View Full Version : Kevin Love losing patience with Timberwolves?

07-08-2012, 11:09 PM
http://sports.yahoo.com/news/nba--kevin-love-losing-patience-with-timberwolves--losing.html;_ylt=AsU7HHVb_0BoY_60bx.MZuO8vLYF;_ylu =X3oDMTN1aDBzMm4wBG1pdANGRUFUVVJFRCBNZWdhdHJvbiBOQ kEEcGtnA2U5ZjFhYzk4LWJlZmItM2RjYS1hYWUxLWUwMTIwOTE 5YWU1ZARwb3MDMQRzZWMDbWVnYXRyb24EdmVyA2MxODIxOWE3L WM5NmUtMTFlMS1iZjliLThjYWQ0MjJlMTY4ZQ--;_ylg=X3oDMTFoNjVvZWVyBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRw c3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANuYmEEcHQDc2VjdGlvbnM-;_ylv=3


07-08-2012, 11:14 PM
They would have been a playoff team if Rubio wasn't hurt. Dude sounds salty as **** this is why I hate him. So incredibly over rated.

07-08-2012, 11:15 PM
Great read, thanks OP. T-Wolves on the clock.

07-08-2012, 11:15 PM
Sounds a little arrogant to me :ohwell:

07-08-2012, 11:16 PM
Him just signing that extension gives him 0.000 leverage

07-08-2012, 11:16 PM
How much of this is stemmed from seeing guys like Howard and James do their thing?

07-08-2012, 11:16 PM
He has every right to step up and say this. He doesn't want to turn into one of these drooling bafoon 30-somes wheeling their wheelchairs to these super teams to get that ring. Get it while you're young.

07-08-2012, 11:17 PM
Gasol for Love.

Get it done.

07-08-2012, 11:18 PM
Gasol for Love.

Get it done.
I thought you wanted Gasol :biggums:

07-08-2012, 11:19 PM
I thought you wanted Gasol :biggums:

I love Gasol...LOVE HIM. But the prospect of him and Rubio on the same NBA team is just too perfect. Plus, I may be moving to Minny, so there's that as well.

07-08-2012, 11:21 PM
I love Gasol...LOVE HIM. But the prospect of him and Rubio on the same NBA team is just too perfect. Plus, I may be moving to Minny, so there's that as well.
My aunt lives in Minny.

07-08-2012, 11:54 PM
Didn't see this one and made another but I'm surprised he's coming out like this. Last season they showed promise early on.

07-08-2012, 11:58 PM
C'mon home to LA Kevin. For the Lakers that is. Mitch Kupchak and Jim Buss will treat you right. Be in the playoffs in no time.

07-09-2012, 12:02 AM
So if you're Luke Ridnour or any other team mate, how do you take these words??

07-09-2012, 12:07 AM
C'mon home to LA Kevin. For the Lakers that is.

Home is in Portland for K-Love.

07-09-2012, 12:09 AM
I know this probably is not possible money wise but Kobe, Nash, Love, Dwight :bowdown:

07-09-2012, 12:09 AM
Home is in Portland for K-Love.

Well he was born in Cali, and attended UCLA. Same thing.

07-09-2012, 12:23 AM
Why the hell did he sign the extension then? LOL

I mean, i feel bad for all star players stuck on sh!t teams but think about that BEFORE you commit long term..not after

07-09-2012, 12:27 AM
This stat padding loser needs to realize that him playing zero defense is part of the reason they have problems. Love puts up
The most useless double double in NBA history

07-09-2012, 12:38 AM
Kevin Love is a 4 year vet who just signed a huge deal to be the franchise player and hes upset about the team not doing better?

Last years team had no less than 8 players id accept onto a team with the expectation of them being able to help it win.

Teams have gone to the finals with less players id want on my team.

They dont really play defense...but its not like Love sets a great example there.

Hes a shooting and garbage bucket bigman who rebounds his ass off while having a lesser defensive impact than Kurt Thomas could have right now at 40.

