View Full Version : Should the Knicks match the Jeremy Lin offer sheet?

07-16-2012, 09:05 AM
Lets look at the situation....
1) Financial - If the Knicks match, the penalties in year 3 are enormous. People have thrown around a $1 per tax, but it actually could be more depending how much the Knicks are in the tax, due to repeater penalties, increasing penalties as you get further into the tax, etc. It's also a lot of money for him. Honestly, people are spinning it but he will be WAY overpaid.

HOWEVER, the Knicks do not really lose flexibility due to already being over the cap, and he is trade chip, albeit a devalued one due to the balloon payment. It can be argued that losing him weakens the Knicks ability to make trades as they will have less players.

2) Ability - There is a lot of opinion here clearly but i will try to be fair.
IS LIN A BETTER PLAYER THAT RAYMOND FELTON? This is debatable, but i do think it's fair to see Lin's ceiling is higher. I don't think Felton will get much better, but Lin potentially could. Lin's knee to me is a concern, not because that injury may re-occur, but just simply because he broke down. All year we heard how he could take the contact, but it wasn't long before he got hurt. Felton's concern is conditioning. He came into Portland as a big fat ass. Clearly he did not want to be there. But that cannot repeat in NY.

WHO FITS BETTER INTO THE KNICKS CURRENTLY? Probably Raymond Felton. Lin excels at pick n roll, and that is not the Knicks current game. However, things can change, situations can change, making a long term move based on that fact might be a gamble. Lin should be able to adjust, especially with a full training camp.

The third offer sheet bothered me. Not only did Lin and his agent get a new offer sheet, but they worked with the Rockets to make sure it was as bad as possible for the Knicks, and while he was doing this Lin ducked the Knicks so he didn't have to speak to them. (They were both in Vegas). And neither Lin nor his agent told the Knicks terms changed, the media leaked that to the Knicks. It makes me feel like he might want to leave.

Clearly your own opinions on this will affect your decisions. Yes i posted a lot of crap. Me, I think the Knicks should match, we lack guards (SG) and can play multiple people, it gives us flexibility down the road, and i don't like losing 23 yr old assets for nothing. But i understand if they don't.


07-16-2012, 09:06 AM
yes sir:cheers:

07-16-2012, 09:08 AM
Simple. No.

Jeremy Lin had a few good games and now he is Chris Paul, etc. The dude isn't that good. Mario Chalmers locked him down.

07-16-2012, 09:08 AM
Yes, please.

07-16-2012, 09:21 AM
Yes, so they can continue their tradition to sucks for the entire decade.. :lol :lol

07-16-2012, 09:21 AM
Yes, so they can continue their tradition to sucks for the entire decade.. :lol :lol

07-16-2012, 09:23 AM
match and trade him before his third year

07-16-2012, 09:23 AM
lets match and then not play him till dec and trade him to rockets for assets

that way, lin will truly know if rockets really wanted him

Dwyane Rose
07-16-2012, 09:23 AM
Obviously. The Knicks would not have made the playoffs without Lin. Would've probably been a lottery team, gotten a shitty pick and then traded it for some scrub.

Lin saved the season last year.

07-16-2012, 09:24 AM
Dude I'm torn.

In one aspect I think he has a higher ceiling than Felton. He's shown flashes of being very good. I don't think he'll be back in Linsanity mode but I think he can be decent point guard.

The other is supposed reports of his head getting too big. His Knee being at least 85% percent and not willing to play against the Heat. Him going behind the Knicks' back after saying they would match and Helping the Rockets go higher in year three.

I'm not sure if any or all of that is true but man it's not making me feel good about him.

I know he's trying to most money he can but Just staying in New York itself has a ton of perks in regards to endorsements and Television.

I just really don't know at this point.

07-16-2012, 09:27 AM
I think we should. The fact that Lin went back to renegotiate his contract with the Rockets using the Knicks as leverage does bother me a lot.

