View Full Version : Is basketball becoming americas favorite past-time?

05-27-2012, 01:44 PM
I did a study five years ago and football was first followed by baseball then it was ice hockey then it was the nba

What do you guys think now?

05-27-2012, 01:48 PM
Sunday Night Football is the most watched show on TV.

Basketball doesn't even touch football here in America in terms of popularity and TV ratings.

Cowboy Thunder
05-27-2012, 01:50 PM
Football >>>>>>>>>> basketball on tv

Basketball >>>> all , in real life

05-27-2012, 01:50 PM
I don't know anyone who likes football, and several people who like basketball.

05-27-2012, 01:54 PM
In terms of league viewership, and overall fans and dedication: Football >>>>>>> Basketball >> Baseball >> Hockey

In terms of overall popularity as a sport and recreational activity: Basketball >>> Football >>> Baseball >>> Hockey.

Here in America, that is.

05-27-2012, 01:56 PM
I don't know anyone who likes football, and several people who like basketball.

That still doesn't change the fact that football (especially the NFL) is much more popular in the U.S. than basketball. I don't know exactly how you could measure this, but it wouldn't surprise me if the NFL was more popular than the NBA, MLB, and NHL combined.

05-27-2012, 01:56 PM
football will always be #1 by a lot, saw some crazy stats about it a while back but too lazy to look it up

05-27-2012, 02:02 PM
thats cuz football is only played once per week

05-27-2012, 02:03 PM
I don't know anyone who likes football, and several people who like basketball.
Then you dont know alot of people....:D

FOOTBALL>>>>>>>>>>>basketball..... Football last yr 9 billion in revenue

05-27-2012, 02:28 PM
Football is easily first

Basketball and baseball fight for second place in viewership, with the NBA leading right now I think with Miami, LA, and Chicago garnering a lot of interest.

05-27-2012, 02:34 PM
Not even close. The NFL by a wide, wide margin.

05-27-2012, 02:41 PM
I don't understand why basketball isn't more popular in America. I love it because I can actually go out and play it whenever and it's not a huge ordeal. You don't need shitloads of equipment or lots of players to have fun.

I love watching football and baseball, but basketball appeals to me because I can try to imitate what I see the pro's do.

05-27-2012, 02:43 PM
obviously it's football in almost anyway you want to measure popularity

but i wonder if basketball is the most played sport....you don't see a ton of pick-up football or baseball games around, and hockey is mostly a regional/seasonal thing. softball is popular i guess, but it's not really a sport, and it's something you need to organize in advance

people play basketball year round, indoors or outdoors....in most cities there's a bunch of places to go and just get in a game, and unlike most sports you can play by yourself

05-27-2012, 03:26 PM
Sunday Night Football is the most watched show on TV.

Basketball doesn't even touch football here in America in terms of popularity and TV ratings.

THIS....Football by a LANDSLIDE. No one converses more about any other sport than football in the U.S.

05-27-2012, 03:32 PM
I don't understand why basketball isn't more popular in America. I love it because I can actually go out and play it whenever and it's not a huge ordeal. You don't need shitloads of equipment or lots of players to have fun.

If I were to guess, it is because football is set up better for social events. People can watch the play, and then have in dept conversations between them. If you try having a conversation during basketball, you'll miss something. Think of all the girls alone that got into football because they can socialize while watching. You can't do that with people who are hardcore into basketball. Basketball is a sport that you have to give more constant attention to, and that just doesn't appeal to as many people.

05-27-2012, 03:35 PM
I don't know anyone who likes football, and several people who like basketball.

Wow, I'm convinced now. Much more convincing than the tv ratings and revenue where the NFL dominates.

05-27-2012, 03:39 PM
Heard of the NFL OP? It isn't close either

05-27-2012, 03:41 PM
Well, in terms of how many people play, I would definitely say basketball is America's new favorite past time due to how you can just go to the gym or park and play pick up games with random people whereas you need to somewhat organize people for every other sport.

Though football is still the TV king.

05-27-2012, 03:43 PM
I don't know anyone who likes football, and several people who like basketball.

They're in the minority. The NFL is an absolute juggernaut and completely dominates every other sport in the United States. The television numbers absolutely obliterate any other sport and the revenue the sport brings in is #1 by a wide margin. The most valuable franchises in sports in the U.S. are NFL franchises. As for the NBA and Baseball. baseball has long been more popular than the NBA, but in the last decade I'd say the relative popularity of the two sports have become very close. The World Series usually does better ratings wise than the NBA finals, the first time the NBA beat baseball was in 1998.

05-27-2012, 03:44 PM
I don't know anyone who likes football, and several people who like basketball.

You only know 4 people or something?

05-27-2012, 03:48 PM

1. Football ( soccer )
2. Basketball

the rest doesnt really matter... baseball? are u f*cking kidding me

05-27-2012, 03:52 PM

1. Football ( soccer )
2. Basketball

the rest doesnt really matter... baseball? are u f*cking kidding me

What the hell are you talking about? This is America we're talking about. Soccer? Soccer is a niche sport in the United States, played mostly by children who give up the sport when the get to middle school. The NFL is by far the most popular sport in the United States, not even close. As far as Baseball, you may not like it but that doesn't mean it's not popular. The World Series has routinely beaten the NBA finals and only recently has that started to change. The sports are now generally interchangeable in terms of popularity in this country, with many people believing baseball is still the more popular of the two. You can never completely dismiss baseball in this country, with as great as a history it has.

05-27-2012, 03:54 PM

1. Football ( soccer )
2. Basketball

the rest doesnt really matter... baseball? are u f*cking kidding me

Read the damn title before you try to sound intelligent.

05-27-2012, 03:54 PM

1. Football ( soccer )
2. Basketball

the rest doesnt really matter... baseball? are u f*cking kidding me

We are talking about MURICA.

05-27-2012, 04:12 PM
Do you know how much a commercial during Super Bowl costs?

05-27-2012, 04:17 PM
Do you know how much a commercial during Super Bowl costs?

NBC was charging 3.5 million on average for every 30 second spot this past year.

05-27-2012, 04:28 PM
How much money football makes means nothing.

There are wayyyyyyyy to many factors. AND THESE FACTORS =/= PAST-TIME.

You should measure past-time by how may people ACTUALLY PLAY the sport and other various degrees of this nature....Not how many fuking hot dogs they sell. Or how much they can sell a commercial for a football game. Lets be real. You are an idiot if you think thats how you measure americas past-time.

1. Basketball
2. Baseball
3. Football

Thats how I would rank it.

I think more people play Basketball around the US than any other sport.

And this is about OUR past-time...What we spend out time doing what sport WE play.

Next Baseball...The original past-time. And still widely played throughout the country. When ever I pass a park there are always youngsters practicing with their teams. Also nothing like just playing catch.

3. Football. You had Pop Warner and other organizzations but lets not kid ourselves....Not nearly as popular as baseball and basketball. It turns more into a spectator sport. You just end up watching college players or the NFL but dont play. SO NO this can not be considered americas past-time if WE DONT EVEN FUKING PLAY THE SPORT.

Urrmmmmm short rant....hopefully I got my point across.

Nets fan 93
05-27-2012, 04:33 PM
In terms of league viewership, and overall fans and dedication: Football >>>>>>> Basketball >> Baseball >> Hockey

In terms of overall popularity as a sport and recreational activity: Basketball >>> Football >>> Baseball >>> Hockey.

Here in America, that is.
That is pretty accurate.

05-27-2012, 04:35 PM
Tv wise, nothing comes close to NFL.

As far as being played by people, i think Basketball comes first. Soccer and Basketball are the 2 sports that are played the most indoor and outdoor. YOu dont need much equipments.

05-27-2012, 04:35 PM
How much money football makes means nothing.

There are wayyyyyyyy to many factors. AND THESE FACTORS =/= PAST-TIME.

You should measure past-time by how may people ACTUALLY PLAY the sport and other various degrees of this nature....Not how many fuking hot dogs they sell. Or how much they can sell a commercial for a football game. Lets be real. You are an idiot if you think thats how you measure americas past-time.

1. Basketball
2. Baseball
3. Football

Thats how I would rank it.

I think more people play Basketball around the US than any other sport.

And this is about OUR past-time...What we spend out time doing what sport WE play.

Next Baseball...The original past-time. And still widely played throughout the country. When ever I pass a park there are always youngsters practicing with their teams. Also nothing like just playing catch.

