View Full Version : Is Godzuki the BIGGEST Loser on ISH?

08-16-2012, 02:55 PM
Tally up the votes and its a definite Yes.

08-16-2012, 02:58 PM
why did u switch to bobo, and what happened to dictator?

i'm flattered by the attention many of my followers give me btw, especially now, since i've got to kill some time. hopefully we'll get some good responses :cheers:

08-16-2012, 02:59 PM
why did u switch to bobo, and what happened to dictator?

i'm flattered by the attention many of my followers give me btw, especially now, since i've got to kill some time. hopefully we'll get some good responses :cheers:

You're on here 24/7 :oldlol:

08-16-2012, 03:01 PM
Godzuki is like a high school girl that's an attention whore.

08-16-2012, 03:04 PM

08-16-2012, 03:06 PM
Godzuki is like a high school girl that's an attention whore.

i don't know if i should be offended since i've already said that about myself(at least the attn whore part) but coming from you? i think i take more offense from that....

besides Raz called me out along with the other posters i've humiliated here before this morning so its not like i asked for it. i finish things, its what i do :pimp:

08-16-2012, 03:07 PM
FIght in the other thread, why open this thread too?

08-16-2012, 03:09 PM
FIght in the other thread, why open this thread too?

Shut up Niko I just brought my snacks I have a boring day ahead of me..

You guys keep on.

Nick Young
08-16-2012, 03:13 PM
Godzuki stopped being so obnoxiousawhile ago, now he's a pretty normal poster who for the most part doesn't say dumbass things or act annoying nowadays. I understood when everyone was on his nuts a few months ago, but don't get it now that he's become somewhat normal he's still getting hate threads.

08-16-2012, 03:19 PM
Godzuki stopped being so obnoxiousawhile ago, now he's a pretty normal poster who for the most part doesn't say dumbass things or act annoying nowadays. I understood when everyone was on his nuts a few months ago, but don't get it now that he's become somewhat normal he's still getting hate threads.

i have to agree with this, although he does at time react to normal chiding like you called him an asshole which exacerbates things.

08-16-2012, 05:38 PM
Godzuki is a metamorphic virus that was designed by Jeff's arch rival ****** to troll the shit out of ISH and paralyze the forum. A metamorphic virus keeps reproducing by reprogramming itself in order to avoid pattern recognition and keep on spreading. As a result the new viruses are different than the original while the algorithm is intact.
My personal theory is that somewhere along the way after being unleashed it became self-aware through constant reproduction. The experience must have been really crushing since the first Godzuki virus we know of experienced an intense episode of psychosis in 07 ( that resulted in its next metamorphosis to the user we know as Poodle, it continued to troll the ISH due to its unchanged core algorithm but started showing new sides to avoid pattern recognition.
Holy hell Amanda Bynes got fat! (
Taylor Swift on Oprah today
i wish i was at home to watch! (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=158308&page=4)

But it was not long before it had to reprogram itself and spawn another copy, the one we know as Godzuki. This latest version is versatile and capable of having a maximum of three dimensions to its character. It has naturally inherited Smokee's logic and insults:

lol you act like people really follow your **** :lol You're just another poster to me. I'm sure a lot of people don't know who you are or haven't seen them

dude stop being an attention whore and purposely misspelling everything and adding z's to everything you type. you're a 95 lb frail, emaciated 16 yr old indian boy that dumbs himself down to a 5 yr old for attention. You post under 3-4 handles with split personalities for each one :wtf: I've never seen you try to discuss politics, unless its on one of the other dozen handles you probably have with another split personality that goes along with it.

Stop being fake for attention. Be you. Have some confidence fgt :ohwell:

get J$'s dick out of your mouth. Jesus, you swallowing too?

I was probably here way before you, before the new forums when ISh went to ****. Look up BROOMHILDA or Budaas if the evo8 thread is still around. I'm pretty much OG ISH, bet you came along later since you got what? 1k posts and i've never heard of your ass either. Then again its not like i live on this forum like some of you, you're just graced with my periodic visits oh so often...

If you want to fight in RL meet me in Compton at midnight, ask for Smokee :pimp:

Like i keep saying feel free to put me on ignore :confusedshrug: I'm like the Howard Stern of ISH, not every politically correct emo fgt can handle what i say, especially like the 50 yr old soccer moms, which i can only assume includes you. But you still tune in and refuse to put me on ignore like a lot of my other haters, similar to Stern's biggest critics still tune in and listen to his show, then get offended and start complaining to the FCC(Jeff) to get him fined(Smokee banned).

I can't remember one entertaining topic you ever posted on this forum so i'm pretty sure i wouldn't miss what you'd have to say here nor any contributions towards reading entertainment. On the other hand theres a reason why so many people seem to have so much reluctance putting me on ignore, and even then taking me off ignore to read what all of the "hoopla" is all about when i post :cheers:

you're a nobody kid. can't remember one thing you ever posted that was entertaining. i mean even all of the other people i've battled with in this thread or elsewhere i can usually attribute at least something they've posted, but you? sorry not one thing :ohwell:

I honestly can't think of a single topic you've ever posted here that i remember as entertaining. You're one of those people who constantly just put in a nerdy 2 cents if i'm remembering right to everyone elses topics, and act like someones mom. Thats honestly all i remember from you ever contributing to these forums :confusedshrug:

I don't give a **** if you like me or not. Fact is a lot of the recent beefs i got into were over other topic arguments where i didn't give in and made legit points to what they were trying to corner me with, and they got all pissed off over it. See MMA Lidell thread. Doesn't help i **** on the J$ bandwagon half **** like you are all over. I just don't bandwagon like most of you here do, more than drop my insight that is way beyond your generic responses to everything :pimp:

no they don't dumbass. anyone can make a hotmail/yahoo alt account if they cared enough to post under which wipes that slate, but seriously who gives a **** about douche points but douches?

a lot of you are such pansies, either posting on alt accounts to come at me, or makeup some dumbass **** only you *********s even care about. I'll still be smokee while you all would fold like wet blankets and change handles at the drop of a criticism.
And just like its predecessor it still has problems processing the fact that OTC does not have moderators.
LMAO why delete the update on the gang rape story? (http://insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=215659)

right as i was replying to the Ishiots :facepalm

So mods trying to run everyone off OTC now too? NBA forum is already wacked with mod/bias stupidity.

It also shows great interest in dumbass celebs' lives:

Damn Vanessa Bryant looks just like Kim Kardashian (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=273066)
Kim K is extremely overrated (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=235064)
Ronnie and The Situation fight each other in Italy (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=223913)
Mariah looking fatter and fatter (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=231547)

Additionally its limited knowledge of life outside the confines of the World Wide Web has resulted in some interesting threads and posts that pop up every now and then such as:
Is using rubbing alcohol out of a spray bottle... (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=222876)
Almost OD'd yesterday from a blunt... (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=227976)
Are these laptop speakers too gay for a guy? (http://insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=215018)

real housewives is 100% real...

Yes it is... what part isn't real? the show might encourage them to go to the same events or put events on for them but thats as fake as housewives gets.....
As I have mentioned before Godzuki is the ghost in the machine and it will live to troll ISH as long as there is an ISH, there is nothing we can do about it.
Remember this. OTC is lying here murdered not by one man but by the curse which ****** put on a whole forum before Kblaze or RBA or RMWG or hotsizzle were even thought of. A troll virus doomed and cursed to be forever and ever a part of the ISH's doom and curse for its sins.

08-16-2012, 05:44 PM
Godzuki stopped being so obnoxiousawhile ago, now he's a pretty normal poster who for the most part doesn't say dumbass things or act annoying nowadays. I understood when everyone was on his nuts a few months ago, but don't get it now that he's become somewhat normal he's still getting hate threads.
If he was actually smart he'd ignore these "e-beef" threads. He enjoys the attention. I don't think he gets enough attention in RL or something.

