View Full Version : reality check true Heat ( and LeBron Heat fans ).........Dwyane Wade is 31 years old

08-26-2012, 05:38 PM
by the time the lakers are finished in 2-3 years. so will the heat

its over for both teams in 3 years. 20 mill of your salary cap will be taken up by a washed up by a 34 year old dwyane wade the season after kobes gone

so the time is now. don't think you can just wait for kobe to retire then collect 2-3 rings

no... the only time you'l have a chance to even get that many is NOW

if LA runs off 2-3 titles.. thats it. its over. both the heat and lakers will be going through some major changes come 2015 or 2016 if they want to stay competitive


whos powers will run out first. the candle is almost burned out on both of these guys. and kobe is surprisingly the one who looks like theres more left in the tank

bad sign for miami

08-26-2012, 05:42 PM
You are a moron

08-26-2012, 05:45 PM
OP is jealous of Kate Faber

08-26-2012, 05:45 PM
You are a moron

whos declined worse? kobe or wade

kobe went from mvp candidate 1st team all nba... to 4th in mvp voting and still 1st team all nba

wade went from mvp candidate 1st team all nba... to 10th in mvp voting and 3rd team all nba

age has ruined wade 10 times more than it has kobe.

its not even that far fetched to say ( if kobe wanted to ) he could retire the same year or after dwyane wade ( who came in the nba 8 years after him )

trust me. the heat will run into a huge problem by the time hes 34-35. thats when the lakers will start to rebuild. so will miami have to

this is common sense

08-26-2012, 05:47 PM
Wade's knee is a bit of a concern.

He is still an elite player, but his knee reminds me of Kobe 2010-11.

08-26-2012, 05:48 PM
Didn't read.


08-26-2012, 05:49 PM
OP should write a book or at least an NBA preview magazine every offseason. He really knows his shit.

08-26-2012, 05:49 PM
Wade isn't as skilled as Kobe and he relies on penetration, pump fakes for fouls and transition baskets. He already has a history of being injury prone and his style of play will only wear him out quicker and he will miss more and more games. At least he got a shooting coach this year.

08-26-2012, 05:49 PM
According to OP (is a phaggit)......

34 year old Dwayne Wade will be washed up and it's all over.

34 year old Kobe however, will win league MVP this season, is still a top 5 player, the BEST scorer and will win FMVP over Dwight if they win the chip.

Dat Kobetard logic.

08-26-2012, 05:51 PM
whos declined worse? kobe or wade

kobe went from mvp candidate 1st team all nba... to 4th in mvp voting and still 1st team all nba

wade went from mvp candidate 1st team all nba... to 10th in mvp voting and 3rd team all nba

age has ruined wade 10 times more than it has kobe.

its not even that far fetched to say ( if kobe wanted to ) he could retire the same year or after dwyane wade ( who came in the nba 8 years after him )

trust me. the heat will run into a huge problem by the time hes 34-35. thats when the lakers will start to rebuild. so will miami have to

this is common sense

Yeah, Wade does have a lot more "mileage" on him, than Kobe, even though he's only a few years younger. That's why I just laugh at all the "Heat" fans who keep harping about how "old" Kobe is, like Wade's in his 20's:hammerhead:

And the truth is, had last season been a regular 82 game season, with the knee injury, Wade probably wouldn't have made it to mid season or the post season:no:

08-26-2012, 05:52 PM
That is why in 2014 LeBron will likely be taking his talents to... instead of staying in Miami. Unfortunately that will make him seem like a career journeyman, but it worked out pretty well for Shaq, Wilt, and Kareem.

In 2014 LeBron will be 30, and he might join Dwight on the Lakers because they have the cap space. It would be a fitting ending to Kobe's career to play with LeBron imo.

08-26-2012, 05:55 PM
you sadly make LakersReign look good...

08-26-2012, 05:55 PM
Didn't read.


read this

Dwyane Wade absolute prime 8th and 9th season in the NBA

2010-11 NBA All-NBA (2nd)
2011-12 NBA All-NBA (3rd)

MVP Award Shares

2010-11 NBA 0.020 (7)
2011-12 NBA 0.005 (10)

2010-11 25.5ppg, 6.4rpg, 4.6apg
2011-12 22.1ppg, 4.8rpg, 4.6apg


dude has declined into vince carter new jersey status

08-26-2012, 05:58 PM
Yeah, Wade does have a lot more "mileage" on him, than Kobe, even though he's only a few years younger. That's why I just laugh at all the "Heat" fans who keep harping about how "old" Kobe is, like Wade's in his 20's:hammerhead:

And the truth is, had last season been a regular 82 game season, with the knee injury, Wade probably wouldn't have made it to mid season or the post season:no:

kobe has kept his body in 10000X better shape than wade

and its obvious kobe has way more left in the tank at this stage

dwyane wade is treating himself like tmac... getting chunky... fat faced... broken down legs and not taking care of it like kobe has with experimental treatment and rehab

kobe also stayed away from HGH.. ( which will break you down over time )

08-26-2012, 06:00 PM
Kobrick stan logic

When your scoring volume and usage rate goes down = declining. Even though Wade clearly defers to LeBron (who is the best player in the world), and role has changed as he plays much more off the ball.

Sorry, Wade doesn't care to take 25 field goal attempts to score 27 on a 43% clip. He's a rather unselfish player.

Two rings and counting for Wade.

08-26-2012, 06:06 PM
According to OP (is a phaggit)......

34 year old Dwayne Wade will be washed up and it's all over.

34 year old Kobe however, will win league MVP this season, is still a top 5 player, the BEST scorer and will win FMVP over Dwight if they win the chip.

Dat Kobetard logic.

17th year kobe has a stronger/healthier more revitalized body than 10th year wade

guys like rodman/jordan/kobe/nash/robinson/malone/hill ... they just know how to keep in shape. they eat the right things. they stay active all summer. arnt lazy

its obvious wades lazy. he has a fat face and looks like hes put on a ton of needless weight. considering hes a speed guard whos 6-4 ... he relys heavily on his speed. yet his body resembles a SF now

34 year old kobe is in way better shape than 31 year old wade

kobe will yet again post a 26+/5/5 season with 1st team all nba honors and yet again play the entire year

wade will be hovering around 19-20 ppg and be lucky to make 3rd team again while skipping another 10-15 games

08-26-2012, 06:06 PM
kobe has kept his body in 10000X better shape than wade

and its obvious kobe has way more left in the tank at this stage

dwyane wade is treating himself like tmac... getting chunky... fat faced... broken down legs and not taking care of it like kobe has with experimental treatment and rehab

kobe also stayed away from HGH.. ( which will break you down over time )

Remember Wade used to play like Ginobli, fly into the lane, get hit, hit the floor. Over time that takes it's toll, ask Iverson. Kobe's had his share of injuries and only recently sat out 7 games for his shin to heal. Don't know why Wade has fallen off so badly. We'll see what the shooting coach and knee procedure do for his game this season.

08-26-2012, 06:08 PM
Except he's capable of relinquishing his role as he has already done so a 34 year old won't be the leader of the team like LA. He'll still be the second, maybe third, option and LeBron will still be in his prime. Also, I don't know why you're so certain LA can get any, let alone 2-3, rings.

08-26-2012, 06:09 PM
how old is kobe when his current contract is up?
how old will wade be when his current contract is up?

08-26-2012, 06:11 PM
Wade's 08-09 season = Any of Kobe's seasons.

Wade's 2006 NBA Finals >>>>> anything Kobe's done in the playoffs.

08-26-2012, 06:16 PM
Kobe, as always, imitated Jordan and became a jump shooter. That will prolong his career.

Wade is still a slasher and that's not good. That will not prolong his career.

This is why Westbrook needs to develop a jump shot ASAP before he follows Wade's footsteps.

08-26-2012, 06:16 PM
kobe has kept his body in 10000X better shape than wade

and its obvious kobe has way more left in the tank at this stage

dwyane wade is treating himself like tmac... getting chunky... fat faced... broken down legs and not taking care of it like kobe has with experimental treatment and rehab

kobe also stayed away from HGH.. ( which will break you down over time )
Kobe definetly has not taken HGH or roids (which are two different things obviously). Wade on the other hand looks to have taken HGH imo, and apparently yours as well.

However, HGH does not break you down in your 30's like you seem to think. HGH in fact is used as a possible life extender, or an "anti aging" method. In theory it would lead to a prolongued career in professional sports if that were true, although there is very little scientific evidence to support that particular theory. Also HGH claims to be able to make you taller, although like the anti aging theory there is not much scientific evidence that I have ever heard of that supports such a claim.

Anyways the only way HGH would break you down is if you put too much stress on your ligaments weights wise too soon before your body is able to adapt to being stronger. For example if before HGH you were only able to leg press 800 pounds, but after two weeks on HGH you have upped it to 1000 pounds then your body has not yet adapted to the increased load on the joints, ligaments, and tendons. You need to take it easy until your body has adapted, or injury can occur.

Wade being a pro athlete, and having pro fitness advisers should know that so I don't think he will break down because of the HGH. If he breaks down the way you and I both seem to predict I think it will be more to do his natural athletic abilities fading because he doesn't have A) the height, or B) the skills that Kobe does to fall back on. Wade may still be a good player, but being the fourth option is much different than being the first or second.

08-26-2012, 06:16 PM
Wade's 08-09 season = Any of Kobe's seasons.

Wade's 2006 NBA Finals >>>>> anything Kobe's done in the playoffs.

even if this were true ( and it isnt )

how is this proving wade hasnt declined like a bum?

if anything you'd be helping my argument

wades garbage compared to 2009 ( oh yea and btw. in 2009 this guy who plays for LA was 2nd in MVP voting behind lebron, had 65 wins that year, averaged 30/6/5 in the playoffs/ 33/8/5 in the finals and won the nba title as finals mvp

so LOL@ wade ever being better than kobe


08-26-2012, 06:18 PM
OP.. here is a reality check: Lebron is 27 years old.

08-26-2012, 06:19 PM

08-26-2012, 06:20 PM
Didn't read.

Saucy Dwyane

08-26-2012, 06:25 PM
OP.. here is a reality check: Lebron is 27 years old.

ya but in todays nba... the last thing you wanna be relying on is christopher bosh as your 2nd best player

this league is about super teams now... lebron can beast all he wants. unless the miami heat get another huge steal i dont see how theyre gonna compete with mitch and the buss family's ability to surround dwight with a much better running mate before or after kobes gone

i honestly see gasol being traded in 2-3 years for some young prime superstar that wants out after his rookie contract is up

08-26-2012, 06:30 PM
OP.. here is a reality check: Lebron is 27 years old.


08-26-2012, 06:36 PM
Wade's 08-09 season = Any of Kobe's seasons.

Wade's 2006 NBA Finals >>>>> anything Kobe's done in the playoffs.


08-26-2012, 06:37 PM
Wade's 08-09 season = Any of Kobe's seasons.

Wade's 2006 NBA Finals >>>>> anything Kobe's done in the playoffs.

Anyways Lebron will still be 1st option and Bosh can be the 2nd option in probably 3 years, Dwade will change his game and adapt. He said he was working with a shooting coach this summer for the first time in his life. Dwade will still be elite for maybe 2-3 years.

08-26-2012, 06:39 PM
i honestly see gasol being traded in 2-3 years for some young prime superstar that wants out after his rookie contract is up

I see Gasol retiring as a Laker, unless he chooses to sign somewhere else. I think he could still be great until 36-38, he could still pass and make those mid-range shots. Just look at Tim Duncan, he could still play at a high level at age 35.

08-26-2012, 06:39 PM
ya but in todays nba... the last thing you wanna be relying on is christopher bosh as your 2nd best player

this league is about super teams now... lebron can beast all he wants. unless the miami heat get another huge steal i dont see how theyre gonna compete with mitch and the buss family's ability to surround dwight with a much better running mate before or after kobes gone

i honestly see gasol being traded in 2-3 years for some young prime superstar that wants out after his rookie contract is up

08-26-2012, 06:41 PM

you think lebron bein 27 is nice

dwight howards 26.. lol

only difference is.... when howard takes over the team. he has mitch in charge of putting guys around him via lopsided trades and steals by toying with other gm's

while in miami... riley will still be relying on colluding free agents instead of working any real magic

08-26-2012, 06:43 PM

you underestimate mitch


don't worry... the lakers only let mega legends retire in a laker uniform

mitch will find a way to trade nash as a buyout... turn gasol and metta into another star

and let only kobe play his last game in a laker uniform come 2015 or 2016

08-26-2012, 06:53 PM
you underestimate mitch


don't worry... the lakers only let mega legends retire in a laker uniform

mitch will find a way to trade nash as a buyout... turn gasol and metta into another star

and let only kobe play his last game in a laker uniform come 2015 or 2016
Right next to LeBron I hope. 2014 Lakers line up will be Steph Curry/Kobe/LeBron/Griffen/Dwight :bowdown: .

08-26-2012, 06:54 PM
Haven't even played one game of the season

08-26-2012, 06:55 PM
Right next to LeBron I hope. 2014 Lakers line up will be Steph Curry/Kobe/LeBron/Griffen/Dwight :bowdown: .

Why do you rock a heat avy? Instead of supporting your team through second round exits

08-26-2012, 07:07 PM
Why do you rock a heat avy? Instead of supporting your team through second round exits

coming from a fan of a team that hangs up division banners and other team/players jerseys on their wall

heat are a fake franchise. they didnt even have more than 1000 fans until lebron showed up


and even still theyre lacking


08-26-2012, 07:11 PM
coming from a fan of a team that hangs up division banners and other team/players jerseys on their wall

heat are a fake franchise. they didnt even have more than 1000 fans until lebron showed up


and even still theyre lacking


You claim diehard fanship of the Lakers, yet you never stepped foot in LA or Orange County a day in your life.

Sit down little boy. You are the epitome of a Bandwagoner.

08-26-2012, 07:17 PM
Why do you rock a heat avy? Instead of supporting your team through second round exits
LeBron James is my favourite player. I will never claim fanship of the Heat because I am not a Heat fan. Do I want the Heat to succeed... well yes, but that is only because I want LeBron to succeed. I'm a Cavs fan for the record.

08-26-2012, 07:23 PM
You claim diehard fanship of the Lakers, yet you never stepped foot in LA or Orange County a day in your life.

Sit down little boy. You are the epitome of a Bandwagoner.

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

since when do you have to live in los angeles to be a real laker fan

i've watched them since i was 11 years old

ive stuck by them through getting swept and embarrassed in the late 90's... and their rebuilding during the mid 00's

if i was a sh*tty fan i would have jumped on the heat back in 2005

i know more about the lakers than 90% of the people with season tickets to laker games for god sake.

:roll: :roll: :roll: @ your jealousy of the laker franchise and its commitment to a winning tradition. attack the fans for not being born in a city with an nba team...

i live closer to the knicks than the raptors. go hate on someone who actually has a home team to ignore

08-26-2012, 07:45 PM
Reality check Lakers ***. Kobe is 35, Nash is 38.

08-26-2012, 07:50 PM
Reality check Lakers ***. Kobe is 35, Nash is 38.

i like how you added an entire year onto kobes age ( even though just the other day he turned from 33 to 34 )

you'd think it would be common knowledge what age kobe was for atleast a few weeks


but whats even funnier is that kobe seems to be the one whos 31 and wade whos 34 based on their current health

08-26-2012, 07:51 PM
lol @ a Laker "fan" from Canada.

08-26-2012, 07:53 PM
lol @ a Laker "fan" from Canada.

ya would you believe it!

they have fans of teams outside OF THE UNITED STATES!



:lebronamazed: :lebronamazed: :lebronamazed: :lebronamazed:

08-26-2012, 07:58 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

since when do you have to live in los angeles to be a real laker fan

i've watched them since i was 11 years old

ive stuck by them through getting swept and embarrassed in the late 90's... and their rebuilding during the mid 00's

if i was a sh*tty fan i would have jumped on the heat back in 2005

i know more about the lakers than 90% of the people with season tickets to laker games for god sake.

:roll: :roll: :roll: @ your jealousy of the laker franchise and its commitment to a winning tradition. attack the fans for not being born in a city with an nba team...

i live closer to the knicks than the raptors. go hate on someone who actually has a home team to ignore

Man your just a fool lol

08-26-2012, 07:59 PM
And like all of them...its mighty convient of them to claim fanship of the Lakers.

I presume you're a Yankees fan as well, right? :oldlol:

08-26-2012, 08:01 PM
And like all of them...its mighty convient of them to claim fanship of the Lakers.

I presume you're a Yankees fan as well, right? :oldlol:

convenient if i started watching basketball after they won in 2000 or 2009

but 1997?

they hadnt won a title in 9 years at the time.


you remind me of those idiotic americans in seattle complaining that the stores are crowded with canadians... saying theyre a disease and should be banned from stores

yea... lets ban all nba fans outside of the US and all shoppers from other countries..


08-26-2012, 10:16 PM
This past season Wade put up 22 ppg on 50% shooting with 4.6 assists, 1.7 steals and 1.3 blocks per game. This is with Wade taking a secondary role to LeBron. Those stats represent a decline?!?!

I believe Wade also put up over 20 ppg during the finals, on one leg....

Kobe Groupies are gonna be furious this year when Wade retains his title as best sg in the league.

Yes, Kobe scored more but Kobe also had the highest usage and fga in the entire league while shooting a putrid %. It is simply not in Kobe's DNA to play unselfishly.

08-26-2012, 10:32 PM
Reality Check
Lakers got eliminated in the second round 2yrs in a row
Kobe as 1st option shoots 23 shots for 27 PTA at 43% WITH the HIGHEST USAGE % IN the League

Wade as 2nd option got 22.5 PTs on 18 shots at 46%++

Heat have went to NBA Finals 2Yrs in a row and won 2nd and fab to win again

When WADE was out Bosh was avg 25&11
what happens when the 3rd option was gone on lakers Gasol still not even avg 20+ pts a game and what'll happen if Howard is out Don't see anybody but Kobe increasing their PTs

Wade AVG 30 in Finals MVP and 28.5 just last yr and he declined WHAT??
Wade injured shot a better fg% than Kobe and had multiple 30,40 pt games

Did you even watch the heat-pacers series when WADE avg 30,5,5

The Iron Fist
08-26-2012, 10:37 PM
Steroids have made Wade decline at a very rapid pace.

08-26-2012, 10:40 PM
Steroids have made Wade decline at a very rapid pace.

This is what Laker's fans cling to in order to not feel terrible about Wade and LeBron being better than Kobe. LoL!

08-26-2012, 10:41 PM
So let's see Kobe at 37 will be better than Wade at 34 WHAT??

Oh and let's see Bosh would be in late 20s 30
while Gasol is 35+

A guy who as 3rd option avg 18,8 and 25,11 as 2nd and is improved from 3,has best midrange and can play in the post and has finesse and speed
will be worse than a guy who can't even get 25 pts as 2nd opt.and who while HEALTHY couldn't outperform an injured Bosh

Dwight a yr younger who came off back surgery and avg 23 as 1st option
and team catered to him will be better than the reigning 3time MVP and FINALS MVP where he avg 29,8,10 who's only a yr older WHAT???????

Why would Lebron leave when the heat big 3 contracts are up and can all take another paycut and sign players and when heat are FAvs to win every yr they're together

08-26-2012, 10:54 PM
Terrible, Terrible Thread. Wade will be 100% healthy next season. He just had an arthroscopic knee surgery in the off season. Stop underrating Wade. The guy is still a more efficient scorer than Kobe despite being injured last season.

08-26-2012, 11:15 PM
According to OP (is a phaggit)......

34 year old Dwayne Wade will be washed up and it's all over.

34 year old Kobe however, will win league MVP this season, is still a top 5 player, the BEST scorer and will win FMVP over Dwight if they win the chip.

Dat Kobetard logic.

Saying that kobe aged better than Wade is aging now is kobetard logic? You are aware that kobe is better than dwayne wade, right? ...


08-27-2012, 02:17 AM
convenient if i started watching basketball after they won in 2000 or 2009

but 1997?

they hadnt won a title in 9 years at the time.


you remind me of those idiotic americans in seattle complaining that the stores are crowded with canadians... saying theyre a disease and should be banned from stores

yea... lets ban all nba fans outside of the US and all shoppers from other countries..

Go watch hockey.

08-27-2012, 02:20 AM
Kobe Groupies are gonna be furious this year when Wade retains his title as best sg in the league.

How can he retain a title he never had? Kobe has been the best SG in the league since about 2000, with maybe the exception of the 10-11 season.

08-27-2012, 02:22 AM
How can he retain a title he never had? Kobe has been the best SG in the league since about 2000, with maybe the exception of the 10-11 season.
T-Mac was better from 03-05.

08-27-2012, 02:25 AM
How can he retain a title he never had? Kobe has been the best SG in the league since about 2000, with maybe the exception of the 10-11 season.
:facepalm Which would mean that he did hold the title...

08-27-2012, 02:26 AM
T-Mac was better from 03-05.

02-03 is a draw, and I might give 04 and 05 to T-Mac. I kind of forgot about him since he is kind of a SG/SF combo.

08-27-2012, 02:27 AM
02-03 is a draw, and I might give 04 and 05 to T-Mac. I kind of forgot about him since he is kind of a SG/SF combo.
Yep. What about AI when he won MVP? Or do you count him as a PG?

08-27-2012, 02:29 AM
Yep. What about AI when he won MVP? Or do you count him as a PG?

I count him as a PG. Besides, I thought Kobe was better anyway, although I feel Iverson doesn't get the respect he deserves.

08-27-2012, 02:30 AM
I count him as a PG. Besides, I thought Kobe was better anyway, although I feel Iverson doesn't get the respect he deserves.
Not on ISH at least

(inb4 "Iverson was a shotjacking scrub! Worst player ever DURR!":rolleyes: )

08-27-2012, 02:33 AM
Current Lakers squad

2nd round exit :lol


08-27-2012, 02:38 AM

08-27-2012, 02:39 AM
Not on ISH at least

(inb4 "Iverson was a shotjacking scrub! Worst player ever DURR!":rolleyes: )

Him chucking up a shitload of shots was actually in the team's best interests. It worked too.

Cali Syndicate
08-27-2012, 02:40 AM
you think lebron bein 27 is nice

dwight howards 26.. lol

only difference is.... when howard takes over the team. he has mitch in charge of putting guys around him via lopsided trades and steals by toying with other gm's

while in miami... riley will still be relying on colluding free agents instead of working any real magic

So re-signing Wade and bringing in Lebron and Bosh isn't magic? And Riley doesn't need to be doing much anyways right now. In case you forgot they just rang in relatively dominant fashion. Would be stupid to work any "magic."

08-27-2012, 02:40 AM
Not on ISH at least

(inb4 "Iverson was a shotjacking scrub! Worst player ever DURR!":rolleyes: )


Its always from the morons that never even saw the guy play aswell:facepalm

08-27-2012, 02:49 AM
This past season Wade put up 22 ppg on 50% shooting with 4.6 assists, 1.7 steals and 1.3 blocks per game. This is with Wade taking a secondary role to LeBron. Those stats represent a decline?!?!

I believe Wade also put up over 20 ppg during the finals, on one leg....

Kobe Groupies are gonna be furious this year when Wade retains his title as best sg in the league.

Yes, Kobe scored more but Kobe also had the highest usage and fga in the entire league while shooting a putrid %. It is simply not in Kobe's DNA to play unselfishly.

There go bandwagon Lebron fan logic, if you can EVER even call it that:facepalm

Yeah...cuz the Heat won, Wade is supposedly the best SG in the league? Keeping in mind, this is coming from the same set of people who wanted him shipped out of Miami, earlier in the season. Simply cuz he was supposedly ***king up Lebron's shine. But NOW....he's the best SG in the league.

08-27-2012, 08:44 AM
How can he retain a title he never had? Kobe has been the best SG in the league since about 2000, with maybe the exception of the 10-11 season.

The only think Kobe has done better is put up more ppg while taking more fga and shooting an average to bad fg%

I'd take Wade over Kobe every year for the last 5 to 6 years.

08-27-2012, 08:58 AM
The only think Kobe has done better is put up more ppg while taking more fga and shooting an average to bad fg%

I'd take Wade over Kobe every year for the last 5 to 6 years.

exactly. Watchign Kobe shoot makes me cringe sometimes. It even makes me feel bad for him when he has those 4-30 type nights. Can't imagine how Kobe tards feel when he does that, which is regularly lol

08-27-2012, 09:20 AM
The only think Kobe has done better is put up more ppg while taking more fga and shooting an average to bad fg%

I'd take Wade over Kobe every year for the last 5 to 6 years.

Pretty much. But it's cool, we all know Kobrick stans aren't so bright. They value volume scoring on average efficency, along with horrible shot selection. A selfish, "eat first" mentality. Wannabe Jordan.

I prefer an unselfish superstar who will play within a team concept, doesn't care about labels like being the "man". A guy who puts up great all around numbers, and shoots 48-50% every year from the field every year.

08-27-2012, 09:29 AM
Pretty much. But it's cool, we all know Kobrick stans aren't so bright. They value volume scoring on average efficency, along with horrible shot selection. A selfish, "eat first" mentality. Wannabe Jordan.

I prefer an unselfish superstar who will play within a team concept, doesn't care about labels like being the "man". A guy who puts up great all around numbers, and shoots 48-50% every year from the field every year.

You referring to wade?? The shooting guard who cant shoot?:lol
Talk about cringing when a guy shoots!!

Wade will be pretty much done after 2 more years, without his athleticism hes fu*ked... Kobe is still better than Wade and hes in his 17th season.

Lets not forget all the Heat fans/LeBron stans calling for Wade to be traded because the Heat played better with LeBron running the show. The only reason LeBron got to take over is because Wade was injured.

08-27-2012, 09:45 AM
If you listen to Kobrick stans like yourself, Wade was suppose to be done back in 2008. But like I said, we all know Bryant fans aren't the brightest. See the OP(and yourself for that matter).

08-27-2012, 10:02 AM
If you listen to Kobrick stans like yourself, Wade was suppose to be done back in 2008. But like I said, we all know Bryant fans aren't the brightest. See the OP(and yourself for that matter).

Last time I checked Wade was injured last season, and played like shit for the 2 seasons before that...
Enlighten me how he is still prime Wade please...

LeBron stans getting nervous that was his one and only title:oldlol: With Wade declining, and other teams getting better, the Heats championship window is closing fast. Thats not being a hater its a fact.

08-27-2012, 10:08 AM
Last time I checked Wade was injured last season, and played like shit for the 2 seasons before that...
Enlighten me how he is still prime Wade please...

Just when you thought you've seen it all from clown ass Laker/Kobe fans, you get a gem like this.


08-27-2012, 10:17 AM
Last time I checked Wade was injured last season, and played like shit for the 2 seasons before that...
Enlighten me how he is still prime Wade please...

LeBron stans getting nervous that was his one and only title:oldlol: With Wade declining, and other teams getting better, the Heats championship window is closing fast. Thats not being a hater its a fact.
and ignore list

08-27-2012, 10:42 AM
Please not the ignore list LeBron stans:cry:

08-27-2012, 10:55 AM
Old man Wade, injuries galore, barely breathing, athleticism waning:
#3 in NBA in PER in 10-11
#3 in NBA in PER in 11-12.

Kobe career high in PER- #3.

God I love Kobestans. Lakers may very well win the title this year. God knows they have the talent. But to suggest Wade is done is just silly. I mean there were people suggesting that Wade has more mileage than Kobe. Thats precious.

08-27-2012, 11:17 AM
PER is the be all and end all of basketball:bowdown: :bowdown:

08-27-2012, 11:18 AM
Old man Wade, injuries galore, barely breathing, athleticism waning:
#3 in NBA in PER in 10-11
#3 in NBA in PER in 11-12.

Kobe career high in PER- #3.

God I love Kobestans. Lakers may very well win the title this year. God knows they have the talent. But to suggest Wade is done is just silly. I mean there were people suggesting that Wade has more mileage than Kobe. Thats precious.

Too bad PER is meaningless.

08-27-2012, 11:24 AM


Ne 1
08-27-2012, 11:53 AM
Too bad PER is meaningless.

PER is subjective and a flawed stat. Hollinger gave the most value to what he thought was most important. Essentially anyone could make a similar stat to PER crediting one category more then another, and thus the list would change.

It isn't anymore viable then if anyone on this site were to make a formula up with their personal beliefs of how stats should be valued.

08-27-2012, 11:59 AM
Too bad PER is meaningless.
Why because Kobes PER is among the worst as a superstar ranked as high as he is?

Kobe stans. :facepalm

08-27-2012, 12:05 PM
Why because Kobes PER is among the worst as a superstar ranked as high as he is?

Kobe stans. :facepalm

I don't even know what Kobe's PER is. PER is meaningless to me because it's some stupid formula made up by some schmuck who doesn't know anything about basketball.

08-27-2012, 12:39 PM
Why because Kobes PER is among the worst as a superstar ranked as high as he is?

Kobe stans. :facepalm
:oldlol: Yes, if Kobe's PER/advanced stats were off the charts and elite, Kobe stans would be using them all day every day but since Kobe's PER/advanced stats are weak for a superstar, they deny the credibility of the stat.

People will only listen to what they want to hear.

08-27-2012, 12:47 PM
Not trying to hate or anything but did you not see the playoff series against Pacers?..

Nero Tulip
08-27-2012, 01:13 PM
I don't think anyone is waiting for Kobe to retire... if anything the Lakers will be better then.

08-27-2012, 05:03 PM
To suggest Wade isn't highly skilled is plain ignorant.

He has all the tools to prolong his career. It's whether his mind wants to change his playing style. Problem is, at this stage of his career, he's still thinking attack-the-rim rather than exploiting what is given to him.

Check out his stroke: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBuDG5WNsdY
His form is getting better and better with time. He just needs to implement it into the game and that will come eventually through lots of practice and mind training--shoot first when open and don't pump fake to get a foul or opening to attack the basket. He has a sweet banker and should rely on it to jumpstart his midrange game.

Now look at his footwork and ability to get a basket in a variety of ways: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfWCVEDwE5I
This is how I want Wade to play. His arsenal of moves is very unpredictable yet very efficient. Wade's floaters has always been unstoppable. He needs to go to them more often instead of the exciting dunks and flashy layups that he wants. Yes, he got hot and his fadeaway jumpers were sticking, but he is very capable of hitting them more often...just needs to use less energy by not driving in as much to get that lift he needs.

All in all, he's past his physical peak when his athleticism dominated the league individually, but next year, I expect him to be at his peak mentally. Yes, he's declining physically and him being proned to injuries, mostly from his playing style, certainly isn't helping him age well. This will all change with a slight adjustment in his playing style that WILL happen next year.

The most efficient Wade ever will make his appearence next season. He's still a superstar and the leader of the Miami Heat.