View Full Version : Adrian Wojnarowski's column on Ray Allen's departure to Miami...

07-07-2012, 04:12 AM
http://sports.yahoo.com/news/nba--heat-gave-ray-allen-reason-to-again-feel-wanted.html;_ylt=ApWL9kDXpit7xK0fwSlbDegLcykA;_ylu =X3oDMTFoZnA0Y2I3BG1pdANCbG9nIEluZGV4IGJ5IEF1dGhvc gRwb3MDMQRzZWMDTWVkaWFCbG9nSW5kZXg-;_ylg=X3oDMTFrODdzYXZuBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRw c3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANhdXRob3IEcHQDc2VjdGlvbnM-;_ylv=3

Good read.

07-07-2012, 12:52 PM
Man that just makes Ray seem even more like a baby.

07-07-2012, 12:57 PM
Man that just makes Ray seem even more like a baby.

More like human.

07-07-2012, 01:01 PM
What a punk. At least we know we'll be seeing #34 and #5 hanging from the rafters one day.

07-07-2012, 01:02 PM
Exaggerated article. It's stuff like this that invented the so-called 'feud' between David West and Ray Allen earlier in the season. Nobody knows why Ray did it, and especially not this goon. Baseless speculation to stir up controversy with fans.

07-07-2012, 01:06 PM
Hilarious stuff. Good read indeed.

"You cant correct me you're not the coach"
"But I'm the PG, an extension of the coach"
"Still not the coach, so dont tell me to correct something."
"Well I am, my job is to lead. You dont like it or my long fingers? F*ck you."
"Nice jacket"
"You got jokes, f*ck off Ray."

07-07-2012, 01:08 PM
Lots of reporters have suggested that Rajon Rondo isn't the easiest person to get along with, and maybe all of the trade speculation did get to him. I'm sure there were other factors in his decision making, too. I'm not mad at him... he has a right to play wherever he wants for whatever reason he wants.

07-07-2012, 01:12 PM
http://sports.yahoo.com/news/nba--heat-gave-ray-allen-reason-to-again-feel-wanted.html;_ylt=ApWL9kDXpit7xK0fwSlbDegLcykA;_ylu =X3oDMTFoZnA0Y2I3BG1pdANCbG9nIEluZGV4IGJ5IEF1dGhvc gRwb3MDMQRzZWMDTWVkaWFCbG9nSW5kZXg-;_ylg=X3oDMTFrODdzYXZuBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRw c3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANhdXRob3IEcHQDc2VjdGlvbnM-;_ylv=3

Good read.

typical b!tch a$$ move by Ray Allen...if you wanted me to guess among the Celtics Big 3 who would be that Mole...100 times of 100 i would have said Ray B!tch Allen

07-07-2012, 01:12 PM
Exaggerated article. It's stuff like this that invented the so-called 'feud' between David West and Ray Allen earlier in the season. Nobody knows why Ray did it, and especially not this goon. Baseless speculation to stir up controversy with fans.

:oldlol: There some obvious fluff, and armchair psychology, but there's some truth in there as well. There's obvously underlying reasons Ray is Miami bound. And Rondo and Danny Ainge played a big part.

07-07-2012, 01:13 PM
This writer contradicts himself too much. He plays the "Ray is a military child" and "stalwart professional" angle into ad nauseum - mentioning roughly three to four times by my accounts - then, at the end of the article, suggests Ray is doing something completely out of character for an individual with that sort of upbringing by giving a huge middle finger to the franchise responsible for taking his career to previously unknown heights? Get real.

He butted heads with Rondo and saw an opportunity to play on a viable, damn near shoo-in for multiple rings. It wasn't a last parting shot to Doc, Ainge and the entire Boston franchise. :rolleyes:

07-07-2012, 01:15 PM
Are lakers fans acting like they didn't just sign an old rival player?

