View Full Version : Top 5 Favorite Movies of 2012

07-31-2012, 05:13 AM
Now that a majority of the huge blockbusters of summer are out of the way, it is about that time of year to start reflecting. Obviously these lists will be updated throughout the year.

Here are mine so far:
1. Prometheus
2. Dark Knight Rises
3. Avengers
4. Cabin in the Woods
5. 21 Jump Street

Honorable mention: The Amazing Spider-Man, Ted

07-31-2012, 05:16 AM
21 Jump Street
Iron Sky

Would be my favorite two. I don't go to the theatre much so I wait for everything to be released on DVD\Blue Ray :lol

07-31-2012, 05:30 AM
1. Avengers
2. Dark Knight Rises
3. Cabin in the woods
4. Chronicles

Honorable mention: The watch , 21 jumpstreet and Ted

07-31-2012, 06:02 AM
we haven't had any of the good films yet. if any summer movies make my final top 10 of the year it means it was a REALLY bad year. but so far....

1. the hunter 8.5/10
2. the hunger games 8.5/10
3. snow white and the huntsman 8/10
4. the dark knight rises 8/10
5. the avengers/prometheus 8/10

shamefully i think I've missed most of the significant films of the year so far, need to catch up on turin horse/cabin in the woods/once upon a time in anatolia/moonrise kingdom/brave/magic mike etc

for you guys in the u.s, hopefully you caught kill list this year, superb little cult horror/black comedy/psychological thriller from ben wheatley- probably next big hollywood director i expect at the rate they are being snapped up right now. are there any americans doing big budget hollywood these days?

07-31-2012, 07:59 AM
I have only been to the theater once this year. So I'm still waiting for a lot of the movies to come out so I can watch them at home.

In no order:
The Amazing Spiderman
American Reunion
Safe House
21 Jumpstreet

07-31-2012, 08:36 AM
1. Moonrise Kingdom and it's not even close

07-31-2012, 10:07 AM
Now that a majority of the huge blockbusters of summer are out of the way, it is about that time of year to start reflecting. Obviously these lists will be updated throughout the year.

Here are mine so far:
1. Prometheus
2. Dark Knight Rises
3. Avengers
4. Cabin in the Woods
5. 21 Jump Street

Honorable mention: The Amazing Spider-Man, Ted

Different order for me, but my list is the same as yours. I'd put the Hunger Games as an honorable mention too, and I can almost guarantee that The Hobbit will be number 1 on my list (I'm hoping it doesn't disappoint).

07-31-2012, 10:53 AM
A lot of movies I want to see still haven't hit theaters yet: The Hobbit, New James Bond, and even the new Bourne movie coming out next month.

Mr Know It All
07-31-2012, 11:34 AM
It's been a pretty sorry year so far, but here are mine:

1) The Hunter 8/10
2) Cabin in the Woods 7.5/10
3) Chronicle 7/10
4) The Dark Knight Rises 7/10
5) Immortals 5/10 (Entertaining brainless flick, I loved it)


The Hunger Games
The Devil Inside
The Sitter

All made me want to throw up. Hunger Games was over hyped cliche crap. Don't know why so many people love it, ****ing Gamer was better.

07-31-2012, 04:02 PM
for you guys in the u.s, hopefully you caught kill list this year, superb little cult horror/black comedy/psychological thriller from ben wheatley- probably next big hollywood director i expect at the rate they are being snapped up right now. are there any americans doing big budget hollywood these days?

Never heard of it, but just watched the trailer and have added it to my "to watch" list.

For those saying it is a sorry year for movies, I think this year has already outshined last year's crappy movies, and we still have many months to go. Django Unchained is the only movie I am near 100% will be in my top 5 that hasn't come out yet, but I also have high hopes for Bond.

07-31-2012, 06:55 PM
1. Prometheus
2. The Avengers
3. The Dark Knight Rises

these are the only movies I have seen at the theater this year...

07-31-2012, 06:57 PM
5) Immortals 5/10 (Entertaining brainless flick, I loved it)

this movie is awesome, I was very surprised...I think it is extremely underrated

MUCH MUCH better than 300... Mickey Rourke was amazing IMO, better than Bane in TDKR

it came out in 2011 though

07-31-2012, 07:08 PM
1. Prometheus
2. The Avengers
3. The Dark Knight Rises

these are the only movies I have seen at the theater this year...

Iv'e seen those same three and Brave. So sad...:lol

07-31-2012, 07:10 PM
1. Prometheus
2. The Avengers
3. The Dark Knight Rises

these are the only movies I have seen at the theater this year...
Didn't you make a thread about how badass Underworld was too?

As for my top five I'd go:

1. Prometheus
2. Avengers
4. Chronicle
5. Snow White

There's quite a few movies I didn't see this year that I wanted to (Hunger Games being one), especially since the local theater has 5 dollar matinees on the weekdays.

07-31-2012, 07:14 PM
It's been a pretty sorry year so far, but here are mine:

1) The Hunter 8/10
2) Cabin in the Woods 7.5/10
3) Chronicle 7/10
4) The Dark Knight Rises 7/10
5) Immortals 5/10 (Entertaining brainless flick, I loved it)


The Hunger Games
The Devil Inside
The Sitter

All made me want to throw up. Hunger Games was over hyped cliche crap. Don't know why so many people love it, ****ing Gamer was better.

Yeah, a movie about kids being forced to kill other kids is wayyyyy too cliche (take away Battle Royale and find me a movie like that). Sure, there was that lame hollwood romance between the two main characters, but stuff like that seems to appear in most movies nowadays. If you can't look past some minor elements in film to enjoy the rest then that's your problem.

07-31-2012, 07:17 PM
Didn't you make a thread about how badass Underworld was too?

As for my top five I'd go:

1. Prometheus
2. Avengers
4. Chronicle
5. Snow White

There's quite a few movies I didn't see this year that I wanted to (Hunger Games being one), especially since the local theater has 5 dollar matinees on the weekdays.
oh yeah, damn didn't realize that was this year

that would be #4 though for me...good brainless action flick for a 3D theater...I am betting it isn't that great on TV though

07-31-2012, 08:43 PM
I haven't seen TDKR yet, so don't be alarmed that it isn't on my list:

1. The Amazing Spiderman
2. The Avengers
3. The Hunger Game
4. The Grey
5. Contraband

#1 & 2 are interchangeable imo.

07-31-2012, 09:24 PM
Thats my boy
21 jump street

07-31-2012, 09:43 PM
we haven't had any of the good films yet. if any summer movies make my final top 10 of the year it means it was a REALLY bad year. but so far....

1. the hunter 8.5/10
2. the hunger games 8.5/10
3. snow white and the huntsman 8/10
4. the dark knight rises 8/10
5. the avengers/prometheus 8/10

You're supposed to have good taste, how can you give snow white an 8? Such a badly edited, generic movie that borrowed from everything and brought nothing new on its own....such a blah movie...

Top 5 so far IMO

Dark knight Rises
Moon Rise Kingdom
Les Intouchables

07-31-2012, 09:56 PM
Haven't seen too much that I liked this year, bad year for movies.

1. The Dark Knight Rises
2. Avengers
3. Prometheus
4. Chronicle
5. Really nothing I feel like giving credit to.

07-31-2012, 10:45 PM
havent watched many but i like 21 jump street and TED was pretty funny

07-31-2012, 10:57 PM
1. Moonrise Kingdom and it's not even close
lmao you're such a stupid pretentious hipster

08-01-2012, 12:21 AM
Am i the only one who thought 21 jump street was weak? I thought Ted was Way better

1. Dark Knight Rises
2. Avengers
3. Ted
4. Thats My boy.
5. Spider man

I havent watched that many movies this year though to be honest.

08-01-2012, 12:24 AM
2. Avengers
3. Cabin in the Woods
4. Amazing Spiderman
5. 21 Jump Street

honorable mention to hunger games and ted.

08-01-2012, 03:58 AM
Am i the only one who thought 21 jump street was weak? I thought Ted was Way better

I thought that 21 Jump Street was way more witty. Most of Ted's best parts had to do with references to stuff from the 80s rather than actual original bits/dialogue (and yes, I understand that 21 Jump Street also had 80s references). Just my opinion though. I had Ted just a little behind it.

08-01-2012, 07:05 AM
1. The Avengers
2. The Darknight Rises

08-01-2012, 08:41 AM
Never heard of it, but just watched the trailer and have added it to my "to watch" list.

i think you will enjoy it. its a film that won't be widely seen but will enjoyed by almost everyone that does stumble on it, its a really fresh, interesting film with great cross genre ideas. i don't know what id compare it to, maybe the wicker man i guess. let me know how you like it.
another film that will be universally enjoyed but hardly seen is the hunter, my favourite film of the year so far.

08-01-2012, 08:47 AM
You're supposed to have good taste, how can you give snow white an 8? Such a badly edited, generic movie that borrowed from everything and brought nothing new on its own....such a blah movie...

easy, each to their own. i loved snow white. i have no idea wtf people can even find to criticise in it it was a perfect little fantasy film THAT ACTUALLY HAD STRONG FANTASY ELEMENTS. we need more films like this these days it reminded me of those 80's movies like never ending story and labyrinth etc that were unashamedly fantasy. that scene with the forrest and all the great little touches were superb and even the acting was fine, where the film fell down was the third act when it got away from what it was doing well and tried to do a battle/lotr's type section. that didn't convince and the film fell down here but the first 2/3's were superb. "borrowed from everything and brought nothing new" its snow white, how exactly could it deviate from what it is? whats impressive is that it managed to actually capture the essence, thats much better than "bringing something new" for this kind of film.

08-01-2012, 09:35 AM
Ted (simply awesome)
Snow White
Chronicle (very underrated)
Dark Shadows

-Had to do 6, and not necessarily in order.

Mr Know It All
08-01-2012, 01:54 PM
Yeah, a movie about kids being forced to kill other kids is wayyyyy too cliche (take away Battle Royale and find me a movie like that). Sure, there was that lame hollwood romance between the two main characters, but stuff like that seems to appear in most movies nowadays. If you can't look past some minor elements in film to enjoy the rest then that's your problem.

I'm not just talking about children, I'm talking about down and out characters in general forced to participate in a "death game" of some sort because of the big bad authoritarian futuristic regime.

Gamer (2009)
Death Race (2008)
Rollerball (2002 and 1975)
Battle Royale (2000)
The Running Man (1987)

Just to name a few, and I'm probably missing a lot. Besides, what was the rest to enjoy?

Let's start with the flat and lame main character Katniss. God what a bore, the actress didn't do this cookie cutter protagonist any favors. She was a typical boring bad ass with a heart of gold, she had little to no personality, and the scenes demonstrating her ability were incredibly lame. One in particular, during the pre-game ceremony involving scores of players, where she received an 11 (the top score of course) which drew some cheers from the moronic crowd I was sitting with.

Woody Harrelson was surprisingly flat in this movie as well, the writing did him absolutely no favors. The main dictator (Donald Sutherland) was cliche in his few appearances, and his little henchman (the dude from American Beauty) looked and acted ridiculous throughout.

Let's not forget the final cop out of this sad film. Either Katniss or Peta (WTF kind of name is Peta?) must die. They threaten to both commit suicide, and this authoritarian regime, instead of flexing their power and letting them both perish, ******* out and declares them both winners. Unbelievably absurd.

If you like the Hunger Games, then you may as well lump yourself into the same crowd as those who like Twilight, because it is honestly the same quality of book and film.

08-01-2012, 01:57 PM
Now that a majority of the huge blockbusters of summer are out of the way, it is about that time of year to start reflecting. Obviously these lists will be updated throughout the year.

Here are mine so far:
1. Prometheus
2. Dark Knight Rises
3. Avengers
4. Cabin in the Woods
5. 21 Jump Street

Honorable mention: The Amazing Spider-Man, Ted


When are you due for a brain transplant?

Prometheus was terrible. How does anyone have that top 5 this year? Slap yourselves

08-01-2012, 02:45 PM
If you like the Hunger Games, then you may as well lump yourself into the same crowd as those who like Twilight, because it is honestly the same quality of book and film.

sorry, your being idiotic, the books of hunger games are no where near as bad, and the hunger games film was superb. you have mental issues.
sure the audience may be essentially the same but you are deaf dumb and blind if you think they are comparable in quality.

08-01-2012, 02:46 PM
sorry, your being idiotic, the books of hunger games are no where near as bad, and the hunger games film was superb. you have mental issues.
sure the audience may be essentially the same but you are deaf dumb and blind if you think they are comparable in quality.
i agree, the hunger games movie and book are far better. the movie was a bit of a let down compared to the book,but really a good movie anyway.

Mr Know It All
08-01-2012, 03:40 PM
sorry, your being idiotic, the books of hunger games are no where near as bad, and the hunger games film was superb. you have mental issues.
sure the audience may be essentially the same but you are deaf dumb and blind if you think they are comparable in quality.

How was the film superb? I guarantee it won't get one Academy Award nomination. They are one in the same in that they are directed toward a younger teen audience and both contain unoriginal and soft stories that lack any intensity.

As bad as Twilight? Maybe not. Comparable? Absolutely, they are both a poor reflection on the lack of creativity and ability of modern popular writers. Characters who are one dimensional, plot which is paper thin, and a hokey story with predictable endings.

08-01-2012, 03:55 PM
Did you guys really like Snow White and the Huntsman?

I'm the type who usually disregards movie critics because I'm easily entertained by movies; whether they have plot holes, mind numbing flicks, etc. Yet, I still found Snow White pretty poor.

08-01-2012, 04:05 PM
Safe House was awesome.

Top 5 for sure.

08-01-2012, 04:41 PM
Safe House was awesome.

Top 5 for sure.

I thought Safe House was good in the first 15 minutes and good in the last 20 minutes, but shit otherwise. I predicted the bad guy 5 minutes into the movie, and the whole middle hour or so did nothing to expand on story, all the middle had was the 2 main characters running and being shot at but every bullet ricocheted around them even thought they were being hunted by professionals. There was never any dramatic situations that you actually had to question "How will they get out of this situation?," it was all run run run, missed shot missed shot missed shot. The last 20 minutes was when they explained the story and why we should care, but by that point I was so out of the movie, I didn't care enough, and even then, it was something completely predictable anyway.

08-01-2012, 04:42 PM

When are you due for a brain transplant?

Prometheus was terrible. How does anyone have that top 5 this year? Slap yourselves

How about you share your top 5 Mr. High & Mighty?

08-01-2012, 05:09 PM
1. dark knight rises---hands down best film i have seen in quite a while
2. avengers--to be fair, this year didn't witness voluminous releases of good films, but it was a fairly good movie.

21 jump street was funny but it, along with other films, are not even worth mentioning lol

08-01-2012, 05:11 PM
3.21 JS

08-01-2012, 05:23 PM
Did you guys really like Snow White and the Huntsman?

I'm the type who usually disregards movie critics because I'm easily entertained by movies; whether they have plot holes, mind numbing flicks, etc. Yet, I still found Snow White pretty poor.

Yes. It's good.

08-01-2012, 06:12 PM
How about you share your top 5 Mr. High & Mighty?

Dark Knight Rises
Cabin in the woods
Hunger Games

08-01-2012, 06:37 PM
Dark Knight Rises
Cabin in the woods
Hunger Games

I still haven't watched Hunger Games. Is it really that good?

Haven't watched Cabin in the Woods yet either actually.

Ted was awesome!

08-01-2012, 06:39 PM
I really did not like Hunger Games. Not sure what the appeal is. I wanted to, but i just could not.

Ted is the shit. I really really thought that would suck too.

08-01-2012, 06:42 PM
Hunger games wasnt that good. I expected something real gory and sadistic to occur. It didnt. Why is it in my top 5? I didnt see enough to knock it off. I agree with Myth on Safehouse.

08-01-2012, 06:45 PM
Ted is the most overrated movie of 2012. I didn't find it funny at all besides 1-2 scenes. I guess people liked it because they went to go see it while they were high? Dumb movie.

08-01-2012, 06:46 PM
Kind of early for a top movies of the year thread, no? Especially since the Oscar bait doesn't come out until the fall.

Anyway, so far The Dark Knight Rises, Moonrise Kingdom, The Grey for me. Can't think of 2 others honestly.

08-01-2012, 07:03 PM
Ted is the most overrated movie of 2012. I didn't find it funny at all besides 1-2 scenes. I guess people liked it because they went to go see it while they were high? Dumb movie.


I was laughing non-stop the entire time.

Great date movie too since it's a romance "dramedy" of sorts.

Guy and Girl both will enjoy.

08-01-2012, 07:03 PM
Hunger games wasnt that good. I expected something real gory and sadistic to occur. It didnt. Why is it in my top 5? I didnt see enough to knock it off. I agree with Myth on Safehouse.

I haven't watched Safehouse yet either. I suppose I should then?

08-01-2012, 07:09 PM
What's everybody looking forward to later in the year? I want to see Safety Not Guaranteed but can't seem to find it in theatres. Django Unchained, The Master, Argo, Killing them softly are the one's I'm waiting for.

2012 actually seems like a sick year for movies. I don't get out much to the theatre so gotta wait for everything to be released on DVD but so far doesn't seem like everybody is loving the year so far.

08-01-2012, 07:10 PM
Have a feeling by the end of this year, The Hobbit will be my favorite movie. :rockon:

08-01-2012, 07:12 PM
Have a feeling by the end of this year, The Hobbit will be my favorite movie. :rockon:

U mean The Hobbit 1/3 (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=273120)

08-01-2012, 07:13 PM
I haven't watched Safehouse yet either. I suppose I should then?

Eh, its not a must see at all in my book. Pretty predictable. I rather shoot for Hunger Games as opposed to Safehouse. I didnt mean Hunger games was bad, just not as great as I was expecting mainly because it wasnt R rated as I hoped.

08-01-2012, 07:13 PM
What's everybody looking forward to later in the year? I want to see Safety Not Guaranteed but can't seem to find it in theatres. Django Unchained, The Master, Argo, Killing them softly are the one's I'm waiting for.

2012 actually seems like a sick year for movies. I don't get out much to the theatre so gotta wait for everything to be released on DVD but so far doesn't seem like everybody is loving the year so far.

\Cant wait for Kick@$$ 2

08-01-2012, 08:19 PM
What's everybody looking forward to later in the year? I want to see Safety Not Guaranteed but can't seem to find it in theatres. Django Unchained, The Master, Argo, Killing them softly are the one's I'm waiting for.

2012 actually seems like a sick year for movies. I don't get out much to the theatre so gotta wait for everything to be released on DVD but so far doesn't seem like everybody is loving the year so far.

Django and Bond are the 2 big ones for me. There are a few more I will see if the reviews aren't crap, like Total Recall (first 3 reviews I saw are not promising though), Bourne, The Campaign, The Expendables 2, Hit & Run, Dredd, Lawless, and Man with the Iron Fists.

I apparently need to see The Hunger Games when it is on DVD too. I don't expect much, but I will give it a chance. Looks like Battle Royale filled with a bunch of teenage cliche crap (and I didn't like Battle Royale).

08-01-2012, 08:34 PM
I'm only anticipating Django Unchained now. The remake of The Great Gatsby might be worth watching, too.

08-01-2012, 08:42 PM
What's everybody looking forward to later in the year? I want to see Safety Not Guaranteed but can't seem to find it in theatres. Django Unchained, The Master, Argo, Killing them softly are the one's I'm waiting for.

2012 actually seems like a sick year for movies. I don't get out much to the theatre so gotta wait for everything to be released on DVD but so far doesn't seem like everybody is loving the year so far.

Spielberg's Lincoln biopic starring DDL, The Master, Life of Pi, Bourne Legacy (Jeremy Renner is my dude), and Skyfall. Plus Cloud Atlas looks interesting, could be epic but just as likely to be a train wreck, gonna wait on reviews for that one.

08-01-2012, 08:55 PM
Spielberg's Lincoln biopic starring DDL, The Master, Life of Pi, Bourne Legacy (Jeremy Renner is my dude), and Skyfall. Plus Cloud Atlas looks interesting, could be epic but just as likely to be a train wreck, gonna wait on reviews for that one.

Bourne Legacy for sure. Life of Pi looks really good. Just checked trailor.

08-01-2012, 09:20 PM
21 jumpstreet
Dark Knight Rises

08-01-2012, 09:51 PM
Was that movie "the watch" any good?

08-02-2012, 12:09 AM
Was that movie "the watch" any good?

08-02-2012, 01:03 AM
Was that movie "the watch" any good?

It got shredded by the critics. I know 1 person who saw it and liked it, but he said he liked the story but the movie wasn't funny at all.

08-02-2012, 12:32 PM
How was the film superb? I guarantee it won't get one Academy Award nomination.

if it doesn't get one academy award then it will be in the same boat as most of the greatest films of all time then:confusedshrug:

They are one in the same in that they are directed toward a younger teen audience and both contain unoriginal and soft stories that lack any intensity. As bad as Twilight? Maybe not. Comparable? Absolutely, they are both a poor reflection on the lack of creativity and ability of modern popular writers. Characters who are one dimensional, plot which is paper thin, and a hokey story with predictable endings.

i don't agree, hunger games was terrifically well made regardless of plot and thoroughly convincing, it was totally refreshing to actually feel the threat/violence in what is essentially a teen movie(by your reckoning anyway). that is really unique and reminds me of the old days when hunger games would have been an 18 and a b movie. great stuff.

08-02-2012, 01:39 PM
1. Tdkr

08-02-2012, 05:10 PM
The Avengers - 10/10
Hunger Games - 9/10
21 Jump Street - 8.5/10
Moonrise Kingdom - 7.5/10
Beasts of the Southern Wild 7.5/10

Most of the artsy people would like those last 2 the best but that's not what I'm looking for in a movie really but they were both very different which is always welcomed... And yea I have seen the TDKR and thought it was stupid.

Mr Know It All
08-02-2012, 05:25 PM
if it doesn't get one academy award then it will be in the same boat as most of the greatest films of all time then:confusedshrug:

I'm talking about nominations. Not academy awards. Even popular science fiction movies like District 9 and Avatar have received best picture nominations, and others at least nominations in special effects or writing categories. I guarantee you The Hunger Games will not receive ONE nomination.

i don't agree, hunger games was terrifically well made regardless of plot and thoroughly convincing, it was totally refreshing to actually feel the threat/violence in what is essentially a teen movie(by your reckoning anyway). that is really unique and reminds me of the old days when hunger games would have been an 18 and a b movie. great stuff.

Terrifically well made? Based on what? Plenty of people bashed the direction and amateur shaky cam throughout the movie. And what violence? The buildup was not at all justified when through the games themselves we were treated to a predictable romp that lacked intensity. It was PG-13, PG in Canada in Europe, it was far from intense and could never have sniffed an 18 rating.

The lame romance between Peta and Katniss, plus her predictability as the films protagonist was evidence enough to toss this crap film (and book) into the pile of slop gobbled up by stupid American audiences.

08-03-2012, 06:37 AM
I'm talking about nominations. Not academy awards. Even popular science fiction movies like District 9 and Avatar have received best picture nominations, and others at least nominations in special effects or writing categories. I guarantee you The Hunger Games will not receive ONE nomination.

point still stands, even recent films in the english language that were considered some of the top films of the year didn't get oscar nominations, oscar nominations are not an indication of film quality. one of the most important factors of getting oscar nominations is how much you rally for them, and by extension release date. if your film didn't open towards the end of the year you are basically without any hope in hell of getting nominated no matter how good your film was, seriously oscars are that backward and flawed. this is the reality of how throwaway the oscars are. go back and look at the nominations each year, i could show you year by year the reasons things get nominated and most of it isn't to do with film quality. sure a film has to(most of the time) be of a reasonable level of competency to get nominated but it is nowhere near the indicator of a films excellence in its field, its almost a lock that t wasn't intact! the reasons are numerous but one thing is that the academy is not made up of film fanatics/academics/critics or writers, its made up of oscar winners and people who excel or are thought to excel in the field of film production- these people don't have time to watch many films, this is fact. I've spoken at length with oscar/bafta members and they have admitted that much. every year when famous members are asked what they voted for and why they freely admit they voted for the big hype film or big release because thats one of the few films they saw that was in the final list for nominations- yes there are lists, that get thinned down as things progress, you can't just vote for any film! often these people haven't even seen the films that excel in most of the categories. its a disgrace but true unfortunately. anyway i hope we have established at least one universal truth- oscar voting is highly flawed to say the least.

Terrifically well made? Based on what? Plenty of people bashed the direction and amateur shaky cam throughout the movie. And what violence? The buildup was not at all justified when through the games themselves we were treated to a predictable romp that lacked intensity. It was PG-13, PG in Canada in Europe, it was far from intense and could never have sniffed an 18 rating.

i thought the direction was superb and most of what i read said the same. a lot of people had issue with the shaky cam and i have to say for the first 15 minutes of the film the camera work was completely out of control, in fact it was ridiculous how loose the framings and jittery the moves were, i agree with that. but that didn't last it seemed to me it was in there so that we would later adjust to a less shaky, but still handheld aesthetic that the film utilised though out to great effect. handheld cam makes things feel rougher and grittier- look at how green grass employs it on all his films, they all have that realistic/gritty feel.
what violence? hunger games is unquestionably the most brutal and violent pg-13 i have ever seen, by quite some way, i didn't for one second think that they could achieve the threat that was needed with such a certificate but they did, i was incredibly impressed, no doubt the handheld cam helped immensely in this regard. i don't know if the u.s version had any more cuts than in europe but this is so often the case so maybe thats a factor, not sure. regardless tho the hunger games was the most shocking and brutal pg-13 I've ever seen.

The lame romance between Peta and Katniss, plus her predictability as the films protagonist was evidence enough to toss this crap film (and book) into the pile of slop gobbled up by stupid American audiences.

the romance between the two characters was the weakest part of the film for me to. very few films are flawless, for a blockbuster release i felt the hunger games was truly magnificent, refreshing and pushed the boundaries. you didn't, thats fine.

01-03-2013, 10:28 PM

My updated list:

1. Django Unchained
2. Looper
3. Prometheus
4. Skyfall
5. Cabin in the Woods

Honorable mentions: Avengers, Expendables 2

I still have not seen several that I think I would love (ex: Argo, The Master).

01-03-2013, 10:38 PM
Can't even make a Top 5 since I only saw 2 movies. :oldlol:

The Hobbit - 8.5/10
Looper - 8/10

Wow. How come only 2?

01-03-2013, 11:27 PM
1. Wreck it Ralph
2. Looper

01-04-2013, 12:11 AM
Dark Knight Rises

Didn't see that many movies this year, still gotta check out Django Unchained

01-04-2013, 12:17 AM
There were some good ones, but 007 is usually number one for me, so Skyfall takes it.

01-04-2013, 12:25 AM
Avengers is sooo overrated

felt like straight to DVD movie

I even liked Looper better and that's a 6.5 in my book

01-04-2013, 12:37 AM
Wreck it Ralph top ten movie all time... its that good

01-04-2013, 12:39 AM
Wreck it Ralph top ten movie all time... its that good

Maybe in my top ten 2012.

01-04-2013, 01:43 AM
Safety Not Guaranteed
21 Jump Street

My top movies that didn't make the top 5 (i still haven't seen the Hobbit or Perfect Sense or Wreck It Ralph)
Jeff Who Lives At Home
The Avengers
The Dark Knight Rises
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Moonrise Kingdom

01-04-2013, 01:48 AM
I only saw three films in theatres in 2012. I enjoyed all three but here's my order:

1. Django Unchained
2. The Dark Knight Rises
3. Lincoln

I wanted to see Argo and The Master but just did not get around to it. I'm assuming there's a few others I cannot think of off hand as well.

01-04-2013, 02:00 AM
I only saw three films in theatres in 2012. I enjoyed all three but here's my order:

1. Django Unchained
2. The Dark Knight Rises
3. Lincoln

I wanted to see Argo and The Master but just did not get around to it. I'm assuming there's a few others I cannot think of off hand as well.

Almost 3/4 of the movies released in 2012 are already on DVD. Did you see any of them on DVD?

01-04-2013, 02:41 AM
1. The Dark Knight Rises
2. Lincoln
3. The Avengers
4. Looper
5. Skyfall
6. Dredd

01-05-2013, 02:13 PM
Moonrise Kingdom

Avengers is sooo overrated

felt like straight to DVD movie
Don't tell that to the Avengers groupies. Just watched it a few days ago and I can't help but think it looks like a television show. The characters, dialogue, action scenes, I appreciated even more. But the cinematography and production design is ****ing terrible. Whedon's work on TV carried to feature films.

01-05-2013, 02:39 PM
Almost 3/4 of the movies released in 2012 are already on DVD. Did you see any of them on DVD?I did not. I kind of lost my DVD lifeline when my video store closed. There's Red Box, but I tend to opt for streaming Netflix instead, which tends to not carry a lot of brand new releases.

01-05-2013, 03:15 PM
Moonrise Kingdom

Don't tell that to the Avengers groupies. Just watched it a few days ago and I can't help but think it looks like a television show. The characters, dialogue, action scenes, I appreciated even more. But the cinematography and production design is ****ing terrible. Whedon's work on TV carried to feature films.
Avengers was fun, but I barely made it though a second viewing of it.
i've watched TDKR about four times and still wouldnt mind watching again.

01-05-2013, 04:55 PM
I did not. I kind of lost my DVD lifeline when my video store closed. There's Red Box, but I tend to opt for streaming Netflix instead, which tends to not carry a lot of brand new releases.

Yeah, Netflix is pretty bad these days.

01-05-2013, 06:04 PM
1. The Dark Knight Rises
2. Lincoln
3. The Avengers
4. Looper
5. Skyfall
6. Dredd

is skyfall that bad?

avengers and looper were regrettable uses of time for me

01-05-2013, 06:19 PM
is skyfall that bad?

avengers and looper were regrettable uses of time for me

Looper was fantastic (as was Skyfall).

Dredd is probably an honorary mention for me as well.

01-05-2013, 06:28 PM
dark knight rises
21 jump street

01-05-2013, 07:41 PM
So far I'd say it's:

The Dark Knight Rises
Killing Them Softly
Ruby Sparks
End of Watch

Just missing the cut: Looper

Still planning to watch: Argo, Django Unchained, The Hobbit, Lincoln, Hitchcock, The Impossible

Critically overrated (IMO, of course): Moonrise Kingdom, Zero Dark Thirty

01-05-2013, 07:46 PM
have you watched the master?
I can't believe I totally forgot about The Master. No, still haven't seen it. I blame it on Hollywood scientologists trying to erase this movie from everyone's memory.

EDIT: And I totally forgot about Cabin in the Woods which I liked more than End of Watch. It's way too early to make a list. Too many of the top movies left to see. Summary so far is that Skyfall was fantastic, Ruby Sparks is the unknown gem and I have no idea why Zero Dark Thirty is getting so much awards buzz.

Doomsday Dallas
01-05-2013, 08:32 PM
I saw FLIGHT and Silver Linings Playbook in theater...

Both were really good.

Money 23
01-05-2013, 11:22 PM
No particular order

TDK Rises
Silver Linings Playbook
Wreck It Ralph

Have yet to see: Zero Dark Thirty and Aargo ... they could bump one or two of these bad boys off the list.

Just Missed:

End of Watch

01-06-2013, 12:58 AM
No particular order

TDK Rises
Silver Linings Playbook
Wreck It Ralph

Have yet to see: Zero Dark Thirty and Aargo ... they could bump one or two of these bad boys off the list.

Just Missed:

End of Watch
Dredd was awesome, a classic popcorn flick with some humor, the 3D was amazing too during certain scenes. Shame almost nobody saw it lol, the ad campaign was horrible.

Flight was also great, Denzel just carried the movie and gave another masterful performance.

My 2012 picks...

Django Unchained
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01-06-2013, 01:10 AM
Argo was decent at best. You aren't missing anything.

01-06-2013, 08:22 PM
I agree with you guys saying it was a weak movie year. I can only think of 5 or 6 movies I actually enjoyed.

01-06-2013, 09:37 PM
I agree with you guys saying it was a weak movie year. I can only think of 5 or 6 movies I actually enjoyed.

I thought it was a great movie year. 2011 was the worst movie year I can recall.

01-06-2013, 10:11 PM
The Hobbit
The Dark Knight Rises
Django Unchained

Didn't get to see Wreck It Ralph or Looper, will Redbox that shit when its out for sure.

01-06-2013, 11:28 PM
1. Amazing Spiderman
2. Dark Knight Rises
3. Django Unchained
4. Prometheus
5. End of Watch

Worst ones:
Cabin in the Woods

01-06-2013, 11:30 PM
The Hobbit
The Dark Knight Rises
Django Unchained

Didn't get to see Wreck It Ralph or Looper, will Redbox that shit when its out for sure.
Looper is on redbox now :D

01-06-2013, 11:52 PM
The Cabin in the Woods
Safe House

01-07-2013, 01:18 PM
The Hobbit
Cabin In The Woods