View Full Version : Why doesn't Anthony Davis shave the unibrow already?

06-10-2012, 02:09 PM
Seriously, the dude is already ugly as hell to begin with, and he just looks like a straight creep with that sh!t. Even though he's gona be a millionaire baller, I could still see a pretty fair amount of women saying 'no thanks' because of that ugly thing.

He might get a few jokes about shaving it being feminine at first, but it would be worth it to look like a normal person.

Even though his looks shouldn't matter, thats not the kind of guy I want to be the FACE of my franchise. And NO SHOT im putting him in a commercial to represent my product, no matter how good he is.

Shave it today, Davis

And get your gotdamn teeth fixed too

06-10-2012, 02:10 PM
Because he'd be just as ugly without it. At least the unibrow is distracting.

T-Rob in the other hand. :bowdown:

06-10-2012, 02:11 PM
I was on Jimmy Kimmel and said he thought about because everyone got on him about it, but he decided not to because it's him and he likes it. Plus UK made all those t-shirts of fear the brow so it's kind of been embraced now.

in any case I could give a shit less if a man has a unibrow or not. I'm not watching him to see what his unibrow looks like, I want to see what kind of game he has. It's always about the game.

06-10-2012, 02:13 PM
He will still be one of the better looking people in New Orleans.

Yes, i'm mad.

06-10-2012, 02:13 PM
391 posts in 5 years and you have to complain about a unibrow? Seriously?

06-10-2012, 02:13 PM
Who the **** cares?

06-10-2012, 02:13 PM
He will still be one of the better looking people in New Orleans.

Yes, i'm mad.

06-10-2012, 02:14 PM
Ofcourse it probably is just to prove he doesn't have to, or maybe its distracting. But damn, doesn't he realize that if he wasn't a baller, like 90% of people would avoid him for that. And even though he is a baller, its still pretty gross

Before I had seen him i was hearin all kinds of stuff about him, and when i saw him on sportscenter I was like: :biggums:

06-10-2012, 02:19 PM
Ofcourse it probably is just to prove he doesn't have to, or maybe its distracting. But damn, doesn't he realize that if he wasn't a baller, like 90% of people would avoid him for that. And even though he is a baller, its still pretty gross

Before I had seen him i was hearin all kinds of stuff about him, and when i saw him on sportscenter I was like: :biggums:
Whoa, calm down there, You have 2 posts today. That's far too many for your post per day count. Take a breather.

06-10-2012, 02:22 PM
Whoa, calm down there, You have 2 posts today. That's far too many for your post per day count. Take a breather.


You got a unibrow too or something?

06-10-2012, 02:23 PM
3 for the day ? Dude, calm DOWN.

06-10-2012, 02:25 PM
Seriously, the dude is already ugly as hell to begin with, and he just looks like a straight creep with that sh!t. Even though he's gona be a millionaire baller, I could still see a pretty fair amount of women saying 'no thanks' because of that ugly thing.

He might get a few jokes about shaving it being feminine at first, but it would be worth it to look like a normal person.

Even though his looks shouldn't matter, thats not the kind of guy I want to be the FACE of my franchise. And NO SHOT im putting him in a commercial to represent my product, no matter how good he is.

Shave it today, Davis

And get your gotdamn teeth fixed too

Post a photo of yourself right now. Let's all get a good look at you.

06-10-2012, 02:26 PM
Are you ready for some personal grooming tips from this forum?

06-10-2012, 02:26 PM

You got a unibrow too or something?
Nope. Just a disappearing hairline. I posted my picture on here numerous times. How about yourself, where's your picture so we can judge your ass? How many posts you do in 1 day you think? 3 is a lot for you?

06-10-2012, 02:27 PM
Ofcourse it probably is just to prove he doesn't have to, or maybe its distracting. But damn, doesn't he realize that if he wasn't a baller, like 90% of people would avoid him for that. And even though he is a baller, its still pretty gross

Before I had seen him i was hearin all kinds of stuff about him, and when i saw him on sportscenter I was like: :biggums:I think you're taking another mans looks a little too seriously. I respect Davis for being himself.

06-10-2012, 02:28 PM

06-10-2012, 02:29 PM
People here at ISH are really fair minded and sensitive to other people's feelings, I'm sure if you put your photo up you would be pleased with what they would say about every little detail of your face and body.