07-07-2012, 01:30 PM
Lots of reporters have suggested that Rajon Rondo isn't the easiest person to get along with, and maybe all of the trade speculation did get to him. I'm sure there were other factors in his decision making, too. I'm not mad at him... he has a right to play wherever he wants for whatever reason he wants.

There was a reason Rondo was also Dangled in Trade Rumors.

07-07-2012, 01:44 PM

07-07-2012, 01:45 PM

Ray Allen had a choice and he chooses Miami. He has been nothing but professional since arriving in Boston.

Good for him and I will be rooting for him to be successful in Miami...Just too bad I hate Miami but Ray is a good role model for all.

Miami need to offset the darkside with Ray and Shane... ;)

07-07-2012, 01:50 PM

Just post the image:


Eric Cartman
07-07-2012, 01:53 PM
Boston tried to trade him and Terry was gonna take his role as a off the bench scorer. So much butthurt.

no pun intended
07-07-2012, 01:57 PM
Are lakers fans acting like they didn't just sign an old rival player?
Rival from more than a couple years ago. Ray Allen was a rival of yesterday.

07-07-2012, 02:07 PM
Just post the image:

:roll: thats hilarious :roll:

All this talk about legacy, rivalry, backstabbing etc. is pure bullshit. Ray wasn't happy in Boston for one reason or another. He joined the Heat, so he'll be hated by every non Heat fan, I just hope that Boston fans will "forgive" him, for whatever, and remember him for what he did for the team...

07-07-2012, 02:15 PM
Are lakers fans acting like they didn't just sign an old rival player?
Lakers and Suns are rivals?

07-07-2012, 02:17 PM
Paul Pierce was really an icy guy to talk to and deal with earlier in his career, very similar to Rondo - although Rondo has not really had to deal with being on crappy teams.

Everyone that I spoke to, said Pierce was an asshole to talk to in his younger years. Maybe Rondo will grow out of it.

07-07-2012, 02:18 PM
Lakers and Suns are rivals?

Yes, for a very long time actually.

EDIT: Nice avatar by the way. I gotta change mine now =/

07-07-2012, 02:19 PM
:roll: thats hilarious :roll:

All this talk about legacy, rivalry, backstabbing etc. is pure bullshit. Ray wasn't happy in Boston for one reason or another. He joined the Heat, so he'll be hated by every non Heat fan, I just hope that Boston fans will "forgive" him, for whatever, and remember him for what he did for the team...

I'm not even mad at him. Ray can do what he wants. If he feels that playing time and a ring were more likely to happen in Miami, then good on him. I wish him luck with fitting in there. I wouldn't be able to cope with Wade yapping constantly, and berating teammates, I'd knock him out. I don't know how LeBron deals with it.

07-07-2012, 02:19 PM
Just post the image:


07-07-2012, 02:19 PM
Yes, for a very long time actually.

EDIT: Nice avatar by the way. I gotta change mine now =/

Gotta make the playoffs to be a real rival

07-07-2012, 02:20 PM
I think KG is a bad influence for Rondo :lol

07-07-2012, 02:25 PM
Gotta make the playoffs to be a real rival

The Suns and Lakers haven't liked each other dating back to the 80's. Even Kobe acknowledges that they are a rival. This was discussed in another thread but I don't feel like searching.

07-07-2012, 02:28 PM
Bitch move ray, bitch move. That's like siding with the bully that just beat u and ur brother ass

07-07-2012, 02:30 PM
Some peoPle must've just started watching basketball...

07-07-2012, 02:41 PM
Calling Woj a goon is so hilarious. The guy is the most informed guy out there. The guy with the best source. And yet he is writing bullshit ?


07-07-2012, 02:46 PM
It doesn't take a genius to know that there was tension between Ray and the Celtics' coaching staff and front office this season.

To me, this decision made him look more like a competitor than a traitor. He wants to win another champion or more. He also wants to an important player on a team who values his assets. The latter part is what he felt Boston was lacking for him.

07-07-2012, 02:56 PM
Calling Woj a goon is so hilarious. The guy is the most informed guy out there. The guy with the best source. And yet he is writing bullshit ?

You're a Thomas Robinson super fan and a Nets bandwagoner. What does that say about your credibility and opinions?

Quiet, the adults are talking.

07-07-2012, 02:58 PM
Dude, you forgot "I'm a Kobe stan". And seeing other thread I made, a KAJ stan, a Lebron stan, a SVG hater etc.

You are pathetic.


07-07-2012, 03:03 PM
Dude, you forgot "I'm a Kobe stan". And seeing other thread I made, a KAJ stan, a Lebron stan, a SVG hater etc.

You are pathetic.

It's exasperating how much smarter I am than you. You can't possibly dispute this.

By the way, since when did a guys source credibility when breaking news stories lend credence to his claims as to why a player subsequently left his team? Because he certainly didn't cite any "sources close to the matter" when lending us his two cents about Ray "getting revenge" on Boston by signing with Miami.

You're right, journalists never sensationalize to boost readership or stir up a sports world furore. :rolleyes:

07-07-2012, 03:04 PM
Dude, you forgot "I'm a Kobe stan". And seeing other thread I made, a KAJ stan, a Lebron stan, a SVG hater etc.

You are pathetic.


http://exposethewaltermittyhuntertrolls.files.wordpress.c om/2012/05/guy-laughing-at-you-thumb1094641.jpg

07-07-2012, 03:10 PM
A lot of people call Andrew Bynum immature but it never got to the point where his teammate, Ray Allen in Rondo's case, hated him so much he rather sacrifice 3 million dollars per season to play elsewhere.

Gotta put Rondo up there now in terms of immaturity, above Bynum and probably along the lines of DeMarcus Cousins. It's no wonder Ainge was shopping this guy.

07-07-2012, 03:15 PM
A lot of people call Andrew Bynum immature but it never got to the point where his teammate, Ray Allen in Rondo's case, hated him so much he rather sacrifice 3 million dollars per season to play elsewhere.

Gotta put Rondo up there now in terms of immaturity, above Bynum and probably along the lines of DeMarcus Cousins. It's no wonder Ainge was shopping this guy.
Andrew Bynum's immaturity surpasses back room chatter and speculation from the media... it's splashed out onto the court on an almost nightly basis. While I'm sure the chip on Rondo's shoulder had a great deal to do with Allen's leaving, it's that same chip on Rondo's shoulder that makes him the PG he is and makes him the motor of the Celtics in general. His hardheaded behavior, if anything, is a hand up to Boston, not a hindrance like Bynum's 3-pt attempts and bench end sulking.

Until Doc or Ainge come out and publicly acknowledge the rift between these two guys, it's all overblown nonsense. Sure, they probably didn't get along and Ray decided to distance himself from the situation... but everything else is just a bunch of third, fourth, fifth and sixth parties trying to capitalize on a story by overemphasizing details.

07-07-2012, 03:21 PM
You're a Thomas Robinson super fan and a Nets bandwagoner. What does that say about your credibility and opinions?

Quiet, the adults are talking.
Um, what does that have to do with the post you quoted? Everything he said was true. Woj is the most informed NBA writer out there. That's pretty much a fact.

I love how you just attacked PunPun and didn't even address anything he posted. Real adult move.

07-07-2012, 03:21 PM
Andrew Bynum's immaturity surpasses back room chatter and speculation from the media... it's splashed out onto the court on an almost nightly basis. While I'm sure the chip on Rondo's shoulder had a great deal to do with Allen's leaving, it's that same chip on Rondo's shoulder that makes him the PG he is and makes him the motor of the Celtics in general. His hardheaded behavior, if anything, is a hand up to Boston, not a hindrance like Bynum's 3-pt attempts and bench end sulking.

