View Full Version : Chris Bosh or Kevin Love

07-14-2012, 03:29 AM

[For one season] Who would you rather have on your team? And who is the better player when healthy?

I'm going with Bosh for both.

07-14-2012, 03:31 AM
Kevin Love for both

07-14-2012, 03:31 AM
As a first option? Bosh no doubt. Dude is a better scorer, defender and more versatile. All Love has on Bosh is three point shooting and rebounding.

07-14-2012, 03:34 AM
Bosh. Easily... Actually bosh isn't a bad 3 point shooter either..

Kevin love sucks. Empty stat loser IMO..

07-14-2012, 03:34 AM
Kevin Love is quite easily better than Chris Bosh. I can only think of like two things that Bosh is better than Love in and those two things are athleticism and pick and roll defense. Love wins out in every other category.

07-14-2012, 03:35 AM

07-14-2012, 03:36 AM
Kevin Love is quite easily better than Chris Bosh. I can only think of like two things that Bosh is better than Love in and those two things are athleticism and pick and roll defense. Love wins out in every other category.
OH but wait! Bosh just won a ring as the 3rd option! He's now all of a sudden better than the best current PF! :facepalm

I don't get the logic on this fuking board.

07-14-2012, 03:38 AM
Are people forgetting how good Bosh was in Toronto? Putting up 18 and 8 while playing alongside two of the top five players in the game is no joke.

07-14-2012, 03:38 AM
Love, easily, any measure.

07-14-2012, 03:39 AM
Are people forgetting how good Bosh was in Toronto
Not good enough to put up 26/13 and 20/15 like Love did last season and two seasons ago.

07-14-2012, 03:40 AM
I can only think of like two things that Bosh is better than Love in and those two things are athleticism and pick and roll defense. Love wins out in every other category.
Bosh gives you better man defense, rim protection, midrange, finishing around the rim. Love is better overall but Bosh is better in certain aspects.

07-14-2012, 03:40 AM
How is Love the best current PF? Thats your opinion only..
Career loser..

07-14-2012, 03:40 AM
Bosh took his shitty team to the playoffs. Love is a good rebounder but his offensive game is limited and his defense is average.

07-14-2012, 03:41 AM
Why do people keep saying Love sucks on defense? Because he's white?

07-14-2012, 03:42 AM
Not good enough to put up 26/13 and 20/15 like Love did last season and two seasons ago.

Bosh impacts the game MUCH more than Love. He can also take a game over at any point. People saying Love right now are underestimating Bosh's abilities.

07-14-2012, 03:43 AM
Bosh took his shitty team to the playoffs. Love is a good rebounder but his offensive game is limited and his defense is average.

in the EAST

07-14-2012, 03:43 AM
Why do people keep saying Love sucks on defense? Because he's white?
Yep. This site is FILLED with undercover racism.

Makes me sick man.

07-14-2012, 03:44 AM
Bosh impacts the game MUCH more than Love.
And this is based on what other than the fact that he plays on your team?

He can also take a game over at any point.
And Love can't? :oldlol:

People saying Love right now are underestimating Bosh's abilities.
People saying Bosh right now don't have a clue about how good Kevin Love is.

07-14-2012, 03:44 AM
Yep. This site is FILLED with undercover racism.

Makes me sick man.

If you dare say anything critical about a black player you get banned, though.

07-14-2012, 03:45 AM
in the EAST

Funny thing is that the Wolves this past season wouldn't have made the Playoffs anyway if they were in the East. And also are people forgetting how Love led his team to the WORST record in the league in 2010-2011?

07-14-2012, 03:49 AM
Funny thing is that the Wolves this past season wouldn't have made the Playoffs anyway if they were in the East. And also are people forgetting how Love led his team to the WORST record in the league in 2010-2011?

What do you mean? Wolves were a few games back of 500. The Raptors were like 5 games below 500. I'm sure playing the Nets, Bobcats, etc 4 times a year would increase the Wolves wins rather than playing the Thunder/Nuggets/Jazz 4 times a season.

07-14-2012, 03:55 AM
What do you mean? Wolves were a few games back of 500. The Raptors were like 5 games below 500. I'm sure playing the Nets, Bobcats, etc 4 times a year would increase the Wolves wins rather than playing the Thunder/Nuggets/Jazz 4 times a season.