06-10-2012, 02:29 PM
Look at what happened when Ammo cuts his hair... he lost his power, had to go play in Europe

The same thing could happen if Davis shave his unibrow

06-10-2012, 02:29 PM
I want his unibrow on my NBA 2k13 guy.:cheers:

06-10-2012, 02:36 PM
LOL at all you fiends fiending for my picture. I don't want my real name anywhere near this collection of fiends so im gona pass on putting up a picture of myself, let alone having someone who knows me recongnize me and accuse me of being a frequent message board visitor.

Just making a comment on how ugly this dude is, not trying to project anything further than that. Step back

06-10-2012, 02:39 PM
he reminds me of


06-10-2012, 02:40 PM
First he needs to fix his damn teeth. I mean that shit is gross. After his rookie season, he needs to shave that hideous uni-brow.

He seems like a good kid. I'm not trying to sound mean or anything. But.. COME ON MAN!

06-10-2012, 02:41 PM
wow.. the teeth..

06-10-2012, 02:44 PM

Damn! That's some Prometheus shit.

06-10-2012, 02:44 PM


06-10-2012, 02:45 PM
Look at what happened when Ammo cuts his hair... he lost his power, had to go play in Europe

Or when Bosh cut his predator dreads. Now all he can do is spot up for threes.

06-10-2012, 02:45 PM
He's going to be a multi millionaire and is already the face of an NBA franhcise.

The brow will also be popular, marketable as well bringing in more $$$.

Whether he's ugly or not? That has nothing to do with how much money he will make, the lifestyle he'll now live and how popular he will be.

06-10-2012, 02:46 PM
Whoa, calm down there, You have 2 posts today. That's far too many for your post per day count. Take a breather.
:roll: :roll: :roll:

Real Men Wear Green
06-10-2012, 02:48 PM
If he did he'd just have everyone talking about how he's self-conscious like a certain MVP sporting a 4-inch thick headband. There's no real "win" for him when it comes to satisfying people that obsess over his appearance so there's no point in concerning himself. He's going to be a rich NBA superstar, he can get girls and that's all that matters here.

06-10-2012, 02:53 PM
he can get girls and that's all that matters here.
You mean gold diggers. Me personally, I wouldn't want a girl if all she wanted was my money and a slice of fame.

Eventually, looks fade and it's not all there is. However, if your teeth are that screwed, it's not even really about looks. You need to get that shit fixed. It's like if I had a hole in my head. That shit would be ugly as hell, but it's not about looks. It's about I got a damn hole in my head, and I need to get that shit fixed.

Real Men Wear Green
06-10-2012, 03:01 PM
You mean gold diggers. Me personally, I wouldn't want a girl if all she wanted was my money and a slice of fame.

Eventually, looks fade and it's not all there is. However, if your teeth are that screwed, it's not even really about looks. You need to get that shit fixed. It's like if I had a hole in my head. That shit would be ugly as hell, but it's not about looks. It's about I got a damn hole in my head, and I need to get that shit fixed.
What is so noble about choosing a guy for his face instead of his pockets? The girl that wants the dude with money is actually being more practical and thus, smarter. I'd rather my daughter bring Davis home than some very-pretty college dropout that served her a few lattes at Starbucks. Besides, almost every woman that approaches a man she knows is rich could be accused of being a "gold-digger," there are few NBA players that wouldn't be married to someone else if they worked at the supermarket.

06-10-2012, 03:02 PM
I could actually see him making less $$$ because of this. Who wants a guy that ugly to endorse their product? None basketball fans won't even want to look at the guy, let alone buy a product he endorses

http://s16.postimage.org/dk63xsys1/anthony_davis.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/dk63xsys1/)

06-10-2012, 03:06 PM
Trademark $$$$$$$$$$$$

06-10-2012, 03:08 PM
What is so noble about choosing a guy for his face instead of his pockets?
Because, at least she wanted you. It might be your face, your charm, your intelligence, or whatever. The point is, she wanted something that is you. A gold digger doesn't want any part of you. She just wants money.

Like I stated, me personally, I would feel better, as a man, if a woman wanted something that is me. If it's just my face, so be it. But, if all she care about is money, I would just let her walk no matter how hot she was or whatever I thought I saw in her.