Until Doc or Ainge come out and publicly acknowledge the rift between these two guys, it's all overblown nonsense. Sure, they probably didn't get along and Ray decided to distance himself from the situation... but everything else is just a bunch of third, fourth, fifth and sixth parties trying to capitalize on a story by overemphasizing details.

Say what you want about Bynum's single 3pt attempt. None of his teammates wanted out because of it.

Let me ask you this. If you had a job that pays 6 million per year and you had a coworker on your team who had a bad relationship with you. What would it take for you to sacrifice 3 million dollars annually to move and work somewhere else in another state?

3 million ****ing dollars per year. Gotta believe Rondo straight up disrespected Ray Allen. We don't need Doc or Ainge to come out with it. Ray Allen said it himself that he had a deteriorating relationship with Rondo. Ray is a 1st party, not 3rd, 4th or 6th.

DeMarcus Cousins got his coach fired.
Dwight Howard got his coach fired and GM fired.
Rondo's immaturity/disrespect caused Ray Allen to sacrifice 3million dollars annually and join their arch nemesis in Miami.

07-07-2012, 03:34 PM
I think Woj is correct that if Ray had re-signed, by December if things weren't going along well he would've been in trade rumors again. Boston did treat him as the most expendable asset. And if he had been traded to like Orlando for like Jason Richardson, fans would be saying it's "part of the business." Well, it's also part of the business of a player leaving your team to go to another. Double-edge d sword.

07-07-2012, 03:36 PM
Um, what does that have to do with the post you quoted? Everything he said was true. Woj is the most informed NBA writer out there. That's pretty much a fact.

I love how you just attacked PunPun and didn't even address anything he posted. Real adult move.
When's you guys' wedding date? Where are you guys registered? I'll send a nice gift package.

If you knew anything about this nerd he does nothing but troll and offers nothing in the way of substantive, thoughtful content on this forum. He just regurgitates stuff he's seen well informed members of the board post or baseless speculation. I'm sure he's all warm and fuzzy to have you coming to his aid, however. Peas in a pod.

Again, explain to me how a guy offering his own groundless speculation on Ray Allen leaving for Miami as a "revenge tactic" - without citing these informed sources you claim he's tied to - has anything to do with his credibility when as it pertains to breaking stories or offering information related to trade rumors or team inner workings. The latter part of that article is nothing but opinion and conjecture.

Pick up a newspaper every now and again and you clowns might actually begin to observe common editorial strategies and prevalent themes in journalism. :sleeping

Tenchi Ryu
07-07-2012, 03:37 PM
Are lakers fans acting like they didn't just sign an old rival player?
But that was like how many years ago now. The reason the Allen signing stings more is cause you LITERALLY just beat them in the ECf what, a month and a half ago now.

07-07-2012, 03:38 PM
annually and join their arch nemesis in Miami.
Are you always this easy to sway into popular opinion? It's been less than a day since Ray Allen signed with Miami and you're already preaching this garbage like it's uncontested fact. Never mind the better opportunity to win rings, be closer to family and retire on top... no, ESPN Exclusive: It was 100% Rondo and his dirty looks.

07-07-2012, 03:45 PM
Are you always this easy to sway into popular opinion? It's been less than a day since Ray Allen signed with Miami and you're already preaching this garbage like it's uncontested fact. Never mind the better opportunity to win rings, be closer to family and retire on top... no, ESPN Exclusive: It was 100% Rondo and his dirty looks.

Closer to family? I call bs. Show me some proof his family lives closer to Miami than Boston.

Better opportunity to win rings? The Celtics were 1 game away from the NBA Finals. Ainge constructed a roster this year which has more depth and experience than last year and was just waiting for Ray to complete it.

Not only did Ray sacrifice 3 million dollars, he left all his boys (KG and Pierce included) hanging in Boston to join their enemies. Not even these guys could talk him out of it. How badly does someone have to **** you to cause you to give up 3 million dollars annually?

07-07-2012, 03:48 PM
Closer to family? I call bs. Show me some proof his family lives closer to Miami than Boston.

Better opportunity to win rings? The Celtics were 1 game away from the NBA Finals. Ainge constructed a roster this year which has more depth and experience than last year and was just waiting for Ray to complete it.

Not only did Ray sacrifice 3 million dollars, he left all his boys (KG and Pierce included) hanging in Boston to join their enemies. Not even these guys could talk him out of it. How badly does someone have to **** you to cause you to give up 3 million dollars annually?
Ray Allen's mother and her husband, as well as a collective of his closest relatives, have been living in Orlando, FL for the past four or five years. You must have missed the episode of The Association where Rondo and Ray had Christmas dinner at Ray's mom's house in Orlando. Stop discussing things you don't understand and then calling them "BS" when you aren't even informed in the first place.

07-07-2012, 03:51 PM
Ray Allen's mother and her husband, as well as a collective of his closest relatives, have been living in Orlando, FL for the past four or five years. You must have missed the episode of The Association where Rondo and Ray had Christmas dinner at Ray's mom's house in Orlando. Stop discussing things you don't understand and then calling them "BS" when you aren't even informed in the first place.

Okay so he gets to be closer to home. Is that worth sacrificing 3 million dollars per year?:biggums:

07-07-2012, 03:58 PM
Ray Allen couldve went to a team, he can make a difference and actually need him. Instead he goes to a team that just won a championship with out him.

He is useless there, Heat r gonna make it to the Finals, with or with out him. Straight out took the bitch way out. There is no value in joining a team that are favorites to win without you.

07-07-2012, 03:59 PM
Okay so he gets to be closer to home. Is that worth sacrificing 3 million dollars per year?:biggums:
Obviously, to him, it was. End of discussion.

07-07-2012, 04:01 PM
Obviously, to him, it was. End of discussion.

Then why did he feel the need to cite his deteriorating relationship with Rondo as one of the major causes along with the failed Memphis trade at the deadline?

07-07-2012, 04:07 PM
Then why did he feel the need to cite his deteriorating relationship with Rondo as one of the major causes along with the failed Memphis trade at the deadline?
Because all you do is listen to a guy with unnamed sources and run with it. Until Ainge and Doc come out and acknowledge those things as factors, you're just buying into overblown sports journalism.

Mr. Incredible
07-07-2012, 04:08 PM
Ray Allen couldve went to a team, he can make a difference and actually need him. Instead he goes to a team that just won a championship with out him.

He is useless there, Heat r gonna make it to the Finals, with or with out him. Straight out took the bitch way out. There is no value in joining a team that are favorites to win without you.He isn't 27 anymore. Easy decision to go to the best team if you want to win another ring.

07-07-2012, 04:10 PM
Ray Allen couldve went to a team, he can make a difference and actually need him. Instead he goes to a team that just won a championship with out him.

He is useless there, Heat r gonna make it to the Finals, with or with out him. Straight out took the bitch way out. There is no value in joining a team that are favorites to win without you.

Same with Nash...could've gone to Toronto and made a difference :facepalm

07-07-2012, 04:18 PM
VAGISTILL is quite cranky. Kid is snapping at the bottom of pant legs as everyone enters. Tsk Tsk, bad dog.

07-07-2012, 04:21 PM
VAGISTILL is quite cranky. Kid is snapping at the bottom of pant legs as everyone enters. Tsk Tsk, bad dog.
Total Posts: 49,066 (22.04 posts per day)

07-07-2012, 04:22 PM
When's you guys' wedding date? Where are you guys registered? I'll send a nice gift package.

If you knew anything about this nerd he does nothing but troll and offers nothing in the way of substantive, thoughtful content on this forum. He just regurgitates stuff he's seen well informed members of the board post or baseless speculation. I'm sure he's all warm and fuzzy to have you coming to his aid, however. Peas in a pod.

Again, explain to me how a guy offering his own groundless speculation on Ray Allen leaving for Miami as a "revenge tactic" - without citing these informed sources you claim he's tied to - has anything to do with his credibility when as it pertains to breaking stories or offering information related to trade rumors or team inner workings. The latter part of that article is nothing but opinion and conjecture.

Pick up a newspaper every now and again and you clowns might actually begin to observe common editorial strategies and prevalent themes in journalism. :sleeping
Are you always so ****ing childish? Because I agree with his post now I'm marrying him? WTF are you even talking about? First and foremost, I'll take Woj's opinions over some random idiot on a message board. Even if he is just sprouting his opinion, he's more informed then anyone on this board, including you.

07-07-2012, 04:23 PM
Because all you do is listen to a guy with unnamed sources and run with it. Until Ainge and Doc come out and acknowledge those things as factors, you're just buying into overblown sports journalism.
Sources always ask to remain anonymous idiot, especially in the sports world. They could get into trouble if they were named. And if Woj named his sources he would be ****ing himself and losing trust with NBA people.

07-07-2012, 04:24 PM
Total Posts: 49,066 (22.04 posts per day)

And quite honestly? You've been posting your heart away for quite some time now. Too bad there isnt a board reader to check posts this week, last month. I gurantee you posted more than me and more on avg at that. But feel free to post total posts. I'll laugh as I notice you posting your heart away today. And yesterday, and the day before. :rolleyes:

Go on ankle bitter attack dog. You got more posts to reply to in this thread let alone others.

07-07-2012, 04:26 PM
Are you always so ****ing childish? Because I agree with his post now I'm marrying him? WTF are you even talking about? First and foremost, I'll take Woj's opinions over some random idiot on a message board. Even if he is just sprouting his opinion, he's more informed then anyone on this board, including you.

Yes, why yes he is. Especially when someone makes a good point and he doesnt want to accept it. He lashes out. I still dont get his avatar. Such a mature guy tho

Sources always ask to remain anonymous idiot, especially in the sports world. They could get into trouble if they were named.


07-07-2012, 04:31 PM
just another reason to hate the Heat.
I love it.

07-07-2012, 04:33 PM
just another reason to hate the Heat.
I love it.
Why is it OK for Nash to go to a rival but not Ray Allen?

07-07-2012, 04:35 PM
And quite honestly? You've been posting your heart away for quite some time now. Too bad there isnt a board reader to check posts this week, last month. I gurantee you posted more than me and more on avg at that. But feel free to post total posts. I'll laugh as I notice you posting your heart away today. And yesterday, and the day before. :rolleyes:

Go on ankle bitter attack dog. You got more posts to reply to in this thread let alone others.
Folks with neat jobs have increased seasonal hours, depending on the time of year. Luckily, I'm paid to do this. How about you? Odds are I couldn't post with my current increased frequency for two years straight and hit even half your grand total.

I'm still eager to meet you while I'm on the east coast in a couple of weeks, GOBB. Why won't you accommodate my requests? :cry:

07-07-2012, 04:36 PM
Are you always so ****ing childish? Because I agree with his post now I'm marrying him? WTF are you even talking about? First and foremost, I'll take Woj's opinions over some random idiot on a message board. Even if he is just sprouting his opinion, he's more informed then anyone on this board, including you.

07-07-2012, 04:40 PM
Folks with neat jobs have increased seasonal hours, depending on the time of year. Luckily, I'm paid to do this. How about you? Odds are I couldn't post with my current increased frequency for two years straight and hit even half your grand total.

I'm still eager to meet you while I'm on the east coast in a couple of weeks, GOBB. Why won't you accommodate my requests? :cry:

:roll: @people trying to explain why they are on here so much as well as posting up a storm. I love it. "But but but...", shut up idiot. And what request you clown? This is the first I ever heard of you wanting to meet me. Now I'll grab your logic and throw it in your silly face.

Meeting someone off the internet especially a messageboard full of random characters? Thats pure loser status right there. I have a life VAGISTILL. Why would I want to meet you in person as you travel to the East Coast and go out of your way to stop by in the city where I reside? Weirdo, loser alert!


07-07-2012, 04:45 PM
Paul Pierce was really an icy guy to talk to and deal with earlier in his career, very similar to Rondo - although Rondo has not really had to deal with being on crappy teams.

Everyone that I spoke to, said Pierce was an asshole to talk to in his younger years. Maybe Rondo will grow out of it.
but Rondo does things like threaten camera men for filming him, broke a tv during a film session because he was getting criticized, and pout and say it's personal when his buddy got traded.

07-07-2012, 04:48 PM
:roll: @people trying to explain why they are on here so much as well as posting up a storm. I love it. "But but but...", shut up idiot. And what request you clown? This is the first I ever heard of you wanting to meet me. Now I'll grab your logic and throw it in your silly face.

Meeting someone off the internet especially a messageboard full of random characters? Thats pure loser status right there. I have a life VAGISTILL. Why would I want to meet you in person as you travel to the East Coast and go out of your way to stop by in the city where I reside? Weirdo, loser alert!

I travel a lot, it's really no issue if you live in Philadelphia area. It's alright if you're afraid, GOBB.

07-07-2012, 04:48 PM
Why is it OK for Nash to go to a rival but not Ray Allen?
where did I say it was NOT OK for Allen to go to the Heat?
But, to play devils advocate:
1. Most importantly, Phoenix did not offer Nash a new contract. Celtics offered Ray twice as much money as the Heat.
2. Lakers did not win the championship. They are trying to get back there. Nash might be a piece to get them there. Heat just won it and Ray is jumping on board.
3. Nash wants/needs to be near his children. Toronto and New York are not anywhere near Phoenix.
4. Nash is an immediate starter on a team that needs someone at his position. Ray....not so much.
5. Ray abandoned a team in the championship hunt. Nash did not.
6. Ray went to the rival team in the championship hunt. Nash did not. If you think Phoenix is really a rival to the Lakers, you are dilusional...or simply a Suns fan.

How's that answer your question?

07-07-2012, 04:51 PM
Ultimate "can't beat em, join em" move. I can't think of there ever being a better example of this before.

07-07-2012, 05:00 PM
Good for Allen. Joins a younger, better team where he'll still have an impact. He'll have those corner threes all day.

07-07-2012, 05:03 PM
Dont know the situation alot but I do know...

Ray prob wanted a longer contract for security, did not want to deal with being a FA on the market again. The guy is a creature of habit.

Bradley took his shine and he felt phased out... Honestly he was. Ray was a liability defensively amidst the starting 5 with Bass. with so many great athletic SGs that run, Bradley was the perfect guy that made our defense scarier,

Ray had very good stats and I can see him feeling slighted when PP got his extension at 14-15 mill, Rondo gets 11 and KG recently gets a max contract.

07-07-2012, 06:53 PM
AMISTILL is one of the most obvious trolls in this board. Especially on this thread.


07-07-2012, 07:16 PM
:roll: thats hilarious :roll:

All this talk about legacy, rivalry, backstabbing etc. is pure bullshit. Ray wasn't happy in Boston for one reason or another. He joined the Heat, so he'll be hated by every non Heat fan, I just hope that Boston fans will "forgive" him, for whatever, and remember him for what he did for the team...

I don't need to forgive him. I've been a Ray Allen during his entire career. It's not us Celtic fans that are all sore about this, but you little cry babies that piss and moan about the Heat. Do we want to beat the Heat? Of Course. Do we cry and whine about how stacked they are and talk non stop shit about lebron like the lot of you? Hell no. That nonsense is for little girls. Shut the **** up laker fans and stop being bitch made.