Wolves went 26-40. Not that impressive if you ask me.

07-14-2012, 03:58 AM

07-14-2012, 04:04 AM

07-14-2012, 04:30 AM
Bosh impacts the game MUCH more than Love. He can also take a game over at any point. People saying Love right now are underestimating Bosh's abilities. Yup. People forget how good he was before becoming a third option. Like you said, Bosh's impact is what separates him from Love.

07-14-2012, 04:35 AM
Wolves went 26-40. Not that impressive if you ask me.

Love missed a bunch of games towards the end. They were 1 game over 500 when Rubio was healthy.

07-14-2012, 05:58 AM
Kevin Love

07-14-2012, 06:01 AM
And this is based on what other than the fact that he plays on your team?

Because Bosh led teams with worse talent than the Wolves to twice as many wins.

07-14-2012, 06:06 AM
i think Bosh is a better player but i'll take Kevin Love because BOSTON NEEDS THEM REBOUNDS!

07-14-2012, 06:14 AM
Are people forgetting how good Bosh was in Toronto? Putting up 18 and 8 while playing alongside two of the top five players in the game is no joke.
Absolutely.. Bosh is a beast.

That's who Lebron has in his team this year.. yeah

07-14-2012, 06:30 AM
Raptors with Bosh as #1 option made it to playoffs twice.
Wolves with Love as #1 option never made the playoffs.

Bosh's 2 best records as #1 option 47-35 and 41-41
Love's 2 best records as #1 option 17-65 and 15-67
(26-40 if you count the lock out season)

Gimme Bosh as #1 option but as a Second or Third option gimme Love.

All Net
07-14-2012, 07:33 AM
Hard to not say love due to how great the numbers he has put up but bosh is still a top 5 PF and is underrated due to playing with lebron and wade.

07-14-2012, 07:43 AM
it's closer than some might think, but i'm going love. the only thing that i can say bosh does better for sure is the face up jumper. miami doesn't always utilize bosh on the left block where he is clearly most effective. love's post-game is underrated. he establishes position and can finish with contact or draw the foul. he also makes strong ucla cuts and when rubio is in, he'll find him. i would say it's almost a wash in that area. rebounding and range clearly go to love. bosh is the better defender (length has a lot to do with that) but it's not like it's a wide margin. while love doesn't draw a ton of doubles, he's still valuable in spreading the floor.

love is becoming one of the most underrated top 10 talents in the league. i've already detailed +/-, PER, win shares, win-loss record and splits when it comes to love. people seem to want to lump ALL of those and say he's an anomaly. i've also listed the injuries. wolves just amnestied darko and adelman couldn't even justify playing the guy 15 or more minutes many nights AFTER pek got hurt. they just waived webster. straight up waived. love was playing without his starting PG (2nd best player) and center (3rd best player) for good portions of the season. barea was the 2nd best P&R player and he missed around a dozen games.

darko was almost non-existent. even on defense, people are turning darko and kwame brown into tyson chandler lite. i just don't get it. their wing rotation sucked and wolves proved that by letting webster flat out go. beasley? he was also not getting many minutes and apparently not worth their time either. so apparently love was supposed to drag tolliver, ridnour and a rookie williams across the finish line. never mind the fact that they were on pace to make the playoffs if they stayed healthy. nope. love was supposed to keep winning anyway with three major injuries and 2-3 guys that adelman repeatedly grew frustrated over. it got to the point where coach adelman was starting love at center down the stretch. what a stat padder that coach adelman is - just trying to make love look better.

i just hope guys that are actually saying bosh are putting him in the top 3 PF's list instead of just hating on love. otherwise, you make no sense. love's 2PT FG% is better than bosh's despite being the #1 option on his team and the focus of the defense.

07-14-2012, 08:04 AM
Bosh and not close.

"Chris Bosh is our most important player on the Miami Heat." - Coach Spo

07-14-2012, 08:10 AM
Too early to tell since we don't know what to think of Love yet.

And the way the Wolves fell out of the playoff picture last season once Rubio went out give Love's doubter a valid point that he's putting empty stats and isn't an impact player.