Also, this kid has potential. Fix his teeth and shave the brow. Hell, keep the brow but fix the teeth at least. This kid knows he needs his teeth fixed. He's not stupid.

Real Men Wear Green
06-10-2012, 03:18 PM
Because, at least she wanted you. It might be your face, your charm, your intelligence, or whatever. The point is, she wanted something that is you. A gold digger doesn't want any part of you. She just wants money.

Like I stated, me personally, I would feel better, as a man, if a woman wanted something that is me. If it's just my face, so be it. But, if all she care about is money, I would just let her walk no matter how hot she was or whatever I thought I saw in her.
Only being attracted to someone because of their appearance is just as superficial. Those looks that are so "you" are just genetics (it's different if someone is out of shape but this doesn't apply to Davis). Has nothing to do with anything a person did to earn them. Wealth on the other hand for Davis will be the result of hard work (being 7 feet tall is a happy accident but he's worked on his skills as well) and as such is more meaningful than the genetics of his teeth and eyebrow. In neither the case of money nor wealth is the actual personality being considered, neither asset is a true measure of nobility.

06-10-2012, 03:24 PM
I could actually see him making less $$$ because of this. Who wants a guy that ugly to endorse their product? None basketball fans won't even want to look at the guy, let alone buy a product he endorses

http://s16.postimage.org/dk63xsys1/anthony_davis.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/dk63xsys1/)

You're not bright but what else is new.

06-10-2012, 03:24 PM
@RMGW, Unless that girl is like Giselle with Brady. :bowdown:

06-10-2012, 03:26 PM
Only being attracted to someone because of their appearance is just as superficial. Those looks that are so "you" are just genetics
At least, she is attracted to my genes instead of my money. I can live with that. Like I said, it's just me. Other guys may not care if a woman is only in love with their money and nothing else.

06-10-2012, 03:27 PM
Frida Kahlo had plenty of sexual relationships /shrug

06-10-2012, 03:32 PM
At least, she is attracted to my genes instead of my money. I can live with that. Like I said, it's just me. Other guys may not care if a woman is only in love with their money and nothing else.

You assume every female Anthony Davis comes in contact with = gold digger. No chance he finds a female that likes his "face" like a female liked yours thus "omg she found something of mine she liked, not my money!!". Thats flat out retarded. And you act like a female cant use you for money being the avg joe you are.

06-10-2012, 03:33 PM
You're not bright but what else is new.

Nothing i guess

I forgot being ugly makes you extremely marketable in America. Especially when its not compensated for by that ugliness being a statement about something.

All the unibrow children of the world will clearly make Davis a star

06-10-2012, 03:37 PM
This is way too much discussion about a 19-year old man's eyebrow.

06-10-2012, 03:37 PM
You assume every female Anthony Davis comes in contact with = gold digger. No chance he finds a female that likes his "face" like a female liked yours thus "omg she found something of mine she liked, not my money!!". Thats flat out retarded.
Lol, I said that in response to someone saying he would still get "girls" as in plural, not singular. Meaning, because now he has money and fame, girls will flock to him, etc. Like I stated, most of those girls will be gold diggers. I stand by that statement. You can't be naive to know that will not be the case.

Hell, even good looking guys that are rich and famous get gold diggers coming at them 24/7.

06-10-2012, 03:40 PM
Nothing i guess

I forgot being ugly makes you extremely marketable in America. Especially when its not compensated for by that ugliness being a statement about something.

All the unibrow children of the world will clearly make Davis a star



When Davis was at Kentucky the unibrow was popular as hell. I guess your head was SO FAR up your ass you missed it. Yeah he's not marketable though, even tho his ugly unibrow you have b!tched about for long enough now has made people...$$$$$$ :rolleyes:

06-10-2012, 03:41 PM
Someone throw me a few hypothetical marketing campaigns for this ugly ass dude and his unibrow that will make HIM serious money. Im not talking campaigns inside the NO stadium like team shirts with unibrow remarks. Those aren't going to make him any real $, just give him greater crowd support. And thats only assuming he's a superstar and fan favorite.

