View Full Version : Something fishy about the Lin deal

07-18-2012, 03:01 PM
Why did he accept Houston bid? Was it about money? I think he'll probably lose way, way more money in leaving New York than leaving the money Rockets offered him. That guy was becoming a mega star in New York city! Do you guys know what that mean? The endorsement money that was waiting for him were far better in the biggest market out there, New York city, than him being in a market like Houston. He'll lose so much money leaving NYC. Shit is crazy and something just isn't adding up here.

He's every companies ultimate dream.

The shit in NYC? Check.
Nice underdog story? Check.
Makes whole New York and media go crazy for him? Check.
Likeable? Check.
Popular in the very important Asian market? Check, check and check.

No city can build you up like New York.

07-18-2012, 03:02 PM
I'm sure him and his agent weighed every one of these factors and still felt Houston was the better deal.

07-18-2012, 03:03 PM
hm, lin wanted to be in NYK, Jim Dolan told him NYET

07-18-2012, 03:04 PM
Why did he accept Houston bid? Was it about money? I think he'll probably lose way, way more money in leaving New York than leaving the money Rockets offered him. That guy was becoming a mega star in New York city! Do you guys know what that mean? The endorsement money that was waiting for him were far better in the biggest market out there, New York city, than him being in a market like Houston. He'll lose so much money leaving NYC. Shit is crazy and something just isn't adding up here.

He's every companies ultimate dream.

The shit in NYC? Check.
Nice underdog story? Check.
Makes whole New York and media go crazy for him? Check.
Likeable? Check.
Popular in the very important Asian market? Check, check and check.

No city can build you up like New York.

Or tear you down like New York. In Houston he gets a chance to play in a system that will be set around his strengths and with teammates who aren't bitter or jealous of his success, its clear by the comments that Anthony and Smith made that there's no way they were going to accept Lin in the locker room, Lin was obviously bright enough to pick up on it and find a way to get himself out of town.

07-18-2012, 03:07 PM
All of this bullshit for a player no one even knows will be as productive as he was last season. If he comes out flat and doesn't live up to expectations (which is highly possible), the sports world is going to be face palming like there's no tomorrow.

07-18-2012, 03:08 PM
It had nothing to do with money.

Egos and locker-room politics.

07-18-2012, 03:09 PM
Lin only got hype in New York AFTER he started playing well.

He won't be able to get as many opportunities to score 38 a game if he's sharing PG minutes with Kidd and Felton, while sharing the ball with Melo and Stat.

07-18-2012, 03:10 PM
I'm not sure if Fishy is the word.

He probably took Dolan at his word and thought they would Match anything, thus him going back and trying to get more money. I don't think he expected what was to come from the apparent "backstabbing" to the Knicks.

07-18-2012, 03:11 PM

Everyone forgets how restricted free agency works.

The owning team (team A) gives the player a qualifying offer (one year deal).

The player goes to all the other teams to see if they will sign him to an offer sheet (generally multi-year offers) or just plays out his year and becomes unrestricted.

The goal of the player is to make as much money as possible. Team B (the offer sheet team) wants the player, and has to overpay generally to convince the other team to not match.

Why are we having this discussion again?

07-18-2012, 03:12 PM
but playing with Melo, Amare and JR Smith? :lol

07-18-2012, 03:15 PM

Everyone forgets how restricted free agency works.

The owning team (team A) gives the player a qualifying offer (one year deal).

The player goes to all the other teams to see if they will sign him to an offer sheet (generally multi-year offers) or just plays out his year and becomes unrestricted.

The goal of the player is to make as much money as possible. Team B (the offer sheet team) wants the player, and has to overpay generally to convince the other team to not match.

Why are we having this discussion again?
But why did Lin go off signing an offer sheet with Rockets in the first place? Why risk it with NYK?

07-18-2012, 03:17 PM
But why did Lin go off signing an offer sheet with Rockets in the first place? Why risk it with NYK?

They offered him a good deal and he would be fine with playing there, so why not?

07-18-2012, 03:18 PM
But why did Lin go off signing an offer sheet with Rockets in the first place? Why risk it with NYK?

To get away from the racist NY fans.

