View Full Version : Thunder Fans Must Realize

Lakers Legend#32
06-09-2012, 12:55 AM
Thunder fans should accept the bitterness of the true Sonics fans right now.

OKC=Originally King County

06-09-2012, 01:10 AM
It would def. be way cooler if it was still the sonics. thunder is the most wnba type ish ever.

06-09-2012, 01:20 AM
We don't give two shits, dude. We really don't.

And don't misinterpret that as we don't feel for Sonics fans. I feel awful for them. But I root for the Thunder, not for Clay Bennett. I root for Kevin Durant, Russell Westbrook, and James Harden, not Aubrey McClendon.

For what it's worth, you look like an awfully bitter child for hating on this team's fans so much. They did nothing wrong.

MeLO MvP 15
06-09-2012, 01:37 AM
This is such an annoying argument. And I'm not saying that Seattle fans shouldn't be bitter... but OKC and their fans did nothing wrong. I mean, somebody was gonna get the team anyways. You can hate Bennett, Stern and all those business men for unfairly taking away a beloved, historic franchise to earn more money... but don't hate the OKC fans, they really don't owe you anything besides a meaningless, "sorry guys it sucks for you but we didn't do anything."

I guess it's like being mad at an ex's new boyfriend because they stole your girl (and in this case, she broke up with you). Sure, you could be mad about it... but you don't have a legit reason to hate the new boyfriend.

And this is coming from someone who thinks Seattle deserves a team and that OKC's fans get waaaayyyy over-rated... I mean, let's see how they root for this team when they're losing and not new.

06-09-2012, 01:39 AM
This is such an annoying argument. And I'm not saying that Seattle fans shouldn't be bitter... but OKC and their fans did nothing wrong. I mean, somebody was gonna get the team anyways. You can hate Bennett, Stern and all those business men for unfairly taking away a beloved, historic franchise to earn more money... but don't hate the OKC fans, they really don't owe you anything besides a meaningless, "sorry guys it sucks for you but we didn't do anything"

And this is coming from someone who thinks OKC's fans get waaaayyyy over-rated... I mean, let's see how they root for this team when they're losing and not new.

The thunder fans arent overrated at all. those freaks are standing and cheering like its the 4th qtr. With 5 seconds left on the shot clock when their team is down by double digits. example, game 6 of the WCF.

06-09-2012, 01:41 AM
I had legit goosebumps when perkins sealed the game with that dunk. ive never heard a louder arena.

06-09-2012, 01:50 AM
I had legit goosebumps when perkins sealed the game with that dunk. ive never heard a louder arena.

They're actually a throw-back to when Fans cared, and didn't sit on their hands or on their phones expecting to just be handed a victory night after night. Any player will tell you hyped crowd also gets them hyped to play.

Ancient Legend
06-09-2012, 01:51 AM
I had legit goosebumps when perkins sealed the game with that dunk. ive never heard a louder arena.

The Kings fans from the early 00's were as loud if not louder.

06-09-2012, 01:53 AM
The Kings fans from the early 00's were as loud if not louder.

True. also the 90's jazz fans were loud too. okc fans bring it back old school.

Cowboy Thunder
06-09-2012, 01:54 AM
Lakers Legend is a bit of a loner, the one sonic fan wolfpack. :lol :lol

poor guy :(

06-09-2012, 01:56 AM
This is such an annoying argument. And I'm not saying that Seattle fans shouldn't be bitter... but OKC and their fans did nothing wrong. I mean, somebody was gonna get the team anyways. You can hate Bennett, Stern and all those business men for unfairly taking away a beloved, historic franchise to earn more money... but don't hate the OKC fans, they really don't owe you anything besides a meaningless, "sorry guys it sucks for you but we didn't do anything."

I guess it's like being mad at an ex's new boyfriend because they stole your girl (and in this case, she broke up with you). Sure, you could be mad about it... but you don't have a legit reason to hate the new boyfriend.

And this is coming from someone who thinks Seattle deserves a team and that OKC's fans get waaaayyyy over-rated... I mean, let's see how they root for this team when they're losing and not new.

Stupidest argument people keep repeating, claiming we can't be happy for the success because the Thunder weren't bad for long enough first. Don't get mad at us, blame other GMs for not drafting as well, or KD/Russ/Ibaka/Harden/Green for improving so quickly

Of the 18,203 seats in Chesapeake Energy Arena, 14,000 (where they capped it) are season tickets. There is a waiting list for season tickets that is over 2,500 names long last I asked and most of those people wanting more than 1 ticket. We literally pay the 2nd highest markup between face value and resale value (just google right now and look at people charging $400 for $41 top of the arena tickets, the main reason to have season tickets btw).

Ignoring that Presti is a Godly GM and it seems unlikely we will go through a large amount of time of losing, even if so, people would recognize them for the positive impact they've made to the city.

For all the Thunder do in the community alone, they could go 3-29 again and there would still be a butt in every seat and they'd be local heroes.

People wake up at 2AM to go cheer them on arrival from the other side of the fence at the airport after road playoff games. :oldlol:

OS and OSU are still big here, but they have been largely replaced by the Thunder.

06-09-2012, 06:46 AM
**** Yo Thunder Clown.

06-09-2012, 10:04 AM
eliminated your Spurs

06-09-2012, 11:47 AM
It believe having a young exciting team with Kevin Durrant as the leader makes up any shady business deals Bennett did to move the franchise in the first place.

If you're rooting for the Thunder to fail based on the owner, than that's not enough of a reason. OKC has good fans and that move definately helped out that area, all be it at seattle's expense. It's a bit hypocritical for fans to call for desolving four to six nba franchises when they get butt hurt about one team relocating.

06-09-2012, 12:22 PM
Sonics fans need to get over themselves. Its indisputable that Oklahoma City is providing a much higher level of support for their team than Seattle ever did.

If this weren't the case, Bennett would never have had the opportunity to come in and steal the team. It doesn't matter what his motives were, or whether he lied. Had local Seattle businessmen and elected officials come correct, he never would have had the chance. I applaud his business savvy for sensing weakness, and making his move.

Watch the Sonicsgate documentary. Its both revealing and pathetic at the same time.