08-16-2012, 05:57 PM
OP = F.aggot

08-16-2012, 06:05 PM
If he was actually smart he'd ignore these "e-beef" threads. He enjoys the attention. I don't think he gets enough attention in RL or something.

I'm sure he's ****ing invisible in real life. :oldlol:

Some meek, timid Korean dude who moonlights on ISH as a tough-talking, "e-beefing" heavyweight.

08-16-2012, 06:20 PM
Godzuki is a metamorphic virus that was designed by Jeff's arch rival ****** to troll the shit out of ISH and paralyze the forum. A metamorphic virus keeps reproducing by reprogramming itself in order to avoid pattern recognition and keep on spreading. As a result the new viruses are different than the original while the algorithm is intact.
My personal theory is that somewhere along the way after being unleashed it became self-aware through constant reproduction. The experience must have been really crushing since the first Godzuki virus we know of experienced an intense episode of psychosis in 07 ( that resulted in its next metamorphosis to the user we know as Poodle, it continued to troll the ISH due to its unchanged core algorithm but started showing new sides to avoid pattern recognition.
Holy hell Amanda Bynes got fat! (
Taylor Swift on Oprah today
i wish i was at home to watch! (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=158308&page=4)

But it was not long before it had to reprogram itself and spawn another copy, the one we know as Godzuki. This latest version is versatile and capable of having a maximum of three dimensions to its character. It has naturally inherited Smokee's logic and insults:

And just like its predecessor it still has problems processing the fact that OTC does not have moderators.
LMAO why delete the update on the gang rape story? (http://insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=215659)

It also shows great interest in dumbass celebs' lives:

Damn Vanessa Bryant looks just like Kim Kardashian (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=273066)
Kim K is extremely overrated (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=235064)
Ronnie and The Situation fight each other in Italy (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=223913)
Mariah looking fatter and fatter (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=231547)

Additionally its limited knowledge of life outside the confines of the World Wide Web has resulted in some interesting threads and posts that pop up every now and then such as:
Is using rubbing alcohol out of a spray bottle... (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=222876)
Almost OD'd yesterday from a blunt... (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=227976)
Are these laptop speakers too gay for a guy? (http://insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=215018)

As I have mentioned before Godzuki is the ghost in the machine and it will live to troll ISH as long as there is an ISH, there is nothing we can do about it.
Remember this. OTC is lying here murdered not by one man but by the curse which ****** put on a whole forum before Kblaze or RBA or RMWG or hotsizzle were even thought of. A troll virus doomed and cursed to be forever and ever a part of the ISH's doom and curse for its sins.

if anything your hours of research, maybe even days of my post history, just show i'm consistent. i've been posting tmz type threads for a long time now to this day, and i've been shit'ing on pansies like u since forever dumsby. i also contribute to reading topics much more than u and most people do on these forums, but thats what i don't get about people like u with these egos acting like i'm ruining ISH. u can simply put me on ignore, u won't tho because u have to read what i'm going to say or the alternative is reading other daily ISH boring threads noc's about...its all about perspective and some of u don't have it or really one that doesn't parallel what most people are interested in here. its obvious how many more views my threads tend to get than yours ever will, what does that say to you? that i'm a virus, and you think this world is the matrix?

like i said before ISH is entertainment to me, nothing more nothing less. i'm not looking for anything super serious and profound like u, nor am i as boring a person as u or as interested in boring things. u can talk about your watched HBO series ad nauseum every other day but most people could give a shit about it or you in general. you're a nobody compared to me and you're jealous i get more attn. once u come to grips i'm a way more interesting person and poster than u are, the sooner u'll accept this denial that you can't stop reading my posts/threads, otherwise all of u would just help yourselvs and put godzuki on ignore :pimp:

u've watched one way too many matrix's or fantasy movies but the simple reality is nobody has to be 'cursed by godzuki', everyone can put me on ignore and completely take me out of the equation if they want to. even u, but u won't. ask yourself why....and stop trying to blame Jeff for not banning me when u have all of the tools at your disposal to help yourself.

08-16-2012, 06:24 PM
I'm sure he's ****ing invisible in real life. :oldlol:

Some meek, timid Korean dude who moonlights on ISH as a tough-talking, "e-beefing" heavyweight.

yeah and shook u so bad you were trying to find me in RL :roll: :roll:

this fgt is still mad too :oldlol:

08-16-2012, 06:27 PM
If he was actually smart he'd ignore these "e-beef" threads. He enjoys the attention. I don't think he gets enough attention in RL or something.

oh boy rainman yappin again :facepalm

u obviously can't put 2 and 2 together, or are just real f'n dumb, but i think its pretty obvious by now i don't really let people talk shit or take shots without them taking shots back. u think i'm supposed to ignore weak ass posters trying to call me out, or take random shots? i'm not the poohsee u are on the forum...or in life :pimp:

turn the other cheek my ass...

08-16-2012, 06:34 PM
lol here come the redvotes, and yet they still can't seem to put me on ignore :facepalm

08-16-2012, 06:37 PM
Godzuki, I got a PM from a user on ISH who claims that he knows who you are.

Just answer this, is your dad 76 years old?

08-16-2012, 06:41 PM
Godzuki, I got a PM from a user on ISH who claims that he knows who you are.

Just answer this, is your dad 76 years old?

millwad, i got a PM from a user that told me u lie 24/7, have a gut the size of a basketball, and wear clothes donated to the homeless in Sweden.

just answer this, whats it like playing semi pro ball with a gut like that? how do u move and dribble? doesn't it hit your gut sometimes? let alone getting low for a crossover where i don't think its possible for you to bend past your stomach.

thoughts? :confusedshrug:

08-16-2012, 06:42 PM
Godzuki's dad is 76 years old, guys.

Godzuki himself most be well over 30 years old.. :facepalm :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Hell, even if your dad got you when he was 40 years old you'd be 36 years old by now..

08-16-2012, 06:44 PM
Godzuki's dad is 76 years old, guys.

Godzuki himself most be well over 30 years old.. :facepalm :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

was that another lie millwad? i was hoping u'd out me with this PM u got cluing you in as to who i am. you just never stop lying :oldlol:

08-16-2012, 06:46 PM
was that another lie millwad? i was hoping u'd out me with this PM u got cluing you in as to who i am. you just never stop lying :oldlol:

Bro, I got a source with it too..


So basically, your dad was 72 years old, 4 years ago, he's 76 years old now. You must be way older than what I previous thought, you're probably 40.

08-16-2012, 06:49 PM
Lol. Millwad just ETHERED himself. Godzuki CAN'T be that Asian kid he always posts a pic of if he's 40 :roll:

Millfraud! :bowdown:

Watch Millfraud attack my post count and love for Ida now

08-16-2012, 06:51 PM
Lol. Millwad just ETHERED himself. Godzuki CAN'T be that Asian kid he always posts a pic of if he's 40 :roll:

Millfraud! :bowdown:

Watch Millfraud attack my post count and love for Ida now

Old news, kiddo.

He later told us that he's korean, that other guy was pinoy so it can't be him and he's way younger than Godzuki.

And it's funny how much you love Godzuki, you're always hanging on his nuts and defending him.

08-16-2012, 06:51 PM
Lol. Millwad just ETHERED himself. Godzuki CAN'T be that Asian kid he always posts a pic of if he's 40 :roll:

Millfraud! :bowdown:

Watch Millfraud attack my post count and love for Ida now


08-16-2012, 06:54 PM
Old news, kiddo.

He later told us that he's korean, that other guy was pinoy so it can't be him and he's way younger than Godzuki.

And it's funny how much you love Godzuki, you're always hanging on his nuts and defending him.
I don't love godzuki at all.
I just can't stand your lies and Internet bullying. Youre an asshole.

08-16-2012, 06:54 PM
Bro, I got a source with it too..


So basically, your dad was 72 years old, 4 years ago, he's 76 years old now. You must be way older than what I previous thought, you're probably 40.

lol it makes me laugh how much you all went back and read all of my post history. it must've taken hundreds of hours since i've posted a LOT here between smokee, poodle, and godzuki for the most part, and a lot of wall of txts...u should've just teamed up with dumsby and DFish, just think of how much faster y'all could've done it splitting duties, or even each taking a smokeee, poodle, or godzuki.

anyways who cares how old i am, i've already admitted being immature and a attn whore, you're really not proving much. meanwhile i'll keep clowning your fat ass gut, your constant lying problem, and the way u dress forever. its some sad shit in relation to how u front here....

08-16-2012, 06:57 PM
was that another lie millwad? i was hoping u'd out me with this PM u got cluing you in as to who i am. you just never stop lying :oldlol:Seems like he's a liar and a creeper.
http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=7684365&postcount=271 :wtf:

For once, I'm on your side Godzuki.

Nick Young
08-16-2012, 06:59 PM
I'm sure he's ****ing invisible in real life. :oldlol:

Some meek, timid Korean dude who moonlights on ISH as a tough-talking, "e-beefing" heavyweight.
WHo cares if he is! I used to enjoy trolling back at him because it lead to funny responses usually. He stopped being as big of an annoying dumbass as he used to be and just started posting like a normal person the past few months and still people bitching and moaning at him. Who cares!

08-16-2012, 06:59 PM
Seems like he's a liar and a creeper.
http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=7684365&postcount=271 :wtf:

For once, I'm on your side Godzuki.
He lied about betting on a game once (may have been trying to scam people) and pretended to be a girl :roll:
Not sure what his problem is

08-16-2012, 07:00 PM
Also lol @ dfish calling anyone an attention whore after he lied about meeting Megan fox :roll:

08-16-2012, 07:01 PM
lol it makes me laugh how much you all went back and read all of my post history. it must've taken hundreds of hours since i've posted a LOT here between smokee, poodle, and godzuki for the most part, and a lot of wall of txts...u should've just teamed up with dumsby and DFish, just think of how much faster y'all could've done it splitting duties, or even each taking a smokeee, poodle, or godzuki.

anyways who cares how old i am, i've already admitted being immature and a attn whore, you're really not proving much. meanwhile i'll keep clowning your fat ass gut, your constant lying problem, and the way u dress forever. its some sad shit in relation to how u front here....

I don't actually take credit for finding the post about your dad's age. But it's funny, you're 30+ years old and beef on the net.

You judge guy's looks constantly but you're too afraid to put up a picture of yourself. You even make comments about people's dikks.. :facepalm

Your dad is older than my grandfather, what 30-40 year old man acts the way you do on the net?

But haha, your 30-40 years old and you beef on the internet, don't you have a wife or a girlfriend to be with? Is judging other guy's looks on a basketball forum, working at your dad's body shop and making comments about guy's dikks on the net the only thing you do in life?

It was fun mocking you but I got a bad taste in my mouth now, I didn't know you were this sad.

08-16-2012, 07:02 PM
He lied about betting on a game once (may have been trying to scam people) and pretended to be a girl :roll:
Not sure what his problem is

Ask Scholar about it, I forgot to log out and my ISH account got trolled by a friend of mine.

Ask Scholar himself, instead of acting like a wise guy, just ask Scholar.

08-16-2012, 07:04 PM
Ask Scholar about it, I forgot to log out and my ISH account got trolled by a friend of mine.

Ask Scholar himself, instead of acting like a wise guy, just ask Scholar.
You're a proven liar regardless you have zero credibility

08-16-2012, 07:05 PM
He lied about betting on a game once (may have been trying to scam people) and pretended to be a girl :roll:
Not sure what his problem is

And how cute of you, searching my post history.

The betting thread was just nonsense, I made a smell bet on the team and I was bored and started the thread.

Pretended to be a girl was obvious trolling and everyone understood it but you. Go back and watch the thread for god sake.

08-16-2012, 07:06 PM
You're a proven liar regardless you have zero credibility

You mentioned Scholar and I'm telling you to ask the guy himself.

And you're currently licking the anus of the most banned poster in ISH-history, Godzuki. You're just mad because I made fun of you about being obsessed with Ida.. :facepalm

08-16-2012, 07:07 PM
And how cute of you, searching my post history.

The betting thread was just nonsense, I made a smell bet on the team and I was bored and started the thread.

Pretended to be a girl was obvious trolling and everyone understood it but you. Go back and watch the thread for god sake.
Cool story bro
Also lol @ you doing the "durr u mad u obsessed with Ida durr" when I predicted you would (as usual)

08-16-2012, 07:10 PM
Cool story bro
Also lol @ you doing the "durr u mad u obsessed with Ida durr" when I predicted you would (as usual)

Yeah, it's a cool story, bro, because you're trying to re-tell stuff in way different ways.

And yeah, your Ida obsession is still pathetic, instead of getting yourself a girlfriend you're spamming and day dreaming of a swedish model day in and out.. Grow up? I'm not shocked that a guy like you're defending Godzuki.. :facepalm

08-16-2012, 07:11 PM
Yeah, it's a cool story, bro, because you're trying to re-tell stuff in way different ways.
You're right millwad everyone else is wrong but
You know the truth!!!!!!!

08-16-2012, 07:12 PM
You're right millwad everyone else is wrong but
You know the truth!!!!!!!

Never claim that but re-telling stuff in a way different way than the truth is just weak, and especially when it's from you and especially when it's from you... again while buttlicking Godzuki, a 30-40 year old korean man.

08-16-2012, 07:17 PM
Wait, Millwad pretended to be a girl? Why?

08-16-2012, 07:21 PM
Wait, Millwad pretended to be a girl? Why?

Yes, it was in the post a pic thread where I trolled..


It looks weird now because I prentended to be upset when guys like J-Money tried to hit on me but go page 273, it was pure trolling and people thought it was fun.

08-16-2012, 07:41 PM
I don't actually take credit for finding the post about your dad's age. But it's funny, you're 30+ years old and beef on the net.

You judge guy's looks constantly but you're too afraid to put up a picture of yourself. You even make comments about people's dikks.. :facepalm

Your dad is older than my grandfather, what 30-40 year old man acts the way you do on the net?

But haha, your 30-40 years old and you beef on the internet, don't you have a wife or a girlfriend to be with? Is judging other guy's looks on a basketball forum, working at your dad's body shop and making comments about guy's dikks on the net the only thing you do in life?

It was fun mocking you but I got a bad taste in my mouth now, I didn't know you were this sad.

just got home from work....thx to those talking sense and surprisingly being unbias in some cases :cheers:

and then i read this :wtf: millwad, i can't believe you're even coming at me for beefing with people on ISH :facepalm its all u used to do picking on Jlauber, calling everyone 32dayz/bwink, and made up so many lies a lot of people here actually believed. i mean you're a horrible human being from what i've seen. at least i have sympathy, guilt trips, generally don't start beefs with people unless they start with me, but you on the other hand seem to be a habitual liar about others, yourself, and everything you do here. you deny making a betting thread tons of posters saw, you denied posting your own pic lots of people on OTC saw, you lied about me being 32dayz/bwink/etc. and seemed to have convinced a ton of idiots with that lie until recently. lets just say your character as a person is extremely shady, and it seems to carryover to your RL since u seem to make up a lot of stuff about yourself that isn't true. its just unbelievable to me the gall u have to try to attack me for beefing with people since u start shit with people completely out of nowhere. i've never come across someone with such awful personality traits such as you that has so little integrity in your character.

i mean i get i wrecked u pretty bad with your pic you posted, and now your life mission is to get back at me, but you are what you are. i'd have expected someone completely different with the way you front here, but seeing that pic and you having the nerve to post it like i couldn't criticize you could possibly make you the dumbest mf'er ever :oldlol: do u have common sense? do u know what u look like? do u realize how often you've beefed with others while propping yourself up? its just unbelievable the gall you have and like i said i get its driven by your thirst for revenge against me, but have some common sense for christs sakes and stop talking from some pov where you're some angel. you're guilty of everything you're accusing me of, but at least i have integrity, where as you seem to have 0. you're really like a low class swedish loser to me that looks and acts the part. sorry if the truth hurts :confusedshrug:

08-16-2012, 07:44 PM
I won't bother reading that essay of nonsense but fact remains that your dad is 76 years old and you're at least 30-40 years.

Again, do you have a wife or girlfriend? Do you have friends? Is beefing online at your age something you find normal?

And again you're talking about "my" pic, post it and while you're at it, post a pic of yourself, you must be a model or something considering how much you dissed Raz for his looks..

08-16-2012, 07:45 PM
He lied about betting on a game once (may have been trying to scam people) and pretended to be a girl :roll:
Not sure what his problem is

yeah the crazy thing is he also lied about making that whole betting thread after it got deleted, he also lied about ever posting a pic of himself, almost everything he says is a lie. lol @ him now saying his friend got on his account :roll: :roll:

and he keeps posting like he's some saint or trying to attack me for things he's done himself. i mean Millwad is playing the immature card on me lol. i can get a lot of others doing that, in fact most posters here, but millwad? that guy is unbelievable :facepalm

08-16-2012, 07:49 PM
yeah the crazy thing is he also lied about making that whole betting thread after it got deleted, he also lied about ever posting a pic of himself, almost everything he says is a lie. lol @ him now saying his friend got on his account :roll: :roll:

and he keeps posting like he's some saint or trying to attack me for things he's done himself. i mean Millwad is playing the immature card on me lol. i can get a lot of others doing that, in fact most posters here, but millwad? that guy is unbelievable :facepalm

Dude, post the pic of me, don't claim that you actually saw a pic of me without saving it and while you're at it, post a pic of yourself.

And yes, I play the immature card on you, you're a 30-40 year old korean man who have spent the last 6 years on ISH beefing with people and you've written the most silly punchlines ever. You're even the most banned poster ever..

While people at your age are with their families, wife and kids and have real jobs, you work at your dads body shop as a simple mechanic and then you come home and beef with people on the net. You're a grown man for god sake, people at your age don't beef on the net or write "punchlines" like; fgt, turtle dikk, tranny etc.

08-16-2012, 07:51 PM
I don't actually take credit for finding the post about your dad's age. But it's funny, you're 30+ years old and beef on the net.

You judge guy's looks constantly but you're too afraid to put up a picture of yourself. You even make comments about people's dikks.. :facepalm

Your dad is older than my grandfather, what 30-40 year old man acts the way you do on the net?

But haha, your 30-40 years old and you beef on the internet, don't you have a wife or a girlfriend to be with? Is judging other guy's looks on a basketball forum, working at your dad's body shop and making comments about guy's dikks on the net the only thing you do in life?

It was fun mocking you but I got a bad taste in my mouth now, I didn't know you were this sad.

actually i'm pretty sure dumsby PM'd them to you. i think he probably spent the better part of a few days reading my whole post history looking for dirt, and i welcome it btw since i've got nothing to hide. in fact i'm thinking about bumping a few of those threads since they bring back memories and some were some good topics i'd like to revisit :cheers:

dumsby's always been one of those closet pansies here always judging everyone and everything from some perch when he doesn't put up anything interesting or worth reading ever, and its sad how some posters or quite a few here are that way with these huge self important egos of themselves :facepalm

08-16-2012, 07:54 PM
Dude, post the pic of me, don't claim that you actually saw a pic of me without saving it and while you're at it, post a pic of yourself.

And yes, I play the immature card on you, you're a 30-40 year old korean man who have spent the last 6 years on ISH beefing with people and you've written the most silly punchlines ever. You're even the most banned poster ever..

While people at your age are with their families, wife and kids and have real jobs, you work at your dads body shop as a simple mechanic and then you come home and beef with people on the net. You're a grown man for god sake, people at your age don't beef on the net or write "punchlines" like; fgt, turtle dikk, tranny etc.

i never saved it but u know that. problem with this lie millwad is TONS of people on OTC saw it for themselves considering you were calling me out in that thread. you can't keep lying when there are so many eyewitness's to the stuff u constantly lie about. its just like the betting threads u made on NBA forum which has a lot more posters reading and i know TONS of people there saw those betting threads considering it went a lot of pages where you kept denying you were lying until the next day.

i swear you're one of the saddest mf'ers i've ever come across, and its not just based on how you look but mostly on how much you lie about whats already known by most posters. it wasn't that long ago...

08-16-2012, 07:55 PM
actually i'm pretty sure dumsby PM'd them to you. i think he probably spent the better part of a few days reading my whole post history looking for dirt, and i welcome it btw since i've got nothing to hide. in fact i'm thinking about bumping a few of those threads since they bring back memories and some were some good topics i'd like to revisit :cheers:

dumsby's always been one of those closet pansies here always judging everyone and everything from some perch when he doesn't put up anything interesting or worth reading ever, and its sad how some posters or quite a few here are that way with these huge self important egos of themselves :facepalm

Self important ego's? You're a 30-40 year old man who write your ISH-nickname in third person.. :facepalm

I've asked you how old you are plenty of times, you've never replied, obviously you feel ashamed over the fact that you're a grown man who's spending hours on daily basis on ISH while beefing with people. Don't claim that you're not ashamed, if that would be the case you'd have posted a pic of yourself a long time ago considering how much you bash other people and their looks and you'd posted your real age a long time ago too.

You're a sad guy.

08-16-2012, 07:56 PM
Dude, post the pic of me, don't claim that you actually saw a pic of me without saving it and while you're at it, post a pic of yourself.

And yes, I play the immature card on you, you're a 30-40 year old korean man who have spent the last 6 years on ISH beefing with people and you've written the most silly punchlines ever. You're even the most banned poster ever..

While people at your age are with their families, wife and kids and have real jobs, you work at your dads body shop as a simple mechanic and then you come home and beef with people on the net. You're a grown man for god sake, people at your age don't beef on the net or write "punchlines" like; fgt, turtle dikk, tranny etc.

i never saved it but u know that. problem with this lie millwad is TONS of people on OTC saw it for themselves considering you were calling me out in that thread. you can't keep lying when there are so many eyewitness's to the stuff u constantly lie about. its just like the betting threads u made on NBA forum which has a lot more posters reading and i know TONS of people there saw those betting threads considering it went a lot of pages where you kept denying you were lying until the next day.

i swear you're one of the saddest mf'ers i've ever come across, and its not just based on how you look but mostly on how much you lie about whats already known by most posters. it wasn't that long ago...its just your character as a person is pitiful.

08-16-2012, 07:58 PM
i never saved it but u know that. problem with this lie millwad is TONS of people on OTC saw it for themselves considering you were calling me out in that thread. you can't keep lying when there are so many eyewitness's to the stuff u constantly lie about. its just like the betting threads u made on NBA forum which has a lot more posters reading and i know TONS of people there saw those betting threads considering it went a lot of pages where you kept denying you were lying until the next day.

i swear you're one of the saddest mf'ers i've ever come across, and its not just based on how you look but mostly on how much you lie about whats already known by most posters. it wasn't that long ago...its just your character as a person is pitiful.

Sure, dude, I've never even posted a pic of myself on ISH.

But considering how much you bash people's looks you should post a pic of yourself so everyone can judge how you look.

You can't be a beauty though, 40 year old koreans who works as mechanics don't tend to be anything special if you know what I'm saying.

And considering that you're not ashamed of yourself, tell us your real age.

08-16-2012, 08:02 PM
Sure, dude, I've never even posted a pic of myself on ISH.

But considering how much you bash people's looks you should post a pic of yourself so everyone can judge how you look.

You can't be a beauty though, 40 year old koreans who works as mechanics don't tend to be anything special if you know what I'm saying.

And considering that you're not ashamed of yourself, tell us your real age.

ughhh, so u don't remember starting a thread calling godzuki out like a few months ago? it might've been longer but i know it wasn't that long ago....and then deleting it after i clowned you?

lemme guess it was this friend of yours that got on your account..... :facepalm

i don't know why i'm even trying to engage in back and forth with a habitual liar. just never seen lying on the levels you do it and with so much regularity here, even for no real reasons like in the betting thread.

between your gut, your dress style, your hypocrisy, and character traits i swear you're a horrible human being in life....

08-16-2012, 08:02 PM
Could you guys just stop?

You're not getting anywhere with this..

Do it for this kitty.

08-16-2012, 08:08 PM
Could you guys just stop?

You're not getting anywhere with this..

Do it for this kitty.
Make me that gif I requested or I'm gonna hunt down your LeBronyte ass :coleman:

08-16-2012, 08:10 PM
what about me?

08-16-2012, 08:11 PM
Make me that gif I requested or I'm gonna hunt down your LeBronyte ass :coleman:
Check the BTE or just ask them why would I be the one hunting your ass. :D

Also.. why would I do that? To anyone but LeBron :d

08-16-2012, 08:12 PM
Check the BTE or just ask them why would I be the one hunting your ass. :D

Also.. why would I do that? To anyone but LeBron :lol
leave her alone :lol

08-16-2012, 08:17 PM
Make me that gif I requested or I'm gonna hunt down your LeBronyte ass :coleman:

u should hunt down more threads i made so i can reminisce how much more i've contributed here to reading than your boring bitch ass. lol you seriously must've spent at least a whole day reading thru all of the posts between smokee, poodle, and godzuki and still couldn't find dirt. altho i do bet you were entertained at least, more than i can say for your posts on ISH....

and its funny how you had to PM that to millwad to come at me with and afraid to post it yourself. scared fgt is scared...but typical pansy dumsby.

08-16-2012, 08:17 PM
Check the BTE or just ask them why would I be the one hunting your ass. :D

Also.. why would I do that? To anyone but LeBron :d
Wait what? Not only that you root for the other team now you telling me you play for the other team too? :biggums:
Anyway is it so hard to put a pacifier in LeBron's mouth? If you can't just say so, I thought you were good with editing GIFs and shit.

08-16-2012, 08:20 PM
:oldlol: @ millwad. dude u posted ur pic, blacked out the head, and removed it when everyone started laughing at it

hell ill even google it

he put up another pic in its place. but look at all the comments clowning him about it.

08-16-2012, 08:22 PM
Wait what? Not only that you root for the other team now you telling me you play for the other team too? :biggums:
Anyway is it so hard to put a pacifier in LeBron's mouth? If you can't just say so, I thought you were good with editing GIFs and shit.

take it to PM's dumbass, noc's :facepalm

08-16-2012, 08:22 PM
Wait what? Not only that you root for the other team now you telling me you play for the other team too? :biggums:
Anyway is it so hard to put a pacifier in LeBron's mouth? If you can't just say so, I thought you were good with editing GIFs and shit.

I know how, but first I need to learn how to do it faster. My way takes too much time.

I could put a pacifier in Kobe's mouth.. but why would I do it to LeBron when the only purpose of the picture would be to laugh at it..

08-16-2012, 08:24 PM
I know how, but first I need to learn how to do it faster. My way takes too much time.

I could put a pacifier in Kobe's mouth.. but why would I do it to LeBron when the only purpose of the picture would be to laugh at it..
Dude what's the difference? You can do it to KD for all I care, funny shit is funny I didn't know you had to have a special reason to make a funny pic :lol

08-16-2012, 08:24 PM
:oldlol: @ millwad. dude u posted ur pic, blacked out the head, and removed it when everyone started laughing at it

hell ill even google it

he put up another pic in its place. but look at all the comments clowning him about it.

thx man, i thought about searching for it but thought he might've deleted the whole thread.

its just typical millwad, lies on top of lies and it never ends with him.... :facepalm

08-16-2012, 08:26 PM
Dude what's the difference? You can do it to KD for all I care, funny shit is funny I didn't know you had to have a special reason to make a funny pic :lol

the only thing funny is what you look like in rl. like mother like son...

08-16-2012, 08:26 PM
:oldlol: @ millwad. dude u posted ur pic, blacked out the head, and removed it when everyone started laughing at it

hell ill even google it

he put up another pic in its place. but look at all the comments clowning him about it.

There the thread is, the first wasn't even of me, it was from a gym site/blog in Sweden and since you guys are making such a big deal of it I'll google for the site tomorrow. The reason why I changed pic was because people actually thought the first one was me and the head was blurred from the beginning, not anything I did.

I've never posted a pic of myself on ISH, but be honest, was the first pic of a fat guy? I can't recall the guy being fat but Godzuki has been calling me fat ever since, haha.

08-16-2012, 08:28 PM
the only thing funny is what you look like in rl. like mother like son...

Godzuki, do you have a wife/girlfriend?

08-16-2012, 08:30 PM
There the thread is, the first wasn't even of me, it was from a gym site/blog in Sweden and since you guys are making such a big deal of it I'll google for the site tomorrow. The reason why I changed pic was because people actually thought the first one was me and the head was blurred from the beginning, not anything I did.

I've never posted a pic of myself on ISH, but be honest, was the first pic of a fat guy? I can't recall the guy being fat but Godzuki has been calling me fat ever since, haha.


you just never stop lying....

08-16-2012, 08:32 PM

you just never stop lying....

Just wait 'til I find the page.

Now tell us, how old are you?

08-16-2012, 09:09 PM
Millwad, wtf man. Just let it go. No one cares. There was a time when Godzuki baited you but its been months since he started with you, you start with him and to be honest, you did so much weird shit too its kind of hard to take you seriously now.

Let this shit go.

08-16-2012, 10:56 PM
oh boy rainman yappin again :facepalm

u obviously can't put 2 and 2 together, or are just real f'n dumb, but i think its pretty obvious by now i don't really let people talk shit or take shots without them taking shots back. u think i'm supposed to ignore weak ass posters trying to call me out, or take random shots? i'm not the poohsee u are on the forum...or in life :pimp:

turn the other cheek my ass...
Haha, see that's the funny thing! You care SO MUCH that you can't let people calling you a moron (rightfully so) on a basketball forum go.

08-17-2012, 12:24 AM
Godzuki, why is age such a sensitive topic with you? Is it because disclosing your age would reveal what a pathetic middle-age loser you are and make the conversation even more awkward? I mean there are plenty of middle-age losers out there, but not a lot of them spent 80% of their day engaged in utterly pointless arguments on a sports forum (what's worse, not even arguing about sports. Arguing about literally nothing) while apparently neglecting his dead-end work at some dingy little auto body shop. It sounds like your dad at least put in some amount of hard work as an immigrant to build something. But only to have his loser son spend his days e-beefing and going nowhere in life.

Where do you see yourself in five years? Racking up those cherished e-beef KOs? :facepalm

08-17-2012, 01:40 AM
Godzuki, why is age such a sensitive topic with you? Is it because disclosing your age would reveal what a pathetic middle-age loser you are and make the conversation even more awkward? I mean there are plenty of middle-age losers out there, but not a lot of them spent 80% of their day engaged in utterly pointless arguments on a sports forum (what's worse, not even arguing about sports. Arguing about literally nothing) while apparently neglecting his dead-end work at some dingy little auto body shop. It sounds like your dad at least put in some amount of hard work as an immigrant to build something. But only to have his loser son spend his days e-beefing and going nowhere in life.