07-07-2012, 11:55 PM
but Rondo does things like threaten camera men for filming him, broke a tv during a film session because he was getting criticized, and pout and say it's personal when his buddy got traded.

Threaten a cameraman? He said, "Don't film me."

Broke a tv? He could probably buy 10 of them with just the cash in his wallet.

Sad his best friend was traded? MONSTER!

07-08-2012, 12:47 AM
Same with Nash...could've gone to Toronto and made a difference :facepalm
Moron, Nash just turned the Lakers from 2nd round exit to Western Conference contenders :facepalm :facepalm

Boston C's
07-08-2012, 12:56 AM
Idk why ppl keep screaming how ray is disloyal...i hate that he went to miami because its like hes taking the easy way out but i hate how ppl keep calling him disloyal...ray didnt owe boston anything...pretty much every yr after they wont the title ray was in trade talks he pretty much gets sent to memphis only to be told last minute hes not...loses his starting job and starts seeing his importance and productivity diminish greatly then to top it all off we sign the jet (great signing btw) but it just shows that rays minutes would be even less then originally presumed and most celtic fans bitch that he was disloyal???? I really dont get that...if anything it would have been insane for ray not to leave i just hate that it was miami

Solid Snake
07-08-2012, 02:49 AM
Lots of reporters have suggested that Rajon Rondo isn't the easiest person to get along with, and maybe all of the trade speculation did get to him. I'm sure there were other factors in his decision making, too. I'm not mad at him... he has a right to play wherever he wants for whatever reason he wants.

You don't need reporters to tell you Rajon isn't a normal person. He has this me against the world type chip on his shoulder, I mean you can just see a quiet rage within him that more than likely stems from him being the "little guy" that got bullied as a child. I wouldn't be surprised if he grew up with no father either.

A thought experiment: if you met Rajon in random place in real life, could you see yourself engaging in banter with him?

No. He has no social skills. Case closed.

07-08-2012, 02:52 AM
Dont know the situation alot but I do know...

Ray prob wanted a longer contract for security, did not want to deal with being a FA on the market again. The guy is a creature of habit.

Bradley took his shine and he felt phased out... Honestly he was. Ray was a liability defensively amidst the starting 5 with Bass. with so many great athletic SGs that run, Bradley was the perfect guy that made our defense scarier,

Ray had very good stats and I can see him feeling slighted when PP got his extension at 14-15 mill, Rondo gets 11 and KG recently gets a max contract.

People should read this more. These factors are actually the reasons why I think he left the Celtics.
A mix of he wanted at least a 3 year deal (like KG and Bass), he wanted a little more money and he was utilized less so he feels phazed out.
The other factors that play into this are: he had way less touches, Terry's signing makes Allen's possible contribution to the Celtics even less, start behind Bradley (after he got better) vs start behind Dwade and role as a Heat is arguably bigger than the Celtics
Being almost traded is also a big factor. Riff between Rondo and Ray is way overblown. It's insane to think one teammate drove Ray to go against his other teammates.

07-08-2012, 04:20 AM
Lots of reporters have suggested that Rajon Rondo isn't the easiest person to get along with, and maybe all of the trade speculation did get to him. I'm sure there were other factors in his decision making, too. I'm not mad at him... he has a right to play wherever he wants for whatever reason he wants.

Sure he's got a right to play wherever he wants.

And people got the right to express their low opinion of his "decision".

07-08-2012, 09:39 AM
Sure he's got a right to play wherever he wants.

And people got the right to express their low opinion of his "decision".

What's your point? I was expressing my opinion of his decision, that "I'm not mad at him," and explaining why.

07-08-2012, 09:47 AM
I hate how the media's acting like it's all Ray's fault. The Celtics actively shopped Ray at the deadline, offered him a modest contract after rewarding KG $10 plus million per year, and signed another shooting guard who most certainly would have dipped into his minutes. You can't really blame the guy for feeling under appreciated.