Hes a star and all...but hes not doing much to help his team be great. Most of his career you could replace him with Clarence Weatherspoon or...Warriors Joe smith and not notice a big difference in wins and losses.

When hes out there dragging them into respectability and being let down time and time by his teammates failures then he can talk about getting rid of the dead weight. Hes not exactly Garnetting it out there. His numbers might make it look like it....but ive not seen much that suggests hes really getting that team on the same page and leading by example.

When your best player is a power forward with shaky shot selection, little defense, and is already suggesting he will bail if you dont get rid of some of them....because his patience is wearing thin after 2 years of stardom? Hard to call out his teammates or the front office any more than you call him out for not setting a better example.

07-09-2012, 12:49 AM
I agree with KBlaze4563456435674

07-09-2012, 12:52 AM
Kevin Love is a 4 year vet who just signed a huge deal to be the franchise player and hes upset about the team not doing better?

Last years team had no less than 8 players id accept onto a team with the expectation of them being able to help it win.

Teams have gone to the finals with less players id want on my team.

They dont really play defense...but its not like Love sets a great example there.

Hes a shooting and garbage bucket bigman who rebounds his ass off while having a lesser defensive impact than Kurt Thomas could have right now at 40.

Hes a star and all...but hes not doing much to help his team be great. Most of his career you could replace him with Clarence Weatherspoon or...Warriors Joe smith and not notice a big difference in wins and losses.

When hes out there dragging them into respectability and being let down time and time by his teammates failures then he can talk about getting rid of the dead weight. Hes not exactly Garnetting it out there. His numbers might make it look like it....but ive not seen much that suggests hes really getting that team on the same page and leading by example.

When your best player is a power forward with shaky shot selection, little defense, and is already suggesting he will bail if you dont get rid of some of them....because his patience is wearing thin after 2 years of stardom? Hard to call out his teammates or the front office any more than you call him out for not setting a better example.

Most emptiest stats of all time, no doubt about it.

07-09-2012, 12:55 AM
i posted this in another thread and it's relevant...

i still don't understand the idea that love is some god awful defender. he holds his position in the post well and contests shots. he rotates well and understands how to play as a team defender. he only allowed .69 points per possession last season in the post, ranking him 61st. he's 91st overall.

of all the guys who shot more 3's than love, only TWO had a higher 2 PT FG% with 500 FGA or more - joe johnson and durant. only kobe and durant scored more. at this point, kobe needs to shoot less 3's but i digress. so if you're going to say love needs to get his FG% up, include the rest of those guys too. love shot 47.5% as it is.

borderline top 10? he's clearly top 10 and i would take him over melo.

i'll borrow from an article here, which backs up my points: http://nba-point-forward.si.com/2012...of-mvp-honors/

[QUOTE]If value is your thing, Love is fine there, too, because the Timberwolves basically die without him. The Wolves score about 107 points per 100 possessions when Love plays and about 97.5 when he sits, one of the largest on/off differentials in the league – and the rough equivalent of the gap between the league’s fifth-best offense and one that would sit somewhere between those of the 29th-ranked Wizards and the historically awful Bobcats.

This data reflects how valuable a weapon Love has become even when he doesn’t have the ball. Power forwards who can shoot threes have unique value in creating chances for others. When Love works as the screener in a pick-and-roll play, his defender is often terrified to slide even a foot away from him, a fear that leaves easy driving lanes for Minnesota’s ball-handlers. And just by standing along the perimeter, acting as a decoy and potential spot-up option, Love drags an opposing big man away from the paint.

Those who still think Love can’t create his own shot are rehashing last year’s storylines. He ranks as the eighth-most-efficient isolation scorer in the league this season after shooting just 29 percent on such plays last year, per Synergy Sports. He ranks among the league’s top 40 post-up players in terms of efficiency. He can hurt you on the block with a face-up jumper, traditional back-to-the-basket moves and via creative plays coach Rick Adelman has drawn up to get him into deep position on the move.

