View Full Version : So i cant get a review on SAD errr CED and GodDelusional errr GodZuki?

09-26-2012, 12:23 PM
Someone got owned? :confusedshrug:

09-26-2012, 01:42 PM
No one?

09-26-2012, 01:47 PM
Not sure what you are talking about, is Ced Raz?

09-26-2012, 01:48 PM
Not sure what you are talking about, is Ced Raz?

Yeah, someone mentioned him and your distant cousins getting into it. Got real personal and someone leave with their butt sore.

09-26-2012, 01:49 PM
Unsure, i know Raz and Millward were arguing and Raz left. Sorry!

09-26-2012, 01:58 PM
This is a summary of the stuff that I know. Raz posted a whole bunch of info on Godzuki (name, age, parents, where he worked, email, yada yada) and Goduzki left for a bit. Raz called out Millwad in a thread where he asked people to sign a petition to get him ip banned. Apparently Raz is gone except for posting stuff that Millwad sends him through pms.

09-26-2012, 02:04 PM
Nothing out of regular OTC drama besides Raz being a drama queen. Zuki disappeared after DFish found his dad's auto body shop info which was followed by Queen Raz picking up where Dfish left off. Ced posted Zuki's contact/personal details claiming he found them by using his work's database. Later Raz posted photos of his girl, OTC ripped her to shreds and Raz got butthurt over it.

09-26-2012, 02:49 PM

09-26-2012, 02:51 PM
ISH: Where amazing happens

09-26-2012, 03:09 PM
1. Argued with Godzuki
2. DFish sends me info on Godzuki
3. I searched for Godzuki's old man through a database company that I am a paid member of. It is not a work privilege, or a work requirement. I signed up to run reference checks on clients. So no work privilege abuse, as dickwad claims.
4. I regrettably posted Godzuki's personal info.
5. millwad replied to me in this thread (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=276709&page=2) with a picture of me from my twitter. I had no idea why he would post it, so I thought I'd give him some fodder by posting more pictures of me, because I truly do not care what an inbred Swede like him thinks.
6. One of the pics was me and two drunk Irish girls. He proceeds to make fun of their looks.
7. I then made the mistake of posting a couple of pics of my fiancee and myself, and he proceeded to rubbish her, and send me nasty PMs.
8. I asked him to remove the pictures he quoted. He declined, so I had him banned, and had the mods edit his post.
9. He came back posting nasty shit about her again, and started private messaging me.
10. He shared pics of her with LamarOdom, he decided to make a thread about her, so other degenerate guys could make comments on her.
11. I was pissed off, so I left. I will hardly ever be here anymore, I'm over all these "grown-ups" e-beefing with each other.

It's ridiculous, and yes, I realise that I start crap as well, so I'm just as ridiculous. GOBB, you're in your 30's. You should be over arguing with kids on here as well. SPK is about 13 or 14, isn't it weird to be on the internet conversing with kids? That's not just directed at you, that's to everyone.

All in all, the internet is not a place for forming friendships, because there is always some sick, demented **** like dickwad out there waiting to make fun of anyone and everything. No respect for women, no respect for anyone. It's funny, people that act like that are usually sad, lonely and angry individuals.

The fact that dickwad is allowed to continue posting here is nuts. He has created threads about jlauber being dead, has blamed America for the Libya attacks, he hates Jews, has never made one positive contribution to any thread, and is a piece of shit in general.

I realise people will reply to this thread, saying things like, 'butthurt' etc. And I was upset. I was upset that a bunch of males couldn't have an ounce of respect for a woman. I guess people can act like pigs as long as they can remain anonymous.

I post at RealGM, they have real mods that watch over the board, and the posters are for the most part rational. The sad part is that it doesn't have the edge that ISH has, but that's the price you pay for moderation.

Now that I have called off, this is my piece.

09-26-2012, 03:14 PM
Shyt got serious :eek:

On another note what happened to my thread?

09-26-2012, 03:20 PM
Final thought for all.

You're walking down the street. Some guy comes up and starts bad mouthing your lady's looks. What do you do?

For the majority of the actual men on this site (non-internet virgins), the answer is that they punch the guy out.

On the net, there isn't a punch a poster option, but there needs to be. People like dickwad are not responsible for their actions, and they should be. Now, I love my fiancee and think she is gorgeous, I don't expect others to agree, we all have different opinions. However, as we grow up, we learn to filter our opinions. dickwad is a typical cold and outspoken Euro, so maybe they are socialized to express their opinions, no matter how stupid or socially inept they make the speaker seem.

09-26-2012, 03:26 PM
Final thought for all.

You're walking down the street. Some guy comes up and starts bad mouthing your lady's looks. What do you do?

For the majority of the actual men on this site (non-internet virgins), the answer is that they punch the guy out.

On the net, there isn't a punch a poster option, but there needs to be. People like dickwad are not responsible for their actions, and they should be. Now, I love my fiancee and think she is gorgeous, I don't expect others to agree, we all have different opinions. However, as we grow up, we learn to filter our opinions. dickwad is a typical cold and outspoken Euro, so maybe they are socialized to express their opinions, no matter how stupid or socially inept they make the speaker seem.

I just want to take some time off and acknowledge your civility.

Many are mean-spirited and scumbag and they do this simply because they weren't raised better. They were always weak and unable to get their way so they decide to show strength in the most vulgar and convoluted way.

No matter what they do, man, I just wanted to let you know I do want you as a fan. From attractiveblonde42 to being an extra on the movies, you inspired me to reach greater heights of compassion, percussion, and musicality.

And if you need another lion to ward off all these bloodthirsty scoundrel hyenas, I'm your man.

Please forgive them, father Ced, for they do not when they have sinned. They will feel the depths of hell scorching every orifice in their diseased bodies and their throats shall be constricted with the serpents of Hell. It is never okay to objectively critique another man's love, nor hurt someone's feelings. I assure you of thsi truth, I assure you that!

09-26-2012, 03:31 PM
Why would you post Godzuki's personal information on ISH? That was uncalled for.

09-26-2012, 03:33 PM
Why would you post Godzuki's personal information on ISH? That was uncalled for.

Why did Jabes post PT's?

Let's not take jabs at one scenario and praise another's.

09-26-2012, 03:35 PM
1. Argued with Godzuki
2. DFish sends me info on Godzuki
3. I searched for Godzuki's old man through a database company that I am a paid member of. It is not a work privilege, or a work requirement. I signed up to run reference checks on clients. So no work privilege abuse, as dickwad claims.
4. I regrettably posted Godzuki's personal info.
5. millwad replied to me in this thread (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=276709&page=2) with a picture of me from my twitter. I had no idea why he would post it, so I thought I'd give him some fodder by posting more pictures of me, because I truly do not care what an inbred Swede like him thinks.
6. One of the pics was me and two drunk Irish girls. He proceeds to make fun of their looks.
7. I then made the mistake of posting a couple of pics of my fiancee and myself, and he proceeded to rubbish her, and send me nasty PMs.
8. I asked him to remove the pictures he quoted. He declined, so I had him banned, and had the mods edit his post.
9. He came back posting nasty shit about her again, and started private messaging me.
10. He shared pics of her with LamarOdom, he decided to make a thread about her, so other degenerate guys could make comments on her.
11. I was pissed off, so I left. I will hardly ever be here anymore, I'm over all these "grown-ups" e-beefing with each other.

It's ridiculous, and yes, I realise that I start crap as well, so I'm just as ridiculous. GOBB, you're in your 30's. You should be over arguing with kids on here as well. SPK is about 13 or 14, isn't it weird to be on the internet conversing with kids? That's not just directed at you, that's to everyone.

All in all, the internet is not a place for forming friendships, because there is always some sick, demented **** like dickwad out there waiting to make fun of anyone and everything. No respect for women, no respect for anyone. It's funny, people that act like that are usually sad, lonely and angry individuals.

The fact that dickwad is allowed to continue posting here is nuts. He has created threads about jlauber being dead, has blamed America for the Libya attacks, he hates Jews, has never made one positive contribution to any thread, and is a piece of shit in general.

I realise people will reply to this thread, saying things like, 'butthurt' etc. And I was upset. I was upset that a bunch of males couldn't have an ounce of respect for a woman. I guess people can act like pigs as long as they can remain anonymous.

I post at RealGM, they have real mods that watch over the board, and the posters are for the most part rational. The sad part is that it doesn't have the edge that ISH has, but that's the price you pay for moderation.

Now that I have called off, this is my piece.

New Information Alert

09-26-2012, 03:38 PM
Why did Jabes post PT's?

Let's not take jabs at one scenario and praise another's.
Just because something is funny doesn't make it right. Jabes's -primetime- exposures were funny, but they did result in him getting banned for life. I don't think justice has been served in this "exposure" yet.

09-26-2012, 03:44 PM
Why would you post Godzuki's personal information on ISH? That was uncalled for.

Then has the nerve to lecture somebody on their age and arguing with "kids" :roll:

09-26-2012, 03:45 PM
Why would you post Godzuki's personal information on ISH? That was uncalled for.

It was uncalled for. I have deleted it.

I also said something shitty about his dad, and I have apologised to him for it a few times since.

Yes, I could be called a hypocrite. However, I think there are some things that should be held sacred. Pick on the man, but not his family.
Posting Godzuki's details went too far.
Posting ill will towards his father took things too far.
Posting images of my fiancee took things too far (millwad, LamarOdom, blablabla)

If you can't win an e-beef with someone, no need to redirect to family members. I'm guilty of this, too. However, I realised that I took things too far, and deleted my posts, and apologised. millwad tries to PM me on a daily basis, he can't now because he's on ignore.

You can ask a lot of posters that I have had disareements with, I always apologise if I go over the line.

There are many more.

09-26-2012, 03:48 PM
Just because something is funny doesn't make it right. Jabes's -primetime- exposures were funny, but they did result in him getting banned for life. I don't think justice has been served in this "exposure" yet.

You have a point. Does it matter that Jabes was a decent poster and Godzuki and Millwad are worthless assclowns?

09-26-2012, 03:49 PM
Just because something is funny doesn't make it right. Jabes's -primetime- exposures were funny, but they did result in him getting banned for life. I don't think justice has been served in this "exposure" yet.

Dasher, your opinion is worth shit.

All Godzuki needs is for someone to his post his pic, and for everyone to go to town on him, game over. I went too far by posting the info that DFish forwarded me, and I definitely shouldn't have posted his home address. That was a shitty thing to do.

09-26-2012, 04:01 PM
Hypocrite doesn't even begin to cover this shit.

Ced searched out Godzuki's private details and posted everything he knew about him on here maliciously. Godzuki never intended for this shit to be available. He never intended for some creepy ****er to stalk him and post his real life shit on ISH for all the other creepy ****s to see and run wild with.

Millwad (or whoever it was) oth posted a picture of Ced's fiance on here. Not a big deal, since it's a picture he distributed online willfully. Ced has posted pictures of his female conquests himself on this site numerous times, but somehow this is supposed to be different.

But he apologized, so I guess it's okay.

09-26-2012, 04:09 PM
Hypocrite doesn't even begin to cover this shit.

Ced searched out Godzuki's private details and posted everything he knew about him on here maliciously. Godzuki never intended for this shit to be available. He never intended for some creepy ****er to stalk him and post his real life shit on ISH for all the other creepy ****s to see and run wild with.

Millwad (or whoever it was) oth posted a picture of Ced's fiance on here. Not a big deal, since it's a picture he distributed online willfully. Ced has posted pictures of his female conquests himself on this site numerous times, but somehow this is supposed to be different.

But he apologized, so I guess it's okay.

Oh, Mr. Holier than Thou is here.

What I intended to do was to scare Godzuki, and it worked. I shouldn't have done it, but what is done is done. I never posted his email, because like I said, that gives you access to his linkedin, his facebook, and other information. All I was after was a picture of him, and DFish and I took it too far.

Millwad, distributed, and commented on a picture. Others acted like a bunch of retards that they are, and carried on doing the same shit. You say that's fair game, so it must be. No honorable code or anything. Vultures ready to pounce on an inch of a mistake.

LJJ has never done anything bad in his life, which gives him the right to comment as if he's some sort of deity. You're a blip on here, and probably a blip in real life.

09-26-2012, 04:23 PM
:roll: You cant go private dick on us uncovering the tool known as godpoopi then get all upset and offended that people attacked photos of your fiance or whatever. How dumb is that? you apologized for going above and beyond but here is where you play yourself simpleton. You said "all i was after was a photo of him". Why? So we including yourself ace ventura pet detective could ROAST AND CLOWN his picture. Am I right? AM I RIGHT? You're also implying that had you just got the photo and left the other stuff alone? Well all is well. Yet you're here crying that everyone went to far attacking your fiance. I'm sorry but in what world does this make sense? Because it makes zero sense to me.

Think about it. Dont cry over photos being attacked when your entire agenda was to expose someone elses photo yet failed. Slap yourself. Arent you old enough to be engaging in taking this internet msgboard stuff seriously? Ohhhhh burn, just thru your soap box speech back at ya SAD, errr CED.

09-26-2012, 04:27 PM
:roll: You cant go private dick on us uncovering the tool known as godpoopi then get all upset and offended that people attacked photos of your fiance or whatever. How dumb is that? you apologized for going above and beyond but here is where you play yourself simpleton. You said "all i was after was a photo of him". Why? So we including yourself ace ventura pet detective could ROAST AND CLOWN his picture. Am I right? AM I RIGHT? You're also implying that had you just got the photo and left the other stuff alone? Well all is well. Yet you're here crying that everyone went to far attacking your fiance. I'm sorry but in what world does this make sense? Because it makes zero sense to me.

Maybe you've been single too long to understand. When was the last time you were able to slip the mail through the slot in a figurative sense?

Posting a pic of Godzuki and clowning it, fine. Posting a pic of me and clowning it, fine. Clowning my fiancee is a dick move. Clowning PB's daughter, a dick move. Surely you understand simple math like that.

09-26-2012, 04:29 PM
Maybe you've been single too long to understand. When was the last time you were able to slip the mail through the slot in a figurative sense?

Posting a pic of Godzuki and clowning it, fine. Posting a pic of me and clowning it, fine. Clowning my fiancee is a dick move. Clowning PB's daughter, a dick move. Surely you understand simple math like that.
Weren't you leaving?

09-26-2012, 04:32 PM
Weren't you leaving?

Sure thing.

09-26-2012, 04:34 PM
Sure thing.

Well leave then bitch.

09-26-2012, 04:43 PM
Maybe you've been single too long to understand. When was the last time you were able to slip the mail through the slot in a figurative sense?

Posting a pic of Godzuki and clowning it, fine. Posting a pic of me and clowning it, fine. Clowning my fiancee is a dick move. Clowning PB's daughter, a dick move. Surely you understand simple math like that.

If I post my sisters photos on here today? My expectations are for posters to make nasty comments. How they would bone my sister and a whole bunch of other nonsense. I dont expect anyone to say "good looking sister gobb :cheers: ". I also understand myself as a poster over the years here. To think people will be nice and friendly to me is ludicrous. You're no model citizen here. Another poster whose name I cant recall posted pix of his sister. Cute female, no one went in on here. Why? He hasnt rubbed people the wrong way. You have. So you acting like a dumbass figuring people wouldnt clown photos of you or anyone you're with is hilarious.

And you're overreacting to these photo bashing because you know what you initially did exposing personal info was flagrant foul. Thats why you're playing up this "omg guys get a life dissing my lady? those fighting words". Coming from you CED? Get out of here. So keep playing up this protective fiance role to make us forget how evil you were exposing private info.

09-26-2012, 04:44 PM
Oh, Mr. Holier than Thou is here.

LJJ has never done anything bad in his life, which gives him the right to comment as if he's some sort of deity. You're a blip on here, and probably a blip in real life.

You are right. I can be a petty bastard at times, but I'm still completely above that shit you did. And so are 99,99% of the people visiting this site.

09-26-2012, 04:46 PM
GOBB just STFU. You're one of the biggest losers I've seen online. You're 30 and have accomplished nothing in your life, have no girl, and probably possess none of the aggressive online personality you have here in real life. In real life you're probably a pusssy, who keeps his mouth shut when someone else smaller than you insults you. Quit acting like a lion in front of the monitor, when you're a mouse in real life. It's easy to see through you.

Now get your life together and stop being such a teenage girl.

09-26-2012, 04:53 PM
GOBB just STFU. You're one of the biggest losers I've seen online. You're 30 and have accomplished nothing in your life, have no girl, and probably possess none of the aggressive online personality you have here in real life. In real life you're probably a pusssy, who keeps his mouth shut when someone else smaller than you insults you. Quit acting like a lion in front of the monitor, when you're a mouse in real life. It's easy to see through you.

Now get your life together and stop being such a teenage girl.

09-26-2012, 05:02 PM
GOBB just STFU. You're one of the biggest losers I've seen online. You're 30 and have accomplished nothing in your life, have no girl, and probably possess none of the aggressive online personality you have here in real life. In real life you're probably a pusssy, who keeps his mouth shut when someone else smaller than you insults you. Quit acting like a lion in front of the monitor, when you're a mouse in real life. It's easy to see through you.

Now get your life together and stop being such a teenage girl.

You're mad no one cares you get laid? :roll:

09-26-2012, 05:11 PM
dont forget about his virgin gf problems


but i guess thats not an issue anymore :lol:roll: :roll: :roll:

09-26-2012, 05:16 PM
dont forget about his virgin gf problems


but i guess thats not an issue anymore :lol

:roll: :roll:

09-26-2012, 05:23 PM
I'm not into people posting private information - i'd be not only pretty pissed but if i was motivated enough id go into real life "find out where this person is and get my cop friends to register their car as stolen" type **** with people. I don't get wanting to make people's real lives uncomfortable for an internet argument. The posting Godzuki's info wasn't cool. Everything after was a lot of silliness.

09-26-2012, 05:34 PM
I'm not into people posting private information - i'd be not only pretty pissed but if i was motivated enough id go into real life "find out where this person is and get my cop friends to register their car as stolen" type **** with people. I don't get wanting to make people's real lives uncomfortable for an internet argument. The posting Godzuki's info wasn't cool. Everything after was a lot of silliness.

Yeah. Thats why he is playing up this I'm so upset you guys dissed my fiance angle. To deflect how cruel, insensitive and evil he was

09-26-2012, 05:38 PM
Yeah. Thats why he is playing up this I'm so upset you guys dissed my fiance angle. To deflect how cruel, insensitive and evil he was
People get personal in these arguments really fast, which makes no sense to me. Aside from calling each other idiots (in an "how can you cheer for your stupid team" sense) i don't think we've ever called each other personal insults. That whole argument was "you insulted me personally and im offended, take it back!". It was a really ridiculous thread. Did it get deleted?

It's funny though that Godzuki was the target but he wound up being a footnote of a billion other people calling each other names, Raz leaving the board, and a bunch of other people blowing a gasket.

09-26-2012, 05:42 PM
You're mad no one cares you get laid? :roll:
Here comes GOBB with the fake online persona again, ignoring everything else and can only come back by attacking a poster with something else. Not very surprising.

You are a very small person inside, you must've had a real tough time in real life, getting bullied by others. So, inside your head, whenever you get bullied, you think of all these things to come back at them. But you only think in your head, in actual life you keep your mouth shut n your head down.

The internet allows you to speak what you don't dare say in real life. I feel bad for you, i really do. Being tough online allows you to build some self-esteem, to feel good about yourself. Cause the real you in real life just gets stepped on and pushed around by others all the time.

Oh and btw, sucks for you that you're laughing at someone who's getting laid.. while not getting any yourself.. in like what.. 30 years? :oldlol:

09-26-2012, 05:45 PM
Here comes GOBB with the fake online persona again, ignoring everything else and can only come back by attacking a poster with something else. Not very surprising.

You are a very small person inside, you must've had a real tough time in real life, getting bullied by others. So, inside your head, whenever you get bullied, you think of all these things to come back at them. But you only think in your head, in actual life you keep your mouth shut n your head down.

The internet allows you to speak what you don't dare say in real life. I feel bad for you, i really do. Being tough online allows you to build some self-esteem, to feel good about yourself. Cause the real you in real life just gets stepped on and pushed around by others all the time.

Oh and btw, sucks for you that you're laughing at someone who's getting laid.. while not getting any yourself.. in like what.. 30 years? :oldlol:

You're happy getting laid you want to tell people here. Random, anonymous people at that. :roll:

P.S the "you dont get laid" comeback is juvenile much like your sex life.

09-26-2012, 05:49 PM
You're happy getting laid you want to tell people here. Random, anonymous people at that. :roll:

P.S the "you dont get laid" comeback is juvenile much like your sex life.
Again, silent to everything I say. I guess I hit the right spot? Told you it was easy to see through you. Small man complex.

Oh, in my threads it's usually not me saying that I'm getting laid. But that seems to be the only thing you pick up. So guess what, someone's a bit sensitive to that information huh? Gets offended and pick out that information alone, when my thread wasn't about that. Tells a lot about you. :oldlol:

So you have little man complex, vent out online acting tough to make yourself feel better because you're a loser who gets bullied by even smaller people in real life, and you're pissed when someone talks about sex because you haven't gotten any in 30 years.

What else do you want to tell us?

09-26-2012, 05:53 PM
Again, silent to everything I say. I guess I hit the right spot? Told you it was easy to see through you. Small man complex.

Oh, in my threads it's usually not me saying that I'm getting laid. But that seems to be the only thing you pick up. So guess what, someone's a bit sensitive to that information huh? Gets offended and pick out that information alone, when my thread wasn't about that. Tells a lot about you. :oldlol:

So you have little man complex, vent out online acting tough to make yourself feel better because you're a loser who gets bullied by even smaller people in real life, and you're pissed when someone talks about sex because you haven't gotten any in 30 years.

What else do you want to tell us?
Who are you and why does everyone know you're a virgin?

09-26-2012, 05:56 PM
Here comes GOBB with the fake online persona again, ignoring everything else and can only come back by attacking a poster with something else. Not very surprising.

You are a very small person inside, you must've had a real tough time in real life, getting bullied by others. So, inside your head, whenever you get bullied, you think of all these things to come back at them. But you only think in your head, in actual life you keep your mouth shut n your head down.

The internet allows you to speak what you don't dare say in real life. I feel bad for you, i really do. Being tough online allows you to build some self-esteem, to feel good about yourself. Cause the real you in real life just gets stepped on and pushed around by others all the time.

Oh and btw, sucks for you that you're laughing at someone who's getting laid.. while not getting any yourself.. in like what.. 30 years? :oldlol:http://i.imgur.com/gXpTk.gif

09-26-2012, 06:08 PM
Again, silent to everything I say. I guess I hit the right spot? Told you it was easy to see through you. Small man complex.

Oh, in my threads it's usually not me saying that I'm getting laid. But that seems to be the only thing you pick up. So guess what, someone's a bit sensitive to that information huh? Gets offended and pick out that information alone, when my thread wasn't about that. Tells a lot about you. :oldlol:

So you have little man complex, vent out online acting tough to make yourself feel better because you're a loser who gets bullied by even smaller people in real life, and you're pissed when someone talks about sex because you haven't gotten any in 30 years.

What else do you want to tell us?

You are indirectly telling us "Hey guys I get laid" with your silly threads.

"My girl period is soon and she is a horny toad. Guys you ever experience this? Getting p*ssy and all the things that come with it is new to me."

09-26-2012, 06:11 PM
You are indirectly telling us "Hey guys I get laid" with your silly threads.

"My girl period is soon and she is a horny toad. Guys you ever experience this? Getting p*ssy and all the things that come with it is new to me."
They felt just like bags of sand.

09-26-2012, 06:15 PM
To be fair ced apologized for what he did. This might not justify it but what's done is done and he seems sincere. I'm a fan of Godzuki but in all honesty he pushes poeple to the lengths that deserve exposure. In a way this sets an example of conduct. No matter how bold you can be on the internet, if people took an honest interest you can be exposed and your life open for public display. There have been times I've wanted to expose people but knew what consequenses would be.

On the other hand we have people clowning somebody's fiance. In the grand scheme not a big deal. five years ago or more we could have taken this all in good humor, but with today's butthurtedness things like this are now more malicious. They're not jokes, they're serious attacks. Look at that d!ckhole Millwad creating a joke thread about another poster being dead. Regardless if it's a joke or real, he seemed really insencere about it and came off looking like a massive douche. I'm surprised blablabla didn't go all teeaged anxst and go the lengths of forming his neg brigade on ced. This is what today's posters have become. It's not like geewhiz, tipps, charlie z, or gorapz where even though it had gotten to the point of being cruel, we could look back and laugh at it. Today's posters are just too butthurt.

What bothers me the most is the biggest fraud in dfish feels he has the right to expose somebody as a fraud:no:

09-26-2012, 06:21 PM
Who are you and why does everyone know you're a virgin?
I'm not, did had a virgin gf though.

You are indirectly telling us "Hey guys I get laid" with your silly threads.

Not really. THAT's what YOU're perceiving because you're sensitive to that information and you feel some form of negative emotion knowing someone else is getting some and you're not.

Oh and let me topple you with some more. Let's say I was bragging.. so what if I was? Men brag about it you know? It's not a virgins thing. Even 30-40 year old men, if they slept with a 10, a model, would tell their friends about it the next day at the bar. What's the big deal? Men like to talk about sex. Too bad it's something you don't know.. as you've never even gotten a chance to brag about your first one..

See, why you so sensitive to someone getting laid, GOBB?
Why don't you tell us about it? Tell us about your girl problems, GOBB, it's obviously a big one. Why do you have problems? Is it self-confidence? You need to make eye-contact, and be able to carry a conversation bro. Take an initiative, make your life better, man. PM me when you need some help.

09-26-2012, 06:29 PM
Boomerang is right, the people that get all bothered when others brag about p*ssy are bothered because they get none...

talking about p*ssy is what we do, it is all we think about, it is who we are, it is why we wake up in the morning...if you are annoying when the subject of p*ssy comes up it is likely because you are frustrated at your own lack of it...

09-26-2012, 06:32 PM
Not really. THAT's what YOU're perceiving because you're sensitive to that information and you feel some form of negative emotion knowing someone else is getting some and you're not.

No one cares you are getting laid. What are you not understanding???

Oh and let me topple you with some more. Let's say I was bragging.. so what if I was? Men brag about it you know? It's not a virgins thing. Even 30-40 year old men, if they slept with a 10, a model, would tell their friends about it the next day at the bar. What's the big deal? Men like to talk about sex. Too bad it's something you don't know.. as you've never even gotten a chance to brag about your first one..

Friends, not random strangers on a messageboard. Not many even know who the hell you are. There are regulars who are known. Then there are guys like you. Noobs who make topics about their offline personal life that calls for a COOL STORY BRO.

What you asked was common knowledge. But you are new to having sex. That is amusing to me. And the fact you have 2 threads about your offline sex life is hilarious. We get it. You get laid. Go invest in a journal or better yet some OFFLINE FRIENDS who care? We dont.

See, why you so sensitive to someone getting laid, GOBB?
Why don't you tell us about it? Tell us about your girl problems, GOBB, it's obviously a big one. Why do you have problems? Is it self-confidence? You need to make eye-contact, and be able to carry a conversation bro. Take an initiative, make your life better, man. PM me when you need some help.

You're are a beginner when it comes to female and sex. Why would I PM you?

09-26-2012, 06:35 PM
Boomerang is right, the people that get all bothered when others brag about p*ssy are bothered because they get none...

talking about p*ssy is what we do, it is all we think about, it is who we are, it is why we wake up in the morning...if you are annoying when the subject of p*ssy comes up it is likely because you are frustrated at your own lack of it...

Come on mr predictable. You want so bad to argue with me. I havent been giving you the attention you need and crave. So see thru. Laugh at his posts, break out the typical popcorn .gif then follow it up with "I agree with him against you GOBB". Desperate there prime?

09-26-2012, 06:44 PM
Come on mr predictable. You want so bad to argue with me. I havent been giving you the attention you need and crave. So see thru. Laugh at his posts, break out the typical popcorn .gif then follow it up with "I agree with him against you GOBB". Desperate there prime?
he is "owning" you...maybe I'll give you a review of it tomorrow

09-26-2012, 07:01 PM
No one cares you are getting laid. What are you not understanding???

Friends, not random strangers on a messageboard. Not many even know who the hell you are. There are regulars who are known. Then there are guys like you. Noobs who make topics about their offline personal life that calls for a COOL STORY BRO.

What you asked was common knowledge. But you are new to having sex. That is amusing to me. And the fact you have 2 threads about your offline sex life is hilarious.

You're are a beginner when it comes to female and sex. Why would I PM you?
It's pretty obvious to me that you care, since you're pretty much the only guy who keeps bringing up this point. In fact, it's the 3rd post and 3rd time you bring up the same point. :oldlol: It's painfully obvious to everyone, me having sex is rubbing you the wrong way. So let's talk about it GOBB, why? Like I've analyzed, your jealousy of other males having action and your lack of it is giving you negative emotions. That's what this angry post of yours is about.

So what if I ask questions that are common sense? Men like sex, men like to talk about sex, deal with it. Maybe you don't have actual friends in your life and you don't get the chance to have guy talk and talk about sex, so I'm giving you a lesson here.

We get it. You get laid. Go invest in a journal or better yet some OFFLINE FRIENDS who care? We dont.
OH and by the way, who's WE? Who's siding with you here? :oldlol:
See, another sign of you taking this forum too serious. It's like family to you isn't it? You take it so far as to call these fellow posters your friends, and use "WE", as if there's a group of friends supporting you. Turn around GOBB, who's standing behind you? Oh oh.. THEN you realize there's nobody, because you're an a-hole with little man complex. Come on, GOBB, I worry for you. If this site went down for a few days, you would go under depression wouldn't you? It's your everything.

This forum feeds you, it gives you the attention you lack in reality, it allows you a voice that you don't dare voice in real life. It gives you pleasure and sense of authority when you argue with someone because you don't have control over anyone in real life. You're proud of your post count, your green bars, your longevity here on this site. It gives you a sense of accomplishment, because you've done nothing in your life. Insidehoops is your life my friend, and I'm worried for you. In fact, WE're worried for you.

09-26-2012, 07:03 PM
Boomerang is right, the people that get all bothered when others brag about p*ssy are bothered because they get none...

talking about p*ssy is what we do, it is all we think about, it is who we are, it is why we wake up in the morning...if you are annoying when the subject of p*ssy comes up it is likely because you are frustrated at your own lack of it...

Where are all your threads about getting laid? No one gets laid a ton and brags about it on an internet message board. Have you one time in your life just nailed some girl and thought, let's post this on ISH for validation. :lol

I have to disagree with that.

09-26-2012, 07:08 PM
Where are all your threads about getting laid? No one gets laid a ton and brags about it on an internet message board. Have you one time in your life just nailed some girl and thought, let's post this on ISH for validation. :lol

I have to disagree with that.
Not saying it's common to post about getting laid, just that it's NOT uncommon to talk about it. I don't really care, because this is a forum, so I can post about it without feeling anything. What's the big deal? :confusedshrug: BUUTTT someone gets really offended :oldlol:

Besides, none of my posts were about bragging about getting laid. 1 was asking for other's experience about virgin girls, the other is talking about girl's emotions during the cycle, which is actually a legit discussion.

But this boy here GOBB gets offended and see's "I'M HAVING SEX, YOU'RE NOT" written all over those posts. Why does he see that? Read the above. :rolleyes:

09-26-2012, 07:09 PM
Where are all your threads about getting laid? No one gets laid a ton and brags about it on an internet message board. Have you one time in your life just nailed some girl and thought, let's post this on ISH for validation. :lol

I have to disagree with that.
every time someone brings up girls in here they get made fun of...that is why no one brags that much about it...they know it is a no win situation

happens all the time...

any time someone posts a pick of a girl they have been with they get torn in half...no matter what the girl looks like, it's sad

and who is doing all the ripping?...people with no girl

I would love to share with ISH all the girls I have been with, but I can't because I know it will go bad for me...lol...and THEY ARE HOT

09-26-2012, 07:11 PM
lol idc about the info DFish sent to Raz aka Ced since he's wrong. Go ahead and stalk whomever you think is me, prank call taht shop all day for all i care. only thing that bothers me about it is the act of trying to go that route to hit me back where to me its fair game once i get DFish's personal info, to take it to those same levels if not further and i will if it ever comes out :cheers: thing about this place is people love to do things to others but couldn't handle it being done to them. people always want to take shots but can't handle getting hit back. its a constant recurring theme here. its the principle of people getting hit with what they do to others, and its always been godzuki's ISH motto :pimp:

and rufus you really should get over yourself since IMO you're a pretty worthless contributor here. shit you might as well be just using PM's with the same circle jerks you're constantly jerkin off with and to of old posters. you don't really start any interesting threads that aren't more than a year old, and your political opinions are so conveniently critical of everyone/everything where you never take a stance its just stupid reading your shit these days. i mean if you're going to call me worthless i consider you much more worthless in terms of contributing anything here.

as for Gobbs, guess you found a job? :oldlol:

anyways as i said before OTC is pretty boring these days, altho i still visit occasionally i'm not here nearly as much as i used to be, and there is so much korean variety show content and getting into kpop stuff that takes up most of my previous ISH time. its funny to me how people still try to start shit with me even when i'm not here or haven't beefed with anyone in months :lol i always seem to get dragged into shit.

09-26-2012, 07:11 PM
Where are all your threads about getting laid? No one gets laid a ton and brags about it on an internet message board. Have you one time in your life just nailed some girl and thought, let's post this on ISH for validation. :lol

I have to disagree with that.

I dont ever recall him making a post about getting laid. Even in his drunk state.

09-26-2012, 07:15 PM
I dont ever recall him making a post about getting laid. Even in his drunk state.
Neither do I recall you making any posts about getting laid. Not even in your pathetic state and 49,000 posts.

09-26-2012, 07:16 PM
OH and by the way, who's WE? Who's siding with you here? :oldlol:
See, another sign of you taking this forum too serious. It's like family to you isn't it? You take it so far as to call these fellow posters your friends, and use "WE", as if there's a group of friends supporting you. Turn around GOBB, who's standing behind you? Oh oh.. THEN you realize there's nobody, because you're an a-hole with little man complex. Come on, GOBB, I worry for you. If this site went down for a few days, you would go under depression wouldn't you? It's your everything.

lol yep he does that in the NFL section too...I'll get into a 10 page debate with him just me and him 1 on 1 that NO ONE bothers to read because it would be a waste of time and he will talk as though 1,000 people have his back lol

09-26-2012, 07:18 PM
I dont ever recall him making a post about getting laid. Even in his drunk state.
I learned early, the moment I mention fcking strippers in here I never hear the end of it, then suddenly strippers are BAD...talking about getting laid is forbidden in here

09-26-2012, 07:20 PM
To be fair ced apologized for what he did. This might not justify it but what's done is done and he seems sincere. I'm a fan of Godzuki but in all honesty he pushes poeple to the lengths that deserve exposure. In a way this sets an example of conduct. No matter how bold you can be on the internet, if people took an honest interest you can be exposed and your life open for public display. There have been times I've wanted to expose people but knew what consequenses would be.

On the other hand we have people clowning somebody's fiance. In the grand scheme not a big deal. five years ago or more we could have taken this all in good humor, but with today's butthurtedness things like this are now more malicious. They're not jokes, they're serious attacks. Look at that d!ckhole Millwad creating a joke thread about another poster being dead. Regardless if it's a joke or real, he seemed really insencere about it and came off looking like a massive douche. I'm surprised blablabla didn't go all teeaged anxst and go the lengths of forming his neg brigade on ced. This is what today's posters have become. It's not like geewhiz, tipps, charlie z, or gorapz where even though it had gotten to the point of being cruel, we could look back and laugh at it. Today's posters are just too butthurt.

What bothers me the most is the biggest fraud in dfish feels he has the right to expose somebody as a fraud:no:

feel free to expose me then, just don't be upset if i expose you as well. that goes for everyone here. i welcome anyone trying to find me in RL, like i said just don't get mad if i try to find you in RL or get your personal info, and i take it to some fukked up levels :cheers:

i've got no shame in that scenario, if anything i'd be motivated to teach that person a lesson on principle, otherwise i'd probably be way too lazy and not care enough to take it that far. as usual i wouldn't be the one starting it, just finishing.

i'm also curious what you think i've done to others where you think it justifies that btw? because i clown them with info they've posted on ISH? because i've clowned their pics they've put on the internetz? the funny thing is they're the ones always starting beefs with me where it leads to me doing those things. its like this thread, the thread before it by Raz, thread before it by Gobbs, and whomever else where people are always pulling me into beefs and then get all upset when i wreck them. i mean some of you need to take some responsbility for your own actions and shit you talk, acting like you're not going to get hit back if you're throwing punches :facepalm

09-26-2012, 07:21 PM
godpoopi you stay on tmz like my sister and mom. they are females, check your gender please.

every time someone brings up girls in here they get made fun of...that is why no one brags that much about it...they know it is a no win situation

happens all the time...

any time someone posts a pick of a girl they have been with they get torn in half...no matter what the girl looks like, it's sad

and who is doing all the ripping?...people with no girl

I would love to share with ISH all the girls I have been with, but I can't because I know it will go bad for me...lol...and THEY ARE HOT

rezznor posts pix of him and his fiance or is it wife now? Either way I've never seen anyone tear him or his lady up. No one bashed Meticode wife, just got annoyed he kept talkin about her in random threads where it wasnt called. Judges posted photos of his girl, only person who bashed him was starface about him needing a tan. ROCsteady posts photos of himself with random females as well as macmac. I only recall people dissing macmac either for what they call lookin like a dbag. I dont recall anyone bashing the woman he was surrounded by.

So this idea people who posts pix with chicks get torn into pieces is not true. Only certain posters who attack others, are annoying, trolls etc etc become targets for what you claim.

And there have been people who posted pix of their lady, females who attacked others for posting pix of chicks. So that also destroys this idea that only people with no girl do the attacking.

How often have you posted chicks prime?
How often have you mentioned getting laid?
How many sex threads you create?

You told us about your job, how much money you make, your condo, car numerous times. But never your sexual encounters. Even in your drunk, shytface state. Go figure.

09-26-2012, 07:25 PM
I've talked about having threesomes in here...guess you were missing, obviously I was accused of bragging and lying though and was hated on...

No one has bashed medicode's wife?...are you kidding?...he has to mention it every time he posts because he was made fun of so long :oldlol:

"my wife"

09-26-2012, 07:28 PM
Am I reading this right. Did p.tiddy's stance on the subject just do 180 degree turn? in less than 2 pages?

09-26-2012, 07:29 PM
Am I reading this right. Did p.tiddy's stance on the subject just do 180 degree turn? in less than 2 pages?
you're reading something wrong for sure...

09-26-2012, 07:32 PM
godpoopi you stay on tmz like my sister and mom. they are females, check your gender please.

nice, GOBB, mentioning the only 2 females you have interaction with.

So what's up? Couldn't answer all my questions? Silent acknowledgement? Told you you're very easy to read. Now since you don't have the balls to face me, just go ahead and put "Little Man Complex" under your title.

And take my advice:
1) Don't use "We" here. Nobody cares about you, nobody backs you up, it looks pathetic.
2) Cut the tough boy act, I see right through you.
3) Just take my advice from my very first post in this thread and STFU. Okay?

Good day.

09-26-2012, 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by GOBB
godpoopi you stay on tmz like my sister and mom. they are females, check your gender please.

thx for the repost, wouldn't have seen this :cheers:

see? this is what i'm talking about. i haven't interacted with gobbs since the last time he randomly called me out, like the time before that and time before that where its like constant the same event that already happened repeating itself over and over where Gobbs is always trying to get back at me for wrecking him...., and every time i have to clown his sad, sorry fired mailman licking envelopes life, playing Xbox Call of Duty all day depressed, but taking pride in his highest post count on ISH life while his parents pay his bills. then he disappears for awhile pretending like he's doing something other than reading ISH :lol

thats right mailman i LOVE tmz, just like your momz and sister do glued to that 30 yr old couch like 2 female hambones. i had a father figure so i'm secure in who i am, how about you? :confusedshrug:

Kevin Love
09-26-2012, 07:58 PM
I've never witnessed someone have a breakdown on here the way Raz did the other day. It was hilarious to see someone start a thread to "confront" someone and get him banned and then it backfire on him to the extent where he feels the need to announce leaving the forum and yet he keeps posting on here. :roll:

09-26-2012, 08:05 PM
godpoopi your father drinks himself to sleep knowing you will one day take over his business you claim is yours online. He came here as an immigrant. Clueless to America and made ends meet to open up a business and support his family (lil shyt like yourself). Admirable. You spend your days on ISH waiting for an argument that is often not even entertaining. You multi task by suring tmz for gossip because it interests you. Like the tabloid mags at the checkout counter "Kanye tells Kim K to lose weight!". Your father didnt mold you, American tv did.

09-26-2012, 08:17 PM
godpoopi your father drinks himself to sleep knowing you will one day take over his business you claim is yours online. He came here as an immigrant. Clueless to America and made ends meet to open up a business and support his family (lil shyt like yourself). Admirable. You spend your days on ISH waiting for an argument that is often not even entertaining. You multi task by suring tmz for gossip because it interests you. Like the tabloid mags at the checkout counter "Kanye tells Kim K to lose weight!". Your father didnt mold you, American tv did.

i bet your father left you because he saw a failure early on, just posting on ISH 24/7 and never leaving his room with a goal of having the highest post count on a nba message board. too bad you really haven't disproved him 20 years later. failed at mailman, can't find a job with no skillz, can't even support his momz and sister if anything they support Gobbs, and i presume collecting unemployment while playing Call of Duty with your online friends? :confusedshrug:

how much of that is true? don't lie...

09-26-2012, 08:32 PM
i bet your father left you because he saw a failure early on, just posting on ISH 24/7 and never leaving his room with a goal of having the highest post count on a nba message board. too bad you really haven't disproved him 20 years later. failed at mailman, can't find a job with no skillz, can't even support his momz and sister if anything they support Gobbs, and i presume collecting unemployment while playing Call of Duty with your online friends? :confusedshrug:

how much of that is true? don't lie...

None of it as usual.

09-26-2012, 08:46 PM
So Godzuki is really korean?

09-27-2012, 02:25 AM
this Gobb kid is pretty sad :oldlol:

09-27-2012, 02:47 AM
Damn, do y'all really need to invest so much time arguing? You don't even personally know each other :facepalm

Lamar Doom
09-27-2012, 03:05 AM
I'm just glad everybody is finally talking it out. I feel a stronger, more profoundly nurturing brotherhood for everyone comin on. I also feel a whoop comin up.

J$, if a lion pride is forming, I'm your huckleberry.

You guys seen Samsara yet? Go, send me your ticket stub + semen sample, I'll reimburse you for the ticket.

09-27-2012, 07:09 AM
You guys seen Samsara yet? Go, send me your ticket stub + semen sample, I'll reimburse you for the ticket.

I'm religiously checking out the website to see when it'll air here, but no luck yet. :( Could be a while.

09-27-2012, 08:29 AM
I've talked about having threesomes in here...guess you were missing, obviously I was accused of bragging and lying though and was hated on...

No one has bashed medicode's wife?...are you kidding?...he has to mention it every time he posts because he was made fun of so long :oldlol:

"my wife"
You, Tony and Jason?

And people rag on Meticode and his wife sometime because it's funny because he has to remind us she was a virgin when they met (i've yet to see why guys worry about this, are they trying to concieve baby jesus?) and he regularly tells us super models are ugly but his wife is hot. If Meticode was my best friend in a bar and he said either of those things we'd all rag on him the same. You would too... (Note: If someone is trying to call his wife ugly to get him upset they are just an idiot but we all know that, no?)

09-27-2012, 12:25 PM
You, Tony and Jason?

SEE!!!??? :oldlol:

you just proved my point

I knew even just typing that in here made eyes roll for some...you can't do it

09-27-2012, 12:47 PM
SEE!!!??? :oldlol:

you just proved my point

I knew even just typing that in here made eyes roll for some...you can't do it
Dude, why would you? Who the **** cares that the internet strangers know their conquests? And there is nothing you couldn't type that i wouldn't make fun of with a cowboy comment, do you not know this?

09-27-2012, 12:54 PM
Dude, why would you? Who the **** cares that the internet strangers know their conquests? And there is nothing you couldn't type that i wouldn't make fun of with a cowboy comment, do you not know this?
I agree...yes "I know this"

that's why I don't share much of my sexual conquests in here...because you can't unless you want to get clowned on...perhaps I am more of a target than others, but I firmly believe that ANYONE that makes a thread talking about a sexual escaped they had will get clowned on in that thread...and it is a shame, and it will likely be all the people with no sex life that do the clowning...

Thread title: So I nailed some chick last night and I want to brag about it in here


09-27-2012, 12:56 PM
feel free to expose me then, just don't be upset if i expose you as well. that goes for everyone here. i welcome anyone trying to find me in RL, like i said just don't get mad if i try to find you in RL or get your personal info, and i take it to some fukked up levels :cheers:

i've got no shame in that scenario, if anything i'd be motivated to teach that person a lesson on principle, otherwise i'd probably be way too lazy and not care enough to take it that far. as usual i wouldn't be the one starting it, just finishing.

i'm also curious what you think i've done to others where you think it justifies that btw? because i clown them with info they've posted on ISH? because i've clowned their pics they've put on the internetz? the funny thing is they're the ones always starting beefs with me where it leads to me doing those things. its like this thread, the thread before it by Raz, thread before it by Gobbs, and whomever else where people are always pulling me into beefs and then get all upset when i wreck them. i mean some of you need to take some responsbility for your own actions and shit you talk, acting like you're not going to get hit back if you're throwing punches :facepalm

Never said I wanted to call you out.
I know sometimes I should be one to talk but sometimes you just got to accept a little humilty. There are times where you've just jumped to conclusions and just won't let up. Take this post for example. I already said I had no problems with you, but you instantly took it the wrong way and got into fighting form. I think we have alot of similarities where people engage us first and get pretty jumpy, but I've been pointed out being wrong before and jumped to conclusions. I accept accountability and apologized.

Not everyone is attacking you, and sometimes you just got to roll with the jokes.

BGriffin's Dad
09-27-2012, 01:13 PM
godzuki you need to calm down

09-27-2012, 01:22 PM
Never said I wanted to call you out.
I know sometimes I should be one to talk but sometimes you just got to accept a little humilty. There are times where you've just jumped to conclusions and just won't let up. Take this post for example. I already said I had no problems with you, but you instantly took it the wrong way and got into fighting form. I think we have alot of similarities where people engage us first and get pretty jumpy, but I've been pointed out being wrong before and jumped to conclusions. I accept accountability and apologized.

Not everyone is attacking you, and sometimes you just got to roll with the jokes.

most of that post wasn't directed towards you specifically but people in general here, or more specifically the people i'm constantly fighting with. your post just gave me a opportunity to say those things. only part i really directed towards you was how you thought i may have deserved people coming at me in RL where i don't think i've crossed any lines they haven't. making fun of pics they've posted and in some cases dared me to, or hitting them back after they randomly take shots at me even if i hit them a lot harder is justified the way i see it. if i were randomly attacking people here then sure....

i'm usually fine with jokes but i guess its arguable the difference between what is a joke and what is a attack. you'd have to be more specific i guess of a situation where i've attacked someone for a joke where it was uncalled for. i just don't think i do that, or can recall it happening.

magic chiongson
09-27-2012, 01:27 PM
You guys seen Samsara yet? Go, send me your ticket stub + semen sample, I'll reimburse you for the ticket.

the 2001 movie was fap material, but i guess you're talking about the new documentary.

Lamar Doom
09-27-2012, 01:34 PM
the 2001 movie was fap material, but i guess you're talking about the new documentary.

Talking about the Ron Fricke "sequel" to Baraka. Check your local theater listings

09-27-2012, 01:51 PM
I agree...yes "I know this"

that's why I don't share much of my sexual conquests in here...because you can't unless you want to get clowned on...perhaps I am more of a target than others, but I firmly believe that ANYONE that makes a thread talking about a sexual escaped they had will get clowned on in that thread...and it is a shame, and it will likely be all the people with no sex life that do the clowning...

Thread title: So I nailed some chick last night and I want to brag about it in here


It's actually the opposite here, everyone claims they've had 27,000 partners, sleep with 8 or up ever, etc. Remember the "you must be gay because you don't want another guy haveing a threesome" threads? Things like that.

I guess we are just different, me a person who thinks an internet message board is the place to talk about his conquests probably is making stories up that he can't tell his friends in person.

09-27-2012, 02:03 PM
It's actually the opposite here, everyone claims they've had 27,000 partners, sleep with 8 or up ever, etc. Remember the "you must be gay because you don't want another guy haveing a threesome" threads? Things like that.

I guess we are just different, me a person who thinks an internet message board is the place to talk about his conquests probably is making stories up that he can't tell his friends in person.
yeah at least 90% of the people here think like you do and just assume everyone is lying when talking about sex...that's part of the problem

that is what happened to Boomerang here, and no one has any reason to assume he is lying

09-27-2012, 02:17 PM
yeah at least 90% of the people here think like you do and just assume everyone is lying when talking about sex...that's part of the problem

that is what happened to Boomerang here, and no one has any reason to assume he is lying

Where did that happen here? I never questioned if he was lying. I never said he was a virgin and doesnt get females. In fact those are HIS replies to me because he was butt hurt that I told him no one cares he gets laid. He sounds like a kid who just discovered sex and wants to share it with the whole wide world.

Hey guys you ever have morning sex? I think its awesome. Anyone disagree? How could you???! :pimp:


Did you reply to his threads? No? Why not. Pretty sure my point is the answer.

09-27-2012, 02:19 PM
not bothering to pay any more attention to this. whateves

09-27-2012, 02:24 PM
Where did that happen here? I never questioned if he was lying. I never said he was a virgin and doesnt get females. In fact those are HIS replies to me because he was butt hurt that I told him no one cares he gets laid. He sounds like a kid who just discovered sex and wants to share it with the whole wide world.

Hey guys you ever have morning sex? I think its awesome. Anyone disagree? How could you???! :pimp:


Did you reply to his threads? No? Why not. Pretty sure my point is the answer.
you didn't accuse him of lying, true...you did clown on him though without being provoked...I know he already asked you without reply but why did you do that? Why did it bother you?

niko did accuse him of lying

09-27-2012, 02:28 PM
dont forget about his virgin gf problems


but i guess thats not an issue anymore :lol
Another example of how much oh a hypocrite Raz is:


He's crying in this thread over someone calling his GF ugly, yet he calls other people's GF's ugly.

09-27-2012, 02:33 PM
you didn't accuse him of lying, true...you did clown on him though without being provoked...I know he already asked you without reply but why did you do that? Why did it bother you?

niko did accuse him of lying

Already explained why I replied. Its because people usually young guys finally discovering this thing called sex want to let everyone know they are boning. When it comes to friends, relatives fine. But random strangers? Who cares.

I'm also notorious for breaking peoples balls here. Why I have to type that out is beyond me. I enjoy getting that kid riled up after telling him "no one cares you get laid.". Notice he is in a thread that isnt the topic I initially replied to him in. And you're going to tell me he isnt butt sore? When he becomes a man he'll simply get over it. :pimp:

I purposely ignored whatever questions (skimmed his post) he asked. Why? Because it pisses him off even more to be ignored. Its nothing like a poster thinkin they made a gem of a post and it doesnt get acknowledged by the person its intended for. Drives some posters insane. I robbed him of that satisfaction. I enjoy that. I love doing it.

09-27-2012, 02:39 PM
Already explained why I replied. Its because people usually young guys finally discovering this thing called sex want to let everyone know they are boning. When it comes to friends, relatives fine. But random strangers? Who cares.

I'm also notorious for breaking peoples balls here. Why I have to type that out is beyond me. I enjoy getting that kid riled up after telling him "no one cares you get laid.". Notice he is in a thread that isnt the topic I initially replied to him in. And you're going to tell me he isnt butt sore? When he becomes a man he'll simply get over it. :pimp:

I purposely ignored whatever questions (skimmed his post) he asked. Why? Because it pisses him off even more to be ignored. Its nothing like a poster thinkin they made a gem of a post and it doesnt get acknowledged by the person its intended for. Drives some posters insane. I robbed him of that satisfaction. I enjoy that. I love doing it.

why do you enjoy upsetting others?

09-27-2012, 02:45 PM

why do you enjoy upsetting others?


09-27-2012, 02:54 PM
you didn't accuse him of lying, true...you did clown on him though without being provoked...I know he already asked you without reply but why did you do that? Why did it bother you?

niko did accuse him of lying
Dude, are you losing your ****ing mind. Guys lie about conquests. Anonymous people on the internet lie all the time. Do you honestly think it's not possible he's lying? And you are scolding people for being mean? Especially when the "mean" is just breaking balls?

You are talking like you discovered both this internet thing and that men make fun of each other yesterday.

09-27-2012, 02:57 PM
Dude, are you losing your ****ing mind. Guys lie about conquests. Anonymous people on the internet lie all the time. Do you honestly think it's not possible he's lying? And you are scolding people for being mean? Especially when the "mean" is just breaking balls?

You are talking like you discovered both this internet thing and that men make fun of each other yesterday.
I'm not scolding anyone, and I know people lie on the net about EVERYTHING, not just sex

I am just agreeing with Boomerang on the type of people that get all worked up over others that brag about sex...what he said seems accurate to me

09-27-2012, 03:23 PM
I'm not scolding anyone, and I know people lie on the net about EVERYTHING, not just sex

I am just agreeing with Boomerang on the type of people that get all worked up over others that brag about sex...what he said seems accurate to me
i didn't read what he wrote that deeply to be honest so ill take your word for it. :cheers:

09-27-2012, 03:57 PM
Another example of how much oh a hypocrite Raz is:


He's crying in this thread over someone calling his GF ugly, yet he calls other people's GF's ugly.

He didn't post pics.

09-27-2012, 04:38 PM
He didn't post pics.



This is almost as funny as the Lil Wayne deposition. Embarrassing.

09-27-2012, 11:34 PM
Already explained why I replied. Its because people usually young guys finally discovering this thing called sex want to let everyone know they are boning. When it comes to friends, relatives fine. But random strangers? Who cares.

I'm also notorious for breaking peoples balls here. Why I have to type that out is beyond me. I enjoy getting that kid riled up after telling him "no one cares you get laid.". Notice he is in a thread that isnt the topic I initially replied to him in. And you're going to tell me he isnt butt sore? When he becomes a man he'll simply get over it. :pimp:

I purposely ignored whatever questions (skimmed his post) he asked. Why? Because it pisses him off even more to be ignored. Its nothing like a poster thinkin they made a gem of a post and it doesnt get acknowledged by the person its intended for. Drives some posters insane. I robbed him of that satisfaction. I enjoy that. I love doing it.
See, son you come back to the same old points I've addressed.

And you coming here with that I ignore him so i win shiiit.
Well, you're exactly like I analyzed. You enjoy this, it drives you.
Why? Because you got nothing going on in real life. You're a loser with no accomplishments except this online persona.

Go back to my posts on the previous pages, you pretty much confirmed what I said.
Btw, you didn't ignore me because of that too. It's because you got nothing to come back with. I know that, that's why I didn't give a damn if you replied or not. I know you can't.

And I know you will read this. Reply or not, I know you read it. And I know it stings you. You can't reply because you got nothing to reply.. and this "Oh i ignore him n i'm getting the better of it" is your own defense mechanism cause you just got schooled.

10-03-2012, 05:47 PM
CED cried hard to Jeff. Avatar disabled. :roll:

10-03-2012, 05:51 PM
Haha, the guy was such a fool.. :facepalm

BTW GOBB, if you would meet Godzuki in real life, would you make love to him?

10-03-2012, 05:52 PM
Haha, the guy was such a fool.. :facepalm

BTW GOBB, if you would meet Godzuki in real life, would you make love to him?

10-03-2012, 05:53 PM
CED cried hard to Jeff. Avatar disabled. :roll:
They took away your avatar? What happens when the Knicks dismantle the 76ers? How will you pay up? UNFAIR...