View Full Version : BREAKING NEWS: American ambassador killed by angry Muslims in Libya

09-12-2012, 10:26 AM
An angry mob attacked the American embassy in Libya not too long ago killing Christopher Stevens, reason? because someone in Cali made a fucckin movie where Mohammed was depicted as a fraud, pedophile and a womanizer.

For those who hasn't seen the movie.

Egyptian Muslims also attacked the American embassy because of the same movie.

Stupid Islamist, they don't fucckin respect anything except their damn pedophile to prophet.

Obama do something to gain my respect!




09-12-2012, 10:37 AM
I already put this in the Politics thread but I guess it deserves its own

09-12-2012, 10:45 AM
Obama do something to gain my respect!
What would YOU do?

09-12-2012, 10:51 AM
I already put this in the Politics thread but I guess it deserves its own


What would YOU do?

I don't know but every damn American embassy is gonna be attacked in Muslim countries pretty soon, you know the domino effect. It started in Egypt attacking then you see Libya doing it pretty soon we will see other diplomats getting killed for a damn movie.

I would at least suggest bringing home our diplomats.

09-12-2012, 10:53 AM
Wow. You see why religion is a joke to some people?
Idiots act like animals over their religious beliefs. :facepalm

09-12-2012, 10:56 AM

I don't know but every damn American embassy is gonna be attacked in Muslim countries pretty soon, you know the domino effect. It started in Egypt attacking then you see Libya doing it pretty soon we will see other diplomats getting killed for a damn movie.

I would at least suggest bringing home our diplomats.

I think you are overreacting.

It shouldn't be a surprise that the two countries this happened in are also in the middle of major social, economic, and governmental upheaval.

09-12-2012, 11:05 AM
Let's get even.
Nuke a pyramid.


09-12-2012, 11:17 AM
Wow. You see why religion is a joke to some people?
Idiots act like animals over their religious beliefs. :facepalm
people get killed for stupider reasons

09-12-2012, 11:26 AM
people get killed for stupider reasons
Really? Because religious reasons are on top of my list. Killing for a man on a cloud? Silliest thing I've ever heard.

09-12-2012, 11:35 AM
Let's get even.
Nuke a pyramid.


AND 100 camels!

09-12-2012, 12:20 PM
Really? Because religious reasons are on top of my list. Killing for a man on a cloud? Silliest thing I've ever heard.

So killing a person over road rage isn't as silly as kiling somebody for their entire belief system? their culture? the way they were raised?

Killing somebody cause they wore the wrong color isn't dumber?

Killing somebody for Jordans isn't dumber?

Killing somebody due to their color of skin isn't dumber?

I can seriously keep going all day.

09-12-2012, 01:36 PM
After I read a bunch of news on this case, it makes me wonder if the filmmaker by the name of "Sam Basile" even exists. It sounds more like an alias.

He has identified himself as an Israeli-American.

09-12-2012, 02:08 PM
From the actual film company:

"Sam Bacile" is Not Israeli, and Not a Real Name


09-12-2012, 02:16 PM
From the actual film company:

"Sam Bacile" is Not Israeli, and Not a Real Name


That whole article:facepalm

09-12-2012, 02:20 PM
Heard from someone with contacts that the 2nd and 3rd Ranger battalions are rolling out today

09-12-2012, 02:23 PM
Heard from someone with contacts that the 2nd and 3rd Ranger battalions are rolling out today

I heard that the they already sent the marines.

09-12-2012, 02:42 PM
This is basically an attack on America..in Egypt and the other places where these people attacked American Embassies. The President needs to do something about this..don't be a puss. Time to atomize that region of the world. I think it would do the rest of the world a favor.

09-12-2012, 03:10 PM
This is basically an attack on America..in Egypt and the other places where these people attacked American Embassies. The President needs to do something about this..don't be a puss. Time to atomize that region of the world. I think it would do the rest of the world a favor.
Seriously, are you that dumb?

09-12-2012, 03:16 PM
I'm beginning to hate these regions of the world, so beyond fixing. I believe the US has genuine intentions of helping these Middle Eastern countries, but the majority of the population doesn't see it. You can only bite the hand that feeds you for so long.

09-12-2012, 03:40 PM
So killing a person over road rage isn't as silly as kiling somebody for their entire belief system? their culture? the way they were raised?

Killing somebody cause they wore the wrong color isn't dumber?

Killing somebody for Jordans isn't dumber?

Killing somebody due to their color of skin isn't dumber?

I can seriously keep going all day.

09-12-2012, 03:42 PM
That whole article:facepalm

What a strange little article.

So Egpytian Coptic Christians got together with American evangelicals to make this movie?

09-12-2012, 03:43 PM
What a strange little article.

So Egpytian Coptic Christians got together with American evangelicals to make this movie?

I just had to google the Newspaper and find out who the editor was and all my question got answered.

James Bennet - a polish jew.

09-12-2012, 03:48 PM
I just had to google the Newspaper and find out who the editor was and all my question got answered.

James Bennet - a polish jew.

Um, you've never heard of The Atlantic Magazine? It's been around since the 1950's

EDIT: that should be 1850's.

09-12-2012, 03:51 PM
Um, you've never heard of The Atlantic Magazine? It's been around since the 1950's
Of course I knew of it but don't know who the editor of all magazines are.

09-12-2012, 03:56 PM

09-12-2012, 03:59 PM
Of course I knew of it but don't know who the editor of all magazines are.

So you knew of it but thought it was a newspaper?

Also, now that you know the name and relgion of the editor, what does that tell you?

09-12-2012, 04:13 PM
I believe the US has genuine intentions of helping these Middle Eastern countries,

that's just not true...

09-12-2012, 04:14 PM
So you knew of it but thought it was a newspaper?

Also, now that you know the name and relgion of the editor, what does that tell you?

Not much other than that the supposed creator of that video who everyone is reporting as Israeli-American just with one line The Atlantic makes a whole damn article telling that this Bacile is not jewish with the source being a consultant to the film.

09-12-2012, 04:14 PM
that's just not true...

Then you tell us what the truth is?

09-12-2012, 04:17 PM
The worst part is, if you get rid of them, 5 more will replace each of them.

09-12-2012, 04:36 PM
Not much other than that the supposed creator of that video who everyone is reporting as Israeli-American just with one line The Atlantic makes a whole damn article telling that this Bacile is not jewish with the source being a consultant to the film.

So it's journalism that's confusing you. When a person gets in the news reporters try to find out who they are.

Are you saying that the writer did not talk to a consultant for the film and that the consultant did not say those things?

09-12-2012, 04:38 PM
that's just not true...

On the contrary, if you help them, they'll give you your fair share of oil.

09-12-2012, 04:53 PM
This is what we get when we oust the previous regimes who are considered "liberal" compared to the new regimes. US wanted these islamist groups to win power as part of their geopolitical plan. Don't forget Libya was the most advanced country in Africa before the so called revolution(started by the US of course)..

09-12-2012, 04:53 PM
Then you tell us what the truth is?

There is a hidden agenda behind every move. You tell me why there is outcry over Syria and nothing is said about Bahrain? Similar movements (majority wants oust the gov't), but the U.S. is all about overthrowing Assad but when it comes to Hamad bin Isa (king of Bahrain), nothing is said.

Fact is, Bahrain is currently an ally, and the tactical advantage from a military standpoint (navy bases I believe) is huge if they were to ever wage war on Iran. So who is suffering in this case? The population of Bahrain. They are target killing educated people in Bahrain (doctors, lawyers, engineers, professors) and the gov't called in outside forces (Saudi military) to help with the massacre.

So U.S. trying to play peacemaker? trying to help these middle eastern countries, etc. is all bullsh!t. It's all about control, and the more you have, the better. Saudi, one of the great U.S. allies, is one of the biggest violators of human rights when it comes to non-arabs in their country. Nothing is ever said; why? Because they are allies.

I strongly suggest for people that want to comment on the middle east situation to actually learn about the situation at hand first. I don't consider myself to be an expert of any sort, I only commented on what I knew, which is a minor example but there are many more. (Iraq-Iran war post-revolution is another example)...

09-12-2012, 05:00 PM

09-12-2012, 05:04 PM
There is a hidden agenda behind every move. You tell me why there is outcry over Syria and nothing is said about Bahrain? Similar movements (majority wants oust the gov't), but the U.S. is all about overthrowing Assad but when it comes to Hamad bin Isa (king of Bahrain), nothing is said.

Fact is, Bahrain is currently an ally, and the tactical advantage from a military standpoint (navy bases I believe) is huge if they were to ever wage war on Iran. So who is suffering in this case? The population of Bahrain. They are target killing educated people in Bahrain (doctors, lawyers, engineers, professors) and the gov't called in outside forces (Saudi military) to help with the massacre.

Or it's simply because Syria is 20x as big as Bahrain and currently in a far more bloody conflict.

In the end all the violence in that region is the same though. It's all religious infighting, no more, no less. No reason to get involved either way.

09-12-2012, 05:14 PM
Or it's simply because Syria is 20x as big as Bahrain and currently in a far more bloody conflict.

You can perhaps say size/population of the country, but as far as the far more bloody conflict is concerned, massacre is being done in the same way. Peace protestors are being killed by the gov't military, and outside help. Saudi army has gone into Bahrain and are killing any anti-gov't demonstrators. There has been target killing of education professionals. Gov't aren't letting protestors who have been injured be treated at the hospitals. Pretty gruesome stuff if you ask me...

09-12-2012, 05:26 PM
You can perhaps say size/population of the country, but as far as the far more bloody conflict is concerned, massacre is being done in the same way. Peace protestors are being killed by the gov't military, and outside help. Saudi army has gone into Bahrain and are killing any anti-gov't demonstrators. There has been target killing of education professionals. Gov't aren't letting protestors who have been injured be treated at the hospitals. Pretty gruesome stuff if you ask me...

Syria is in full scale civil war though. That's were the attention is coming from.

So Bahrain has a dictator who cracks down on protesters who essentially want to install a slightly different dictator. It's a long list of countries in that exact situation. And Bahrain is a country that's smaller than thousands of cities, it's tiny.

09-12-2012, 05:32 PM
So it's journalism that's confusing you. When a person gets in the news reporters try to find out who they are.

Are you saying that the writer did not talk to a consultant for the film and that the consultant did not say those things?

The AP is out with an update (http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/anti-islam-filmmaker-in-hiding-but-remains-defiant-after-deadly-protests-in-egypt-libya/2012/09/12/b375a3e8-fc92-11e1-98c6-ec0a0a93f8eb_story.html?hpid=z2) to their story on "Sam Bacile."

[QUOTE]But some key facts about Bacile

09-12-2012, 05:42 PM
an American died in another country?



09-12-2012, 06:29 PM
...is that the murder of the Ambassador and other Americans, took place in Benghazi which is the city that Ghaddaffi wanted to level. It was the crisis in Benghazi that got us to intervene in Libya.

People have already suspected that the "protest" was just a cover for a milltant attack led by left over remnants of the Ghaddafi regime.

The idea that it happened in Benghazi makes that even more credible to me. I wonder if we will be able to find out.

This is encouraging though.

09-12-2012, 09:18 PM
It's looking more and more like the Libya attack was a planned terrorist attack and not a reaction to the movie.


09-12-2012, 09:38 PM
US just need to let them chit themselves into nothingness.

09-12-2012, 09:39 PM
people get killed for stupider reasons
No one's debating that. It's just insanely hypocritical to kill someone in the name of God. Wtf? :facepalm

09-12-2012, 09:42 PM
I hate religion as much as the next Atheist but we all know it has never been truly about religion anyway.

09-13-2012, 03:02 AM
Yep, when you get down to it..it's not about religion. It's people using religion to do some bad things. Look at the Taliban. In the name of their god they can rape women and children. Torture people. Behead people for listening to music. They live large themselves (the leaders). I don't understand how there can be so much tolerance for such an intolerant group of people.
The movie was an excuse, this was planned. It's so obvious...9/11 people..what a coincidence. I think not.

09-13-2012, 03:35 AM
Where is the proof that they were motivated by that movie?

09-13-2012, 04:05 AM
Where is the proof that they were motivated by that movie?

dont even need proof, they actually just needed something to justify this, other than that, this is like eating lunch for them

random person:hey what is this rowdy crowd doing out here

guy in crowd: death to america

random guy: ok im in

09-13-2012, 05:47 AM
This is revenge for Osama (and Gaddafi). I imagine they wanted to attack last September, directly after his death, but didn't have enough planning/resources to immediately respond.

09-13-2012, 06:29 AM
i watched a few minutes of that movie. absolute crap.

09-13-2012, 07:34 AM
i watched a few minutes of that movie. absolute crap.
are you kidding, its in serious contention for some golden globe awards

09-13-2012, 09:24 AM
Yep, when you get down to it..it's not about religion. It's people using religion to do some bad things. Look at the Taliban. In the name of their god they can rape women and children. Torture people. Behead people for listening to music. They live large themselves (the leaders). I don't understand how there can be so much tolerance for such an intolerant group of people.
The movie was an excuse, this was planned. It's so obvious...9/11 people..what a coincidence. I think not.

Seems likely. The movie was used to incite the masses. A rumor was spread that the film was shown on American TV to commemorate 9/11. The fact that thousands, perhaps millions of people in the Muslim world believe that is frightening.

09-13-2012, 09:28 AM
I hate religion as much as the next Atheist but we all know it has never been truly about religion anyway.

THIS! Maybe its about, you know, attacking and always blaming everything on them?

09-13-2012, 10:00 AM
Where is the proof that they were motivated by that movie?

The movie had been up on youtube for a couple of months. However, it was just recently translated into Arabic--Egyptian Arabic at that. An Egyptian TV Host started ranted about this a couple of days ago --think a Muslim Glenn Beck-- and that's what started this in Egypt at least. It was pretty big news in Egypt. The Grand Mufti of Egypt condemned the film.

I have already read that the crowds were being lied to and told this was a big Hollywood production and that Americans were deliberately released a movie that insulted Mohammad on 9/11.

I think the Libyan thing was a planned attack on Sept 11th and they might have seen the Egyptians and then whipped up a local protest to cause confusion and give cover to the attack. If this was just a local group of extremists or a group connected to Al-Qaeda remains to be seen.

Also are we sure the picture of the Ambassador being dragged through the streets is correct? He was supposedly taken to a local hospital by Libyans who found him in the consulate and carried him to the hospital. The ambassador was pretty well known and well liked in Benghazi.


Conflicting Accounts

There were conflicting accounts of how Mr. Stevens had died. One witness to the mayhem around the compound on Tuesday said militants chased him to a safe house and lobbed grenades at the location, where he was later found unconscious, apparently from smoke inhalation, and could not be revived by rescuers who took him to a hospital.

An unidentified Libyan official in Benghazi told Reuters that Mr. Stevens and three staff members were killed in Benghazi “when gunmen fired rockets at them.” The Libyan official said the ambassador was being driven from the mission building to a safer location when gunmen opened fire, Reuters said.

Noob Saibot
09-14-2012, 01:00 AM
Nakoula Basseley Nakoula

This is the man behind the fake name "Sam Basile", among other fake names this fraud has used, and the movie. "Sam Basile"'s information he gave in AP via phone earlier is absolutely fake. The movie is also deliberately edited differently from the original script actors and actresses used during filming.

So, a huge fraudulent and racist douche created a huge domino effect that has caused causalities and seems to be difficult to stop in short time. Good job, asshole. I hope some crazy extremists find out where he lives very soon.

Uh oh, I see a fatality in the near future for this culprit.

09-14-2012, 01:08 AM
Nakoula Basseley Nakoula

This is the man behind the fake name "Sam Basile", among other fake names this fraud has used, and the movie. "Sam Basile"'s information he gave in AP via phone earlier is absolutely fake. The movie is also deliberately edited differently from the original script actors and actresses used during filming.

So, a huge fraudulent and racist douche created a huge domino effect that has caused causalities and seems to be difficult to stop in short time. Good job, asshole. I hope some crazy extremists find out where he lives very soon.

And he literally is a fraud, correct? He served time for financial fraud recently and had to pay almost 1 million bucks fine. I wonder if this there is some fraud behind this movie as well. He claims he spent 5 million dollars on the movie, but that money is not on the screen. I wonder if he found a bunch of fanactics who were willing fund this and he scammed some money.

Terry Jones the idiot pastor who promoted this movie is also supposed to be a scammer.

09-14-2012, 01:33 AM
Conclusion: Don't go to ****ing Libya!

09-14-2012, 01:38 AM
So killing a person over road rage isn't as silly as kiling somebody for their entire belief system? their culture? the way they were raised?

Killing somebody cause they wore the wrong color isn't dumber?

Killing somebody for Jordans isn't dumber?

Killing somebody due to their color of skin isn't dumber?

I can seriously keep going all day.

WOW @ defending killing in the name of religion as having some degree of intelligence

No. All of those things are equally stupid, but they're not "dumber".

Killing someone because you think the ancient book written about mystical events you weren't there to witness is more authentic than another ancient book written about events in another region of the world is as dumb as it gets, period.

09-14-2012, 02:43 AM
the guy who made this movie lives in my city, cerritos :facepalm

apparently there's news crews all around his house right now and he apparently lives about 5 minutes from my place

09-14-2012, 02:57 AM
Is there any actual proof that they were motivated by the movie? Like, a non US government or news agency source? Is there pictures of them watching the movie and then spitting on the tv screen? Are they holding up signs that say "THAT MOVIE IS WHY I AM ATTACKING THE US EMBASSY!"

09-14-2012, 03:11 AM
In Egypt, yes it's about the movie.

In Libya, no. In Libya more and more evidence is emerging it was a straight up terrorist attack. I saw one report where they said there wasn't really a protest in Libya.

The movie has some connection to Egypt and some nutbars in the Egyptian Coptic Christian community. It's some weird nexus of local anti-Muslim evangelicals and Egyptian Christian who might also be evangelical.

09-14-2012, 03:15 AM
Here's the Egytpian-America who translated the film and promoted it to Egyptian TV and one of the nutbars, I was referring too.


Morris Sadek describes himself as a human rights attorney and president of a small group called the National American Coptic Assembly, based in Chantilly, Va. Sadek says on his website that he is a member of the Egyptian and Washington, D.C. bar associations who has "defended major human rights cases" including the late Coptic Pope Shenouda III, who died in March.

But fellow Copts depict Sadek as a fringe figure and publicity hound whose Islamophobic invectives disrupt Copts' quest for equal religious rights in Egypt.

"Mr. Sadek is a maverick who belongs to a very narrow extreme current of Coptic activists," the Washington-based group Coptic Solidarity said in a statement. "He likes to use inflammatory and abrasive language to insult Muslims and Islam. As his actions agitate more the Islamic extremists, some people wonder if he is not in fact working to fulfill their agenda."

Cynthia Farahat, Coptic Solidarity's director of advocacy, said Sadek "has done a lot of harmful things for Copts in Egypt."

"Every single thing he says is used by Islamists to justify terrorism against Copts," Farahat said.

According to the Egyptian Independent newspaper, Sadek was banned from entering Egypt and had his citizenship revoked in May 2011 because he called for war against the country.

Seems like a charming fellow.

09-14-2012, 03:31 AM
In Egypt, yes it's about the movie.

In Libya, no. In Libya more and more evidence is emerging it was a straight up terrorist attack. I saw one report where they said there wasn't really a protest in Libya.

The movie has some connection to Egypt and some nutbars in the Egyptian Coptic Christian community. It's some weird nexus of local anti-Muslim evangelicals and Egyptian Christian who might also be evangelical.

thank you. I read the other article you posted the other day, but that one too seemed to be a lot of sources that I didn't feel comfortable with. I'm sick of hearing that our attackers are "religious extremists" and "hate us for our freedom." Maybe that's the case sometimes, maybe even in this particular instance, but I don't trust anything the government or the US media has to say about this stuff anymore.

"son, it aint even fun no more, I'm jaded.." - jay z

09-14-2012, 04:09 AM
Here's the Egytpian-America who translated the film and promoted it to Egyptian TV and one of the nutbars, I was referring too.


Seems like a charming fellow.
Wow... This whole thing is getting weirder and weirder.

Here is the man described in the article above...


09-14-2012, 05:32 AM

09-14-2012, 06:40 AM
two killed in Libyan consulate attack identified as ex-Navy SEAL's


09-14-2012, 08:51 AM
German embassy in Karthoum, Sudan now under attack.

update: UK embassy too

09-14-2012, 09:27 AM
German embassy in Karthoum, Sudan now under attack.

update: UK embassy too

Sudan has a pretty active Al-Qaeda group. This to me, sounds like the American embassy there has too much security, so they picked other targets.

09-14-2012, 10:54 AM
Libya has arrested 4 people for the attack.

09-14-2012, 11:10 AM
You'd think that with a Muslim president in America, that the Middle Eastern countries would stop hating us so much.

09-14-2012, 02:48 PM
Libya has arrested 4 people for the attack.

Do you really think Libya is our friend? They were the guys that lead the mob to the Ambassador in the first place. Stop giving these people money..this is getting retarded. We're still giving these people aide. Billions of dollars.

09-14-2012, 03:31 PM
So if go swimming among sharks and start to poke them with a stick, when one of them eat me, it's the sharks fault and someone should nuke them.


09-14-2012, 03:38 PM
Do you really think Libya is our friend? They were the guys that lead the mob to the Ambassador in the first place. Stop giving these people money..this is getting retarded. We're still giving these people aide. Billions of dollars.


09-14-2012, 04:54 PM
You'd think that with a Muslim president in America, that the Middle Eastern countries would stop hating us so much.

I quite agree, mate, although because the current President is continuing to fight wars that result in innumerable civilian casualties in the middle east, they are probably still holding a grudge.

People in the middle east do not hold double standards for American politicians based on their partisan affiliations, the way you do. Someone like you will protest the actions of a Republican president, then do a complete 180 degree turnabout and support those exact same actions if led by a Democratic president, as if you had never provided a single word in protest. Because you are not principled, independent, analytical, and confident. Quite the contrary, mate, you are a follower who takes the positions he's told and don't ask no questions.

It's quite sad, mate, that these dumb muslims animals are actually.... smarter than you!

09-14-2012, 04:59 PM
So if go swimming among sharks and start to poke them with a stick, when one of them eat me, it's the sharks fault and someone should nuke them.


Here is a bloke who is justifying violence, rioting, and vandalism (against big, bad, meanie America) because of a movie (hurting the feewings of wittle itty bitty muswims).

Sadly, mates, not a Democrat here will bat an eye, becuase this wacked out partisan extremist is not expressing any sentiment out of the ordinary for the far left.

Of course, let a Republican poster say something like "im not sure i agree with abortions rights or same sex marriage" and the flood gates of ridicule, belittlement, mockery, and negative reputation will open. But an 'underdog' group attacking innocent Americans who didn't even have anything to do with any videos? S'all good, mates! America deserves it. "Anyone who is successful deserves to be killed in their tracks." - Joe Democrat.

09-14-2012, 05:09 PM
Someone like you will protest the actions of a Republican president, then do a complete 180 degree turnabout and support those exact same actions if led by a Democratic president, as if you had never provided a single word in protest.

:lol This dude is dumb :lol You're like 5 IQ degrees from being mentally changelled.

The republican president started a war that achieved nothing but put truckloads of money in his republicans buddies through contracts given to private businesses, halliburton rings a bell? Nothing like give contaminated water to US soldiers to maximize republican profits.

The democrat president waged no war and withdraw the troops, and achieved with no fuss what the republican president didn't, kill the main terrorist.

Yep, pretty much the same :roll:

09-14-2012, 05:53 PM
I quite agree, mate, although because the current President is continuing to fight wars that result in innumerable civilian casualties in the middle east, they are probably still holding a grudge.

People in the middle east do not hold double standards for American politicians based on their partisan affiliations, the way you do. Someone like you will protest the actions of a Republican president, then do a complete 180 degree turnabout and support those exact same actions if led by a Democratic president, as if you had never provided a single word in protest. Because you are not principled, independent, analytical, and confident. Quite the contrary, mate, you are a follower who takes the positions he's told and don't ask no questions.

It's quite sad, mate, that these dumb muslims animals are actually.... smarter than you!

Pot meet kettle.

You accuse me of being partisan, while you spout the exact lines of every right wing pundit? As if you ever criticized Bush for invading Afghanistan, Starface?

09-14-2012, 06:10 PM
Pot meet kettle.

You accuse me of being partisan, while you spout the exact lines of every right wing pundit? As if you ever criticized Bush for invading Afghanistan, Starface?

Mate, have I been critical of Obama for doubling the amount of troops committed to the Afghan war since he took over, or have I simply pointed out the hypocrisy of supporting the same war under Obama that you opposed under George Bush?

You sha'nt find a post here where I criticized the military occupations and wars led by President Obama. Because there aren't any. I only criticized blokes like you who blindly follow the Democratic party line... support something one day, then oppose it the next, depending on the needs of the party.

You criticized war when a Republican president fought it. You justify it once a bloody Democrat is in office, because your objective is to support him, not identify the best course of action. Submissive follower.

You opposed the Bush era tax cuts when Congress implemented them. You were silent then when President Obama extended them. Now that he is in political mode and has changed his opinion - so have you. Whatever he bloody says, is suddenly what you bloody say. Submissive follower.

You cried foul against foul against Republicans for using same sex marriage as a wedge issue and diversion tactic during the Bush presidency. Now that Obama suddenly "supports same sex marriage" as the election rolls around, despite having either opposed or ignored it for most of his term.... that's ok with you. Submissive follower.

Oh, mate! How I recall Democrats were so apt to use phrases like "false flag" and "boogeyman" and "fear monger" whenever Republicans used bin laden, al qaeda, islam etc. as a means to justify this or that. Now, what? Just when Obama's approval ratings were at the lowest in his term, bin Laden was conveniently killed off, without a shred of action evidence. No video, no body, no capture. Let me guess, the whole Osama thing was "all political during the Bush term, but when Obama took over it was legit and important to get him, and yay Barack he did it!" Submissive follower.

You, mate are a clown. Where's all the crying about torture and surveillance now? You think those things have disappeared since Obama took over? No, they've just been ignored. Because losers like you, mate, don't have actual principles that you believe in. You believe in what you think you are supposed to believe in to be part of a certain group. You just want your 'team' to win, so you will spin spin spin, ignore, bicker, instigate, and basically fight harder for your party than your country. Only because you're too dumb derive your own opinions, and too cowardly to stand by them alone even if you did! Honestly, these Democratic talking points might as well be pheromones controlling your brain like an ant. You are just too bloody stupid, mate. It's obvious through your repeated hypocrisy. You are completely subjective and one sided. You don't differ from the Democratic President on one single issue, even when he switches sides! When he jukes, you juke. You shaddow him. Submissive follower.

09-14-2012, 06:15 PM
The democrat president waged no war and withdraw the troops, and achieved with no fuss what the republican president didn't, kill the main terrorist.

Yep, pretty much the same :roll:


He removed troops from Iraq and moved them to Afghanistan.

Democratic sheep: He ended the war in Iraq!

He wants to take funds from medicare and simply move them to another ridiculously expensive federal program

Democrat sheep: He's reaching across partisan lines by offering to cut medicare!

"He" "got" bin Laden (:lol ) 1.5 years ago: So why are we still in a war?

Democrat sheep: ummm, durrrrr, because Bush starteded it!!!!

It's obvious your mission is to defend your party, rather than reach sensible objective conclusions. Everything with you blokes is a spin, is a defense, or is an attempt to one-up the other party. What a sad group of ants.

Mate, what I am tellin you right now has nothing to do with your party: You are an idiot. I mean, partisan politics aside, just look how hypocritical and bias and manipulated you are. You have no idea either. You are just dumb. Very, very dumb, mate.

09-14-2012, 06:22 PM
[QUOTE] One Argentinian dog has spent the past six years proving he

09-16-2012, 07:36 AM
He removed troops from Iraq and moved them to Afghanistan.

It's obvious your mission is to defend your party

The troops are there with consent of the afghanistan government as well as NATO troops, so yes, Obama is waging war and occupying countries. :lol

Is NATO waging war also, hell there's canadian troops there, are they waging war?

the International Security Assistance Force (a NATO-led External link, Opens in a new window, U.N.-sanctioned mission) are in Afghanistan at the request of the
democratically elected government of President Hamid Karzai External link, Opens in a new window to help the Afghan
people rebuild their nation as a stable, democratic, self-sufficient society.

Stupid bitch...

Oh and i'm not american lol

Stupid c#nt

09-18-2012, 01:47 AM
I'd feel sorry for Adil Ray if Muslims caught him for Citizen Khan.

Nick Young
09-18-2012, 05:17 AM
So if go swimming among sharks and start to poke them with a stick, when one of them eat me, it's the sharks fault and someone should nuke them.

LAWL, living in Libya as a diplomat does not equate with purposefully swimming with sharks.

Libyans are people, not bloodthirsty animals that have evolved over millions of years to be able to smell blood in the water from miles away with retractable toothy jaws of death.

09-22-2012, 12:05 AM
A large pro democracy Libyan crowd found the HQ of the radicals that killed the Ambassador and took it over today

Decrying attack, protesters overtake Islamist group's HQ in Benghazi