06-09-2012, 12:26 PM
Sonics fans need to get over themselves. Its indisputable that Oklahoma City is providing a much higher level of support for their team than Seattle ever did.

If this weren't the case, Bennett would never have had the opportunity to come in and steal the team. It doesn't matter what his motives were, or whether he lied. Had local Seattle businessmen and elected officials come correct, he never would have had the chance. I applaud his business savvy for sensing weakness, and making his move.

Watch the Sonicsgate documentary. Its both revealing and pathetic at the same time.
we will see how much support the there will be when the thunders start winning 20games a season

06-09-2012, 12:28 PM
we will see how much support the there will be when the thunders start winning 20games a season

And when will that be? You do realize they have a solid young core capable of dominating for the next decade, don't you?

06-09-2012, 12:36 PM

And when will that be? You do realize they have a solid young core capable of dominating for the next decade, don't you?
i'm just saying that there would have been full arenas in seattle as well if they had durant,westbrook and harden

06-09-2012, 01:44 PM
i'm just saying that there would have been full arenas in seattle as well if they had durant,westbrook and harden
I agree with you. It should have happened that way, but Seattle messed up. They had it, and lost it.

06-09-2012, 01:58 PM
OKC = the ultimate bandwagon team

06-09-2012, 02:05 PM
OKC = the ultimate bandwagon team

By that logic, then, every fan of an expansion team is a bandwagon fan. You've really been trying to hammer this ridiculous point home and it's failing. Of course you're a Heat/LeBron fan, so I do get some amusement from you calling other fans bandwagon fans.

06-09-2012, 02:13 PM
OKC = the ultimate bandwagon team
You're a Heat fan though...


06-09-2012, 02:22 PM
LOL at creating a team just like they did for Oklahoma like that. Imagine if that happened in European soccer. There would be feckin' riots.

Worst thing about all of this is that people from Oklahoma act as if they've been supporting this team since 1950's when in real life they have no history at all. Its all fake, same thing with the whole Brooklyn Nets thing. Just manufactured BS.

06-09-2012, 02:24 PM
By that logic, then, every fan of an expansion team is a bandwagon fan. You've really been trying to hammer this ridiculous point home and it's failing. Of course you're a Heat/LeBron fan, so I do get some amusement from you calling other fans bandwagon fans.
They are Lebron fans. They admit it and its not a secret that they'll switch teams if Lebron changes. I would, if Lebron decided to switch teams tomorrow I'd want his new team to win it all.

06-09-2012, 02:26 PM
^no shame smh

06-09-2012, 02:30 PM
^no shame smh
No shame? What do you want me to do? Lie and act as if I'm a loyal Miami fan when I'm not? I have no ties to Miami what so ever. I'm a fan of Lebron. I want Miami to win because of Lebron and not because of Miami.

06-09-2012, 02:33 PM
I agree with you. It should have happened that way, but Seattle messed up. They had it, and lost it.
What did they mess up? Are you serious? Its their team just like it was their fathers and grandfathers team. You think they'd move, I don't know, Manchester United to another city if less fans started showing up?

06-09-2012, 02:36 PM
LOL at creating a team just like they did for Oklahoma like that. Imagine if that happened in European soccer. There would be feckin' riots.

Worst thing about all of this is that people from Oklahoma act as if they've been supporting this team since 1950's when in real life they have no history at all. Its all fake, same thing with the whole Brooklyn Nets thing. Just manufactured BS.

You cant really blame okc fans, they had nothing to do with it, their only job is to cheer the crap out of whatever team they got, and their doing a damn good job of that.

06-09-2012, 02:47 PM
You cant really blame okc fans, they had nothing to do with it, their only job is to cheer the crap out of whatever team they got, and their doing a damn good job of that.
So.. They just think "oh, we got a new team. Lets support it". No, lets not. You don't pick the team, the team picks you.

Worst thing about all of this is when OKC fans say that Seattle fans need to get over it and move on. :facepalm Just shows what kind of fans they really are when they expect loyal supporters of years and years to just "move on".

06-09-2012, 02:49 PM
Worst thing about all of this is that people from Oklahoma act as if they've been supporting this team since 1950's when in real life they have no history at all. Its all fake, same thing with the whole Brooklyn Nets thing. Just manufactured BS.
How do they "act" like they've been supporting this team? Because thousands of fans show up to their games no matter the situation they would've been in right now?

Why do you blame the fans? They have an NBA team that moves locally, and they cheer for them because that's what you're supposed to do? Are they supposed to feel bad for Seattle fans? Get a grip. It's not like they made the move to Oklahoma City when they were on the rise either. They weren't even a playoff team. They were still WC bottomfeeders. Had like 20 wins their first year. Besides, if they kept that team in Seattle, they would be NOWHERE as successful as they are today.

Blame the owners or whatever. Bennett, if anything.

06-09-2012, 02:57 PM
Don't take this the wrong way OKC fans. Should ABC turn down the crowd audio some type of way? Lol I can barely hear the commentators talking. I'd love to be there in person, but it gets a little annoying listening to it on tv. Reminds me of the FIFA world cup games, it was constant cheering all game coming through my tv speakers!

06-09-2012, 02:58 PM
LOL at creating a team just like they did for Oklahoma like that. Imagine if that happened in European soccer. There would be feckin' riots.

Worst thing about all of this is that people from Oklahoma act as if they've been supporting this team since 1950's when in real life they have no history at all. Its all fake, same thing with the whole Brooklyn Nets thing. Just manufactured BS. it happend a few times already in european soccer

06-09-2012, 03:07 PM
The thunder fans arent overrated at all. those freaks are standing and cheering like its the 4th qtr. With 5 seconds left on the shot clock when their team is down by double digits. example, game 6 of the WCF.

That is a terrible example. Just the very nature of being in the WCF makes it easy to be a fan of the team. Lets see how good the fans are when the team is in a 20 win season. However, the team getting this good, this fast will likely increase how die hard the fans are, so I expect them to still have good fans when they finally do struggle many years from now.

06-09-2012, 03:09 PM
Don't take this the wrong way OKC fans. Should ABC turn down the crowd audio some type of way? Lol I can barely hear the commentators talking. I'd love to be there in person, but it gets a little annoying listening to it on tv. Reminds me of the FIFA world cup games, it was constant cheering all game coming through my tv speakers!

100% disagree. The crowd excitement with commentators trying to speak up to be heard just makes the games more intense to watch.

06-09-2012, 03:13 PM
How do they "act" like they've been supporting this team? Because thousands of fans show up to their games no matter the situation they would've been in right now?

Why do you blame the fans? They have an NBA team that moves locally, and they cheer for them because that's what you're supposed to do? Are they supposed to feel bad for Seattle fans? Get a grip. It's not like they made the move to Oklahoma City when they were on the rise either. They weren't even a playoff team. They were still WC bottomfeeders. Had like 20 wins their first year. Besides, if they kept that team in Seattle, they would be NOWHERE as successful as they are today.
First of all, how successful they are has nothing to do with where they should be located. Unless all teams that underperform should expect being sent the hell away.

Second, its just manufactured, the "loyalty". You're not suppose to start loving a team just because some guys in suits sent you a team. Being a fan of the Thunder doesn't mean the same as being a fan of, like Boston Celtics with all its rich history and tradition.

Its all about money. It annoys the hell out of me that some guys from OKC bought a team from another city and people started acting as if they have loved that team for years. They've got no history, no tradition, its all plastic.

06-09-2012, 03:20 PM
Why don't Sonics fans just turn into Thunder fans? :confusedshrug: They're not going to get the Sonics back anyway. Its the same damn team too. The Sonics had Kevin Durant at one point. The team basically just switched cities and logos. If the Sonics never moved, they would be in the NBA Finals right now. The idiot who said they would be nowhere near as successful as they are today if they stayed in Seattle is simply an idiot.

06-09-2012, 03:27 PM
Why don't Sonics fans just turn into Thunder fans? :confusedshrug: They're not going to get the Sonics back anyway. Its the same damn team too. The Sonics had Kevin Durant at one point. The team basically just switched cities and logos. If the Sonics never moved, they would be in the NBA Finals right now. The idiot who said they would be nowhere near as successful as they are today if they stayed in Seattle is simply an idiot.
You're a lakers fan right? Imagine if the Buss' sold the team to someone who promised to keep the team in LA. After they buy the team, they do some really shady shit and purposely rip the team out of LA and move it to Las Vegas.

Are you gonna just get over it and be a Las Vegas Lakers fan?

06-09-2012, 03:29 PM
Second, its just manufactured, the "loyalty". You're not suppose to start loving a team just because some guys in suits sent you a team. Being a fan of the Thunder doesn't mean the same as being a fan of, like Boston Celtics with all its rich history and tradition.
No, now you're just nitpicking because of how successful they've been. I bet if they had the 2nd worst record in the league this season with the same amount of fans coming to the games, these assumptions of "loyalty" wouldn't have came up. Are the people of Vancouver still bitter that Memphis "stole" their team away? Is Charlotte mad that they could've had Anthony Davis had they stayed as the Hornets? It's a business. Shit like this happens.

Its all about money. It annoys the hell out of me that some guys from OKC bought a team from another city and people started acting as if they have loved that team for years. They've got no history, no tradition, its all plastic
That doesn't matter. From your perspective, maybe. But when a team gets transferred, let alone an NBA team to your city, you can't help but to support them. I bet they could care less about some of the Seattle fans claiming that it was supposed to be their team. The only reason guys like you are complaining now is because they're in the Finals, and that it "should've" been the Sonics.

06-09-2012, 03:31 PM
No, now you're just nitpicking because of how successful they've been. I bet if they had the 2nd worst record in the league this season with the same amount of fans coming to the games, these assumptions of "loyalty" wouldn't have came up. Are the people of Vancouver still bitter that Memphis "stole" their team away? Is Charlotte mad that they could've had Anthony Davis had they stayed in NO? It's a business. Shit like this happens.
Wait..... what? :confusedshrug:

06-09-2012, 03:35 PM
You're a lakers fan right? Imagine if the Buss' sold the team to someone who promised to keep the team in LA. After they buy the team, they do some really shady shit and purposely rip the team out of LA and move it to Las Vegas.

Are you gonna just get over it and be a Las Vegas Lakers fan?
I'd be pissed of course, but I would still rep my team to the fullest. It's the same team is it not? Just different logos and cities.

06-09-2012, 03:35 PM
Wait..... what? :confusedshrug:
Charlotte Hornets? It's been years since the move, but still. Same shit.

06-09-2012, 03:36 PM
Sonics fans need to get over themselves. Its indisputable that Oklahoma City is providing a much higher level of support for their team than Seattle ever did.

If this weren't the case, Bennett would never have had the opportunity to come in and steal the team. It doesn't matter what his motives were, or whether he lied. Had local Seattle businessmen and elected officials come correct, he never would have had the chance. I applaud his business savvy for sensing weakness, and making his move.

Watch the Sonicsgate documentary. Its both revealing and pathetic at the same time.

You need to realize that OKC had a new team with great talent potential. Then they started winning. Of course, if your team is winning, then you'd get more fans. Add to the fact that it's the ONLY professional team in OKC.

06-09-2012, 03:40 PM
That doesn't matter. From your perspective, maybe. But when a team gets transferred, let alone an NBA team to your city, you can't help but to support them. I bet they could care less about some of the Seattle fans claiming that it was supposed to be their team. The only reason guys like you are complaining now is because they're in the Finals, and that it "should've" been the Sonics.

If you're actually from Oklahoma or near by, of course you should support the Thunder. It's YOUR home team.

The annoying thing though is the bandwagon fans who have no affiliation whatsoever with Oklahoma just jumping on the bandwagon of a new team with no history.

The idea of some little douche bags from Nevada or Virginia arbitrarily dickriding this team because they're contenders is just so fake.

06-09-2012, 03:40 PM
I'd be pissed of course, but I would still rep my team to the fullest. It's the same team is it not? Just different logos and cities.
I would want the new owners who stole my team to fail.

06-09-2012, 03:43 PM
They weren't even a playoff team. They were still WC bottomfeeders. Had like 20 wins their first year. Besides, if they kept that team in Seattle, they would be NOWHERE as successful as they are today.

Blame the owners or whatever. Bennett, if anything.

