View Full Version : Is the SG position officially the weakest position now?

05-18-2012, 02:36 AM
for like the past decade the SG position has usually been the strongest and the Center position has usually been the weakest, but seeing how much Kobe and Wade have declined these days made me wonder if the SG position is now officially the weakest position in the league these days.

05-18-2012, 02:41 AM
for like the past decade the SG position has usually been the strongest and the Center position has usually been the weakest, but seeing how much Kobe and Wade have declined these days made me wonder if the SG position is now officially the weakest position in the league these days.

Not to mention other guys like Ray Allen, Manu, Vince (top 5 SGs at given times) getting up in years too. Not many elite young SGs coming up.

05-18-2012, 02:41 AM
harden ej

05-18-2012, 02:53 AM
harden ej
Those are the only two emerging star type SGs though and EJ is always injured.

Not to mention other guys like Ray Allen, Manu, Vince (top 5 SGs at given times) getting up in years too. Not many elite young SGs coming up.
Yup, all the SGs are getting old and not enough young potential SGs are replacing them. OJ Mayo was suppose to be the best SG in the league after Kobe and Wade declined but Mayo has been an underachiever so far.

The only SGs I could see emerge into a star is the two players that blablabla listed and that is James Harden and Eric Gordon.

Mr. Jabbar
05-18-2012, 02:56 AM
Kobe, Wade, Ray, Manu, all gone sooner than later, it sucks...No fresh, star caliber players for replacement at that position.

05-18-2012, 02:57 AM
I think you could see Klay Thompson and Alec Burks emerge as some really solid fringe All-Star PG's in a few years or so, but obviously that's a ways out.

05-18-2012, 03:00 AM
westbrook? rose?

05-18-2012, 03:05 AM
I was thinking about making a thread on this after last night's Lakers-Thunder game. It seems the golden age of SGs has ended, and the era of small, quick, explosive PGs has truly begun.

Out of the remaining teams in the playoffs, which ones are the true title contenders? Now look who starts at point guard for them? Tony Parker. Russell Westbrook. Rondo.

Look at the some of the teams struggling. The Lakers, the 76ers. Look at their point guard production. Sessions and Blake have combined for a tremendous 9 points in the second round, shooting under 20%, and less than 5 assists.

The Heat negate the necessity for an elite point guard through their elite wingmen, and power forward.

Kobe and Wade are the last of the best, and they are clearly not the same players as they were in their prime. Everyone wants to to mention Harden and Gordon as the next best shooting guards, but even at their best, they will never be as dominant as prime Kobe, T Mac, Vince, Wade, ect. There is a clear drop off in talent in the shooting guard position. There are more Bledsoes and Bradleys than Ray Allens and Brandon Roys.

Times are changing :eek:

05-18-2012, 03:06 AM
umm it has and always will be C since Shaq was past his prime, not even close.

05-18-2012, 03:54 AM
His time has come...



05-18-2012, 03:56 AM
MarShon Brooks

Jotaro Durant
05-18-2012, 03:58 AM


05-18-2012, 04:19 AM
I would have to say YES the SG is the weakest position in the L as of now. But don't blame Kobe and Wade. I still feel Kobe is in backend prime status. And D Wade is still flat out in his prime, but just a little hobbled. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Ray Ray I feel is outta his prime due to some nagging injuries and age. But Ray I still when healthy is still an All Star caliber SG. He's not that far removed. Plus on Boston, they have been splitting the pie up so good over the years that individual numbers dropped for Pierce, Ray, and KG. Manu's injuries have him past his prime, but he's still a very effective player.

Joe Johnson is flat out in his prime, but he can never live up to that huge ass contract he got. The funny thing about Joe is that he will step up in the clutch and in the all around sense is great. But he doesn't put his foot on the gas scoring enough to justify that big contract. AI, T Mac, and Vince are somewhat sad stories on different levels. T Mac due to injuries, AI due to being blackballed, and Vince due to a combo of age and the nagging injuries piling up. And let's not forget Pierce who eventually moved to the SF pretty much and shined.

So all in all the golden era of SG's didn't pan out over time exactly as we all thought longevity wise. But in HOF status, Kobe, Wade, AI, Ray, Manu (due to NBA and international combined), Pierce, and Vince should get in the HOF. T Mac might have a punchers chance when u look at his resume. And JJ in my book pretty much has no shot.

05-18-2012, 04:21 AM
I think part of the reason why its "weak" is because there are actually a lot of good perimiter defenders in the nba that are either shooting guards or small forwards and they guard the shooting guards and make it hard on them.

05-18-2012, 04:26 AM
In terms of the future, I don't see any guys really on the level of the golden age of SG's. U got Ellis, Gordon, George, Brooks. and Thompson as young guys on the comeup. Of this group, Ellis has the most cred. But none of these guys are great in the all around sense. In a perfect world, a guy like Roy would be leading the newer generation. He had the complete skillset and alpha dog shit that the golden era type guys had. But with no Roy, u really don't see that future pure superstar. These guys could very well develop into that status. But other than Ellis, the other guys or either injury prone or haven't have enough time to really grow into their potential yet.

05-18-2012, 04:27 AM
Monta ellis!

Paul george!

Marshon brooks!

Oj mayo!

Gordon hayward!

Marcus thorton!

Avery bradley!

Evan turner!

And in my honest opinion i know imma get sum haters on this one but i truly believe john wall should be converted into a sg. I see alot of a young dwade in him.

Lets no forget dwade did play point for awhile in miami back in his early years

John wall is a good passer but i just dont see him fullly blossoming into a bonafide pg. Wit his size he can get on hgh like wade and become part of the avengers.wizards should draft marquis teague and move john wall to the two

05-18-2012, 04:31 AM
And on another note, if Rose, Parker, and Westbrook had a coach like a Larry Brown, they might be moved more to a SG role. I realize that it also is dependent on the personnel of the team. But certain coaches may move those guys to a SG-combo role. Where they are playing off the ball more and have another guard start the offense. Rose, Parker, and Westbrook would add a much needed infusion of superstar level talent to SG's under the age of 30. But at the same time, they are great players as scoring minded PG's. Parker has really improved in terms of droppin dimes and floor general type shit. Rose is very good in that regard too. I feel Westbrook is behind Tony and Rose in that regard.

05-18-2012, 04:36 AM
Eric Gordon
James Harden
Klay Thompson
Evan Turner
Malcolm Lee
Gordon Hayward
Kawhi Leonard
Avery Bradley
Marshan Brooks

In no order, sounds decent.

05-18-2012, 05:12 AM
Eric Gordon
James Harden
Klay Thompson
Evan Turner
Malcolm Lee
Gordon Hayward
Kawhi Leonard
Avery Bradley
Marshan Brooks

In no order, sounds decent.
+ Monta Ellis

01-10-2013, 03:42 AM


Have a feeling Harden and Gordon will dominate in the near future for years to come...

01-10-2013, 03:44 AM
Eric Gordon will get hurt again for sure.

01-10-2013, 03:46 AM

I hope he comes back the player he was...

01-10-2013, 03:48 AM
Center is still the weakest position but SG has been the 2nd weakest for awhile now.

01-10-2013, 04:01 AM
Hayward's a small forward.

01-10-2013, 04:11 AM
Center is still the weakest position but SG has been the 2nd weakest for awhile now.

Center is quite strong considering the rules are completely detrimental to big men (5 seconds back to the basket + zone). You'll see most of the big men in the NBA play very different to how they played in the 90s or earlier. Whereas the SG's have just as much opportunity as ever before. There just isn't alot of superstar SG's out there right now.

01-10-2013, 04:13 AM
MarShon Brooks
He is the next Kobe :pimp:

Magic bird
01-10-2013, 06:33 AM
Paul George is coming along. Give him a little time and he'll be ther with Wade, Harden, Johnson, Kobe

Mayo, Iggy, Affalo and Derozan are pretty good this season as well

Dunno bout Gordon, just back from injury (Playing well though!)

01-10-2013, 06:36 AM
combo guards are the new shooting guards today it seems.

Stephen Curry who probably should be a pure SG like his pops is now handling the ball and passing dribbling etc...and he can still shoot.

01-10-2013, 08:18 AM
Insidehoops just can't accept the fact that James Harden is the best shooting guard in the league.

01-10-2013, 10:55 AM
Harden has pretty much dominated every shooting guard this season. He dominated Gordon last night and he dominated Kobe the night before

01-10-2013, 10:58 AM
As far as playing at a high level, competing every night? Both Ends? Shoot inside/outside? Fast break? Transition. Monta Elli hab it all.

01-10-2013, 01:28 PM
No, not yet anyway.

I still think the C position is the worst position in the NBA.

After Dwight, Lopez, Gasol, and Bynum there is a big drop off in terms of Centers. Most are used only for their defense and rebounding, very few have a decent post game.

Meanwhile, SG's have:

Eric Gordon
OJ Mayo
Joe Johnson

After Wade, there is a significant drop off, but it's not as steep as it is for Centers. Also, the top 3 SG's this season have way more impact in a game than the best Center, Dwight.

While the depth of the SG is relatively weak after the Top 3, the Top 3 SG's in the league have a legit argument to be in the Top 10 Players in the league.

No real order:


Rose should be included somewhere when he returns, but this season these players have been the best.

The only other position that has 3 players in the Top 10 is: SF or PF, depending on how you want to look at them.

Lebron and Melo are both playing a lot of PF this season, but they are traditionally SF's. Either way, they would either be included in SF's with Durant or PF's with Duncan.

01-10-2013, 01:30 PM
I think where you have a league where Kobe, Manu and Ray Allen are still considered the best 10 Sg's in the league then something is wrong with these new Sg's...

01-10-2013, 01:46 PM
I think where you have a league where Kobe, Manu and Ray Allen are still considered the best 10 Sg's in the league then something is wrong with these new Sg's...

This is probably because of MJ's impact on the game. After him, it seemed like the SG position had a rather large jump in size across the board. There were still 6'6+ SG's before him, but not nearly as many as there are now.

