View Full Version : Are you secure enough to hang out with a known gay man?

Tarik One
07-03-2012, 04:39 PM
The other day i ran into this guy(flamboyantly gay) who works at my job and happens to live not too far from my crib. He was kind of giddy and telling me that the company hired him full time from his initial temp position. I congratulated him, blah, blah blah. Then he was like: "I'm going over to the Brown Jug to get a drink. Wanna come?"

"Nah, I'm good homie"

This can be interpreted in two ways. Either i'm cautious of him trying to make a move or i don't want to take the risk of being seen by others. I'm with the latter.

It's easy for people to say "It doesn't matter what people think". Actually it does. All it takes is one person to spot you and all of a sudden the whole neighborhood thinks you're playing for the pink team.

Call it silly, but that's just the way it is, at least where i'm from.

SacJB Shady
07-03-2012, 04:41 PM
as long as he don't hit on u, it dont matter

07-03-2012, 04:47 PM
OP sounds like a complete tool.

07-03-2012, 04:50 PM
You sound like a total tool.

One of my best friends is gay, and I spent many years as a waiter so I used to have plenty more. Nothing wrong with it and gay dudes know how to party.

07-03-2012, 04:51 PM
Well Gays only ask gays out, so we should be fine. There may be extreme cases who hit on straight men as well, but these are minority.

07-03-2012, 04:52 PM
I don't really go out as much anymore, but when i used to go out after work with my coworkers, one of our main friends in the group was gay, no one cares. He was actually an awesome wingman.

07-03-2012, 04:55 PM
This is typical idiot homophobes. They think every single gay guy is trying to hit on them and sneak in for a back way entry. They think they are so desirable that any gay guy wants them. lol, if every girl doesnt want you, then same goes for gay guys.

Tarik One
07-03-2012, 05:04 PM
This is typical idiot homophobes. They think every single gay guy is trying to hit on them and sneak in for a back way entry. They think they are so desirable that any gay guy wants them. lol, if every girl doesnt want you, then same goes for gay guys.

Way to miss the point

07-03-2012, 05:04 PM
I'm fine with hanging out with gay guys if it is in a group but just me hanging out with a gay guy from work would be weird.

07-03-2012, 05:06 PM
What's worse: a gay guy hitting on you or a gay guy going out of his way not to hit on you (because he thinks your ugly)?

But yeah, I've hung out with gay friends and it doesn't bother me one bit.

07-03-2012, 05:08 PM
The OP has a point. Many women talk about tolerance, but would balk at dating a man who regularly hangs out with gay men. If hanging out with a guy endangers the OP's smanging opportunities he shouldn't do so because p*ssy is way more important than tolerance.

07-03-2012, 05:12 PM
This is typical idiot homophobes. They think every single gay guy is trying to hit on them and sneak in for a back way entry. They think they are so desirable that any gay guy wants them. lol, if every girl doesnt want you, then same goes for gay guys.
he didn't say he was worried about the dude hitting on him...he is worried about being seen...

I can undertand him, some of us grew up with very testosterone driven crowd who aren't accepting or undertanding...If I was seen hanging out alone with a blatently gay man and was seen by some of my friends I would be looked at different the next day...

I don't care any more about that anymore, but when I was younger rep was important to me...

07-03-2012, 05:14 PM
I don't have too much in common with gay men, that is the main reason I don't have a lot of gay friends...

can't talk about sports most of the time...

can't talk about girls...

there goes 90% of normal male convo :oldlol:

07-03-2012, 05:19 PM
Is not wanting to hang out with a gay dude cause you're afraid he might hit on you any different from not wanting to hang out with a girl that you're not attracted to and afraid might hit on you? I've been in both situations, and it doesnt seem much different to me. Its a bit of annoyance so sometimes I try to avoid it. So I don't see how thats homophobic.

07-03-2012, 05:20 PM
I don't have too much in common with gay men, that is the main reason I don't have a lot of gay friends...

can't talk about sports most of the time...

can't talk about girls...

there goes 90% of normal male convo :oldlol:

Exactly how I feel. And there's nothing homophobic about that. Same reason most straight males have mostly straight male friends.

De Blob
07-03-2012, 05:23 PM
Call it silly, but that's just the way it is, at least where i'm from.


07-03-2012, 05:28 PM
I once put my head down a gay man's pants. I'm not even kidding.

I'm the blonde in the front at 1:10: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flDyAHMwHiE

07-03-2012, 05:30 PM
You should probably know that while gay dudes are gay, they tend to run with circles of screamingly hot straight women and other gay dudes. You're missing out on opportunities. He knows you're not gay, he's not gonna try to turn you or some shit.

07-03-2012, 05:30 PM
Is not wanting to hang out with a gay dude cause you're afraid he might hit on you any different from not wanting to hang out with a girl that you're not attracted to and afraid might hit on you? I've been in both situations, and it doesnt seem much different to me. Its a bit of annoyance so sometimes I try to avoid it. So I don't see how thats homophobic.

So you are saying you don't hang out with any girl you are not attracted to? There is a difference between hanging out with somebody who is actively hitting on you and you are not interested, versus avoiding hanging out with somebody who you think "might" hit on you.

07-03-2012, 05:31 PM
not if he was flamboyant. if he was gay and kept it to himself, and we never saw/heard it in display then it'd be cool.

07-03-2012, 05:32 PM
can't talk about sports most of the time...

Yet most posters on ISH are flaming ******s.


Damn, I do wonder the neighborhoods y'all live in where you can't be seen in public with your gay co-worker. Must be pretty deep in the hood, right? Real deep.

07-03-2012, 05:33 PM
Not wanting to hang out with a flamboyant homosexual doesn't make you a homophobe.

07-03-2012, 05:43 PM
Not wanting to hang out with a flamboyant homosexual doesn't make you a homophobe.
Other gay men often don't want to have anything to do with flamboyant homosexuals either. My sister, who is gay, and her friends generally want nothing to do with them outside of the occasional drag show.

Timmy D for MVP
07-03-2012, 05:46 PM
OP put it right in his title.

Are you secure enough?

If you're worried about what your friends might think.., you might want some new friends.

If you aren't secure then yeah, I could see your problem. As long as you recognize that it's you insecurity that's making you feel that wway then I think you're ahead of the curve.

Tarik One
07-03-2012, 05:53 PM
Not wanting to hang out with a flamboyant homosexual doesn't make you a homophobe.

This. It's amazing how many people quickly jump to conclusion without even reading or conceptualizing what was originally posted.

07-03-2012, 05:56 PM
OP put it right in his title.

Are you secure enough?

If you're worried about what your friends might think.., you might want some new friends.

If you aren't secure then yeah, I could see your problem. As long as you recognize that it's you insecurity that's making you feel that wway then I think you're ahead of the curve.
we all care what our friends think...if you didn't they wouldn't be your friends...

I'm not sure it's security issue...what the OP described is an issue for pretty much every pro athlete out there...you think you are ever going to see Mike Vick and Allen Iverson at the club hanging out with Rupaul?...nope, they would get destroyed in the locker room the next day...

you should read some of the stuff that gay Vikings player said after he came out...he said in order to fit in the locker room he basically had to use the word "f@g" in his every day speach...

what the OP described is also the reason many gays stay in the closet...they are scared of what their friends will think.

Timmy D for MVP
07-03-2012, 05:57 PM
It's fine not wanting to hang with someone. That's perfectly fine. Flamboyant gays annoy 95% of the gay population itself. I knew a dude that I had to travel with for marching band that was just the most annoying dude and we avoided at all costs, including all the gay dudes because he was just too much.

But if it's because you're worried what others will think. That's retarded.

07-03-2012, 05:58 PM
Being a straight male, I'm secure enough to hang out with a homosexual person I share many interests with. That said, I refuse to invite him over because of the reception he would get from friends and family. Sometimes I feel like knocking on his door, entering his domain and unloading everything I have because it pains me to exclude him from certain aspects of my life, for example playing computer consoles and watching the game.

07-03-2012, 05:59 PM
Well Gays only ask gays out, so we should be fine. There may be extreme cases who hit on straight men as well, but these are minority.

that's very much untrue. I think if you are a macho guy then maybe, but if you have any bit of femininity, gay guys are going to hit on you all day.

I have hung out with gay people before. I find it's awkward sometimes. I usually don't hang out with men in general because they tend to become rebellious or snap over stupid shit.

I prefer to spend time alone, with animals, or ALPHA FEMALES. Most men just aren't "secure" enough to hang around with me cuz they get all bitchy trying to prove they are better and are shaken when they realize I don't care and no one else cares, either.

But seriously, that gay guys hit on gay guys is such a myth. If you are nice at all to a gay guy he'll be like... u gay? Especially if you're attractive. He won't come out and say it, but he'll be testing his boundaries.

I used to get good bud from this guy who was gay, and he and I were in his garage smoking with his dog. And he's like... you can pet the dog. haha. It's like no, I don't like dogs. He finally got me to then he put his hand on top of mine. It's like ok buddy.


07-03-2012, 06:03 PM
So you are saying you don't hang out with any girl you are not attracted to? There is a difference between hanging out with somebody who is actively hitting on you and you are not interested, versus avoiding hanging out with somebody who you think "might" hit on you.

No of course not. If I'm afraid they might hit on me, its cause there was some kind of indication or gut feeling from them that theyre into me.

Timmy D for MVP
07-03-2012, 06:06 PM
we all care what our friends think...if you didn't they wouldn't be your friends...

I'm not sure it's security issue...what the OP described is an issue for pretty much every pro athlete out there...you think you are ever going to see Mike Vick and Allen Iverson at the club hanging out with Rupaul?...nope, they would get destroyed in the locker room the next day...

you should read some of the stuff that gay Vikings player said after he came out...he said in order to fit in the locker room he basically had to use the word "f@g" in his every day speach...

what the OP described is also the reason many gays stay in the closet...they are scared of what their friends will think.

I absolutely agree that we care what our friends think. But if they are your friends they are going to still be your friends. They aren't going to think less of you. That's what I mean. Same with any locker room or whatever. It's not a reason to not hang out with someone.

And I'll be the first to admit, I use the word gay in my vernacular as a negative. "That's gay." I've used it since I was a kid, I know gay guys that use it. I can understand that Vikings player's predicament a little.

But for me, it does come down to security. Now from the perspective of a gay man I couldn't imagine what it's like to try to come out. My gf cousin is gay and he struggled with coming out to their more religious older generation.

But for me, I know who I am, I know who my friends are, I know they will continue to think highly of me, if a stranger thinks less of me I couldn't care less. I am secure in myself and my situation. Granted I live in California, not too far from the Bay. Even though my particular regioun is a bit conservative we are a bit more tolerant than other places. So maybe where you all or from the atmosphere is different. But I can't fathom being a grown ass man, and not hanging with someone because I'm too worried about what someone else might think.

07-03-2012, 06:06 PM
So hanging out with gay people implies you are secure enough? o_0

07-03-2012, 06:10 PM
Being a straight male, I'm secure enough to hang out with a homosexual person I share many interests with. That said, I refuse to invite him over because of the reception he would get from friends and family. Sometimes I feel like knocking on his door, entering his domain and unloading everything I have because it pains me to exclude him from certain aspects of my life, for example playing computer consoles and watching the game.


07-03-2012, 06:13 PM
No of course not. If I'm afraid they might hit on me, its cause there was some kind of indication or gut feeling from them that theyre into me.

So in other words, you have no problem hanging out with gay men, unless you feel that specific gay man will make you uncomfortable by hitting on you, correct? I see no problem with that. Now, if you won't hang out with any gay man because you feel they may hit on you, then you have a problem.

07-03-2012, 06:23 PM
to the OP, where do you live? In Iran?

07-03-2012, 06:35 PM
You shouldn't hang out with women OP. People might mistaken you for being one.

07-03-2012, 06:40 PM
You shouldn't hang out with women OP. People might mistaken you for being one.



07-03-2012, 06:44 PM
I don't have too much in common with gay men, that is the main reason I don't have a lot of gay friends...

can't talk about sports most of the time...

can't talk about girls...

there goes 90% of normal male convo :oldlol:

It's 2012 - I can't believe I'm reading some of this garbage.
One of my best friends is gay, and we talk about sports, we talk about girls, he talks about guys. What does it matter? He's not some effeminate guy walking around in pink polos, and speaking with a lisp, and if he was, I wouldn't care either.

What would you guys have thought if I made a thread about how I didn't want to be seen with a black guy in case people thought I was a thug? How about if I was black and didn't want to be seen hanging out with a white guy in case people thought I was an uncle Tom? Pathetic. Somebody's sexual preference is no different.

I struggled to make friends with other ball players growing up because a good majority of them were typical jocks who were obsessed about fitting into the picture they thought society had painted for them.

I was at the Toronto Pride Parade on Sunday with a bunch of friends and it was a great day. Everyone was happy, there is basically zero aggression and testosterone. Just like a lot of gay bars.

My fiancee and I were just talking about this yesterday, and I tend to make friends with gay guys easier than straight guys because they're not trying to act like macho dickheads with something to prove. I'm still bemused that a thread like this exists. Props to all the posters in here who put Tarik in his place.


07-03-2012, 06:45 PM
OP: This gay guy was happy. I congratulated him. He invited me out. I said no because he's gay and people might see me.

If you don't want to be seen with someone that looks a certain way, you might as well say you won't hang out with black people.


07-03-2012, 06:47 PM

He must have known what he was saying


07-03-2012, 06:52 PM
he didn't say he was worried about the dude hitting on him...he is worried about being seen...

I can undertand him, some of us grew up with very testosterone driven crowd who aren't accepting or undertanding...If I was seen hanging out alone with a blatently gay man and was seen by some of my friends I would be looked at different the next day...

I don't care any more about that anymore, but when I was younger rep was important to me...

Repped. Now you've made it to top among the legends of ISH. Rep is more important than life!!!

To answer OP's question, I wouldn't mind hanging out with a gay dude, but I can understand why it'd seem problematic to you. If you're spotted with an all-out homosexual, people will think you're a homosexual.

I'm one of those dudes who really doesn't care about what others think, but I know not everyone is like that and I can't force everyone to be like that, so :confusedshrug:

All I know is that if a gay guy invites me out for drinks in a friendly way, I won't think, "Ah, some gay guy invited me out for drinks." All I'll think is, "Ah, I'm about to get my buzz on."

07-03-2012, 06:53 PM
being gay now being compared to being black LMAO

07-03-2012, 06:59 PM
being gay now being compared to being black LMAO

Yeah it is. I feel like you're probably not a bigot, but you're definitely an ignorant jack-ass.

07-03-2012, 07:19 PM
I once put my head down a gay man's pants. I'm not even kidding.

I'm the blonde in the front at 1:10: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flDyAHMwHiE

Nice, man. That was funny. I watched both vids. Great choreographing of the dance routines, really.

07-03-2012, 07:22 PM
Yeah it is. I feel like you're probably not a bigot, but you're definitely an ignorant jack-ass.
You sure you're not gay?

07-03-2012, 07:27 PM
Exactly how I feel. And there's nothing homophobic about that. Same reason most straight males have mostly straight male friends.

except a lot of the time these things are not true. If you won't entertain the idea of having a gay friend(but would entertain having a straight friend) then you are homophobic. Just a fact.

You sure you're not gay?

spoken like a homophobe.

Kobe 4 The Win
07-03-2012, 07:27 PM
Some of my closest freinds are gay. It's no big deal to me. Whatever, man it's 2012.

07-03-2012, 07:31 PM
Asking if someone is gay makes them homophobic?

People are so touchy and obnoxious over this subject lol

07-03-2012, 07:34 PM
except a lot of the time these things are not true. If you won't entertain the idea of having a gay friend(but would entertain having a straight friend) then you are homophobic. Just a fact.

spoken like a homophobe.

From my experience it is. That doesn't mean I purposefully avoid any interaction with them. Just means I happen to not be drawn to them as much. Don't see whats homophobic about that.

07-03-2012, 07:38 PM
From my experience it is. That doesn't mean I purposefully avoid any interaction with them. Just means I happen to not be drawn to them as much. Don't see whats homophobic about that.

There is a difference between just happening to not have gay friends that you clicked with and not entertaining the idea of being friends with somebody who is gay. I believe that was the point he was making.

07-03-2012, 07:41 PM
From my experience it is. That doesn't mean I purposefully avoid any interaction with them. Just means I happen to not be drawn to them as much. Don't see whats homophobic about that.
You're acknowledgeing that gay men can be different than straight men...therefore you're a bigot, and a clan member...and child murderer.

Kobe 4 The Win
07-03-2012, 07:47 PM
Not only do I hang out with gay people I don't really care what people think about it.

I had 2 gay people in my wedding party. Before the wedding they were concerned about being involved and what my other freinds and family might think. I told them that they were my close freinds and if anyone didn't like it then that was tough shit for them, family included. I'm not a bigot and anyone who hangs out with me has to get on board with that.

I'll still occasionally call someone a *******t though. lol. I don't baby people. Nobody gets a free pass.

07-03-2012, 08:15 PM
I served with a number of honorable gay and lesbian women while in the Air Force and they turned out to be amongst the best leaders and technicians. I worked with several in Iraq who outside of their sexual preferences are just like any other person. I hung out with them too and it was just like hanging out with the straight people. I'm not sure what the big deal is. Probably because I have traveled a lot and didn't live in areas where being gay was looked at as suspect.

07-03-2012, 08:16 PM
I was at the Toronto Pride Parade on Sunday with a bunch of friends and it was a great day. Everyone was happy, there is basically zero aggression and testosterone. Just like a lot of gay bars.

My fiancee and I were just talking about this yesterday, and I tend to make friends with gay guys easier than straight guys because they're not trying to act like macho dickheads with something to prove. I'm still bemused that a thread like this exists. Props to all the posters in here who put Tarik in his place.


:roll: :roll: :roll:

07-03-2012, 08:17 PM
Asking if someone is gay makes them homophobic?

People are so touchy and obnoxious over this subject lol
it seems you are just really out of touch and ignorant on this particular subject.

07-03-2012, 08:46 PM
Nah I got no problem with gay people at all. One of my roommates in college was gay. He was actually dating one of our other mutual guy friends and I didn't know either one was gay til almost 2 years after we graduated. We're all still friends, still hang out, go to bars, go out to eat etc with no awkwardness or problems.

Do I have a problem with those over-the-top, in your face gay guys that need to be noticed? Yes. But I also have a problem with those over-the-top, in your face straight guys that need to be noticed.

07-03-2012, 09:08 PM
I was at Pride all last week with some flamboyant gay guys. It was actually pretty dope to be honest. They are a godsend imo. Aside from being pretty cool dudes, they really know how to make a guy happy:)

07-03-2012, 09:17 PM
Any Tim Hardaway fans here??

07-03-2012, 09:44 PM
Is "how many gay friends do you have?" the new "how many black friends do you have?"

07-03-2012, 09:50 PM
You sure you're not gay?

If I am, my soon to be wife is gonna be pissed. But if I were gay, life wouldn't be so bad. I'm a good looking guy and all the free drinks would be awesome plus my fashion sense would be ten times better (as I sit here in plaid shorts and an Einstein t-shirt)

07-03-2012, 10:27 PM
My gay brother is one of my best friends, so yeah.

07-03-2012, 10:32 PM
I'm openly gay so I'm secure with another gay man.

El Kabong
07-03-2012, 10:34 PM
I'm openly gay so I'm secure with another gay man.
Are you secure enough to hang out with a straight guy though? You wouldn't want to be seen in public with one, lest people begin to think you're a heterosexual.

07-03-2012, 10:36 PM
Yes, but if the guy is a flaming I wont, its not cause his gay but just because its annoying.

07-03-2012, 11:10 PM
Are you secure enough to hang out with a straight guy though? You wouldn't want to be seen in public with one, lest people begin to think you're a heterosexual.
Only with a straight man who's comfortable with his sexuality. I'd be embarrassed to be seen in public with Tarik One.

07-04-2012, 12:13 AM
not a flaymboyantly gay guy....

i know this one kid who is sooo gay i just don't like to sit near him.

i know its bad but its the truth.

07-04-2012, 12:48 AM
funny how the opinions in this thread seem split geographically. i notice that a lot of the posters from the midwest and southern states (texas mostly) are worried about what people would think if they are seen in public with a gay person, while posters from the west and northeast dont seem to give a **** about the sexual orientation of the people they hang out with.

that said, i am a midwesterner who has absolutely no problem being seen in public with a gay dude. i guess i just dont care what other people think, my woman knows im not gay. :oldlol:

07-04-2012, 01:13 AM
yeah, weird this is an issue for you all. if people see you hanging with a gay dude, you must be getting your dick sucked? I have had gay friends (men and women) my entire adult life, and I would be surprised if most adults havent (even if they didnt know it),

07-04-2012, 01:14 AM
funny how the opinions in this thread seem split geographically. i notice that a lot of the posters from the midwest and southern states (texas mostly) are worried about what people would think if they are seen in public with a gay person, while posters from the west and northeast dont seem to give a **** about the sexual orientation of the people they hang out with.

that said, i am a midwesterner who has absolutely no problem being seen in public with a gay dude. i guess i just dont care what other people think, my woman knows im not gay. :oldlol:
my current gay homeboy is a texas ranch kid. totally fits the the image and all. Pretty funny.

07-04-2012, 01:55 AM
Shared a room when I was in undergrad with a gay guy. A bunch of my friends (mostly straight) go to Pride in SF every year so its pretty safe to say I'm comfortable hanging out with 'em.

07-04-2012, 02:05 AM
The other day i ran into this guy(flamboyantly gay) who works at my job and happens to live not too far from my crib. He was kind of giddy and telling me that the company hired him full time from his initial temp position. I congratulated him, blah, blah blah. Then he was like: "I'm going over to the Brown Jug to get a drink. Wanna come?"

"Nah, I'm good homie"

This can be interpreted in two ways. Either i'm cautious of him trying to make a move or i don't want to take the risk of being seen by others. I'm with the latter.

It's easy for people to say "It doesn't matter what people think". Actually it does. All it takes is one person to spot you and all of a sudden the whole neighborhood thinks you're playing for the pink team.

Call it silly, but that's just the way it is, at least where i'm from.

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

07-04-2012, 02:54 AM
we all care what our friends think...if you didn't they wouldn't be your friends...

I'm not sure it's security issue...what the OP described is an issue for pretty much every pro athlete out there...you think you are ever going to see Mike Vick and Allen Iverson at the club hanging out with Rupaul?...nope, they would get destroyed in the locker room the next day...

you should read some of the stuff that gay Vikings player said after he came out...he said in order to fit in the locker room he basically had to use the word "f@g" in his every day speach...

what the OP described is also the reason many gays stay in the closet...they are scared of what their friends will think.

Are they really?

07-04-2012, 03:37 AM
it seems you are just really out of touch and ignorant on this particular subject.


This particular subject?

07-04-2012, 04:20 AM
I have a bunch of gay friends, but now that I think about it, none of them are really flamboyant. I actually sometimes forget they're gay...

Also a lot of the girls I know out here in LA always have a bunch of gay friends hanging out and drinking at their parties. I really don't understand homophobia. Most of them are pretty down to earth dudes, some of them even talk sports :oldlol:

07-04-2012, 04:24 AM
yeah, weird this is an issue for you all. if people see you hanging with a gay dude, you must be getting your dick sucked? I have had gay friends (men and women) my entire adult life, and I would be surprised if most adults havent (even if they didnt know it),

whoa women... just realized i have like 8 lesbian friends too, but I honestly forgot they were gay..

Lamar Doom
07-04-2012, 04:53 AM
The people that are worried about hanging out with gays fit into two or more of the following categories:

*are 18 or younger (still letting mommy/daddy or your church tell you your comvictions)
*have never really known a gay person
*are retarded and holding back society with their inability to adapt to the collective conscience

I swear to god nothing sorts em out for you like a topic on homosexuality.
It's not even about progress, it shouldn't be anyway, there's nothing progressive about being a normal, secure human being. You guys are scared little children who should be fixed. I'm embarrassed for you, you're the shitty people of modern day. Huzzah!

07-04-2012, 09:11 AM
ill never chill with frank ocean again

07-04-2012, 09:19 AM
The people that are worried about hanging out with gays fit into two or more of the following categories:

*are 18 or younger (still letting mommy/daddy or your church tell you your comvictions)
*have never really known a gay person
*are retarded and holding back society with their inability to adapt to the collective conscience

I swear to god nothing sorts em out for you like a topic on homosexuality.
It's not even about progress, it shouldn't be anyway, there's nothing progressive about being a normal, secure human being. You guys are scared little children who should be fixed. I'm embarrassed for you, you're the shitty people of modern day. Huzzah!
Great post! I have many gay friends and have absolutely no problem hanging out with them. People are just closed-minded, ignorant, or unaware!

07-04-2012, 09:24 AM
As long as you don't give a shit, eventually others won't give a shit either

07-04-2012, 01:08 PM
Would you like people coming up to you and asking about your sexual orientation? What kind of messed up person does that?

"Oh hey man, I've been meaning to ask, 'Are you straight?'"
Except that it relates directly to the thread lol

07-04-2012, 01:09 PM

This particular subject?
I have said nothing ignorant in here nor do I have anything against homosexuals...

Anyone offended by my words in here is just a very sensative person...

07-04-2012, 01:12 PM
funny how the opinions in this thread seem split geographically. i notice that a lot of the posters from the midwest and southern states (texas mostly) are worried about what people would think if they are seen in public with a gay person, while posters from the west and northeast dont seem to give a **** about the sexual orientation of the people they hang out with.

that said, i am a midwesterner who has absolutely no problem being seen in public with a gay dude. i guess i just dont care what other people think, my woman knows im not gay. :oldlol:
Op is from philly...people being "worried about what friends think" is found all over

07-04-2012, 01:18 PM
Are they really?
Of course that is the reason, friends and family...society, people in general

Otherwise there would be no "closet"

07-04-2012, 01:28 PM
I have said nothing ignorant in here nor do I have anything against homosexuals...

Anyone offended by my words in here is just a very sensative person...

Keep believing that, or you can re-read your contributions to the thread so far.
http://static.skynetblogs.be/media/19492/dyn005_original_600_392_pjpeg_2626972_715156409195 73b3a62f3ad473885972.jpg

07-04-2012, 01:42 PM
:eek: I don't know if I even have 8 total friends. And I doubt you forgot they were gay, If any of them are cute you think about bangin em and when you do you remember they're lesbians.

No best friend, and maybe not 8 friends. Dude, what are you doing wrong? I'm not mocking you, I'm feeling sorry for you and just wondering

07-04-2012, 01:48 PM
Op is from philly...people being "worried about what friends think" is found all over

i could have sworn tarik was from texas. dasher is from texas?

07-04-2012, 01:53 PM
All our resident knuckleheads out in full force this thread. I'm guessing not to anyone's surprise.

Stempel, HERB
07-04-2012, 02:04 PM
One of my best friends is gay,
While you've spent the last 5 years engaged to your "fiancee" :roll: planning a wedding

Nick Young
07-04-2012, 02:05 PM
Real talk, Deuces fiancee either doesnt exist or is a closeted lesbo.

I'm leaning towards doesn't exist.

07-04-2012, 02:14 PM
i could have sworn tarik was from texas. dasher is from texas?
I currently room with a gay person. Me thinking that hanging with a flamboyant homosexual can have a negative impact on one's ability to court women is not unfounded. It comes from personal experience. Tolerance for homosexuals polls better than it does at the ballot box.

07-04-2012, 02:28 PM
Years back I knew two guys. One was very flamboyant and we hung out a couple times. But he never talked about gay things around me. So it never got uncomfortable. He was my friend and it actually never bothered me what other people around us may have thought. I knew I wasn't gay.
I had another friend who acted more like a regular guy, but was gay. We hung out sometimes. He never talked about gay things around me either. But one day I heard from someone else that he had a crush on one of my other friends..after that we stopped being friends. Not because he was gay, but things just weren't the same.

07-04-2012, 02:29 PM
Real talk, Deuces fiancee either doesnt exist or is a closeted lesbo.

I'm leaning towards doesn't exist.

About as real as your french getaways and confrontations with professors huh?

Nick Young
07-04-2012, 02:31 PM
About as real as your french getaways and confrontations with professors huh?
i went to france twice and yep, question my professors whenever something they say seems fishy. Why is that so hard for you to believe.

So what you're saying is, is your fiance isnt real? Why do you always get so defensive about it, sport?:confusedshrug:

07-04-2012, 02:35 PM
You didn't do any of that stuff. In fact you're so terrified of your total faux internet persona colliding with your, likely pathetic, real life that you wouldn't even link to your swag infused comic book on Facebook.

07-04-2012, 02:51 PM
Years back I knew two guys. One was very flamboyant and we hung out a couple times. But he never talked about gay things around me. So it never got uncomfortable. He was my friend and it actually never bothered me what other people around us may have thought. I knew I wasn't gay.
I had another friend who acted more like a regular guy, but was gay. We hung out sometimes. He never talked about gay things around me either. But one day I heard from someone else that he had a crush on one of my other friends..after that we stopped being friends. Not because he was gay, but things just weren't the same.

I can't tell if you are trying to make a point. First, I'm trying to figure out the relevance of you not being friends with him anymore after he started liking another friend of yours. Second, it sounds like you are trying to advocate for gay people being cool enough to be friends with them, but only if they "never talk about gay things." What would be so bad if they did? If you were a good friend, you would be willing to listen to things that are important to them, and "gay things" would be important to them just as girls are important to straight men. You come across as more ambivalent towards gay people than actually accepting of them.

Nick Young
07-04-2012, 02:58 PM
You didn't do any of that stuff. In fact you're so terrified of your total faux internet persona colliding with your, likely pathetic, real life that you wouldn't even link to your swag infused comic book on Facebook.
Dawg, you are projecting yourself all over me. The select few were chosen and got to witness comics greatness.

Sadly, you're a spazzed out forest dwelling transvestite and were not one of the chosen few.

07-04-2012, 03:32 PM
i went to france twice and yep, question my professors whenever something they say seems fishy. Why is that so hard for you to believe.

So what you're saying is, is your fiance isnt real? Why do you always get so defensive about it, sport?:confusedshrug:

You didn't do any of that stuff. In fact you're so terrified of your total faux internet persona colliding with your, likely pathetic, real life that you wouldn't even link to your swag infused comic book on Facebook.

There's an easy answer for both of you.... POST A PIC!

NY, post a few pics of you in France, at a few different locations.
DW, post a pic of you with a woman.

07-04-2012, 03:39 PM
I currently room with a gay person. Me thinking that hanging with a flamboyant homosexual can have a negative impact on one's ability to court women is not unfounded. It comes from personal experience. Tolerance for homosexuals polls better than it does at the ballot box.

maybe you should read my post a little bit more carefully, i never said your opinion is unfounded. my post was just a comment on how it seems to me like perception changes with geography.

in my own personal experience, i cant remember any time that my ability to court women has been negatively impacted by hanging out with a flamboyant homosexual. thats just my own personal experience though.

even if it was negatively impacted, i wouldnt care. i dont want to date any woman who is so closed minded and shallow that she judges a dude because he hangs out with a gay guy.

07-04-2012, 03:55 PM
One of my mates is gay. He used to race rally cars in Africa. He's in his 60's now and has been a friend of the family for years. Not all gay men are fairies you know.

07-04-2012, 04:06 PM
No best friend, and maybe not 8 friends. Dude, what are you doing wrong? I'm not mocking you, I'm feeling sorry for you and just wondering
Yeah, he's pretty much worthless.

magic chiongson
07-05-2012, 04:21 AM
as long as he knows some hot chicks i could hook up with

non cross-dressing gay men are the perfect wingmen

El Kabong
07-05-2012, 04:44 AM
as long as he knows some hot chicks i could hook up with

non cross-dressing gay men are the perfect wingmen
What does cross-dressing have to do with being gay? There's plenty of heterosexuals who do it too.

magic chiongson
07-05-2012, 11:43 AM
What does cross-dressing have to do with being gay? There's plenty of heterosexuals who do it too.

i never said crossdressers are limited to homosexuals

07-05-2012, 12:02 PM
this thread is so typical of ISH...

People acting as though they were born out of the womb with a group of gay pals and are completely oblivious to male peer pressures...so quick to throw out the word "homophobe" despite the fact the OP didn't say anything against gays. Making sure people know how many gay friends they have just like a some people would point out out his black friends to prove he isn't racist. Then we have someone declaring that Texas is the only state with these peer pressure issues based on two posters in here, as though THAT isn't ignorant.

anyone that has ever served in the military can relate to the OP

anyone that has ever played organized sports past the 6th grade can relate to the OP

stop acting as though this isn't a legit struggle (to some degree) for some people...just pointing your finger and screaming "homophobe" is true ignorance

07-05-2012, 12:13 PM
"Who's gonna cook my dinner while you're out running around with that f@g?"

^great line from the movie Sling Blade. I mean, just staggeringly thought-provoking, compelling and poignant dialog right there. :applause: Pretty good movie too.

Nick Young
07-05-2012, 12:22 PM
There's an easy answer for both of you.... POST A PIC!

NY, post a few pics of you in France, at a few different locations.
DW, post a pic of you with a woman.
i posted like a billion pics of me in various locales-not one of me arguing with profs tho, that happened in class.

DeucesWallace has only posted photos of herself, by herself, wandering around the forest in cargo shorts giving the thumbs up with an insecure smile spread across her face.

Freedom Kid7
07-05-2012, 12:32 PM
I'd be okay with it as long as they were a chill person and fun to talk to :confusedshrug:

07-05-2012, 12:38 PM
what gays do is their business. i don't care. whatever. it's their life. none of my business. no hate. no love. i just don't care.

but if my son was gay, i'd be pretty fking disappointed.

07-05-2012, 12:59 PM
this thread is so typical of ISH...

People acting as though they were born out of the womb with a group of gay pals and are completely oblivious to male peer pressures...

stop acting as though this isn't a legit struggle (to some degree) for some people...just pointing your finger and screaming "homophobe" is true ignorance

Some of us left the frat house and grew up.

As to the OP: In deciding whether or not to hang out with someone you should ask yourself " Do I enjoy their company?", "Is he/she a pleasant, interesting person?" If you're asking "What if someone sees me out with this guy? What will they think?", then you have some growing up to do.

07-05-2012, 01:02 PM
In my experience women have no problem with you hanging out with gay guys. THat it would drive women away is strange.

07-05-2012, 01:03 PM
what gays do is their business. i don't care. whatever. it's their life. none of my business. no hate. no love. i just don't care.

but if my son was gay, i'd be pretty fking disappointed.

If I were your son, I'd be pretty disappointed that you would be disappointed in something I had no control over.

07-05-2012, 01:03 PM
In my experience women have no problem with you hanging out with gay guys. THat it would drive women away is strange.

Yeah, my experience is that women are drawn to gay guys because they don't find them threatening.

07-05-2012, 01:06 PM
Yeah, my experience is that women are drawn to gay guys because they don't find them threatening.

I find I have more fun at gay bars when out with my lady - none of the macho BS that you find at a lot of straight bars.

07-05-2012, 01:34 PM
Some of us left the frat house and grew up.

As to the OP: In deciding whether or not to hang out with someone you should ask yourself " Do I enjoy their company?", "Is he/she a pleasant, interesting person?" If you're asking "What if someone sees me out with this guy? What will they think?", then you have some growing up to do.
every human, of every age, worries about what other people think of them...that is called "life"

"caring about what others think" is the entire reason many gays stay in the closet!!!

the line "I don't care what anyone thinks" is the biggest eye roller line ever

caring about what others think is the reason you get a hair cut, take showers, buy clothes, etc...it's the reason women wear makeup, it's the reason any "trend" exists, it's the reason parents are proud of their kids, etc etc etc...it's the reason you hold in gas rather than fart out loud

07-05-2012, 01:43 PM
every human, of every age, worries about what other people think of them...that is called "life"

"caring about what others think" is the entire reason many gays stay in the closet!!!

the line "I don't care what anyone thinks" is the biggest eye roller line ever

caring about what others think is the reason you get a hair cut, take showers, buy clothes, etc...it's the reason women wear makeup, it's the reason any "trend" exists, it's the reason parents are proud of their kids, etc etc etc...it's the reason you hold in gas rather than fart out loud

:oldlol: I see what you're trying to ague here but no. Part of maturing is not caring so much what other's think. That doesn't quite equate to not showering and farting in public. That's just being considerate.

07-05-2012, 01:46 PM
Caring about what other people think of you is one thing. Being embarrassed to be seen with a gay dude is another. Anyone who thinks less of you for hanging around a gay dude is an asshole. Fvck what assholes think.
I agree for the most part but it isn't that easy for everyone, just ask any gay man BEFORE they came out if it was that easy...what if "that asshole" is your fellow teammates?...or the friends you grew up with since childhood?...or the school you go to?...or your fellow soldiers in the military?

07-05-2012, 01:46 PM
The other day i ran into this guy(flamboyantly gay) who works at my job and happens to live not too far from my crib. He was kind of giddy and telling me that the company hired him full time from his initial temp position. I congratulated him, blah, blah blah. Then he was like: "I'm going over to the Brown Jug to get a drink. Wanna come?"

"Nah, I'm good homie"

This can be interpreted in two ways. Either i'm cautious of him trying to make a move or i don't want to take the risk of being seen by others. I'm with the latter.

It's easy for people to say "It doesn't matter what people think". Actually it does. All it takes is one person to spot you and all of a sudden the whole neighborhood thinks you're playing for the pink team.

Call it silly, but that's just the way it is, at least where i'm from.

so basically you are a friggin pansy that lets what other people might think dictate what you do.

thats about as soft as it gets my friend.

07-05-2012, 01:47 PM
:oldlol: I see what you're trying to ague here but no. Part of maturing is not caring so much what other's think. That doesn't quite equate to not showering and farting in public. That's just being considerate.
so Anderson Cooper just now finally matured?...he has been immature this whole time caring what the public thinks?

07-05-2012, 01:48 PM
so Anderson Cooper just now finally matured?...he has been immature this whole time caring what the public thinks?

Are we talking about the OP or about people coming out publicly?

07-05-2012, 01:49 PM
so Anderson Cooper just now finally matured?...he has been immature this whole time caring what the public thinks?

Cooper has been out for a while now. He never announced it on TV but its been know for quite a while.

07-05-2012, 01:49 PM
We all care what other people think...denying that is just lieing to yourself

07-05-2012, 01:51 PM
Are we talking about the OP or about people coming out publicly?
they are the same struggle IMO

a gay "in the closet" is worried about what others think

Tarik is ALSO worried about what others think for the same reasons

07-05-2012, 01:51 PM
We all care what other people think...denying that is just lieing to yourself

and caring that people might think you are gay b/c you have a gay friend makes you a complete *****.

come on man, you are being obtuse.

there are things worth caring about like people thinking you are a wife beater, murderer, or pedo and then there things that are completely childish like your friends being gay and what other may think of you because of it.

07-05-2012, 01:53 PM
We all care what other people think...denying that is just lieing to yourself

Some more so than others. People who are overly concerned with image to the point that it controls most of their actions are considered shallow.

07-05-2012, 01:56 PM
I don't have too much in common with gay men, that is the main reason I don't have a lot of gay friends...

can't talk about sports most of the time...

can't talk about girls...

there goes 90% of normal male convo :oldlol:


you apparently think the only type of gay dude is the prancing fairy stereotype

07-05-2012, 01:58 PM
and caring that people might think you are gay b/c you have a gay friend makes you a complete *****.

come on man, you are being obtuse.

there are things worth caring about like people thinking you are a wife beater, murderer, or pedo and then there things that are completely childish like your friends being gay and what other may think of you because of it.
I agree it is childish or not PC, but people in here are acting like they can't relate at all...am I the only one here that went to high school?...everyone here is acting like they were born with gay buddies skipping around the high school hall ways together not giving a shit about any one or anything..."OMG what is this strange pressure from others you speak of!!!???, you must be a bitch made homophobe!!!"...give me a break

07-05-2012, 02:01 PM

you apparently think the only type of gay dude is the prancing fairy stereotype
yeah, that's exactly what I said...:facepalm

I've been an artist for the past decade, you know damn well I've worked with plenty of gay dudes...my producer is gay and we get along fine, I have lunch with him every week

pointing out that they have different prefernces in general is fine dude...jesus christ

07-05-2012, 02:04 PM
Of course. I'll admit that I have my reservations about stepping foot in a gay bar, though. I did that once and it was very uncomfortable.

07-05-2012, 02:05 PM
Yeah, my experience is that women are drawn to gay guys because they don't find them threatening.
Yes, they will leave them alone. The worst thing is when you are moving on a girl and your wingman is crowding her friends. Then you not only need your move to be working, you need it to work quickly, and your friend to be doing well too.

Note to people on the board: Do you have female friends? Do they spontaneously leap and attack you to your annoyance? No? Gay guys don't either.

And also note: Unless you have an extremely small group of male friends, good chance one of them is down low gay.

07-05-2012, 02:06 PM
Of course. I'll admit that I have my reservations about stepping foot in a gay bar, though. I did that once and it was very uncomfortable.

OMGZ you think every gay dude wants to fck you!!!

07-05-2012, 02:06 PM
I agree it is childish or not PC, but people in here are acting like they can't relate at all...am I the only one here that went to high school?...everyone here is acting like they were born with gay buddies skipping around the high school hall ways together not giving a shit about any one or anything..."OMG what is this strange pressure from others you speak of!!!???, you must be a bitch made homophobe!!!"...give me a break

But we're not still in high school, are we? Or maybe we're still there mentally?

07-05-2012, 02:08 PM
But we're not still in high school, are we?
I don't know ho old Tarik is

but because of growing up around others I understand what he is saying...

07-05-2012, 02:10 PM
yeah, that's exactly what I said...:facepalm

I've been an artist for the past decade, you know damn well I've worked with plenty of gay dudes...my producer is gay and we get along fine, I have lunch with him every week

pointing out that they have different prefernces in general is fine dude...jesus christ

lol wut?

you just said

I don't have too much in common with gay men, that is the main reason I don't have a lot of gay friends...

can't talk about sports most of the time...

can't talk about girls...

Do you not understand how bigoted and ignorant that sounds? Do you not see how that makes it seem you believe gay men are all a bunch of prissy boys?

what if I said

I don't have too much in common with black men, that is the main reason I don't have a lot of black friends.

can't talk about having a good job

can't talk about having kids in wedlock.

lol, there goes 90% of the convo!

just b/c you work with and know some gay folk does not mean you get a pass from saying stupid ass shit like that

07-05-2012, 02:21 PM
Wow...lol...you're comparing it to racism?

Saying I don't have the same interests as most gay men isnt bigoted at all

Am I a sexist if I say I don't have the same interests as most women?

07-05-2012, 02:27 PM
Wow...lol...you're comparing it to racism?

Saying I don't have the same interests as most gay men isnt bigoted at all

Am I a sexist if I say I don't have the same interests as most women?
You're a dumbass, gay men are men. You think they don't like sports? Also, do you think you know the sexual orientation of everyone around you?


07-05-2012, 02:28 PM

07-05-2012, 02:31 PM
why do we have to pretend everyone is the EXACT same?

there are different demographics out there...it's life

there are movies and shows targeted toward men, women, children, and GAY MEN...why?...BECAUSE WE ALL HAVE DIFFERENT INTERSTS!!!

07-05-2012, 02:35 PM
I think the internet is a great place to come and express your views on things.

07-05-2012, 02:41 PM
I think the internet is a great place to come and express your views on things.

07-05-2012, 02:52 PM
I think the internets is a great place to come and express your views on things.

07-05-2012, 02:56 PM
I can't tell if you are trying to make a point. First, I'm trying to figure out the relevance of you not being friends with him anymore after he started liking another friend of yours. Second, it sounds like you are trying to advocate for gay people being cool enough to be friends with them, but only if they "never talk about gay things." What would be so bad if they did? If you were a good friend, you would be willing to listen to things that are important to them, and "gay things" would be important to them just as girls are important to straight men. You come across as more ambivalent towards gay people than actually accepting of them.

I don't agree with the gay lifestyle, that's their personal business. Keep it to yourself. I keep my private life to myself. But I don't hate a person because they are gay, I can still talk to them or hang out with them. Just keep your personal business to yourself. These two guys were cool, because they were regular people..they were not out to make a point.

07-05-2012, 03:05 PM
No, they exist so gay men can find other gay men. There is a club in NY that is almost only koreans so if you are korean, you can meet other koreans. Are you afraid to hang out with koreans? SHould they not go to normal clubs?

You're very dense.

07-05-2012, 03:25 PM
No, they exist so gay men can find other gay men. There is a club in NY that is almost only koreans so if you are korean, you can meet other koreans. Are you afraid to hang out with koreans? SHould they not go to normal clubs?

You're very dense.

wtf? all this post does is back up that different people have different interests

I have korean freinds and have gone to plenty of asian clubs...it's because we are both intersted in girls

and gay men are intersted in men, unlike staight men, like you said

this isn't rocket science yet you have issues trying to understand it...gay men like men, staight men like women

and I guess Koreans prefer Koreans lol

here I'll do what you just did:


Ass Dan
07-05-2012, 03:29 PM
I'll shake his dick after he pees, but only to get the dew off.

No Name
07-05-2012, 03:31 PM

07-05-2012, 03:34 PM
Interestingly enough, I've never actually met an openly gay guy/girl personally.

Though I do know some people I highly suspect of being gay. People are people, there's no reason of being embarrassed to be seen with them based solely on their sexual orientation.

07-05-2012, 03:36 PM
why do we have to pretend everyone is the EXACT same?

there are different demographics out there...it's life

there are movies and shows targeted toward men, women, children, and GAY MEN...why?...BECAUSE WE ALL HAVE DIFFERENT INTERSTS!!!

nope. no two people are alike. but, trying to make broad assumptions about all homosexuals is about as bad as making broad assumptions based on race.

work on not being a homophobe. homophobe.

07-05-2012, 03:38 PM
wtf? all this post does is back up that different people have different interests

I have korean freinds and have gone to plenty of asian clubs...it's because we are both intersted in girls

and gay men are intersted in men, unlike staight men, like you said

this isn't rocket science yet you have issues trying to understand it...gay men like men, staight men like women

and I guess Koreans prefer Koreans lol

here I'll do what you just did:


I'm not scared to hang out with blacks. What you said is equivalent to me saying "i don't really like hanging out with black people because they have different interests than me" as if all black people are the same.

You have rocks in your head, you really do. I've hung out with gay guys, they look for other guys, or don't. You act like every second of every minute you are out you are looking for a girl. You don't chill? Talk to your friends too? See a girl, move. Drop back. As far as i recall being out with the friends had a lot of time just chilling.

:lol Sigh...

Ass Dan
07-05-2012, 03:38 PM
nope. no two people are alike. but, trying to make broad assumptions about all homosexuals is about as bad as making broad assumptions based on race.

personally I think discrimination against gays is second only to racism. both are fun!

Ass Dan
07-05-2012, 03:39 PM
I'm not scared to hang out with blacks.

Move to SoCal, we got some straight ballin gangsta-ish n*ggas up in this piece. You don't want to hang with them.:no:

07-05-2012, 03:42 PM
nope. no two people are alike. but, trying to make broad assumptions about all homosexuals is about as bad as making broad assumptions based on race.

work on not being a homophobe. homophobe.
I think it's safe to assume gay men are intersted in men

07-05-2012, 03:44 PM
I'm not scared to hang out with blacks. What you said is equivalent to me saying "i don't really like hanging out with black people because they have different interests than me" as if all black people are the same.

You have rocks in your head, you really do. I've hung out with gay guys, they look for other guys, or don't. You act like every second of every minute you are out you are looking for a girl. You don't chill? Talk to your friends too? See a girl, move. Drop back. As far as i recall being out with the friends had a lot of time just chilling.

:lol Sigh...
okay fine, everyone is exactly the same...we all have the same things in common...I'm not even sure why clubs exist for different groups...you're just pointless

07-05-2012, 03:52 PM
to the ignorant fools here that want so hard to believe gay men think exactly like straight men:


striaght men have more in common with lesbain women than gay men...

07-05-2012, 03:53 PM
I think it's safe to assume gay men are intersted in men

yea, and the only thing important in a friendship is similar sexual preferences. There is nothing else that a friendship could possibly be based on.

07-05-2012, 03:56 PM
yea, and the only thing important in a friendship is similar sexual preferences. There is nothing else that a friendship could possibly be based on.
I'm freinds with gay people, I have worked with 100 of them, there is a gay man 20 feet from me now...

I'm not going to NFL games with him because he doesn't care about the NFL

I'm not going to straight clubs with him because he likes men...

we have different interests dude...

is this ALL gay men?...no...but I am sure it is most

07-05-2012, 04:10 PM
to the ignorant fools here that want so hard to believe gay men think exactly like straight men:


striaght men have more in common with lesbain women than gay men...

Stop stereotyping people.

07-05-2012, 04:11 PM
is this ALL gay men?...no...but I am sure it is most

Again, another stereotype. You'd be surprised.

07-05-2012, 04:13 PM
Again, another stereotype. You'd be surprised.
many stereotypes are true though

would YOU be surprised if there was actual data showing that straight men watch sports much more than gay men?

would it be a major shocker to you to find out gay men like American Idol more than straight men???

07-05-2012, 04:14 PM
I'm freinds with gay people, I have worked with 100 of them, there is a gay man 20 feet from me now...

I'm not going to NFL games with him because he doesn't care about the NFL

I'm not going to straight clubs with him because he likes men...

we have different interests dude...

is this ALL gay men?...no...but I am sure it is most

striaght men have more in common with lesbain women than gay men...


yea, that does not sound ignorant at all.

come on now PT.

07-05-2012, 04:16 PM

yea, that does not sound ignorant at all.

come on now PT.
that is what the fcking article says dude, don't get mad at me...

In some ways the brains of straight men and lesbians are on similar wavelengths, the research suggests.

are you sure it isn't YOU being ignorant trying to assume we all think alike?

07-05-2012, 04:18 PM

are you sure it isn't YOU being ignorant trying to assume we all think alike?

It's you being ignorant, reading an article by someone that is ignorant, conducted by people that probably did not plan on advertising this fact. Sensationalist journalism skills by an ignorant writer, retorted by an ignoramus.

07-05-2012, 04:19 PM
The Primetime school of debate: Keep repeating the same premise over and over and over until your opponent gives up in frustration or boredom.

07-05-2012, 04:19 PM
that is what the fcking article says dude, don't get mad at me...


are you sure it isn't YOU being ignorant trying to assume we all think alike?

it says there are SOME similarities.

it does not say gay women have the same interests as straight men while gay men have the same interests as straight women.

you are the one coming up with conclusions based off of media driven sterotypes.

sorry if you dont like that pointing out how ignorant that is bothers you.

07-05-2012, 04:20 PM
The Primetime school of debate: Keep repeating the same premise over and over and over until your opponent gives up in frustration or boredom.
it' not working...:mad:

07-05-2012, 04:20 PM
many stereotypes are true though

would YOU be surprised if there was actual data showing that straight men watch sports much more than gay men?

would it be a major shocker to you to find out gay men like American Idol more than straight men???

No I wouldn't be surprised - but I wouldn't bring it up in conversation quoting it as a truth.

I'm sure there is data to show that Asian drivers in foreign countries suck, but there is probably data in their countries to show how much we suck at driving in their countries. I have never had any accidents in New Zealand or Canada, but I came close in Korea, and was honked at a few times in Thailand.

07-05-2012, 04:21 PM
The Primetime school of debate: Keep repeating the same premise over and over and over until your opponent gives up in frustration or boredom.
winning an argument = winning an argument

07-05-2012, 04:21 PM
The Primetime school of debate: Keep repeating the same premise over and over and over until your opponent gives up in frustration or boredom.

Sounds a lot like jlauber

07-05-2012, 04:22 PM
it says there are SOME similarities.

it does not say gay women have the same interests as straight men while gay men have the same interests as straight women.

you are the one coming up with conclusions based off of media driven sterotypes.

sorry if you dont like that pointing out how ignorant that is bothers you.
okay, well I don't think it's ignorant at all to point out we have differences...I guess we will just agree to disagree

07-05-2012, 04:23 PM
No I wouldn't be surprised - but I wouldn't bring it up in conversation quoting it as a truth.

I'm sure there is data to show that Asian drivers in foreign countries suck, but there is probably data in their countries to show how much we suck at driving in their countries. I have never had any accidents in New Zealand or Canada, but I came close in Korea, and was honked at a few times in Thailand.
but why not?...if it IS the truth, then why pretend that it isn't?

07-05-2012, 04:32 PM
okay, well I don't think it's ignorant at all to point out we have differences...I guess we will just agree to disagree

that isnt what you did though.

you gave broad sterotypes as to why you dont hang out with gay people.

on top of that you only gave two as if that is enough to completely disqualify ever wanting to hang with a person.

07-05-2012, 04:34 PM
that isnt what you did though.

you gave broad sterotypes as to why you dont hang out with gay people.
yeah, that we usually don't have much in common...and then pointed at just two differences


07-05-2012, 04:35 PM
but why not?...if it IS the truth, then why pretend that it isn't?

So you're not insulting people.

All black people love fried chicken.
All folk from Texas are racist.
All Indians smell like cumin.
All lesbians have short hair and are plump.

Stereotypes bro, no one wants to hear them unless they're Sony or Panasonic.

07-05-2012, 04:39 PM
So you're not insulting people.

All black people love fried chicken.
All folk from Texas are racist.
All Indians smell like cumin.
All lesbians have short hair and are plump.

Stereotypes bro, no one wants to hear them unless they're Sony or Panasonic.
those are the same as saying gay men like men?

and that straight men like sports more than gay men?...despite data backing that up?

I PROMISE YOU the average gay dude wouldn't be offended at that...

maybe the gay poster that was in here earlier could back it up even...

07-05-2012, 04:42 PM
those are the same as saying gay men like men?

No one is debating that numb-skull.

and that straight men like sports more than gay men?...despite data backing that up?

I PROMISE YOU the average gay dude wouldn't be offended at that...

maybe the gay poster that was in here earlier could back it up even...

This offends the average gay dude. One of my best friends was an international diver, and is now a judge at the Olympics. He has always been an avid rugby fan, tennis fan, and is in to most non-American sports.

Another gay friend (RIP) was the biggest ice hockey fan around, and was one of the toughest guys I have ever met.

Why do you feel the need to stereotype people? What are you trying to prove about others, or yourself?

07-05-2012, 04:46 PM
No one is debating that numb-skull.

This offends the average gay dude. One of my best friends was an international diver, and is now a judge at the Olympics. He has always been an avid rugby fan, tennis fan, and is in to most non-American sports.

Another gay friend (RIP) was the biggest ice hockey fan around, and was one of the toughest guys I have ever met.

Why do you feel the need to stereotype people? What are you trying to prove about others, or yourself?
okay well that just leaves the "sports" comment...I don't think the average gay dude would be offended at the notion that straght men like sports more (in general)...esp after being shown data that backs it up.

I'm just trying to show that what the OP is going through is normal for many people...even gay people!...but so many are quick to declare him a homophobe, it's silly...the little blurb about not having the same things in common wasn't intended to go into a lengthy debate.

07-05-2012, 04:48 PM
many stereotypes are true though

:roll: :roll:

Is all of Texas like this? Seriously.. Ive never been there.

07-05-2012, 04:51 PM
:roll: :roll:

Is all of Texas like this? Seriously.. Ive never been there.
so there is no truth behind any stereotype?



oh the irony

07-05-2012, 04:56 PM
so there is no truth behind any stereotype?



oh the irony
Stereotypes are always true though amirite?:roll:

Texans are all dumb, ignorant rednecks that I have nothing in common with.. well 99% of them anyways.

07-05-2012, 04:57 PM
okay well that just leaves the "sports" comment...I don't think the average gay dude would be offended at the notion that straght men like sports more (in general)...esp after being shown data that backs it up.

And you would know what the average gay guy thinks right? Because you hang out with so many of them.....

I'm just trying to show that what the OP is going through is normal for many people...even gay people!...but so many are quick to declare him a homophobe, it's silly...the little blurb about not having the same things in common wasn't intended to go into a lengthy debate.

I'm normal, and I didn't go through a period of not wanting to be seen or associated with gay people. I don't think any of my friends growing up were homophobes or bigots either.

The OP is a homophobe, whether that stems from his age, a lack of education, his social setting, or perhaps his dumb-ass parents, that's up for debate. We can't rip him for all those things, all we can hope for is that he learns to accept everyone, and to not worry about what other people will think.

Coming out for gay people is hard, because they worry about what people will think. The OP seems to think hanging out with gay people suggests he is coming out. If he is that worried what his friends will think, he shouldn't be friends with them

07-05-2012, 04:57 PM
so there is no truth behind any stereotype?



oh the irony

I'm with you on this. I know he is joking, but I'm not so sure now with all the rolling laugh emoticons.

07-05-2012, 05:09 PM
And you would know what the average gay guy thinks right? Because you hang out with so many of them.....

I'm normal, and I didn't go through a period of not wanting to be seen or associated with gay people. I don't think any of my friends growing up were homophobes or bigots either.

The OP is a homophobe, whether that stems from his age, a lack of education, his social setting, or perhaps his dumb-ass parents, that's up for debate. We can't rip him for all those things, all we can hope for is that he learns to accept everyone, and to not worry about what other people will think.

Coming out for gay people is hard, because they worry about what people will think. The OP seems to think hanging out with gay people suggests he is coming out. If he is that worried what his friends will think, he shouldn't be friends with them
he didn't say ANYTHING against gay people though....just his own personal struggles trying to hang out with them

for all we know he could be DIEING to hang out with gay people, but doesn't want to be put down by his own group...

that isn't homophobic...that is just having a fear of what others think

07-05-2012, 06:01 PM
he didn't say ANYTHING against gay people though....just his own personal struggles trying to hang out with them

for all we know he could be DIEING to hang out with gay people, but doesn't want to be put down by his own group...

that isn't homophobic...that is just having a fear of what others think

The other day i ran into this guy(flamboyantly gay) who works at my job and happens to live not too far from my crib. He was kind of giddy and telling me that the company hired him full time from his initial temp position. I congratulated him, blah, blah blah. Then he was like: "I'm going over to the Brown Jug to get a drink. Wanna come?"

"Nah, I'm good homie"

This can be interpreted in two ways. Either i'm cautious of him trying to make a move or i don't want to take the risk of being seen by others. I'm with the latter.

It's easy for people to say "It doesn't matter what people think". Actually it does. All it takes is one person to spot you and all of a sudden the whole neighborhood thinks you're playing for the pink team.

Call it silly, but that's just the way it is, at least where i'm from.

Homophobe. Someone that wasn't a homophobe would either take the guy up on a beer, or decline because he doesn't want to be friends with the guy - and not because he's gay, maybe because he sucks as a person, but barely knowing the guy, he wouldn't know that.

If you can't see it still, we won't be able to help you. Ask yourself, are you the 1% or the 99% in this thread.

07-05-2012, 07:26 PM
they are the same struggle IMO

a gay "in the closet" is worried about what others think

Tarik is ALSO worried about what others think for the same reasons

Huge difference between caring about what other think and how others will treat you. It is one thing to worry about somebody thinking "I don't like that he is gay" versus worrying about being disowned by ones parents or be beaten for being gay. Gay people generally do not stay in the closet for fear of being less popular. Somebody who doesn't want to be seen in public with a gay person is more afraid of being viewed as unpopular than being physically assaulted. That is the maturity difference between a closeted homosexual and somebody like Tarik.

07-05-2012, 07:28 PM
Homophobe. Someone that wasn't a homophobe would either take the guy up on a beer, or decline because he doesn't want to be friends with the guy - and not because he's gay, maybe because he sucks as a person, but barely knowing the guy, he wouldn't know that.

If you can't see it still, we won't be able to help you. Ask yourself, are you the 1% or the 99% in this thread.
I guess "pink team" is a little harsh...but IDK

I didn't get the vibe that he hates gays...just that he is worried about what his friends will think of him

07-05-2012, 07:28 PM
I don't agree with the gay lifestyle, that's their personal business. Keep it to yourself. I keep my private life to myself. But I don't hate a person because they are gay, I can still talk to them or hang out with them. Just keep your personal business to yourself. These two guys were cool, because they were regular people..they were not out to make a point.

My point is, with true friends, their personal business is fair game in discussion. Sounds more like you are ok with gay people on the surface, but don't really allow them to get close to you the way other friends do. Do you ever talk to your close friends by romantic relationships? If you do with your straight friends but not with your gay friends, I think that says a lot.

07-05-2012, 07:30 PM
i would be. the only things that would really stop me from doing so would be if he was overly flamboyant or would make out with his mate in front of me.

07-05-2012, 07:32 PM
Huge difference between caring about what other think and how others will treat you. It is one thing to worry about somebody thinking "I don't like that he is gay" versus worrying about being disowned by ones parents or be beaten for being gay. Gay people generally do not stay in the closet for fear of being less popular. Somebody who doesn't want to be seen in public with a gay person is more afraid of being viewed as unpopular than being physically assaulted. That is the maturity difference between a closeted homosexual and somebody like Tarik.
no I don't think so...I think the majority of them are worried about what their father and family will think, and their friends, coworkers, etc...not being beaten

unless they are in the milltary or on high school/college football team or something...then yeah they could get beaten I guess

07-05-2012, 07:34 PM
no I don't think so...I think the majority of them are worried about what their father and family will think, and their friends, coworkers, etc...not being beaten

unless they are in the milltary or on high school/college football team or something...then yeah they could get beaten I guess

Re-read what you just highlighted. My point was that they (straight people who won't go out with gay people) are not afraid of being beaten while gay people are more afraid of that.

07-05-2012, 07:36 PM
i would be. the only things that would really stop me from doing so would be if he was overly flamboyant or would make out with his mate in front of me.

I don't like being around couples that make out in public in general.

07-05-2012, 07:36 PM
You just agreed with what he said.


07-05-2012, 07:37 PM
okay my bad...I missread

07-05-2012, 07:39 PM
I can't hang with flamboyant homosexuals. Makes me kinda insecure. :oldlol:

07-05-2012, 07:40 PM
okay my bad...I missread

I feel like we have done a service to the world, educating you in this thread. Good on you for sticking around and reading this.


07-05-2012, 07:44 PM
I can't hang with flamboyant homosexuals. Makes me kinda insecure. :oldlol:

Insecure about what?

Actually, I'll tell you something interesting about my trip to the Pride Parade.
I was there with my fiancee, her sister & her partner, and 3 gay male friends. We were beside these two guys who were commenting on how fat they both were (both of them were extremely skinny). They were also commenting on someone in the crowd who was very pasty white, using derogatory comments loud enough for us to hear.

Gay or straight, they were a couple of douche bags. They were definitely trying to fulfill a flamboyant gay stereotype, and they came across as assholes on a day that is about celebrating people for being different.

Sorry, a little off topic.

07-05-2012, 07:44 PM
I feel like we have done a service to the world, educating you in this thread. Good on you for sticking around and reading this.

I just misread his post, nothing changed lol

07-05-2012, 07:45 PM
as long as he doesnt touch and there are girls too not just us 2 alone thats mad gay

07-05-2012, 08:01 PM

07-05-2012, 08:27 PM
The Primetime school of debate: Keep repeating the same premise over and over and over until your opponent gives up in frustration or boredom.


this is so true, especially in this thread.

i still love you though primetime.

07-05-2012, 08:34 PM
The other day i ran into this guy(flamboyantly gay) who works at my job and happens to live not too far from my crib. He was kind of giddy and telling me that the company hired him full time from his initial temp position. I congratulated him, blah, blah blah. Then he was like: "I'm going over to the Brown Jug to get a drink. Wanna come?"

"Nah, I'm good homie"

This can be interpreted in two ways. Either i'm cautious of him trying to make a move or i don't want to take the risk of being seen by others. I'm with the latter.

It's easy for people to say "It doesn't matter what people think". Actually it does. All it takes is one person to spot you and all of a sudden the whole neighborhood thinks you're playing for the pink team.

Call it silly, but that's just the way it is, at least where i'm from.

One of my best friends is gay.

To be honest, I had more fun hanging out with him then any of my straight friends.... and the biggest part....


I got an extraordinary amount of poon hanging out with him, why? gay dudes are usually flocked by fineeee women. It also didn't hurt that he was a choreographer and knew celebs and all... but that's for a different thread.

07-05-2012, 08:46 PM
Here's my thing with hanging with the gays. I don't hate gays at all, and I'm all for gay marriage.. but the reason why I can't hang with gays is cuz the way I perceive women.. For example.. If I'm somewhere and I see a attractive lady the first thing I check out is the face, booty, hips, legs and sometimes tittays. And if I'm feeling her, I want to hit something, clap my hands or clench my teeth. Now I'm going to have to imagine gays do or think the same way towards men, and I just can't be around them knowing that they might be potentially doing that around or towards me. makes sense?

07-05-2012, 09:10 PM

this is so true, especially in this thread.

i still love you though primetime.
I think everyone loves me...I noticed that throughout this thread there are numerous immature posts sprinkled in that contained actual ignorance and homophobia, but they were ignored to focus on me saying most gay men and straight men have different interests.

07-05-2012, 09:31 PM
I think everyone loves me...I noticed that throughout this thread there are numerous immature posts sprinkled in that contained actual ignorance and homophobia, but they were ignored to focus on me saying most gay men and straight men have different interests.

a lot of the instances of ignorance and homophobia in this thread were actually called out. if you read back through the thread a few pages there are plenty of examples.

now the reason people focus on you, is because you have made more than one ignorant statement, and unlike the other guys, you defend yourself until you are blue in the face. the comment about gays and straights having different interests is a perfect example.

i know straight guys who dont give a shit about sports at all. i know a straight dude who works as a makeup designer for this bare minerals cosmetics company. different people have different interests, dont you have any common interests with your homo co worker 20ft away?

07-05-2012, 10:02 PM
Insecure about what?

Actually, I'll tell you something interesting about my trip to the Pride Parade.
I was there with my fiancee, her sister & her partner, and 3 gay male friends. We were beside these two guys who were commenting on how fat they both were (both of them were extremely skinny). They were also commenting on someone in the crowd who was very pasty white, using derogatory comments loud enough for us to hear.

Gay or straight, they were a couple of douche bags. They were definitely trying to fulfill a flamboyant gay stereotype, and they came across as assholes on a day that is about celebrating people for being different.

Sorry, a little off topic.
I don't really have a legit reason tbh. I'm insecure about a lot of things. I hope ill grow out of them though.

Its all good bro,

07-05-2012, 10:04 PM
I just misread his post, nothing changed lol

Except you agreed with my example, but ignored the point about why it is different to be in the closet versus afraid to go out in public with a gay guy.

07-05-2012, 10:07 PM
Here's my thing with hanging with the gays. I don't hate gays at all, and I'm all for gay marriage.. but the reason why I can't hang with gays is cuz the way I perceive women.. For example.. If I'm somewhere and I see a attractive lady the first thing I check out is the face, booty, hips, legs and sometimes tittays. And if I'm feeling her, I want to hit something, clap my hands or clench my teeth. Now I'm going to have to imagine gays do or think the same way towards men, and I just can't be around them knowing that they might be potentially doing that around or towards me. makes sense?

How do you feel about fat girls? Are you afraid that they too will think about doing that around or towards you?

07-05-2012, 10:21 PM
This thread is gay ... but not in that way.

07-05-2012, 10:25 PM
This thread is gay

Not that there is anything wrong with that.

07-05-2012, 10:37 PM
okay fine, everyone is exactly the same...we all have the same things in common...I'm not even sure why clubs exist for different groups...you're just pointless
Do you actually go to clubs? There are gay people, there are straight people. There are men and women. People who like different things. Where do you go that its so homogenius that having gay / straight people in the same place cramps each other's fun?

It this like a texas thing? A NY club has hundreds of freaking people, the one gay guy is not going to prevent you from picking up girls. You've never had a female wingman? How is it different?

:lol i repeat, you have rocks in your head.

07-06-2012, 12:14 AM
Do you actually go to clubs? There are gay people, there are straight people. There are men and women. People who like different things. Where do you go that its so homogenius that having gay / straight people in the same place cramps each other's fun?

It this like a texas thing? A NY club has hundreds of freaking people, the one gay guy is not going to prevent you from picking up girls. You've never had a female wingman? How is it different?

:lol i repeat, you have rocks in your head.
is what a "Texas thing"? bigotry? lol, you're a real idiot sometimes...I swear to God

I used to club A LOT...if you were a regular here you might remember drunk me...Over 50% of Dallas is composed of people that came from other cities, I have friends from NY, Boston, and even Philly that ahve all thrown around the word "***" without hestitation. Sure you can find gays everywhere, you can also find bigotry everywhere, if you think it is uncommon in NY, then you just don't get out in your own city much.

I'll **** you till you love me ******.

07-06-2012, 12:20 AM
a lot of the instances of ignorance and homophobia in this thread were actually called out. if you read back through the thread a few pages there are plenty of examples.

now the reason people focus on you, is because you have made more than one ignorant statement, and unlike the other guys, you defend yourself until you are blue in the face. the comment about gays and straights having different interests is a perfect example.

i know straight guys who dont give a shit about sports at all. i know a straight dude who works as a makeup designer for this bare minerals cosmetics company. different people have different interests, dont you have any common interests with your homo co worker 20ft away?
dude, there are fcking stats to back this up, television ratings...

marketing demographics toward gay men...:facepalm


it is ignorant to pretend otherwise IMO

07-06-2012, 12:23 AM
is what a "Texas thing"? bigotry? lol, you're a real idiot sometimes...I swear to God

I used to club A LOT...if you were a regular here you might remember drunk me...Over 50% of Dallas is composed of people that came from other cities, I have friends from NY, Boston, and even Philly that ahve all thrown around the word "***" without hestitation. Sure you can find gays everywhere, you can also find bigotry everywhere, if you think it is uncommon in NY, then you just don't get out in your own city much.
Are you sure you want to be on the same end of the social spectrum as mike Tyson?:coleman:

07-06-2012, 12:26 AM
Are you sure you want to be on the same end of the social spectrum as mike Tyson?:coleman:
no dude, I was pointing out that Tyson is from NY :oldlol:

he was trying to suggest that bigotry is only found in Texas

07-06-2012, 12:28 AM
some of you should read up...


esp you Nanners

07-06-2012, 12:35 AM
I'm leaning toward PT's side. He's making some valid points.

07-06-2012, 12:36 AM
no dude, I was pointing out that Tyson is from NY :oldlol:

he was trying to suggest that bigotry is only found in Texas
I know what he was saying.. there are bigots and idiots from everywhere.

I agree that we dont have a whole lot in common with a lot of gay people, but its wrong to just assume you cant relate or even talk to someone right off the bat because they fit some demographic without giving it a try first.. if it doesnt work then fvck it.

I do think a lot of the people in this thread ranting about homophobia wouldnt necessarily act as liberal as they preach online. When you're in different social situations, instincts tend to take over.. and behind a computer chair is the safest place in the world.:lol

07-06-2012, 12:37 AM
Jeez, some people are real sensitive here. If someone from their own experience feels that different demographics have different interests, what exactly is the big deal? Just cause you may have not had that same experience, doesn't mean they haven't. If I say from my experience that gay men don't like sports as much as straight men, what is the difference between saying that and saying that from my experience black people seem to be more likely to like rap music then white people? Am I racist for that? Ridiculously sensitive people here.

07-06-2012, 12:44 AM
Jeez, some people are real sensitive here. If someone from their own experience feels that different demographics have different interests, what exactly is the big deal? Just cause you may have not had that same experience, doesn't mean they haven't. If I say from my experience that gay men don't like sports as much as straight men, what is the difference between saying that and saying that from my experience black people seem to be more likely to like rap music then white people? Am I racist for that? Ridiculously sensitive people here.


it's funny how it seems that straight men are more sensitive about this subject than gay men...we have gotten PC to the point that we aren't allowed to point out our differences :facepalm

"Black people and white people have different hair" <---racist comment only made in Texas

07-06-2012, 12:46 AM
I know what he was saying.. there are bigots and idiots from everywhere.

I agree that we dont have a whole lot in common with a lot of gay people, but its wrong to just assume you cant relate or even talk to someone right off the bat because they fit some demographic without giving it a try first.. if it doesnt work then fvck it.

I do think a lot of the people in this thread ranting about homophobia wouldnt necessarily act as liberal as they preach online. When you're in different social situations, instincts tend to take over.. and behind a computer chair is the safest place in the world.:lol
yep, thank you

Ass Dan
07-06-2012, 12:47 AM
p-tiddy, you've been rockin this f@g thread for an entire day. Got sumthin u wanna share?

07-06-2012, 12:48 AM
p-tiddy, you've been rockin this f@g thread for an entire day. Got sumthin u wanna share?
I'm in love with you

07-06-2012, 01:03 AM
Do people still not realize that primetime always speaks in generalities?

07-06-2012, 01:05 AM
Do people still not realize that primetime always speaks in generalities?
no, and they don't realize the studies do either I guess

"gay men watch less sports than straight men" = LITERALLY EVERY GAY MAN :oldlol:

07-06-2012, 01:07 AM
no, and they don't realize the studies do either I guess

"gay men watch less sports than straight men" = LITERALLY EVERY GAY MAN :oldlol:

Yeah, I really don't think anything you've said has been completely off the wall.

But I'm from Texas so what the **** do I know right?

07-06-2012, 01:08 AM
Yeah, I really don't think anything you've said has been completely off the wall.

But I'm from Texas so what the **** do I know right?
STFU you ignorant redneck

07-06-2012, 02:21 AM
I don't have any gay friends so I really have no clue. Not sure how that works because as a 21 year old dude women are usually the main topic and at some point during the night it comes up. You'd think they would feel left out. I'm not a homophobe or anything. What you do is your own business but I don't want to hear a guy talk about other dudes. Just doesn't interest me.

I'm secure enough. F*ck what people think. It's 2012 doubt anybody I know would even care. Just haven't crossed a gay dude I've wanted to be friends with so far.

I don't care if it means I'm close minded. I don't hate anybody for what they are, color of their skin etc. but that doesn't mean I want to rock out at Gay Pride like some of the people in this thread :oldlol:

07-08-2012, 12:28 AM
One of my best colleagues was gay and my boss is gay.

I wouldn't hang out because acting like a flamboyant weirdo is MY SCHTICK and THEY MUST NEVER SWAGGERJACK

By the way, I have never ever Heard someone vehemently sticking up for someone with such vigour and determination as PM do for gay people. Well, except for brothers sticking up for brothers. Just putting that out there.

07-08-2012, 12:41 AM
who cares if someone is gay... unless you are insecure and tempted on your own... lol

07-08-2012, 12:46 AM
What's an extraordinary amount?

Like 4, 5 girls?

You aren't exaggerating.

As I mentioned, he's a choreographer so he'd be flanked by that amount of girls on most occasions. Not to say that all gays are flocked by this amount of fine poon all the time, but it isn't out of the ordinary to find the gays with some fine bitches.

I work at Macy's and the gays are always hanging out with the finest of sluts. One of my close co workers would show me pics of his GFS and lawd!!!