View Full Version : The benefit of a Facebook account

09-15-2012, 04:12 PM
I'm paying for not having made a FB account when everyone else back in high school had one. Being in college just hovers a magnifying glass over this "mistake".

I've met so many people that as soon as our conversation is over, "Hey what is your FB user?" (Or some variation of that)..And I have nothing to give.

There's no connection. I can go look them up and my memory of them stays fresh, but them having nothing to remember me by, that attraction they had in me the day we met quickly fades over time. Its amazing.

Oh, and if said person is a FB extremist, forget about it. Kinda like..the more involved a person is with FB, the less likely that person is to keep in touch with someone without a FB. Ah, that was nice.

Before social networking became almost a necessity this wouldn't have been a problem. The way that you kept up with people back then differs so much from now.

I've grown to feel a closeness with people simply through viewing their FB, and when they'd decided to stop talking to me I was confused on how they could do so so seamlessly, like it didn't have even the slightest of significance. But as I look back, we were never that close to begin with and it was just my access to their FB account that made me feel like we were.

Over and out :applause:

09-15-2012, 04:20 PM
OP is a ******.

09-15-2012, 04:23 PM
Not amused, negged

09-15-2012, 05:16 PM
So you basically stalk someone online and are so disillusioned by how social interactions work that you get upset when the object of your desire isn't really aware of the existence of the weird person that has been anonymously following their day to day activities? Did I get that right?

09-15-2012, 06:05 PM
Did I get that right?

09-15-2012, 06:11 PM
Conversely, by not giving someone your facebook account, you're filtering out people who spend obscene amounts of time on the social networking website, which could be considered a positive based upon the assumption that anyone who uses facebook is a blithering idiot. Not everyone. But most.

09-15-2012, 07:45 PM
WTF are you talking about...if its gonna get you sum ass make an account, it takes 1 minute.

09-15-2012, 08:48 PM
There are a lot of benefits to having a Facebook account. And if it is privacy you're worried about you can control that. You don't even have to use it really, just have it there so people can still connect/contact you. My girl checks Facebook twice a week, but at least she has it. Most of my boys barely go on it too.
I've caught up with so many girls I use to talk to in high school through it too. They'd always say they saw me in Toronto and wanna catch up. So with no effort you can still stay connected.

04-10-2015, 04:53 AM
New Study Links Facebook To Depression (http://www.forbes.com/sites/alicegwalton/2015/04/08/new-study-links-facebook-to-depression-but-now-we-actually-understand-why/)

Facebook has been linked to a surprising number of undesirable mental health consequences: Depression, low self-esteem, & bitter jealousy among them.

A new study in the Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology finds that not only do Facebook & depressive symptoms go hand-in-hand, but the mediating factor seems to be a well-established psychological phenomenon:

04-10-2015, 05:06 AM
I didn't really notice much of a difference when I deleted facebook.

I will admit it does make it harder to get some ***** though. Beforehand I could upload a pic to FB and have some random bitch from high school see it, message me, and then meet for drinks and **** after

04-10-2015, 06:10 AM
I barely use my facebook, only time I log on is if someone has sent me a message or I need to message people I haven't seen in years. I just use texts or phone calls for current friends.

04-10-2015, 08:55 AM
I think Facebook has been beneficial to me. As someone who's always enjoyed taking pictures (don't worry, I'm not talking about selfies), I've enjoyed the aspect of being able to share those photos readily. Before, they just sat in a photo album on my shelf.

I think it's also done a lot for friend interaction. I imagine my close friends would have stayed my close friends with or without Facebook. And those random "met once" or "knew briefly in high school/college" friends would be similarly distant. But there's a solid middle ground for which it's helped. It's honestly helped me stayed afloat or reconnect with a lot of people, and that's pretty cool, particularly with how many are spread about the country now.

That said, obviously there are pitfalls to all forms of social media use, and by no means do I think Facebook is a necessity, but it can be solid when used somewhat correctly.