View Full Version : If u were starting a franchise which one would u draft: lebron or hakeem

07-15-2012, 12:19 PM
Which one?

07-15-2012, 12:21 PM
Easily Lebron.

07-15-2012, 12:21 PM
LeBron James

07-15-2012, 12:22 PM
people need to stop this "who would you draft" stuff because the position a player is weighs into who goes 1st since great big men drop off to average big men is larger than great guards drop off to average guards

it makes big men get drafted ahead of non big men regardless of how good either guy is

the only guys who will vote for a non big is a fan of the guy...

lebron fans will vote for lebron

mj fans will vote for mj .... etc..

07-15-2012, 12:25 PM
people need to stop this "who would you draft" stuff because the position a player is weighs into who goes 1st since great big men drop off to average big men is larger than great guards drop off to average guards

it makes big men get drafted ahead of non big men regardless of how good either guy is

the only guys who will vote for a non big is a fan of the guy...

lebron fans will vote for lebron

mj fans will vote for mj .... etc..
So lebron or Hakeem which one?

07-15-2012, 12:29 PM
So lebron or Hakeem which one?

lebron isnt quite there all time yet..

but by the time hes retired i expect lebron to pass hakeem and be the #10 or #9 all time player

right now i go with hakeem

lebron has to back up that 1st title with another one... the great ones have to be multiple

my selection has nothing to do with an all time fantasy draft type thinking... its purely whos better

07-15-2012, 12:36 PM
lebron isnt quite there all time yet..

but by the time hes retired i expect lebron to pass hakeem and be the #10 or #9 all time player

right now i go with hakeem

lebron has to back up that 1st title with another one... the great ones have to be multiple

my selection has nothing to do with an all time fantasy draft type thinking... its purely whos better
Hakeem or Kobe which one?

Xiao Yao You
07-15-2012, 12:37 PM

Xiao Yao You
07-15-2012, 12:38 PM
Hakeem or Kobe which one?


07-15-2012, 12:41 PM
Easily Lebron.

07-15-2012, 12:41 PM
Hakeem or Kobe which one?

Easily Hakeem.

07-15-2012, 12:42 PM
Easily Hakeem.
Posters with lebron avi votes don't count

get these NETS
07-15-2012, 12:43 PM
at time of their drafts..hakeem was the riskier pick

great defensive player who was still raw offensively and still learning the game

don't know if it was legal or not, but pretty sure lebron scrimmaged against nba talent and served pros.

knowing what we know now, I'd draft hakeem

he won a ring with average talent around

07-15-2012, 12:44 PM
lebron isnt quite there all time yet..

but by the time hes retired i expect lebron to pass hakeem and be the #10 or #9 all time player

right now i go with hakeem

lebron has to back up that 1st title with another one... the great ones have to be multiple

my selection has nothing to do with an all time fantasy draft type thinking... its purely whos better

What are you talking about? Lebron is already today in the #11-#12 area... next season with potentially another MVP, FMVP, championship (which gives a total of 4 mvps, 2 fmvps, 2 championships) he is immediately in top 10... by the time he has retired? He will be much higher up than that...

07-15-2012, 12:45 PM
Posters with lebron avi votes don't count

Has nothing to do with that...

Hakeem is a much more impactful/dominant/efficient/productive overall player on both ends of the floor...

07-15-2012, 12:46 PM
Bron, but it's close. Hakeem sorta reminds me of Lebron in that he can take mediocre (and sometimes putrid) rosters deep into the playoffs.

get these NETS
07-15-2012, 01:43 PM
weird thing

great players get penalized for things outside of their control

if Bron wins against Spurs..and if Iverson wins against Lakers.....their reputations would be catapulted even more than now

boobie gibson...eric snow not being able to hit wide open shots prevented AI and Bron from being indisputable top 7 guys today


say all that to say..if Bron and Cavs somehow beat the Spurs...I'd have a hard time justifying choosing Dream over him...even though Bron did EVERYTHING he possibly could to win that finals...

07-15-2012, 01:49 PM
Posters with lebron avi votes don't count
This is coming from a Kobe-stan?:roll: :roll:

07-15-2012, 01:52 PM
Hakeem, obviously. About the same All-time ranking is for Shaq and Duncan, and I would take them over Lebron as well.