3. Football. You had Pop Warner and other organizzations but lets not kid ourselves....Not nearly as popular as baseball and basketball. It turns more into a spectator sport. You just end up watching college players or the NFL but dont play. SO NO this can not be considered americas past-time if WE DONT EVEN FUKING PLAY THE SPORT.

Urrmmmmm short rant....hopefully I got my point across.

The word is pastime and it meaning is exactly as it sounds. It's a hobby, sport or way to pass time. The NFL is by far the most popular sport or hobby in the United States. I don't care what you say about how many kids play it at the park, the sport is by far the most popular in the country. The numbers support this and I have yet to see the figures that support basketball is the most played sport in the country. That's a poor way of judging what America's pastime would be. If we were to base it on this, then Soccer would figure in the rankings because of all the little kids who play it. The NFL dominates in this country and the gap between 1 and 2 is just getting wider.

05-27-2012, 04:36 PM
i feel like i could watch any 2 teams play a football game (not if the score is 21-0 after 5 mins obviously) even if they are both shitty. but i cannot watch any 2 basketball teams play. obviously playoffs are a diff story, but football i could watch all season. also helps that im a giants fan.

baseball is done. mets fan so i am long suffering :lol :(

05-27-2012, 04:38 PM
People dont know what a past-time is....

Kids used to play pick-up baseball games....

Now they play pick-up basketball games...


spectating a sport does not make that our past-time....

If that was true then NASCAR is our past-time....

To all you football fans I challenge you to go to a park....stand in the field with a football....and wait for people to show up and join you without any organization.

Good luck.

Dont get kidnapped.

05-27-2012, 04:43 PM
Im loving it guys. I see alot of great posts in here.

I have another question

Do you guys ever see football being dominated by basketball as far as how much money each business generates

Also what is it that attracts us as a country so much to football?

Is it because its a home grown sport that nobody else plays in the whole world besides canada? Is it the violent nature of the sport?

I love football because imo its the ultimate team sport

Everybody on the field plays a large part each and every night and most of the time in nfl your individual stats arent overrated.

For example in football if you have 1000 yds rushing u had a pretty good season not great but pretty good

In basketball if you average 20ppg and 10rpg you are considered one of the best players in the league even if you a rookie

05-27-2012, 04:44 PM
People dont know what a past-time is....

Kids used to play pick-up baseball games....

Now they play pick-up basketball games...


spectating a sport does not make that our past-time....

If that was true then NASCAR is our past-time....

To all you football fans I challenge you to go to a park....stand in the field with a football....and wait for people to show up and join you without any organization.

Good luck.

Dont get kidnapped.

You need to get out more if you don't think anyone plays pick up football games, tons of people do. They might not put on all the gear but they're still playing the game. Nothing changes the fact that the NFL is by far the most beloved game or sport in the United States. It's America's game and that's not going to change. It's an American institution and overshadows every other sport played in the country.

05-27-2012, 04:46 PM
You need to get out more if you don't think anyone plays pick up football games, tons of people do. They might not put on all the gear but they're still playing the game. Nothing changes the fact that the NFL is by far the most beloved game or sport in the United States. It's America's game and that's not going to change. It's an American institution and overshadows every other sport played in the country.

No1 plays pick up football games you egg-head.

You organize a time and day to meet and play with a group of other players.

You dont just randomly show up to a field.

You egg-head....

05-27-2012, 04:46 PM
Im loving it guys. I see alot of great posts in here.

I have another question

Do you guys ever see football being dominated by basketball as far as how much money each business generates

Also what is it that attracts us as a country so much to football?

Is it because its a home grown sport that nobody else plays in the whole world besides canada? Is it the violent nature of the sport?

I love football because imo its the ultimate team sport

Everybody on the field plays a large part each and every night and most of the time in nfl your individual stats arent overrated.

For example in football if you have 1000 yds rushing u had a pretty good season not great but pretty good

In basketball if you average 20ppg and 10rpg you are considered one of the best players in the league even if you a rookie

Everything you said applies to why Americans like Football as much as they do. It is the ultimate team sport, it's incredibly violent and it is uniquely American. Every game is an event which is where it differs from basketball and baseball. It's the most viewed, discussed game in the country.

05-27-2012, 04:52 PM
No1 plays pick up football games you egg-head.