Meanwhile, players that should be considered SG's have been "converted" into PG's because they lack size for the SG position. Rose and Westbrook are both big PG's that really could be considered SG's. Hell, they are as big or bigger than EJ, OJ, and Monta. Curry also came into the league with the skillset of a SG and has been "developed" into a PG.

01-10-2013, 02:12 PM
Yup. Isn't that incredible? Every team used to have a SG who could put up 20, even if it was Jason Richardson or Larry Hughes. Now there are almost none. The position is so sorry that guys like OJ Mayo are considered not only above-average, but borderline elite.

01-10-2013, 02:13 PM
for like the past decade the SG position has usually been the strongest and the Center position has usually been the weakest, but seeing how much Kobe and Wade have declined these days made me wonder if the SG position is now officially the weakest position in the league these days.
Kobe decline? What have you been watching?

01-10-2013, 02:20 PM
Shumpert will come along. Thompson will come along, tho he'd round out the bottom of the top 10, if he's top 10. Westbrook will eventually move to SG. I think Curry might end up there. Gordon will finally get on and climb the list this year. Paul George is a SF, out and out. Mayo will be top 10 by the end of the year. Crawford, we'll see. I'll always worry about his consistency. JR Smith might end up on this list. Afflalo will be close. Tyreke Evans and on.

The SF list is overrated, to be honest.

01-10-2013, 02:25 PM
Harden has pretty much dominated every shooting guard this season. He dominated Gordon last night and he dominated Kobe the night before

Except Gordon's team won.

01-10-2013, 02:42 PM
Except Gordon's team won.

...with Gordon putting up 5 points on 2-12 shooting, 1 rebound, and 6 assists to 5 TO's. He didn't help his team. They won despite him.

01-10-2013, 02:45 PM
Kobe is dropping 30+/5+/5/2 on amazing efficiency.

Harden is up to 26/5/4/2 on insane efficiency (61% TS!).

Wade is still a top 10 player.

It's not weak at all.

01-11-2013, 03:38 AM
Except Gordon's team won.
Areyou gonna tell me with a straight face Harden didnt outplay Gordon?. Harden ad 25 points on 9-18 shooting 7 assists 6 boards while ordon had 5 points on 2-11 shooting. Before you make a dumb comment like saying Harden was helped by the refs, he got to the line only 6 times. His season average is 11.

01-11-2013, 03:38 AM
Kobe is dropping 30+/5+/5/2 on amazing efficiency.

Harden is up to 26/5/4/2 on insane efficiency (61% TS!).

Wade is still a top 10 player.

It's not weak at all.
Outside those three, the drop off is pretty big.

01-11-2013, 03:39 AM
The C and SG positions are terrible ATM :facepalm

01-11-2013, 04:30 AM
Paul George is going to be a 2 again in ~3 weeks. He's better than Joe Johnson.

I'm trying not to be a homer, but it's not just internet hype with Paul George anymore. He's an All Star caliber player now. The potential is actually being realized. 17/7.5/3.7 with a steal and a half a night and consistently very good defense. The guy's legit now.

Shooting too many 3s for my liking though.

01-11-2013, 04:35 AM
Paul George is going to be a 2 again in ~3 weeks. He's better than Joe Johnson.

I'm trying not to be a homer, but it's not just internet hype with Paul George anymore. He's an All Star caliber player now. The potential is actually being realized. 17/7.5/3.7 with a steal and a half a night and consistently very good defense. The guy's legit now.

Shooting too many 3s for my liking though.

Granger gonna get traded. Better hope sooner, rather than later.

Get you some Gordon.

Everyone is better than Joe Johnson (who's also better as a 3).

01-11-2013, 04:37 AM
Centre position is.

01-11-2013, 04:37 AM
Granger gonna get traded. Better hope sooner, rather than later.

Get you some Gordon.

Everyone is better than Joe Johnson (who's also better as a 3).People need to stop with this trade Granger stuff. It makes no sense. Dump a top 6ish SF whose shooting is SORELY needed for spare parts from a team that's greater than the sum of it's parts.

Magic bird
01-11-2013, 05:19 AM
People need to stop with this trade Granger stuff. It makes no sense. Dump a top 6ish SF whose shooting is SORELY needed for spare parts from a team that's greater than the sum of it's parts.
The Pacers are playing better than i expected without Granger, they need his 3 pt shooting, Paul George can't shoot 3's at a high enough percentage.

01-11-2013, 06:36 AM
People need to stop with this trade Granger stuff. It makes no sense. Dump a top 6ish SF whose shooting is SORELY needed for spare parts from a team that's greater than the sum of it's parts.
I like Paul George because he's got two first names :bowdown:

01-11-2013, 01:41 PM
People need to stop with this trade Granger stuff. It makes no sense. Dump a top 6ish SF whose shooting is SORELY needed for spare parts from a team that's greater than the sum of it's parts.

No, the Pacers have to actually do it. In the end, he needs to go. Paul George playing the 2 doesn't help them at all. The offense moves a lot more smoothly when he plays where he's supposed to play.

Also, Hill is not suitable as your starting PG if you don't give him another ball-handler in the backcourt. You need someone who can shoot but you need it to not be Granger. He also has the dumbest chip on his shoulder and he's not the team leader, but he plays the part. Time to go.