View Full Version : "State you position on the Knicks" thread

07-07-2012, 01:57 PM
Just what the title says.

In an effort to compile positions of the team into one thread vs having every thread say the same thing.

I'll start....

My only issue with the team is it's reluctance to make the "high risk" move.

I'm not talking about matching an offer for Lin type move, but a true game changer.

Over the course of years teams have made those high risk game changer moves, and have been rewarded for such.

The Lakers are notorious for it, and just did it again

The Bulls have done it, and may be about to do it again.

Pistons did it, and most recently won a ring doing so.

Mavs did it, and seemed poised to do it again.

It's not even acquiring any said player, but setting yourself up to acquire a said player or players.

I've yet to see the Knicks do so.

07-07-2012, 02:23 PM
They just traded, like, 50 players for one guy who's never proven anything commensurate with his hype.

That was a big move.

07-07-2012, 02:39 PM
They just traded, like, 50 players for one guy who's never proven anything commensurate with his hype.

That was a big move.

He's got a point :confusedshrug:

That deal was a no brainer though. Will post my thoughts later, need to think on it.

07-07-2012, 02:50 PM
That's fair Scoooter, but not in the mold of what I was thinking, definitely not high risk

Is that you position on the Knicks?

el gringos
07-07-2012, 06:35 PM
Knicks are 1 good trade/2 or 3 players away from being able to win it

Carmelo is a unique player- build around his game and not despite it

07-07-2012, 11:12 PM
knicks might be a formidable opponent if they can play well together having one full training camp and I think can challenge at the ECF level
It's all about Playoff positioning. Last season we got ****ed with our position while Indy and Boston faired well to move deep with the opponents they faced early which I believe we could of also done if positioned the same. We need to secure a top 3 spot next season cus I see the bottom half as being extremely weak.

07-08-2012, 10:19 AM
They just traded, like, 50 players for one guy who's never proven anything commensurate with his hype.

That was a big move.
Wait we trade Gallo n got back Melo n WE got the guy who hasnt come close to living up to the hype? Lmao

Is that you position on the Knicks?

It's his only position lol

I think we are in a bad place right now. I think we mirrored what the Jets did. We got some quality talent. We showed aglimpse of success finally. Then, instead of building around our pieces with quality, cheap role players. We blew our remaining assets on names (Tim Tebow, Jason Kidd) instead of games. I think we are squandering and 3 year window of opportunity to make some noise in the playoffs because we are getting guys based off of reputation and recognition instead of what they actually cando ON THE COURT.

For example, Jared Jeffies. His claim to fame is how he draws charges. I keep seeing the stat, "he led the team drawing a total of 10 charges." Ok, wll he's a liability otherwise and 10 charges in a 66 game season means that he was hurting us moe than he was helping us. It's been real, he's been overrated and overpaid his entire time asa Knick. He made some nice hustle plays...but enough is enough. Not only i he a scrub but now he's coming off an injury and he isnt exactly young.

It's time to go get some young talent that's gonna stick around for more than a year. Time to BUILD a teamintead of overpaying hasbeens and renting players so they can chase a ring.

07-08-2012, 02:35 PM
Dude, Tebow's a winner.

07-08-2012, 10:49 PM
I am so confused about this team. Its not young and its not a championship team.

the team probably will move into the top 5 in the east not based on their own merit and talent but the failings/injuries to other teams.

knickcity the team isnt going into luxury tax zone so no i dont think they will be doing nathan of consequence.

07-09-2012, 02:40 PM
Alright, here's what I think.

The Knicks needed to take an "Out with the old in with the new" type stance on this off season. Which hasn't looked like the case so far.

We need to stop signing guys like Baron Davis, Mike Bibby and Jared Jeffries. Even Jason Kidd...I'm not a fan of that signing.:confusedshrug:

The one older player however that I would make an exception for is Camby. In my opinion he's an ideal fit as a back up big man for this team. Not because of experience or what ever. He can still contribute.

After bringing in a guy like Camby we would need to secure our SG position because Shumpert will be out until around January.

Bringing back JR Smith seems like a good step. But I would also want to bring in a guy like Gerald Green for all of the reasons Franchize said. He's fairly young, has some good athleticism, and is hungry. He's pretty versitile too and can play the 3 so when Shumpert does come back he can slide to the back-up 3.

Novak was an asset shooting the ball off the bench last season during the regular season so I would bring him back cheap. If he gets a pretty expensive offer though....I would bring back Shawne Williams.

As far as PG goes, obviously we match Lin but then we need to be in the market for a back up. This is tricky because we obviously have limited cap room at this point. Obviously I want Sessions but he would probably be too expensive and would probably be looking to start. Jonny Flynn might be a good guy to give a shot and I think we could get for cheap. Another RFA who might have come available recently is Jerryd Bayless.

Hypothetical Roster:

Shumpert/JR Smith

I'm not really comfortable with Novak actually backing up Stoudemire. If STAT goes down he shouldn't get the start so looking for a back-up PF would be ideal. Anthony Randolph would be perfect but probably too expensive. Not sure on that front.

The reality s we have Kidd and hes taking up alot of money. We can S&T for Camby as well.

Is there anyway realistic way we can still bring back JR and bring in Gerald Green while finding a way to bring back Anthony Randolph. Seems impossible at this point but it would add some good depth.

07-11-2012, 09:24 AM
Well here's my take.

The Knicks have messed up the 2010 free agency.
Now they find themselves with two superstars around whom - as a duo - it is very difficult to put together a winning team.
We overpaid Amar'e, who is now fairly untradeable.
That is the biggest problem.
We could have built an awesome team around Melo, with Amare's salary space.
Instead, now we are kind of stuck in the middle.

2) (as a consequence)
The Knicks don't have time to "build". We cannot indulge in a young team hoping they become good role players.
Our stars are in their prime.
Melo is 28 and in his prime. Amar'e seems to have lost a step already. Tyson is even older.
The timeframe in which we should win is very thin. And young players won't bring us a title, if their name isn't Kyrie Irving or Anthony Davis and a few others, which is not the case.
In this sense I agree with the type of moves that have been done. Kidd, JR Smith are people who can contribute now. We are still some moves away though.

07-11-2012, 09:45 AM
Alright, here's what I think.

The Knicks needed to take an "Out with the old in with the new" type stance on this off season. Which hasn't looked like the case so far.

We need to stop signing guys like Baron Davis, Mike Bibby and Jared Jeffries. Even Jason Kidd...I'm not a fan of that signing.:confusedshrug:

The one older player however that I would make an exception for is Camby. In my opinion he's an ideal fit as a back up big man for this team. Not because of experience or what ever. He can still contribute.

After bringing in a guy like Camby we would need to secure our SG position because Shumpert will be out until around January.

Bringing back JR Smith seems like a good step. But I would also want to bring in a guy like Gerald Green for all of the reasons Franchize said. He's fairly young, has some good athleticism, and is hungry. He's pretty versitile too and can play the 3 so when Shumpert does come back he can slide to the back-up 3.

Novak was an asset shooting the ball off the bench last season during the regular season so I would bring him back cheap. If he gets a pretty expensive offer though....I would bring back Shawne Williams.

As far as PG goes, obviously we match Lin but then we need to be in the market for a back up. This is tricky because we obviously have limited cap room at this point. Obviously I want Sessions but he would probably be too expensive and would probably be looking to start. Jonny Flynn might be a good guy to give a shot and I think we could get for cheap. Another RFA who might have come available recently is Jerryd Bayless.

Hypothetical Roster:

Shumpert/JR Smith

I'm not really comfortable with Novak actually backing up Stoudemire. If STAT goes down he shouldn't get the start so looking for a back-up PF would be ideal. Anthony Randolph would be perfect but probably too expensive. Not sure on that front.

The reality s we have Kidd and hes taking up alot of money. We can S&T for Camby as well.