You organize a time and day to meet and play with a group of other players.

You dont just randomly show up to a field.

You egg-head....

All you need is a football to play a damn pickup game and a tons of people play them. You're talking out of your ass. You don't need an entire offensive and defensive line for each team to play a ****ing pickup game. Debating this is completely idiotic, the sport's popularity is immense and speaks for itself. All anyone ever wants to talk about in this country is the NFL and it completely obliterates the NBA and MLB in attention, merchandising, etc.

05-27-2012, 04:52 PM
You need to get out more if you don't think anyone plays pick up football games, tons of people do.

Yeah, I played a lot of pick up football as a youngin.

Also, just thinking back to high school, there was about 30 basketball players on the teams (Freshman/JV/Varsity teams combined). There were about 100 football players. So football allows for more people on their teams, which in turn means more are likely to convert to fans. Additionally, football allows for more unathletic players to play because different positions allow for fatasses to feel like they are athletes.

05-27-2012, 04:55 PM
Pastime: An activity that someone does regularly for enjoyment rather than work; a hobby.

1. Golf
2. Basketball
3. Tennis


05-27-2012, 04:57 PM
Football by a landslide as far as WATCHING sports goes.

Playing sports? It's basketball and probably not even close. You can go to just about any court in the country and find a pick up game going on. That's really hard to do with football so it doesn't really happen.

05-27-2012, 05:02 PM
Pastime: An activity that someone does regularly for enjoyment rather than work; a hobby.

1. Golf
2. Basketball
3. Tennis


More people do not play Tennis than Baseball, football, or soccer. Tennis is very much a niche sport in this country, in viewership and in the amount of people that play it.

05-27-2012, 05:06 PM
More people do not play Tennis than Baseball, football, or soccer. Tennis is very much a niche sport in this country, in viewership and in the amount of people that play it.

To me Tennis is played by everyone of all skill levels at all ages.

the organized sports are played by youngsters....and then becomes less played when it gets to HS....LESS when it gets to college and less when it comes to Pros.

Tennis is like basketball.


1. Golf
2. Basketball
3. Tennis


1. Nascar
2. Football

OKC Adonis
05-27-2012, 05:07 PM
Actually Basketball is 5th in popularity behind Football(NFL and College), baseball and Nascar. Or 4th if you throw out Nascar.

05-27-2012, 05:17 PM
Football >>>>>>>>>> basketball on tv

Basketball >>>> all , in real life
Football is so boring on tv. Nothing happens, its commercials all the time and the playing time is like 5 seconds until someone gets tackled and they start the whole strategy talk again. You're basically watching people prepare what to do most of the time and then the actual game time is like 5 seconds.

Basketball is awesome, you got points scored all the time, you got teams going back and forth without any stops and you got teams going on awesome runs.

05-27-2012, 05:19 PM
Football is so boring on tv. Nothing happens, its commercials all the time and the playing time is like 5 seconds until someone gets tackled and they start the whole strategy talk again. You're basically watching people prepare what to do most of the time and then the actual game time is like 5 seconds.

Basketball is awesome, you got points scored all the time, you got teams going back and forth without any stops and you got teams going on awesome runs.

Yet it's by far the biggest sport in the country. Guess it's not boring for everyone.

05-27-2012, 05:20 PM
Pastime: An activity that someone does regularly for enjoyment rather than work; a hobby.

1. Golf
2. Basketball
3. Tennis


Hobby can mean anything; it could be playing, watching, or jacking off to your favorite athlete.

05-27-2012, 05:31 PM
Hobby can mean anything; it could be playing, watching, or jacking off to your favorite athlete.

Pastime: An activity that someone does regularly for enjoyment rather than work; a hobby.

Watching is not an activity....

But I guess if you jerk it while you watch football...thats still just 1 person.

05-27-2012, 05:37 PM
Pastime: An activity that someone does regularly for enjoyment rather than work; a hobby.

Watching is not an activity....

But I guess if you jerk it while you watch football...thats still just 1 person.

Pastime : something that amuses and serves to make time pass agreeably : diversion

: something that serves to make time pass agreeably; a pleasant means of amusement, recreation, or sport: to play cards as a pastime.

entertainment, hobby, diversion, avocation.

Football is America's favorite pastime and has been for the last few decades, taking over for Baseball which was America's pastime for 80, 90 years.

05-27-2012, 05:41 PM
Pastime : something that amuses and serves to make time pass agreeably : diversion

: something that serves to make time pass agreeably; a pleasant means of amusement, recreation, or sport: to play cards as a pastime.

entertainment, hobby, diversion, avocation.

Football is America's favorite pastime and has been for the last few decades, taking over for Baseball which was America's pastime for 80, 90 years.

Anyways at this point you are really argueing watching TV over playing sports.

And I guess you are right. This is why most of America is overweight.

Its not the NFL that is their pastime...Its watching television.

Because we have taken the sport aspect out of it.

Well I will continue to play sports as my pastime...I guess you continue to sit on the couch as yours.


05-27-2012, 05:55 PM
Anyways at this point you are really argueing watching TV over playing sports.

And I guess you are right. This is why most of America is overweight.

Its not the NFL that is their pastime...Its watching television.

Because we have taken the sport aspect out of it.

Well I will continue to play sports as my pastime...I guess you continue to sit on the couch as yours.


Oh yes, of course... because the NFL is by far the most popular sport in the country that means I'm a fatass whose favorite pastime is sitting on the couch... makes sense, can't argue with that logic. You can argue all you want about basketball being the most popular played sport, which I have yet to see any figures or facts support this, but it doesn't change the fact that more people like Football and plenty play it recreationally. The only case basketball would even have is that it's cheaper to play and there are plenty of basketball courts. I'm not sure most of America is overweight, certainly too many people are... I'm not and my interest in Football certainly doesn't make me a lazy fatass as you so eloquently claim. Do you know what other country is overweight? Mexico. What's their favorite sport or pastime? Hmm, could that be soccer? The sport where you are constantly running the entire game? Yep, that one. Yet they are still overweight as a country. You don't argue with logic or facts, you argue with emotion pettiness.

05-27-2012, 05:56 PM
Oh yes, of course... because the NFL is by far the most popular sport in the country that means I'm a fatass whose favorite pastime is sitting on the couch... makes sense, can't argue with that logic. You can argue all you want about basketball being the most popular played sport, which I have yet to see any figures or facts support this, but it doesn't change the fact that more people like Football and plenty play it recreationally. The only case basketball would even have is that it's cheaper to play and there are plenty of basketball courts. I'm not sure most of America is overweight, certainly too many people are... I'm not and my interest in Football certainly doesn't make me a lazy fatass as you so eloquently claim. Do you know what other country is overweight? Mexico. What's their favorite sport or pastime? Hmm, could that be soccer? The sport where you are constantly running the entire game? Yep, that one. Yet they are still overweight as a country. You don't argue with logic or facts, you argue with emotion pettiness.

Nice use of logic and facts.



05-27-2012, 06:03 PM
Nice use of logic and facts.



Where are the facts that support basketball as the most widely played sport in the United States? Show me these and I'll relent in the argument. Certainly a part of the meaning in the word pastime is that people are actually playing it. Plenty of people play football or just throw around a football. It's the most popular high school sport in the country. I think referring to a sport like basketball as America's pastime would be incorrect and mostly misguided. A sport must be more popular than basketball is in America to have it be "The Pastime". They called baseball America's pastime because it was not only the most widely played sport in the country but also the most widely viewed, attended, supported, discussed game. It was by far the biggest sport in the country, calling basketball America's pastime wouldn't sound accurate.

05-27-2012, 06:03 PM
Football is so boring on tv. Nothing happens, its commercials all the time and the playing time is like 5 seconds until someone gets tackled and they start the whole strategy talk again. You're basically watching people prepare what to do most of the time and then the actual game time is like 5 seconds.

Basketball is awesome, you got points scored all the time, you got teams going back and forth without any stops and you got teams going on awesome runs.

Please, stop trying to talk about a sport you know nothing about.

05-27-2012, 06:04 PM
Hopefully the NFL will suffer the same fate that the MLB has. Momma and Daddy won't let their kids play football, due to head injury concerns. MLB lost a whole generation of fans by not making their product accessible to children. They've never recovered.

Hopefully the NBA will be there to pick up the pieces and move up the food chain were it belongs.

05-27-2012, 06:07 PM
Hopefully the NFL will suffer the same fate that the MLB has. Momma and Daddy won't let their kids play football, due to head injury concerns. MLB lost a whole generation of fans by not making their product accessible to children. They've never recovered.

Hopefully the NBA will be there to pick up the pieces and move up the food chain were it belongs.

The NFL's emergence as a dominant force is as big as any reason as to why Baseball is not as popular as it once was. Certainly a much larger reason than parents not letting their kids play it, I don't know where you got that from. The NFL is not letting up any time soon, the NBA will settle for #2 or #3.

05-27-2012, 06:10 PM
Hopefully the NFL will suffer the same fate that the MLB has. Momma and Daddy won't let their kids play football, due to head injury concerns. MLB lost a whole generation of fans by not making their product accessible to children. They've never recovered.

Hopefully the NBA will be there to pick up the pieces and move up the food chain were it belongs.

Little League is still around and kids still play it. The NFL and baseball's strike and steroid controversies is a much more accurate reason for their decline.

05-27-2012, 06:14 PM
Just out of curiosity I looked up how fat america was....

From different sites...stats are skewed a bit but the general number is 66%-68% of the population are overweight.

I am going to go out on a limb and say that football fans are the fattest. not players. Fans.

The sport is revolved around gathering on Sunday throwing a party where you throw down beer and eat shit loads of food.

The older you get the less likely you are to play football.

The more likely you will just watch it.

And when the season is over...I guess you can still drink and eat.

Not like very player that plays football has to be in shape anyways....:rolleyes:

I like football but its a spectator sport.

Its like nascar.

You watch, drink, and eat....then sleep.

So in conclusion drinking and eating is Americas pastime.


05-27-2012, 06:23 PM
I like this thread, so polarizing.

05-27-2012, 06:26 PM
Just out of curiosity I looked up how fat america was....

From different sites...stats are skewed a bit but the general number is 66%-68% of the population are overweight.

I am going to go out on a limb and say that football fans are the fattest. not players. Fans.

The sport is revolved around gathering on Sunday throwing a party where you throw down beer and eat shit loads of food.

The older you get the less likely you are to play football.

The more likely you will just watch it.

And when the season is over...I guess you can still drink and eat.

Not like very player that plays football has to be in shape anyways....:rolleyes:

I like football but its a spectator sport.

Its like nascar.

You watch, drink, and eat....then sleep.

So in conclusion drinking and eating is Americas pastime.


I think that is part of the attractiveness, the eventfulness of each game, fans gorging in food as they watch people kill each other. It may or may not be America's pastime, depending on how you define it. It's America's favorite sport, even though it is not the most conducive to it's fans playing it as a hobby. It's my third favorite sport and I wouldn't mind if a sport like Basketball was the pastime.

05-27-2012, 06:29 PM
Hopefully the NFL will suffer the same fate that the MLB has.Momma and Daddy won't let their kids play football, due to head injury concerns. MLB lost a whole generation of fans by not making their product accessible to children. They've never recovered.

Hopefully the NBA will be there to pick up the pieces and move up the food chain were it belongs.

Yeah ok :roll:

OKC Adonis
05-27-2012, 07:22 PM

05-27-2012, 07:24 PM
It's the NBA playoffs, yet I always see more football coverage on tv. Football is on another level. However, I'm still more of a basketball guy.

Eat Like A Bosh
05-27-2012, 10:26 PM
Nope, still Football.

Basketball is pastime only when Football Season is over, like now.

Eat Like A Bosh
05-27-2012, 11:00 PM
Yeah, I played a lot of pick up football as a youngin.

Also, just thinking back to high school, there was about 30 basketball players on the teams (Freshman/JV/Varsity teams combined). There were about 100 football players. So football allows for more people on their teams, which in turn means more are likely to convert to fans. Additionally, football allows for more unathletic players to play because different positions allow for fatasses to feel like they are athletes.
:oldlol: True.

Most of the football positions takes less skill than basketball, and I'm not talking about positions like Quarterback, Wide receiver. Making the football team in HS is way easier than making the basketball team. You can make it just because you are big. A great basketball player will likely also be a great footbal player, however, it's not necessarily the same the other way around.

05-28-2012, 11:19 AM
People dont know what a past-time is....

Kids used to play pick-up baseball games....

Now they play video games...



05-28-2012, 11:21 AM
In terms of league viewership, and overall fans and dedication: Football >>>>>>> Basketball >> Baseball >> Hockey

In terms of overall popularity as a sport and recreational activity: Basketball >>> Football >>> Baseball >>> Hockey.

Here in America, that is.

More people playing golf on any given Saturday across the country than any of the others.

05-29-2012, 06:44 AM
1) Football (Soccer) - all you need is a ball and some objects to use as goal markers and you're good to go. 3v3 is very playable

2) Basketball. - You need a ball and a basketball court. Courts aren't available everywhere though so you might have to travel a bit. 3v3 very playable also

Other sports: You need tons of costly equipment, a professional court......very difficult to get things started.

05-29-2012, 06:50 AM
1) Football (Soccer) - all you need is a ball and some objects to use as goal markers and you're good to go. 3v3 is very playable

2) Basketball. - You need a ball and a basketball court. Courts aren't available everywhere though so you might have to travel a bit. 3v3 very playable also

Other sports: You need tons of costly equipment, a professional court......very difficult to get things started.

This is pure retard. You don't need an actual court to play basketball, all you need is any kind of hoop, a ball, and a hard surface. Futbol isn't anywhere near or close to becoming America's past time which is the whole topic of the thread. :oldlol:

05-29-2012, 07:27 AM
I would have to agree, basketball is the most played sport around the united states.

Football is and probably always will be the most watched on TV.

Everyone likes different things. Personally, I don't really like football and could never watch it several times a week like I do basketball. Its boring and slow paced to me but that is just me.

I think America has basically been brought up to accept football as their sport. Much like hockey in Canada or football/soccer in Europe.

A lot of people I know love watching football. Several like watching both and only a few like watching basketball only.

I see pick-up football games all the time.

Johnni Gade
05-29-2012, 07:29 AM
NFL is huge man

05-29-2012, 08:23 AM
I always thought USA's favorite sport was Basketball.....

American "Foot"(?)Ball ?

Outside US those sports are as popular as waterpolo or something, especially American "Foot"(?)ball...

In Europe for example its basically:

1. Soccer
2. Basketball


3. Tennis
4. Golf
5. Handball
6. Volleyball
7. Hockey
8. Skiing
9. Rugby
10. Athletics
1244999. Baseball
94234555. American Football

05-29-2012, 08:27 AM
america's favorite sport is cricket

05-29-2012, 08:28 AM
Too bad 1/3 of the teams are threading water. the nba will always be 3rd in america.

05-29-2012, 08:59 AM
No. Baseball and football (International and American) are larger by default due to where the game is played (open field, more players, less scoring, etc).

More people are able to fit in stadiums and/or have family members or friends playing all the way from pee-wee to pro levels. Experience-wise, there's more connection to the game.

Basketball is much more exclusive.

05-29-2012, 01:12 PM
I always thought USA's favorite sport was Basketball.....

American "Foot"(?)Ball ?

Outside US those sports are as popular as waterpolo or something, especially American "Foot"(?)ball...

In Europe for example its basically:

1. Soccer
2. Basketball


3. Tennis
4. Golf
5. Handball
6. Volleyball
7. Hockey
8. Skiing
9. Rugby
10. Athletics
1244999. Baseball
94234555. American Football

You're wrong. Basketball has never been America's favorite sport, never. Baseball was America's favorite sport for decades and decades but has been surpassed in the last 25 years by Football. Basketball is still probably the 3rd biggest sport in the country. Nobody gives a damn what Europe likes, we all know they like soccer and nothing else, that's nothing new. It's nice that you think you're telling us something new, but we already know this shit and it has nothing to do with the thread.

05-29-2012, 05:27 PM

You're wrong. Basketball has never been America's favorite sport, never. Baseball was America's favorite sport for decades and decades but has been surpassed in the last 25 years by Football. Basketball is still probably the 3rd biggest sport in the country. Nobody gives a damn what Europe likes, we all know they like soccer and nothing else, that's nothing new. It's nice that you think you're telling us something new, but we already know this shit and it has nothing to do with the thread.

Yep this is correct. People in here give baseball no credit, but it is far more popular and makes far more money than basketball does. Football is in a league of its own, but basketball runs a distant third.

05-29-2012, 05:31 PM
NFL and MLB are still way more popular than the NBA.