I agree with not blaming OKC fans, but to owners. The paragraph above though is incorrect. How would you know that it wouldn't be nowhere near successful if Seattle kept the team? You can't claim that statement to be true if it hasn't happened.
Also, When you rebuild, you got to have years of losing you know. It happens. Every team goes through it.

06-09-2012, 03:49 PM
I agree with not blaming OKC fans, but to owners. The paragraph above though is incorrect. How would you know that it wouldn't be nowhere near successful if Seattle kept the team? You can't claim that statement to be true if it hasn't happened.
Also, When you rebuild, you got to have years of losing you know. It happens. Every team goes through it.
My bad. Just did some research. I take back what i said.

I just started following the Thunder last year and didn't know Presti was the GM since their last year in Seattle. I always thought they hired him when they made the move to OKC in 2008 when he picked the perfect pieces of Harden, Westbrook, Ibaka, etc.

06-09-2012, 03:54 PM
Why don't Sonics fans just turn into Thunder fans? :confusedshrug: They're not going to get the Sonics back anyway. Its the same damn team too. The Sonics had Kevin Durant at one point. The team basically just switched cities and logos. If the Sonics never moved, they would be in the NBA Finals right now. The idiot who said they would be nowhere near as successful as they are today if they stayed in Seattle is simply an idiot.

Rooting for the team means you're supporting the owner, whether you like to think of it directly or indirectly does not matter. Clay Bennett is a despicable person, and the situation he had with Seattle is broken beyond repair. He lied, he tried to swindle Seattle, and he never cared about keeping the team here. Why would any TRUE Sonics fan localized in Seattle want to root for the Thunder? If the fans were from outside of Washington, I'm fine with them rooting for OKC because they have no ties to the city of Seattle.
I do not represent all Seattle fans, but it felt like my heart got crushed (which would happen to anyone when the team is leaving), pulled out, stomped and stabbed repeatedly.

06-09-2012, 03:58 PM
My bad. Just did some research. I take back what i said.

I just started following the Thunder last year and didn't know Presti was the GM since their last year in Seattle. I always thought they hired him when they made the move to OKC in 2008 when he picked the perfect pieces of Harden, Westbrook, Ibaka, etc.

Assuming Clay Bennett did not represent the jerk he was today and actually went out of his way to not cheat Seattle (that $500,000 arena deal was bullshit), then I would have no problems with him and the team. Outside the bias, him hiring Sam Presti was a genius move.
If Howard Schultz stayed or sold it someone else, I would agree with you. This Thunder team or whatever team it might be called at the time, might not have been as successful as they are now. The owner might not have hired Presti at all.

Hating OKC fans is silly unless they rub it in.

06-09-2012, 04:02 PM
Why don't Sonics fans just turn into Thunder fans? :confusedshrug: They're not going to get the Sonics back anyway. Its the same damn team too. The Sonics had Kevin Durant at one point. The team basically just switched cities and logos. If the Sonics never moved, they would be in the NBA Finals right now. The idiot who said they would be nowhere near as successful as they are today if they stayed in Seattle is simply an idiot.

That is like being madly in love with your ex-girlfriend who left you to f*ck another dude. You may see her updates on Facebook, but you don't actually see her in person anymore either.

06-09-2012, 05:16 PM
The problem here is that new cities just get their teams out of the blue in the best league in the world. In for example soccer, if you create a new team you have to work your way all the way up through all the divisions to EARN your spot in the highest league. The journey itself bring fans and they get to start from nothing to being something. OKC fans just got handed a team in the best league in the world with players from another team. I would have respected OKC fans so much more if they got to earn their way into the NBA. But right now, its way too easy to act as if you're a big fan. There is no history, just all business and money.

And this is not just about OKC but all these kinds of cities that get handed a team.

06-09-2012, 05:19 PM
My bad. Just did some research. I take back what i said.

I just started following the Thunder last year and didn't know Presti was the GM since their last year in Seattle. I always thought they hired him when they made the move to OKC in 2008 when he picked the perfect pieces of Harden, Westbrook, Ibaka, etc.

Clay Bennett hired Sam Presti. That's all that really matters. As far as this Nash guy goes, he is completely clueless. Is a fan of the Heat because of one player (the worst kind of fan if you ask me) and then pretends to understand why an entire city roots for a team and calls it fake, lol. Dude is clueless.

06-09-2012, 05:24 PM
LOL at creating a team just like they did for Oklahoma like that. Imagine if that happened in European soccer. There would be feckin' riots.

Worst thing about all of this is that people from Oklahoma act as if they've been supporting this team since 1950's when in real life they have no history at all. Its all fake, same thing with the whole Brooklyn Nets thing. Just manufactured BS.
What does this even mean? We have been supporting the NBA since given the opportunity. The vast majority of people I see in the arena haven't even been alive since the 1950s.

The "no history" argument is just retarded, since duh, they're new. :oldlol:

Funniest thing about being an OKC Thunder fan is the manufactured hate and antagonizing from other fan bases and writers for the most illogical of reasons.

And yes, Sonics fans should get over it. Hating us or posting corny 1 liners and trolling every mention of the Thunder you can find on the internet is not going to get you the Sonics back.

06-09-2012, 05:25 PM
The problem here is that new cities just get their teams out of the blue in the best league in the world. In for example soccer, if you create a new team you have to work your way all the way up through all the divisions to EARN your spot in the highest league. The journey itself bring fans and they get to start from nothing to being something. OKC fans just got handed a team in the best league in the world with players from another team. I would have respected OKC fans so much more if they got to earn their way into the NBA. But right now, its way too easy to act as if you're a big fan. There is no history, just all business and money.

And this is not just about OKC but all these kinds of cities that get handed a team.
Actually jackass, they "earned" as stupid of a concept as that is by the way, their way into the NBA by fostering the New Orleans Hornets after Katrina happened.

And anyways, **** you and your respect. I promise you nobody here gives a shit.

06-09-2012, 05:26 PM
The problem here is that new cities just get their teams out of the blue in the best league in the world. In for example soccer, if you create a new team you have to work your way all the way up through all the divisions to EARN your spot in the highest league. The journey itself bring fans and they get to start from nothing to being something. OKC fans just got handed a team in the best league in the world with players from another team. I would have respected OKC fans so much more if they got to earn their way into the NBA. But right now, its way too easy to act as if your a big fan. There is no history, just all business and money.