06-10-2012, 03:42 PM


When Davis was at Kentucky the unibrow was popular as hell. I guess your head was SO FAR up your ass you missed it. Yeah he's not marketable though, even tho his ugly unibrow you have b!tched about for long enough now has made people...$$$$$$ :rolleyes:

Yeah it made $$ for the people who made those shirts, not Davis. Read above post

06-10-2012, 03:45 PM
Yeah it made $$ for the people who made those shirts, not Davis. Read above post

The point is you said no one will want to use him to endorse anything and thats false. I showed it with college students making t shirts.

When Anthony Davis endorsements deals start being signed I'll bump your dumb thread and laugh at you. Then when you have no response to why his ugly face is endorsing so many products? You'll simply say "He still ugly as hell tho". Like the idiot you really are.

Cant wait.

06-10-2012, 03:47 PM
The point is you said no one will want to use him to endorse anything and thats false. I showed it with college students making t shirts.

When Anthony Davis endorsements deals start being signed I'll bump your dumb thread and laugh at you.


name a few products or anything for that matter that a company (outside of the NO Hornets) would love to have Davis endorse. Unibrow groomers? Masks? Especially companies that would show their ads more often to people who don't know who Davis is already

06-10-2012, 03:49 PM
When Anthony Davis endorsements deals start being signed I'll bump your dumb thread and laugh at you.
No doubt that he'll get endorsements, etc. Hell, even Greg Oden and Blake Griffin got deals, etc.

However, at a certain point. People are laughing at you and not with you. If Davis is willing to live with that, more power to him.

06-10-2012, 03:53 PM

name a few products or anything for that matter that a company (outside of the NO Hornets) would love to have Davis endorse. Unibrow groomers? Masks? Especially companies that would show their ads more often to people who don't know who Davis is already

06-10-2012, 03:55 PM
No doubt that he'll get endorsements, etc. Hell, even Greg Oden and Blake Griffin got deals, etc.

However, at a certain point. People are laughing at you and not with you. If Davis is willing to live with that, more power to him.

He is. He doesnt find anything insulting about people when it comes to his unibrow. And he isnt shaving it off. This is stuff he's said countless times in interviews when asked about the attention it recieves and does it bother him.

Expect to see the brow for years to come.

Living Being
06-10-2012, 04:13 PM
Even with the unibrow, he'll sell products such as Mach3 and stuff.
His weird looks aren't going to stop that...it will help.

We may have never had a real superstar that was considered super ugly, though.

06-10-2012, 04:20 PM
Even with the unibrow, he'll sell products such as Mach3 and stuff.
His weird looks aren't going to stop that...it will help.

We may have never had a real superstar that was considered super ugly, though.

I disagree that companies like Mach 3 would want him, and that's my point. Who else is endorsed by Mach 3? Jeter, federer, and a couple other guys. All fairly good looking guys, if not just average looking.

Im saying Davis' look doesn't appeal to a general American viewer who doesn't know who he is. Anyone would want Jeter because its proven that American audiences respond and relate better to good looking people with a list of other generic qualities, whether subconcious or not.

06-10-2012, 04:30 PM
So he wont be voted on the top 100 sexiest celebs mag. So what? You read that sh!t girly boy? :confusedshrug:

General American viewer knows who Durant is more than they will Anthony Davis?

06-10-2012, 04:31 PM
So he wont be voted on the top 100 sexiest celebs mag. So what? You read that sh!t girly boy? :confusedshrug:

General American viewer knows who Durant is more than they will Anthony Davis?
Ain't nothing wrong with being a girly boy. :coleman:

06-10-2012, 04:33 PM
Because that's what he's known for.

06-10-2012, 04:38 PM
So he wont be voted on the top 100 sexiest celebs mag. So what? You read that sh!t girly boy? :confusedshrug:

General American viewer knows who Durant is more than they will Anthony Davis?

The point is, that is you are going to choose any celebrity to feature if your advertisement, your first choice is not going to be an ugly person.

Are you arguing that ugly people are more appealing to a television audience than good looking people? Because thats not true.

Are you saying that since he refuses to shave it, its relatable and will gain a following that way? You're gona need some unibrow statistics to back it up

What so bad about admitting that ugly people are less marketable?

06-10-2012, 04:39 PM
This is way too much discussion about a 19-year old man's eyebrow.

19 years old aren't "men", they're still kids.

06-10-2012, 04:43 PM
How many companies are dying to have Danny Devito represent their product? Or Michael Jackson post-op?

06-10-2012, 05:46 PM
I hope he doesn't. It's just like Harden's beard and mohawk, just uglier but still awesome. :rockon:

06-10-2012, 05:48 PM
If he did he'd just have everyone talking about how he's self-conscious like a certain MVP sporting a 4-inch thick headband. There's no real "win" for him when it comes to satisfying people that obsess over his appearance so there's no point in concerning himself. He's going to be a rich NBA superstar, he can get girls and that's all that matters here.

No guy, no matter how rich he is, actually wants chicks to be with him solely for his fame/money. They at least want chicks to find them somewhat attractive physically, with the fame/money being a nice bonus and selling point.

I don't know about you, but I'd much rather be a good looking, middle class guy who can bag hot chicks based on looks and personality than an ugly rich guy who can only bag hot chicks based on how much he currently has in his bank account. It can't possibly be a good feeling to know that if you went broke tomorrow, no chicks would want to be with you.

Real Men Wear Green
06-10-2012, 05:56 PM
No guy, no matter how rich he is, actually wants chicks to be with him solely for his fame/money. They at least want chicks to find them somewhat attractive physically, with the fame/money being a nice bonus and major selling point.
It's all superficiality. He shaves an inch of hair above his nose and all of a sudden he's beautiful? It's a subjective thing and if he's comfortable with himself that's all that matters. He doesn't have to concern himself with the girls (and guys, it seems) that can't stop obsessing over his brow. Like Steve Harvey said, he'll be cute at the bank.

06-10-2012, 05:58 PM
It's all superficiality. He shaves an inch of hair above his nose and all of a sudden he's beautiful? It's a subjective thing and if he's comfortable with himself that's all that matters. He doesn't have to concern himself with the girls (and guys, it seems) that can't stop obsessing over his brow. Like Steve Harvey said, he'll be cute at the bank.

Who wants to only be cute at the bank, though? No one wants to be known as the "ugly rich guy"...no one.

At least if a chick likes a guys face or personality, she likes something that exclusively pertains to him and only him.

Real Men Wear Green
06-10-2012, 06:00 PM
I don't know about you, but I'd much rather be a good looking, middle class guy who can bag hot chicks based on looks and personality than an ugly rich guy who can only bag hot chicks based on how much he currently has in his bank account. It can't possibly be a good feeling to know that if you went broke tomorrow, no chicks would want to be with you.
Personality has nothing to do with this so there's no point in bringing that up. Looks and money are both material things, except that money can buy other material things. Is it a good thing to know that if you wrecked your face in a car crash you'd get dumped? Or is it an irrelevant thought that doesn't matter because you won't be broke or ugly tomorrow?

Real Men Wear Green
06-10-2012, 06:02 PM
Who wants to only be cute at the bank, though? No one wants to be known as the ugly rich guy...no one.

At least if a chick likes a guys face or personality, she likes something about him.
Once again: This isn't about personality, which by the way is something about Davis a woman may find attractive. A unibrow does not dictate a bad personality. This is just looks vs. money.

06-10-2012, 06:04 PM
Once again: This isn't about personality, which by the way is something about Davis a woman may find attractive. A unibrow does not dictate a bad personality. This is just looks vs. money.

Well, if I were rich, I'd much rather a chick be into me because of my looks instead of my money.

A chick being into me solely because of my money would be like hiring a prostitute and keeping her around until I run out of cash.

06-10-2012, 06:10 PM
Yeah, he definitely should get some dental work done but his unibrow is the last thing he should be worried about. And it's silly that people worry about it. Like he told Jimmy Kimmel, it's who he is and it's his brand.

Anthony Davis' unibrow already got him an endorsement. And no, it's not a razor or shaving gel.

Real Men Wear Green
06-10-2012, 06:10 PM
How many companies are dying to have Danny Devito represent their product? Or Michael Jackson post-op?
DeVito had plenty of ad revenue in his heyday. Michael Jackson isn't in many commercials because he's dead but before the child scandals he was huge.

Real Men Wear Green
06-10-2012, 06:13 PM
Well, if I were rich, I'd much rather a chick be into me because of my looks instead of my money.

