than those, he doesn't really have much else.

Woody, on the other hand, has made great movies like Annie Hall, Manhattan, Crimes and Misdemeanors, Radio Days, Hannah and Her Sisters, Interiors, and many other very good movies.

He did also make a few mediocre movies, but overall, his resume is a lot longer than Q's. Neither one is done with their careers, so this is not definite, but Woody, for now, is way ahead of him.

Mr. Jabbar
05-04-2012, 01:24 PM
I'm pretty sure you were born in the 90s but anyway...

You're telling me Tarantino is better than: Wells, Hitchcock, Kubrick, Fellini, Ford, Renoir, Kurosawa, Coppola, Bergman, Godard, Scorsese, Chaplin, Wilder, Hanks, Tarkovsky, Lean, Spielberg, Antonioni, Woody, and Huston? That's 20 right there! :oldlol:

late 70's.

Tarantino belongs to the top 10 right now with unbiased opinions, and i believe he will go down top 3 when its all said and done, the dude is young and has only made 7 movies this far.

05-04-2012, 01:45 PM
late 70's.

Tarantino belongs to the top 10 right now with unbiased opinions, and i believe he will go down top 3 when its all said and done, the dude is young and has only made 7 movies this far.


05-04-2012, 02:07 PM
one fool made ridiculous statement, and here you go, talking about movies in here

05-04-2012, 03:15 PM
BTW f*ck does this have to do with movies? Doesn't matter if your 40 years old or 20 years old anybody can watch movies. Heck people who are younger get to see films in better quality nowadays than those whom were alive when they hit theaters.

I'm 21 and just watched Taxi Driver tonight. 17 year old kids can torrent\buy whatever classics are out their. Age may impact taste but that's far to big of a generalization.
Because if you're young, then you don't understand the context of the movies when they come out and how tense race relations were..this was late 80's, early 90's...So did that answer your question?

05-04-2012, 03:33 PM
Both Kill Bills
Jackie Brown (bridget fonda :bowdown: )
Grindhouse (1st one)
Reservoir Dogs
Pulp Fiction
and damn, he produced hostel

IB is not that good imo
He wrote True Romance as well. I think he also ghostwrote Natural Born Killers and From Dusk To Dawn.

I don't know about Top 3 Directors of All-Time, but he's definitely up there (Top 3)for Screenwriters.

I think the only bad film he was involved with was Four Rooms.

In my opinion, he's been robbed twice at the Oscars. Best Director for Pulp Fiction and Best Screenplay for Inglorious Basterds, that should have won Best Screenplay over the Hurt Locker.

05-04-2012, 09:31 PM
He wrote True Romance as well. I think he also ghostwrote Natural Born Killers and From Dusk To Dawn.

I don't know about Top 3 Directors of All-Time, but he's definitely up there (Top 3)for Screenwriters.

I think the only bad film he was involved with was Four Rooms.

In my opinion, he's been robbed twice at the Oscars. Best Director for Pulp Fiction and Best Screenplay for Inglorious Basterds, that should have won Best Screenplay over the Hurt Locker.

Damn, I had no idea he wrote True Romance. One of the great underrated movies of the 90's.

05-05-2012, 08:07 PM
Spike Lee. One of the best directors of all time.

:biggums: Lebron23 = dumb@ss

05-05-2012, 08:15 PM
:biggums: Lebron23 = dumb@ss

Get off my D1ck. Lee is still one of the most successful African American Directors.

05-05-2012, 08:16 PM
Get off my D1ck. Lee is still one of the most successful African American Directors.

u mad :coleman:

05-05-2012, 10:00 PM
u mad :coleman:

I want to eat a WWE Ice Cream Bar.

05-05-2012, 11:56 PM
Get off my D1ck. Lee is still one of the most successful African American Directors.

"One of the most successful African American directors" does not equal "one of the greatest directors of all time", you made a stupid statement, own it.