View Full Version : PHil Jackson. Wouldn't coach "clumsy" Knicks

06-15-2012, 09:55 PM

Says he was never asked to coach the Knicks and would have turned them down if they asked. Says Knicks players don't mesh well, team is clumsy

06-15-2012, 09:58 PM

Just more proof Phil Jackson needs super stars to win championships.

If this team was so "clumsy", why can't such a herald coach as Phil Jackson inject some of his "wisdom and guidance" and make them contenders?

As I've always stated, coaching is over-rated.

06-15-2012, 10:01 PM

Just more proof Phil Jackson needs super stars to win championships.

If this team was so "clumsy", why can't such a herald coach as Phil Jackson inject some of his "wisdom and guidance" and make them contenders?

As I've always stated, coaching is over-rated.
I think he just doesn't want to make the effort. He is old. That team would just be one big head ache to coach. I can't wrap my head around how to make it work. No one can.

Indian guy
06-15-2012, 10:02 PM
Weak stuff from PJ. What does he even have to prove by taking over a top-loaded team and leading them to a championship? Nothing. Why not take over a team with solid, but not elite, talent and try to take 'em all the way? Shouldn't that be far more challenging to him now?

06-15-2012, 10:02 PM

Just more proof Phil Jackson needs super stars to win championships.

If this team was so "clumsy", why can't such a herald coach as Phil Jackson inject some of his "wisdom and guidance" and make them contenders?

As I've always stated, coaching is over-rated.

Why would a coach like Phil Jackson choose a team that doesn't fit together?

oh the horror
06-15-2012, 10:10 PM

Just more proof Phil Jackson needs super stars to win championships.

If this team was so "clumsy", why can't such a herald coach as Phil Jackson inject some of his "wisdom and guidance" and make them contenders?

As I've always stated, coaching is over-rated.

What coach doesnt need superstars to win championships dude?

The simple fact is....Phil isnt stupid. The Knicks arent constructed properly at all. I can promise you, NO ONE can lead that team to a ring.

The trick is not to just get superstars....You have to get the right kind of superstars.

06-15-2012, 10:13 PM
Yeah. Pretty obvious the right combo of super stars matters.

Kobe, Durant, Dwight = good

Westbrook, Melo, Amare= brawl on the court

06-15-2012, 10:18 PM
Phil has nothing to prove after his 11 titles, and particularly his coaching jobs in '91, '94 and '00, the three he calls his best, and I agree. He should've been voted coach of the year every season in addition to his '96 coach of the year at the very least.

Unfortunately as a Knick fan, he makes some valid points. I was really hoping he'd give it a shot, though.

06-15-2012, 10:19 PM
damn right

06-15-2012, 10:22 PM
Phil should just become a consultant. His coaching days are done.

06-15-2012, 10:28 PM
Phil teh Goat:bowdown: :bowdown:

teh done on purpose

06-15-2012, 10:37 PM
PJ could probably take that team a long ways... maybe to a championship. but why bother? it would probably be a total headache trying to function in that knucklehead org with that knucklehead owner... one of the worst in all sports.

as a nets fan it's great to see the knicks tripping over themselves year after year. as a bball fan, it's sad to see that keep happening, particularly since they have the market to be a perennial contender...

06-15-2012, 10:42 PM

06-15-2012, 10:42 PM
I hear nothing wrong with what Phil said.

06-15-2012, 10:43 PM
Weak stuff from PJ. What does he even have to prove by taking over a top-loaded team and leading them to a championship? Nothing. Why not take over a team with solid, but not elite, talent and try to take 'em all the way? Shouldn't that be far more challenging to him now?

He did that with the Lakers. They were coming off a disappointing first round exit and Kobe's video came out that summer. The Lakers "prime time" free agent acquisition was Derek Fisher.

06-15-2012, 10:48 PM
He's just salty the Knicks didn't ask. He knows damn well he would have taken the job if Dolan asked. He is a Knickerbocker at heart. Red Holzman was his mentor. To bring the Knicks back to glory would have been his greatest achievement.

06-15-2012, 11:20 PM
He's just salty the Knicks didn't ask. He knows damn well he would have taken the job if Dolan asked. He is a Knickerbocker at heart. Red Holzman was his mentor. To bring the Knicks back to glory would have been his greatest achievement.

It's weird that Sarcastic was the first one to even mention this...that, you know, Phil could be UPSET about not being asked and is saying this to save face and stick it the Knicks organization.

I mean, I have no idea, but we know Phil loves his mind games. If Dolan DID ask Phil and waive a nice payday in front of him, you think Phil turns it down? I'm not so sure. PJ loves the spotlight too.......

06-16-2012, 12:26 AM
It's weird that Sarcastic was the first one to even mention this...that, you know, Phil could be UPSET about not being asked and is saying this to save face and stick it the Knicks organization.

I mean, I have no idea, but we know Phil loves his mind games. If Dolan DID ask Phil and waive a nice payday in front of him, you think Phil turns it down? I'm not so sure. PJ loves the spotlight too.......

There is no other owner that will pay him $10 million a year at 66 years old, and he's not working for only 3-4 million.

06-16-2012, 12:29 AM

Just more proof Phil Jackson needs super stars to win championships.

If this team was so "clumsy", why can't such a herald coach as Phil Jackson inject some of his "wisdom and guidance" and make them contenders?

As I've always stated, coaching is over-rated.

the team composition is clumsy and seemed thrown together with no real plan. It's not like it can be fixed due to their salary cap situation. I think that's what he means.

why bother coming out of retirement to coach a bunch of lazy knuckleheads who will never work well together without overhauling their game?

06-16-2012, 12:31 AM
He's right.. there's zero rythym to a Knick's basketball game.

06-16-2012, 12:47 AM
He's right.. there's zero rythym to a Knick's basketball game.

Eh. Stern thinks they're "loaded"


His opinion holds more weight than your's.

06-16-2012, 12:48 AM
There is no other owner that will pay him $10 million a year at 66 years old, and he's not working for only 3-4 million.
that's a good point, but that doesn't mean at the same time that he would totally jettison common sense to work for a totally f--ktard organisation.

best thing is clearly for him to shift to the FO. he's already proved himself beyond doubt the greatest coach of all time, so what does he gain by signing up to work with a bunch of total knuckleheads?

absolutely zero IMO.

06-16-2012, 12:49 AM
He's right, but it's not the roster that's clumsy, it's the organization.

Phil didn't want to be taking orders from Isiah Thomas and a functionally retarded cokehead.

Although the roster is a bit of a mess too.

06-16-2012, 12:56 AM
that's a good point, but that doesn't mean at the same time that he would totally jettison common sense to work for a totally f--ktard organisation.

best thing is clearly for him to shift to the FO. he's already proved himself beyond doubt the greatest coach of all time, so what does he gain by signing up to work with a bunch of total knuckleheads?

absolutely zero IMO.

So let him go be the GM for Orlando, get Pippen his HC job, watch Dwight walk away, start fresh and see what he can do from the executive suite. No need for him to talk shit about water under the bridge.

06-16-2012, 01:00 AM
too bad cuz melo would work really nice in a triangle offense

06-16-2012, 01:03 AM
Only if he was playing PF. And you can't start him at PF and expect to win anything important.

06-16-2012, 01:11 AM
So let him go be the GM for Orlando, get Pippen his HC job, watch Dwight walk away, start fresh and see what he can do from the executive suite. No need for him to talk shit about water under the bridge.
he's entitled to talk about water under one brige, two bridges, or however many bridges that might possibly annoy you.

phil jackson is the greatest coach in the history of the NBA, and if he remains a wiseass in character and remains someone who doesn't want to work with a bunch of knuckleheads, then we have a certain phrase for people like you. here it is:

"he's earned it."

but if you don't like it, then here's another excellent phrase for you to remember:

"get a job!"

06-16-2012, 01:15 AM
Eh. Stern thinks they're "loaded"


His opinion holds more weight than your's.
They are loaded with talent. But it's like having Kobe and Iverson on the same team.. you would be better off trading Iverson for a lesser, more complimentary player.

Talent+talent =/= success if the talents are cancelling each other out.

06-16-2012, 02:00 AM
The Knicks will never win a title until they open their eyes and concede to the fact that building through the draft has been the proper way to build a championship calibur team 9 times out of 10. Sometimes signing or trading for superstars works: the Lakers traded for Kareem, the Lakers signed Shaq, the Magic's tandem of McGrady and Hill would've been contenders had Hill not been injured, Celtics Big 3. Mostly however, and even on some of those teams previously mentioned, a key member of their squad was drafted by that franchise (Kobe, Magic, James Worthy, Rajon Rondo, etc). If 29 teams are doing things 1 way, and your franchise has failed miserably for years going the opposite direction isn't it time to follow the other guys?

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. The Knicks are clinically, certifiably insane.

Hopefully I get to work at MSG sometime in the future, if I ever got a chance I'd fix the Knicks in 3 years time.

06-16-2012, 02:10 AM

06-16-2012, 02:38 AM
The Celtics traded for Rondo.

06-16-2012, 03:30 AM
The Celtics traded for Rondo.

No. Ainge drafted him

A deal with the Suns was prearranged such that Celtics would take on 1 of Sun's bad contract and their 21st pick for Cavs future 1st round pick (which was supposed to be in a loaded draft) and cash considerations if Rondo is available at 21!

06-16-2012, 04:08 AM
I think he just doesn't want to make the effort. He is old. That team would just be one big head ache to coach. I can't wrap my head around how to make it work. No one can.

is he bitter because he wasnt offered the job?

06-16-2012, 09:33 AM

Just more proof Phil Jackson needs super stars to win championships.

If this team was so "clumsy", why can't such a herald coach as Phil Jackson inject some of his "wisdom and guidance" and make them contenders?

As I've always stated, coaching is over-rated.

Why would he want to? He's Phil Jackson... he doesn't have anything to prove.

I wouldn't coach a team w/ two black holes on offense that are also lazy defensive players either.

06-16-2012, 09:50 AM
good, I wouldnt want phil to taint his legacy by coaching such a stupid team

06-16-2012, 09:59 AM
It's weird that Sarcastic was the first one to even mention this...that, you know, Phil could be UPSET about not being asked and is saying this to save face and stick it the Knicks organization.

I mean, I have no idea, but we know Phil loves his mind games. If Dolan DID ask Phil and waive a nice payday in front of him, you think Phil turns it down? I'm not so sure. PJ loves the spotlight too.......

Or it could be that he just thinks the roster is poorly put together for a team that's supposed to contend for a championship...which it is.

06-16-2012, 11:41 AM

GOAT :bowdown:

06-16-2012, 02:53 PM
Jackson's a smart guy.

He called the draft lottery outcry months ago when commenting there was nothing good about the league running a franchise.

Stou_emire and Anthony will never win together. They don't fit and never will. The roster is a mess.

And for those bashing him for only winning titles with superstars, please list those coaches who won without having them.

06-16-2012, 03:06 PM
LOL. :roll:

He's telling the truth,, though. Knicks aren't going anywhere with Melo + Amare.

06-16-2012, 03:17 PM
New York is an example of a front office that thinks they can just throw talent at a roster and expect wins. It doesn't work like that. Phil was just saying what everyone else already knew. That team isn't going to win shit.

06-16-2012, 03:26 PM
I bet U he would have no problem taking over heat through..

Solid Snake
06-16-2012, 03:30 PM
I bet U he would have no problem taking over heat through..

Yes he would.

Pat Riley.

06-16-2012, 03:30 PM
I bet U he would have no problem taking over heat through..

Bandwagon Heat fans are amazing............ly inconsistent, and that's exactly why people don't take them seriously. One minute y'all are so supposedly positive that Coach Spo will take the Heat to a title this year. Then the next minute y'all want Phil to come coach the Heat? Make up your damn minds, it's either one or the other and it CAN'T be both.:no:

06-16-2012, 04:02 PM
too bad cuz melo would work really nice in a triangle offense

How? Melo getts the ball *Jabstep* *jabstep* *headfake* *jabstep*

Triangle is all about ball movement.

06-16-2012, 04:11 PM
How? Melo getts the ball *Jabstep* *jabstep* *headfake* *jabstep*

Wonderful and accurate description of how Melo plays! :roll:

06-16-2012, 04:16 PM
How? Melo getts the ball *Jabstep* *jabstep* *headfake* *jabstep*

:oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol:

06-16-2012, 04:18 PM
Jackson's a smart guy.

He called the draft lottery outcry months ago when commenting there was nothing good about the league running a franchise.

Stou_emire and Anthony will never win together. They don't fit and never will. The roster is a mess.

And for those bashing him for only winning titles with superstars, please list those coaches who won without having them.
Don't need to go to far, Rick last year? AFAIK was only one. But yeah Phil needs multiple superstars.

06-17-2012, 10:40 AM
Don't need to go to far, Rick last year? AFAIK was only one. But yeah Phil needs multiple superstars.

Pippen was a very good player, but not nearly a superstar, when Jackson started winning titles in Chicago.

There are many that would say Jackson's system, not to mention being paired with Jordan, is what elevated Pippen to that level.

I understand that you're a Knicks fan and that's going to color how you'll view his statements. But it's a poorly assembled roster, and many objective observers would have little trouble with the description "clumsy".

Real Men Wear Green
06-17-2012, 11:03 AM
Eh. Stern thinks they're "loaded"


His opinion holds more weight than your's.
But PJ's doesn't hold more weight than yours?

longtime lurker
06-17-2012, 11:12 AM
LOL at saying Phil Jackson only coaches loaded teams. That's why I'm sure he came back to coach a big 3 of Kobe, Odom and Kwame Brown :oldlol:

06-17-2012, 11:17 AM
How? Melo getts the ball *Jabstep* *jabstep* *headfake* *jabstep*


06-17-2012, 11:38 AM
Wouldve been nice to see Phil come in and actually build a winner. Ah well.

El Kabong
06-17-2012, 11:43 AM
From Bill Simmons, which I think sums it up pretty much.

I'm enjoying Phil Jackson's revisionist "I never wanted the Knicks job" routine. He wanted it. Sent out multiple feelers thru 3rd parties. Dolan never even considered Jackson. Dolan's biggest fear in life = employing someone who is smarter and more popular than him. Jackson always assumed he'd take a year off, then be the "savior" of the Knicks for big bucks as the fitting last act of his career. Dolan wanted no part of Jackson's dream ending for his career. Again - wouldn't even consider it. So Jackson is backtracking. (The end.)

06-17-2012, 12:31 PM
I understand that you're a Knicks fan and that's going to color how you'll view his statements. But it's a poorly assembled roster, and many objective observers would have little trouble with the description "clumsy".

The "objective" observers that said the Bucks would easily make the playoffs over the Knicks?

Well it seems that the Knicks might have the best coach in the NBA then, they guy secured the SECOND BEST RECORD IN THE NBA BEHIND THE SPURS with such a clumsy and poorly constructed roster.

Objective observers :lol

06-17-2012, 01:28 PM
The "objective" observers that said the Bucks would easily make the playoffs over the Knicks?

Well it seems that the Knicks might have the best coach in the NBA then, they guy secured the SECOND BEST RECORD IN THE NBA BEHIND THE SPURS with such a clumsy and poorly constructed roster.

Objective observers :lol

Have no idea what the Bucks or someone's prediction about them would have to do with this discussion. :confusedshrug:

If the season were 24 games long, you'd have a great point. Of course, it's not, so you don't.

Are you really such a homer (or paranoid) that you don't believe people can have an opinion about a team without having some sort of agenda?

06-17-2012, 01:32 PM
Knicks finished 18-6 down the stretch when Mike Woodson took over the team, and 7-1 with Melo, Amare, and Lin all playing together. But yea, those guys can never win. :rolleyes: