View Full Version : How Much Hate Will Ray Allen Receive if He Turns Down Boston and Joins Miami?

07-01-2012, 05:36 PM
Throughout his Hall of Fame career, Ray Allen has been one of the good guys and liked by the eye of the public. However, if turns down Boston's deal and joins forces with Lebron(the great one), Wade(D-whistle), and Bosh(last of the raptors), will there be backlash? If so, how much hate will Ray Allen get?


How much Heat will come his way.. :D

Is it worth it to chase after 1-2 more rings?

07-01-2012, 05:36 PM
Let's put it this way. I will no longer refer to him as "Jesus". "Devil" seems more appropriate.

07-01-2012, 05:37 PM
Let's put it this way. I will no longer refer to him as "Jesus". "Devil" seems more appropriate.

07-01-2012, 05:37 PM
I don't give a shit about Ray Allen either way.

07-01-2012, 05:37 PM
He'd definitely be turning over to the dark side, in a way.

And he'd have to take the mini MLE or the minimum, leaving a handful of money on the table.

07-01-2012, 05:37 PM
I don't give a shit about Ray Allen either way.
Apparently, some GMs do. :D

07-01-2012, 05:37 PM
I won't hate the guy. I'll be disappointed though.

07-01-2012, 05:38 PM
Ray Ray doesn't join the enemy like the players on Miami.

07-01-2012, 05:41 PM
Why do people expect him to be loyal to Boston? Dude has left 2 teams before. Its part of the game. And Miami is a great fit both socially and on the court.

Mr Clutch Melo
07-01-2012, 05:41 PM
Boston tried to trade him several times, he does not owe them anything.

07-01-2012, 05:41 PM
it wasnt clever the first time you said it earlier and its not clever now.... and since when are u even a celtics fan? bandwagoner.

Okay Nash aka DuMa. Get off that alternate account.

07-01-2012, 05:42 PM
Maybe It's not about money and rings but, rumor is he can't stand Rondo acting like he owns the place. If he's gonna chill in Miami and win another ring or 3, why not? Attitude change, he's no longer concerned about a few bucks, more concerned about his future, I HOPE. If he blows up and has a major explosion of practice 3's in the regular season and Finals the legend is only gonna get bigger.

07-01-2012, 05:42 PM
none, he isn't LeBron

07-01-2012, 05:45 PM
I've always said that Riley shouldn't sell Ray on just winning the title, but on his three point record. It's about making it as hard to pass as possible. Miami probably offers him the best chance, by far, to do so.

Tenchi Ryu
07-01-2012, 05:47 PM
none, he isn't LeBron
Too bad that ain't working for Shane Battier....was instantly added to the dark side list once he sold his soul.

07-01-2012, 05:47 PM
I respect Ray Allen a lot but after what Boston did to him last season I won't hate him for leaving the celtics

07-01-2012, 05:49 PM
he's only gonna catch heat from boston fans.

07-01-2012, 05:49 PM
I've always said that Riley shouldn't sell Ray on just winning the title, but on his three point record. It's about making it as hard to pass as possible. Miami probably offers him the best chance, by far, to do so.

Funny because that's the exact opposite of what has happened to great 3pt shooters that have joined the Miami Heat post Lebron. Let's talk about what happened to the last so called veteran shooters that joined Miami and where their careers are now:

Eddie House - is this guy still in the league?
Mike Bibby - 3rd string PG for the Knicks, probably going to get waived
Shane Battier - immense ridicule, labeled scrub for missing shots
Mike Miller - point forward reduced to a 3pt shooter, forced to set screens for Lebron/Wade causing him to have recurring back injuries
James Jones - mysteriously taken off of the rotation after an incredible 3pt shooting season with the Heat
Ray Allen - yea u get the point

07-01-2012, 05:50 PM
There would be a good chance of him not getting his jersey retired by any of his former teams.

07-01-2012, 05:51 PM
There would be a good chance of him not getting his jersey retired by any of his former teams.

Tenchi Ryu
07-01-2012, 05:51 PM
and what exactly did boston 'do' to him?
Put him on the choppin block multiple times. Only reason he's still there now is cause KG decided to go beast mode the later half of the year. Doc moving KG to C saved Ray.

07-01-2012, 05:51 PM
Funny because that's the exact opposite of what has happened to great 3pt shooters that have joined the Miami Heat post Lebron. Let's talk about what happened to the last so called veteran shooters that joined Miami and where their careers are now:

Eddie House - is this guy still in the league?
Mike Bibby - 3rd string PG for the Knicks, probably going to get waived
Shane Battier - immense ridicule, labeled scrub for missing shots
Mike Miller - point forward reduced to a 3pt shooter, forced to set screens for Lebron/Wade causing him to have recurring back injuries
James Jones - mysteriously taken off of the rotation after an incredible 3pt shooting season with the Heat
Ray Allen - yea u get the point

One of those names is different than the others. :roll:

07-01-2012, 05:52 PM
Too bad that ain't working for Shane Battier....was instantly added to the dark side list once he sold his soul.
First of all, thats not completely true. And even if, you don't think he's enjoying it?

07-01-2012, 05:55 PM
Funny because that's the exact opposite of what has happened to great 3pt shooters that have joined the Miami Heat post Lebron. Let's talk about what happened to the last so called veteran shooters that joined Miami and where their careers are now:

Eddie House - is this guy still in the league?
Mike Bibby - 3rd string PG for the Knicks, probably going to get waived
Shane Battier - immense ridicule, labeled scrub for missing shots
Mike Miller - point forward reduced to a 3pt shooter, forced to set screens for Lebron/Wade causing him to have recurring back injuries
James Jones - mysteriously taken off of the rotation after an incredible 3pt shooting season with the Heat
Ray Allen - yea u get the point
So in 2 posts in this thread you've copied both from another thread you posted in. Stop copy pasting your other replies, especially since both suck.

Also, for the second time, that list is shit.

Tenchi Ryu
07-01-2012, 05:55 PM
First of all, thats not completely true. And even if, you don't think he's enjoying it?
Who cares if he's enjoying it, the question OP is asking is how FANS will appreciate it. Battier is definitely enjoying his ring, but he definitely lost some fans in the process.

And considering Boston is just as big a rival to Miami as Chicago is, Boston fans and bandwagoners (Which they have a LOT of) would not be pleased if Ray went there.

07-01-2012, 05:56 PM
I don't give a shit about Ray Allen either way.
Lies from your brain trickle to your fingers through your keyboard. Lies I say.

07-01-2012, 05:58 PM
Who cares if he's enjoying it, the question OP is asking is how FANS will appreciate it. Battier is definitely enjoying his ring, but he definitely lost some fans in the process.

And considering Boston is just as big a rival to Miami as Chicago is, Boston fans and bandwagoners (Which they have a LOT of) would not be pleased if Ray went there.
Lost fans? Dude lost the fans he had in Houston and Memphis the day he left those teams. They don't care about him and have already forgotten about him. What he did do though is gain a whole lot of new fans when he became a champion with Miami and thats for real.

Also, if you hate on an intelligent and cool dude like Battier there is something seriously off with you.

MeLO MvP 15
07-01-2012, 06:02 PM
Amazing. Fans just hate to hate.

You hate a guy for taking the money. You hate a guy for taking a pay cut. SMFH

Tenchi Ryu
07-01-2012, 06:02 PM
Lost fans? Dude lost the fans he had in Houston and Memphis the day he left those teams. They don't care about him and have already forgotten about him. What he did do though is gain a whole lot of new fans when he became a champion with Miami and thats for real.

Also, if you hate on an intelligent and cool dude like Battier there is something seriously off with you.
Just how it is. I've told you before, death by association. With a good number of fans not liking Miami at all, you associate with them, you get added on the list.

I love Bosh, a cool dude and would love him on my team. But being on Miami, he's constantly dogged and made fun of, a lot more than when he was in Toronto.

07-01-2012, 06:04 PM
A tremendous amount of hate. Just look at Shane Battier. Ray Allen has always been a high character guy, gets in to practice early, leaves late, puts up hundreds of shots each day. That spells Boston Celtics to me. Miami Heat and their leader, Lebron James are well reknowned for taking the easy way out. They'll brush off bad habits on him, thinking they can turn it on and off whenever they want. While these guys are dancing on the sideline during pregames, Ray is out 2 hours before hand getting shots up. It just doesn't feel like a good match at all.

Then you talk about his character. Here's a guy that was never selfish, arrogant or ever caught trash talking to any player. You don't put a guy like that on one of the most arrogant teams in the league. If Ray wants to prolong his career, not stress out at all the hate/backlash he would get, Boston is the right place to end it.

As a long time Ray Allen fan, I can truly say I will no longer be a fan and will no longer refer to him as Jesus if he joins the Heat next season.

07-01-2012, 06:06 PM
Just how it is. I've told you before, death by association. With a good number of fans not liking Miami at all, you associate with them, you get added on the list.

I love Bosh, a cool dude and would love him on my team. But being on Miami, he's constantly dogged and made fun of, a lot more than when he was in Toronto.
Bosh is so much more relevant today than he has every been in his life, combined. And even if Bosh would have chosen another team, say Houston or something like that, he'd still not have gotten half of the attention he's getting with Miami.

Nobody will hate on Ray. Maybe Celtics fans but thats it.

07-01-2012, 06:07 PM
A tremendous amount of hate. Just look at Shane Battier. Ray Allen has always been a high character guy, gets in to practice early, leaves late, puts up hundreds of shots each day. That spells Boston Celtics to me. Miami Heat and their leader, Lebron James are well reknowned for taking the easy way out. They'll brush off bad habits on him, thinking they can turn it on and off whenever they want. While these guys are dancing on the sideline during pregames, Ray is out 2 hours before hand getting shots up. It just doesn't feel like a good match at all.

Then you talk about his character. Here's a guy that was never selfish, arrogant or ever caught trash talking to any player. You don't put a guy like that on one of the most arrogant teams in the league. If Ray wants to prolong his career, not stress out at all the hate/backlash he would get, Boston is the right place to end it.

As a long time Ray Allen fan, I can truly say I will no longer be a fan and will no longer refer to him as Jesus if he joins the Heat next season.
Then you're not a fan but just a guy who hates the Heat more than he's a fan of Ray.

07-01-2012, 06:07 PM
Where are the people hating on Battier?

MAybe OKC fans

07-01-2012, 06:08 PM
I'll respect him even more. :applause:

Tenchi Ryu
07-01-2012, 06:08 PM
Bosh is so much more relevant today than he has every been in his life, combined. And even if Bosh would have chosen another team, say Houston or something like that, he'd still not have gotten half of the attention he's getting with Miami.

I'd disagree with the more relevant part. He was the sole thing making Toronto relevant, a proven gold medalist and all-star. So many teams really wanted him in summer 2010. He was, as they say, THE MAN of his franchise. True he's getting a lot more attention, but a LOT of that attention is negative.

07-01-2012, 06:08 PM
Speaking for myself personally, medium level heat lol. I don't see why he'd have so much loyalty to Boston after so many proposed trades didn't go down but I still can't get with jumping on the superstar bandwagon thing.

07-01-2012, 06:09 PM
Where are the people hating on Battier?

MAybe OKC fans
IN Ballsout and Tenchi Ryu, 2 notorious Heat haters, head.

07-01-2012, 06:10 PM
Why do people expect him to be loyal to Boston? Dude has left 2 teams before. Its part of the game. And Miami is a great fit both socially and on the court.

Money talks. Boston can pay him way more than Miami.

07-01-2012, 06:11 PM
I'd disagree with the more relevant part. He was the sole thing making Toronto relevant, a proven gold medalist and all-star. So many teams really wanted him in summer 2010. He was, as they say, THE MAN. True he's getting a lot more attention, but a LOT of that attention is negative.
THE MAN!!? Ask Bosh if he wants to leave Miami to be the man at any team out there and he wouldn't. Why would he? He's living the rock star life right now.

And if you seriously think Bosh was more relevant with Toronto than with the Heat then I don't know if you're trolling me or not.

07-01-2012, 06:12 PM
Money talks. Boston can pay him way more than Miami.
I absolutely agree with you on that.

Two reasons why I can't see this happening:

-him going up against KG and Pierce in Lebron, Wade and Bosh's team.

Tenchi Ryu
07-01-2012, 06:12 PM
IN Ballsout and Tenchi Ryu, 2 notorious Heat haters, head.
I dont' care for Battier one way or another, just keeping it real. And you're a fan of Miami, so of course you have no problem. Most non heat fans don't like him, or like the majority including myself, don't care one way or another.

But Ray is on a completely different playing field and a more valuable player legacy wise. Him joining miami will definitely have more polarizing results.

07-01-2012, 06:13 PM
Money talks. Boston can pay him way more than Miami.

I think that the Miami Heat have been making deals under the table. Haslem and Miller both took about less than what they could get to sign with the Heat. I think the NBA should investigate the Miami Heat. It's probably what they're doing to Ray Allen right now.

There's no reason why he would turn down 6 mill for 2 seasons with Boston or the full MLE with Memphis for a measley 3 mill per season and all the hate/backlash to be with Miami.

07-01-2012, 06:15 PM
I think that the Miami Heat have been making deals under the table. Haslem and Miller both took about less than what they could get to sign with the Heat. I think the NBA should investigate the Miami Heat. It's probably what they're doing to Ray Allen right now.

There's no reason why he would turn down 6 mill for 2 seasons with Boston or the full MLE with Memphis for a measley 3 mill per season and all the hate/backlash to be with Miami.
Conspiracy theories.. :roll: Haters having a meltdown.

Tenchi Ryu
07-01-2012, 06:15 PM
THE MAN!!? Ask Bosh if he wants to leave Miami to be the man at any team out there and he wouldn't. Why would he? He's living the rock star life right now.
Why is that relevant to conversation? Who cares what he's doing now, the point isn't whether he was happy or not, he was the MAN. Now, he's a third option, there is nothing to dispute about that.

And if you seriously think Bosh was more relevant with Toronto than with the Heat then I don't know if you're trolling me or not.
Nobody said more, the relevancy seems equal to me. Its just louder since its more hate filled now.

07-01-2012, 06:15 PM
I dont' care for Battier one way or another, just keeping it real. And you're a fan of Miami, so of course you have no problem. Most non heat fans don't like him, or like the majority including myself, don't care one way or another.

But Ray is on a completely different playing field and a more valuable player legacy wise. Him joining miami will definitely have more polarizing results.
Did you hate on Ray when he joined up with Garnett and Pierce to form a super team?

Human Error
07-01-2012, 06:16 PM
Who cares if he's enjoying it, the question OP is asking is how FANS will appreciate it. Battier is definitely enjoying his ring, but he definitely lost some fans in the process.

And considering Boston is just as big a rival to Miami as Chicago is, Boston fans and bandwagoners (Which they have a LOT of) would not be pleased if Ray went there.
I think he gained a lot more than he lost. Battier is now a household name for even casual fans and it got to the point where Shaq and Barkley discuss about what Battier dressed coming into the arena. You are crazy if you think it is bad for Battier.

Al Thornton
07-01-2012, 06:17 PM
if he leaves can't he go to memphis please?

07-01-2012, 06:17 PM
Why is that relevant to conversation? Who cares what he's doing now, the point is whether he was happy or not, he was the MAN. Now, he's a third option, there is nothing to dispute about that.

Nobody said more, the relevancy seems equal to me. Its just louder since its more hate filled now.
Bosh equally as relevant now than with Toronto? SMH :facepalm

I'm sorry man, but I'm will not continue this discussion with you. You're so far off that I don't even think there is any point of me trying to discuss this with you.

07-01-2012, 06:17 PM
Only hate/backlash will be from nerds on the Internet that hate everything anyway:oldlol:

Ray Allen is a class act, I'd enjoy watching him on any team he plays for. He hasn't been a lifelong Celtic so get over the "loyalty" shit:facepalm :facepalm

Tenchi Ryu
07-01-2012, 06:18 PM
Did you hate on Ray when he joined up with Garnett and Pierce to form a super team?
WTF? Were you watching B-ball then? A Lot of people (Specifically Laker fans) did not like that shit at all.

07-01-2012, 06:20 PM
Did you hate on Ray when he joined up with Garnett and Pierce to form a super team?
Still trying to compare those, eh?

Tenchi Ryu
07-01-2012, 06:20 PM
Bosh equally as relevant now than with Toronto? SMH :facepalm

More like SMH at you. You're acting like he was some scrub or something. He was a LEGIT top 10 player when in toronto. He is the EXACT same person he was then now. He's just in Miami now, wtf does relevance have to do with it? Chris Bosh is still Chris Bosh, just with more hate. JUST like Bron is still Bron, just with more hate.

07-01-2012, 06:21 PM
WTF? Were you watching B-ball then? A Lot of people (Specifically Laker fans) did not like that shit at all.
Then why ain't you still hating?

Tenchi Ryu
07-01-2012, 06:22 PM
Then why ain't you still hating?
When did I say I was hating on Boston?

07-01-2012, 06:22 PM
Tenchi is still butthurt about Lebron not signing with the bulls:oldlol: get over it

07-01-2012, 06:22 PM
I think that the Miami Heat have been making deals under the table. Haslem and Miller both took about less than what they could get to sign with the Heat. I think the NBA should investigate the Miami Heat. It's probably what they're doing to Ray Allen right now.

There's no reason why he would turn down 6 mill for 2 seasons with Boston or the full MLE with Memphis for a measley 3 mill per season and all the hate/backlash to be with Miami.

haha you butthurt loser

enjoy our dynasty !! :pimp:

Tenchi Ryu
07-01-2012, 06:24 PM
Tenchi is still butthurt about Lebron not signing with the bulls:oldlol: get over it
What does Lebron have to do with this thread fool?
:roll: :roll: :roll:

07-01-2012, 06:25 PM
WTF? Were you watching B-ball then? A Lot of people (Specifically Laker fans) did not like that shit at all.
Cos they were adamant in the belief that KG wanted to be a Laker at the time and wanted to run with Kobe. Laker fans ate crow that year when they got Pau for a box of peanuts, anyway.

Tenchi Ryu
07-01-2012, 06:28 PM
Cos they were adamant in the belief that KG wanted to be a Laker at the time and wanted to run with Kobe. Laker fans ate crow that year when they got Pau for a box of peanuts, anyway.
Lol, I remember that too. Then again, lakers always think they are winning the free agency race
:oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol:

07-01-2012, 06:38 PM
While dudes were on vacations, by October Bron, Bosh and Wade were already working hard to start the season. Why are these dumb haters talking about lack of effort on the heat squad, Lebron rides a bike to games and stretches two hours before games. :
Eddie House? :biggums:
Bibby the record holder for WORST player in NBA playoffs history last year?
Let's see where were are the careers of the rest of those shooters, 0 rings before Lebron, 1 ring after.

07-01-2012, 06:48 PM
As a long time Ray Allen fan, I ask him to take some time to consider before going to Miami. Let's talk about what happened to the last so called veteran shooters that joined Miami and where their careers are now:

Eddie House - once an incredible knock down 3pt shooter for Boston making clutch shots against the Lakers, is this guy still in the league?
Mike Bibby - quality starter for Atlanta, but used by Miami and thrown under the bus after Heat lose to Mavs in the finals
Shane Battier - hard defensive minded worker, but received immense ridicule and labeled scrub throughout the season for missing shots
Mike Miller - point forward reduced to a 3pt shooter, forced to set screens for Lebron/Wade causing him to have recurring back injuries
James Jones - mysteriously taken off of the rotation after an incredible 3pt shooting season with the Heat

Ray Allen has to ask himself. Does he want to be the next scapegoat when the Miami Heat lose? Does he want to end his career that way? Does Ray Allen want to go out like that?

07-01-2012, 06:53 PM
I won't hate him. Celtics tried to trade him. I'd rather see the Celtic Big 3 break apart because of retirement, though.

07-01-2012, 06:58 PM
Celtics have offered Allen 12 Mil for 2 seasons.
Mia has offered around 3.1 mil per season for 3 seasons.

So less than 3 mil difference in the end. However lets say Allen retires after 2 seasons then will still get the remainder of his contract.

No state income tax in Florida and the difference will be negligible...if anything.

If Allen leaves then I think it is because of a team related issue.

This being said I think he will stay...even though I would love to see him on the Heat.

07-01-2012, 07:00 PM
He's welcome to join any team - he should understand though that while Miami offers the best chance at a title, they can't offer him much money or playing time.

I would lose some respect for Allen, and it's not because they're the Heat - it's because he would be going to a team he lost to for the last 2 seasons. That's weak.

Imagine if Jordan signed with the Pistons instead of beating them (yes I understand that my comparison is absurd)

07-01-2012, 07:02 PM
Did you hate on Ray when he joined up with Garnett and Pierce to form a super team?
I thought KG and Ray Allen got traded to the Celtics?

07-01-2012, 07:06 PM
I thought KG and Ray Allen got traded to the Celtics?


07-01-2012, 07:16 PM
As a long time Ray Allen fan, I ask him to take some time to consider before going to Miami. Let's talk about what happened to the last so called veteran shooters that joined Miami and where their careers are now:

Eddie House - once an incredible knock down 3pt shooter for Boston making clutch shots against the Lakers, is this guy still in the league?
Mike Bibby - quality starter for Atlanta, but used by Miami and thrown under the bus after Heat lose to Mavs in the finals
Shane Battier - hard defensive minded worker, but received immense ridicule and labeled scrub throughout the season for missing shots
Mike Miller - point forward reduced to a 3pt shooter, forced to set screens for Lebron/Wade causing him to have recurring back injuries
James Jones - mysteriously taken off of the rotation after an incredible 3pt shooting season with the Heat

Ray Allen has to ask himself. Does he want to be the next scapegoat when the Miami Heat lose? Does he want to end his career that way? Does Ray Allen want to go out like that?
You can't compare Ray Allen to any of those guys. Ray Allen would easily be the 4th best player on the Heat. Those other guys are not Ray Allen material.

Bibby, House are already scrubs when they signed.

Battier was important part in the championship team, dude started and played many minutes. What you on about?

Mike Miller is injured while James Jones is a reserve with guys like Lebron and Battier ahead of him.

07-01-2012, 07:18 PM
I thought KG and Ray Allen got traded to the Celtics?
He is a LeBronyte who started watching basketball 2 years ago don't expect much from him.

07-01-2012, 07:20 PM
As a long time Ray Allen fan, I ask him to take some time to consider before going to Miami. Let's talk about what happened to the last so called veteran shooters that joined Miami and where their careers are now:

Eddie House - once an incredible knock down 3pt shooter for Boston making clutch shots against the Lakers, is this guy still in the league?
Mike Bibby - quality starter for Atlanta, but used by Miami and thrown under the bus after Heat lose to Mavs in the finals
Shane Battier - hard defensive minded worker, but received immense ridicule and labeled scrub throughout the season for missing shots
Mike Miller - point forward reduced to a 3pt shooter, forced to set screens for Lebron/Wade causing him to have recurring back injuries
James Jones - mysteriously taken off of the rotation after an incredible 3pt shooting season with the Heat

Ray Allen has to ask himself. Does he want to be the next scapegoat when the Miami Heat lose? Does he want to end his career that way? Does Ray Allen want to go out like that?
Dumbest post ever. Congrats. Lol comparing a hall of famer to this group who has like one all star appearance combined ??

07-01-2012, 09:00 PM
none, he isn't LeBron

hahaha so true.

07-01-2012, 09:06 PM
You guys watch too much TV. Allen can sign with any team. He's a free agent. End of story.

07-01-2012, 09:07 PM
I wont hate him, he did what he could in boston(won us a ring :)) and he decided to get a better chance at another one

07-01-2012, 09:18 PM
I wouldn't hate him..I would just feel shocked. Like he bitch slapped every Boston fan in the face. Especially considering KG is coming back and the Celtics made an offer that is twice as good as Miami's. But I wouldn't hate him.

07-01-2012, 10:03 PM
Not much. Not like he's a superstar nowadays

07-01-2012, 10:06 PM
Put him on the choppin block multiple times. Only reason he's still there now is cause KG decided to go beast mode the later half of the year. Doc moving KG to C saved Ray.
:rolleyes: Because Ray Allen is too good to be in trade discussions.

Pierce and KG were involved in just as many trade rumors as Ray, and NOBODY was involved in more than Rondo. If Ray's gonna bitch about that he should just leave, because no doubt he'll continue to be in trade discussions, as everyone else in the Big 4 will be.

07-01-2012, 10:22 PM
No need to hate he gave the Celtics 5 good years and moved on. I appreciate what he did for the Celtics franchise no matter what jersey he may wear in the future except if it is a Laker jersey.

07-01-2012, 10:39 PM
Celtics were trying their best to trade him. He owes them absolutely nothing. Say he goes to another team and they win next year, why isn't that going to the "dark side". Let's be real the Heat don't have a rivalry with the Celts, Lebron does. The only rivalry as a team for them is the Lakers.

07-01-2012, 10:43 PM
He will do more harm then good in Boston honestly...your not winning a Chamionship with a "big 3" of old crippled guys that can't play heavy minutes. In Miami he will play 20 minutes a game and not be expected to do anything but stand and make 3s

07-01-2012, 10:52 PM
Celtics were trying their best to trade him..
:oldlol: If they were trying their best to trade him, why wasn't he traded? Surely if they wanted him gone so bad they could've shipped him away for scrubs or draft picks, right?

I swear some people on here are completely clueless.

07-01-2012, 10:53 PM
not much. superstars garner the most hate. we also don't know what's going on behind the scenes. rumors are that he has a tense relationship with rondo and he also didn't like the idea of starting behind bradley. that and i think he wants more overall touches (don't see how he can get much more in miami but whatever).

07-01-2012, 11:00 PM
:oldlol: If they were trying their best to trade him, why wasn't he traded? Surely if they wanted him gone so bad they could've shipped him away for scrubs or draft picks, right?

I swear some people on here are completely clueless.

Come on man don't try to get smart with me. Don't pretend like the FO wasn't trying to get rid of him for younger talent. Just because they didn't see any packages they wanted doesn't mean his ass wasn't getting shopped. They weren't trading him for the sake of trading.

07-01-2012, 11:06 PM
Come on man don't try to get smart with me. Don't pretend like the FO wasn't trying to get rid of him for younger talent. Just because they didn't see any packages they wanted doesn't mean his ass wasn't getting shopped. They weren't trading him for the sake of trading.
:oldlol: Oh, so now they weren't "trying their best to trade him"? They were simply trying to see if they could get value for him? Isn't that what you're supposed to do?

The entire Big 4 was involved in trade discussions. Why should Ray be exempt?

07-01-2012, 11:37 PM
He will receive hate by those who despise the Heat and some Celtics fans.

He shouldn't be hated if he chooses to go to another team.

07-01-2012, 11:58 PM
:oldlol: Oh, so now they weren't "trying their best to trade him"? They were simply trying to see if they could get value for him? Isn't that what you're supposed to do?

The entire Big 4 was involved in trade discussions. Why should Ray be exempt?

Do you have a link to this? I only remember Allen's name in potential trade rumors, and maybe Rondo. But I heard nothing of KG and I think the entire city of Boston would riot if Pierce were traded, even for LeBron.

While I think Ray Allen would be smart to sign the 2 year 12 million deal Boston is offering, I don't see why he would be so hated by reasonable Boston fans if he left. He's never had any issues with teammates or Doc even when his name was brought up in potential trades. He was also a big part of the championship back in 08. Nothing he does will be able to take that away from Boston.

You gonna hate the dude simply because he might make Miami more formidable?

07-01-2012, 11:59 PM
:oldlol: Oh, so now they weren't "trying their best to trade him"? They were simply trying to see if they could get value for him? Isn't that what you're supposed to do?

The entire Big 4 was involved in trade discussions. Why should Ray be exempt?

He shouldn't be. My point is that he doesn't owe the Celtics a damn thing and going to the Heat is no betrayal of any kind.

07-02-2012, 12:24 AM
Ray has always stated once he was dealt from the Bucks - he would only chance the Bucks , unless a coat tail was available

07-02-2012, 12:45 AM
no way he will be in miami

07-02-2012, 12:47 AM
Do you have a link to this? I only remember Allen's name in potential trade rumors, and maybe Rondo. But I heard nothing of KG and I think the entire city of Boston would riot if Pierce were traded, even for LeBron.

KG for Josh Smith was a big rumor at the deadline, Doc Rivers was even asked about it (He denied it of course), and Pierce's name came up in a bunch of different rumors. I think I remember hearing he was offered for the Nets draft pick and they ended up trading it for Gerald Wallace instead.

As far as Rondo goes, off the top of my head I remember him being rumored to be traded to the Hornets, the Lakers, the Pacers, the Warriors, and the Thunder.

07-02-2012, 01:07 AM
I'm not really a die hard fan of any team, I do like Boston, I guess more so since I live here now, and I do like Ray Allen, but I won't think less of him if he goes to Miami. He's been in trading discussions 2 seasons in a row, so it's not like Boston has really treated him like gold. And it's not like he's been on the Celts his entire career.

07-02-2012, 01:47 AM
A lot of people will lose respect for him cuz it'll make it look like he's lowering himself to being a "ring chaser." The same way Shaq did when he signed in Cleveland and then Boston.

07-02-2012, 01:48 AM
Fukk Boston and the horse they rode in on.

Ray Allen will never be more popular and will never have more notoriety than being a Miami Heatle..

and he knows this

07-02-2012, 01:56 AM
Fukk Boston and the horse they rode in on.

Ray Allen will never be more popular and will never have more notoriety than being a Miami Heatle..

and he knows this

:oldlol: I'm sure he's dying for "Heat have lost four in a row, Lebron's supporting cast sucks again!" comments to come flying his way four or five times a year. Notoriety is friggin' awesome when you're 37 and on the tail end of your career.

All Net
07-02-2012, 02:34 AM
Will be interesting

If ray is going to be a backup he would much rather backup wade than Bradley I get the feeling.

07-02-2012, 05:34 AM
he's only gonna catch heat from boston fans.

Not true. The World Hates the Miami Heat. Shane Battier was one of the good guys. Now...he's a sellout who just runs in front of people and falls down anywhere on the court.

07-02-2012, 05:45 AM
No need to hate he gave the Celtics 5 good years and moved on. I appreciate what he did for the Celtics franchise no matter what jersey he may wear in the future except if it is a Laker jersey.

+1 Exactly.

Ray deserves a lot of credit and respect for what he has done during his time in Boston. He put his ego aside and accepted the concept and helped bring home another banner. Boston fans who hate on Ray are stupid except in the case of helping the Lakers (Satan's Team).

El Kabong
07-02-2012, 05:47 AM
Since he's already won a title then I'd be taking the $ and staying with the Celtics.

Tenchi Ryu
07-02-2012, 05:50 AM
+1 Exactly.
Boston fans who hate on Ray are stupid except in the case of helping the Lakers (Satan's Team).
Such a contradicting post
:oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol:

:oldlol: You must have missed the Memo, Miami is definitely Satan's team now.

07-02-2012, 06:30 AM
Such a contradicting post
:oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol:

:oldlol: You must have missed the Memo, Miami is definitely Satan's team now.

Speaking as a lifelong Boston fan, Miami is nothing compared to the Lakers.

07-02-2012, 06:55 AM
people seem to think that the whole world watches basketball.

sure theres a lot of people who will care (mainly celtics fans, and fair enuf) but at the end of the day who gives a fk.

alot of you guys act like 14 girls with all the gossiping you do, its hilarious

and as for the guy saying look at mike miller, battier, jones etc now that they joined the heat?

umm they all have a championship ring and got the opportunity to play their choosen sport at the highest level with some of the best in the game.

none of them want out of it

battier is throwing opening pitches at mlb games and will forever be known as a winner (both ncaa and nba titles). he also said he got more criticism at duke lol

allen will do whatever is best for him and their will be a big commotion about it for a day then people will move on

07-02-2012, 11:02 AM
Miami won't get Allen :lol .. The'll get Rashard Lewis and maybe Camby if they are lucky.

07-02-2012, 11:11 AM
Wait so choosing to stay based on money is more noble than leaving based on basketball... Right.

07-02-2012, 11:16 AM
Wait so choosing to stay based on money is more noble than leaving based on basketball... Right.
Lets be real though. He's staying with a good team, he'll stay with his boys KG and Pierce, with a team that just added some good pieces, with a team that will add some players else with them still having the midlevel to offer another player and the rights to Jeff Green. And on top of all of that, he'll get way more paid.

07-02-2012, 11:19 AM
Lets be real though. He's staying with a good team, he'll stay with his boys KG and Pierce, with a team that just added some good pieces, with a team that will add some players else with them still having the midlevel to offer another player and the rights to Jeff Green. And on top of all of that, he'll get way more paid.

So he would primarily be staying for more money... and some people are acting like this makes him a martar... as opposed to leaving for basketball reasons.. since when does greed for money> grred for championships.

07-02-2012, 12:00 PM
Barkley went to Houston. Malone went to LA. So what if an over-the-hill superstar wants to chase?

07-02-2012, 12:14 PM
Lets be real though. He's staying with a good team, he'll stay with his boys KG and Pierce, with a team that just added some good pieces, with a team that will add some players else with them still having the midlevel to offer another player and the rights to Jeff Green. And on top of all of that, he'll get way more paid.

He's staying with a team that should have been 2nd round playoff fodder and will only be worse next season. This team that's assembled will only go the route its previous big-3 did. Bird and McHale were miserable their last 3 seasons when age and injuries relegated them to losing to the likes of the Knicks (1st round), Pistons, and Cavs (2nd round). There's nothing "noble" about staying or going. The guy has already played for 3 teams in his career. At this point, he needs to decide what matters more: money, ring chasing, and/or having fun.

07-02-2012, 01:39 PM
if he leaves money on the table to go to Miami he will get roasted

if he takes the money and goes back to Boston he will get roasted

Shuttlesworth will get dealt by Ainge soon enough, thats why Ainge is now saying how bad they want him back, hadn't heard that the entire year. He just wants to trade Allen since he hasn't been able to the past 3 years. Ainge always gets it done, he swung and missed 3 years running, it won't be a 4th

07-02-2012, 01:49 PM
I heard there are serious issues between Rondo and Ray Allen. This may be something which has him leaning towards leaving.

07-02-2012, 02:38 PM
No hate at all. If Paul Pierce dipped from Boston to join a rival then I can see the hate, but Ray Allen? That's stupid.
If people hate on him for that, it's not because they don't like Ray Allen, it's because they hate Lebron and don't want his team getting better.

07-02-2012, 02:57 PM
I doubt that Ray-Ray receives any major backlash if he joins the Heat. I am sure that there will be some minor heat..no pun intended placed on him for his choice. But Ray has been pretty clean his whole career, he gets a free pass and I doubt that he receives a lot of backlash.

07-03-2012, 02:58 PM
A lot of people will lose respect for him cuz it'll make it look like he's lowering himself to being a "ring chaser." The same way Shaq did when he signed in Cleveland and then Boston.

yep basically.

07-03-2012, 02:59 PM
Hes 37 years old, what else do you expect?

07-03-2012, 03:00 PM
seems unlikely he goes back to Boston at this point (he'd be redundant assuming the Terry signing goes through)

07-03-2012, 04:20 PM
Hes 37 years old, what else do you expect?

Character doesn't die with age. Ray Allen has great character. His character spells Boston Celtic. It'd be awful to watch him suddenly start dancing around during pregame warmups in a Heat uniform.

07-03-2012, 04:22 PM
I highly doubt he receives any public backlash if he signs with Miami. He's too well respected and classy. I'm getting sick of people claiming the Heat to be a team full of cocky ass holes who don't take the game seriously and dance around during pregame warmups.

07-03-2012, 04:23 PM
if he leaves money on the table to go to Miami he will get roasted

if he takes the money and goes back to Boston he will get roasted

He won't get roasted for taking less money, it would be for ring chasing with a rival team.

If he stays in Boston why would anyone roast him? He's lived there and played there for 5 years. Must take a real scumbag to stay on a team with his friends and make money, and contend!

07-03-2012, 05:03 PM
I am a huge fan of Ray but still I will be mad if he chooses Miami ahead of Boston.

He has a family here and he already mentioned he hates moving with the family, his son is receiving treatment here, he will get twice the offer than in Miami, he will probably have more minutes playing with Cs than with the Heat!

If he joins our biggest rival(right now), I will lose respect for him