07-15-2012, 01:52 PM
Are you ****ing kidding?

Hakeem, easily and by a longshot. Hakeem played with similar talent that LeBron had in Cleveland or worse and still got shit done and managed to win titles. A super athletic-dominant center like that, with great defense and strong offensive moves.......****, give me that 10 times out of 10.

07-15-2012, 01:58 PM
weird thing

great players get penalized for things outside of their control

if Bron wins against Spurs..and if Iverson wins against Lakers.....their reputations would be catapulted even more than now

boobie gibson...eric snow not being able to hit wide open shots prevented AI and Bron from being indisputable top 7 guys today


say all that to say..if Bron and Cavs somehow beat the Spurs...I'd have a hard time justifying choosing Dream over him...even though Bron did EVERYTHING
he possibly could to win that finals...

And lebron terrible play had nothing to do with cavs losing?

07-15-2012, 02:52 PM
The King

07-15-2012, 02:57 PM
Hakeem, I would rather start around bigs than perimeter players. Although Lebron is the 2nd perimeter player I would take to build around or draft for with Jordan being first.

07-15-2012, 03:08 PM
Hakeem. centers are the hardest spots to fill.

07-15-2012, 03:09 PM

We saw what LeBron was able to do on his own in Cleveland. Nada.

07-15-2012, 03:13 PM
Are you ****ing kidding?

Hakeem, easily and by a longshot. Hakeem played with similar talent that LeBron had in Cleveland or worse and still got shit done and managed to win titles. A super athletic-dominant center like that, with great defense and strong offensive moves.......****, give me that 10 times out of 10.

Exactly... nevermind the fact that he won back to back titles vs great competition with a squad similar to what Lebron had to work with in Cleveland if not worse. Hakeem is the clear pick here. Lebron will probably achieve more since he plays with a loaded squad but I would draft Hakeem and put better talent around him and win 5-6 rings.

07-15-2012, 03:14 PM
as usual, rule of thumb

07-15-2012, 03:31 PM
Its indeed close tho, but extremly different type of players...

Lebron is a guy that covers everything on the perimeter offensively & defensively like probably maybe nobody could (sorry but i dont recall many who had the size/talent/skill to example dominate up to 4-5 positions offensively and defend up to 4-5 positions aswell efficiently, Pippen could do that Defensively but not offensively, Magic could do that offensively, but not defensively)...

Hakeem is a guy that covers everything on the inside offensively & defensively like probably only 1 or 2 more could...

So it depends really on what you need...

About the same, but so different, the only guys i would pick/draft above Lebron & Hakeem is Michael Jordan... thats how high i regard them... right after those 3 follows Shaq... was thinking of Oscar/Wilt aswell, but im not sold on if they could do what they did in this modern era..

07-15-2012, 03:49 PM
Hakeem. I"ll take the big man that's the greatest modern defensive player of all time that will anchor top 5 defense's virtually by himself, a great first option/scorer, and a great rebounder.

07-15-2012, 03:51 PM
LeBron. Don't want a poor mans Al Jefferson

07-15-2012, 04:43 PM
Only a LeBron stan would say something as foolish as "easily LeBron." :facepalm

It's as close as could be, neither is "clearly" better than the other, and Hakeem is certainly higher than LeBron on the All-Time list presently.

07-15-2012, 04:46 PM
Only a LeBron stan would say something as foolish as "easily LeBron." :facepalm

It's as close as could be, neither is "clearly" better than the other, and Hakeem is certainly higher than LeBron on the All-Time list presently.
I was clearly joking, people here are so sensitive.

07-15-2012, 04:48 PM
Exactly... nevermind the fact that he won back to back titles vs great competition with a squad similar to what Lebron had to work with in Cleveland if not worse. Hakeem is the clear pick here. Lebron will probably achieve more since he plays with a loaded squad but I would draft Hakeem and put better talent around him and win 5-6 rings.
Facts aren't made up bro.

Dude played with Sam Cassell, Drexler, Robert Horry, Kenny Smith, Otis Thorpe, Vernon Maxwell, etc... during those back to back titles.

How is that worse or even with what Lebron had in Cleveland?:biggums:

07-15-2012, 04:57 PM
Facts aren't made up bro.

Dude played with Sam Cassell, Drexler, Robert Horry, Kenny Smith, Otis Thorpe, Vernon Maxwell, etc... during those back to back titles.

How is that worse or even with what Lebron had in Cleveland?:biggums:

Ben Wallace, Big Z, Varejao, Shaq, Gooden, Mo, Jamison, Parker, West, Hickson, Szczerbiak.

07-15-2012, 05:22 PM
You build around big men, especially one that was dominant, versatile, and smooth as Hakeem. When comparing a superstar perimeter player to a superstar big man, the only time you should be taking the perimeter player is when it's Michael Jordan. Skilled big men are much more rare and valuable than a skilled perimeter player.

07-15-2012, 05:40 PM
Ben Wallace, Big Z, Varejao, Shaq, Gooden, Mo, Jamison, Parker, West, Hickson, Szczerbiak.

07-15-2012, 05:57 PM
Ben Wallace, Big Z, Varejao, Shaq, Gooden, Mo, Jamison, Parker, West, Hickson, Szczerbiak.

07-15-2012, 05:58 PM
half of these guys were terrible on the cavs

07-15-2012, 06:08 PM
lebron and make sure he doesn't become an ass of himself

Deuce Bigalow
07-15-2012, 06:08 PM

Hakeem the Dream EASILY

Lebron James
'07 NBA Finals: 22-7-7 on 36%, outscored by Tony Parker, Swept
'11 NBA Finals: 18-7-7 on 48%, 3 ppg 4th Quarter, outscored by Chris Bosh and Jason Terry

2009-2011: 3 straight playoff series loses with HCA

Let's not compare Lebron to an top 10 all-time great

07-15-2012, 06:10 PM

Hakeem the Dream EASILY

Lebron James
'07 NBA Finals: 22-7-7 on 36%, outscored by Tony Parker, Swept
'11 NBA Finals: 18-7-7 on 48%, 3 ppg 4th Quarter, outscored by Chris Bosh and Jason Terry

2009-2011: 3 straight playoff series loses with HCA

Let's not compare Lebron to an top 10 all-time great

where's the stats from the '12 nba finals?

07-15-2012, 06:39 PM
Hakeem. He won 2 without much help, God knows how many he can win with a great team. :rockon:

07-15-2012, 07:13 PM
Facts aren't made up bro.

Dude played with Sam Cassell, Drexler, Robert Horry, Kenny Smith, Otis Thorpe, Vernon Maxwell, etc... during those back to back titles.

How is that worse or even with what Lebron had in Cleveland?:biggums:

Hakeem also played on a 47 win squad in 1995 and won with a roster as talented as Lebron's Cavs.
And won the championship in 95 as well.
Something that Lebron was never able to do without 2 other top 5 players.

get these NETS
07-15-2012, 07:28 PM

And lebron terrible play had nothing to do with cavs losing?

i remember lebron having to wear 2 superman capes against spurs...attempting to do more than he did for that team..

lebron is great, but neither he nor iverson can single handedly beat a great team in finals

any terrible play by lebron was due to realization that it was 5 against 1

07-15-2012, 08:02 PM
Facts aren't made up bro.

Dude played with Sam Cassell, Drexler, Robert Horry, Kenny Smith, Otis Thorpe, Vernon Maxwell, etc... during those back to back titles.

How is that worse or even with what Lebron had in Cleveland?:biggums:

Are we supposed to be impressed by Hakeem teammates during the back-to-back?

In '94 the Rockets second best scorer in the playoffs was Vernon Maxwell who averaged 13.8 points on terrible 38% shooting.

And you can't mix two rosters together, in '94 there was no Drexler and in '95 there was no Maxwell and Thorpe.

Sam Cassell was a rookie and a second year pro, no where close to his prime but still was a good player.

Kenny Smith was garbage, he got outplayed by every point guard he faced in the playoffs during both years, impressive.. :facepalm

Maxwell was a chucker.

Hakeem didn't need no Wade or Bosh to win, TWICE.

get these NETS
07-15-2012, 08:08 PM
dream had better cast both years

he at least had name brand players

bron played with guys who probably wouldn't start for 75% of the league's teams

07-15-2012, 08:19 PM
dream had better cast both years

he at least had name brand players

bron played with guys who probably wouldn't start for 75% of the league's teams

How did Dream have better cast both years?

Houston Rockets in '94

PG: Kenny Smith (was outplayed by every PG in the playoffs)
SG: Maxwell (Second best scorer who averaged 13.8 points on 38% shooting)
SF: Horry (2nd year pro)
PF: Thorpe (1-time all-star)

Houston Rockets in '95

PG: Kenny Smith (was outplayed again)
SG: Drexler (old but was still ballin', no Wade though)
SF: Mario Elie
PF: Horry

Compare that to 2012 Miami Heat:

PG: Mario Chalmers
SG: Dwyane Wade
PF: Chris Bosh
C: Joel Anthony

Are you serious?

07-15-2012, 08:37 PM

He has a chance to be #2 player of all time (behind Jordan).

get these NETS
07-15-2012, 08:45 PM
How did Dream have better cast both years?

Houston Rockets in '94

PG: Kenny Smith (was outplayed by every PG in the playoffs)
SG: Maxwell (Second best scorer who averaged 13.8 points on 38% shooting)
SF: Horry (2nd year pro)
PF: Thorpe (1-time all-star)

Houston Rockets in '95

PG: Kenny Smith (was outplayed again)
SG: Drexler (old but was still ballin', no Wade though)
SF: Mario Elie
PF: Horry

Compare that to 2012 Miami Heat:

PG: Mario Chalmers
SG: Dwyane Wade
PF: Chris Bosh
C: Joel Anthony

Are you serious?

in a rush to try to outsmart me...you forgot to notice that comparison was being made between dream's title teams and bron finals with cleveland

dream played with past and future all stars...legit

bron played with keisha cole's husband

07-15-2012, 09:08 PM
weird thing

great players get penalized for things outside of their control

if Bron wins against Spurs..and if Iverson wins against Lakers.....their reputations would be catapulted even more than now

boobie gibson...eric snow not being able to hit wide open shots prevented AI and Bron from being indisputable top 7 guys today


say all that to say..if Bron and Cavs somehow beat the Spurs...I'd have a hard time justifying choosing Dream over him...even though Bron did EVERYTHING he possibly could to win that finals...
What? Lebron averaged 22 points on 36% shooting in the finals while the Cavs lost by 9 points 9 points 3 points and 1 point so the Cavs were in pretty much every game despite Lebrons terrible play. That was pretty much the story for the entire 2007 playoffs Lebron plays bad Cavs still win.

07-15-2012, 09:11 PM
Hakeem easily

07-15-2012, 09:14 PM
in a rush to try to outsmart me...you forgot to notice that comparison was being made between dream's title teams and bron finals with cleveland

dream played with past and future all stars...legit

bron played with keisha cole's husband

What's the reason behind comparing a finals where LeBron got swept to Hakeem's back-to-backs?

Besides, there's not much difference at all between LeBron's teammates while getting swept by Spurs compared to Hakeem's during his back-to-backs. And don't forget to watch the competition they both faced. At least not the '94 team a la;


In '95 they had Drexler but at the same time they lost Thrope, Maxwell got kicked and Herrera got injured which resulted in Horry taking his place. The losses of the '94 season resulted in the non-existing bench for the '95 team. Hakeem's bench players were Mario Elie, Chucky Brown, Pete Chilcutt and Charles Jones.

07-15-2012, 09:21 PM
What? Lebron averaged 22 points on 36% shooting in the finals while the Cavs lost by 9 points 9 points 3 points and 1 point so the Cavs were in pretty much every game despite Lebrons terrible play. That was pretty much the story for the entire 2007 playoffs Lebron plays bad Cavs still win.
thank u :pimp:

07-15-2012, 09:30 PM
If we were starting the franchise in this current era of Centers today? Hakeem and it's not even close.

get these NETS
07-16-2012, 11:24 AM
What's the reason behind comparing a finals where LeBron got swept to Hakeem's back-to-backs?

Besides, there's not much difference at all between LeBron's teammates while getting swept by Spurs compared to Hakeem's during his back-to-backs. And don't forget to watch the competition they both faced. At least not the '94 team a la;


In '95 they had Drexler but at the same time they lost Thrope, Maxwell got kicked and Herrera got injured which resulted in Horry taking his place. The losses of the '94 season resulted in the non-existing bench for the '95 team. Hakeem's bench players were Mario Elie, Chucky Brown, Pete Chilcutt and Charles Jones.

again.....dream had legit past and future all stars on his teams

name brand players..... who did lebron play with in cleveland...

I think mo williams made all star one year with lebron lobbying for him...but he's hardly a legit allstar

not taking anything away from dream but bron played with guys who talentwise are nba backups and none of them came to play in the finals..

whereas dream played with slightly better players who had balls and who SHOWED up in crunch time

lebron wins ring with those ymca guys in cleveland and his reputation as a player shoots to higher level

get these NETS
07-16-2012, 11:29 AM
What? Lebron averaged 22 points on 36% shooting in the finals while the Cavs lost by 9 points 9 points 3 points and 1 point so the Cavs were in pretty much every game despite Lebrons terrible play. That was pretty much the story for the entire 2007 playoffs Lebron plays bad Cavs still win.

nah...lebron's game is not just based on scoring points

if you watch tape of those games and not just look at his scoring average and margin of loss...bet you'd see him orchestrating the offense.....drawing toughest perimeter assignment....and playing upwards of 45 minutes per game

and i guarantee each game he makes several plays that don't show up in the stat sheet

let's have honest and real hoops discussion here..

07-16-2012, 11:38 AM
man forget hakeem and lebron

07-16-2012, 11:58 AM
lebron gets an edge on hakeem because lebron might be the most marketable player of all time.. lebron put cleveland on the map n help that city so much financially that its not even funny..then his move to miami was the headline of each season.. so if im starting a franchise.. i gotta think who is gonna help me make the most money n also win.. lebron james

07-16-2012, 12:02 PM
Hakeem because you always pick the big man. I think Lebron is the better overall player but big man are better to build around, especially in todays era of weak centers. Hakeem would absolutely dominate the centers of this era

07-16-2012, 12:38 PM
tough one but I'd say Lebron. Dream won 2 rings and Bron got 1 but the marketing impact would lead me to go with Lebron.

Today's athlete's have to be in the public eye and on twitter and shit like that which would lead to more games on TV.

get these NETS
07-16-2012, 12:46 PM
Hakeem because you always pick the big man. I think Lebron is the better overall player but big man are better to build around, especially in todays era of weak centers. Hakeem would absolutely dominate the centers of this era

dream would AVERAGE close to triple double against modern centers..
he'd have at least 10 quadruple doubles a year

07-16-2012, 12:52 PM
Hakeem also played on a 47 win squad in 1995 and won with a roster as talented as Lebron's Cavs.
And won the championship in 95 as well.
Something that Lebron was never able to do without 2 other top 5 players.
If you cannot concede that Hakeems teams had more quality players then you need to stop posting here. He wasn't out there with a bum ass Eric Snow and a broken down Big Z. He had talent around him, a mix of young and veteran ones at that. Lebron had inconsistent young players and old guys who were on their way out.

If they had the same level of talent then Lebron should have been at least in the finals during 09.

07-16-2012, 12:58 PM
Hakeem. At least 8 of 10 times.

07-16-2012, 01:01 PM
It is actually close, but I'd pick Hakeem.

07-16-2012, 01:10 PM
It's a tossup really, I think that with Nike's gargantuan marketing effort behind Lebron and the fact that I am confident I can surround him with winning talent makes me choose him.

Mr Exlax
07-16-2012, 01:11 PM
Lebron by a landslide. I'm starting a franchise to make money. I wouldn't see wins and losses. I wanna see my profits go + or -. That's my only concern. I'll let the coach's and GM's handle the talent and putting the pieces together to win. You people are crazy!

07-16-2012, 01:32 PM
If you are not going with the brilliant big man you are wrong.

07-16-2012, 01:52 PM
If we were starting the franchise in this current era of Centers today? Hakeem and it's not even close.

I will always pick a great big over a wing player (except Jordan) in any era, but especially right now with the garbage that is the C position...

Hakeem>>>Howard and everyone else.

07-16-2012, 01:58 PM

I will always pick a great big over a wing player (except Jordan) in any era, but especially right now with the garbage that is the C position...

Hakeem>>>Howard and everyone else.

Agreed. Hakeem would have every big man today for lunch, and anchor both elite offense and defense at the same time. Lebron as great as he is, simply cant have such impact.

Also as some already mentioned, Hakeem would have won at least a couple of rings with Cavs teams Lebron had.

07-16-2012, 02:02 PM
If you cannot concede that Hakeems teams had more quality players then you need to stop posting here. He wasn't out there with a bum ass Eric Snow and a broken down Big Z. He had talent around him, a mix of young and veteran ones at that. Lebron had inconsistent young players and old guys who were on their way out.

If they had the same level of talent then Lebron should have been at least in the finals during 09.

You don't win 60 plus games without having quality help.

07-16-2012, 02:07 PM

You don't win 60 plus games without having quality help.
Mo Williams, Varejao, Big Z were good help at certain points during their tenure with the Cavs. When did I say Lebron had NO help? Point that out to me. I'm saying that Hakeem had a better roster. Unless Clyde Drexler, Sam Cassell,Robert Horry,Kenny Smith, Vernon Maxwell, etc.... aren't quality help in your opinion.

Agreed. Hakeem would have every big man today for lunch, and anchor both elite offense and defense at the same time. Lebron as great as he is, simply cant have such impact.

Also as some already mentioned, Hakeem would have won at least a couple of rings with Cavs teams Lebron had.
Explain this to me, you expect me to believe that Hakeem would have won "at least a couple of rings" with those sub par Cavs teams, but he couldn't win with Ralph Sampson? Seriously?

Do you guys think before you post? The 80's West was weak as hell outside of the Lakers yet he only made the finals once, just like Bron did with his Cavs.

07-16-2012, 02:10 PM

You don't win 60 plus games without having quality help.

Unless the LBJ fans are admitting the 2000s have been a garbage era, you don't rack up that many wins without "help" unless LeBron averaged 45 points a game grabbed 15 rebs and dished out 12 asts per game to his hapless team mates.:facepalm

People need to stop this nonsense that the Cavs were garbage, if LBJ stayed, I'm pretty sure they would eventually win at least one NBA title or a few.

Mr Exlax
07-16-2012, 02:17 PM
People need to stop this nonsense that the Cavs were garbage, if LBJ stayed, I'm pretty sure they would eventually win at least one NBA title or a few.

I don't think he would've ever won while he was there. Regular season games are almost pointless. Teams don't really try to gameplan for other teams because it's an 82 game season. The Cavs weren't garbage, but they lost the matchups at every position except for SF. I don't think he would've ever won there with that team.

07-16-2012, 02:17 PM
Mo Williams, Varejao, Big Z were good help at certain points during their tenure with the Cavs. When did I say Lebron had NO help? Point that out to me. I'm saying that Hakeem had a better roster. Unless Clyde Drexler, Sam Cassell,Robert Horry,Kenny Smith, Vernon Maxwell, etc.... aren't quality help in your opinion.

Explain this to me, you expect me to believe that Hakeem would have won "at least a couple of rings" with those sub par Cavs teams, but he couldn't win with Ralph Sampson? Seriously?

Do you guys think before you post? The 80's West was weak as hell outside of the Lakers yet he only made the finals once, just like Bron did with his Cavs.
Those Lakers teams were only one of the greatest teams of all time and when the Rockets did get past them, they had in front of them the Boston Celtics, you know, another team that's considered GOAT teams in NBA history.

LBJ lost to a great Spurs dynasty in his first Finals but he hasn't beat any team that was as good as those Lakers or Celtics teams of the 80s.

07-16-2012, 02:26 PM
I don't think he would've ever won while he was there. Regular season games are almost pointless. Teams don't really try to gameplan for other teams because it's an 82 game season. The Cavs weren't garbage, but they lost the matchups at every position except for SF. I don't think he would've ever won there with that team.
Meh, you have to remember LeBron was still a young dude leading his team, maybe it just wasn't his time yet because LBJ also underperformed in some of those series the Cavs lost, you even have some people claiming he quit on his team. I really believe the Cavs were close, if LeBron stayed in Cleveland, I really believe with a few adjustments in their roster here and there and LeBron maturing, the Cavs could've eventually reach the top.

07-16-2012, 02:32 PM
Those Lakers teams were only one of the greatest teams of all time and when the Rockets did get past them, they had in front of them the Boston Celtics, you know, another team that's considered GOAT teams in NBA history.
Obvious. I didn't fault him for losing to the Celtics.

LBJ lost to a great Spurs dynasty in his first Finals but he hasn't beat any team that was as good as those Lakers or Celtics teams of the 80s.

He also didn't have a Ralph Sampson.

Just admit that he's had better teammates than Bron did in Cleveland already.

07-16-2012, 02:37 PM
Lebron, easily.

07-16-2012, 02:49 PM
Obvious. I didn't fault him for losing to the Celtics.

He also didn't have a Ralph Sampson.

Just admit that he's had better teammates than Bron did in Cleveland already.
Okay, I'll admit Hakeem had better team mates and you admit LBJ has faced weaker competition, who has he faced and beat on par with those 80's Lakers/Celtics? I'll give you and won't fault LBJ for losing to the Spurs but he did lose to Howard and a bunch of shooters and an injured Celtics team...

07-16-2012, 02:58 PM
Okay, I'll admit Hakeem had better team mates and you admit LBJ has faced weaker competition, who has he faced and beat on par with those 80's Lakers/Celtics? I'll give you and won't fault LBJ for losing to the Spurs but he did lose to Howard and a bunch of shooters and an injured Celtics team...
I never said he faced competition on the level of the Lakers/Celtics:oldlol: Then again, it's not the Lakers and the Celtics were the ones denying Hakeem entry into the second round all those years either.

07-16-2012, 03:13 PM
Lebron but very close for me

07-16-2012, 03:17 PM
Meh, you have to remember LeBron was still a young dude leading his team, maybe it just wasn't his time yet because LBJ also underperformed in some of those series the Cavs lost, you even have some people claiming he quit on his team. I really believe the Cavs were close, if LeBron stayed in Cleveland, I really believe with a few adjustments in their roster here and there and LeBron maturing, the Cavs could've eventually reach the top.

Thats a little bit far fetched considering,his competition would have been boston,bulls,OKC,lakers,san antonio.I have a hard time believing lebron could have won a ring against these teams.

Let me put it this way against magic he put up 38-8-8 on 50% and still lost the series.In the first game he scored 49 on 67%.If he hadnt won with those kind of performances..... You see what i mean

07-16-2012, 03:28 PM
How did Dream have better cast both years?

Houston Rockets in '94

PG: Kenny Smith (was outplayed by every PG in the playoffs)
SG: Maxwell (Second best scorer who averaged 13.8 points on 38% shooting)
SF: Horry (2nd year pro)
PF: Thorpe (1-time all-star)

Houston Rockets in '95

PG: Kenny Smith (was outplayed again)
SG: Drexler (old but was still ballin', no Wade though)
SF: Mario Elie
PF: Horry

Compare that to 2012 Miami Heat:

PG: Mario Chalmers
SG: Dwyane Wade
PF: Chris Bosh
C: Joel Anthony

Are you serious?

LeBron didn't play with those guys in 2007


07-16-2012, 03:31 PM
really, it depends how my roster is looking like.

but i might pick Hakeem 7 times out of 10.

07-16-2012, 03:56 PM
I don't like Lebron at all.......but I would take him over Hakeem.

The Choken One
07-16-2012, 03:57 PM
In the Jordan vs. Wilt thread I, along with many others, said to pick the big man...

but I think LeBron just brings so much to your team it's hard to pass up on him.

I'm still leaning towards Hakeem, but this would be an extremely tough decision.

mr beast
07-16-2012, 05:37 PM

all i have to do is make sure hakeem and lbj becomes best friends an eventually he will come too

why just get 1 when you can have both