07-14-2012, 08:18 AM
Too early to tell since we don't know what to think of Love yet.

And the way the Wolves fell out of the playoff picture last season once Rubio went out give Love's doubter a valid point that he's putting empty stats and isn't an impact player.

ya. pekovic played a full season. so did barea. darko didn't get benched for sucking and was recently amnestied. webster wasn't just waived. beasley didn't just average 23 mpg while playing vs. reserve defense and shooting worse than love despite shooting about two 3's less than love per game. it clearly all boils down to rubio.

07-14-2012, 08:23 AM
ya. pekovic played a full season. so did barea. darko didn't get benched for sucking and was recently amnestied. webster wasn't just waived. beasley didn't just average 23 mpg while playing vs. reserve defense and shooting worse than love despite shooting about two 3's less than love per game. it clearly all boils down to rubio.
How come Love's teammates were playing well when Rubio was healthy and playing? So once Rubio went down, the rest decided to suck or get injured too leaving poor Kevin Love all by his lonesome? :confusedshrug:

07-14-2012, 08:25 AM
Bosh rather be a 3rd option than have his own team, his mental weakness alone makes Love the obvious choice. Bosh on Loves' teams still miss the playoffs easily, Love on Miami and we're talking 3peat.

Love all day everyday.

07-14-2012, 08:28 AM
How come Love's teammates were playing well when Rubio was healthy and playing? So once Rubio went down, the rest decided to suck or get injured too leaving poor Kevin Love all by his lonesome? :confusedshrug:

yes. pekovic decided to get bone spurs in his ankle and get surgery just to prove a point. beasley was playing okay early on when rubio's minutes were lmited. barea strained his hamstring when love threw his shoe and tripped him. this allowed ridnour to play out of position as a true PG. then the rest was easy for coach adelman. limit darko's beastly effectiveness and let their best player, webster, leave the team for free. coach adelman was also in on it.

C- love
SG - webster (waived)
SF - williams (rookie tweener)
PF - tolliver (career journeyman)
PG - ridnour

goat playoff team

btw, i actually did have bosh as a top 10 MVP candidate in his final season in toronto even though he clearly gave up towards the end.

07-14-2012, 09:03 AM
Love plays in the west where getting in the pay-offs is really damn hard. I feel like Love is being underrated a lot just because of his race.

07-14-2012, 09:08 AM
Bosh is underrated by many, but Love is the better player. Rebounding from your PF is too important to overlook.

07-14-2012, 10:42 AM
If I already have a superstar in my team I choose Love as 2nd or 3rd option but going for a franchise player, Bosh is better..

07-14-2012, 10:52 AM
If I already have a superstar in my team I choose Love as 2nd or 3rd option but going for a franchise player, Bosh is better..

miles berg
07-14-2012, 10:57 AM
Bosh all day, no comparison. LOL @ whoever called Kevin Love the best PF in the game. LMAO.

Dirk, Bosh, Alrdridge all clearly better PFs.

07-14-2012, 10:57 AM

07-14-2012, 11:00 AM
Im not fan of either as a franchise player...but Love is closer to one than Bosh is to me. At least Love is exceptional at something. Perhaps a couple things.

I guess you could say Bosh is an elite midrange shooter when open. I dont think id argue. But you cant really do much with that. Not for a player you would like to have the ball in his hands. Not hes hes an elite shooter off the dribble.

Hes got a great first step for a bigman but...eh.
Justn ot what im looking for in a best player. Love at least...might be.

07-14-2012, 12:00 PM
Bosh dropped 48 one game, it's not like he cant score.

07-14-2012, 12:10 PM
Bosh dropped 48 one game, it's not like he cant score.

his career high is 44? . anyways kevin love is a pure shooter whilst chris bosh doesnt have post moves and isnt a pure shooter but he can drive abiiit better than k-love thats it

07-14-2012, 12:13 PM
Kevin Love is quite easily better than Chris Bosh. I can only think of like two things that Bosh is better than Love in and those two things are athleticism and pick and roll defense. Love wins out in every other category.


07-14-2012, 12:15 PM
his career high is 44? . anyways kevin love is a pure shooter whilst chris bosh doesnt have post moves and isnt a pure shooter but he can drive abiiit better than k-love thats it
Yeah my bad, 44 points.

Dude, Bosh has post moves, and a great faceup game. Love is a better shooter from distance though.

07-14-2012, 12:23 PM
Bosh easily he just impacts the game so much more thats why his Raptor teams have more won games than Loves Wolves. Its not like Loves Wolves were much worse than Boshs Raptors they were probably better. Love can not create his own shot and take over games while Bosh is great at this Loves also a shitty defender. Creating your own shot and defense are the most important things for a star player. Love scores all of his points in the flow of the offence so he puts no pressure on the defense.

07-14-2012, 12:32 PM
I've come to the conclusion that no one watched Bosh before he joined Miami.

07-14-2012, 12:32 PM
Bosh easily he just impacts the game so much more thats why his Raptor teams have more won games than Loves Wolves. Its not like Loves Wolves were much worse than Boshs Raptors they were probably better. Love can not create his own shot and take over games while Bosh is great at this Loves also a shitty defender. Creating your own shot and defense are the most important things for a star player. Love scores all of his points in the flow of the offence so he puts no pressure on the defense.

Doesnt impact games?? "kevin love game winner against clippers" ... "kevin love dominates the knicks with 30-30" .... i remember i watched the game he dropped 51 points if it wasnt for him the game who have been finished in regular time .. everytime OKC made a jump he knocked down some three's , grabbed offensive rebound put it back in with a And1.. the dude does impact games tbh bosh played solid in the playoffs and thats it he never had a standout game

07-14-2012, 12:33 PM
Bosh has become a damn good defender over the past 2 years in miami's system. Bosh is also a more versatile player, and clearly more athletic.

And of course Bosh is a shot creator, Love is not. It's harder for defenses to prepare for Bosh than Love, this is because Bosh is simply the better player.

Give me the shot creator every time and twice on sunday's when comparing 2 players. To couple with the fact that Bosh is a better and more versatile defender. There is no way in hell I would trade Chris Bosh for Kevin Love

07-14-2012, 12:34 PM
Give me Bosh. Love is a stat-padding loser that will be a fixture on bad teams

07-14-2012, 12:38 PM
Bosh has become a damn good defender over the past 2 years in miami's system. Bosh is also a more versatile player, and clearly more athletic.

And of course Bosh is a shot creator, Love is not. It's harder for defenses to prepare for Bosh than Love, this is because Bosh is simply the better player.

Give me the shot creator every time and twice on sunday's when comparing 2 players. To couple with the fact that Bosh is a better and more versatile defender. There is no way in hell I would trade Chris Bosh for Kevin Love

people overlook rebounding . bosh averages 8 kevin love averages 13 those 5 rebounds can turn into around 5 points at least .. add those 5 points to his ppg average 26 thats 31 ppg at least with 8 rebounds .. compare 18 -8 or 31 -8??? pretty obvious

07-14-2012, 12:43 PM
Jesus christ this forum is pathetically racist. If Love were black everyone would be on his dick. I guarantee. Some black people just can't stand to see a white person succeed in something they are good at. It's not the fact that Bosh is is better, it's just the fact you're racist if you picked him. And the fact you say love is a worse defender is because he's white and bosh is black.

If Love were black and on the Lakers he'd be hailed as the next NBA legend, but since he's white he's an overrated scrub who is just a stat stuff.

07-14-2012, 12:44 PM
Jesus christ this forum is pathetically racist. If Love were black everyone would be on his dick. I guarantee. Some black people just can't stand to see a white person succeed in something they are good at. It's not the fact that Bosh is is better, it's just the fact you're racist if you picked him.

If Love were black and on the Lakers he'd be hailed as the next NBA legend, but since he's white he's an overrated scrub who is just a stat stuff.
:wtf: :biggums:

But Dirk and Nash get tons of love on this site. Hmm...

07-14-2012, 12:51 PM
Jesus christ this forum is pathetically racist. If Love were black everyone would be on his dick. I guarantee. Some black people just can't stand to see a white person succeed in something they are good at. It's not the fact that Bosh is is better, it's just the fact you're racist if you picked him. And the fact you say love is a worse defender is because he's white and bosh is black.

If Love were black and on the Lakers he'd be hailed as the next NBA legend, but since he's white he's an overrated scrub who is just a stat stuff.

dude dont put it like that (white & black) you should say flashy.. people want a guy like blake griffin vince carter who dunks on people.. they dont want a boring spotup shooter who does the dirty work on the boards..

07-14-2012, 12:53 PM
Doesnt impact games?? "kevin love game winner against clippers" ... "kevin love dominates the knicks with 30-30" .... i remember i watched the game he dropped 51 points if it wasnt for him the game who have been finished in regular time .. everytime OKC made a jump he knocked down some three's , grabbed offensive rebound put it back in with a And1.. the dude does impact games tbh bosh played solid in the playoffs and thats it he never had a standout game
There is a difference between playing good and having and impacting the game in a major way. Love can play at his best every game but they still lose because he lacks the impact Rubio came in didnt put up great stats like Love but they actually won games. Bosh might of not had a standout game but he still made the Heat better he puts more pressure on defenses. Dont forget defense too Bosh is much better

07-14-2012, 01:01 PM
There is a difference between playing good and having and impacting the game in a major way. Love can play at his best every game but they still lose because he lacks the impact Rubio came in didnt put up great stats like Love but they actually won games. Bosh might of not had a standout game but he still made the Heat better he puts more pressure on defenses. Dont forget defense too Bosh is much better

bosh is better defensively because he is longer and quicker.. kevin love is one of the only stars that are stars because they do the dirty work .. kevin love without his three point shot is 2010-11 season he would average more rebounds coz he would stay in the paint more and less points coz he cant shoot .. but according to evryone kevin love isnt athletic he doesnt have post moves and if he cant shoot what does he do to get his 20 ppg per game?? OFFENSIVE REBOUND PUTBACKS no1 see's wut he dus there.. and as far as impacting bosh is more impactful in defense which is BIG but kevin love is offense and rebounding which is more imp than defense.

07-14-2012, 01:06 PM
bosh is better defensively because he is longer and quicker.. kevin love is one of the only stars that are stars because they do the dirty work .. kevin love without his three point shot is 2010-11 season he would average more rebounds coz he would stay in the paint more and less points coz he cant shoot .. but according to evryone kevin love isnt athletic he doesnt have post moves and if he cant shoot what does he do to get his 20 ppg per game?? OFFENSIVE REBOUND PUTBACKS no1 see's wut he dus there.. and as far as impacting bosh is more impactful in defense which is BIG but kevin love is offense and rebounding which is more imp than defense.
creating your own shot and defense are more important than rebounding and shooting

miles berg
07-14-2012, 01:11 PM
Jesus christ this forum is pathetically racist. If Love were black everyone would be on his dick. I guarantee. Some black people just can't stand to see a white person succeed in something they are good at. It's not the fact that Bosh is is better, it's just the fact you're racist if you picked him. And the fact you say love is a worse defender is because he's white and bosh is black.

If Love were black and on the Lakers he'd be hailed as the next NBA legend, but since he's white he's an overrated scrub who is just a stat stuff.

Dirk, Nash, Bird, etc...those guys get a ton of love on this forum.

It isn't white -vs- black, it is winner -vs- loser.

You will see this year. Minnesota has a ton of talent around Love, better talent than Dallas has around Nowitzki. Dallas will win 50+, Minnesota will struggle to get to 41-41.

That's the difference.

Nash led a team with Amare hurt and out for the year to Game 6 of the WCFs a few years back.

Great players raise other's games and Love simply doenst do that. When Rubio went down last year the Wolves were toast.

It isnt white vs black, it is impact vs no impact.

Love has no impact.

07-14-2012, 01:16 PM
Dirk, Nash, Bird, etc...those guys get a ton of love on this forum.

It isn't white -vs- black, it is winner -vs- loser.

You will see this year. Minnesota has a ton of talent around Love, better talent than Dallas has around Nowitzki. Dallas will win 50+, Minnesota will struggle to get to 41-41.

That's the difference.

Nash led a team with Amare hurt and out for the year to Game 6 of the WCFs a few years back.

Great players raise other's games and Love simply doenst do that. When Rubio went down last year the Wolves were toast.

It isnt white vs black, it is impact vs no impact.

Love has no impact.
pretty much

07-14-2012, 01:17 PM
creating your own shot and defense are more important than rebounding and shooting

rebounding leads to creating other people shots and transition points .. hm? and k-love does have his own shot he can face up.. bosh does the exact same but worse shooter? whenver he trys to post up its a foul or turnover or bad miss.

07-14-2012, 01:24 PM
rebounding leads to creating other people shots and transition points .. hm? and k-love does have his own shot he can face up.. bosh does the exact same but worse shooter? whenver he trys to post up its a foul or turnover or bad miss.
At the end of the day Boshs teams win more games thats all you need to know. Bosh can also get to the basket at will from his faceup drive he has more moves is a better mid range shooter and finisher. Bosh is just a much more dangerous face up player back when he in Toronto he was near unstoppable.

07-14-2012, 01:28 PM
At the end of the day Boshs teams win more games thats all you need to know. Bosh can also get to the basket at will from his faceup drive he has more moves is a better mid range shooter and finisher. Bosh is just a much more dangerous face up player back when he in Toronto he was near unstoppable.

was bosh ever voted 6th in MVP rankings?? like i said it doesnt matter how you score if you score?? people need to be all flashy with there crossovers and post ups .. its the same if just got the shooters touch which can clearly bring championships (dirk). okay i guess u can say this kevin love is a better player but chris bosh is a better leader?(saying that his team wins games)

07-14-2012, 01:34 PM
This guy


07-14-2012, 01:36 PM
Why do people keep saying Love sucks on defense? Because he's white?

No it's because he sucks at defense.

07-24-2012, 12:52 PM

07-24-2012, 12:55 PM
I'm under the impression that a lot of people here have never seen Bosh play in Toronto.

07-24-2012, 12:58 PM
kevin love on the heat would guarantee titles for the next 5 or so seasons

07-24-2012, 12:58 PM
I'm under the impression that a lot of people here have never seen Bosh play in Toronto.

07-24-2012, 01:15 PM
kevin love on the heat would guarantee titles for the next 5 or so seasons

no he wouldn't. We (and Pat Riley) value defense and shot creators.. 2 vital things for our system that Kevin can't do

07-24-2012, 01:53 PM
Bosh for years...

07-24-2012, 01:56 PM
Bosh by far. His defense was huge reason Miami got past Boston and beat OKC. Love doesn't play defense and fights his teammates for rebounds.

07-24-2012, 02:06 PM
Love, easily, any measure.

UCLA fan?

07-24-2012, 02:12 PM
no he wouldn't. We (and Pat Riley) value defense and shot creators.. 2 vital things for our system that Kevin can't do

let me add that the Wolves defensive numbers don't change one iota when Love is in the lineup or out of the lineup on (bench or otherwise out injured). Considering how poor those other players are defensively it just shows how he sucks defensively by the numbers

the Heat on the other hand have great defensive players, and the defensive numbers really improve with Bosh in the lineup compared to him being out.... so case closed on that stance

Never mind the fact that shot creators are a FAR more valuable commodity than non shot creators like Kevin Love. Shot creators dictate what other teams do, and allows your team to devise much more effective game plans and strategies at a wider range.

Bosh >>> Love

07-24-2012, 02:21 PM
Hank makes a very good point. I'm from Toronto so I've seen many many Bosh games. Last season I saw many Wolves game for the purposes of watching how Rubio does. I still think Love is better than Bosh.

07-24-2012, 02:27 PM
Easily Bosh. Love may have more flash (ie: 1-2 good seasons) but Bosh's body of work is much more impressive and he's also got the championship pedigree to match.

Some things to consider: Bosh is still averaging great numbers while being the clear 3rd option while Love essentially has the green light to shoot anytime he's near the wing/block/paint area.

07-24-2012, 02:55 PM
It does matter because the more ways you can score the more defensive attention your gonna get which opens up opportunities for your teammates. Love scored better than Bosh this year but this was his worst scoring year since his second year. From 2006 to 2011 Boshs ts% has always been in the 57-59 range Love shot 59 last year and 57 this year. So there scoring is pretty much tied but Bosh is more dangerous because he create his own shot. Love can shoot 3s but that is it Dirk can do so much more than that as a scorer. Boshs teams werent better because he was a leader wtf.

01-19-2016, 11:32 AM

Uncle Drew
01-19-2016, 11:34 AM
Is OP another account on which you used to stan LeBron?

01-19-2016, 11:36 AM
Is OP another account on which you used to stan LeBron?
Talk about rent free.. :facepalm at this kid. :lol

Uncle Drew
01-19-2016, 11:38 AM
Talk about rent free.. :facepalm at this kid. :lol

01-19-2016, 11:41 AM
http://insidehoops.com/forum/member.php?u=291678 :lol :lol :lol Rent ****ing free :lol :lol :lol :lol

01-19-2016, 01:29 PM
Bosh has a much better attitude to basketball. Better defender, has more range and can take you off the dribble better.

Love has a sucky me attitude. He may say all the right things but his body language on the court suggests if he doesn't score, he just doesn't care about other facets of the game.

This CAVS team has a problem in that hey have 2 players (Love and Irving) who don't care about defense. Kyrie has the most ability to actually be a decent defender. Blatt needs to get on him the most.

This team can win a championship, it just takes sacrificing of certain parts of the game.

01-19-2016, 01:33 PM
Bosh has a much better attitude to basketball. Better defender, has more range and can take you off the dribble better.

Love has a sucky me attitude. He may say all the right things but his body language on the court suggests if he doesn't score, he just doesn't care about other facets of the game.

This CAVS team has a problem in that hey have 2 players (Love and Irving) who don't care about defense. Kyrie has the most ability to actually be a decent defender. Blatt needs to get on him the most.

This team can win a championship, it just takes sacrificing of certain parts of the game.
And it starts with their leader

01-19-2016, 01:37 PM
And it starts with their leader

To an extent. Their leader for the most part brings it defensively as a help and man defender. He's constantly talking with guys defensively. Love is 27 years old and will do what he wants to do. Kyrie gets babied because he's 23 but he needs to play better man defense.

Ultimately, Against Spurs and Warriors, Love is a big liability defensively. They are better off starting Thompson and bringing love out to play the 5 in the second unit. Depending on if his 3 is falling or not, he plays to close the game.

Mozgof is great for teams like Memphis but bad for teams with mobile big men.

01-19-2016, 01:45 PM
Bosh. Easily... Actually bosh isn't a bad 3 point shooter either..

Kevin love sucks. Empty stat loser IMO..

THIS GUY NAILED IT... I believed the Cavs should have kept Wiggins from the start...

01-19-2016, 01:47 PM
Bosh has a much better attitude to basketball. Better defender, has more range and can take you off the dribble better.

Love has a sucky me attitude. He may say all the right things but his body language on the court suggests if he doesn't score, he just doesn't care about other facets of the game.

This CAVS team has a problem in that hey have 2 players (Love and Irving) who don't care about defense. Kyrie has the most ability to actually be a decent defender. Blatt needs to get on him the most.

This team can win a championship, it just takes sacrificing of certain parts of the game.

kyrie just came off of a big injury so I would give him time. He hasnt been his usual dynamic self yet... Love should play no more than 20 minutes cuz of his defense.. But Lebron's weaknesses ON OFFENSE make you need Love on offense...

01-19-2016, 01:48 PM

01-19-2016, 01:51 PM
LeBron stans been disrespecting Bosh for years.. have fun with good ol Kevin Love. :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


01-19-2016, 01:52 PM
kyrie just came off of a big injury so I would give him time. He hasnt been his usual dynamic self yet... Love should play no more than 20 minutes cuz of his defense.. But Lebron's weaknesses ON OFFENSE make you need Love on offense...

I agree that Lebron has confidence issues in scoring the ball now. You can see it. He's turned into a Rondo almost. Gets to the paint and passes it out rather than drawing fouls.

329 Services
05-17-2016, 09:54 AM
Chris softass Bish!

05-17-2016, 09:56 AM
Bosh while LeBron was there was better. Obviously you take Love now that Bosh can't play.