View Full Version : MJ's Hall of Fame speech

08-17-2012, 03:42 PM
I gotta be honest, when it happened I was a little put off like most. I found it to be in poor taste (to an extent), I was kinda disappointed in the speech.

But looking at it now…..

This shit is hilarious!!!!!

Why was the world so up in arms over this? now I look at it and I can't stop laughing, but he kept it real (not as real as Rodman). He opened up the speech by saying "What do you people not know about me?" and he's right. We know his entire story, it has been recounted millions of times. What he did was give us an insight into what makes him who he is, what fuels him, what he used as motivation. At the moment I think some of us understood that but lost focus on his intention. Some were offended when it first happened, but now the shit is hilarious.


08-17-2012, 03:49 PM
It was kinda like an unintentional roast. :oldlol:

08-17-2012, 03:55 PM
It was kinda like an unintentional roast. :oldlol:
haha true.

I'm sitting here cracking up at his stories and quibs. They appear to be different this time around. When I first saw it, they appeared to have a mean subtext, but now they appear to be almost playful.

08-17-2012, 05:15 PM
Still highly entertaining on a second watch. That's all I can ask for. :oldlol:

08-17-2012, 05:20 PM
LMAO. It pissed Bryon Russell off so bad that he took to going on sports shows challenging Jordan to a public 1 on 1 match :facepalm . Didn't that man learn a lesson?

08-17-2012, 05:45 PM
I think if you juxtapose it with David Robinson's speech which was the same night, you can see the difference in how to be a role model.

David was up there, essentially telling his children, "I hope this inspires you to achieve more and to do something spectacular with your life--you're all capable of doing it."

MJ to his children, "Sorry, but you have no shot to living up to my greatness."

08-17-2012, 05:46 PM
MJ with the red eyes looked high or drunk. and no one gives a damn. Thats whats great about being the GOAT.

08-17-2012, 06:27 PM
I think if you juxtapose it with David Robinson's speech which was the same night, you can see the difference in how to be a role model.

David was up there, essentially telling his children, "I hope this inspires you to achieve more and to do something spectacular with your life--you're all capable of doing it."

MJ to his children, "Sorry, but you have no shot to living up to my greatness."

:roll: he just looked at his kids and shook his head like "dang"....."what happened?"

"I wouldn't want to be you guy's":roll:

Da KO King
08-17-2012, 06:32 PM
People were offended and upset because they realize that if it wasn't for them giving him a pass for his behavior for DECADES he wouldn't have this ridiculous god-like status that he doesn't deserve.

08-17-2012, 07:46 PM
Yeah I remember some folks were calling MJ's speech petty. I saw it as keeping it real. I loved it! This is the Jordan that we, some of us, have always loved. That fire. We got the chance to see and hear what motivated him to greatness. My favorite parts were the Byron Russell call out and Jordan's comments between Jerry K or Jerry R and one of the Jerry's stated "if you had a headache and you got 10 tablets and one of them is coated with cyanide, would you take the tablet?" Jordan fires back with "Dpends on the headache." Classic. This is why Jordan is the greatest. That dude loved the game of basketball and loved winning.

08-17-2012, 07:47 PM
Its who Jordan is, I viewed his speech the same back then and now - he is entertaining asshole with an ego bigger than Lebron's or Usain Bolt :oldlol: I had some laughs, NBA needs superstars like him.

08-17-2012, 08:49 PM
I ****ing loved it at the time and still love it now. Refreshingly honest, and awesomely brutal.

08-17-2012, 10:15 PM
I don’t think it was that great. It started off good, but then he started focusing too much on trying to show his competitive nature. I mean in one level it’s great to see, but not on a Hall of Fame speech. I believe he said that he didn’t write much, just wanted to speak from the heart, and that could really back fired because unless you’re in the correct mindset, you will not express yourself as effective as you might want.

For example he told his kids basically that they have a lot of pressure on them, since many will assume that just because they’re Michael Jordan’s kids, that unless they achieve a similar level of success people are going to think they’re failures, and that’s unfair. But not really being in the proper mindset, to many it sounds as if he’s telling them in a competitive way that he’s better than them.

08-17-2012, 10:18 PM
MJ with the red eyes looked high or drunk. and no one gives a damn. Thats whats great about being the GOAT.

He looks like he's been feasting on Turky or something :roll:

Hands of Iron
08-17-2012, 10:40 PM
It was the real Michael Jordan, same guy he's always been. Probably felt like a release after a career of having to front for cameras.

08-18-2012, 01:56 AM
When has MJ not been cocky. Was he not cocky when he crossed bird over in '86....he didn't have to dribble between the legs just wanted to make a point

Cali Syndicate
08-18-2012, 03:39 AM
I didn't get to watch it til a few days after and honestly I really didn't get what all the hooplah about his speech was about. Wasn't the greatest of speeches, but seemed honest enough which is really all we can ask for right?

08-18-2012, 10:39 AM
That's why he's the best ever. Not only was he very skilled at the game, the guy had a fire in his belly to win at everything he tried.

Kobe/Lebron has the skills, but not the fire MJ had. That is why Jordan STILL is the all time GOAT.

08-18-2012, 11:06 AM
People tripping on Jordan's speech need to STFU. It was a great speech IMO. He showed exactly who he was.

If you think MJ's speech was brutal and he was a jerk and all of that, what will you say when Kobe gives his? He is of the same mentality.

08-18-2012, 11:39 AM
People tripping on Jordan's speech need to STFU. It was a great speech IMO. He showed exactly who he was.

If you think MJ's speech was brutal and he was a jerk and all of that, what will you say when Kobe gives his? He is of the same mentality.

Kobe will be smart enough not to make the same mistake, even if he does feel the same way.

08-18-2012, 11:41 AM
People tripping on Jordan's speech need to STFU. It was a great speech IMO. He showed exactly who he was.

If you think MJ's speech was brutal and he was a jerk and all of that, what will you say when Kobe gives his? He is of the same mentality.

I know! I can't wait until Kobe does his HOF speech. That should be another great speech.

08-18-2012, 11:47 AM
That's why he's the best ever. Not only was he very skilled at the game, the guy had a fire in his belly to win at everything he tried.

Kobe/Lebron has the skills, but not the fire MJ had. That is why Jordan STILL is the all time GOAT.

I'm calling bullshit right there. Kobe has the fire, but sometimes his skills fail him.

08-18-2012, 01:19 PM
That's why he's the best ever. Not only was he very skilled at the game, the guy had a fire in his belly to win at everything he tried.

Kobe/Lebron has the skills, but not the fire MJ had. That is why Jordan STILL is the all time GOAT.
What? LOL Kobe didn't have the fire?

08-18-2012, 01:26 PM
Kobe will be smart enough not to make the same mistake, even if he does feel the same way.

We'll see :lol

It won't prolly be as bitter-sounding as MJ's but I do think that he'll poke some subtle insults about the league and it's current players, etc :oldlol:

08-18-2012, 04:03 PM
I'm calling bullshit right there. Kobe has the fire, but sometimes his skills fail him.

I'm sure he has the fire to want to hold the ball from his palm and fake the defender out, but doesn't have that hands to do that.

Jordan's speech was what it was. People expected it to be like obama speech, historic etc.....or lou gehrig's in baseball.....but mj in public has never been big on speeches....even during bulls championship rallies..

08-18-2012, 04:11 PM
Once a prick, always a prick. There isn't much more to say about his speech. The only one I remember him having anything good to say about was Scottie.

08-19-2012, 04:55 AM
His legacy is forever solidified. he can say whatever because that speech alone won't stop his fans from buying Jordan shoes.

Earlier in his career, I remember him ( as we all do) when MJ refused to comment on certain controversial issues because "republicans buy sneakers too."

08-19-2012, 05:02 AM
Agreed. It's fcukin' hilarious.

08-19-2012, 09:02 PM
I know! I can't wait until Kobe does his HOF speech. That should be another great speech.

It will just be a carbon copy of Jordan's.

08-19-2012, 11:30 PM
[QUOTE=jstern]I don

08-19-2012, 11:48 PM
If you think MJ's speech was brutal and he was a jerk and all of that, what will you say when Kobe gives his? He is of the same mentality.

Nah mate Kobe just fakes it because he tries to copy Jordans legacy. Funny how youre such a Kobe stan tho mate that even when people call MJ a prick, you jump in and say 'hey, kobes a prick too u guys! kobes a prick just like jordan!'

What an embarrassing little kobe lapdog you are, mate.

12-19-2015, 09:47 PM
Jordan kinda looked like an old Tyrese in his speech

12-19-2015, 10:09 PM
That speech reeked of insecurity :lol

12-19-2015, 10:32 PM
Holy shit! People so damn insecure about Curry sh1tting down Bron's throat and being the new face of the NBA that they jumping on the MJ bandwagon knowing that Bron was never sh1t and Curry will never amount to MJ!

Another ISH classic! :lol