Is there anyway realistic way we can still bring back JR and bring in Gerald Green while finding a way to bring back Anthony Randolph. Seems impossible at this point but it would add some good depth.

It's crazy how when you joined this board, our opinions were so different but now we're almost always on the same page. Go figure :confusedshrug:

For the record, Jerryd Bayless is now an Unrestricted Free Agent. The Craptors rescinded their qualifying offer for whatever reason.

07-11-2012, 03:26 PM
Our offseason
Draft a foreign play who wont play this year.
Pay a 39 year old hasbeen pg 3 mill a year for 3 yrs.
Give a 38 year old C who still can rebound and block shots a 4 yr deal.
Re-sign a talented but ignorant SG for about half of what he's worth
Sign a dunk contest guy from overseas who played pretty well out there
Add a guy who was the 7th best player on his college team to your practice squad because he's a brother of your sg.
Add Doc River's lesser talented son to your Summer League team
Add Mychal Thompson's lesser talented son to you Summer League team
Offer contract to a 35 yr old pg from the Spanish league

Rumored moves
50/50 chance we match Toronto's offer.
Trying to sign 33 yr old journeyman (Mo Evans)


All in all however, I think we are a better team than we were last year. Kidd, while I hate the signing, is better than Bibby. We finally have a real backup big man. James White is intriguing. Smith was a huge bargain. D'Antoni is gone. Lin has an extra year of experience and we'll have a training camp.

07-12-2012, 01:17 AM
They just traded, like, 50 players for one guy who's never proven anything commensurate with his hype.

That was a big move.


07-15-2012, 11:49 AM
On the bright side, no more Jeffries, Bibby, Douglas. We also arent forced to start Landry.i

07-16-2012, 12:12 PM
Well here's my take.

The Knicks have messed up the 2010 free agency.
Now they find themselves with two superstars around whom - as a duo - it is very difficult to put together a winning team.
We overpaid Amar'e, who is now fairly untradeable.
That is the biggest problem.
We could have built an awesome team around Melo, with Amare's salary space.
Instead, now we are kind of stuck in the middle.

2) (as a consequence)
The Knicks don't have time to "build". We cannot indulge in a young team hoping they become good role players.
Our stars are in their prime.
Melo is 28 and in his prime. Amar'e seems to have lost a step already. Tyson is even older.
The timeframe in which we should win is very thin. And young players won't bring us a title, if their name isn't Kyrie Irving or Anthony Davis and a few others, which is not the case.
In this sense I agree with the type of moves that have been done. Kidd, JR Smith are people who can contribute now. We are still some moves away though.
Your first point makes no sense to me. You act like Amare came 2nd.... You overpaid for Amare because no one wants to come here unless they get OVERPAID!

Your 2nd point is true because the Knicks traded all there draft picks and players to basically acquire cap space and/or Stat and Melo. If you are in win now mode its hard to acquire young players because you dont know what your getting from young players and if someone goes down do you want your season resting on less known talent in prominent roles.

Lets just call a spade a spade If you are not going into the Luxury Tax zone why BUY a freakin' roster makes no sense! Its pure stupidity.

07-16-2012, 12:49 PM
Your first point makes no sense to me. You act like Amare came 2nd.... You overpaid for Amare because no one wants to come here unless they get OVERPAID!

We signed him to an overly expensive contract considering what his role should have been in the future (in all scenarios that were possible at that time), and that's all that matters.

Your 2nd point is weird too because the Knicks traded all there draft picks and players to basically acquire cap space and/or Stat and Melo

Why, that's exactly my point: we said "no" to building; we said "yes" to buying a roster for contending. I don't agree in principle to this strategy, but at this point I'm all for being consistent with it.

Lets just call a spade a spade If you are not going into the Luxury Tax zone why BUY a freakin' roster makes no sense! Its pure stupidity.

I never said anything about staying cheap or whatever :confusedshrug:

07-16-2012, 03:14 PM
We signed him to an overly expensive contract considering what his role should have been in the future (in all scenarios that were possible at that time), and that's all that matters.

Why, that's exactly my point: we said "no" to building; we said "yes" to buying a roster for contending. I don't agree in principle to this strategy, but at this point I'm all for being consistent with it.

I never said anything about staying cheap or whatever :confusedshrug:
I misread your post so redacted my original statement and expounded on your intelligent words!
The Knicks FO are morons not for staying cheap but for buying every single player on the roster but dont want to pay the luxury tax. You can not do both and its so freakn obvious. I cant believe no on there has the foresight to come to this conclusion.

07-16-2012, 04:38 PM
I think at the end of the day, we need 2 stars to win. If we liked Amare as that guy, so be it. Go out, get two stars, and everyone else should be role players getting paid like role players. In today's NBA, you aren't winning with just one big time scorer. You need 2 now. We assumed Amare would be that guy and still can be. We know Melo can be that guy. From there, you get complimentary players. A pass first pg, knockdown shooters and a rugged center. Fill your bench with talented players. A mix of quality bench players and a solid coach. Thats it. From there, you expect your starts to play as such and your role players to do their jobs when called upon. Instead, we got Melo and Amare. Then instead of building around them, we got Chandler and paid him star money but he isn't. From there, we didn't use the rest of our money on sure thing at PG or SG. We spent a bunch money and none of it went to needs. I don't mind paying Novak, but do it AFTER you get a starting sg. Then we spent money on Kidd, a backup pg, before we even had our starting pg secure. Just a bunch of putting the cart before the horse.

07-16-2012, 05:40 PM
The game has changed, unfortunately.

Teams now almost need three stars due to what happened in Miami.

LeBron, Wade and Bosh can score 20+ easily in the same game, and when they do it, I believe they are unbeatable.

What's even worse is one of those guys can afford to sit down and watch the other two go bonkers, with the floor spread with nothing but shooters.

The Knicks to match that have to be bold, and at least make the attempt.

07-16-2012, 07:28 PM
I think to beat Miami consistently, you have to either have a quality big man or point guard. Melo can compete with LeBron but James is better. Their areas of weakness are in the post and the point guard position. Chandler is goign to have to start providing more offensively and whoever our pg is will have to win that matchup consistently.

07-16-2012, 08:14 PM
I think to beat Miami consistently, you have to either have a quality big man or point guard. Melo can compete with LeBron but James is better. Their areas of weakness are in the post and the point guard position. Chandler is goign to have to start providing more offensively and whoever our pg is will have to win that matchup consistently.
Cue Steve Nash and the 2012-13 Lakers.

07-16-2012, 09:13 PM
Cue Steve Nash and the 2012-13 Lakers.
Or better yet let OKC make the bold move.....

Harden and Ibaka plus picks for Dwight.

07-16-2012, 11:28 PM
Or better yet let OKC make the bold move.....

Harden and Ibaka plus picks for Dwight.

That deal is a very good one but I really just cant see OKC making such a drastic move.

They were just in the finals with those young guys and have a legit shot to make it to the finals for years to come. Why fix what isn't broken I guess?

I dont know...Westbrook Durant and Dwight would be perfect against the Heats big 3 but I think they like Ibaka and Harden too much

07-17-2012, 12:31 AM
That deal is a very good one but I really just cant see OKC making such a drastic move.

They were just in the finals with those young guys and have a legit shot to make it to the finals for years to come. Why fix what isn't broken I guess?

I dont know...Westbrook Durant and Dwight would be perfect against the Heats big 3 but I think they like Ibaka and Harden too much
They won't keep both of them.

The tax would be too much.

07-17-2012, 12:46 AM
Just four days ago, Woodson gushed that the Knicks would absolutely match the Rockets offer sheet and said Lin would be the starter at point guard t oopen training camp.
But that was before Lin secretly flew to Las Vegas to change the offer sheet and turn a four-year, $28 million deal with $19 million guaranteed into a fully guaranteed three-year, $25 million contract with the final year a balloon payment of $14.9 million that Carmelo Anthony called "ridiculous" yesterday.
How ridiculous? The Knicks are expected to be over the luxury-tax threshold for three straight years by 2014-15, and repeat taxpayers will be subject to the harshest of luxury-tax penalties.
If all of Lin's $14.9 million salary comes in over the threshold, the first $5 million will be taxed at a 2.5-to-1 ratio. The next $5 million will be taxed at a 2.75-to-1 ratio. The final $4.9 million is taxed a 3.5-to-1 ratio. The math shows the tax alone on Lin's final year would be $43.4 million, meaning the entire bill that season could be $58.3 million.
Dolan actually might have matched the offer had it been done above board. But as reported by The Post, the Knicks were furious Lin renegotiated the contract after they had told him they would match it, knowing how deadly it would be financially to the organization's coffers because of the tax.
Dolan is all about loyalty and the revamped offer sheet rubbed him the wrong way.

Now that Lin has totally blindsided us and signed that "poison pill" offer sheet from the Rockets, I have lost all respect for him. He was offered almost the same amount of money from the Rockets that everyone knew the Knicks would match. But now the once humble Lin, looks every bit as money hungry as the next guy. I would understand if it was for a substantial amount more then the original offer, but it clearly isn't. This offer sheet was created for the sole purpose of screwing the Knicks over. It takes a fool not to see that.

Now that being said.... I still think we should match it, then either work out a another sign and trade with Houston for maybe:
Kevin Martin & Dalembert for Lin & Thomas. Or ust keep Lin for the next year or 2 then trade him before the "poison pill" kicks in. Either way, we don't lose Lin for nothing:banghead:

sorry for the double post

07-17-2012, 12:52 AM
I think at the end of the day, we need 2 stars to win. If we liked Amare as that guy, so be it. Go out, get two stars, and everyone else should be role players getting paid like role players. In today's NBA, you aren't winning with just one big time scorer. You need 2 now. We assumed Amare would be that guy and still can be. We know Melo can be that guy. From there, you get complimentary players. A pass first pg, knockdown shooters and a rugged center. Fill your bench with talented players. A mix of quality bench players and a solid coach. Thats it. From there, you expect your starts to play as such and your role players to do their jobs when called upon. Instead, we got Melo and Amare. Then instead of building around them, we got Chandler and paid him star money but he isn't. From there, we didn't use the rest of our money on sure thing at PG or SG. We spent a bunch money and none of it went to needs. I don't mind paying Novak, but do it AFTER you get a starting sg. Then we spent money on Kidd, a backup pg, before we even had our starting pg secure. Just a bunch of putting the cart before the horse.
impossible buying every single player.

07-17-2012, 02:12 AM
dont get it, if we are willing to buy 2 max playing and a half, but unwilling to fill out the rest of the roster cus of luxury tax, we should have never went this route.

we should match lins contract and in the future, use it as a trade chip

07-17-2012, 06:38 AM
dont get it, if we are willing to buy 2 max playing and a half, but unwilling to fill out the rest of the roster cus of luxury tax, we should have never went this route.

we should match lins contract and in the future, use it as a trade chip
I definitely agree with the match and trade, but let's be honest......

Not matching Lin certainly won't be about the tax, it will be about the talent.

And i think at this point even the cash cow piece is overstated just a little as well.

Alot of the merchandising and overseas viewing all of the NBA teams share that, and the Knicks only get a bigger cut on the items sold at the Garden or on their site.

Everything else is BRI related.

07-17-2012, 06:42 AM
impossible buying every single player.
I'm in full agreement, but it's done now.

It's the complaining that's hilarious at this point.

No one can endorse having Melo and Amare, then complain about the fact the team has no talent behind them.

Even the two top 5 players in the game knew to take less, and had no problem letting Bosh make more than them.

07-17-2012, 08:52 AM
I'm in full agreement, but it's done now.

It's the complaining that's hilarious at this point.

No one can endorse having Melo and Amare, then complain about the fact the team has no talent behind them.

Even the two top 5 players in the game knew to take less, and had no problem letting Bosh make more than them.
knickcity i thought writing in red would get the point across but obviously not....:roll: :applause:

07-17-2012, 04:32 PM
impossible buying every single player.
I said I agreed with signing Melo and Amare. How is two players everybody? When did I EVER EEEEEEEVVVER EVER EVER say I agreed with the Tyson Chandler signing?

Look, I don't know how I can I be any more clear, but let me make this 100% clear, once and for all, for the record. These are the moves I was ok with:

The Melo trade
Drafting Shumpert (even though I wanted Brooks)
Signing Amare (which the verdict is still out on)
Re-signing Felton for cheap
Bringing back JR for cheap

That's IT!

Where did this notion that I like the Knicks moves come from lol?

07-17-2012, 05:35 PM
I'm sorry, but you can't complain about a 3 mil signing if you're perfectly fine with two max cats that are not top 10 in the league.

The issue is squarely at the top and that truly affects the bottom.

I honestly have very little issue with what the team has to do to make themselves competitive.

My only issue is I want them to attempt with honesty, make "THE MOVE", the game changer.

Acquiring a player who wanted to be here is way too easy.

Either show the money or fork over whatever the other team wants.

All you need is someone who knows cap structure and the cba, the rest anyone on this board could have done.

07-17-2012, 06:28 PM
I'm sorry, but you can't complain about a 3 mil signing if you're perfectly fine with two max cats that are not top 10 in the league.

The issue is squarely at the top and that truly affects the bottom.

I honestly have very little issue with what the team has to do to make themselves competitive.

My only issue is I want them to attempt with honesty, make "THE MOVE", the game changer.

Acquiring a player who wanted to be here is way too easy.

Either show the money or fork over whatever the other team wants.

All you need is someone who knows cap structure and the cba, the rest anyone on this board could have done.

Well, first of all, I think Melo is a top 10 player in this league. Secondly, Melo n Amare are perennial allstars. Its really no comparison. Get players that can play! Period! If we go over the cap, so be it. But if you do, it better be worth it. The verdict is still out on Amare. After this year, if hes still on his BS, he goes on my sh*t list too!

07-17-2012, 06:32 PM
What would it take to get Melo on your shit list?

07-17-2012, 09:28 PM
What would it take to get Melo on your shit list?
Can't speak for franchize, but for me......

He has to be a legit MVP candidate next season, by any means necessary.

And definitely needs to be in the top 3 in scoring.

Otherwise I would be dissappointed.

07-17-2012, 09:35 PM
Can't speak for franchize, but for me......

He has to be a legit MVP candidate next season, by any means necessary.

And definitely needs to be in the top 3 in scoring.

Otherwise I would be dissappointed.
This I don't really get. If he puts up good individual stats at the expense of his teammates, what's going on? He's already proven that he can can score the ball when he gets a lot of shots and everyone else just stands around and watches. You might get top 3 scoring that way, but is that a good team?

Are the Knicks going to contend for a championship by building the 2001 Sixers model around Carmelo?

07-17-2012, 09:44 PM
This I don't really get. If he puts up good individual stats at the expense of his teammates, what's going on? He's already proven that he can can score the ball when he gets a lot of shots and everyone else just stands around and watches. You might get top 3 scoring that way, but is that a good team?

Are the Knicks going to contend for a championship by building the 2001 Sixers model around Carmelo?
Didn't the Sixers make the finals when Iverson won?

You wouldn't take that?

07-17-2012, 09:55 PM
I didn't say I wouldn't take it, I asked if it would work. I was under the impression that you believed winning in the modern NBA required two or three stars.

07-17-2012, 11:33 PM
What would it take to get Melo on your shit list?

has to lead the knicks to a better than 50+win record
have a top 3 scoring and 50% fg%
lead us to a series win

if not...he needs to go

07-18-2012, 12:02 AM
I didn't say I wouldn't take it, I asked if it would work. I was under the impression that you believed winning in the modern NBA required two or three stars.
I believe Miami has set the bar of what teams have to put on the floor to compete.

And the only team that truly has a chance is us.

You won't beat them with unproven talent or guys trying to jump start their careers.

I truly felt OKC would give them a run for it, and they truthfully got demolished due to Durant primarily having to actually defend and score, and he failed miserably at it.

07-18-2012, 03:02 AM
Well, first of all, I think Melo is a top 10 player in this league. Secondly, Melo n Amare are perennial allstars. Its really no comparison. Get players that can play! Period! If we go over the cap, so be it. But if you do, it better be worth it. The verdict is still out on Amare. After this year, if hes still on his BS, he goes on my sh*t list too!

:wtf: After this year? He has til the trade deadline at best to turn his shit around. If he comes back in to this season playing the way he has been playing he's got to go.

Felton might be good for him to turn things around but...Fat F*ck Felton needs to trim the title he has first.

Alot is riding on that combo right there.

07-18-2012, 04:59 AM
I believe Miami has set the bar of what teams have to put on the floor to compete.

And the only team that truly has a chance is us.

You won't beat them with unproven talent or guys trying to jump start their careers.

I truly felt OKC would give them a run for it, and they truthfully got demolished due to Durant primarily having to actually defend and score, and he failed miserably at it.
I think the Lakers would take the Heat in a series. And if they swap Bynum for Dwight? Goodnight.

The Knicks I don't think are anywhere near that tier.

07-18-2012, 05:13 AM
i just want a season where we dont suck straight off the bat and require some luck towards the end to make it

atleast want to enjoy winning early and keep it strong throughout
want to be known as the it team throughout on espn

amare needs to bring it like 10/11 season and stop pussaying around

07-18-2012, 08:45 AM
The knicks go no where if the 2 highest paid players don't play both ends of the floor most nights.

07-18-2012, 09:51 AM
Now that we didn't resign J-Lin, do we have any money left to sign other free agents? If we do... who is left?

07-18-2012, 10:39 AM
The knicks go no where if the 2 highest paid players don't play both ends of the floor most nights.
I think we can all agree with that. I'll take it a step further. We go nowhere if Felton doesn't realize this isn't D'Antoni's Knicks and he has to come in ready to defend and be in tip top shape. Woodson already said even before Felton, training camp is going to be about figure out our identity and our strategy for next year. It will NOT be used for getting in shape. In other words, you @$$ better be in shape already. Shump is ahead of schedule in his rehab so far. Melo lost like 15 lbs. Kidd is busy getting drunk. Chandler looks like he added some bulk and I expect that he'll be in shape after playing in London for sure. JR has been in gr8 shape since HS. Felton better get his ass in gear. Woody aint playin games. He reminds me of that old school blakc dad that'll make you go pick a switch outside lol

Now that we didn't resign J-Lin, do we have any money left to sign other free agents? If we do... who is left?

Willie Green
Tracy McGrady
Jannero Pargo
Marquis Daniels
Keyon Dooling
Ryan Hollins
Sasha Pavlovic
Mickael Pietrus
Sundiata Gaines
Damion James
DJ White
John Lucas III
Yi Jianlian
Delonte West
Vernon Macklin
Damien Wilkins
Mickell Gladness
Dominic McGuire
Nate Robinson
Courtney Lee
Leandro Barbosa
Randy Foye
Louis Amundson
Kenyon Martin
Jordan Hill
Troy Murphy
Ronny Turiaf
Anthony Randolph
Carlos Delfino
Marco Bellinelli
Royal Ivey
Derek Fisher
Nazr Mohammed
Deanrdre Liggins
Ish Smith
Jodie Meeks
Sam Young
Craig Brackins
Shannon Brown
Michael Redd
Jonny Flynn
Craig Smith
Donte Green
Terrence Williams
Josh Howard
CJ Miles
Morris Almond
Brian Cook
James Singleton
Mo Evans

Guys in bold are guys I think could help us. Not huge impat players but possess a skill we lack on the bench.