View Full Version : at what point do you say, " i hope lebron can get a ring someday" instead of

The Iron Fist
06-06-2012, 01:08 AM
"He will get multiple rings!"

06-06-2012, 01:09 AM
His rookie season

06-06-2012, 01:11 AM
If he can't win a championship by the end of next season then I think it may be time to start saying that.

06-06-2012, 01:11 AM

Heat can very well win the next 2 games and beat OKC/Spurs in the finals

06-06-2012, 01:12 AM

Heat can very well win the next 2 games and beat OKC/Spurs in the finals

I think they have a better chance of winning the next two than beating OKC/Spurs.

06-06-2012, 01:17 AM
edit: this is as opposed to "i hope he continues to lose" btw

it'll take a while. he's 28 now, i'd say his early 30s at the earliest... if he cuts his ties with wade or one of them loses a significant step, i won't mind so much. but as it stands, nothing makes me happier than watching those two failing to reach the highest pedestal even as they stand on one another's shoulders :lol

06-06-2012, 01:22 AM
I seriously though this was going to be a "at one point do you start pitying lebron" thread.

We're about 6 years too early for that.

06-06-2012, 01:27 AM
I hope he needs to get humble and come to ground before he can win any rings

06-06-2012, 01:35 AM
Selfish....he needs a taste of it. He also needs a taste of multiple failures in 4th quarters him closing out taking the last 4-5 possessions with jumpshots....there's no better teacher than failure itself. His broken jumper needs to improve for sure....+ If you're not involved in the end result, you deem failure differently.

He can't close period. Look at what Durant has been doing, closing games out, tasting it, feeling it....whether failure or success. Great experience for him....definitely gonna help him throughout his career.

06-06-2012, 01:45 AM
Can we stop acting like the Finals have been decided?

Did you people not learn ANYTHING from the 2010 Finals? :facepalm

06-06-2012, 02:02 AM

"Guys, don't you, back in the far recesses of your mind, isn't their the slightest feeling, the slightest tinge of sadness, that one of the most gifted and talented players ever won't ever win a ring?

I mean, don't you just feel that little?"

06-06-2012, 02:04 AM


06-06-2012, 02:14 AM
Jumping the shark heat can win next two and with healthy bosh can still win title..... That said I hope they lose!!!!!

06-06-2012, 02:18 AM
The Heat could still very much come out on the winning end of the next two games and make it to the Finals, where its anyone's ball game. Hell, the Celtics have already lost two straight to the Heat in this series, and its not like they're completely awesome at closing teams out early.

Game 6 of this series = Game 7 for Boston. If they don't win this one, they're not going to win a Game 7 on the road.

06-06-2012, 02:27 AM
i hope he wins when wade is way past his prime

06-06-2012, 03:14 AM
He can go to LAL and kobe can carry him to a few championships:roll:

06-06-2012, 07:48 AM
I can already say this now. Poor Lebron, he wasnt lucky enough to win his first three ring by playing with a dominant center and witnessing the one man show...

06-06-2012, 07:52 AM
Never. He shall remain the Uncrowned King.

06-06-2012, 07:52 AM

"Guys, don't you, back in the far recesses of your mind, isn't their the slightest feeling, the slightest tinge of sadness, that one of the most gifted and talented players ever won't ever win a ring?

I mean, don't you just feel that little?"
Let me check, um, nope. Not even slightly.

06-06-2012, 07:54 AM
He can go to LAL and kobe can carry him to a few championships:roll:
Because kobe is sooooo good at carrying team to a championship. :rolleyes:

06-06-2012, 07:55 AM
he could have won 1 or 2 if he stayed with the cavs. right when he was about to win with the cavs his ass left and went to miami. Then his only chance to win one was last seasoni but he got lucky since bulls are non contenders this year and next year, his window opened up 2 more years. But still hes failing.

i feel in the future maybe in 4 -5 years when hes returned to cavs or goes to newyork he will win 1 and it will be sweet.

06-06-2012, 08:15 AM
People that use the 28 years old excuse are not facing reality.

He has already played 27k+ in minutes. Think about for a second. His body is not build for longevity anyway. He is only going to be the "man" for a few more years until he becomes a a sidekick/role player a la the other great ones: Duncan/Barkley/Garnett/Shaq/Drexler/Ewing/etc. (Btw those I mentioned topped out as the "man" somewhere around the 30-35k mark...)

06-06-2012, 08:19 AM
Dan Gilbert Curse

The Iron Fist
06-06-2012, 05:08 PM
Lol at six years. Try two.

08-12-2016, 09:50 PM

Ben Simmons
08-12-2016, 09:55 PM
Damn, extreme bump

08-12-2016, 10:18 PM

08-12-2016, 10:18 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll:

08-12-2016, 10:19 PM
Rest in Piss haters. :lol

08-12-2016, 10:30 PM
I think they have a better chance of winning the next two than beating OKC/Spurs.
eat shit f@gg0t

edit: this is as opposed to "i hope he continues to lose" btw

it'll take a while. he's 28 now, i'd say his early 30s at the earliest... if he cuts his ties with wade or one of them loses a significant step, i won't mind so much. but as it stands, nothing makes me happier than watching those two failing to reach the highest pedestal even as they stand on one another's shoulders :lol
you must be sad as fk when they won

He can't close period. Look at what Durant has been doing, closing games out, tasting it, feeling it....whether failure or success. Great experience for him....definitely gonna help him throughout his career.
yeah, Durant the closer :lol

he could have won 1 or 2 if he stayed with the cavs. right when he was about to win with the cavs his ass left and went to miami. Then his only chance to win one was last seasoni but he got lucky since bulls are non contenders this year and next year, his window opened up 2 more years. But still hes failing.
and ever since you posted this, your Bulls has been eliminated by Lebron every year.

i feel in the future maybe in 4 -5 years when hes returned to cavs or goes to newyork he will win 1 and it will be sweet.
well, at least you're partly right about this one.
and yes, it was sweet.

08-12-2016, 10:40 PM
Kobe stans are genuine shitheads bro. Lebron killed them all tho lol

08-12-2016, 10:44 PM






08-12-2016, 11:43 PM






Since when does Bron have a daughter? :biggums:

08-12-2016, 11:45 PM
Since when does Bron have a daughter? :biggums:
since nutting in stalker's mother

08-12-2016, 11:47 PM
since nutting in stalker's mother


Thank god she didn't get any of stalker's ugly ass genes then :banana:

08-12-2016, 11:58 PM

Thank god she didn't get any of stalker's ugly ass genes then :banana:
too bad the other kid turned out retarded :(

08-13-2016, 12:57 AM
:oldlol: :oldlol:

08-13-2016, 12:14 PM
So this thread was made the day before that infamous Lebron game 6 of the 2012 ECF against the Celtics.

Ben Simmons
08-13-2016, 12:19 PM
So this thread was made the day before that infamous Lebron game 6 of the 2012 ECF against the Celtics.

08-13-2016, 12:22 PM
every single post in this thread is quote worthy GOT DAMN :biggums: :roll:

08-13-2016, 12:44 PM
My You Rest in Piece Ridonks. You ugly looking, skinny Fakkit.