07-18-2012, 03:19 PM
I doesn't matter if Lin plays in NYC or if he plays in Milwaukee. He is going to have a giant fan base no matter where he goes. Besides, its not like the Knicks are contenders or are going to be contenders anytime soon, or have capspace to do anything to get them to contention.

Also I know its hard for New Yorkers to grasp but a lot of people don't wanna live in the most crowded, filthy, and expensive city in the country. Lin doesn't seem to give a f*ck about bright lights big city jay-z BS.

07-18-2012, 03:20 PM
But why did Lin go off signing an offer sheet with Rockets in the first place? Why risk it with NYK?

Easily, because Houston offered him a shitload of money. I'm sure he also got shown all the photos of Yao still hanging around the team's building, told how important the Asian fanbase is to the organization, their 5 year plan, on why he'd be great with younger, energetic teammates, on why Houston would appreciate him more, they also sat hit down and showed him a 20 minute educational video on why Carmelo Anthony is a bitch and why he'll never get a chance to full develop playing with basketball's version of the black hole.

07-18-2012, 03:20 PM
It had nothing to do with money.

Egos and locker-room politics.

That's what I think it is.

Melo took exception to the teams success when he was out...then JR pretty much just came out and said that the guys in the lockeroom didn't want Jeremy to have that contract. Melo commenting on the contract saying it was ridiculous. Even if he thought that was the case, he shouldn't have said anything about his teammates money.

Also, a big mistake IMO was the Knicks coming out and saying they would match whatever contract he got. That's just begging teams to jack up the price. Really shouldn't show your hand like that. Instead, you say you don't know what is going to happen so that there is at least a little doubt in the competing teams mind that you won't match.

Everyone talking about Lin costing so much money in year three. Well they didn't seem to have a problem paying Novak...giving Kidd three years...giving Camby three years... guys that are old and getting three years. But a 23 year old point guard that showed lots of promise was shown the door for being too much.

07-18-2012, 03:20 PM
To get away from the racist NY fans.


07-18-2012, 03:21 PM
Why did he accept Houston bid? Was it about money? I think he'll probably lose way, way more money in leaving New York than leaving the money Rockets offered him. That guy was becoming a mega star in New York city! Do you guys know what that mean? The endorsement money that was waiting for him were far better in the biggest market out there, New York city, than him being in a market like Houston. He'll lose so much money leaving NYC. Shit is crazy and something just isn't adding up here.

He's every companies ultimate dream.

The shit in NYC? Check.
Nice underdog story? Check.
Makes whole New York and media go crazy for him? Check.
Likeable? Check.
Popular in the very important Asian market? Check, check and check.

No city can build you up like New York.
Houston had that Asian connections from the time they had Yao. They probably know how to market Lin in China/Asia better than anyone. Don't forget that Yao was the top earning Chinese celebrity for a long time.

07-18-2012, 03:21 PM
Why did he accept Houston bid? Was it about money? I think he'll probably lose way, way more money in leaving New York than leaving the money Rockets offered him. That guy was becoming a mega star in New York city! Do you guys know what that mean? The endorsement money that was waiting for him were far better in the biggest market out there, New York city, than him being in a market like Houston. He'll lose so much money leaving NYC. Shit is crazy and something just isn't adding up here.

He's every companies ultimate dream.

The shit in NYC? Check.
Nice underdog story? Check.
Makes whole New York and media go crazy for him? Check.
Likeable? Check.
Popular in the very important Asian market? Check, check and check.

No city can build you up like New York.

What a joke. Who has the Knicks built up recently? Starbury? :oldlol:

07-18-2012, 03:23 PM
It had nothing to do with money.

Egos and locker-room politics.

this. Lin didn't want to fit into a team. he wants to be the team. all this linsanity got to his head.

07-18-2012, 03:23 PM
[quote] Honestly, I preferred New York. But my main goal in free agency was to go to a team that had plans for me and wanted me. I wanted to have fun playing basketball. ... Now I'm definitely relieved." But... "I love the New York fans to death. That's the biggest reason why I wanted to return to New York. The way they embraced me, the way they supported us this past season, was better than anything I've ever seen or experienced. I'll go to my grave saying that. What New York did for me was unbelievable. I wanted to play in front of those fans for the rest of my career."