But, to address your points:

A) Finance really isn't too big an issue. If Lin plays well, it'll bring in huge additional profits for the franchise. There's a reason why MSG soared when Linsanity was happening. Even if he doesn't end up panning out, 5mil a year isn't that bad and the tax hit will only be for one year. We have zero financial flexibility whether or not we keep Lin anyways so whatever, it'll also be a very valuable expiring contract which can maybe be packaged to get rid of Amare or something.

B) Kidd's signed on for 3 more years but realistically he's done. J.R's our only SG right now with Shumpert now and I can see Lin playing a lot of SG if we match. And quite honestly, he's probably a better fit at the SG right now anyways. He can't go left, he's got subpar handling skills, and he's a scoring PG.

But, considering we have old ass Kidd, and I have no idea how well Felton will turn out, we need something to hedge that risk. If worst comes to worst, Lin will be rotting on the bench again but I suspect that he would still bring in lots of money if he gets a few minutes of time so as far as the investment goes, no reason not to do it.

07-16-2012, 09:36 AM
No. Lin simply isn't worth that money, especially not with the luxury tax kicking in.

I know all Knicks fans like to boast about how money isn't an issue, but honestly my head starts to spin when I hear shit like that. How can you say that, the Knicks were in their worst shape in franchise history because of bad contracts until very recently.

Bad contracts are horrible for your franchise when you are over the cap, regardless of whether the owner can miss that money or not.

07-16-2012, 09:38 AM
Note: I hear this a lot and it drives me nuts, the Knicks could not offer Lin more than $24M for 4 years, starting at 5 a year with modest increases. Lin wanted more than that, so the Knicks told him to go get an offer sheet (maybe they should have said GO GET ONE OFFER SHEET but whatever...).

I keep hearing "The Knicks should have made a better offer", they really could not make an offer in the ballpark he wanted.

longtime lurker
07-16-2012, 09:40 AM
Simply put. If they want a 15 million expirer in 3 years then match the contract otherwise there's no way Lin is worth that luxury tax money.

07-16-2012, 09:47 AM
match and trade him before his third year

And please don't say that no team would want to trade for him when he's 25-26 years old. He played a month of basketball and missed the playoff, yet he's still the talk of the offseason. As long as he can out up decent numbers for the next two years, he'll be a tradeable asset in the 3rd year.

07-16-2012, 09:47 AM
When did this sh-t all come down to "value", luxury tax, etc. for us.......

I JUST WANT TO WATCH JEREMY LIN PLAY!!!! We're over the cap....none of this value, luxury tax, flexibility means nothing to me.......I want him to be a Knick. I want to cheer for him. I want to have his babies........woops, too far.......

Sometimes things are simple....sign him....

07-16-2012, 09:49 AM
Yes. Without question, not only did Lin practically save the team last season from lottery hell, he brought insane profits to the franchise. He's a great investment, and the Knicks franchise would be stupid to let him walk. People say it's stupid that Lin would be earning so much, but the guy basically put people in the seats and selling merchandise when Carmelo and Amar'e couldn't.

Now money and saving the franchise aside, lets consider the season and future. Kidd is practically done. Barely left in the tank. The guy is legitimately reduced to just passes and spot up threes. Defense is suspect. Felton sucks all-around, I don't need to go in-depth with it. Lin is young, and promising. He's no Chris Paul, but damn he is sure a solid starting guard. Naturally smart, and exciting. Much better choice than either of Kidd and Felton for this Knicks team that's for sure.

Knicks are going to match, and they should. They are only stalling because it's a good business move to. He was bound to get such a contract anyways, so I don't get the over-reaction. Let alone people calling it a poison pill.

07-16-2012, 09:51 AM

And please don't say that no team would want to trade for him when he's 25-26 years old. He played a month of basketball and missed the playoff, yet he's still the talk of the offseason. As long as he can out up decent numbers for the next two years, he'll be a tradeable asset in the 3rd year.