Love’s crunch-time scoring numbers are solid, if not outstanding. In the last five minutes of games in which the scoring margin has been five or fewer points, Love has shot 24-of-54 (44 percent), compared to Durant’s 39-of-95 mark (41 percent). Durant has the edge as the minutes left in the game and scoring margin both drop, but Love’s percentage remains just fine by the NBA’s low standards in these situations. And Love has been automatic from the foul line in crunch time: He’s 13-of-13 from the line in the last three minutes with the scoring margin at three points or fewer, per NBA.com’s stats tool. He has made several crucial last-second shots, including a buzzer-beater to win a game against the Clippers and a game-tying three with one second left to force overtime against the Thunder last Friday.

[B]Love is a much-improved defensive player. The idea that he is a liability is also old news, a dated and clich

07-09-2012, 12:56 AM
Kevin Love is a 4 year vet who just signed a huge deal to be the franchise player and hes upset about the team not doing better?

Last years team had no less than 8 players id accept onto a team with the expectation of them being able to help it win.

Teams have gone to the finals with less players id want on my team.

They dont really play defense...but its not like Love sets a great example there.

Hes a shooting and garbage bucket bigman who rebounds his ass off while having a lesser defensive impact than Kurt Thomas could have right now at 40.

Hes a star and all...but hes not doing much to help his team be great. Most of his career you could replace him with Clarence Weatherspoon or...Warriors Joe smith and not notice a big difference in wins and losses.

When hes out there dragging them into respectability and being let down time and time by his teammates failures then he can talk about getting rid of the dead weight. Hes not exactly Garnetting it out there. His numbers might make it look like it....but ive not seen much that suggests hes really getting that team on the same page and leading by example.

When your best player is a power forward with shaky shot selection, little defense, and is already suggesting he will bail if you dont get rid of some of them....because his patience is wearing thin after 2 years of stardom? Hard to call out his teammates or the front office any more than you call him out for not setting a better example.

:bowdown: damn!

07-09-2012, 01:01 AM
Kblaze for the wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin, he got it!

Would love to hear the trollrat stallionaire refute. For laughs and kicks.

07-09-2012, 01:06 AM
Kblaze for the wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin, he got it!

Would love to hear the trollrat stallionaire refute. For laughs and kicks.

already refuted two posts above yours

07-09-2012, 01:07 AM
Another Eric Gordon...

07-09-2012, 01:09 AM
I would be upset to if Kahn was my GM.

07-09-2012, 01:16 AM
Kevin Love is a 4 year vet who just signed a huge deal to be the franchise player and hes upset about the team not doing better?

Last years team had no less than 8 players id accept onto a team with the expectation of them being able to help it win.

Teams have gone to the finals with less players id want on my team.

They dont really play defense...but its not like Love sets a great example there.

Hes a shooting and garbage bucket bigman who rebounds his ass off while having a lesser defensive impact than Kurt Thomas could have right now at 40.

Hes a star and all...but hes not doing much to help his team be great. Most of his career you could replace him with Clarence Weatherspoon or...Warriors Joe smith and not notice a big difference in wins and losses.

When hes out there dragging them into respectability and being let down time and time by his teammates failures then he can talk about getting rid of the dead weight. Hes not exactly Garnetting it out there. His numbers might make it look like it....but ive not seen much that suggests hes really getting that team on the same page and leading by example.

When your best player is a power forward with shaky shot selection, little defense, and is already suggesting he will bail if you dont get rid of some of them....because his patience is wearing thin after 2 years of stardom? Hard to call out his teammates or the front office any more than you call him out for not setting a better example.


Kblaze puts Love on blast.

That synergy sport sh:t doesn't explain what you see on the TV screen. Love doesn't even draw a consistent double, how is he making his teammates that much better?

07-09-2012, 01:21 AM
already refuted two posts above yours
People will just ignore the facts because they don't conform to their narrative.

That synergy sport sh:t doesn't explain what you see on the TV screen.
See. Just like that.

07-09-2012, 01:28 AM
If Love is smart, he'll go to a team where he's the second or third best player. Unless it's a stacked team with many quality players and scoring threats, I don't see a team being a serious contender with Kevin Love as their best player.

He's a very good player, and he arguably had the best season of any player at his position, but I don't think of "greatness" when I think of Kevin Love.

As far as best PF? As I said, he may have had the best season last season, but I'm not sure he's the best at his position. Dirk had the slow start, but I still think he was the better player, and he returned to form from February until the end of the season. Gasol obviously didn't have the season that Love did, but I think that when he's used properly, that he's the better player. Still don't know why Mike Brown made Gasol the 3rd option. Even though KG played his best ball at center, I'd take KG at his second half/playoff level over Love. And when a player like Bosh is in a role he can show more of his talents in, I'd probably take him. The bulked up, more aggressive Bosh we saw average 24/11 on 52% in 2010 was better, imo than Love. His rebounding numbers were aided by the team he played on, though. But outside of his 8 rpg, he was extremely impressive when Wade was out. He averaged 24 ppg on 58% shooting with Wade out, and Miami was 12-1 in those games. I'm not sure if Amare has declined, or if it was just injuries, his brother's death and the lockout that made him struggle so much. But his play in the 1st half of the '11 season with the Knicks before the Melo trade was also more impressive than what I've seen from Love so far. And Lamarcus Aldridge is up there.

But due to roles and injuries, Love's season may have been better than what any of them did.

07-09-2012, 01:32 AM
People will just ignore the facts because they don't conform to their narrative.

See. Just like that.

exactly, which i find funny because synergy sports is backed up...by ya know, actual game film. they break down the different situations but there's no plain stats there. all of it can be seen via game film so you can see how a guy scores, where he scores, what he's best at defending, where he ranks amongst jumpers between 10-15 feet, etc

people make it seem like love's D is on par with boozer's and that is so far from the truth. yet, it gets repeated here over and over again. it's lazy and poor analysis.

07-09-2012, 01:43 AM
already refuted two posts above yours

http://data.whicdn.com/images/23247397/425173_186577934781085_100002866382385_250850_5634 07014_n_thumb.jpg

No. But seriously. :lol

Love's numbers still have never proven to translate into a multitude of wins like other stars. Kobe, Bron, Wade, Dwight, and others have all brought teams of scrubs to the playoffs. Even if your post is true about his defense and other attributes, he still is as much to blame for the team at least getting into the playoffs once.

If you guys are going to label him a top 10 player in the league, a superstar, then he also has to answer to the same criticism the other "superstars" of the league answer to.

07-09-2012, 01:45 AM

No. But seriously. :lol

Love's numbers still have never proven to translate in a multitude of wins like other stars. Kobe, Bron, Wade, Dwight, and others have all brought teams of scrubs to the playoffs. Even if your post is true about his defense and other attributes, he still is as much to blame for the team at least getting into the playoffs once.

If you guys are going to label him a top 10 player in the league, a superstar, then he also has to answer to the same criticism the other "superstars" of the league answer to.

Yup. If he's a top 10 player, undisputed best at his position, MVP candidate etc... then he needs to be held accountable when his team wins 20 games multiple seasons. I have never seen a player put up such "dominant" numbers on such a poor team and carry them nowhere.

07-09-2012, 01:46 AM
exactly, which i find funny because synergy sports is backed up...by ya know, actual game film. they break down the different situations but there's no plain stats there. all of it can be seen via game film so you can see how a guy scores, where he scores, what he's best at defending, where he ranks amongst jumpers between 10-15 feet, etc

people make it seem like love's D is on par with boozer's and that is so far from the truth. yet, it gets repeated here over and over again.

Boozer got a vote for all defensive team:bowdown:

07-09-2012, 02:04 AM
he was ranked 4th last season in win shares.

minny lost their starting PG for the last two months of the season (2nd best player). they lost their starting C for more than a dozen games (3rd best player) and they lost barea for an extended amount of time (their next best P&R player outside rubio). show me the long list of teams that made the playoffs with 3 of their best 5 players hurt. this forced ridnour to play PG which isn't really his specialty. on top of that, darko was either playing awful or hurt so they were more or less without a legitimate center when pekovic got hurt. in addition, they had one of the least efficient wing rotations in the whole league.

before the rash of injuries, they were on pace to make the playoffs.

minny was trotting this out for multiple games late:

PG - ridnour
SG - martell webster
SF - wesley johnson
PF - derrick williams
C - love

yes, love had to play out of postion at center. there were games where love would score like 30 points and the rest of the starters would combine for like 35 points. what a playoff team.

07-09-2012, 02:24 AM
Love should bail out if Minny fails to make the po this year. They won' get any better..

07-09-2012, 02:26 AM
How many teams could Love join where he would be the 2nd or 3rd best player when he's arguably a top 5 player in the NBA?

He could join Miami, or Oklahoma City, or the Lakers if they get Dwight. Any other team and he's the best player on the team.

07-09-2012, 02:26 AM
Most emptiest stats of all time, no doubt about it.

That would be Kobe's scoring stats.

07-09-2012, 02:28 AM
That would be Kobe's scoring stats.
How exactly are those empty? Wilt's rebounds, Russells championships, Carmelo Anthony's everything are the definition of empty.

07-09-2012, 02:31 AM
Gasol for Love.

Get it done.

07-09-2012, 03:08 AM
Time to start the Love to Lakers rumors

07-09-2012, 03:26 AM
Time to start the Love to Lakers rumors
Dwight for Love?:confusedshrug:

07-09-2012, 03:47 AM
Come play with your good buddy Russ. I might forget all my hate for you if Stallionaire has a cry.

07-09-2012, 07:19 AM
People will just ignore the facts because they don't conform to their narrative.

I ignore facts that conflict with reality.

I dont care when the same site calls Lebron the 95th best defender in the league overall and I dont care when Hakeem isnt top 10 in win shares in 1995 or when Brent Barry is ahead of Kidd when Kidd is nearly the MVP.

It means nothing to me. Zero. Ive been interested in Love since seeing a story on him in high school suggesting he might be the next Unseld outlet passing wise. Ive watched him play a hell of a lot.

Doesnt do it for me. And nobody ive felt that way about has ever done anything to make me eat my words. Unless Chris Bosh winning a ring while missing half the playoffs counts.

Based on what I saw last year...far as who makes an impact on the floor?

Id take Rubio for my future before I take Kevin Love. I care about Loves numbers exactly as much as I cared about Antawn Jamison having 30/11 months in Goldenstate and dropping 50 back to back.

Some people just ooze "Meh..."ness. Love is one such player.

He might well make the hall of fame if he doesnt fall off anytime soon. But the hall is full of players who were never elite. Hes a bigtime player. Hes not as bigtime as his numbers. When I need my rim protected im far better off with Darko(healthy) in the game getting half the rebounds than superstar Love and when my bigman doesnt hold down the basket and set a defensive example...ill pass.

There are exception. Dirk for one. But Dirk happens to have among the most unstoppable games ever far as getting a shot he can make under pressure. A skill I feel makes up for needing others to provide defense.

Love isnt a give it to him and get out of the way scorer. Hes an effort scorer. A stand out at the line for 14 seconds till his man has to duck into the paint because of a breakdown scorer.

All well and good to put up numbers. Not what you need out of a player you want to win you close games. He can make a big shot. Most good shooters can. And he is that. But hes not gonna personally generate good looks on a regular basis. Not so far at least.

And when your ppg suggests you are a better scorer than you are, your rebounds suggests you have a huge impact around the basket as most players who get that number do......and you can go drop 50/15 and have people talking you up as better than people who can do half the numbers and make 5 straight shots to win a title?

Perfect storm of overrated.

I dont give a doublestuffed **** what winshares has to say about it.

I have little issue with his personality and dont hate him. So when he plays better....impacts the game at the rate his numbers suggest...ill alter my opinion. But im not doing it in advance.

07-09-2012, 07:42 AM
He thinks he's Tim Duncan lol. Dude will never be the star on a contender. He'll be a 3rd option at best.

07-09-2012, 07:48 AM
So many haters. Guy has the most potential out of anyone from his generation. Including Durant.

All Net
07-09-2012, 07:50 AM
Why the hell did he just sign that big deal if he wasn't convinced?

07-09-2012, 07:51 AM
Because he wants to be there. But want an upgrade. Like Kobe in 06 nah ? Plus, let's not act like making a po team is hard.

07-09-2012, 08:37 AM

Dream team was the worst thing that happened to the NBA, now instead of hating each other, and wanting to beat each other, they are all buddy-buddy and want to team up. Love and Anthony Davis already making plans to team up.

07-09-2012, 08:41 AM
He thinks he's Tim Duncan lol. Dude will never be the star on a contender. He'll be a 3rd option at best.

I'll say his peak is first option on a contender far as taking the most shots but second when a play needs making.

Guy has the most potential out of anyone from his generation. Including Durant.

Even if he did have more potential than Durant(...he doesnt)...hes 24 before summer is out. Lebron is 27. Hes in Lebrons generation. And the odds of him doing as much or being as good as Lebron has to this point.....in his entire career? Remote.

07-09-2012, 09:08 AM
Barring some big deal that makes them contenders, Love will be gone when his contract is up. That's why I was shocked that the T'Wolves left a year on the table when they extended him, if they don't surround him with enough talent to make them a contender then he's gone, and an extra year would have helped do that.

Then again, expecting Kahn to actually make smart moves and create a team capable of contending for championships is very, very unlikely, so he was probably gone regardless.

07-09-2012, 09:16 AM
Even if he did have more potential than Durant(...he doesnt)...hes 24 before summer is out. Lebron is 27. Hes in Lebrons generation. And the odds of him doing as much or being as good as Lebron has to this point.....in his entire career? Remote.*

Inane point. They aren't in the same generation. He is in WB generation. Not Lebron. He is the future of the NBA while Lebron is NBA's present.

07-09-2012, 09:16 AM
Kevin Jamison-Rahim's stats have no impact at all on winning basketball games. The only stat Love can't stuff is the win column.

07-09-2012, 09:20 AM
Dwight for Love?:confusedshrug:
Dude wants to be on a contender not on a lottery team. Mitch got to watch the situation closely and make move if possible in the future.

07-09-2012, 09:25 AM
He has every right to step up and say this. He doesn't want to turn into one of these drooling bafoon 30-somes wheeling their wheelchairs to these super teams to get that ring. Get it while you're young.

Agree. He has a right to tell management to step it up. He's learning from KG's mistake. KG played greattttttt throughout his prime but they never put the right pieces to let him win.

07-09-2012, 09:27 AM
Agree. He has a right to tell management to step it up. He's learning from KG's mistake. KG played greattttttt throughout his prime but they never put the right pieces to let him win.
is it the same front office for kg as it is for love?

07-09-2012, 09:29 AM
He feels like crap being around people who are successful and likely talking a little shit. Hopefully the sentiment wears off before the start of next season. That team does have potential and he needs to do everything he can with said potential.

07-09-2012, 09:30 AM
he needs to demand to play with dwight

07-09-2012, 09:41 AM
he needs to demand to play with dwight
or kobe

Optimus Prime
07-09-2012, 09:50 AM
Kblaze posted essays just to basically say he will ignore all stats and numbers because he has an agenda to push ... got it.:rolleyes:

And a bunch of kids nodded ignorantly even after the subsequent post absolutely destroyed Kblaze's entire opinion with straight up truth.:facepalm

I'd love to have Kevin Love's "empty numbers" on the Lakers! :kobe:

07-09-2012, 10:46 AM
K-Love speaks the truth. I wonder how long before my fellow Minnesota natives throw him under the bus like they did KG when he spoke about the team needing key pieces. I still remember Skip Bayless calling for KG to be a leader and lead the Timberwolves out of the 1st round of the playoffs...with no major players by his side.

07-09-2012, 10:55 AM
This T-wolves squad is very young and talented. If Rubio can come back off his injury he's one of the most promising guards in the league, Pekovic has shown he can be a straight out beast int he paint, Williams has some good potential(although he struggled), and they have cap room..

07-09-2012, 11:09 AM
Adelman and Kahn know that we need to pull the trigger in these next 2 seasons. We'll be fine.

As an organizaition we've come a long way since those KG days.

07-09-2012, 11:33 AM
Adelman and Kahn know that we need to pull the trigger in these next 2 seasons. We'll be fine.

As an organizaition we've come a long way since those KG days.

So you actually have faith in Kahn?

07-09-2012, 12:40 PM

Inane point. They aren't in the same generation. He is in WB generation. Not Lebron. He is the future of the NBA while Lebron is NBA's present.

Hes about to be 24. Lebron is 27. Nobody looking back is going to call them a different generation.

What you have done is what many people do when trying to make a non elite player out to be something he inarguably isnt.

You used qualifiers to remove the obstacles in the path of your otherwise indefensible statement.

Its similar to what ESPN does to create records out of thin air when some guy does something. Kevin Love or Durant has a streak of some kind. It isnt noteworthy in any way looking at the record books. So they check the records and say "Record for most ____ since ___". I remember one was after 1980 so they couldnt count what George gervin did when he put up like 34ppg the season before.

Now....did anything happen between 1980 and 81 to justify not counting 1980? Course not. Same players same league. But to count it would leave them with nothing to call a record. They create standards that let them look past the real records so they can get announcers to talk up a streak like it really is one.

Thats what you must do when a player is great....but not doing anything unheard of to justify the talk they are trying to push.

And here...you have disregarded a player 3 years and change older than another because to do otherwise makes the idea that Love has the most potential in his generation absurd.

Lebron...does not need a qualifier. Wilt didnt. Jordan didnt. Bird didnt. Shaq didnt. Really Kobe didnt. Kareem. Whoever. The best players of a generation dont need you to creep around reality to remove clearly superior players from contention. And that is the difference between the great players and the elite players.

Kevin Love requires you find a reason to not count such and such in order to act like hes on or about to reach the highest level.

The players on that level....dont need you to throw out anyone.

07-09-2012, 12:45 PM
So you actually have faith in Kahn?

He's been fine since Flynn-gate.

I want to see his whole plan pan out. He has his pointguards now (Rubio, Barea, Ridnour), and the frontcourt is starting to beef up (Love, Pekovic, Budinger, Batum*, Williams).

I think we'll be better next year with Roy.

Another losing season would be heartbreaking and every Wolves fan has expressed this sentiment. It's playoffs or bust for the Minnesota Timberwolves around here. Every other NBA fan probably thinks we'd be fine to just miss the playoffs but people who don't know the potential this team has only say that.

This Wolves team is scary good when we're on. We got Roy and hopefully Batum... Doubt Gasol can come into the picture at this point because the Lakers don't want Williams + Filler + Picks.

If we had Gasol by only giving up Williams we would run the West IMO.

07-09-2012, 12:53 PM
Minnesota is not an untalented team. Not at all.

Rubio/Love/Pekovic is a solid core. Pekovic in the 5-6 times I really paid attention to him? I believe he might be something serious. Dude is a goon of the highest order in the paint and hes more athletic than he looks. He just straight dislodges guys in his way and he does it without effort. Hes a natural scorer but has so much room to improve...

When someone seems a little raw but can still operate the way he does? If hes not putting up 18 a game in 2 years something went very wrong. He might be doing it already on a team that needed him to and had decent guard play.

Having come over from Europe hes probably older than I think he is but he still clearly has room to grow as an NBA player.

Im more interested in what he becomes than Love. Best case....Love becomes late 90s Malone if he setup 3 more steps from the basket and didnt set the tone for his team by being grimy and physical. Hes a better rebounding, 3 point shooting, 98-2001 Karl Malone minus defense....at best.

Which will probably be better than what Pekovic becomes. But I will care less about it.

07-09-2012, 01:07 PM
If Love is so god damn good why doesn't he lead his team to some more wins. I'm sick and tired of these guys crying to be on all-star teams (Especially after NEVER making the playoffs once!). Start off by winning some games first. If he can't make the playoffs next year I don't know what that says about his leadership.

Don't get me wrong everyone knows he's a good player but this reminds me of all they hype around Al Jefferson when he was putting up 23 and 11 and leading his team to what 16 wins? Be a game changer first, show you actually put your imprint on the game and win games before you start wining about your team not being good enough.

07-09-2012, 01:09 PM
Love has had bad rosters since being on the Wolves.

He puts his heart and soul into this team with no good players on it until recently.

We were going to make the playoffs til Rubio went down. We were a .581 team with Rubio starting.

07-09-2012, 01:16 PM
As a guy who follows the Clippers the most closely I was always quoting synergy sports, advanced stats etc etc.

Eric Gordon has TS% through the roof! Look at Blake Griffin's Win Shares!

Then we got CP3 and I saw what a real superstar is. A guy who gets you into the playoffs.

Those stats may be useful in evaluating role players but when it comes down to the guy putting his teammates in a place to succeed, a guy who care create his own shot or shots for others in the final 6 minutes of the game... they don't tell the whole story.

07-09-2012, 01:36 PM
And so it begins...


07-09-2012, 01:37 PM
As a guy who follows the Clippers the most closely I was always quoting synergy sports, advanced stats etc etc.

Eric Gordon has TS% through the roof! Look at Blake Griffin's Win Shares!

Then we got CP3 and I saw what a real superstar is. A guy who gets you into the playoffs.

Those stats may be useful in evaluating role players but when it comes down to the guy putting his teammates in a place to succeed, a guy who care create his own shot or shots for others in the final 6 minutes of the game... they don't tell the whole story.

Yep, it's a superstar league and superstars carry their team to the playoffs, no questions asked. You put a bunch of goons around LeBron, and you're going to the playoffs. That team might not be constructed to win a championship, but you'd better believe it's in the playoffs.

This is going to be his fifth year in the league, and the stats scream superstar. If he can't put this team in the playoffs though, you have to question how much those stats mean.

07-09-2012, 01:38 PM
C'mon home to LA Kevin. For the Lakers that is. Mitch Kupchak and Jim Buss will treat you right. Be in the playoffs in no time.

Kevin Love lived in Southern California for the first year of his life, and one year while playing at UCLA.... the rest was in Lake Oswego (Portland), Oregon.

Come home to LA?? :facepalm

07-09-2012, 02:08 PM
Dude has an all star being born in front of him in Rubio. Injuries are part of the game. Shit happens all the time. Im sorry you cant talk playoffs with the guys, but have some accountability yourself :banana:

07-09-2012, 03:53 PM
Agree. He has a right to tell management to step it up. He's learning from KG's mistake. KG played greattttttt throughout his prime but they never put the right pieces to let him win.
I'm pretty sure KG asked for certain pieces and they got those pieces. KG had a lot to do with the process supposedly. I think KG would of had a championship had their championship team had not been plagued by injuries. Then there's the whole Sprewell not wanting millions, instead wanting even more millions. Ridiculous guy. They had a chance at another run and he blew it. Eddie Griffin indicent sucked ass, Michael Olowokandi and that Mike James breakout year that turned out to be shit...

07-09-2012, 05:12 PM
Trade for Rudy Gay. Derrick Williams, Wes Johnson, a first and some expiring contracts to make the numbers work should be good right?

07-09-2012, 05:33 PM
The Timberwolves are already a playoff team. Pau Gasol wouldn't have hurt, but that probably won't happen anymore.

07-09-2012, 06:29 PM
So many haters. Guy has the most potential out of anyone from his generation. Including Durant.

07-09-2012, 06:33 PM
Sounds like the next bunch of guys who want to create a superteam somewhere. LA, NY and Miami are already taken. What attractive markets do we have left for them?

07-09-2012, 06:33 PM
trade him to the Bulls