According to Lin, just a few weeks ago, he flew to Los Angeles to meet up with [b] Knicks coach Mike Woodson, who said, "You're going to be a starter, you're going to be a big part of the team." But the Knicks told his agents they were also going after other point guards

07-18-2012, 03:25 PM
But why did Lin go off signing an offer sheet with Rockets in the first place? Why risk it with NYK?

Players can say whatever they want to the media, but who knows what the chemistry was like between he & Carmelo.

Perhaps it had to do with his best friend Fields leaving for the Raps.

Maybe he wasn't happy with D'antoni getting fired and hated Mike Woodson's system.

Maybe he didn't like the pressure in New York and wanted to get out.

07-18-2012, 03:25 PM
That's what I think it is.

Melo took exception to the teams success when he was out...then JR pretty much just came out and said that the guys in the lockeroom didn't want Jeremy to have that contract. Melo commenting on the contract saying it was ridiculous. Even if he thought that was the case, he shouldn't have said anything about his teammates money.

Also, a big mistake IMO was the Knicks coming out and saying they would match whatever contract he got. That's just begging teams to jack up the price. Really shouldn't show your hand like that. Instead, you say you don't know what is going to happen so that there is at least a little doubt in the competing teams mind that you won't match.

Everyone talking about Lin costing so much money in year three. Well they didn't seem to have a problem paying Novak...giving Kidd three years...giving Camby three years... guys that are old and getting three years. But a 23 year old point guard that showed lots of promise was shown the door for being too much.:cheers:
Word for word...that's exactly how I feel about it. I think I've expressed that so many times on multiple threads that it's pointless to repeat myself over and over again.

07-18-2012, 03:25 PM
To get away from the racist NY fans.

There's this too. These fan are hurting their own cause as future free agents are going to look at this and say "wow, **** that." Every fanbase has their rabid morons but the NY morons seem to be the most loud of all.






07-18-2012, 03:27 PM
Houston had that Asian connections from the time they had Yao. They probably know how to market Lin in China/Asia better than anyone. Don't forget that Yao was the top earning Chinese celebrity for a long time.

When I think of Houston, the first thing I think of Asian people.

I doubt NY, which is the marketing capital of the world and has an enormous Chinese population, would know how to properly market him.

07-18-2012, 03:28 PM
this. Lin didn't want to fit into a team. he wants to be the team. all this linsanity got to his head.

I don't think that's the case. Lin was a very willing distributor when Melo was out. Playing within the system and being very humble about it. The questions were all about how Melo would fit the system with D'antoni...He didn't either want or couldn't do D'antoni's system.

All of Lin's comments about his teammates have been how thankful and appreciative of them he his. I don't think you can say the same for Melo and his comments on Lin. It's very obvious to most that Melo is jealous and doesn't like Lin on NY's team. He was getting more attention the Melo was in his own hometown and he couldnt' take that.

07-18-2012, 03:29 PM



07-18-2012, 03:31 PM
1. lin thought NY would match
2. if they don't, he will still get 3 year 25 mil. that's a lot of money
3. lin probably doesn't even like NY. too my attention will wear you down
4. lin can be a man in houston
5. he likes houston. most likely he root for rockets because of Yao.
6. no more melo yello drama
7. woodson sucks. lin knows it
8. he doesn't have to play heat. lol

Lin just wants to ball. his dream was to play in the NBA. now that he is getting paid for 3 years, he will not have to worry about getting cut, making a roster etc. he can just focus on getting better.

and you bet he wants to fulfil yao's dream. yao & hakeem will be proud. **** ny

07-18-2012, 03:32 PM
When I think of Houston, the first thing I think of Asian people.

I doubt NY, which is the marketing capital of the world and has an enormous Chinese population, would know how to properly market him.

Seeing as how incompetent as **** they've been, you're probably right. Dolan doesn't know the ball from the bounce, no wonder that organization has been so pathetic for so long.

07-18-2012, 03:32 PM
I think Lin will put up better numbers in Houston that he would have with the Knicks. Houston is going to put he ball in his hands a lot, and he's going to probably play 30-35 minutes a game at the very least.

Lowry, and Dragic put up nice numbers in Houston. I think Lin will do the same. We'll see.

07-18-2012, 03:33 PM
I don't think that's the case. Lin was a very willing distributor when Melo was out. Playing within the system and being very humble about it. The questions were all about how Melo would fit the system with D'antoni...He didn't either want or couldn't do D'antoni's system.

All of Lin's comments about his teammates have been how thankful and appreciative of them he his. I don't think you can say the same for Melo and his comments on Lin. It's very obvious to most that Melo is jealous and doesn't like Lin on NY's team. He was getting more attention the Melo was in his own hometown and he couldnt' take that.

he wasn't playing within any system...he just ran around with his head cut off going on random pick and rolls.

07-18-2012, 03:38 PM
he wasn't playing within any system...he just ran around with his head cut off going on random pick and rolls.

Pick and rolls are pretty much D'antoni's system...

But hopefully that wasn't all you got out of that....the point was Melo was the one being asked if he could fit in to D'antoni's system. He wasn't moving the ball like the system dictated. Lin on the other hand was doing very well in it.

07-18-2012, 03:43 PM
he wasn't playing within any system...he just ran around with his head cut off going on random pick and rolls.

:oldlol: :oldlol:

AKA The D'Antoni System

07-18-2012, 03:50 PM
I guess they figured their priority was getting paid so Houston was the obvious choice where the pay is better and the franchise already has an established Asian fan base.

07-18-2012, 03:50 PM
Pick and rolls are pretty much D'antoni's system...

But hopefully that wasn't all you got out of that....the point was Melo was the one being asked if he could fit in to D'antoni's system. He wasn't moving the ball like the system dictated. Lin on the other hand was doing very well in it.

what I got outta watching Lin is that he struggles in the half court and off ball. He also struggles when the game is called more physical because he is so out of control. guy knows he can only play one way and wants to go somewhere that will let him play that way. He could have learned from J-Kidd but he would rather go to Houston and play second fiddle to J.Lamb.

07-18-2012, 03:53 PM
what I got outta watching Lin is that he struggles in the half court and off ball. He also struggles when the game is called more physical because he is so out of control. guy knows he can only play one way and wants to go somewhere that will let him play that way. He could have learned from J-Kidd but he would rather go to Houston and play second fiddle to J.Lamb.

NY came out and said that they would match ANY offer to Lin.....too bad it turns out that they're full of shit. By all accounts the guy wanted to return to NY but they basically froze him out and told him to go get whatever he could on the open market, thinking that they'd get him on the cheap, so he went and he got what he could and Dolan, JR Smith, Carmelo and several others showed the whole world their ******'s.

07-18-2012, 03:59 PM
what I got outta watching Lin is that he struggles in the half court and off ball. He also struggles when the game is called more physical because he is so out of control. guy knows he can only play one way and wants to go somewhere that will let him play that way. He could have learned from J-Kidd but he would rather go to Houston and play second fiddle to J.Lamb.

See I don't think you're getting my point. Lin wanted to come back, but there was a series of things that didn't allow him to do that. The article explains it well and you can read between the lines in what JR Smith and Melo both say in regards to him coming back... Melo saying his contract is ridiculous and that it's up to management to come bring him back isn't really a ringing endorsement.

07-18-2012, 04:04 PM
See I don't think you're getting my point. Lin wanted to come back, but there was a series of things that didn't allow him to do that. The article explains it well and you can read between the lines in what JR Smith and Melo both say in regards to him coming back... Melo saying his contract is ridiculous and that it's up to management to come bring him back isn't really a ringing endorsement.

If Lin wanted to come back then he woulnt have signed an offer that was structured where one year was 15 million dollars. He signed off on a poison pill. By doing that he showed that he didn't want to be there.

MeLO MvP 15
07-18-2012, 04:05 PM
I mean NY was very public about matching anything, so he must've just assumed he'd get the money and New York.

07-18-2012, 04:11 PM
If Lin wanted to come back then he woulnt have signed an offer that was structured where one year was 15 million dollars. He signed off on a poison pill. By doing that he showed that he didn't want to be there.

Well, if you read the SI article, he states in there that there was only one offer sheet to sign.

And, by telling the world that you'll match anything for Lin, "up to a billion dollars", that is begging teams to over pay for a guy that they want.

So...Lin has the option... take a 3 mil quilifying offer for one year. Or take 24 million over 4 years.

The math makes that a very easy decision.

07-18-2012, 04:22 PM
Well, if you read the SI article, he states in there that there was only one offer sheet to sign.

And, by telling the world that you'll match anything for Lin, "up to a billion dollars", that is begging teams to over pay for a guy that they want.

So...Lin has the option... take a 3 mil quilifying offer for one year. Or take 24 million over 4 years.

The math makes that a very easy decision.

I don't believe that part about only 1 offer sheet(people from the knicks have said it isn't true). Lin is a smart guy and he knows better than that. He started playing games and this is what happened.

I also don't think he wanted to come back based on his comments. Guys wants to have it both ways. He can't. He dicked over NY because he wanted to Lin-ball. Don't lie to me, own up to it. This city created Lin and he gave it his ass to kiss.

07-18-2012, 04:43 PM
I don't believe that part about only 1 offer sheet(people from the knicks have said it isn't true). Lin is a smart guy and he knows better than that. He started playing games and this is what happened.

I also don't think he wanted to come back based on his comments. Guys wants to have it both ways. He can't. He dicked over NY because he wanted to Lin-ball. Don't lie to me, own up to it. This city created Lin and he gave it his ass to kiss.

If you choose what you want to believe then go right ahead

07-18-2012, 05:00 PM
If you choose what you want to believe then go right ahead

no, I am simply acknowledging that there were two sides to the story. I am also aware that Lin is a smart guy and know the consequences of signing that deal. He knew it was a poison pill, he could have gotten a more balanced structure or simply sat down with NY management and discuss his displeasure. But, apparantly JLin is too big to do that. He'll send them a msg by signing the poison pill and sticking it to Dolan. F-that, you aren't that good. Enjoy Houston and being J-Lamb's second fiddle.

07-18-2012, 05:44 PM
He's gonna make so much more money in China alone than he would in NY, so he made the smart decision. All he would get more in NY would be hype and free dinner.

07-18-2012, 05:53 PM
Why did he accept Houston bid? Was it about money? I think he'll probably lose way, way more money in leaving New York than leaving the money Rockets offered him. That guy was becoming a mega star in New York city! Do you guys know what that mean? The endorsement money that was waiting for him were far better in the biggest market out there, New York city, than him being in a market like Houston. He'll lose so much money leaving NYC. Shit is crazy and something just isn't adding up here.

He's every companies ultimate dream.

The shit in NYC? Check.
Nice underdog story? Check.
Makes whole New York and media go crazy for him? Check.
Likeable? Check.
Popular in the very important Asian market? Check, check and check.

No city can build you up like New York.

I know it's a foreign idea to you guys, but I'd rather be comfortable.

I'd like to be where I fit and where I could enjoy myself. I don't know where that is for him, but I know I am not a NYC kind of person.

I prefer small cities with flavor (like Santa Fe, NM!) not to say that Houston is small at all, but maybe it's a better spot for him.

It's not ALL about the money to everyone. A LOT of money is a lot of money, people who are like I NEED THE MOST POSSIBLE don't understand life. Lin is living the dream, period. Good to know he's not a money monger.


07-18-2012, 10:24 PM
NY came out and said that they would match ANY offer to Lin.....too bad it turns out that they're full of shit. By all accounts the guy wanted to return to NY but they basically froze him out and told him to go get whatever he could on the open market, thinking that they'd get him on the cheap, so he went and he got what he could and Dolan, JR Smith, Carmelo and several others showed the whole world their ******'s.

From what I heard, Grunwald and management had every intention of matching whatever Lin was offered but for whatever reason when push came to shove Dolan wouldn't pull the trigger.

Also, the only other team reportedly interested in Lin were the Raptors (which is all we have to go on) and once the Rockets traded Lowry to them, it really only left one time willing to sign him. The Knicks made it known they were never going to make him an offer and let him see what he could get. If he doesn't sign with the Rockets, then there's no deal and he's left waiting around for the Knicks to make an offer (which they wouldn't and would just take him at the qualifying offer). It doesn't make any sense to think Lin shouldn't have signed the offer sheet.

07-18-2012, 10:32 PM
From what I heard, Grunwald and management had every intention of matching whatever Lin was offered but for whatever reason when push came to shove Dolan wouldn't pull the trigger.

Also, the only other team reportedly interested in Lin were the Raptors (which is all we have to go on) and once the Rockets traded Lowry to them, it really only left one time willing to sign him. The Knicks made it known they were never going to make him an offer and let him see what he could get. If he doesn't sign with the Rockets, then there's no deal and he's left waiting around for the Knicks to make an offer (which they wouldn't and would just take him at the qualifying offer). It doesn't make any sense to think Lin shouldn't have signed the offer sheet.
So in way the Knicks thought he wouldn't get a deal like the Rockets gave him and was hoping to sign him for the cheapest deal they can get out of him?

07-18-2012, 10:39 PM
He just didn't want to play with losers like Mellow and Amare.

07-18-2012, 10:40 PM
He just didn't want to play with losers like Mellow and Amare.

But the Rockets, who didn't make the playoffs and don't even really have a center, is a better option? :hammerhead:

07-18-2012, 10:41 PM
He's a traitor.. Nothing fishy at all..

07-18-2012, 10:54 PM
IGOTGame is a known Lin hater.

07-18-2012, 11:00 PM
For the record, i think houston has the ability to market its asian starts well. Ask Yao ming. I would bet he gets more votes then CP3.

07-18-2012, 11:02 PM
He went to Houston because NY decided not to match. It's simple. Lin is surprised himself that he will be going to Houston.

07-18-2012, 11:11 PM
So in way the Knicks thought he wouldn't get a deal like the Rockets gave him and was hoping to sign him for the cheapest deal they can get out of him?

No, I think Grunwald and the Knicks team management went into this fully prepared to pay whatever the offer was. Then James Dolan decided to pull the rug out from under that belief.

07-18-2012, 11:16 PM
The feeling that I get is that he felt really confident that NY was going to sign him back, so got greedy, re did the deal with Houston expecting NY to match it. He failed.

He'll probably get better numbers in Houston.

07-18-2012, 11:18 PM
he was told NY was gonna match ANY offers. so, he went and looked for the highest one. got it. NY did not match :lol

07-18-2012, 11:51 PM
The feeling that I get is that he felt really confident that NY was going to sign him back, so got greedy, re did the deal with Houston expecting NY to match it. He failed.

He'll probably get better numbers in Houston.

Exactly this, he tried to get too cute with the Knicks FO and it backfired. Maybe he never really wanted to come back. We gave him the chance to go out get the best offer possible (more than we could have offered him straight up) He agrees on a price with Houston, we meet with him and tell him we'll match. He goes to renegotiate on the sly to make more money. We find out and don't match. The statement that we would match up to $1B was not an official statement clearly, we hardly announced our intention to match publicly.

As far as I'm concerned, the whole thing was pretty shady. If he really wanted to go to Houston a trade could have been worked out I'm sure. Do your thing Lin, last season was fun but I certainly don't wish you well. Laters...

07-19-2012, 12:10 AM
But why did Lin go off signing an offer sheet with Rockets in the first place? Why risk it with NYK?Because that's how the system works. Knicks can't match an offer if there's no offer to match. If they don't want to play that game then don't start it in the first place. They had other options

Knicks blew this every way to Sunday. Should have just offered him a 4 year max qualifying offer which would have been about what he got from Houston for 3 years and avoided all this. Nobody would have raised the ante. Instead they go on the cheap and get out maneuvered by a small market team.

Knicks fans be mad at Lin all you want but your anger would be better directed at the Knicks front office.

07-19-2012, 12:57 AM
Could Yao have made more money if he played for NYK? Possibly

Did he make enough money already in Houston? Possibly

This is about international appeal. And playing for Yao's ex-team is the appeal

How many people in NYC's gonna buy Lin's jerseys?