A chick being into me solely because of my money would be like hiring a prostitute and keeping her around until I run out of cash.
How many famous rich men do you think are married to a woman they would still be with if they weren't famous and rich?

06-10-2012, 06:14 PM
How many famous rich men do you think are married to a woman they would still be with if they weren't famous and rich?

Tom Brady is one to begin with. :rockon:

But hey, real talk. Shaved or not, Davis is ugly. Would change nothing.

06-10-2012, 06:14 PM
How many famous rich men do you think are married to a woman they would still be with if they weren't famous and rich?

I have no idea, but those guy's are dumb if they are marrying women who aren't also rich and/or famous.

Real Men Wear Green
06-10-2012, 06:24 PM
Tom Brady is one to begin with. :rockon:

But hey, real talk. Shaved or not, Davis is ugly. Would change nothing.
Brady wouldn't even have met Gisele Bundchen if he was a doctor or whatever he might have been if he wasn't in the NFL. Bundchen probably isn't a gold-digger but her man absolutely would not be someone that wasn't at least rich and probably famous as well.
I have no idea, but those guy's are dumb if they are marrying women who aren't also rich and/or famous.
Then a lot of players are "dumb." In reality the vast majority of them don't end up with a woman that has anywhere near as much money as they do. And it's funny to see you write that the athlete would be dumb for dating a girl who isn't rich but the girl that goes after the rich NBA player is just a gold-digger. Here's the reality: A smart woman wants a man that will give her and her children a good living, pass along positive survival traits aka good genes, and will hopefully also be a good dad/husband. I don't know what kind of husband/dad he'd make but Davis already provides 2 out of 3. It's not like his face is leaking puss, it's just a little bit of hair.

06-10-2012, 06:32 PM
Then a lot of players are "dumb." In reality the vast majority of them don't end up with a woman that has anywhere near as much money as they do. And it's funny to see you write that the athlete would be dumb for dating a girl who isn't rich but the girl that goes after the rich NBA player is just a gold-digger. Here's the reality: A smart woman wants a man that will give her and her children a good living, pass along positive survival traits aka good genes, and will hopefully also be a good dad/husband. I don't know what kind of husband/dad he'd make but Davis already provides 2 out of 3. It's not like his face is leaking puss, it's just a little bit of hair.

I agree, many are. I honestly don't know why a rich/famous guy would get married anyhow. Do they benefit at all? There should be some sort of benefit if you're marrying.

If you're rich/famous, just stay single and date/have a serious relationship, but marriage shouldn't even be an option for those guys. Of course, it's perfectly fine to marry someone if they were with you before the money/fame.

06-10-2012, 06:35 PM
Here, since unibrows grosses the OP out so much, have a few unibrows on me.






I swear the majority of posters at ISH must be pre-pubescent boys.

06-10-2012, 06:46 PM
well, he's not a kid anymore. NO offense to him, but that motherf*cker is ugly as balls.

06-10-2012, 06:50 PM
I don't care how ugly a mother****** is. Hell, his game don't even have to be pretty. As long as he helps my team win games. Hell, he can look like the love child of Sam Cassell, Popeye Jones, Calvin Booth and Tyrone Hill for all I care. Just help my team win games. :oldlol:

06-10-2012, 08:02 PM
Brady wouldn't even have met Gisele Bundchen if he was a doctor or whatever he might have been if he wasn't in the NFL. Bundchen probably isn't a gold-digger but her man absolutely would not be someone that wasn't at least rich and probably famous as well.

I thought you meant if tomorrow Brady lost all his money, would the wife of said rich dude stay with him.

I bring you BRADY.

06-10-2012, 08:06 PM
He will still be one of the better looking people in New Orleans.

Yes, i'm mad.

06-10-2012, 08:08 PM
I give that guy mad props. There's no way in hell I'd be able to go out like that. Moral of the story: Money > Looks. :lol

06-10-2012, 08:13 PM
Bold Prediction:

There will be at least 5 more 'Davis should shave his unibrow' threads over the next 12 months

at least 5

06-10-2012, 08:18 PM
Bold Prediction:

There will be at least 5 more 'Davis should shave his unibrow' threads over the next 12 months

at least 5

5 more easily. Heck there might be 5 more this week alone. ISH is proof that like Davis said, it's his brand. People should stop wasting bandwith because he ain't shaving it.