View Full Version : Why is Wade So Disrespected?

07-19-2012, 12:21 AM
Aside from Lebron haters that prop him to hate on Lebron, he doesn't get a whole lot of respect here. Is it just because of his playing style? I think he gets underrated how he took more of a backseat to make to this heat team work. Sure he was injured, but he still knew what it took to get the team on track. How can you hate on that? All the guys wants to do is win. 2x rings and counting plus one of the greatest finals performances under his belt. The guy get more hate than Kobe/bron at times..

07-19-2012, 12:22 AM
He bltches and moans about not getting calls ALL THE FVCKING TIME. For someone as talented as he is, there's no reason for him to act like such a dramatic bltch on the court.

07-19-2012, 12:23 AM
He has become lebron bitch that's why

no pun intended
07-19-2012, 12:24 AM
World Trade Center.

Dirk Cough.

Olympic Salary.


Tenchi Ryu
07-19-2012, 12:24 AM
He's a bitch.....

ON and OFF the court.

07-19-2012, 12:24 AM
He's not. Anyone who knows anything knows he's one of the best to ever do it. He'll be going to Springfield on the first ballot.:bowdown:

07-19-2012, 12:27 AM
Because he flops around like a bitch the entire game and then bitches to the refs when they don't give him the call. He's more focused on getting to the free throw line than he is on just playing. When he takes a jump shot he'll often throw his body into the defender in a pathetic attempt to get free throws.

07-19-2012, 12:28 AM
He has become lebron bitch that's why
I think he is just too smart to full for the alpha dog bullshit. As good as Wade is, even he knew the team was better off with Lebron running the offense most of the time. What does else did Wade need to prove?

07-19-2012, 12:31 AM
He's not. Anyone who knows anything knows he's one of the best to ever do it. He'll be going to Springfield on the first ballot.:bowdown:
Most def. it just seems like on message boards this guy is just not liked. I have see Lebron and Kobe fans team to tear Wade down before :cheers:

07-19-2012, 12:33 AM
Because he flops around like a bitch the entire game and then bitches to the refs when they don't give him the call. He's more focused on getting to the free throw line than he is on just playing. When he takes a jump shot he'll often throw his body into the defender in a pathetic attempt to get free throws.
I agree that needs to focus on regaining his shooting. He used to have a nice midrange game but has regressed in that department. I give him credit for finding ways to be effective even when he can't really shoot.

07-19-2012, 12:33 AM
What does else did Wade need to prove?

Most SG's know how to shoot. I guess having a good jump shot is too mainstream for him though. Guy is definitely a hipster. He probably listens to indie music and watches independent movies that nobody has ever heard of.

07-19-2012, 12:33 AM
He's a bitch.....

ON and OFF the court.


07-19-2012, 12:34 AM
Just because the Kobrick Stan contingent on here, and rival fans of the Heat hate on Wade, doesn't mean Wade is disrespected. Real nikkas know Wade is one of the coldest.

07-19-2012, 12:35 AM
Most SG's know how to shoot. I guess having a good jump shot is too mainstream for him though. Guy is definitely a hipster. He probably listens to indie music and watches independent movies that nobody has ever heard of.
He actually did have a midrange game if u can believe it. Sometime after his 09 season he started to regress badly In that department

07-19-2012, 12:36 AM
Because he flops around like a bitch the entire game and then bitches to the refs when they don't give him the call. He's more focused on getting to the free throw line than he is on just playing. When he takes a jump shot he'll often throw his body into the defender in a pathetic attempt to get free throws.

And this.

07-19-2012, 12:38 AM
Most SG's know how to shoot. I guess having a good jump shot is too mainstream for him though. Guy is definitely a hipster. He probably listens to indie music and watches independent movies that nobody has ever heard of.

If Wade has no resemblance of a jumper as you so claim, moron...

How has he averaged 25ppg on 48% shooting over his career as 6'4" shooting guard? How did he average 30ppg for a season without a jumper?

Enlighten me.

07-19-2012, 12:39 AM
Because he flops around like a bitch the entire game and then bitches to the refs when they don't give him the call. He's more focused on getting to the free throw line than he is on just playing. When he takes a jump shot he'll often throw his body into the defender in a pathetic attempt to get free throws.

exactly this. it is frustrating to watch him play for whistles.

07-19-2012, 12:40 AM
If Wade has no resemblance of a jumper as you so claim, moron...

How has he averaged 25ppg on 48% shooting over his career as 6'4" shooting guard? How did he average 30ppg for a season without a jumper?

Enlighten me.
Same way old Lebron did. Drive to the rim:cheers:

07-19-2012, 12:42 AM
You can't drive to the rim every possession. Wade's game is extremely diverse. Drives, Mid range, post ups..Wade has it all.

07-19-2012, 12:43 AM
You can't drive to the rim every possession. Wade game is extremely diverse. Drives, Mid range, post ups..Wade has it all.
His post-up game is definitely underrated

07-19-2012, 12:54 AM
He is disliked for a good amount of reasons but I think he is respected.

07-19-2012, 01:03 AM
Kobe and Celtics fans with common enemy. :roll:

07-19-2012, 01:04 AM

Freedom Kid7
07-19-2012, 01:05 AM
His go to move is to flop like a bitch. I'm pretty sure that's reason enough.

07-19-2012, 01:05 AM
don't act like you lebron stans weren't bashing wade for his pitiful play in the playoffs as well. It wasn't until he had that 40/10 game or whatever it was that yall got back on Wade's side.

07-19-2012, 01:07 AM
He's washed up. :(

07-19-2012, 01:10 AM
Aside from Lebron haters that prop him to hate on Lebron, he doesn't get a whole lot of respect here. Is it just because of his playing style? I think he gets underrated how he took more of a backseat to make to this heat team work. Sure he was injured, but he still knew what it took to get the team on track. How can you hate on that? All the guys wants to do is win. 2x rings and counting plus one of the greatest finals performances under his belt. The guy get more hate than Kobe/bron at times..

Because of this


No matter how good he is, Dwyane Wade is a b.itch plain and simple.

07-19-2012, 01:12 AM
Because of this


No matter how good he is, Dwyane Wade is a b.itch plain and simple.
I was surprised they called a T. He usually never gets a T no matter how much or how loud he yells.

07-19-2012, 01:13 AM
He moans and bitches ALL THE TIME?! Shut the **** up.

07-19-2012, 01:13 AM
don't act like you lebron stans weren't bashing wade for his pitiful play in the playoffs as well. It wasn't until he had that 40/10 game or whatever it was that yall got back on Wade's side.
I think it goes both ways. He left Lebron hanging at times when he was needed. But he made up for it later in the 2nd round. And he had a very good finals series. I don't remember bashing Wade at all though. I used to not be a fan of his but he has become so underrated he has won me over. Just because I'm a Lebron fan doesn't mean I have to tear him down.

07-19-2012, 01:22 AM
I was surprised they called a T. He usually never gets a T no matter how much or how loud he yells.

When i was watching the game i swore i thought the ref had ended up calling a foul for wade :lol

Patrick Chewing
07-19-2012, 01:23 AM
Has the ability to become one of the greatest ever, but will end his career short due to injuries and due to being Lebron's bitch.

07-19-2012, 03:10 AM
He is overrated.

07-19-2012, 03:16 AM
How is Wade disrespected ? His decline has begun. That's all. He still is a terrific player.

07-19-2012, 03:19 AM
Kobe stans bash Wade because he plays the same position as Kobe.

LeBron stans bash Wade to make LeBron look better.

Everyone sees him whining on court, and believe he's a douche off the court because that's what the media tells them.

People forget that before LeBron got here, people considered him a top 3 player in the NBA. Now he's not even a top 50 player of all time and a scrub. :rolleyes:

07-19-2012, 03:20 AM

Beat me to it.

07-19-2012, 03:30 AM
Who whines and complains more?

Wade, or the posters on here about Wade? I'm going with the posters.

07-19-2012, 03:49 AM
Aside from Lebron haters that prop him to hate on Lebron, he doesn't get a whole lot of respect here. Is it just because of his playing style? I think he gets underrated how he took more of a backseat to make to this heat team work. Sure he was injured, but he still knew what it took to get the team on track. How can you hate on that? All the guys wants to do is win. 2x rings and counting plus one of the greatest finals performances under his belt. The guy get more hate than Kobe/bron at times..

It's an easy answer. He became an arrogant douche once Lebron signed with the Heat. "Mr. Fall down 6 times, get up 7" completely disappeared. This was the same guy who wanted to compete in a playoff series with a dislocated shoulder. That dude is nowhere to be found now

07-19-2012, 03:50 AM
It's an easy answer. He became an arrogant douche once Lebron signed with the Heat. "Mr. Fall down 6 times, get up 7" completely disappeared. This was the same guy who wanted to compete in a playoff series with a dislocated shoulder. That dude is nowhere to be found now

He played through injury again in the playoffs? So what has changed?

07-19-2012, 04:18 AM
Big D-Wade fan here since his rookie days. He was my ideal player to be a fan of after Iverson fell off.
Guy is a warrior out there. I have not seen the guy who will do just anything to get a win . He doesnt give a sh!t what will people call him as long as he wins. He is probably the greatest in getting on the free throw line.

He is doing what he is supposed to do on the court, he showed us he can be a team player, 2nd option, all that with Lebron, and hating on this guy is just stupidity.

Hating on his finals performance where he had smt like 38 ppg tells everything. In the series where they were huge underdogs and 0-2 down guy took everything in his hands, including referee's d!ck, and won that series. Thats one of the all time greats individual finals if you ask me, and hating on what that young guy did is just a shame. And spending his best years, where he was arguably the best player in the league, on a team like post championship' Heat is just sad.

Tenchi Ryu
07-19-2012, 04:49 AM
He is doing what he is supposed to do on the court
Sneaky dirty tactics on the court, always looking to get to the FT line without even trying to make the shot, then not even working to improve those FT shots, bitching to the ref when he doesn't get a call going as far as to not even hustle to the other side of the court and stick defense, Flopping, and being a SHOOTING GUARD who can't shoot to save his life is NOT what you're suppose to do on the court.

07-19-2012, 05:08 AM
Sneaky dirty tactics on the court, always looking to get to the FT line without even trying to make the shot, then not even working to improve those FT shots, bitching to the ref when he doesn't get a call going as far as to not even hustle to the other side of the court and stick defense, Flopping, and being a SHOOTING GUARD who can't shoot to save his life is NOT what you're suppose to do on the court.

His brand of basketball wins championships. What is the problem? That he's not on your team winning them?

Tenchi Ryu
07-19-2012, 05:11 AM
His brand of basketball wins championships. What is the problem? That he's not on your team winning them?
WTF does him winning have to do with this thread?

And the problem is that he does everything that you don't consider sportsmanship.

Thus you get threads like
"Why is Wade So Disrespected?"

That's why

07-19-2012, 05:14 AM
Sneaky dirty tactics on the court, always looking to get to the FT line without even trying to make the shot, then not even working to improve those FT shots, bitching to the ref when he doesn't get a call going as far as to not even hustle to the other side of the court and stick defense, Flopping, and being a SHOOTING GUARD who can't shoot to save his life is NOT what you're suppose to do on the court.
And still tearing every great defense (including mid 00's Pistons and Boston's big 3), that other "better SG" Kobe could not even in his dreams, apart. Its flopping, bitching or whatever for you, but its his job for him. Get his team a win no matter what it takes. Greatest penetrator of all time, arguably the best crossover of all time, best in going to the free throw line, one of the best finals performers of all time, great all around player, great team player, not bitching about his teammates, will do whatever for the team, playing so many times through injury. Yeah thats him. At worst 3rd best SG of all time when its all said and done, will win multiple rings till he finishes his career. Always will be underrated, but sure top 15 all time at the end.

Tenchi Ryu
07-19-2012, 05:20 AM
And still tearing every great defense (including mid 00's Pistons and Boston's big 3), that other "better SG" Kobe could not even in his dreams, apart. Its flopping, bitching or whatever for you, but its his job for him. Get his team a win no matter what it takes. Greatest penetrator of all time, arguably the best crossover of all time, best in going to the free throw line, one of the best finals performers of all time, great all around player, great team player, not bitching about his teammates, will do whatever for the team, playing so many times through injury. Yeah thats him. At worst 3rd best SG of all time when its all said and done, will win multiple rings till he finishes his career. Always will be underrated, but sure top 15 all time at the end.
You acting as if someone said he's not great, of course he is. But at the same time, what you said is his job is the same thing that fans don't like, therefore he gets hate.

Its been his last few years that have really pushed him onto many's shit list, not his entire career.

07-19-2012, 05:24 AM
WTF does him winning have to do with this thread?

And the problem is that he does everything that you don't consider sportsmanship.

Thus you get threads like
"Why is Wade So Disrespected?"

That's why

Most of your points are wrong though.

His free throw shooting got better. His 3 point shooting has gotten better over the years. Wade doesn't flop. He does try and get calls on the offensive end, but he doesn't flop on the defensive end.

07-19-2012, 05:25 AM
hes a flopping bltch at times which really annoys hoopheads like myself

07-19-2012, 12:05 PM
dude yaps more to the refs than Oprah Winfrey, I used to like him as a fellow Chicagoan, can't stand him now.

07-19-2012, 12:08 PM
Bulls fans and Lakers fans are ****ing up this thread. It's funny how people think he complains to the refs and that's the only thing he does all game. :facepalm

07-19-2012, 12:10 PM
Because he flops around like a bitch the entire game and then bitches to the refs when they don't give him the call. He's more focused on getting to the free throw line than he is on just playing. When he takes a jump shot he'll often throw his body into the defender in a pathetic attempt to get free throws.

This is actually a perfect assessment.

Wade used to be my favorite player and still is one of my favorites... But I couldn't stand him last year. His attitude pissed me off. I hope he goes back to old Dwyane next year after rehabbing his injuries.

07-19-2012, 12:12 PM
I don't care if people dislike him. My problem is when people say he's not even a top 50 player and they bash him like he's a scrub. He played hurt throughout the playoffs and still made a significant impact.

07-19-2012, 12:15 PM
I don't care if people dislike him. My problem is when people say he's not even a top 50 player and they bash him like he's a scrub. He played hurt throughout the playoffs and still made a significant impact.
He made more than significant impact. Hell, the Celtics double-teamed him. He was still able to put up 17/25 for 40 points and 10 rebounds. Which other SG in the league could do that?

07-19-2012, 12:18 PM
He made more than significant impact. Hell, the Celtics double-teamed him. He was still able to put up 17/25 for 40 points and 10 rebounds. Which other SG in the league could do that?

Really nobody outside of Kobe. He's still an elite player. His problem has always been staying healthy.

07-19-2012, 12:21 PM
Bulls fans and Lakers fans are ****ing up this thread. It's funny how people think he complains to the refs and that's the only thing he does all game. :facepalm
yeah, only Bulls and Lakers fans think Wade is a whiny bitch:facepalm

07-19-2012, 12:22 PM
Most SG's know how to shoot. I guess having a good jump shot is too mainstream for him though. Guy is definitely a hipster. He probably listens to indie music and watches independent movies that nobody has ever heard of.
:roll: :roll: :roll: Holy shit I almost burst out laughing at my work. **** you!:lol

07-19-2012, 12:25 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll: Holy shit I almost burst out laughing at my work. **** you!:lol
I think it's ok to laugh at Mcdonalds.. dont worry about it

07-19-2012, 12:25 PM
Used to be a big Wade fan, but the dude turned into a grade-A bitch when LeBron joined the Heat.

Oh, and he broke Gawdbe's nose in the f*cking all-star game! Good thing Maskbe never forgets and shit on Wade in their next meeting. :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

07-19-2012, 12:25 PM
Bulls fans and Lakers fans are ****ing up this thread. It's funny how people think he complains to the refs and that's the only thing he does all game. :facepalm







07-19-2012, 12:28 PM
He's a bitch.....

ON and OFF the court.

2 rings....

07-19-2012, 12:29 PM
What did he do to Rondo again? Not to mention his bitching as others have pointed out

07-19-2012, 02:06 PM

:roll: :roll: :roll:

F*cking Boss.

07-19-2012, 03:24 PM
Mostly because there are a lot of Kobe fan boys on here and than because he was injured which made him have a subpar season for him and REALLY allowed those kobe stans to jump on him and act as if Kobe is actually a better player. It's actually quite ridiculous that they really believe Kobe is a better player than Wade at this point in their careers. It's pathetic even.

07-19-2012, 03:29 PM
Mostly because there are a lot of Kobe fan boys on here and than because he was injured which made him have a subpar season for him and REALLY allowed those kobe stans to jump on him and act as if Kobe is actually a better player. It's actually quite ridiculous that they really believe Kobe is a better player than Wade at this point in their careers. It's pathetic even.

Yeah dude, cuz it's Kobe fanboys who made him say that crap about Dirk AFTER he whooped that a**. if was also Kobe fansboys who made him act like a b***h when the Pacers had them sweating. It was also Kobe fanboys who had him flooping all over the place during the playoffs too...right? Yeah...you're absolutely right, it truly is pathetic even.:facepalm

07-19-2012, 03:34 PM
if was also Kobe fansboys who made him act like a b***h when the Pacers had them sweating.

Huh ??




^^ what sweat ??.. and that was without Bosh against one of the biggest team in the league !!... and both of those videos/games were on the ROAD

of course the Celtics decided to double Wade in the next series. Just like other teams did in the playoffs this year, and last year.. even playing on one leg he gets double attention most of the time.

07-19-2012, 03:59 PM
Learn how to read:facepalm

07-19-2012, 04:01 PM
I don't know why but Wade's always struck me as one of those nice guys coming out of college who let the fame get to his head and became a raging dick. I could be wrong... hell, I probably am, but he's just really easy to dislike.

07-19-2012, 04:17 PM
Mostly because there are a lot of Kobe fan boys on here and than because he was injured which made him have a subpar season for him and REALLY allowed those kobe stans to jump on him and act as if Kobe is actually a better player. It's actually quite ridiculous that they really believe Kobe is a better player than Wade at this point in their careers. It's pathetic even.

Kobe is objectively better than Wade. Deal with it.

07-19-2012, 06:36 PM
Would nyggas shut the **** up with the trying to draw the foul shit. LMAO at him and Bron owing the "and1" game for the last 10 years. Yall are sitting here calling one of the greatest finishers of all time a flopper trying to draw fouls, even though he is one of the all time best at scoring once getting fouled and getting the basket. Stop hating hoe ass nyggas, dude is a top 5 all time at his ability to get to the basket and finish, fukk outta here haters. See yall in the HOF with 3-4 rings, bet.

Tenchi Ryu
07-19-2012, 07:03 PM
2 rings....
Don't see how that's suppose to make me like or respect him more.

A douche with 2 rings is still a douche. He got 2 rings? Cool, still hated though.

The Choken One
07-19-2012, 07:08 PM
Mostly because there are a lot of Kobe fan boys on here and than because he was injured which made him have a subpar season for him and REALLY allowed those kobe stans to jump on him and act as if Kobe is actually a better player. It's actually quite ridiculous that they really believe Kobe is a better player than Wade at this point in their careers. It's pathetic even.
They're in the same tier at this point in their careers.

And if we talking from a legacy standpoint...it's not even close.

Wade will never be on Kobe's level.

07-19-2012, 07:26 PM
They're in the same tier at this point in their careers.

Same tier in the sense of Wade playing on one leg for most of the season vs a healthy kobe, sure

Wade will never be on Kobe's level.

having a prime shaq for EIGHT SEASONS, then having the most dominant front court in the league with bynum/gasol/odom (who could ALL pass extremely well btw for their system -- and its hilarious how Faker fans always ignore that extremely important point) where NO TEAM in the west could come close to matching that front court -- kobe was gifted more than it was earned .. that front court breezed right through the western playoffs. Other teams were not fearful of kobe, they were fearful of the matchup nightmare vs that lakers front court.

as soon as OKC got Perkins to match with ibaka and durant upfront, they roasted the lakers in the playoffs.. as soon as dallas got Tyson chandler to team with Dirk upfront last year, they SWEPT the overrated kobe-led LA Fakers

when things are even up front, kobe isn't good enough to take his team over the top. He never was

Horde of Temujin
07-19-2012, 07:27 PM

Thats great.

In addition to being a whining bitch and a primadonna, he is also a dirty player.