View Full Version : Mark Cuban is my favorite person ever now

09-01-2012, 06:37 AM
My man tipped me $1,000 last night for comvo. Jason Kidd was with him too (weren't they beefing a bit?) and didn't tip me a dime but tipped a cocktail waitress $300.

09-01-2012, 06:39 AM
:eek: :eek: :eek:

09-01-2012, 07:20 AM
What's comvo? Why was Kidd (the Knick) with Cuban?

09-01-2012, 07:37 AM
What's comvo? Why was Kidd (the Knick) with Cuban?
Conversation. And idk.

09-01-2012, 07:51 AM
Seems legit.

09-01-2012, 09:26 AM
Seems legit.

09-01-2012, 09:41 AM
pics or it didn't happen!

09-01-2012, 09:49 AM
This is believable, marky boy is known for being a chill dude. Just goes to show that being generous is easy when you are a self-satisfied billiionaire

09-01-2012, 09:54 AM
You have to understand that he's a BILLIONAIRE. So $1,000 for him is like $1 to the common ppl.

09-01-2012, 09:58 AM
You have to understand that he's a BILLIONAIRE. So $1,000 for him is like $1 to the common ppl.
OP obviously not rich.

09-01-2012, 10:10 AM
You have to understand that he's a BILLIONAIRE. So $1,000 for him is like $1 to the common ppl.

Orlando Magic
09-01-2012, 10:18 AM
I suppose the biggest question and most important part of this thread is... Are you going to report that income to the irs or not?

09-01-2012, 10:18 AM
Lol why would I lie? I work security and was given detail in the high roller lounge where he was playing blackjack. Struck up a conversation and he tipped me a grand before leaving. Really nice, genuine guy.

I've also made threads about Steve Nash and the Morris twins at my job. Dr J probably had me the most awestruck of any celeb there so far.

It's a cool job, and to the guy a couple posts up, yeah I'm nowhere near rich.

09-01-2012, 10:34 AM
I was in a row adjacent from Dr. J in an airplane. Airplane> casino.

09-01-2012, 11:03 AM
nice proof OP.

I got a $25 tip at work the other night on a $25 order. I was rather pleased.

09-01-2012, 11:30 AM
I believe Stateprop. Nice tip bro. I bet it felt so damn good to deposit that shit in your bank account.:oldlol:

I dont about you but if I ever got a tip like that I am telling no one I know in real life lol.

09-01-2012, 11:31 AM
I suppose the biggest question and most important part of this thread is... Are you going to report that income to the irs or not?

:lol :lol :lol

09-01-2012, 12:50 PM
what did he say about basketball ?

09-01-2012, 12:55 PM
tips are charity

do people really feel right accepting charity? people do it because we're made to feel sorry for them. that "its the number 1 job for single moms" or "they don't get enough money :( "

lol charity case

i can barely accept money for rides i give people or let people pay for dinner

know why? cause when a person gives you a hand out. it means theyre saying you need it more than them

that means a waiter or waitress is basically admitting every single person that walks into a bar is better than they are...

you need 2-3$. you depend on it. and nobody wants to be around them when someone forgets to do it lol

09-01-2012, 01:03 PM
tips are charity

do people really feel right accepting charity? people do it because we're made to feel sorry for them. that "its the number 1 job for single moms" or "they don't get enough money :( "

lol charity case

i can barely accept money for rides i give people or let people pay for dinner

know why? cause when a person gives you a hand out. it means theyre saying you need it more than them

that means a waiter or waitress is basically admitting every single person that walks into a bar is better than they are...

you need 2-3$. you depend on it. and nobody wants to be around them when someone forgets to do it lol
First off he is a security guard which he said in this thread. Secondly when a billionaire, or millionaire gives a tip to an "average Joe" the average Joe does need the money more than a millionaire or billionaire.

Literally 1000 dollars to Cuban does equal a dollar to a normal person. If a normal person makes 100,000 dollars, and Cuban makes a billion that means he makes 1000 x the amount of a normal person.

That's like he found a dollar in his pocket and gave it to the guy lol it's not really unbelievable to beliee the OP at all.

09-01-2012, 01:06 PM
tips are charity

do people really feel right accepting charity? people do it because we're made to feel sorry for them. that "its the number 1 job for single moms" or "they don't get enough money :( "

lol charity case

i can barely accept money for rides i give people or let people pay for dinner

know why? cause when a person gives you a hand out. it means theyre saying you need it more than them

that means a waiter or waitress is basically admitting every single person that walks into a bar is better than they are...

you need 2-3$. you depend on it. and nobody wants to be around them when someone forgets to do it lol
You have the most twisted view on money I have ever seen. More money just means more money. That has nothing to do with being better than someone.

09-01-2012, 01:10 PM
You have the most twisted view on money I have ever seen. More money just means more money. That has nothing to do with being better than someone.
Depends on how you got your money, but I mostly agree. For eample if daddy was rich, and you inherited than I don't think you can say you're better than someone, but if for example you're a self made millionaire then it does make you better than other people at certain aspects of life whether that is athletically, or intellectually.

09-01-2012, 01:20 PM
Depends on how you got your money, but I mostly agree. For eample if daddy was rich, and you inherited than I don't think you can say you're better than someone, but if for example you're a self made millionaire then it does make you better than other people at certain aspects of life whether that is athletically, or intellectually.

Money doesn't make me better than anyone else. I'm not better than the billions of people who make less than me. I might be better at accruing funds, but that's it. There are so many qualities and skills that people have over me, why on earth would the ability to make money better than someone else make me better than them?

09-01-2012, 01:29 PM
Dang, I need to have a glass of apple juice and talk about sports with Mark Cuban sometime.

09-01-2012, 01:31 PM
Money doesn't make me better than anyone else. I'm not better than the billions of people who make less than me. I might be better at accruing funds, but that's it. There are so many qualities and skills that people have over me, why on earth would the ability to make money better than someone else make me better than them?
As I said if you are a millionaire athlete than that makes you a better athlete than other people. If you make more money as a scientist for example that makes you smarter than other people. If you make millions selling drugs than that makes you a better criminal than other people. Whatever a millionaire/billionaire does to make their money makes them better in that specific category of life than other people are. Does that make a millionaire athlete a smarter person than me or you nope, but it makes them better athletically.

Just because you make a lot of money doesn't mean you're a nice person, smart person, athletic person, etc, but it means you are better than the average at one aspect of life.

Having daddy's fortune gifted to you doesn't count though. If you're rich because you're daddy is rich then you got lucky financially, and nothing else.

09-01-2012, 01:41 PM
As I said if you are a millionaire athlete than that makes you a better athlete than other people. If you make more money as a scientist for example that makes you smarter than other people. If you make millions selling drugs than that makes you a better criminal than other people. Whatever a millionaire/billionaire does to make their money makes them better in that specific category of life than other people are. Does that make a millionaire athlete a smarter person than me or you nope, but it makes them better athletically.

Just because you make a lot of money doesn't mean you're a nice person, smart person, athletic person, etc, but it means you are better than the average at one aspect of life.

Having daddy's fortune gifted to you doesn't count though. If you're rich because you're daddy is rich then you got lucky financially, and nothing else.

So in other words....we agree?:oldlol: I kinda misread your first post towards me, sorry.


09-01-2012, 01:45 PM
tips are charity

do people really feel right accepting charity? people do it because we're made to feel sorry for them. that "its the number 1 job for single moms" or "they don't get enough money :( "

lol charity case

i can barely accept money for rides i give people or let people pay for dinner

know why? cause when a person gives you a hand out. it means theyre saying you need it more than them

that means a waiter or waitress is basically admitting every single person that walks into a bar is better than they are...

you need 2-3$. you depend on it. and nobody wants to be around them when someone forgets to do it lol
You're clearly not older than 12. 11 is pushing it even.

09-01-2012, 02:00 PM
As I said if you are a millionaire athlete than that makes you a better athlete than other people. If you make more money as a scientist for example that makes you smarter than other people. If you make millions selling drugs than that makes you a better criminal than other people. Whatever a millionaire/billionaire does to make their money makes them better in that specific category of life than other people are. Does that make a millionaire athlete a smarter person than me or you nope, but it makes them better athletically.

Just because you make a lot of money doesn't mean you're a nice person, smart person, athletic person, etc, but it means you are better than the average at one aspect of life.

Having daddy's fortune gifted to you doesn't count though. If you're rich because you're daddy is rich then you got lucky financially, and nothing else.

haha, you should just add "If you are a richer son than someone else, then you are a better son than other sons."

Do you think Phil Mickelson and Michael Shumacher are/were better athletes than Dominique Wilkins?

Justin Beiber a better singer than.... about 99.9% of the singers who have ever lived? =/

Money does not mean better... when you compare scientists, sons, athletes, etc, neither is "better"... only different

09-01-2012, 02:10 PM
haha, you should just add "If you are a richer son than someone else, then you are a better son than other sons."

Do you think Phil Mickelson and Michael Shumacher are/were better athletes than Dominique Wilkins?

Justin Beiber a better singer than.... about 99.9% of the singers who have ever lived? =/

Money does not mean better... when you compare scientists, sons, athletes, etc, neither is "better"... only differentAdd lil wayne to this list.

Wayne makes more money than a great rapper like Joell Ortiz, but JO is miles ahead of Wayne.


09-01-2012, 02:37 PM
do you have to share that tip with the rest of the security guards?

I didn't know individuals were allowed to receive tips personally in casinos

09-01-2012, 02:51 PM
tips are charity

do people really feel right accepting charity? people do it because we're made to feel sorry for them. that "its the number 1 job for single moms" or "they don't get enough money :( "

lol charity case

i can barely accept money for rides i give people or let people pay for dinner

know why? cause when a person gives you a hand out. it means theyre saying you need it more than them

that means a waiter or waitress is basically admitting every single person that walks into a bar is better than they are...

you need 2-3$. you depend on it. and nobody wants to be around them when someone forgets to do it lol

griff - at what point do you draw the line of selling a product vs selling a service?

Al Thornton
09-01-2012, 02:55 PM
Add lil wayne to this list.

Wayne makes more money than a great rapper like Joell Ortiz, but JO is miles ahead of Wayne.


i was with u right until the point where u tried to suggest joel ortiz is a great rapper.

09-01-2012, 03:04 PM
Id blow Mark Cuban for 100,000. Just sayin.

09-01-2012, 03:08 PM
You're clearly not older than 12. 11 is pushing it even.

Heres the thing. My budddy next door owns a pizza store. He brings me food sometimes just to say hi. Whenever he does it he doesnt accept tips. But when the other guys who work under him that i'm also buddys with come over. They expect a dollar for the effort.

Know why 1 guy does and the otheres dont? ... Because the owner has pride and doesnt depend on tips because hes a highschool drop out piece of shhhht bum

And most if not all people who work in the "tipping" industry are highschool drop out yada yadas

09-01-2012, 03:16 PM
griff - at what point do you draw the line of selling a product vs selling a service?

Theres plenty of people in the service industry who work harder and dont get tips... People tip a waitress instead of a mcdonalds or gas station worker because they assume the mcdonalds and gas station workers are saving up to pay off a student loan. Whyle the waitress is working is paying for her 5 children out of wedlock that she hadbefore the age of 20

09-01-2012, 03:24 PM
Now I really know not to take this guy's rankings seriously. What a facsist nut.

09-01-2012, 03:25 PM
Theres plenty of people in the service industry who work harder and dont get tips... People tip a waitress instead of a mcdonalds or gas station worker because they assume the mcdonalds and gas station workers are saving up to pay off a student loan. Whyle the waitress is working is paying for her 5 children out of wedlock that she hadbefore the age of 20

perhaps, but that's not the larger point I was trying to make

consider a completely insular population, consisting of 6 people

3 people are spenders, 3 people are workers (assume for the sake of this exercise that none of the spenders work, and none of the workers spend)

of the 3 spenders:

S1 - unlimited wealth, spends indiscriminately
S2 - limited wealth, spends foolishly
S3 - limited wealth, spends carefully

of the 3 workers:

W1 - offers all necessary goods and services
W2 - offers all unnecessary goods
W3 - offers all unnecessary services

here are my questions for you:

(1) which of W1, W2, W3 most fits the profile of the worker accepting tips in your argument?
(2) which, of any of W1, W2, W3 should accept tips?
(3) what's the order of precedence of W1, W2, W3 on which each of S1, S2, S3 should spend his/her funds?
(4) who of W1, W2, W3 will be most successful in the long run?
(5) when S2, S3 run out of money, which of W1, W2, W3 will they most resemble to re-accumulate their lost wealth?

09-01-2012, 03:34 PM
what the heck were u talking about that deserved $1,000? he didn' pull a john travolta on u did he?

09-01-2012, 03:42 PM
As I said if you are a millionaire athlete than that makes you a better athlete than other people. If you make more money as a scientist for example that makes you smarter than other people. If you make millions selling drugs than that makes you a better criminal than other people. Whatever a millionaire/billionaire does to make their money makes them better in that specific category of life than other people are. Does that make a millionaire athlete a smarter person than me or you nope, but it makes them better athletically.

Just because you make a lot of money doesn't mean you're a nice person, smart person, athletic person, etc, but it means you are better than the average at one aspect of life.

Einstein was poor, working at a patent office during some of the most productive years of his life. He couldn't even get a teaching position. Vincent van Gogh had very modest success as an artist during his lifetime, but he's remembered as a legend. Robert Johnson was a nobody, but today many millionaire musicians are inspired by his music. Jesus of Nazareth was a poor man, belonging to an undesirable ethnic minority, and was executed as a criminal. Within a few hundred years he worshiped by the emperor of Rome, and today he's worshiped by many millions of people.

There are countless examples of people who did great things, without being financially rewarded, at the time. Many people did great things without ever being rewarded, or even acknowledged. There are also countless hacks, and frauds who gain vast wealth, and popularity through some combination of luck, charm, and social connections.

09-01-2012, 03:47 PM
You have the most twisted view on money I have ever seen. More money just means more money. That has nothing to do with being better than someone.

He's not twisted. He's just plain retarded. Bartenders, waiter,s and waitresses are not beggars. They rely on tips to make a living because their hourly pay is either non-existent or way below minimum wage.

09-01-2012, 03:57 PM
He's not twisted. He's just plain retarded. Bartenders, waiter,s and waitresses are not beggars. They rely on tips to make a living because their hourly pay is either non-existent or way below minimum wage.

They are beggers. Believe me. A few times i forgot to tip and they let the whole bar know about it. Then i had to hear from my friends how much of a jerk i was for not tipping the girl who gave me my drink "at the bar. Not even the table" ... Then the people i know who are servers brag all the time about making 20$ an hour. ( yes in canada servers make minimum wage + tips.. Its the law.. Here they still act like theyre under paid. But theyre spoiled. And still beg for more.

Maybe its different in the states. Maybe they make nothing down there. But here i have no pitty

09-01-2012, 03:58 PM
tips are charity

Tips are for service provided. In this case, yes you could call it charity because the security guard's services are to provide security for the casino; not to idly banter with patrons.

that means a waiter or waitress is basically admitting every single person that walks into a bar is better than they are...

Is there anything you have an opinion on that isn't retarded? Rhetorical question, btw.

you need 2-3$. you depend on it. and nobody wants to be around them when someone forgets to do it lol

Unlike some people like yourself, others have to work for a living. If you don't have the education or training for a high paying job, you do menial stuff like work in restaurants.

09-01-2012, 04:05 PM
Actually under Obama a lot of college grads get stuck waiting tables or doing menial jobs. You gotta do what you gotta do to support your family. Mark Cuban has enough money. But you gotta be thankful for what you got and not focus on what you could have.

09-01-2012, 04:05 PM
They are beggers.

That's your opinion. If that's how you choose to view it, fine, but the way you're going about expressing your opinion is pretty disrespectful.

09-01-2012, 04:07 PM
Einstein was poor, working at a patent office during some of the most productive years of his life. He couldn't even get a teaching position. Vincent van Gogh had very modest success as an artist during his lifetime, but he's remembered as a legend. Robert Johnson was a nobody, but today many millionaire musicians are inspired by his music. Jesus of Nazareth was a poor man, belonging to an undesirable ethnic minority, and was executed as a criminal. Within a few hundred years he worshiped by the emperor of Rome, and today he's worshiped by many millions of people.

There are countless examples of people who did great things, without being financially rewarded, at the time. Many people did great things without ever being rewarded, or even acknowledged. There are also countless hacks, and frauds who gain vast wealth, and popularity through some combination of luck, charm, and social connections.
Did you really use Jesus, a fictional story book character, to try and make a point? He may have been a real man, but he didn't turn crap into gold, walk on coffee, or any of the other things Christian's claim he did. Christianity isn't even the first religion that has its roots in a fictional character who had "supernatural powers" like Jesus (or heysues if you will).

Einstein being poor for many of his productive years as you call it is because he didn't do anything to make him rich at that point in his life. With many artists you don't know what you have until it's gone, and VVG is no different.

And to the countless hacks they are smart people who take advantage of a broken system, which means they are more opportunistic than the average person meaning they are better than average in that aspect of life.

09-01-2012, 04:10 PM
That's your opinion. If that's how you choose to view it, fine, but the way you're going about expressing your opinion is pretty disrespectful.

Servers are disrespectful. Tipping isnt even gratitude. Its not an option. Its actually manditory now in some
places. And if u choose not to tip u become an outcast or your food becomes infested with germs and other bacteria. And even when u are "respectful" they turn around and brag about it. Just like the OP and many other people i know who get tips

09-01-2012, 04:10 PM
That's your opinion. If that's how you choose to view it, fine, but the way you're going about expressing your opinion is pretty disrespectful.This punk hasn't done anything for society and yet he feels superior to a server? At least they have a job you bum.

09-01-2012, 04:12 PM
Theres plenty of people in the service industry who work harder and dont get tips... People tip a waitress instead of a mcdonalds or gas station worker because they assume the mcdonalds and gas station workers are saving up to pay off a student loan. Whyle the waitress is working is paying for her 5 children out of wedlock that she hadbefore the age of 20

You really going to sit there and compare service in fast food joints vs dining in a sit down restaurant where you are waited on? Who the hell tips a gas station worker? Unless they still have full service stations where they clean windows, check tire pressure, oil, etc, I haven't heard of anywhere where it's common practice to tip them. The reason for that is because they already add about 10% to the price per gallon when you fill up in the full service section and that's what pays for it. Haven't seen a full service station anywhere in the states in ages.

09-01-2012, 04:17 PM
Servers are disrespectful. Tipping isnt even gratitude. Its not an option. Its actually manditory now in some
places. And if u choose not to tip u become an outcast or your food becomes infested with germs and other bacteria. And even when u are "respectful" they turn around and brag about it. Just like the OP and many other people i know who get tips

I'd hate to see the world through your eyes. Servers are disrespectful? Why? Because they wait on you and, due to being paid below minimum wage and relying on tips to cover their expenses and whatnot, ask for tips?

Who cares? They shouldn't be looked down upon and you shouldn't act like you'r better than they are.

09-01-2012, 04:22 PM
Servers are disrespectful. Tipping isnt even gratitude. Its not an option. Its actually manditory now in some
places. And if u choose not to tip u become an outcast or your food becomes infested with germs and other bacteria. And even when u are "respectful" they turn around and brag about it. Just like the OP and many other people i know who get tips

I've never been disrespected by any servers in any of the times I've eaten out while in Canada (Montreal, Calgary, Toronto). As a whole, Canadians generally have a very good overall reputation for friendliness, moreso than Americans. Servers as a whole aren't disrespectful. It doesn't take too much to get them fired.

It's obvious that you've never held any kind of job before.

09-01-2012, 04:23 PM
Theres plenty of people in the service industry who work harder and dont get tips... People tip a waitress instead of a mcdonalds or gas station worker because they assume the mcdonalds and gas station workers are saving up to pay off a student loan. Whyle the waitress is working is paying for her 5 children out of wedlock that she hadbefore the age of 20

I've known and know plenty o college students putting themselves through college working as a waiter/waitress or something else in the service industry.

09-01-2012, 04:24 PM
This punk hasn't done anything for society and yet he feels superior to a server? At least they have a job you bum.

A crack whore with no teeth is better than him. IOW, his mother is a much better person than he is.

09-01-2012, 04:27 PM
You really going to sit there and compare service in fast food joints vs dining in a sit down restaurant where you are waited on? Who the hell tips a gas station worker? Unless they still have full service stations where they clean windows, check tire pressure, oil, etc, I haven't heard of anywhere where it's common practice to tip them. The reason for that is because they already add about 10% to the price per gallon when you fill up in the full service section and that's what pays for it. Haven't seen a full service station anywhere in the states in ages.

Last thing i'l say on the subject

--- if* people who got tips actually felt like they diserved them. They wouldnt brag about them... Because usually mentioning how much salary u get is a taboo subject and not socially acceptable. But most people qho get tips let everyone know how much they get and act as if its like winning a scratch ticket lottery. This means they dont diserve it and it has absolutely nothing to do with what they diserve or should earn. Its a hand out. Its charity. And none of them diserve it because any monkey with half a brain could write down orders and fetch someones food or drink. I find it disgusting that they make close to 20$/ hour in my country. Sickening

09-01-2012, 04:36 PM


09-01-2012, 04:45 PM
tips are charity

do people really feel right accepting charity? people do it because we're made to feel sorry for them. that "its the number 1 job for single moms" or "they don't get enough money :( "

lol charity caseEveryone who's alive today has accepted charity, in some form. Humans are not born self sufficient.

i can barely accept money for rides i give people or let people pay for dinner

know why? cause when a person gives you a hand out. it means theyre saying you need it more than themIf you give someone a ride, they're paying you for the inconvenience, because they don't want to feel like they're getting something from you, without reciprocating. Giving you money is just an easy way to make things even, so they don't feel like they owe you a favor in return.

When a person invites you to dinner, and pays for it, they're showing their willingness to share food with you. It's a way of strengthening the social bond, by showing that they're willing to give something, without any clear, or immediate expectation of repayment. If I ask someone out to dinner, even if they're a billionaire, I'm going to pay for it. If I'm asked to dinner, I'm going to offer to pay, and they will turn me down. If we just randomly go to dinner, and it's not clear who the host is, we'll split the bill.

In most situations where you give, or receive money, it says nothing about your placement on some hierarchy. It's just normal cooperative social behavior.

that means a waiter or waitress is basically admitting every single person that walks into a bar is better than they are...
When a scientist, or inventor receives a grant, or funding from some wealthy benefactor, are they admitting inferiority? If they're surprised, and excited about the amount of money they received, does that imply that they don't deserve it?

A person like you ought to appreciate the custom of tipping. Instead of your bill just being 15% larger, you have the option of reducing, or withholding the tip, if you're given very poor service. It provides extra incentive for people providing services to do a good job.

Ne 1
09-01-2012, 04:48 PM
Last thing i'l say on the subject

--- if* people who got tips actually felt like they diserved them. They wouldnt brag about them... Because usually mentioning how much salary u get is a taboo subject and not socially acceptable. But most people qho get tips let everyone know how much they get and act as if its like winning a scratch ticket lottery. This means they dont diserve it and it has absolutely nothing to do with what they diserve or should earn. Its a hand out. Its charity. And none of them diserve it because any monkey with half a brain could write down orders and fetch someones food or drink. I find it disgusting that they make close to 20$/ hour in my country. Sickening


09-01-2012, 04:59 PM

never seen that movie, may watch it in the next couple of days.

About the tipping thing, its showing appreciation to someone who is doing something for you. They get paid horribly and of course its not our fault but its a custom to do so and it should be done. Bartenders however I feel do make way too much money and I only tip a dollar a drink which still adds up the way i drink.

09-01-2012, 05:32 PM
never seen that movie, may watch it in the next couple of days.

About the tipping thing, its showing appreciation to someone who is doing something for you. They get paid horribly and of course its not our fault but its a custom to do so and it should be done. Bartenders however I feel do make way too much money and I only tip a dollar a drink which still adds up the way i drink.
Maybe in the states they get paid horribly. In canada where i live they make more than some teachers

Here they get 10.25 minimum/hour before tips. Allot make 100$ in tips over their entire shift.

10.25 x 8 + 100 = 192.25$

192.25 x 20 days a month = 3,845$

Times 12 months = 46,140$ per year

Thats more than a teachers salary

For a job you need no education for

This is why my friend who works as a server at the airport can afford her big house all by herself. She drives a bmw for god sake

09-01-2012, 05:36 PM
Maybe in the states they get paid horribly. In canada where i live they make more than some teachers

Here they get 10.25 minimum/hour before tips. Allot make 100$ in tips over their entire shift.

10.25 x 8 + 100 = 192.25$

192.25 x 20 days a month = 3,845$

Times 12 months = 46,140$ per year

Thats more than a teachers salary

For a job you need no education for

This is why my friend who works as a server at the airport can afford her big house all by herself. She drives a bmw for god sake

is she hot?

09-01-2012, 05:40 PM
Cuban should be embarrassed for making billions off a patent. What he's done isn't worth anywhere near a billion dollars.

09-01-2012, 05:42 PM
is she hot?
Shes a butterface... Good body though

09-01-2012, 05:50 PM

\:roll: :roll:

09-01-2012, 05:52 PM
kgriff = too poor to tip

kgriff = superior to all beings

:facepalm :rolleyes:

what a ****ing loser respect the people that handle your food and make your nights enjoyable at restaurants and bars

09-01-2012, 06:20 PM
tips are charity

do people really feel right accepting charity? people do it because we're made to feel sorry for them. that "its the number 1 job for single moms" or "they don't get enough money :( "

lol charity case

i can barely accept money for rides i give people or let people pay for dinner

know why? cause when a person gives you a hand out. it means theyre saying you need it more than them

that means a waiter or waitress is basically admitting every single person that walks into a bar is better than they are...

you need 2-3$. you depend on it. and nobody wants to be around them when someone forgets to do it lol

made me think of this :oldlol:


09-01-2012, 06:22 PM


:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

09-01-2012, 07:41 PM
Last thing i'l say on the subject

--- if* people who got tips actually felt like they diserved them. They wouldnt brag about them... Because usually mentioning how much salary u get is a taboo subject and not socially acceptable. But most people qho get tips let everyone know how much they get and act as if its like winning a scratch ticket lottery. This means they dont diserve it and it has absolutely nothing to do with what they diserve or should earn. Its a hand out. Its charity. And none of them diserve it because any monkey with half a brain could write down orders and fetch someones food or drink. I find it disgusting that they make close to 20$/ hour in my country. Sickening
i'm pretty sure the op knows he didn't deserve a $1000 tip for a conversation. btw where the op and i live, waitresses and bartenders make like $3/hr before tips.

Lakers Legend#32
09-01-2012, 08:09 PM
If I were a billionaire, I'd be Mark Cuban.

09-01-2012, 08:18 PM
Yeah I'm well aware I didn't deserve 1000 for talking to the guy. Im also well aware that grand is more than my take home money on a 2 week paycheck and now I can buy my school books on time and fix my car. Pretty damn thankful.

Thanks Mark :cheers: :bowdown:

09-01-2012, 10:03 PM
Maybe in the states they get paid horribly. In canada where i live they make more than some teachers

Here they get 10.25 minimum/hour before tips. Allot make 100$ in tips over their entire shift.

10.25 x 8 + 100 = 192.25$

192.25 x 20 days a month = 3,845$

Times 12 months = 46,140$ per year

Thats more than a teachers salary

For a job you need no education for

This is why my friend who works as a server at the airport can afford her big house all by herself. She drives a bmw for god sake

wow yeah in canada they make bank. My statement then only applies to the usa

09-02-2012, 12:22 AM
Theres plenty of people in the service industry who work harder and dont get tips... People tip a waitress instead of a mcdonalds or gas station worker because they assume the mcdonalds and gas station workers are saving up to pay off a student loan. Whyle the waitress is working is paying for her 5 children out of wedlock that she hadbefore the age of 20

EDIT: Damn it, beaten to it.


09-02-2012, 03:31 AM
tips are charity

do people really feel right accepting charity? people do it because we're made to feel sorry for them. that "its the number 1 job for single moms" or "they don't get enough money :( "

lol charity case

i can barely accept money for rides i give people or let people pay for dinner

know why? cause when a person gives you a hand out. it means theyre saying you need it more than them

that means a waiter or waitress is basically admitting every single person that walks into a bar is better than they are...

you need 2-3$. you depend on it. and nobody wants to be around them when someone forgets to do it lol

Wow you are either very rich, or still live off your parents.

09-02-2012, 03:37 AM
haha, you should just add "If you are a richer son than someone else, then you are a better son than other sons."

Do you think Phil Mickelson and Michael Shumacher are/were better athletes than Dominique Wilkins?

Justin Beiber a better singer than.... about 99.9% of the singers who have ever lived? =/

Money does not mean better... when you compare scientists, sons, athletes, etc, neither is "better"... only different

Mickelson is a better golfer than wilkins, shumacher is a better driver than wilkins. Both auto racing and golf are events (not sure they are sports) that attract people with large amounts of disposable income. Advertisers like this and are willing to pay a premium. Wilkins also was from an earlier era so its not really comparable.

beiber is able to appeal to 9-14 year old girls better than any other entertainer. Some of these girls have significant amounts of disposable money thanks to their parents.

09-02-2012, 03:41 AM
Add lil wayne to this list.

Wayne makes more money than a great rapper like Joell Ortiz, but JO is miles ahead of Wayne.


Not knowledgeable about rap music, but whether someone is good or not is sort of subjective. The fact that lil wayne is more commercially appealing is undeniable.

For example i use to be a fan of the history channel, back when the history channel had actual historical shows and documentaries, no longer watch this channel because I'm not interested in swamp people, truckers, rednecks, and crazy people who believe aliens did everything. I still think the history channel was much better back when it covered historical people and battles, but obviously these new shows get higher ratings, so they have proven the new lineup is better than the old one.

09-02-2012, 03:52 AM
Not knowledgeable about rap music, but whether someone is good or not is sort of subjective. The fact that lil wayne is more commercially appealing is undeniable.

yup.. which is why i disagreed that someone who makes more money = better in their field than someone else.

some scientists have made significant discoveries (polio vaccine for ex) and chose not to sell it for money... while other scientists have came up with more sell-able pde5 inhibitors that make more money than coming up with a cure for a rare disease in children. i don't think one scientist is a "better scientist" than the other because they make a greater amount of money though

09-02-2012, 04:07 AM
This griff guy does have an interesting point of view. Socially awkward but interesting. Here in New Zealand we don't have to tip 'cause minimum wage is good enough, some people do when they feel being well served. I'd like to keep it this way

09-02-2012, 04:13 AM
Wayne makes more money than a great rapper like Joell Ortiz, but JO is miles ahead of Wayne.

http://youtu.be/Nth-SCTd7RoW O R D


09-02-2012, 04:16 AM
This griff guy does have an interesting point of view. Socially awkward but interesting. Here in New Zealand we don't have to tip 'cause minimum wage is good enough, some people do when they feel being well served. I'd like to keep it this way*Embarks on google quest for actuary table of national minimum wages*

09-02-2012, 04:26 AM
Wow you are either very rich, or still live off your parents.
Sounds to me like someone thats bitter that he doesn't have the people skills to get a better job

09-02-2012, 10:00 AM
My man tipped me $1,000 last night for comvo. Jason Kidd was with him too (weren't they beefing a bit?) and didn't tip me a dime but tipped a cocktail waitress $300.

StateProperty = stripper?

09-02-2012, 12:04 PM
yup.. which is why i disagreed that someone who makes more money = better in their field than someone else.

some scientists have made significant discoveries (polio vaccine for ex) and chose not to sell it for money... while other scientists have came up with more sell-able pde5 inhibitors that make more money than coming up with a cure for a rare disease in children. i don't think one scientist is a "better scientist" than the other because they make a greater amount of money though

One of those scientist is better at inventing a profitable drug.

09-02-2012, 12:07 PM
Sounds to me like someone thats bitter that he doesn't have the people skills to get a better job

So you agree that if you give someone a tip it means your superior to them? Personally i respect anyone that works for a living and pays their taxes.

09-02-2012, 12:21 PM
Theres plenty of people in the service industry who work harder and dont get tips... People tip a waitress instead of a mcdonalds or gas station worker because they assume the mcdonalds and gas station workers are saving up to pay off a student loan. Whyle the waitress is working is paying for her 5 children out of wedlock that she hadbefore the age of 20

Interesting idea, but I disagree.

People are almost always nice to me when I am out. I am nice to them, and they are nice to me. They might be being nice only because they expect a good tip (and know they will get one if they've served me before), and I may be being nice so they have no reason to spit in my food.

If you can't tip someone, don't go out. It's not required to tip unless you are in a huge party. You'd be a dick, but you're not going to get arrested.

I'd rather give someone a good tip so they could be happy. I mean, we're talking about 5 dollars instead of 2... 10 instead of 7, etc. Shit makes a difference. It's not about supporting someone. It's just a way of showing thanks.

And if someone is a dick then I usually tip them pretty well anyway because they probably need the money.

Even if I was rich, I wouldn't tip someone 1000 bucks, though. I'd give 1000 bucks to a bum before that. GET WASTED, here's a few 100s!

Edit: and anyone who personally serves you for free deserves a tip. McDonalds people don't get tips because they don't serve you personally. If they brought a special order out to your car, you should tip them. You tip a pizza delivery boy. You don't tip a cashier.


09-02-2012, 12:41 PM
You have to understand that he's a BILLIONAIRE. So $1,000 for him is like $1 to the common ppl.

You don't become a successful billionaire by throwing away your money.

09-02-2012, 12:45 PM
You don't become a successful billionaire by throwing away your money.
True but what does that have to do with what you quoted?

09-02-2012, 01:34 PM
One of those scientist is better at inventing a profitable drug.

Eh, not really. One group donated a drug that could have made a lot of money, the other group of scientists simply chose to charge a lot of money.

I think that you're assuming that everyone is out to get the most possible money that they can.... but that's not true. Some scientists could have made more profit from their drug than another scientist, but they chose to be philanthropic(?) instead.

Like I was saying before, Justin Beiber isn't better at making music than every musician he's made more money than... he is just more marketable

btw, i'm not one of those people who think money is evil and all that crap. i just don't agree with money = better at that profession. If it was so, we would rank the top 100 basketball goat list by money made. ;)

by the way, it may have already been mentioned, but Griffmoney: do you tip when you go out?

09-02-2012, 01:39 PM
Interesting idea, but I disagree.

People are almost always nice to me when I am out. I am nice to them, and they are nice to me. They might be being nice only because they expect a good tip (and know they will get one if they've served me before), and I may be being nice so they have no reason to spit in my food.

If you can't tip someone, don't go out. It's not required to tip unless you are in a huge party. You'd be a dick, but you're not going to get arrested.

I'd rather give someone a good tip so they could be happy. I mean, we're talking about 5 dollars instead of 2... 10 instead of 7, etc. Shit makes a difference. It's not about supporting someone. It's just a way of showing thanks.

And if someone is a dick then I usually tip them pretty well anyway because they probably need the money.

Even if I was rich, I wouldn't tip someone 1000 bucks, though. I'd give 1000 bucks to a bum before that. GET WASTED, here's a few 100s!

Edit: and anyone who personally serves you for free deserves a tip. McDonalds people don't get tips because they don't serve you personally. If they brought a special order out to your car, you should tip them. You tip a pizza delivery boy. You don't tip a cashier.


disagree with the bolded. anyone who serves you for free? waiters and waitresses don't serve you for free... they get paid per hour (here in the U.S.)... same with a casino. security guards, cashiers*, table games dealers*, housekeepers, etc... but somehow the cashiers/table games/etc get 99% of the tips while security and housekeepers get hardly any tips

09-02-2012, 06:24 PM
Eh, not really. One group donated a drug that could have made a lot of money, the other group of scientists simply chose to charge a lot of money.

I think that you're assuming that everyone is out to get the most possible money that they can.... but that's not true. Some scientists could have made more profit from their drug than another scientist, but they chose to be philanthropic(?) instead.

Like I was saying before, Justin Beiber isn't better at making music than every musician he's made more money than... he is just more marketable

btw, i'm not one of those people who think money is evil and all that crap. i just don't agree with money = better at that profession. If it was so, we would rank the top 100 basketball goat list by money made. ;)

by the way, it may have already been mentioned, but Griffmoney: do you tip when you go out?

Fine, one of those Scientists is a more cutthroat businessman.

Whether or not Beiber makes good music is an opinion, personally i think he doesn't, but he is doing something right to be so marketable. Kim Kardashian and The Situation have talent, in that they are great at self promotion and getting their name out their, that is a kind of talent. This is proven by the fact that MTV airs their shows and pays them such high amounts. I never watch but i wont deny that the market has proven they are successful.

IMO if you earn more money than someone else you are better at something than that other person. Perhaps that talent is undesirable and perhaps the other person is better than you in a million different ways, but with the very rear exception of lottery winners and inheriting money, you need to be good at something to earn a lot of money. Maybe you are good at being a fame whore and are shameless enough to make an ass out of your self on national TV. Maybe you are the type of person that buys up a company breaks it up and sells it off at a profit costing hundreds of workers their jobs. Whatever way you make money, you have to be good at it to make a lot of money.

09-02-2012, 06:46 PM
You have to understand that he's a BILLIONAIRE. So $1,000 for him is like $1 to the common ppl.

The majority of billionaires value $1 more than the common person.
So its a very generous act regardless.

09-02-2012, 06:49 PM
Whether or not Beiber makes good music is an opinion, personally i think he doesn't, but he is doing something right to be so marketable.

He entertains.