And this is not just about OKC but all these kinds of cities that get handed a team.

We earned our way into the NBA after Katrina when we took the Hornets and proved we could support a team. Your complete lack of understanding of why OKC would root for this team is laughable. You don't need to be "established" to legitimately start rooting for a team. To people in OKC, having an NBA team makes the city legitimate and brings us national and worldwide attention we literally have not received since the Oklahoma City bombing. The Thunder are a source of pride for us and the fact we watched them grow from bottom dwellers to Western Conference Champions over the span of four years only makes it more sweet. You will probably never understand the reasons why Oklahoma City has gotten so strongly behind this team, but then again you said yourself, you root for players, so how could you?

06-09-2012, 05:41 PM
Actually jackass, they "earned" as stupid of a concept as that is by the way, their way into the NBA by fostering the New Orleans Hornets after Katrina happened.

And anyways, **** you and your respect. I promise you nobody here gives a shit.
You guys helping New Orleans in no way made you earn to take(steal) Seattle's team.

We earned our way into the NBA after Katrina when we took the Hornets and proved we could support a team. Your complete lack of understanding of why OKC would root for this team is laughable. You don't need to be "established" to legitimately start rooting for a team. To people in OKC, having an NBA team makes the city legitimate and brings us national and worldwide attention we literally have not received since the Oklahoma City bombing. The Thunder are a source of pride for us and the fact we watched them grow from bottom dwellers to Western Conference Champions over the span of four years only makes it more sweet. You will probably never understand the reasons why Oklahoma City has gotten so strongly behind this team, but then again you said yourself, you root for players, so how could you?
First of all, I root for players because I'm not even from America so I have no team to naturally support. Thats why I support players.

I'm just from another place in the world where stealing other teams is not acceptable at all. But thats what messed up with American sports. The fact that the NBA is closed is crazy since other teams have no chance to make it into the NBA unless they steal another team and buy themselves in.

06-09-2012, 05:44 PM
You're a lakers fan right? Imagine if the Buss' sold the team to someone who promised to keep the team in LA. After they buy the team, they do some really shady shit and purposely rip the team out of LA and move it to Las Vegas.

Are you gonna just get over it and be a Las Vegas Lakers fan?

Now imagine if the Las Vegas Fans screamed like crazy from the beginning of the game till the end, regardless of the score. Imagine every game being sold out , to the extent that people were cheering for the team outside the arena DURING the game. Imagine there being a waiting list for FAMILIES, not individuals, but families waiting to get season tickets. You honestly think the new owners are gonna give a f@ck about a few fans' feelings, who only watch the game on TV anyway?

06-09-2012, 06:04 PM
You guys helping New Orleans in no way made you earn to take(steal) Seattle's team.

First of all, I root for players because I'm not even from America so I have no team to naturally support. Thats why I support players.

I'm just from another place in the world where stealing other teams is not acceptable at all. But thats what messed up with American sports. The fact that the NBA is closed is crazy since other teams have no chance to make it into the NBA unless they steal another team and buy themselves in.

That's how it is here. It's just different. We don't care about international play as much because we are more isolated as opposed to Europe or other parts of the world so college and pro sports are what we care about. Most of the time in sports, it's more about state and local pride than national here, except maybe when the Olympics rolls around. People who don't like pro sports for the reasons you are talking about tend to gravitate to college.

Oklahoma is special in that we have always been crazy about sports and that's one of the reasons support for the Thunder has come so easily. Many people here for years lived, died and breathed Oklahoma football and college sports in general. It was really the only thing that made people in the bigger, coastal cities take notice and even remember we're here. For years, when people from Oklahoma City told outsiders where they were from, the first thing that popped up was the bombing. Before that, the depression and the dust bowl. The Thunder are changing that. You really have to have a connection to this area to understand the pride the Thunder bring to the citizens here and then you would understand exactly why we support them the way we do. I think a lot of teams who have had franchises for years tend to take it for granted. We don't and I hope we never will. Besides all that stuff I think this video sums it up pretty well. The team we have assembled and built basically from scratch has just been special to watch grow. It's hard to not build an emotional attachment after seeing the development of the Thunder over the past few years.


06-09-2012, 06:11 PM
This thread is a schoolbus made of stupidity, and Nash is driving it at full throttle.

06-09-2012, 06:40 PM
Sonics fans must realize no one gives a shit anymore.

06-09-2012, 06:52 PM
I don't really care hat their name says, Sonics are in the finals.

06-09-2012, 06:54 PM
really? was seattle gonna complain b*tch and moan if the thunder went 17-65 every year? get over it, and look to the future yo.

06-09-2012, 06:55 PM
And yes, Sonics fans should get over it. Hating us or posting corny 1 liners and trolling every mention of the Thunder you can find on the internet is not going to get you the Sonics back.

It's not as easy as you think. Thunder winning and closing in a championship that quickly makes the situation much worse.

06-09-2012, 06:57 PM
really? was seattle gonna complain b*tch and moan if the thunder went 17-65 every year? get over it, and look to the future yo.

No. Seattle fans would rejoice.

06-09-2012, 07:03 PM
Seattle fans need to move on. All the whining in the world won't bring them back and nobody outside of Seattle cares. Just a big city wide pity party. It's getting kind of creepy to be honest.

06-09-2012, 07:06 PM
I don't post her much, but I thought I'd share my thoughts. There is nothing wrong with Thunder fans. It's good they have team to root for. I'm not from Seattle, but I became a Sonics fan before I even started watching basketball, because of NBA Jam. I do wish I was watching the Sonics, but you know what? What happened happened. I do not root for the Thunder. A big part of the reason I became a fan was their jerseys and that they were called the Seattle Supersonics.

Watching them play is heartbreaking, because seeing Durant explode and Collison make big time plays in a for a team called the Thunder with poorly designed uniforms in my opinion sucks. Nothing against anyone who likes their look and name because we all have different tastes. I As I am from LA, it's also great to see guys like Westbrook (who I enjoyed watching at UCLA) and Harden doing so great.

As much as I miss the Sonics I am happy for the success of the players. Just wish it was in the green and gold. I know that Seattle would love this team and be just as loud in Key Arena. I was there two years ago where I saw the Storm in the finals and if a sold out WNBA crowd full of kids and families can be so loud for that team, I can't imagine what it would be like with the Sonics.

I saw the Sonics play once, it was two games into the 06-07 season when they came to play the Lakers. That was easily the best experience I've had at a sporting event even though they lost a nail biter. Lakers got to a 20 points lead in second quarter, then Ray Allen shoots his team back into it. Staples Center was intense in the 4th quarter and I was there 4 rows from behind the Sonic bench cheering them on with other Sonic fans who flew from Seattle. They flew there because they were not sure if the situation with the Sonics would turn out well, so they wanted to support them as much as they in case they did get moved. They offered to get me tickets if I ever came to Seattle, unfortunately being in college without money to travel at the time didn't allow me to see them play in Key Arena.

So yes I am bitter about that mess, but I still appreciate the game. I tend to cheer for other teams with Sonics ties, primarily the Celtics (Ray Allen, Jeff Green, Chris Wilcox) and Nuggets (George Karl). But of course I don't call myself a true fan of those teams.

Lakers Legend#32
06-09-2012, 11:44 PM
It's hard to get over it when OKC constantly throws this back in Seattle's face.
Case in point, the Thunder claiming the Sonics history as their own. No OKC this is not the franchise's fourth trip to the Finals. Those teams had as much to do with OKC as Warren Buffet has to do with KFC.
Also, everytime OKC sells merchandise reading that the Thunder was established in '67, is spitting in Seattle's face. Then again, Oklahomans do have a lot of experience spitting chewing tobacco.

06-10-2012, 12:10 AM
It's hard to get over it when OKC constantly throws this back in Seattle's face.
Case in point, the Thunder claiming the Sonics history as their own. No OKC this is not the franchise's fourth trip to the Finals. Those teams had as much to do with OKC as Warren Buffet has to do with KFC.
Also, everytime OKC sells merchandise reading that the Thunder was established in '67, is spitting in Seattle's face. Then again, Oklahomans do have a lot of experience spitting chewing tobacco.

No offense to your post LL32, but don't the LA Lakers do the same thing, claiming Minneapolis Championships as their own? I mean, how do you think that makes those fans feel?

Lakers Legend#32
06-11-2012, 01:04 AM
We won't know how great OKC fans are until the inevitable plummet when the Thunder tumbles into Washington Wizzardsville. My hunch is the team will become a lot blacker to those predominantly lilly white, conservative, rednecks in OKC.

06-11-2012, 01:48 AM
It's hard to get over it when OKC constantly throws this back in Seattle's face.
Case in point, the Thunder claiming the Sonics history as their own. No OKC this is not the franchise's fourth trip to the Finals. Those teams had as much to do with OKC as Warren Buffet has to do with KFC.
Also, everytime OKC sells merchandise reading that the Thunder was established in '67, is spitting in Seattle's face. Then again, Oklahomans do have a lot of experience spitting chewing tobacco.
I'd rather the Thunder have their own history tbh. We will be able to surpass the success Sonics history of 40 years in under 10.

06-11-2012, 10:07 AM
Some people here don't know that the Sonics had the worst record in franchise history (20-62) was because Bennett intentionally tanked the last 2 seasons they were in Seattle. For 2007, they got Durant and Green and in 2008, they got Westbrook (all this thanks to tanking)...

He traded Ray Allen away, didn't renew Sikma and Detlef Shrempf's contracts as assistant coaches, and forced Lenny Wilkens to resign as team president.

He was a man possessed (Bennett was) to do what was in his power to alienate the Seattle fan base by ridding the team of its Seattle connection.

His $500 mil arena proposal in Renton is a joke. He went in knowing the city nor state would approve it but he did it anyways to show the fans of Seattle his "alibi" of good faith.

No one wanted to put money in Bennett's pocket as they all knew he was a man possessed to take the team out of Seattle and to OKC.

It's tough to cheer for them but at the same time, I don't blame the fans of OKC.

06-11-2012, 10:15 AM
is the thunder mgmt still offering front-row tickets to payton and kemp? :oldlol:

06-11-2012, 12:15 PM
The idea that you stole something you paid 300 million for and pretty much couldnt take without local government and people allowing it is just idiotic.

Clay and like 5 others from Oklahoma bought the team and moved it after they failed to get an arena...when Stern told the city they needed to approve the deal to keep the team. They didnt....**** it.

The money it seems was more important.

Whatever you think of his intentions(which are in no way immoral...he bought the team...he can do what he wants) fact is the city could have prevented them from leaving. They didnt.

End of story.

06-11-2012, 12:18 PM
Kblaze you're analysis is the equivalent of using a box of crayolas to reproduce a van gogh painting....

Its WAY more complicated than that.

06-11-2012, 01:09 PM
It really isnt. Its emotional people trying to make a businessman out to be a devil for something it was clear he was gonna do all along. A guy from oklahoma and 5 friends from oklahoma buy a team...Oklahoma is ready to take the team. Has the arena and fanbase.

Team sold fair and square. He does what he has to do to give the city a chance to keep the team....Stern warning them that they need to complete the deal.

City doesnt take the deal.

Team moves.

Its not that complicated.

Ive read all the reports and claims and seen the old fans bitching...

Its just...such a non issue.

Want the team....do what was required. If the money was more important...so be it.

Nothing you pay a third of a billion dollars for is stolen when you take it home.

That hes made out to be scum for lying about trying to stay in Seattle is just amazing.

As if lying isnt universal....as if it isnt lairs calling him out.

Guy bought the team. Its his right to do what he pleases so long as its in the team and the leagues best interests. No evidence moving to OKC wasnt exactly that. Making millions happy while making other milliosn sad doesnt make you a bad person.

If I get NBA owner money best believe I wanna bring the team to my hometown if I can. And im not evil to do it.

Shouldnt have sold it to me knowing my plans...

Not like a gun was at anyones head.....

06-11-2012, 01:25 PM
The idea that you stole something you paid 300 million for and pretty much couldnt take without local government and people allowing it is just idiotic.

Clay and like 5 others from Oklahoma bought the team and moved it after they failed to get an arena...when Stern told the city they needed to approve the deal to keep the team. They didnt....**** it.

The money it seems was more important.

Whatever you think of his intentions(which are in no way immoral...he bought the team...he can do what he wants) fact is the city could have prevented them from leaving. They didnt.

End of story.
Hey dipshit, when you make a deal you're supposed to fulfill it.

When the team was sold to Bennett, it was part of the deal that he try to keep the team in Seattle. Once the team was sold, his group immediately INTENTIONALLY destroyed the chances to stay in Seattle.

06-11-2012, 01:35 PM
Hey dipshit, when you make a deal you're supposed to fulfill it.

When the team was sold to Bennett, it was part of the deal that he try to keep the team in Seattle. Once the team was sold, his group immediately INTENTIONALLY destroyed the chances to stay in Seattle.

Why the **** didn't you just give him the money for the MOTHER****ING arena? Is that so hard?

06-11-2012, 01:44 PM
I can understand the bitterness of certain Sonics fans. This success could have been theirs had they kept the team in Seattle.

If I'm an OKC fan and somehow the Thunder lose to Miami in a close 7 game series this year. Then over the summer, somehow the team moves/gets sold to Kansas City and goes on to win a championship next year. I'm going to be bitter, very much so.

Midnight Toker
06-11-2012, 02:49 PM
I can understand the bitterness of certain Sonics fans. This success could have been theirs had they kept the team in Seattle.

If I'm an OKC fan and somehow the Thunder lose to Miami in a close 7 game series this year. Then over the summer, somehow the team moves/gets sold to Kansas City and goes on to win a championship next year. I'm going to be bitter, very much so.

I'm sure seattle fans would be mad if that happened to seattle too. Instead it didnt. Now if it happened to, lets say, charlotte. would charlotte fans get mad? yes, but they didnt really support that terrible team did they? and lets say in a couple years the nucleus of the charlotte talent brings them to the playoffs. will the people of charlotte continue huffing and puffing away?

I bet there are still some pissed off minnesotans who want all those laker championships to be displayed in minneapolis.

Lakers Legend#32
06-11-2012, 07:36 PM
Why We Should All Root For Miami To Beat OKC:

A championship for the Thunder would be a victory for holding up cities for public money. It would be a victory for ripping the hearts out of loyal sports towns. It would be a victory for greed, collusion and corporate crime that remains unresolved. The OKC Thunder and the NBA represent brutal capitalism at its worst for what it did to Seattle. Clay Bennett and his fellow owners represent American big business at it's meanest and ugliest.

Lakers Legend#32
06-11-2012, 07:41 PM
Why the **** didn't you just give him the money for the MOTHER****ING arena? Is that so hard?

Because even if you gave Bubba Bennett the $500 million for a new arena, he would have come back and said this is not enough for, in his view, a "world-class arena."
Don't you get it? There is nothing Seattle could have done to keep Bennett from moving the team. The emails between him and his fellow owners prove this.

06-11-2012, 08:20 PM
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:


06-11-2012, 08:29 PM
No offense to your post LL32, but don't the LA Lakers do the same thing, claiming Minneapolis Championships as their own? I mean, how do you think that makes those fans feel?
There goes the OP :lol

Lakers Legend#32
06-11-2012, 08:51 PM
And I can't stand listening to TNT's Marv Albert gush about how great and loud OKC fans are. No kidding. Must be tough having to drag yourself to the arena to watch the best asseblage of young players since the Lakers "Showtime" team. What a sacrifice.
OKC fans have not paid their dues. Even if they win it, it will not mean as much to them as the Sonics title meant to Seattle. Unless you have been to the deepest valley, you can never truly appreciate the tallets mountain. OKC fans will never understand this.

06-11-2012, 09:02 PM
Because even if you gave Bubba Bennett the $500 million for a new arena, he would have come back and said this is not enough for, in his view, a "world-class arena."
Don't you get it? There is nothing Seattle could have done to keep Bennett from moving the team. The emails between him and his fellow owners prove this.
Okay and why do you blame Thunder fans? When its clearly all in the hands of Clay Bennett. The fans had nothing to do with the move. You're just bitter as fvck. :oldlol:

06-11-2012, 09:02 PM
And I can't stand listening to TNT's Marv Albert gush about how great and loud OKC fans are. No kidding. Must be tough having to drag yourself to the arena to watch the best asseblage of young players since the Lakers "Showtime" team. What a sacrifice.
OKC fans have not paid their dues. Even if they win it, it will not mean as much to them as the Sonics title meant to Seattle. Unless you have been to the deepest valley, you can never truly appreciate the tallets mountain. OKC fans will never understand this.
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

06-11-2012, 09:05 PM
No offense to your post LL32, but don't the LA Lakers do the same thing, claiming Minneapolis Championships as their own? I mean, how do you think that makes those fans feel?

06-11-2012, 09:10 PM
Some of you are so full of Sonics gate crap you wouldn't know reality if it smacked you.

Clay Bennett said to the media, on the day he ****ing bought the team, he was going to move it if they didn't get an arena deal worked out. He didn't lie. He said it TO THE ****ING PRESS AT THE PRESS CONFERENCE.

I deal with elected officials on a daily basis. It's my job. Powerful people many of you have heard of. I'm not, I'm just saying I deal with them and am used to the story behind the story.

Here's the story behind the story. The arena deal sucked, and not a chance it was going to get better. The team was sold to move it. Blame the coffee schmuck that sold it. Blame the fans for NOT GOING TO THE GAME when the team was bad and forcing them to lose money. Blame the Seattle legislature for not be willing to put any public money behind renovations even though most of it was going to be privately funded.

But really. Stop acting like Clay came in and said he would never move the team. He said in his press conference he would explore the option. All the public posturing by officials is just that. Everyone says, "I did all I could and they just wouldn't...". It's par for the course. Clay bought it to move it knowing full well Seattle and the state of Washington couldn't care less about fixing the arena deal, that was 100% horrid for the team. And it was sold for that very reason.

06-11-2012, 09:11 PM
Oh yeah, and when you read the above, realize more then the Sonics/Thunder I'm a Raiders fan. So I get the moving thing.

Lakers Legend#32
06-12-2012, 01:51 AM
Some of you are so full of Sonics gate crap you wouldn't know reality if it smacked you.

Clay Bennett said to the media, on the day he ****ing bought the team, he was going to move it if they didn't get an arena deal worked out. He didn't lie. He said it TO THE ****ING PRESS AT THE PRESS CONFERENCE.

I deal with elected officials on a daily basis. It's my job. Powerful people many of you have heard of. I'm not, I'm just saying I deal with them and am used to the story behind the story.

Here's the story behind the story. The arena deal sucked, and not a chance it was going to get better. The team was sold to move it. Blame the coffee schmuck that sold it. Blame the fans for NOT GOING TO THE GAME when the team was bad and forcing them to lose money. Blame the Seattle legislature for not be willing to put any public money behind renovations even though most of it was going to be privately funded.

But really. Stop acting like Clay came in and said he would never move the team. He said in his press conference he would explore the option. All the public posturing by officials is just that. Everyone says, "I did all I could and they just wouldn't...". It's par for the course. Clay bought it to move it knowing full well Seattle and the state of Washington couldn't care less about fixing the arena deal, that was 100% horrid for the team. And it was sold for that very reason.

That was Bubbah's public stance and he only did it because the sale included a clause that he make an attempt at keeping the team in Seattle. Of course as the emails between him and his fellow owners reveal, he was already working to move the team to OKC, and was lying through his teeth to the public.

06-12-2012, 04:35 AM
That was Bubbah's public stance and he only did it because the sale included a clause that he make an attempt at keeping the team in Seattle. Of course as the emails between him and his fellow owners reveal, he was already working to move the team to OKC, and was lying through his teeth to the public.

As I stated, the team was SOLD to move it. Why was it sold? Who sells a a pro sports team that's making money or in a good position to make money? No one. The Sonics were losing money, not in a cook the books way in a real way. His public stance as day one was the team might move if no arena deal was met.

They were sold because the deal in Seattle sucked. Big sucking eggs bad.
And the Seattle guy couldn't that owned them, with all intent of keeping the team there, couldn't get anything done to get a new arena, renovations, or a better deal.

Re-read that last paragraph at least three times before moving on.

Good, now that you understand, even with the best interests of keeping the team in Seattle in mind NO DEAL was coming for a new arena, you now understand why the team was sold to a guy that was going to move them.

You think Schultz didn't know the team was moving? He kept face by requiring one year of negotiations before relocation in the sale. But if Schultz couldn't get a deal done, he's a Seattle guy, why on Earth does anyone thing Bennett could get a deal done?

The biggest blame for the Sonics being the Thunder rests with the Mayor and the state legislature. They screwed the pooch big time. Schultz sold because the team was bleeding money because of the arena deal and neither the Mayor or the legislature were willing to do what it took to keep a pro team in Seattle. Business is business. And Seattle and Washington decided they didn't want to be in the NBA business anymore. Simple as that.

06-12-2012, 05:13 AM
Yes, give all the NBA titles to the Spanish because Cristobal Colon.

Flawless logic, Sonic fans.

06-12-2012, 07:52 AM
Yes, give all the NBA titles to the Spanish because Cristobal Colon.

Flawless logic, Sonic fans.
Hey, move Real Madrid or Barcelona to another city. See how well that would go.

06-12-2012, 10:42 AM
Hey, move Real Madrid or Barcelona to another city. See how well that would go.

Franchises in US sports are vastly different than European football clubs.

US sports do not have regulation and promotion. Clubs don't already exist in every city.

There are something like 400 professional football clubs in England alone. Most cities of any size, not just the major ones, have multiple teams. The same holds true for most of Europe.

Moving Arsenal from Highbury to Islington was a huge deal. And that was within the same city. Given the constructs of European football, moving Arsenal to Manchester just is not going to happen.

Where as in the US moving of the franchises happens all the time. Most sports leagues have around 30 teams. There are around 100 metro areas in the US greater than half a million people.

I swear I hear more complaining about the Sonics than I do about the Browns.

And the Browns fans and local government got screwed. They PASSED the renovations requested for the stadium.


Lakers Legend#32
06-12-2012, 11:42 PM
REAL cities like Pittsburgh, Cincy and Seattle deserve NBA franchises. OKC is not a real city. It is a truck stop.

06-13-2012, 01:06 AM
:oldlol: at putting an NBA team in poor ass rust belt cities. We going to let them buy tickets with WIC cards?

06-13-2012, 02:33 AM
And don't misinterpret that as we don't feel for Sonics fans. I feel awful for them. But I root for the Thunder, not for Clay Bennett. I root for Kevin Durant, Russell Westbrook, and James Harden, not Aubrey McClendon.

For what it's worth, you look like an awfully bitter child for hating on this team's fans so much. They did nothing wrong.

I love the Sonics and live an hour outside of Seattle, and I'd say this is spot on. It's not the fans or the city at all, in fact they're probably the best fans in the NBA. It's awful what happened but a lot of people's bitterness is misdirected. Of course we deserve to be bitter, we got screwed, but let's not blame the fans or the Thunder players, etc. etc. I mean what are they supposed to do?

Lakers Legend#32
06-14-2012, 07:37 PM
Seattle fans were loyal to the Sonics right up to the very end, so don't blame them. The team is gone because of Stern's arena economics. Don't feel so smug. You could lose your team too.

06-14-2012, 07:41 PM
REAL cities like Pittsburgh, Cincy and Seattle deserve NBA franchises. OKC is not a real city. It is a truck stop.

Shots fired.

06-14-2012, 08:15 PM
REAL cities like Pittsburgh, Cincy and Seattle deserve NBA franchises. OKC is not a real city. It is a truck stop.

OKC has almost double the population of Pittsburgh and Cincy, and is roughly equal to Seattle.

06-14-2012, 08:51 PM
Don't respond to this dude.

Look at how great rust belt cities are doing in attendance right now. Pacers (29), Pistons (28), Cavaliers (19). Cincy is a top 10 poorest city in the nation. The notion of moving a team there, by the way they had one but they got STOLEN in 1972 by Kansas City and Omaha. :oldlol: