View Full Version : I think I'm falling for my best friend's girl

07-11-2012, 02:42 AM
So here's the backstory of this and I'll make it as short as possible but it will still be long as frick. He's been with this girl for 4 years now and they have had thier rough patches and even split up for a few months. I had never liked her. I had no desire to see her or talk to her and always hoped my buddy would break up with her (I am not the only person who felt this way either. The stories he would tell me just made her seem so crazy and a lot of us thought he could do a lot better). There were times when me and him would talk about going in together on a house since we both had a lot of money saved up and him just leaving her. To complicate matters tho they have a daughter (almost 2 years old), and my buddy loves his daughter too much to ever really break it off to where he couldn't see her a lot... but I think they love each other enough to keep trying to make it work. So the going in together on a house thing was off and for a little while I was pretty butt hurt about that.

Anyway about 2 months ago after I got back from Reno my buddy came over to borrow my motorcycle and his girl came over and dropped him off. He invited me over to their place and I just said F it why not? I have held this grudge for long enough and I've barely been around this girl so why not give her a chance? It's obvious she's here to stay. Anyway, so I went over and actually had a lot of fun. We didn't do anything special just had some beers, watched some funny shows, and talked. Over the next 2 or 3 weeks I went over there a few more times and again had a good time and we all got along really well. I felt like an idiot holding this grudge against her based on things I had heard and not giving her a chance.

So here is where it gets interesting. One night I want over there and the 3 of us got pretty much shitfaced drunk. It was hotter than shit and I was just like holy shit I'm bout to just get naked I am so damn hot. They dared me to just do it then so I did since I got nothing to hide and was so drunk didn't give 2 shits about anything. Next thing you know I'm sitting on the couch and she's eyeing my Johnson (it's a decent size, was completely exposed so ya know only natural lol) and my friend tells his girlfriend "why don't you just touch it you know you want to" She then starts stroking my Peyton Manthing and man it feels great... one thing leads to another and pretty soon we're all buck ass neked and me and my buddy are basically double teaming her with her sucking my Yogurt slinger and him trying to hit it from the back. The problem is, he has the old drunk limp dick and can't get hard. I'm hard as a flippin rock tho so he just tells her to go ahead and ride me... so yea for the next 20 minutes me and his girl are boning (she's even started kissing me and so we were making out at times while doing it) and he's trying to get hard with her suckin his thing and jerking him periodically trying to get him hard, but it didn't work... So me and her just kept at it. Was awesome obv... and we all had no issue with it after it was said and done. Even the next day we were all sober and talking about it and we all agreed it was fun, just happened, and everybody is good. My buddy said he was happy to let me have that experience since he couldn't get hard anyway lol... and his girl actually texted me the next day asking if I was ready for round 2 lol. I would have too but was at a movie and honestly I didn't know if it was really a good idea so I was thinking it was a good thing I was.

Anyway, in the weeks following that event, I've continued to go over there and little by little I have been getting this feeling towards her more and more. Like I am thinking about her randomly throughout the day, we even text each other sometimes but we don't ever talk about anything sexual. This past weekend tho I went over there and it was about 1am and buddy had work the next day so he passed out and it was just me and her watching a movie. Once we finished the movie, we talked for like 3 hours about stuff... ya know like one of those all night talks you have with a new girlfriend about anything and everything. It was awesome and we both really enjoyed it. I passed out at their place since it was so late (like almost 5am) and the next morning after my friend had gone to work we woke up and watched Good Burger (brought me back to the good ol days ahh...). We were in the mood for a burger after watching it so we drove through In-N-Out and I even paid since she didn't have any money. It was whatever to me tho I didn't mind. We got back and then again talked for like another 2 hours before I dropped her off at my buddy's parents house (they were going to have dinner).

So now I'm like... Jesus Christ if this girl wasn't my friends girl I am pretty sure I would be falling in love with her hands down no contest. I have been around other friends girls and never had this problem but I am not as close with those friends. So as you can imagine, I feel very conflicted because I literally love this guy like a brother and would never want to do anything that would potentially hurt him and jeopardize our relationship (and besides they have a kid together. She is adorable BTW). I mean the guy trusts me enough to leave me home with his girlfriend alone (he asked if I could hang around while he was at work and then drop her off at his parents later since it would have been a lot of driving for him if he had to come back and get her). I mean part of me is so fine with just hanging out and being friends and just being 3rd wheel, but I'm thinking of her a lot (yea even when I'm jerking it). It's one of those things where if we were both drunk and alone... It's almost 100% something would happen and I know in the moment it would feel amazing but I would feel like such shit if I did anything. They are about to buy a house as well and we have talked about me renting a room cus we all have so much fun together and it would really help them financially and get me out of my mom's house.

I can't believe this has happened tho. I would have never thought I would have even talked to this girl voluntarily, and now I feel like I am falling in love with her. I am just going to keep my mouth shut and be a good friend (to both of them)... but say I move in with them... As much fun as it would potentially be, I just want anything to happen that burns any bridges. The easiest thing for me to do is just get my own girl and then this issue would hopefully go away... but it's not happening for me right now and even if it did would I like that girl as much as her? I just don't know. I just want to have fun and be a good guy, but what if my feelings get too strong?


I know you guys like pics so here is a harmless pic of her: http://tinypic.com/r/214coxf/6

07-11-2012, 02:46 AM

07-11-2012, 02:48 AM
i didnt read it at all

but was there any sex or tits in your story?

Yes there is lol. I guess I should have put that in the title cus otherwise who would read that whole thing haha.

07-11-2012, 02:54 AM
When I first saw the thread title I thought this was gonna be SacJBShady.

07-11-2012, 02:55 AM
Read title, clicked on pic. Good job, props.


07-11-2012, 02:56 AM
just keep ****ing her, your friend is retarded

07-11-2012, 03:03 AM
just keep ****ing her, your friend is retarded
Flat out

07-11-2012, 03:13 AM
Yes there is lol. I guess I should have put that in the title cus otherwise who would read that whole thing haha.

I'd tread carefully. If she wants more she'll give you a sign. You make the first move and I wager not only is she going to shoot you down, but you'll end up with a fight with your boy. Play it out and do the whole Painting Paris for her bit. Maybe hash out a plan with Sac and start a message board. Throw her an invite. If she joins then you're in.

07-11-2012, 03:15 AM
Don't do it. My best friend just recently ruined our 25+year friendship over a girl. I don't see us ever being friends again. Plus your friend has a kid. Put yourself in his shoes.

07-11-2012, 03:17 AM
Damn this broad is going to **** up your life. I suggest moving away. You never catch feelings for your boys girls. You ask him to See her tits one time then you move on. This can only end badly

07-11-2012, 03:18 AM
I'd tread carefully. If she wants more she'll give you a sign. You make the first move and I wager not only is she going to shoot you down, but you'll end up with a fight with your boy. Play it out and do the whole Painting Paris for her bit. Maybe hash out a plan with Sac and start a message board. Throw her an invite. If she joins then you're in.

Yea dude that's good advice. If she is interested then she can be the one who makes it. I don't know how I would react in that situation... I would certainly have things running in my mind that's for sure.

Lol if I have learned 1 thing on this board, it's how not to go about getting a girl from that Sac guy (no offense man).

Don't do it. My best friend just recently ruined our 25+year friendship over a girl. I don't see us ever being friends again. Plus your friend has a kid. Put yourself in his shoes.

Yea dude that's what I'm afraid of. If I were in his shoes I would trust him not to take it any further and if he thoughts then he would talk to me before anything happened. So that's what I gotta do.

07-11-2012, 03:20 AM
Steve, is that you?


07-11-2012, 03:22 AM
Leave it alone, and find your own girl.

I don't say this for the fact of not betraying your friend, although this is a huge reason as well, but the fact is the person you think of waking up, and going to bed at night is the person you're in love with, and also the one that can break your heart, or already has.
It's not a very winnable situation for you. You lose a friend, you lose a girl, or you get the girl, lose the friend, though later on you lose the girl too.

Just drop it, and try and distance yourself a little. Like before. Hang out with your friend on boys nights, just not with the chick.

For some reason this was one of the believable weird sex story posts. LOL.

07-11-2012, 03:22 AM
Steve, is that you?


Lol I remember that thread. Well you would know if I was Steve now wouldn't you? but no I'm not lol

Leave it alone, and find your own girl.

I don't say this for the fact of not betraying your friend, although this is a huge reason as well, but the fact is the person you think of waking up, and going to bed at night is the person you're in love with, and also the one that can break your heart, or already has.
It's not a very winnable situation for you. You lose a friend, you lose a girl, or you get the girl, lose the friend, though later on you lose the girl too.

Just drop it, and try and distance yourself a little. Like before. Hang out with your friend on boys nights, just not with the chick.

For some reason this was one of the believable weird sex story posts. LOL.

Yea maybe you are right man maybe just have a guys night out and try to let it pass... don't think it will matter tho. I would feel bad not inviting her too. I just don't know. Sounds like a good idea in theory tho ha. Lol on the sex story thing yes this did actually happen tho.

07-11-2012, 03:26 AM
I'd tread carefully. If she wants more she'll give you a sign. You make the first move and I wager not only is she going to shoot you down, but you'll end up with a fight with your boy. Play it out and do the whole Painting Paris for her bit. Maybe hash out a plan with Sac and start a message board. Throw her an invite. If she joins then you're in.

:roll: :roll:

Did read.

Great thread

Cool story bro srsly

07-11-2012, 03:32 AM
Just read the OP.

WTF, your friend let you smash his girl while he was watching? Unbelievable.

07-11-2012, 03:34 AM
Who the **** lets their friend smash their girl?

"ain't no fun unless the homies get some" is for random whores, not your gf of 4 years and mother of your child

07-11-2012, 03:35 AM
Try to break the two of them up. Subtly, of course. And then swoop in and comfort her, become a close friend, and ask her out in a couple of months.

07-11-2012, 03:37 AM
Just read the OP.

WTF, your friend let you smash his girl while he was watching? Unbelievable.

Well put it this way, I would probably let him to the same to my girl if I had one. IT's almost like what's mine is yours ya know but we know there is a limit. It's not something that would have ever happened if we weren't drunk and it's something that most likely won't happen again.

Who the **** lets their friend smash their girl?

"ain't no fun unless the homies get some" is for random whores, not your gf of 4 years and mother of your child

Well a couple weeks before they had a huge argument and weren't sure if their relationship was even going to make it... I don't know I mean it's not something that would typically happen, but I think it actually was good for their relationship somehow. My buddy said him and her have been having tons of sex since then and it's been great.

07-11-2012, 03:39 AM
Try to break the two of them up. Subtly, of course. And then swoop in and comfort her, become a close friend, and ask her out in a couple of months.


07-11-2012, 03:41 AM
Well put it this way, I would probably let him to the same to my girl if I had one. IT's almost like what's mine is yours ya know but we know there is a limit. It's not something that would have ever happened if we weren't drunk and it's something that most likely won't happen again.

Get em drunk again and see what happens.

07-11-2012, 03:43 AM
Just read the OP.

WTF, your friend let you smash his girl while he was watching? Unbelievable.
This. Op, that really ainnt your boy if you fcked his girl wtf. Ive been drunk as fck before, unless youre passed out youre still there so lets not blame the alcohol.

07-11-2012, 03:46 AM
Get em drunk again and see what happens.

We have been drunk since then and nothing has happened. I will say we have not been that drunk tho. I mean that night afterward she threw up and we were pretty close.

07-11-2012, 03:47 AM
Move on.

Ok... say you hook up with her. You'll ruin your friendship with your boy and it will be in your conscious for the rest of your life... so what you say? Ok... so you go ahead and have a relationship with this girl, you you know, the one that cheated on your best friend. She will do it AGAIN. She did it to him and she'll do it to you. Once the excitement is gone and she finds somebody new, she'll jump on that bone and you'll be left without a girl and your best friend.

This girl is trouble.

07-11-2012, 03:50 AM

07-11-2012, 03:53 AM
We have been drunk since then and nothing has happened. I will say we have not been that drunk tho. I mean that night afterward she threw up and we were pretty close.

Sounds like a one time thing then. You know you aren't really falling for her, right? You just want to nail her again because her ***** made you feel like your dick was excalibur and you played the role of the future king arthur pulling it from the stone and working it back in.

07-11-2012, 03:55 AM
Ya, move on. I had an asshole friend not to long ago snitch out one of my other friend to his GF saying he was cheating on her just so they can break up and he can snatch her from him. He ended up failing miserably, he lost a close friend and the girl is still with him.


07-11-2012, 04:01 AM
Sounds like a one time thing then. You know you aren't really falling for her, right? You just want to nail her again because her ***** made you feel like your dick was excalibur and you played the role of the future king arthur pulling it from the stone and working it back in.

Well that's what I kind of thought too until this past weekend when we spent hours talking and I really started to fall for her as a person. She's just somebody that makes you feel comfortable right away and makes you want to be better. I mean we rip farts in front of each other like it's nothing (me moreso than her lol). Now I know what my friend sees in her tho... for years I never did. (no longer talking about the farting btw lol)

Ya, move on. I had an asshole friend not to long ago snitch out one of my other friend to his GF saying he was cheating on her just so they can break up and he can snatch her from him. He ended up failing miserably, he lost a close friend and the girl is still with him.

Yea man that's not the same situation but I know what you mean. I by no means want to break them up I love that they are a couple. I just feel like I want more... but then I don't. It's tough.

07-11-2012, 04:03 AM
Who the **** lets their friend smash their girl?

"ain't no fun unless the homies get some" is for random whores, not your gf of 4 years and mother of your child

exactly what i thought when i read this. the guy must be pretty open to have him over by himself with her STILL. i mean, how can he even flip out at that point if they fooled around again?

that said, just stay away. no need to have your friend be mad at you forever over her, especially when she'd probably leave you in a similar manner. so then you're left without your best friend...and no girl. for what? a couple nights of fun?

even if does get serious, think about the kid and how awkward it would be to have you around all the time. do you really want that?

07-11-2012, 04:07 AM
Forget her.

They already have a kid to deal with it. Let them do their thing and you do your thing.

If she leaves him for you...who knows if she will do the same with you.

Being friends is better.

07-11-2012, 04:08 AM
Man **** you. You either have a chance or you don't. You'r ea whiney **** or you have a chance. End of discussion.

07-11-2012, 04:08 AM
just leave the situation... to make it work, you have to lose your friend, plus that girl has a kid and she can leave you just as easily. very high risk.

07-11-2012, 04:08 AM
exactly what i thought when i read this. the guy must be pretty open to have him over by himself with her STILL. i mean, how can he even flip out at that point if they fooled around again?

that said, just stay away. no need to have your friend be mad at you forever over her, especially when she'd probably leave you in a similar manner. so then you're left without your best friend...and no girl. for what? a couple nights of fun?

even if does get serious, think about the kid and how awkward it would be to have you around all the time. do you really want that?

Definitely not. that would kill me... just kill me. That's the real killer of it there. It could only be a secret thing then... and I don't want that. But if she wanted it it would just be tough to turn down. I would just have nut up and do the right thing tho. I would know what to do I feel.

Oh well thanks for the advice guys I'm off to bed. Much appreciated ISH Brethren. Felt good to get it all out in writing too. Was almost satisfied enough to just delete without posting but what the hell figured maybe some of you bastards had some decent advice and low and behold I was right.

07-11-2012, 04:28 AM

Definitely not. that would kill me... just kill me. That's the real killer of it there. It could only be a secret thing then... and I don't want that. But if she wanted it it would just be tough to turn down. I would just have nut up and do the right thing tho. I would know what to do I feel.

Oh well thanks for the advice guys I'm off to bed. Much appreciated ISH Brethren. Felt good to get it all out in writing too. Was almost satisfied enough to just delete without posting but what the hell figured maybe some of you bastards had some decent advice and low and behold I was right.
the girl is trouble and the situation is trouble, move on.

07-11-2012, 04:45 AM
I have quite similar problem but not that deep. I, my friend and this girl hang out a lot, and this guy is soooo in love with her that its creappy sometimes. The bad thing that this girl likes me, and not that many do so I can ingore that :lol . She offered me sx quite openly but I resisted because if my friend found that out he wouldnt talk to me again. Should I push thing forward ? We gonna meet again in about 3 weeks, and spend a week together.( in the same town)

07-11-2012, 05:00 AM
When I first saw the thread title I thought this was gonna be SacJBShady.

07-11-2012, 05:03 AM
Honestly? Back the **** off. They have a family and a little kid, that's something you don't **** with.

Assuming this is a real situation..

Nick Young
07-11-2012, 06:07 AM
christ loser, he's your best friend, there are 4 billion other girls in the world, instead of spending time writing essays, spend that time looking for a girl

07-11-2012, 06:11 AM
I have quite similar problem but not that deep. I, my friend and this girl hang out a lot, and this guy is soooo in love with her that its creappy sometimes. The bad thing that this girl likes me, and not that many do so I can ingore that :lol . She offered me sx quite openly but I resisted because if my friend found that out he wouldnt talk to me again. Should I push thing forward ? We gonna meet again in about 3 weeks, and spend a week together.( in the same town)

I'd go for it. Your friend has had ample opportunity to make a move and either has been shot down already or has not. If he gets upset because you got her then it is his loss. He needs to man up and tip his cap and move on to a chick who will be into him. He should be grateful she didn't lead him on and make him blow a large chunk of change before nailing you.

07-11-2012, 06:21 AM


Get to work son!

They are both adults: it's not your responsibility to maintain their relationship, it's theirs. The opportunity is only there because they both provide it.

07-11-2012, 07:31 AM
The way I see it: you were lucky enough to hit it, now you gotta quit it.

It'll end up badly, and if you care about the chick, you gotta do what's best for her and her fam regardless of how you feel. At least you had the experience, cash out now before you go broke.

07-11-2012, 07:38 AM

07-11-2012, 07:45 AM
christ loser, he's your best friend, there are 4 billion other girls in the world, instead of spending time writing essays, spend that time looking for a girl

Exactly. Get out the house and look for someone new. I mean who would go on an internet forum posting pics of all the girls that you try to convince fellow forum users you've smashed, and how worldly and knowledgeable you are? With a complementing essay.

Oh wait.

07-11-2012, 07:47 AM
1. Came into thread to tell you to find your own girl.
2. Didn't read large blocks of text.
3. Clicked on pic
4. Changed my mind

You have to do her. Your friend would do the same to you. You like sports? You like beer? Friends are easily replaceable.

07-11-2012, 09:20 AM

Stand-up guy lets his slut of a Gf sympathy f**ck his friend who is always hanging around and being that guy who wants his friends to move in and get shit faced every night whilst being single and living the life. Loser/loner friend is a virgin and loses his virginity to stand up guys gf and immediately falls in love with the first girl that touches his d!ck. Stand up guy can't get hard because his gf is ****king such a loser.

The End

Side note: you sound like hypocrital douche bag man .. First you hate the girl and have some selfish grudge towards him/her... Then you fuuuuck her.... Now you like your buddies baby momma. Your going to hell.

Nick Young
07-11-2012, 09:24 AM
lawl is this the same girl swaggin bragged about losing his virginity too a few months ago?:lol :lol :lol

07-11-2012, 09:33 AM
lawl is this the same girl swaggin bragged about losing his virginity too a few months ago?:lol :lol :lol

That would explain why she is now on a pedestal and he is a half a step away from proposing to her. Now it makes sense.

07-11-2012, 09:40 AM
If this story is actually true, it's not worth the drama. I'm 97% sure that if they weren't even together and you guys hooked up, it wouldn't work out. That's just how most relationships are. They are a phase in life until you can meet someone who can fully compromise with you and vice versa. Plus I'm not sure how many relationships work out when you hooked up trying to do a threesome. Would you like that. Her f*cking someone else while with you? I mean that tells you what kind of girl she is. SHe's with him, got a daughter, and she's talking to you and she's f*ck you (grant it, in front of him, but it's a thin line to walk). What if she's with you? You think she's going to be ultra faithful to you for some particular reason? Are you going to change her in some magically way?

Let them and their family be. They have a daughter. If they break up and your boy says it's okay to date her, then date her if you want to take that chance, but don't go in on that while they're still seemingly together. That's no respect at all.

In the end if you go through with this is then every ends up f*cked up, you'd wish you never listened to your ***** in the first place.

All those conversations, all those hours of talking, it came from one thing. Your ***** getting hard in the beginning.

07-11-2012, 09:42 AM
You ****ed your best friend's girl who he has a daughter with?...I don't care if he was cool with it, you're weak man.:roll:

I mean, it would be different if they were in a very stable and committed relationship and were into swinging and shit....but you admit their relationship still is rocky and don't know if it will last.

07-11-2012, 09:46 AM


Get to work son!

They are both adults: it's not your responsibility to maintain their relationship, it's theirs. The opportunity is only there because they both provide it.
This is the advice of a selfish person. Don't take it.

07-11-2012, 10:18 AM
This is the advice of a selfish person. Don't take it.


I'm not being selfish. My advice doesn't help me in any way. You are being arrogant though.

Isn't that the worst of of the seven deadly sins? Pride.

It's even worse when it's unwarranted.

07-11-2012, 10:21 AM
I liken the OP's character to Pierce Brosnan in the film Mrs Doubtfire.

07-11-2012, 10:22 AM
Your a bitch ass and your lucky you have bitch made friends :facepalm

07-11-2012, 10:22 AM

I'm not being selfish. My advice doesn't help me in any way. You are being arrogant though.

Isn't that the worst of of the seven deadly sins? Pride.

It's even worse when it's unwarranted.
I didn't say it helped you. But your "advice" comes off as a selfish person is what I'm saying.

"Oh don't worry about their relationships, it's no concern to you, go f*ck her." is what you're saying.

To me that screams me, me, me, me.

I'm basically saying you're a selfish person telling him to be selfish and not care about his friend, or their daughter or their relationship.

Grant it, his friend is f*cking stupid, but it doesn't mean you take advantage of his stupidity for something that's going to back-lash into your face. Not worth the drama.

07-11-2012, 10:24 AM
I didn't say it helped you. But your "advice" comes off as a selfish person is what I'm saying.

"Oh don't worry about their relationships, it's no concern to you, go f*ck her." is what you're saying.

To me that screams me, me, me, me.

I'm basically saying you're a selfish person telling him to be selfish and not care about his friend, or their daughter or their relationship.

Nope. It means I take other people and other people's decisions seriously. You don't have to try and control what other people do, that's patronizing.

That's basically you saying you are better than everybody else.

07-11-2012, 10:27 AM
Nope. It means I take other people and other people's decisions seriously. You don't have to try and control what other people do, that's patronizing.

That's basically you saying you are better than everybody else.
It's not about controlling what other people are doing, it's controlling what your action and decision does to other people. Just because someone tells you to f*ck their girl doesn't mean you go out and do it.

07-11-2012, 10:28 AM
its not his fault his friend turned out retarded, bang away

what ****er will let his best friend bang is girlfriend in front of him?

07-11-2012, 10:28 AM
Hey though,

If you want to f*ck around on a girl who has a daughter with your friend, someone who you see often, then go ahead and do it. I'm sure it'll work out in the end. (sarcasm)

07-11-2012, 10:28 AM
It's not about controlling what other people are doing, it's controlling what your action and decision does to other people. Just because someone tells you to f*ck their girl doesn't mean you go out and do it.

Yes it is. You are being an arrogant, prideful piece of shit.

Girl wants boy. Boy wants girl. But they shouldn't be together because YOU happen know exactly what's best for girl's family. Riiiiight.

07-11-2012, 10:29 AM
Hey though,

If you want to f*ck around on a girl who has a daughter with your friend, someone who you see often, then go ahead and do it. I'm sure it'll work out in the end. (sarcasm)

Piece of shit, skanky, sleeping around, getting pregnant at age 20 trash isn't really my type, but thanks.

07-11-2012, 10:30 AM
Yes it is. You are being an arrogant, prideful piece of shit.

Girl wants boy. Boy wants girl. But they shouldn't be together because YOU happen know exactly what's best for girl's family. Riiiiight.
Just speaking from experience and observation. I'll get back to you later, I have to go to work. Take care.

07-11-2012, 10:31 AM
Just speaking from experience and observation.

Exactly. You think you know what is best for people you never met. You are a piece of shit.

07-11-2012, 11:22 AM
LJJ calling someone else out for being arrogant...:roll:

07-11-2012, 11:22 AM
Yes it is. You are being an arrogant, prideful piece of shit.

Girl wants boy. Boy wants girl. But they shouldn't be together because YOU happen know exactly what's best for girl's family. Riiiiight.

Yep. The girl sounds like a whore from the one paragraph I've read. If she ain't boning the OP she's boning some other dude...

Proceed slaying OP

Nick Young
07-11-2012, 11:44 AM
I didn't say it helped you. But your "advice" comes off as a selfish person is what I'm saying.

"Oh don't worry about their relationships, it's no concern to you, go f*ck her." is what you're saying.

To me that screams me, me, me, me.

I'm basically saying you're a selfish person telling him to be selfish and not care about his friend, or their daughter or their relationship.

Grant it, his friend is f*cking stupid, but it doesn't mean you take advantage of his stupidity for something that's going to back-lash into your face. Not worth the drama.
the prideful sinner meticode looks down on everyone, he a true beacon of morality

07-11-2012, 12:20 PM
Did you nut in her mouth because if you did, how fukked up is that for "your boy", it's bad enough she sucked your dick and then you banged her and came on her chinny chin chin.
I would never be able to look at my buddy in the face knowing he kisses the mouth that had my jizz.

you white boys are strange m'fers.

you never see a Mexican dude letting a homie tag his girl; that shit get's you killed from where I'm from.

07-11-2012, 01:19 PM
More lessons in morality from Vapicode. They are ****ed up it doesn't matter what they do. Dude offered up his girl, girl complied, friend ****ed her; lol. It literally doesn't matter what you do, that situation is unlikely to turn out well.

mr beast
07-11-2012, 01:42 PM
he's your best friend

they have a 2yo daughter

WTF are you doing?

Bosnian Sajo
07-11-2012, 01:52 PM
Wait a ****ing second, he was just fine with you smashing his girl :wtf: What in the hell..

07-11-2012, 02:00 PM
I have quite similar problem but not that deep. I, my friend and this girl hang out a lot, and this guy is soooo in love with her that its creappy sometimes. The bad thing that this girl likes me, and not that many do so I can ingore that :lol . She offered me sx quite openly but I resisted because if my friend found that out he wouldnt talk to me again. Should I push thing forward ? We gonna meet again in about 3 weeks, and spend a week together.( in the same town)

I think you ought to talk to your friend and tell him that you feel she likes you and see what he says about it. If you talk to him at least you could get a sense of how he feels or maybe he will just flat out tell you yes or no. In your situation it doesn't hurt to talk about it I think.

You ****ed your best friend's girl who he has a daughter with?...I don't care if he was cool with it, you're weak man.:roll:

I mean, it would be different if they were in a very stable and committed relationship and were into swinging and shit....but you admit their relationship still is rocky and don't know if it will last.

Well I mean they have had problems but I do believe and have always believed their relationship is going to last. I mean lately they have been talking about maybe having another kid (started talking about it a couple weeks after the incident with the 3 of us.) So in a way I think it was just a swinging thing... and I know if had a girl I can assure you that we would probably swap at some point on a drunken night just not giving a crap (assuming my girl was into him which is pretty likely cus he's a good guy and a looking dude).

But either way yea at this point I'm not going to do anything. I'm definitely not going to try and break up their relationship. The only other thing that could happen is that we have something on the side and that's something I would never instigate. But if she did, when you really like someone like this it gets harder to control yourself and have some integrity. I guess that's more of the pickle I'm in at this point. But it might never get to that point so now there is not much to worry about.

Exactly. Get out the house and look for someone new. I mean who would go on an internet forum posting pics of all the girls that you try to convince fellow forum users you've smashed, and how worldly and knowledgeable you are? With a complementing essay.

Oh wait.

Man some of you guys are a joke. Everyone always complains about people not posting pics so I actually oblige and still get some flak. What gives?

You are right though I do need to find someone for myself it's really just that simple. It's not easy right now tho. I have gone on dating sites and haven't got much interest outside of a few girls who I didn't find attractive. My standards aren't real high either just want a girl who is in shape (cus I am) and who isn't real short. I would try to join a co ed sports league but right now I'm injured and just have to wait to heal. I will only go to bars with friends and right now all my friends are pretty much gone so it's tough. Not trying to make excuses, but I have put out some effort and not really had any rewards so far.

07-11-2012, 02:04 PM
Wow. :facepalm

07-11-2012, 02:30 PM
Just **** your friend already. Jeez.

07-11-2012, 02:46 PM

07-12-2012, 03:03 AM
It's awesome that your friend let you **** his girlfriend and everything, but unless he's into swinging, don't ever do it again. Having sex releases chemicals in your brain that will cause you to eventually become attached to the person. You will end up f***ing this friendship up if you go any further.

07-12-2012, 05:48 AM
You friend just let you **** his girl right in front of him like that? Wow.

That's definitely a crazy story. My advice is about the same as everyone else's in this thread. You should just lay off. Your situation has dynamite written all over it. I can't believe your friend would even be cool with just letting the mother of his child and his best friend **** in front of him, but hey, if all you guys were cool with it, then there's no bad feelings. But now you want more? I don't think you should do that. In fact, I wouldn't have sex with her ever again. You should find your own girl or girls, and just **** the shit out of them.

Its your best friend and they have a kid bro. Can't be doing that. She looks cool and she sounds cool, but even if you were sure you liked her that way, it wouldn't be fair to your friend and it sure wouldn't be fair to their kid. Just give them some space.

Horde of Temujin
07-12-2012, 09:38 AM
This thread is moot.

07-12-2012, 06:08 PM
:roll: at this whole thread. a couple things:

1. stop all of this. first off
2. your friend let you have sex with his gf and mother of his child, just for fun? makes me question how deep in love they actually are
3. you're considering ruining your friendship with the guy, having eternal tension between you two, be with a girl who was with your friend for 4 years, and add in the complications of the baby they have?

you're just walking into a shitload of a mess. just... just stop. lol smh. any girl that's willing to **** her boyfriend's best friend, when she has a baby with that boyfriend, just because she's drunk and has permission, probably isn't much of a quality gf anyway. find someone else.

07-12-2012, 06:28 PM
Who the Fck Cares?