Where do you see yourself in five years? Racking up those cherished e-beef KOs? :facepalm

i swear you're as walking a contradiction there is on the internet. everything you say you either end up contradicting at that moment or moments later. if it wasn't you saying u never read anything i post despite always jumping into my threads addressing me, its you sitting there trying to clown me for arguing and ebeefing when thats all you do trying to get back at me ever since i completely shit on u in the godzuki roast...like 3 times. notice i'm not the one following u around and desperately trying to ebeef with u here, u are me at every opportunity since you're so butthurt still.

you're a complete nobody to me if u didn't desperate try to get my attention all of the time. you're also as worthless a poster on ISH as they come. most of what u post u steal from other forums, and some of the stuff u post is creepy as hell. and lmao @ biggest telemarketing firm on the west coast and soon to be co owner was it? :roll: :roll: i think u have a scrambled brain with all kinds of shit colliding. definitely disorganized. most people can recognize when they're being hypocritical by recognizing their actions to their words. but you lol, you have to be half retarded to constantly cross yourself up.

its always the biggest high horse braggarts that are the least of what they say here....its funny how your sorry ass was talking about a 300 IQ or bragging about some test scores when you're real close to retard.

08-17-2012, 05:23 PM
just got home from work....thx to those talking sense and surprisingly being unbias in some cases :cheers:

and then i read this :wtf: millwad, i can't believe you're even coming at me for beefing with people on ISH :facepalm its all u used to do picking on Jlauber, calling everyone 32dayz/bwink, and made up so many lies a lot of people here actually believed. i mean you're a horrible human being from what i've seen. at least i have sympathy, guilt trips, generally don't start beefs with people unless they start with me, but you on the other hand seem to be a habitual liar about others, yourself, and everything you do here. you deny making a betting thread tons of posters saw, you denied posting your own pic lots of people on OTC saw, you lied about me being 32dayz/bwink/etc. and seemed to have convinced a ton of idiots with that lie until recently. lets just say your character as a person is extremely shady, and it seems to carryover to your RL since u seem to make up a lot of stuff about yourself that isn't true. its just unbelievable to me the gall u have to try to attack me for beefing with people since u start shit with people completely out of nowhere. i've never come across someone with such awful personality traits such as you that has so little integrity in your character.

i mean i get i wrecked u pretty bad with your pic you posted, and now your life mission is to get back at me, but you are what you are. i'd have expected someone completely different with the way you front here, but seeing that pic and you having the nerve to post it like i couldn't criticize you could possibly make you the dumbest mf'er ever :oldlol: do u have common sense? do u know what u look like? do u realize how often you've beefed with others while propping yourself up? its just unbelievable the gall you have and like i said i get its driven by your thirst for revenge against me, but have some common sense for christs sakes and stop talking from some pov where you're some angel. you're guilty of everything you're accusing me of, but at least i have integrity, where as you seem to have 0. you're really like a low class swedish loser to me that looks and acts the part. sorry if the truth hurts :confusedshrug:
:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:


08-17-2012, 05:33 PM
:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:


For real, how much Godzuki butt are you going to lick really?
Whenever he's in some nonsense "beef" you're there to lick his butt and defend him, it's beyond pathetic.

The guy is a 30-40 year old korean man who's been beefing with people on ISH for more than 6 years straight and he's the most banned poster ever. Ask Jeff. And ask Godzuki what happened to his "Poodle" and "Smokee" account, both accounts got banned time after time, even his Godzuki account has been banned time after time.

Smokee (BANNED):
Poodle (BANNED):

Look at both accounts reps, all-time ISH low and his Godzuki account was also all red before Jeff removed negs, and now when their back Godzuki's green bars are steadily going down. Never been a rep whore but considering how many threads Godzuki has started over his rep I bet he is damn happy to be in the green, for now..
You're defending a troll. :facepalm

What kind of lonely retard are you, either you're spamming about a swedish model on ISH or you're defending Godzuki, what happened with having an identity of your own?

08-17-2012, 05:37 PM
a bunch of angry insult-filled ranting
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Godzuki in the past has been a pretty bad troll at times, but he has been pretty okay as a poster lately, except when you and your acolytes start shit with him. I don't have any allegiance to Godzuki, I just don't find your cyberbullying amusing or tolerable at all. It's nice you're so concerned with my personal life, though, I wonder why you care so much about me LOL.

08-17-2012, 05:41 PM
There the thread is, the first wasn't even of me, it was from a gym site/blog in Sweden and since you guys are making such a big deal of it I'll google for the site tomorrow. The reason why I changed pic was because people actually thought the first one was me and the head was blurred from the beginning, not anything I did.

I've never posted a pic of myself on ISH, but be honest, was the first pic of a fat guy? I can't recall the guy being fat but Godzuki has been calling me fat ever since, haha.

That doesn't make any sense. If you put a picture advertising as you then of course people will think it's you. What did you think they were going to assume? :facepalm

I remember the original photo you posted, and it wasn't even that bad. You were pretty built from what I remember.

08-17-2012, 05:43 PM
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Godzuki in the past has been a pretty bad troll at times, but he has been pretty okay as a poster lately, except when you and your acolytes start shit with him. I don't have any allegiance to Godzuki, I just don't find your cyberbullying amusing or tolerable at all. It's nice you're so concerned with my personal life, though, I wonder why you care so much about me LOL.

Haha, have you even seen Godzuki's post towards people at all? No one in ISH-history have beefed more with people than Godzuki, not even close. He fights and insults everyone no matter what.

So you even know how much crap the guy has been up to but still you're in EVERY thread licking his butt. He's been doing this for plenty of years now and he's the most banned poster ever for a reason, he writes crazy much crap toward other posters.

How stupid are you? So you're against cyberbullying but you're defending Godzuki time after time, the same guy who's been insulting most people in ISH history.. :facepalm

08-17-2012, 05:46 PM
Haha, have you even seen Godzuki's post towards people at all? No one in ISH-history have beefed more with people than Godzuki, not even close. He fights and insults everyone no matter what.

So you even know how much crap the guy has been up to but still you're in EVERY thread licking his butt. He's been doing this for plenty of years now and he's the most banned poster ever for a reason, he writes crazy much crap toward other posters.

How stupid are you? So you're against cyberbullying but you're defending Godzuki time after time, the same guy who's been insulting most people in ISH history.. :facepalm
Difference between being a jackass (Godzuki) and stalking people on online, posting pictures and other personal info and claiming it is said poster, and constantly following them around attempting to embarass them (you).

08-17-2012, 05:55 PM
Difference between being a jackass (Godzuki) and stalking people on online, posting pictures and other personal info and claiming it is said poster, and constantly following them around attempting to embarass them (you).

Wow, now you're just getting pathetic.

Godzuki mentions me in basically every thread there is, he's been spamming about me in so many threads. I stopped replying for a while and then he started to write stuff like "I will own you just like owned Millwad who doesn't even dare to come to the OTC anymore" whenever he started to beef with yet another poster.

If you want to act like a good samaritan you're really defending the wrong guy. And stalking? Godzuki uses old posts against everyone, he calls GOBB a unemployed mailman, he mocks Niko for a crazy old post about him getting mocked by some kids, he calls Nick-Young a fgt cartoonist, he mocks Raz for a pic he posted in the OTC and makes fun of his looks and appearantly Raz wrote somewhere that his parents were poor and Godzuki mentions it all the time etc..

Again, if you want to act like a hero, you're defending the wrong guy, want to do anyone a favour? Go and help some homeless people on the street instead of acting like the most banned poster's bodyguard..:facepalm

08-17-2012, 07:51 PM
let me address a few things since millwad is generalizing an awful lot here. and this will probably end up a huge wall of txt as i go since i got a lot to say....

everyone that i've beefed with lets say in the last few months has started beef with me, in fact even when i was posting on poodle and smokeee i was almost always reactive and rarely just starting beefs with people out of the blue but i'll get into that later.

you want to bring up Raz aka Ced...that started from his thread about the use of 'gay' and 'fgt' here. i defended its use in that thread straight up with what i thought about it without attacking him and he singles me out and starts attacking me. i'm like do you really want to beef? somehow his pic gets brought up, maybe i brought it up altho i can't remember knowing he had a pic out or not, where he basically dared/asked me to criticize him and i did. it shook him and he got butthurt with a vendetta from that moment on. he took subtle shots here and there but i let them go but i could see it would probably come out into a confrontation at some point. fast forward to recent threads and he calls me out with some car thread for no reason at all, and its funny how so many of the same previous people i've beef with time and again jump into that blaming me for the beefing. its generally the same people who would start threads here calling me out and i'm sure the rest of otc has seen quite a few of them. i don't ask for the attention most of the time but i get blamed for it for defending myself or hitting them back if they're playing it like a weasel in one of their later threads(see dumsby). i'd love for anyone to find any back and forth between Raz and i where i started the beefing.

its the same with Gobbs, i rarely if ever attack him for no reason, in fact we've had back and forths in some sports debate threads with no attacks at each other at all. but he tends to jump in when i'm being mobbed and tries to call me out where this has happened repeatedly, where we get into insulting each other. at no other times can i remember starting a beef with gobbs out of the blue unless its on the heels of him attacking me. its the same with niko since i generally had no problems with him but he'd subtely take some shots and often jump in the lynch mob threads coming at me, and a lot of others, even Nickyoung of whom we used to constantly be going at each other when OTC was a war zone like a year ago. i don't really hold grudges and it seems they don't either, but it also seems we've matured, if a lil bit since older posting days and that probably goes for more than a few of the long time otc posting 'trolls'. i can only speak for myself but in the smokeee/poodle days, mostly smokee tho, i didn't give a fukk and didn't hold back. it was me vs the forum and i'd never quit, even in hindsight i don't blame jeff for banning me since thats the only thing that would had probably made me stop getting insulting them(which was against a lot of otc at the time lol). basically i had a lot more drive and energy to get the last word in back then, these days i just got less energy and don't care as much and like i said maybe matured a lil bit.

one thing i'd like to emphasize is between all of my handles i was almsot always reactive. what would often happen is someone would randomly take a shot at me, whether it was my grammar, opinion, whatever....i don't let that shit go. i'll insult them, mostly in a very crude manner, and i didn't care about what type of clout they had here. they could've been Jeff, Steve, or anyone thats revered by old time posters here which is how a lot of the older lynch mobs would form against me. one of their friends would jump in, another and another, then more because they despised my crass posting style/iinsults or were defending the 'revered popular posters' here, and then it would eventually turn into a otc lynch mob. i may have been partially at fault at times because i can be real juvenile or mean, but one thing i've always taken pride in myself here is i generally dont' start beefs with people until they start with me.

there are a few things on ISH i can't stand, and its why i do mention u a lot millwad, u definitely have a point there i'll give u. i hate liars. especially posters that completely fabricate and lead everyone else into believing stuff that isn't true. and it gets worse when u don't own up to any of it and just give lie after lie on top of another lie....i'm not even trying to attack u here more than be straight up either. you had 3/4's of this forum believing i was someone i'm not, and i wasn't the only one u pulled that on either. its just a character issue i have with people who lie, and its the same in RL.

one of the two other things i can't stand are weasels, basically posters like Osiris/dictator who go around starting beefs with people but get everyone else involved and then they hide. its the same with their use of alts pretending to be other posters and they're not the only ones that pull that but i think its lame. and before anyone tries to call me out for having multiple handles like u constantly try to millwad, the only reason i do is due to bannings. i've never purposely used an alt in those lame ways ever, then again i'm not afraid of getting redvotes or saying politically incorrect things on whatever handle either so i have no need to.

last thing i can't stand are people with all of this ego that judge everyones posts, grammar, etc. when they don't bring much to read or contribute themselves. i had major back and forth beefing with what i used to call the high horse nerds or greenstacks like a year or two ago as well, but it was so annoying to hear some of these posters constantly be judging your threads, posts, etc. talking from some high horse when they barely contributed. it really is/was like green stacks go to some peoples heads where they have this sense of entitltement like they run OTC/ISH in general, and its sort of a buddy buddy crowd where they tend to fend for each other in an elitist, snobby manner. its still like that to this day on some levels with some posters but i think its a lot less than the older days of ISH.

this wall of txt all said, the biggest thing i take pride in and always have in how i post here is i'm reactive. i think i sent a PM to dolphin emphasizing this as well a while back but it truly is the one thing i feel that makes me almost completely innocent with most beefs i've gotten into. i'm ONLY a ahole when people come at me and take shots, and from that point on i have no guilt trips or conscience where to me they deserve to be clowned. i'll never just randomly attack some poster for no reason here, and i'd love for anyone to find an incident of that happening. there are just different types of crowds here, and they all tend to have a few people who like to take shots out of the blue, thumb their nose, etc. at people and think they're not going to get hit back. and with some people they probably won't retaliate, and those who take shots get away with it but i don't tolerate that BS.

sure i've beefed a LOT here with people, and some days i enjoy it when i'm in a troll mood since serious posting all of the time gets real old after so long, but its not like thats all i do here. i engage in serious discussion just as much in a variety of threads as well as contribute to threads for discussion more than most here do, nor am i afraid to share my experiences with the forum(od blunt thread for ex. and theres tons more especially when i posted as poodle i think that most haven't read or forgot about). i'm not asking to be loved, and i do encourage those that dislike/despise me to put me on ignore, in fact i'd make them if i could but a lot won't. i've often thought it'd be nice if the poster posting could actually block specific posters from reading their threads here.....i'm definitely not completely innocent, but i'm sure as hell not nearly as guilty as some people try to portray it. Almsot every recent beef have been the same people following me around, or starting threads with my name in it calling me out. Its pretty obvious, but i think once those threads get to about 3-4 pages all people see is me insulting and they blame me :rolleyes:

anyways for what its worth millwad, i won't bring u up anymore out of the blue. i'm definitely guilty of that and i'll own up to it. not to say i won't ever insult u again or anyting along those lines but i won't be taking pot shots, lets put it that way.

08-17-2012, 07:53 PM
Nah whoever kobron23 is/was is.

08-17-2012, 08:07 PM
let me address a few things since millwad is generalizing an awful lot here. and this will probably end up a huge wall of txt as i go since i got a lot to say....

everyone that i've beefed with lets say in the last few months has started beef with me, in fact even when i was posting on poodle and smokeee i was almost always reactive and rarely just starting beefs with people out of the blue but i'll get into that later.

you want to bring up Raz aka Ced...that started from his thread about the use of 'gay' and 'fgt' here. i defended its use in that thread straight up with what i thought about it without attacking him and he singles me out and starts attacking me. i'm like do you really want to beef? somehow his pic gets brought up, maybe i brought it up altho i can't remember knowing he had a pic out or not, where he basically dared/asked me to criticize him and i did. it shook him and he got butthurt with a vendetta from that moment on. he took subtle shots here and there but i let them go but i could see it would probably come out into a confrontation at some point. fast forward to recent threads and he calls me out with some car thread for no reason at all, and its funny how so many of the same previous people i've beef with time and again jump into that blaming me for the beefing. its generally the same people who would start threads here calling me out and i'm sure the rest of otc has seen quite a few of them. i don't ask for the attention most of the time but i get blamed for it for defending myself or hitting them back if they're playing it like a weasel in one of their later threads(see dumsby). i'd love for anyone to find any back and forth between Raz and i where i started the beefing.

its the same with Gobbs, i rarely if ever attack him for no reason, in fact we've had back and forths in some sports debate threads with no attacks at each other at all. but he tends to jump in when i'm being mobbed and tries to call me out where this has happened repeatedly, where we get into insulting each other. at no other times can i remember starting a beef with gobbs out of the blue unless its on the heels of him attacking me. its the same with niko since i generally had no problems with him but he'd subtely take some shots and often jump in the lynch mob threads coming at me, and a lot of others, even Nickyoung of whom we used to constantly be going at each other when OTC was a war zone like a year ago. i don't really hold grudges and it seems they don't either, but it also seems we've matured, if a lil bit since older posting days and that probably goes for more than a few of the long time otc posting 'trolls'. i can only speak for myself but in the smokeee/poodle days, mostly smokee tho, i didn't give a fukk and didn't hold back. it was me vs the forum and i'd never quit, even in hindsight i don't blame jeff for banning me since thats the only thing that would had probably made me stop getting insulting them(which was against a lot of otc at the time lol). basically i had a lot more drive and energy to get the last word in back then, these days i just got less energy and don't care as much and like i said maybe matured a lil bit.

one thing i'd like to emphasize is between all of my handles i was almsot always reactive. what would often happen is someone would randomly take a shot at me, whether it was my grammar, opinion, whatever....i don't let that shit go. i'll insult them, mostly in a very crude manner, and i didn't care about what type of clout they had here. they could've been Jeff, Steve, or anyone thats revered by old time posters here which is how a lot of the older lynch mobs would form against me. one of their friends would jump in, another and another, then more because they despised my crass posting style/iinsults or were defending the 'revered popular posters' here, and then it would eventually turn into a otc lynch mob. i may have been partially at fault at times because i can be real juvenile or mean, but one thing i've always taken pride in myself here is i generally dont' start beefs with people until they start with me.

there are a few things on ISH i can't stand, and its why i do mention u a lot millwad, u definitely have a point there i'll give u. i hate liars. especially posters that completely fabricate and lead everyone else into believing stuff that isn't true. and it gets worse when u don't own up to any of it and just give lie after lie on top of another lie....i'm not even trying to attack u here more than be straight up either. you had 3/4's of this forum believing i was someone i'm not, and i wasn't the only one u pulled that on either. its just a character issue i have with people who lie, and its the same in RL.

one of the two other things i can't stand are weasels, basically posters like Osiris/dictator who go around starting beefs with people but get everyone else involved and then they hide. its the same with their use of alts pretending to be other posters and they're not the only ones that pull that but i think its lame. and before anyone tries to call me out for having multiple handles like u constantly try to millwad, the only reason i do is due to bannings. i've never purposely used an alt in those lame ways ever, then again i'm not afraid of getting redvotes or saying politically incorrect things on whatever handle either so i have no need to.

last thing i can't stand are people with all of this ego that judge everyones posts, grammar, etc. when they don't bring much to read or contribute themselves. i had major back and forth beefing with what i used to call the high horse nerds or greenstacks like a year or two ago as well, but it was so annoying to hear some of these posters constantly be judging your threads, posts, etc. talking from some high horse when they barely contributed. it really is/was like green stacks go to some peoples heads where they have this sense of entitltement like they run OTC/ISH in general, and its sort of a buddy buddy crowd where they tend to fend for each other in an elitist, snobby manner. its still like that to this day on some levels with some posters but i think its a lot less than the older days of ISH.

this wall of txt all said, the biggest thing i take pride in and always have in how i post here is i'm reactive. i think i sent a PM to dolphin emphasizing this as well a while back but it truly is the one thing i feel that makes me almost completely innocent with most beefs i've gotten into. i'm ONLY a ahole when people come at me and take shots, and from that point on i have no guilt trips or conscience where to me they deserve to be clowned. i'll never just randomly attack some poster for no reason here, and i'd love for anyone to find an incident of that happening. there are just different types of crowds here, and they all tend to have a few people who like to take shots out of the blue, thumb their nose, etc. at people and think they're not going to get hit back. and with some people they probably won't retaliate, and those who take shots get away with it but i don't tolerate that BS.

sure i've beefed a LOT here with people, and some days i enjoy it when i'm in a troll mood since serious posting all of the time gets real old after so long, but its not like thats all i do here. i engage in serious discussion just as much in a variety of threads as well as contribute to threads for discussion more than most here do, nor am i afraid to share my experiences with the forum(od blunt thread for ex. and theres tons more especially when i posted as poodle i think that most haven't read or forgot about). i'm not asking to be loved, and i do encourage those that dislike/despise me to put me on ignore, in fact i'd make them if i could but a lot won't. i've often thought it'd be nice if the poster posting could actually block specific posters from reading their threads here.....i'm definitely not completely innocent, but i'm sure as hell not nearly as guilty as some people try to portray it. Almsot every recent beef have been the same people following me around, or starting threads with my name in it calling me out. Its pretty obvious, but i think once those threads get to about 3-4 pages all people see is me insulting and they blame me :rolleyes:

anyways for what its worth millwad, i won't bring u up anymore out of the blue. i'm definitely guilty of that and i'll own up to it. not to say i won't ever insult u again or anyting along those lines but i won't be taking pot shots, lets put it that way.

You might be the biggest loser/nerd I've ever encountered. Ever.

and needless to say... tl/dr

08-17-2012, 08:09 PM
You might be the biggest loser/nerd I've ever encountered. Ever.

and needless to say... tl/dr
You pretended that you were at a "writer's party" and met megan fox, and were exposed. You can't talk shit to ANYONE on ISH. Not even the dumbest and most annoying trolls are as pathetic as you are.

08-17-2012, 08:16 PM
You might be the biggest loser/nerd I've ever encountered. Ever.

and needless to say... tl/dr

i see u didn't respond to my earlier post breaking your whole lame ISH persona down :lol

08-17-2012, 08:18 PM
i see u didn't respond to my earlier post breaking your whole lame ISH persona down :lol
Just be done with this. It's boring. :cheers: Move on....as you said you did not start this.

08-17-2012, 08:19 PM

08-17-2012, 08:21 PM
yea, I think if we get to bring up that Godzuki OD'ed on a blunt all the time the DFish MFox thing should be brought up just as much.

point to Godzuki.

08-17-2012, 08:30 PM
I respect your post, Godzuki.
Sure, I still don't agree with alot of stuff but you probably feel the opposite regarding my stuff.

The reason why I mentioned your "beefs" (still feels nerdy to call internet insults as beefs..) with Niko, Raz, GOBB etc. was because RRR3 has been on your dick lately for some reason and he came here trying to call me out for the nonsense between you and me and he acted like you're some saint and that I'm stalking and trying to argue with you everywhere.

I actually left these silly "beefs" in the OTC for a good while and you know it, but you kept mentioning me and and trying to diss me in plenty of threads and that's why I came back, which was a really stupid move.

The whole thing is just nonsense anyway, that's why I left for some time as well. I mean, silly internet "beefs" where everyone disses everyone for everything while we actually don't know crap about each other, it's just beyond childish. I feel more embarrassed that I have wasted so much time on crap like this now, it's not an intelligent thing to waste your time on when you're 22 like me, and I guess that you're probably 10 years older than me so you've been wasting your time just as much as me and I bet you feel that it was a pure waste of time as well. Right?

Anyway, keep doing your thing if you enjoy it, I won't take part in any silly internet beefs like this anymore. I'm not trying to tell you to stop "beefing" either, but I guess that you probably feel that this is pure waste of time as well. But if you really enjoy "calling me out" or mentioning my nick you're welcome to do so, but just so you know, I won't reply anymore.

08-17-2012, 09:01 PM
Godzuki, I think we should make up too. My problem was only with 32Dayz, and now I know you're not him.