Stop dat nonsense.

As long as he puts up good numbers there is no way the Knicks trade him. And if he doesn't there is no way a team wants him.

07-16-2012, 10:00 AM
Simple. No.

Jeremy Lin had a few good games and now he is Chris Paul, etc. The dude isn't that good. Mario Chalmers locked him down.

This might make sense if it took max money to sign him, since the deals works out to about 8 per, u make no sensem thank you come again

07-16-2012, 10:04 AM
If it's a decision based on basketball alone, no way. Felton is a better player than Lin and he's proven to be successful playing with Amare. Also, I'm not sure you want a role player being the face of your franchise and possibly splitting the fanbase between himself and Melo/Amare. It was really disgusting last year when Melo had to walk on eggshells coming back from injury because it was somehow now "Lin's team" lol

Lin will regret chasing the money when he becomes a forgotten player on a bad team.

07-16-2012, 10:10 AM
When did this sh-t all come down to "value", luxury tax, etc. for us.......

I JUST WANT TO WATCH JEREMY LIN PLAY!!!! We're over the cap....none of this value, luxury tax, flexibility means nothing to me.......I want him to be a Knick. I want to cheer for him. I want to have his babies........woops, too far.......

Sometimes things are simple....sign him....

It's become an ego thing for Dolan. He doesn't want people thinking this kid got one over on him.

07-16-2012, 10:11 AM
Knicks fans are mad that Lin tried to get a better deal? LMFAO! Knicks fans should be mad that management didn't offer Lin a contract up front. That way, none of this would have went down and you guys would have had Lin.

El Kabong
07-16-2012, 10:16 AM
So, one minute Lin is the greatest thing since sliced bread and now Felton is considered better than him? Yet when the more level headed posters said he had only played a dozen games and needed more time to prove himself earlier in the year they were called out for being haters and such.

07-16-2012, 10:16 AM
Knicks fans are mad that Lin tried to get a better deal? LMFAO! Knicks fans should be mad that management didn't offer Lin a contract up front. That way, none of this would have went down and you guys would have had Lin.
Where do you see that in the thread? It's a discussion to keep him or not. Why do you want to argue?

07-16-2012, 10:21 AM
This is accurate work from @sheridanhoops' @mokehamilton: Matching Lin likely to cost #Knicks $43M in '14-'15 with tax.

It's not $30M, it's $43M.

07-16-2012, 10:25 AM
This is accurate work from @sheridanhoops' @mokehamilton: Matching Lin likely to cost #Knicks $43M in '14-'15 with tax.

It's not $30M, it's $43M.

I read today that they would be at 3.5:1 ratio for repeater tax. It would cost the Knicks $52.5 million in tax to keep him on the team.

07-16-2012, 10:31 AM
I read today that they would be at 3.5:1 ratio for repeater tax. It would cost the Knicks $52.5 million in tax to keep him on the team.
Wow that sucks.

07-16-2012, 10:33 AM
Yep, just trade him before his 3rd year and just reap the profits from the asian fans all over the globe. I don't think he's that talented but if I am a GM.. I see him as a $$$ machine.

07-16-2012, 10:38 AM
No. He isn't worth the money and we don't need a Tebow-like circus at the Garden. The contract offer is ridiculous, and Houston should be forced to eat it.

The only smart business decision is to let Lin walk.

07-16-2012, 10:42 AM
Is it possible to do a sign and trade and bring in Terrence Jones?

07-16-2012, 10:42 AM
I read today that they would be at 3.5:1 ratio for repeater tax. It would cost the Knicks $52.5 million in tax to keep him on the team.
I don't think Knicks would repeaters until after Lins third year. Not positive though...

07-16-2012, 10:42 AM
I say hell to the yea

07-16-2012, 10:52 AM
I say hell to the yea

Is that MSG? There's your luxury tax right there.

07-16-2012, 11:00 AM
Stop dat nonsense.

As long as he puts up good numbers there is no way the Knicks trade him. And if he doesn't there is no way a team wants him.
I said decent numbers, which would be around 13/14 points & 6/7 assists a game. I don't see him putting up good numbers(18 & 8) under Woodson and Melo for an entire season.

He would have to become a third stringer PG to suck that bad again for teams to not want him. 13/14 and 6/7 is still tradeable with the help of his marketing value.

I don't why people are so worried about what's gonna happen 3 or 4 years from now. I thought sports was all about what you've done for me lately and in the moment.

And he does put up good numbers, wouldn't it be all worth it? :confusedshrug:

07-16-2012, 11:20 AM
What about J Kidd? A big part of why he chose NYC was to mentor Lin.

All Net
07-16-2012, 11:26 AM
What about J Kidd? A big part of why he chose NYC was to mentor Lin.

Must of been why he drank himself stupid.

07-16-2012, 11:26 AM
Absolutely not.

07-16-2012, 11:29 AM
What about J Kidd? A big part of why he chose NYC was to mentor Lin.

After the DWI, I think Lin should be mentoring Kidd :lol

07-16-2012, 11:58 AM
Is it possible to do a sign and trade and bring in Terrence Jones?
No, they cannot do a sign and trade since the offer sheet has already been signed.

As to the OP, yes the Knicks should match the offer sheet. Lin is not holding the Knicks from signing or getting anyone else. They are either get Lin and pay the extra cash or they lose Lin and just keep some cash but nothing else.

Knicks would be stupid to let go of a guy that pretty much saved their team last season but then again it's the Knicks.

If Knicks do not match, expect people (in NY) to hop on the Brooklyn Nets because Knicks fans will not be happy if Lin does not return.

07-16-2012, 12:08 PM
They shouldn't have gone after Felton. Guy always comes into the season out of shape and overweight and has to play himself into shape. Which was ok when you're in your early to mid-20s, but now he's in late 20s and almost 30. That's a bad habit to be carrying.

Came into the league being touted as good as Deron and Paul. Some even argued better. Now the gap between them is as far as Pluto.

But to answer the question: Yes, they should match. But I don't care about their financials. I just rather see Lin in NYC.

07-16-2012, 12:15 PM
Absolutely not.

07-16-2012, 12:24 PM
Why is it that "Lin's going to cost the Knicks $55M in '14-'15" and not, "Amare's going to cost the Knicks $65M in '14-'15"

07-16-2012, 12:32 PM
Why is it that "Lin's going to cost the Knicks $55M in '14-'15" and not, "Amare's going to cost the Knicks $65M in '14-'15"


07-16-2012, 12:39 PM
Why is it that "Lin's going to cost the Knicks $55M in '14-'15" and not, "Amare's going to cost the Knicks $65M in '14-'15"
Because Amare is already signed and can't be removed. Because Jeremy's salary will be added and cause us to incur the penalties. Because Amare's contract is not designed to incur massive penalties in luxury tax.

07-16-2012, 12:41 PM
BTW, The latest "buzz" for lack of a better word is Knicks might be rethinking based on Jason Kidd fiasco and the bad press they are getting for that and the Lin situation. ESPN is one that's completely NO HE'S GONE but no decision yet possible.


Thank this man's utter stupidity if we keep Lin.

07-16-2012, 02:06 PM
You sign the guy.

1. He's a potential cash cow, and could really pay for himself. Considering this doesn't affect cap flexibility, that is a no-brainer.

2. On the court, I think things have worked out with Felton coming in, Kidd coming in, and Fields leaving has this move making even more sense. The Knicks look to be going from the team with the worst guard situation in the NBA last year to play with a strong front court, to having one of the most versatile and productive guard lineups in the league. I mean Kidd and Lin can both definitely play SG position in spots, and Felton can have a SG scoring mentality when playing next to a Jason Kidd also, not to mention Iman Shumpert who is versatile himself. Also, I think Lin will be a relatively productive player and the first couple of seasons his contract obviously makes sense. If the guy isn't a good fit for the team, I think he'll definitely be a trade-able asset. Considering how the Knicks hands are pretty tied in terms of bringing in talent over the next few years, they need to hold onto their assets and considering the deal Lin just got, he's a valuable asset.

Honestly, I believe signing Felton is a better win now move than going with Lin for this 3 year window. While I think its a mistake to allow Lin to go, but it seems that he's going to be a Rocket.

07-16-2012, 02:06 PM
2012-13: $20,463,024.
2013-14: $22,407,474.
2014-15: $24,351,924 [Player Option] (30 years old by the start of the season)

2012-13: $19,948,799.
2013-14: $21,679,893.
2014-15: $23,410,988. (32 years old by the start of the season)

2012-13: $13,604,188.
2013-14: $14,100,538.
2014-15: $14,596,888. (32 years old by the start of the season)

2012-13: $5 million
2013-14: $5.225 million
2014-15: $14.8 million (26 by the start of the season)
2015-16: about $4 million

They can make always trade away either Chandler and/or Amare before the 2014-15 season since they'll be both be 32 already. They can also trade Lin if he's not worth the money anymore.

They have a lot of options not to at least try the Melo-Amare-Chandler-Lin experiment for one or two full seasons.

07-16-2012, 02:07 PM
I'm not quite sure what I want but I'm leaning towards letting him go. I just don't feel he fits in well with this Knicks team and that there won't be much of a difference between Lin and Felton.

07-16-2012, 03:12 PM
Note: No one knows yet if the Knicks are matching. The Knicks would not leak. Dolan hasn't met with Grunwald yet, and if Grunwald, etc. leaked that the Knicks were not matching, he might be fired. I'm not even kidding.

ESPN guys are speculating, or asking NY sources, but not sources in the Garden. The Garden doesn't leak these type of things days before.

07-16-2012, 03:15 PM
Note: No one knows yet if the Knicks are matching. The Knicks would not leak. Dolan hasn't met with Grunwald yet, and if Grunwald, etc. leaked that the Knicks were not matching, he might be fired. I'm not even kidding.

ESPN guys are speculating, or asking NY sources, but not sources in the Garden. The Garden doesn't leak these type of things days before.

I have a feeling they will end up matching. :lol

07-16-2012, 03:17 PM
I have a feeling they will end up matching. :lol
i don't know if they will or not, but the "sources close to the knicks say" are bogus, because they are either not people in the know, or it's totally made up. Dolan does not like leaks. And this is not a decision that would be outside a few people in the know.

07-16-2012, 03:19 PM
no, they probably shouldnt. he clearly didnt mesh well with melo's style and woodson is not the right coach for him. Dude is suited for a antoni type system where he is aggressive and highly dependent on the PnR. Houston did pretty well with that style last year with dragic (of course, the got rid of their best pick setter as well). It makes sense why houston offered these deals (with they way they are averaged for them), as its the only way the knicks and bulls might not match. But, it doesnt make sense for them to match them. Either way, the knicks will have egg on their face.

07-16-2012, 03:21 PM
i don't know if they will or not, but the "sources close to the knicks say" are bogus, because they are either not people in the know, or it's totally made up. Dolan does not like leaks. And this is not a decision that would be outside a few people in the know.
so, whats he think of woodson's direct comments?

07-16-2012, 03:21 PM
I'm not quite sure what I want but I'm leaning towards letting him go. I just don't feel he fits in well with this Knicks team and that there won't be much of a difference between Lin and Felton.
felton is probably a downgrade, but lin is not going to duplicate his historic run from last year.

07-16-2012, 03:24 PM
MSG stock is down like $50 million today. If that is a sign of things to come, then they NEED to match it.

07-16-2012, 03:24 PM
so, whats he think of woodson's direct comments?

i don't think that was in process. Other people in the organization said it too. That also was not a negative thing.

This is in process, from what i've seen of the Knicks they'd announce when it was certain.

Note: I'm not saying he stays, but the only one driving the decision are made bandwagon are ESPN and i doubt they have anything,

07-16-2012, 03:25 PM
MSG stock is down like $50 million today. If that is a sign of things to come, then they NEED to match it.
Haha, funny.

07-16-2012, 03:43 PM
Unless they believe that Lin will be a bust in this league, they really should match.

I just feel that if the guy averages 12+ppg and 5+apg on this team, then if it really isn't moving in the direction of Lin possibly becoming a top 15pg in the league by year 3, then i guarantee they can move that contract next offseason to a team like Houston or Golden State or Toronto. With the big pay increase so far down the line and for only 1 year, this shouldn't be seen as high a risk as people are making it out to be.

Hell by then they could trade one or more of the big 3 to add cap flexibility, as well as Lin.

If letting him go is a basketball decision, then fine. But I don't think that's the case, and if its a matter of pride, then that's just not good business.

07-16-2012, 04:23 PM
You just don't let Lin walk, Nuggets overpaid Nene when they didn't intend to keep him and sent him packing for assets, even if Knicks don't tend to keep Lin, they should match and then shop him around...

07-16-2012, 04:24 PM
2012-13: $19,948,799.
2013-14: $21,679,893.
2014-15: $23,410,988. (32 years old by the start of the season)

Doesn't Stat have a player option too?

07-16-2012, 04:29 PM
Doesn't Stat have a player option too?

No. Only Melo does.

07-16-2012, 05:20 PM
Kings just signed Aaron Brooks, one more reason for the Knicks to match.

Rockets about to be trolled into starting Toney Douglas... hopefully.

07-16-2012, 05:25 PM
I dont think they should match the offer. Woodson uses his PG in a way that Felton is used.... Defense and grit is more valued to Woodson than flash and turnovers...

Lets not forget Raymond Felton is 27 and will play better in new York while being a better defender and ball handler. The Knicks have committed big money in 3 guys and they need be flexible at all times.

07-16-2012, 05:26 PM
Rockets about to be trolled into starting Toney Douglas... hopefully.

I like that cockeyed optimism, kid. Never lose that.:cheers:

07-16-2012, 05:29 PM
I like that cockeyed optimism, kid. Never lose that.:cheers:
When did you sell out?

07-16-2012, 05:29 PM
Anyone who believes Felton is better than Lin now and Felton will be better than Lin must be smoking bath salts.

The Knicks will lose some fans to the Nets if they don't match Lin because they will disgruntle their fans which could possibly shift them over to the Nets.

07-16-2012, 05:30 PM
Farmar has been waived by the Hawks so thats another PG that Houston can pick up if Lin is matched. and i still believe Lin will be matched

07-16-2012, 05:39 PM
I like that cockeyed optimism, kid. Never lose that.:cheers:
Born with it, dying with it :pimp:

07-16-2012, 05:41 PM
In three years, Marsh-Melo will be an expirer, as will Lin.

So which player would be traded then - an older Marsh-Melo who is on the backend of his prime, or a young Lin entering his prime?

So yea, Melo doesn't want the Knicks to match.

07-16-2012, 07:32 PM
Guy on the Summer League show said Lin $15mil would count as $52mil to the NYK payroll given the luxary tax penalties. Now NYK could make moves to get rid of salary so they wouldnt be $15mil over the luxary tax. But got damn.

Oh wait, its no big deal he has a big asian following. He'll get the NYK that money back! :sleeping

07-16-2012, 07:55 PM
In three years, Marsh-Melo will be an expirer, as will Lin.

So which player would be traded then - an older Marsh-Melo who is on the backend of his prime, or a young Lin entering his prime?

So yea, Melo doesn't want the Knicks to match.
lol, Melo is better than any Hawks player. Ever. Yes even Nique, now go back and keep to your sh!tty trade ideas.

07-16-2012, 08:02 PM
Kings just signed Aaron Brooks, one more reason for the Knicks to match.

Rockets about to be trolled into starting Toney Douglas... hopefully.

As much as I hate this whole Lin situation, this is at the top of my list of what I want to see

07-16-2012, 08:42 PM
They should deal Lin + Chandler for Dwight + filler.

07-16-2012, 09:23 PM
They should deal Lin + Chandler for Dwight + filler.

Orlando doesn't take that deal.... paying Chandler that much given his age and injury history doesn't make sense for a rebuilding team.

07-16-2012, 09:50 PM
Kings just signed Aaron Brooks, one more reason for the Knicks to match.

Rockets about to be trolled into starting Toney Douglas... hopefully.
Courtney Fortson baby!

07-16-2012, 10:28 PM
Kings just signed Aaron Brooks, one more reason for the Knicks to match.

Rockets about to be trolled into starting Toney Douglas... hopefully.

We are focused on tanking. If we get Howard, then yes we are screwed lol.

07-16-2012, 10:30 PM
We are focused on tanking. If we get Howard, then yes we are screwed lol.
Next season would be a bad season to tank considering how it is supposedly a weak draft class.

Either way, we will find out whether Lin stays with NY or goes to Houston tomorrow at like 11:58 ET. It will definitely be a last minute type thing to make Houston sweat. Right now, I think the Knicks will match the offer even though I've been going back and forth for the past two days. I couldn't careless though because I hate Melo and I would definitely root against the Knicks from this point forward if Lin is no longer with them.

07-16-2012, 10:37 PM
What happens if Kidd and Felton get hurt? Who's the third string guard?

The Knicks could really have an awful season next year.

07-16-2012, 10:39 PM
What happens if Kidd and Felton get hurt? Who's the third string guard?

The Knicks could really have an awful season next year.

Valid point, but the same thing could be said about most teams... especially teams don't have a superstar offensive player like Melo and a defender like Chandler.

It doesn't mean that the Knicks need to carry 3 starting-caliber PGs, though

07-16-2012, 10:40 PM
What happens if Kidd and Felton get hurt? Who's the third string guard?

The Knicks could really have an awful season next year.

Knicks will likely have an awful season anyway, their starting lineup is garbage, their depth is lackluster and their best player isn't even top 5 at his position.

07-16-2012, 10:46 PM

Knicks will likely have an awful season anyway, their starting lineup is garbage, their depth is lackluster and their best player isn't even top 5 at his position.

If our starting lineup is garbage then I'm thinking the East is going to be a shithole this season. On paper it's good but it's a terrible combination of players. Chandler is a defensive beast and a top 5 center easily, although I may hate Melo's guts he still is a "superstar" when he's motivated and actually tries and then there's Amare who's on or off..

Truthfully I think the Knicks have a better team than Brooklyn but this Knick team will never win anything. We have hit our ceiling and we have failed at rebuilding. To think that 2 summers ago we were excited to finally hit the corner and be on the upswing...

05-30-2015, 05:53 PM
If it's a decision based on basketball alone, no way. Felton is a better player than Lin and he's proven to be successful playing with Amare. Also, I'm not sure you want a role player being the face of your franchise and possibly splitting the fanbase between himself and Melo/Amare. It was really disgusting last year when Melo had to walk on eggshells coming back from injury because it was somehow now "Lin's team" lol

Lin will regret chasing the money when he becomes a forgotten player on a bad team.


05-30-2015, 06:00 PM
When Hawkfan was somewhat normal...

05-30-2015, 06:16 PM
Konex was actually right :lebronamazed:

Unfortunately it was his own team he cursed :lol

05-30-2015, 06:17 PM
Konex was actually right :lebronamazed:

Unfortunately it was his own team he cursed :lol

:roll: :roll: