View Full Version : Why do they give 10 medals for swimming but only 1 for basketball

08-01-2012, 11:59 PM
Isn't the olympics biased towards certain sports.....if country is good at swimming they can win 10+ medals, if they're good at basketball only 1 even though 12 athletes are playing

Dr. Cheesesteak
08-02-2012, 12:06 AM
some questions are best left un-asked.

08-02-2012, 12:08 AM
Because basketball is a team sport? What kind of stupid thread is this?

08-02-2012, 12:10 AM
Because basketball is a team sport? What kind of stupid thread is this?

You also have a team of swimmers you dumb-bitch. :coleman:


08-02-2012, 12:12 AM
You also have a team of swimmers you dumb-bitch. :coleman:

I know you are kidding but Water polo is a swimming team sport :D

08-02-2012, 12:20 AM
usa is trailing china in medal count because some sports have way too many events/medals awarded.....if after the final game, has us won a gold medal in basketball, or has it won 12 gold medals in basketball considering each player is going to get one, it should be 12 gold medals

08-02-2012, 12:22 AM
Cause besides the Olympics, who cares about swimming. Basketball happens every year.

08-02-2012, 12:26 AM
This thread is so fking stupid :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

08-02-2012, 12:26 AM
Give gold medals in dunk contest, word.

08-02-2012, 12:28 AM
I get your point and, as an American, it does kind of stink, but it is what it is. Like someone said, basketball is a team sport. I've never had a problem with there being so many different swimming events because it's essentially track and field in the water without the field events. Yes, technically all the USA swimmers make-up team USA, but they are still competing against fellow Americans in some events.

Anyway, what got me to thinking about this was diving the other night. Like, america might be the best in swimming, and close to the top of T&F, but I can't think of a sport with 5+ medals that we absolutely dominate. The one sport we're clearly the most dominant in provides only two gold medal opportunities, and even the men aren't locks to win gold anymore.

On the other hand, China is the Michael Jordan, Babe Ruth, and Muhammad Ali combined of diving. They don't just win, the own the sport. There's seven possible medals in diving and, barring one of their divers slipping and falling off the platform/board, they'll win gold in all seven.

08-02-2012, 12:29 AM
Give gold medals in dunk contest, word.

I dont see how a dunk contest is any worse than diving or some of the gymnastic events. its all about form and is judged. its just not old and traditional \

08-02-2012, 12:31 AM
usa is trailing china in medal count because some sports have way too many events/medals awarded.....if after the final game, has us won a gold medal in basketball, or has it won 12 gold medals in basketball considering each player is going to get one, it should be 12 gold medals

Not even close to the same thing. In swimming, track, diving, etc. athletes from the same country aren't working/competing together at the same time against the same opponent. The only way it could be the same thing in basketball is if they had something like a separate 4v4, 3v3, 2v2, and 1v1 competition and/or a a dunk contest, 3-pt contest, and skills contest.

Honestly, I think an Olympic 3v3 or 1v1 in basketball would be pretty badass. And of course a dunk contest would be awesome.

08-02-2012, 12:33 AM
they need to more basketball events in Olympic play. 3pt contest should be one at least. same thing as skeet shooting or archery.

08-02-2012, 12:33 AM
because it would totally throw the medal count off, wtf? do you want the soccer team that wins to count for 22 gold medals? should volleyball count for another 12 medals?

08-02-2012, 12:36 AM
Was OP complaining when Phelps won all those medals?

08-02-2012, 12:39 AM
I dont see how a dunk contest is any worse than diving or some of the gymnastic events. its all about form and is judged. its just not old and traditional \
Larry Bird would've won gold in 3 straight Olympics if they had a 3 point shootout. Woot! And if they had profs go before '92.

08-02-2012, 12:40 AM
I love to see the Dunk Contest and 3 points shooting contest in the Olympics.

08-02-2012, 12:55 AM
because it would totally throw the medal count off, wtf? do you want the soccer team that wins to count for 22 gold medals? should volleyball count for another 12 medals?

This... What a f*cking idiot this stan is. He's just mad Phelps is the GOAT olympian and not Jordan.

08-02-2012, 12:59 AM
they need to more basketball events in Olympic play. 3pt contest should be one at least. same thing as skeet shooting or archery.

You realize there would be no NBA players in it. Well, let's not say no, but I promise you there are people that are way wetter. People that could go through a standard All star style shootout and hit every one easy. They'd need to find a way to make it different. I think HORSE would be a fun olympic sport.


08-02-2012, 01:04 AM
Jelly American, love it:lol

08-02-2012, 01:07 AM
usa is trailing china in medal count because some sports have way too many events/medals awarded.....if after the final game, has us won a gold medal in basketball, or has it won 12 gold medals in basketball considering each player is going to get one, it should be 12 gold medals

are you retarded? 8 of our 12 gold are from swimming events!

08-02-2012, 01:09 AM
Basketball isn't a world sport where every country tries out for

And swimming has 12 separate events not 12 guys in one event

08-02-2012, 01:11 AM
imagine if there was a gold medal for 1 handed shots, 2 handed shots, hook shots, dunks, threes, free throws etc...

like there is for free style, backstroke, medaly, butterflys 100, 200 and whatever else there is

never understood this... it should be 1 gold... a collection of the best out of all competitions combined

in the end... its all just fu*cking swimming!

08-02-2012, 01:11 AM
Swimming isn't an event.
All the various types of swimming are events.

Dumb ass.

08-02-2012, 01:12 AM
Larry Bird would've won gold in 3 straight Olympics if they had a 3 point shootout. Woot! And if they had profs go before '92.

I guarantee you an NBA player wouldnt win the 3pt shoot out. An NBA player has to train for getting a 3 off in a real game vs someone who just trains to knock down 3's. There are already non NBA guys out there who can hit open 3's at an incredibly high accuracy.

08-02-2012, 01:16 AM
Olympics needs multiple basketball events.

Dunk contest
1 on 1
2 on 2
3 on 3
Full team
3 point contest

Essentially, make it an expanded version of All-Star Weekend, but with something actually on the line rather than simple exhibition.

08-02-2012, 01:24 AM
Olympics needs multiple basketball events.

Dunk contest
1 on 1
2 on 2
3 on 3
Full team
3 point contest

Essentially, make it an expanded version of All-Star Weekend, but with something actually on the line rather than simple exhibition.

not sure if srs

08-02-2012, 01:24 AM
I love to see the Dunk Contest and 3 points shooting contest in the Olympics.

Why would you want these in the olympics. These are the most boring events in the all star weekend already.

08-02-2012, 01:27 AM
Basketball shouldnt even be an Olympic sport

08-02-2012, 01:36 AM
Why would you want these in the olympics. These are the most boring events in the all star weekend already.

It may be more fun with country pride on the line.

But yeah these other events have a rich history in past Olympics and are here to stay. To be honest, the backstroke is pretty different from the butterfly and being great at the 100m is different from being great at the 1500m events.

It's like how for track and field you have the 100m sprinting event, 200m sprinting event, and then you have marathons.

OP, Swimming, running, jumping, throwing are athletic activities or platforms for events to be built off of, swimming itself is not really a sport. Whereas basketball, soccer, volleyball, tennis, and water polo are sports.

Try not to think of the Olympics as a gauge of how well your country does with respect to the most popular sporting events in the world.

08-02-2012, 01:38 AM
not sure if srs

100% serious. That would kick so much ass. You really wouldn't want to see that?

08-02-2012, 01:41 AM
Swimming is one of the most important sports in Olympics history, its really not questionable why it has 10 medals. Nonetheless, I do not understand why Table Tennis has more medals than basketball, volleyball and soccer, this makes absolutely no sense.

08-02-2012, 01:41 AM
so are we sending out justfly, air up there, james white for dunk contest? yes!

08-02-2012, 01:42 AM
so are we sending out justfly, air up there, james white for dunk contest? yes!

Yeah, it would be completely awesome. Also, it could be good for those guys to finally become somewhat household names.

08-02-2012, 01:46 AM
What makes no sense is this...

Basketball takes 2 weeks to play in a tournament format. It takes 12 players 2 weeks of competing in 8 games that take 2 hours to play each. All of that to earn ONE gold medal.

Then a swimmer can swim up and down the pool once in 1 minute and earn a gold medal.

Or a sprinter can run down the track for 10 seconds and get a gold medal.

Not all gold medals are created equal.

Should swimming maybe have a SERIES of swims? For example, there isn't just one race for the 100 meter freestyle. Maybe it could be a series of swim to see who truly deserves the gold medal.

08-02-2012, 01:46 AM
OP is a retard, swimming has multiple disciplines so needs multiple medals. How about we just have a generic "swimming" for all strokes, maybe just "running" can include sprints and long distance. "Shooting" can combine archery and rifles. Does that work better for you?

08-02-2012, 01:47 AM
this question sounds familiar to me.
In chinese forum we come up questions like:
"who do you think the USA will present if 3on3 is added to olympics?"
"who will you choose to represent the USA if 1on1 is added to olympics?"

08-02-2012, 01:47 AM
What makes no sense is this...

Basketball takes 2 weeks to play in a tournament format. It takes 12 players 2 weeks of competing in 8 games that take 2 hours to play each. All of that to earn ONE gold medal.

Then a swimmer can swim up and down the pool once in 1 minute and earn a gold medal.

Or a sprinter can run down the track for 10 seconds and get a gold medal.

Not all gold medals are created equal.

Should swimming maybe have a SERIES of swims? For example, there isn't just one race for the 100 meter freestyle. Maybe it could be a series of swim to see who truly deserves the gold medal.

I'm completely against reducing the amount of medals other sports can earn. But I'm for making multiple events out of the team sports to give more opportunities for medals.

08-02-2012, 01:50 AM
I'm completely against reducing the amount of medals other sports can earn. But I'm for making multiple events out of the team sports to give more opportunities for medals.

Why? what is the point?
The reason other sports have multiple medals is because multiple disciplines and rules are used in different tournaments and different leagues around the world. basketball is basketball, there is no 3v3 league, there is no slam dunk league. Going by that then soccer should be able to have a penalty shoot out medal? How about a best keepsy uppy medal? Volley ball should have a best server medal? Use your heads and stop posting garbage.

08-02-2012, 01:55 AM
I'm completely against reducing the amount of medals other sports can earn. But I'm for making multiple events out of the team sports to give more opportunities for medals.It isn't reducing the amount of medals.

I am suggesting a series of swims... like there is a 7 game series in basketball.

Have the 100 meter freestyle become a "best of 7".

That way it makes it nearly impossible for somebody like Michael Phelps to race in like 8 events.

So if he is going to swim, he needs to pick his race, or possibly two, because he's going to be doing that race several times.

Swimmers won't go to the Olympics to swim in a bunch of different races. They have to pick one, two, or possibly three.

The only problem with this is that there may be too many races to schedule them all.

08-02-2012, 02:06 AM
100% serious. That would kick so much ass. You really wouldn't want to see that?

It's an absurd suggestion to be frank.

08-02-2012, 02:07 AM
What makes no sense is this...

Basketball takes 2 weeks to play in a tournament format. It takes 12 players 2 weeks of competing in 8 games that take 2 hours to play each. All of that to earn ONE gold medal.

Then a swimmer can swim up and down the pool once in 1 minute and earn a gold medal.

Or a sprinter can run down the track for 10 seconds and get a gold medal.

Not all gold medals are created equal.

Should swimming maybe have a SERIES of swims? For example, there isn't just one race for the 100 meter freestyle. Maybe it could be a series of swim to see who truly deserves the gold medal.

Are you legitimately brain dead?

08-02-2012, 02:13 AM
Are you legitimately brain dead?If I'm brain dead then you love c0ck in your mouth.

So am I brain dead?

08-02-2012, 02:19 AM
OP is a retard, swimming has multiple disciplines so needs multiple medals. How about we just have a generic "swimming" for all strokes, maybe just "running" can include sprints and long distance. "Shooting" can combine archery and rifles. Does that work better for you?

yA you mad

08-02-2012, 02:20 AM
What a weird reply.
No, never tried actually. You seem to have it on the mind out of nowhere so maybe you can let us know what thats like pervert.
You also seem to think the Olympics is some cheap show, not the pinnacle of athletic achievement built on 100's of years of tradition.
And you are just plain stupid.

08-02-2012, 02:32 AM
What a weird reply.
No, never tried actually. You seem to have it on the mind out of nowhere so maybe you can let us know what thats like pervert.
You also seem to think the Olympics is some cheap show, not the pinnacle of athletic achievement built on 100's of years of tradition.
And you are just plain stupid.I'll take that to mean you love c0ck.

P.S... why would having a series of swims per event instead of 1 swim per event make it a "cheap show" instead of the "pinnacle of athletic achievement"?

08-02-2012, 02:35 AM
they should add knockout and king of the ring too. and wtf...why is slamball not part of the olympics?






08-02-2012, 02:40 AM
I'll take that to mean you love c0ck.

P.S... why would having a series of swims per event instead of 1 swim per event make it a "cheap show" instead of the "pinnacle of athletic achievement"?

I'll that to mean you a brain dead.

08-02-2012, 02:43 AM
what do you want? if they made it like gymnastics, they can add all sorts of silly ass contests to basketball.

2-on-2 contests? (doubles champion)
3-on-3 contests? (triples champion)
3- point shooting contest?
dunk contest?
sky hook shooting contest?
spinning the ball for the longest?
pretty much whatever

but they don't do that cuz that would be friggin gay. basketball players train to play the team game, not to do circus globetrotter things.

08-02-2012, 02:54 AM
what do you want? if they made it like gymnastics, they can add all sorts of silly ass contests to basketball.

2-on-2 contests? (doubles champion)
3-on-3 contests? (triples champion)
3- point shooting contest?
dunk contest?
sky hook shooting contest?
spinning the ball for the longest?
pretty much whatever

but they don't do that cuz that would be friggin gay. basketball players train to play the team game, not to do circus globetrotter things.

bro, you forgot about the best game of them all.....







08-02-2012, 02:58 AM

08-02-2012, 02:59 AM
Swimming & athletic also have multiple preliminary rounds :confusedshrug:
And to do what they did in that 10 seconds or 1 minute, how many hours spent on training and preparation? Their margin of error is also much smaller. One slip, one small mistake, you're out.

In basketball, you screwed up one possession, most of the time you might be able to redeem yourself on the next few possession, unless it's a buzzer beater situation.

What makes no sense is this...
Basketball takes 2 weeks to play in a tournament format. It takes 12 players 2 weeks of competing in 8 games that take 2 hours to play each. All of that to earn ONE gold medal.
Then a swimmer can swim up and down the pool once in 1 minute and earn a gold medal.
Or a sprinter can run down the track for 10 seconds and get a gold medal.

08-02-2012, 03:00 AM
People here are acting like the Olympics should be renamed to something like "the NBA All Star and some other sports month"

08-02-2012, 03:01 AM
I love to see the Dunk Contest and 3 points shooting contest in the Olympics.

08-02-2012, 03:08 AM
This thread is ridiculous, as are some of the replies in it. You are lucky there is even basketball in the Olympics to begin with. Each event in swimming has its preliminary rounds leading up to the final, just as basketball does. The only difference is a game of basketball is longer than a swim. They both require extreme amounts of focus and training.

08-02-2012, 03:23 AM
then you would have to expand this idea to all team sports to individualize all of them and take single individual events and turn that into a team sport.

oh and the city which hosts the events can choose which events to be played and which to not be played (ex. baseball)

08-02-2012, 03:23 AM
If Equestrian and Rowing are Olympic sports, Paintball should be included as well

08-02-2012, 03:26 AM
If Equestrian and Rowing are Olympic sports, Paintball should be included as well

**** paintball, just turn shooting into a team sport

08-02-2012, 03:29 AM
i was just thinking the other day it would be cool if they did a 2on2 or a 3on3.

08-02-2012, 03:32 AM
i was just thinking the other day it would be cool if they did a 2on2 or a 3on3.

it would be understandable if it was more competitive, but really, usa would just blow everyone away

08-02-2012, 03:36 AM
If Equestrian and Rowing are Olympic sports, Paintball should be included as well
Seriously, why?

08-02-2012, 03:39 AM
Seriously, why?

i think hungry hungry hippo needs a crack at a gold

08-02-2012, 03:54 AM
It's an absurd suggestion to be frank.

All I know is that I would enjoy it thoroughly. No sweat off my back if it never happens.

08-02-2012, 04:04 AM
OP does kind of have a point. Having so many swimming events is like having gold medals for 48 minute basketball, 36 minute basketball, half court basketball, 3v3 basketball, 5v5 basketball, 2v2, 1v1, 10 foot rim basketball, 12 foot rim basketball, etc....

08-02-2012, 04:51 AM
You realize there would be no NBA players in it. Well, let's not say no, but I promise you there are people that are way wetter. People that could go through a standard All star style shootout and hit every one easy. They'd need to find a way to make it different. I think HORSE would be a fun olympic sport.


Good point.

Eventually the shootouts would probably be won by Chinese athletes who have done nothing but shoot threes every day for years, training intensely since they were old enough to hoist shots from 20+ feet. They'd make Jason Kapono look like Bill Cartwright shooting a free throw (okay maybe not that bad, but you know what I mean).

08-02-2012, 06:03 AM
I was gonna rant about how utter ****ing retarded 90% of the posts in this thread are..... but instead I'll just post this


08-02-2012, 08:06 AM
Isn't the olympics biased towards certain sports.....if country is good at swimming they can win 10+ medals, if they're good at basketball only 1 even though 12 athletes are playing
This is surely one of the dumbest more retarded things i've read or heard for awhile... congratulations :applause:

OP does kind of have a point.
:lol So surprising...

Pretty sure stallionaire agrees with the OP also.

08-02-2012, 08:20 AM
Was OP complaining when Phelps won all those medals?

:applause: :applause: :applause:

I was :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: til I read that response

08-02-2012, 08:23 AM
OP does kind of have a point. Having so many swimming events is like having gold medals for 48 minute basketball, 36 minute basketball, half court basketball, 3v3 basketball, 5v5 basketball, 2v2, 1v1, 10 foot rim basketball, 12 foot rim basketball, etc....

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :rant :rant :rant :rant



08-02-2012, 08:37 AM
Ancient Greeks gave out 12 gold medals for the basketball team

08-02-2012, 11:17 AM
they should add 3pt shooting, dunk contest and Horse lol

08-02-2012, 11:20 AM
I wouldn't mind seeing a 1 on 1, 3 on 3 basketball competition, and I think it would be even better if it was some sort of "street" outdoor setting.

08-02-2012, 11:25 AM
usa is trailing china in medal count because some sports have way too many events/medals awarded.....if after the final game, has us won a gold medal in basketball, or has it won 12 gold medals in basketball considering each player is going to get one, it should be 12 gold medalsBut-hurt because you're trailing China? :roll:

08-02-2012, 11:32 AM
"Why don't they get rid of stupid sports like horse-riding, metal frisbee toss, and water dodgeball and throw in some real sports like football (american), baseball, and nascar... Go America!!"

08-02-2012, 11:33 AM
Isn't the olympics biased towards certain sports.....if country is good at swimming they can win 10+ medals, if they're good at basketball only 1 even though 12 athletes are playing

:roll: :roll:

:applause: Dumbest thread of the day

Come on guys, everyone's a winner, they all need medals!

Hell, why not have an olympic 3 pt shoot out! Or a dunk contest!


08-02-2012, 11:36 AM
They're also trailing china by a billion potential athletes.

08-02-2012, 11:39 AM
I don't know why I'm replying here but some of you guys are so narrow minded I really can't believe it.

You guys realize that every sport is different and swimming is in all it's different styles and lengths different. You can't really compare any of those events.

And for the guys who say the basketball tournament is longer, that's true but like someone here said, the margin of error is much higher for the swimmers. Think about that, for me that's what the olympics and those sports are about. To be at your absolute best when everything is on the line. That's an accomplishment in itself and for basketball this one is much higher. No problem with that, as it's a whole different sport.

And for the dumbheads who think that 2on2 or something like this should be a olympic sport. Think about it, every sport on the olympics has an warranty to be there, because those sports are also officially played out in world cups and leagues. There is no such thing in all the world for basketball. To accomplish something like that, there'd be an whole world cup or international league for an 2on2 basketball tournament, what will never happen.

Which is really ok, because nobody cares about it and the olympics are not great because of basketball. They are great because so many different sports are played out in one event.

And it's not about the medal count you idiots, it's all about the excitement of every individual sport and the proud to represent a country. You dumb Amercians don't even deserve so many great dedicated athletes.

08-02-2012, 11:41 AM
This board just went full retard.

08-02-2012, 12:10 PM
I love to see the Dunk Contest and 3 points shooting contest in the Olympics.

No skills competition or celebrity game?

In all seriousness, though, new sports do get added all the time. There was a time when People would've laughed you out of the room if you said a 2 on 2 beach volleyball played by half-naked women should be an Olympic event. If the dunk contest really takes off and becomes a sport of its own, and millions of people take part in it and there are televised dunk contests on ESPN, I'm sure the IOC will be open to adding the dunk contest to its list of events.

08-02-2012, 12:53 PM
I don't know why I'm replying here but some of you guys are so narrow minded I really can't believe it.

You guys realize that every sport is different and swimming is in all it's different styles and lengths different. You can't really compare any of those events.

And for the guys who say the basketball tournament is longer, that's true but like someone here said, the margin of error is much higher for the swimmers. Think about that, for me that's what the olympics and those sports are about. To be at your absolute best when everything is on the line. That's an accomplishment in itself and for basketball this one is much higher. No problem with that, as it's a whole different sport.

And for the dumbheads who think that 2on2 or something like this should be a olympic sport. Think about it, every sport on the olympics has an warranty to be there, because those sports are also officially played out in world cups and leagues. There is no such thing in all the world for basketball. To accomplish something like that, there'd be an whole world cup or international league for an 2on2 basketball tournament, what will never happen.

Which is really ok, because nobody cares about it and the olympics are not great because of basketball. They are great because so many different sports are played out in one event.

And it's not about the medal count you idiots, it's all about the excitement of every individual sport and the proud to represent a country. You dumb Amercians don't even deserve so many great dedicated athletes.

Hey, I agree with you completely......but please don't think these fools represent the voice of Americans.....they don't.

08-02-2012, 12:55 PM
bro, you forgot about the best game of them all.....







:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

08-02-2012, 12:55 PM
Sb tell me why the *** diving have 7 medals? Such an ugly, boring and stupid thing.:facepalm

08-02-2012, 01:09 PM
I see people suggesting a dunk contest at the olympics ?


08-02-2012, 01:24 PM
I guarantee you an NBA player wouldnt win the 3pt shoot out. An NBA player has to train for getting a 3 off in a real game vs someone who just trains to knock down 3's. There are already non NBA guys out there who can hit open 3's at an incredibly high accuracy.
Some plAyers practice shooting threes unguarded for hours.

08-02-2012, 01:38 PM
There should just be one medal for water and anything water related.

08-02-2012, 04:03 PM
This... What a f*cking idiot this stan is. He's just mad Phelps is the GOAT olympian and not Jordan.

Phelps is the most decorated olympian, but definitely not the GOAT in terms of dominating his sport. That distinction goes to a wrestler by the name of Aleksandr Karelin.

08-02-2012, 05:40 PM
There should just be one medal for water and anything water related.
let's close the thread now. nothing can be stupider than above statement.

Living Being
08-02-2012, 05:43 PM
There should just be one medal for water and anything water related.

There should also be one medal for anything involving running...sprints, relays, long distance, bball, hurdle, long jump, etc.


08-02-2012, 06:14 PM
This thread is full of idiots. Best of 7 swimming? :roll:

08-02-2012, 06:14 PM
There should just be one medal for water and anything water related.


08-02-2012, 07:27 PM
the olympics isn't all-star weekend, it isn't designed to have you clapping your hands with glee in between mouth fulls of burgers and pizza. 3pt shooting and whatever else are facets of an actual game, they aren't games in and of themselves. otherwise why not break all sports down into their minute components? why not have "penalty kicking for soccer" or "who can punch the hardest for boxing" or "best trick shot in table tennis?" lets break all the sports down and have thousands of events and medals!

Isn't the olympics biased towards certain sports.....if country is good at swimming they can win 10+ medals, if they're good at basketball only 1 even though 12 athletes are playing

and other team sports that can only win one medal? do we give them more events too? you don't want to be biased towards basketball right?

08-02-2012, 07:28 PM
Aleksandr Karelin.

I had forgotten about that guy .. just read his wiki .. says he was undefeated for 13 yrs and didn't lose a point for 6 yrs :eek: .. won 9 world titles between 1989 and 1999 and gold in 88,92,96

dude was an absolute beast .. built like a fkn bear and strong as a mfer ..


08-02-2012, 07:31 PM
usa is trailing china in medal count because some sports have way too many events/medals awarded.....if after the final game, has us won a gold medal in basketball, or has it won 12 gold medals in basketball considering each player is going to get one, it should be 12 gold medals


are you asking for something like the dunk competition or 3 point shootout to be added to the Olympics?

You view that the same as doing an individual butterfly or doing the balance beam?

08-02-2012, 07:36 PM
Isn't the olympics biased towards certain sports.....if country is good at swimming they can win 10+ medals, if they're good at basketball only 1 even though 12 athletes are playing
:bowdown: :applause: :facepalm :rockon: