View Full Version : I travel to Japan twice a year, ask me anything...

10-02-2012, 12:11 PM
:lol i probably don't have any good answers but please ask...

10-02-2012, 12:17 PM
Considering the size of Asian penises, are dildo sales high in Japan?

10-02-2012, 12:20 PM
Why are the women hairy there?

10-02-2012, 12:20 PM
I wouldn't know (i've never tried to find one) but i'd doubt it, most of the sex toys, etc. are all aimed at men. (Unless men need that a lot which again, i'm not going to research).

10-02-2012, 12:21 PM
Why are the women hairy there?
Unless you mean on their head they aren't. They don't trim if that's your point, it's just not popular, mostly because most women aren't that hairy.

10-02-2012, 12:23 PM
do all japanese guys end the show with bukkake?

10-02-2012, 12:23 PM
Is Tokyo as great as everyone says it is?

what do you think about their infrastructure in comparison to the united states?

As a New Yorker, did you get that holy shit overwhelming feeling when you visited edo?

10-02-2012, 12:24 PM
What are the coolest things you've seen in japan (high tech or whatever)
Also how's the food there or what do you eat when you're in japan?

10-02-2012, 12:29 PM
do all japanese guys end the show with bukkake?
Again, how would i know? I'm a hetero guy. I've never done a survey.

10-02-2012, 12:32 PM
how much longer before this becomes sentient and take over the country


10-02-2012, 12:33 PM
I spent two months in Japan a few years ago, and loved it. The food is amazing.

And the girls' fashions are... terrific


10-02-2012, 12:35 PM
Do real japanese girls moan and cry as if they are being murdered during sex? Or do they only do that annoying shit on Japanese porn?

10-02-2012, 12:35 PM
Is Tokyo as great as everyone says it is?

what do you think about their infrastructure in comparison to the united states?

As a New Yorker, did you get that holy shit overwhelming feeling when you visited edo?

Tokyo is MASSIVE. It's also attached to Kawasaki which is attached to Yokohama so it's even more massive (it's like a never ending city). Do you like massive metro areas which great transportation? Do you like never ending supplies of businesses of every shape and size? Do you like different areas with different sub cultures all their own? Do the crowds not bother you? (Tokyo is freaking crowded, if that's an issue you'll hate it). It's a trip. I live in NY and NY is nowhere near as large or busy as Tokyo. It's not friendly though, and it's somewhat of a sterile vibe in some places. But Shibuya is a trip, Roppongi is fun, Ginza for more high end. I love it. (Note: I stay in Yokohama but i've spent a ton of time in Tokyo).

If you ever go let me know and we can talk more specifics. Listening to you personally, i think you would have fun.

The infrastructure is better than in the US. There is a subtle taxation going on that subsidizes everything, sometimes directly (trains are expensive and you pay per distance, if you have a car you need to pay a parking space tax) and sometimes indirectly (products are more expenses, the govt. is clearly taking on the back end). But it's clean, the trains go everywhere and are on time, it's all just very efficient. Anytime i come back home to NY the trains irritate me.

There are a bunch of places where the historical impact is WOW. The history there is very long (like it Europe) whereas my country (US) has a relatively short and modern history. My wife is really into that so we get to see some cool stuff, less now because my kids are small.

10-02-2012, 12:35 PM
Do real japanese girls moan and cry as if they are being murdered during sex? Or do they only do that annoying shit on Japanese porn?

the questions in this thread are just tear inducing

10-02-2012, 12:37 PM
it seems like the thing people here know about japan is from porn. :oldlol:

10-02-2012, 12:37 PM
Do real japanese girls moan and cry as if they are being murdered during sex? Or do they only do that annoying shit on Japanese porn?

Depends on the girl. I get the feeling from my experience that they think western guys want that because the cuteness factor (the squeeling and the way they even talk prior, etc.) is really turned up until they get to know you and then it's toned back. Some girls can't (don't) turn it back and it irritates me. If you meet Japanese girls in the states, you note this is never the case. i think a lot of it is an act.

10-02-2012, 12:38 PM
Would you rather live there or here?

10-02-2012, 12:38 PM
how much longer before this becomes sentient and take over the country

There are far more scary things than this, look up the Japanese teaching robots, the ones that look like women. There is an anime called CHOBITS where men fall in love with "computers" who are basically made to look like women. I don't think it's ridiculous.

10-02-2012, 12:39 PM
Would you rather live there or here?
If i didn't have to work, there - but since i do here because being a businessman type in japan is a slow and constant march toward death, even moreso than here.

10-02-2012, 12:40 PM
how much longer before this becomes sentient and take over the country


Cool. A life size Mobilesuit Gundam!

10-02-2012, 12:41 PM
Aren't you peurto rican? How did you snag Japanese women in their homeland? I know that Japan isn't like Korea, but still...

10-02-2012, 12:42 PM
What are the coolest things you've seen in japan (high tech or whatever)
Also how's the food there or what do you eat when you're in japan?
Food is awesome. THey are nuts about things being clean so you can eat at vendors too without worry, and their are convenience stores everywhere and they have good food.

Me, i'm big on sushi (i like Tuna) and Ramen (Yokohama Ya is my favorite chain). I have sesame allergies so i need to be careful and not that adventerous. We eat at home a lot, my wife cooks good.

10-02-2012, 12:43 PM

10-02-2012, 12:45 PM
Food is awesome. THey are nuts about things being clean

I ate sushi in Japan every day for lunch, and ramen (usually miso ramen) noodle soup for dinners

And occasional little seaweed rice snacks from random 7-11's sometimes


10-02-2012, 12:46 PM
we know you are jeff

10-02-2012, 12:47 PM
Aren't you peurto rican? How did you snag Japanese women in their homeland? I know that Japan isn't like Korea, but still...
I had friends there and in Taiwan and i used to travel there for like a month every year. Prior to going, i'd make some email friends (girls but guys too) and meet them to hang out. Sometimes you meet a nice girl and hook up, sometimes her friends, or they make great wingmen. One girl i met wasn't interested in me but she was ridiculously hot and super nice (and like 7 inches taller than me, i'm 5'5'' and she was huge). You walk around with her, you meet people. I'm not a person generally on the make all the time, i've done ok though. :lol This was all like 10 years ago though, i've bee married since then.

My wife i met on a message board and we met for coffee, me and my friend and her and her friend. She wound up not being able to see me again (someone she was close to go sick) but she visited me in NY 6 months later and we hooked up and got married 9 months later. :D

The women i've met online have actually been hot, my wife was really pretty (i met her when she was 25) and her friend who came with her that day is smoking hot (she was a flight attendant at the time).

Japanese likes Puerto Ricans btw, at least the younger ones. And we are white enough not to frighten their parents as much as black guys do (there is that subtle racism among the older people....it's definitely there).

Generally you don't meet the really stylish women you see on TV, etc. there is a group that seem to really only be interested in other Japanese.

10-02-2012, 12:49 PM

10-02-2012, 12:50 PM
we know you are jeff
no, i'm not Jeff. I'd spam the board less (more?) if i was...

10-02-2012, 12:51 PM
no, i'm not Jeff. I'd spam the board less (more?) if i was...
lol i was talking to the poster insidehoops...there is no need for him to sign jeff in his posts

10-02-2012, 12:53 PM
And the girls' fashions are... terrific

soooo many hotpants. It's amazing.

10-02-2012, 12:56 PM
lol i was talking to the poster insidehoops...there is no need for him to sign jeff in his posts
:lol sorry.


10-02-2012, 12:58 PM
Are you a fluent Japanese speaker?

10-02-2012, 01:04 PM
Are you a fluent Japanese speaker?
No, not fluent. I can ask directions, say don't put sesame on my food, have very elementary conversations. Talk to my kids and tell them things in Japanese i don't want others to hear. But not fluent and i can't read outside of the phonetic language.

I've very bad at languages, always have been. It just doesn't stick.

10-02-2012, 01:47 PM
Is it really as "wacky" (for lack of a better word) there as lots of Americans seem to think? Strange things we hear about like sex hotels, vending machines to buy women's underwear, etc.
There is a bunch of strange stuff but the thing is it's not common (at all) and people in Japan frown upon it just like they do here. I think personally the disturbing thing is that there is this subtle sexualizing of young girls that i don't like, idol groups made of girls that look like JHS girls. I've seen a store that had pin up pictures of 13/14 year old girls (not porn pictures, dressed) that was creepy as hell. But the stuff like panty shops, etc. - it's not common.

10-02-2012, 01:55 PM
Is it really as "wacky" (for lack of a better word) there as lots of Americans seem to think? Strange things we hear about like sex hotels, vending machines to buy women's underwear, etc.
There are love hotels though, but that's not really strange, it's just different. Japan is small. And it's just a cultural thing that the girl doesn't want you in her house or her parents are just home and there is no privacy, so you go to the hotel. They are really cool, they have karaoke, video games, food vending machines. Also the trains stop at midnight so it's hard to get laid then go home because you'd be stuck outside.

We have the kids now so me and my wife would go to a hotel for a few hours (it's for a few hours, not hourly). And you pay via vending machine, no person at the door.

10-02-2012, 02:27 PM
I wouldn't know (i've never tried to find one) but i'd doubt it, most of the sex toys, etc. are all aimed at men. (Unless men need that a lot which again, i'm not going to research).

They seem to make plenty of toys for women, including some that are quite popular here.


Considering the size of Asian penises, are dildo sales high in Japan?
They seem sell a lot of these in the US of A. Do you also think that is due to ***** size?

10-02-2012, 02:51 PM
is the snow on hokkaido the best in the world?

10-02-2012, 03:01 PM
is the snow on hokkaido the best in the world?
Don't know.

10-02-2012, 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by rufuspaul
Considering the size of Asian penises, are dildo sales high in Japan?
They seem sell a lot of these in the US of A. Do you also think that is due to ***** size?

just a test

***** Singular
Penises Plural

10-02-2012, 03:04 PM
Interesting. One more question.

How do you feel, a young black male would could fit in inside of a country like Japan? How difficult to overcome are the cultural barriers?
There is a subtle racism (and at times not so subtle) that would make IMO working there in any type of professional capacity difficult. I have friends who are young black males, but only 1 was a professional and he worked for an american company, the others were in the army, 1 a musician, etc. I think it would be hard for a black american to get a lot of jobs, and i think if you dated/wanted to marry a japanese girl, a lot of parents could have issues with that. Some don't, all my friends married Japanese girls and things wound up ok. It comes out in other ways too, my musician friend everyone is not surprised he's so talented musically, because he's black. :facepalm Things like that.

The thing about Japan is it's full of Japanese people. That sounds silly but if you think about it, when you only know 1 thing, it makes accepting outside things more difficult.

10-02-2012, 03:05 PM
is the snow on hokkaido the best in the world?
Haven't been there. Will ask a friend from there.

10-02-2012, 03:14 PM
Is your mother-in-law easy to deal with? How did your Japanese wife's family treat you since you're not Japanese or Asian?

10-02-2012, 03:20 PM
Is your mother-in-law easy to deal with? How did your Japanese wife's family treat you since you're not Japanese or Asian?
She was divorced from my wife's father and didn't live with her daughters for a long time, and the father is a ****ing asshole (he's sick in a home and we have no contact with him). So she couldn't really complain too much. They were cautious but it wasn't bad. I had to take them out and get questioned and such but i don't think it was that bad. They love me now, because we have 2 gorgeous kids and my daughter is fluent in japanese so she can speak to grandma. It was not bad.

Generally if you marry a japanese woman she is probably not going to be so traditional that her parents would not allow it.

10-03-2012, 01:37 AM
hey, niko- i was just thinking about starting a "weird japan" thread one of these times. i've read so much about japan over the years, including watching video and films, that i could probably ramble on quite a bit, even though i've never been there... yet.

no doubt japan sounds like a truly fascinating place to visit and study, but a really shitty place to live long-term for a gaijin. for example, even working your tail off over the course of decades mastering the language and all the intricacies of their culture, you'll never EVER be really trusted, confided in, or thought to be on the same level as a japanese person. even japanese-born asians whose grandparents first settled there years ago are still commonly seen as 'outsiders'. even a japanese person who goes abroad for a year or two and comes back is seen as 'tainted' and often has trouble getting a job.

i don't know about you, but being treated as a second-class person would probably start to wear on me over the years, as it seems to do for many. even though they do have a huge fascination with the english language and with americans. indeed, apparently any caucasian person in japan is assumed to be an english-speaking american... even when the person tries to explain that they're german or french or whatever. anyway, i could go on forever with this stuff...

BTW the film i'm currently watching- "Japan - A Story of Love and Hate BBC":

anyway, my question-- i forgot where you said you went, but i wanted to ask about prices. apart from the fact that tokyo is probably the most expensive place to live in the country, in the blogs and sources i read, everyone seems to casually mention the prices for snacks and meals, even though those prices are insane! 500yen for a packaged cookie, 200yen for a banana, 3000yen for a small lunch... not sure how much a medium-sized bento costs, but i assume it's equally ridiculous:


How do you feel, a young black male would could fit in inside of a country like Japan? How difficult to overcome are the cultural barriers?
you should read azrael's blog. he went there as an ESL teacher... made it work... got married to a japanese girl... had a kid. a lot of fascinating stories there, including how the kids at his middle were always trying to stick their fingers up his ass. i'm not kidding-- it's called "kancho" and even has some kind of weird tradition behind it, like most things japanese. anyway, the blog:

10-03-2012, 02:45 PM
Are Japanese women very serving. I don't want to say subservient, that might be too strong. But is family life like taking care of her children and husband very important to Japanese women. I know it depends on the upbringing, but is this something Japanese. My wife is Asian and for her family is first. She puts our son and even me before herself. Very selfless. She reminds me of how women used to be. My wife loves being a wife and she loves her role. I have so much respect for her. She is strong without being a loud mouth or obnoxious. Doesn't nag. She reminds me that I'm the head of the family..so cool. So are Japanese for the most part similar to this.

10-03-2012, 02:56 PM
Do you dread that flight over and back?

10-03-2012, 03:01 PM
Do you dread that flight over and back?

I'm flown from the East Coast to Asia...oh boy. Going doesn't feel as bad, but coming back I dread more. I look forward to my time there..hate leaving. 24-30 hours on a plane and airports is not fun at all.

10-03-2012, 04:01 PM
hey, niko- i was just thinking about starting a "weird japan" thread one of these times. i've read so much about japan over the years, including watching video and films, that i could probably ramble on quite a bit, even though i've never been there... yet.

no doubt japan sounds like a truly fascinating place to visit and study, but a really shitty place to live long-term for a gaijin. for example, even working your tail off over the course of decades mastering the language and all the intricacies of their culture, you'll never EVER be really trusted, confided in, or thought to be on the same level as a japanese person. even japanese-born asians whose grandparents first settled there years ago are still commonly seen as 'outsiders'. even a japanese person who goes abroad for a year or two and comes back is seen as 'tainted' and often has trouble getting a job.

i don't know about you, but being treated as a second-class person would probably start to wear on me over the years, as it seems to do for many. even though they do have a huge fascination with the english language and with americans. indeed, apparently any caucasian person in japan is assumed to be an english-speaking american... even when the person tries to explain that they're german or french or whatever. anyway, i could go on forever with this stuff...

BTW the film i'm currently watching- "Japan - A Story of Love and Hate BBC":

anyway, my question-- i forgot where you said you went, but i wanted to ask about prices. apart from the fact that tokyo is probably the most expensive place to live in the country, in the blogs and sources i read, everyone seems to casually mention the prices for snacks and meals, even though those prices are insane! 500yen for a packaged cookie, 200yen for a banana, 3000yen for a small lunch... not sure how much a medium-sized bento costs, but i assume it's equally ridiculous:


you should read azrael's blog. he went there as an ESL teacher... made it work... got married to a japanese girl... had a kid. a lot of fascinating stories there, including how the kids at his middle were always trying to stick their fingers up his ass. i'm not kidding-- it's called "kancho" and even has some kind of weird tradition behind it, like most things japanese. anyway, the blog:

Food is cheap if you know where to go. A good rule to follow is FOLLOW THE BUSINESSMEN. They need to eat out everyday, so it won't be too ridiculous. If you get a good Bento it would be $30 but thats like getting take out from a manhattan restaurant, not something you would normally do.

As far as teh blogs go, i read a lot of things from Japan from people who take their personal experiences and etrapolate it to "i saw it so everyone is like that". I'd not believe things like Kids stick their fingers up people's butt (never head of that, i mean never). Something so strange is probably just someone's personal experience.

10-03-2012, 04:02 PM
Do you dread that flight over and back?
I have a 2 yr old and a 4 yr old. So **** yes. Although watching my son pick up flight attendants (the 2 yr old) is entertaining.

10-03-2012, 04:03 PM
Are Japanese women very serving. I don't want to say subservient, that might be too strong. But is family life like taking care of her children and husband very important to Japanese women. I know it depends on the upbringing, but is this something Japanese. My wife is Asian and for her family is first. She puts our son and even me before herself. Very selfless. She reminds me of how women used to be. My wife loves being a wife and she loves her role. I have so much respect for her. She is strong without being a loud mouth or obnoxious. Doesn't nag. She reminds me that I'm the head of the family..so cool. So are Japanese for the most part similar to this.
it depends on the person. those who want western men often are not like that which is why they are looking for western guys. I'd say on average probably moreso but its not everyone.

10-03-2012, 04:28 PM
Do you like me?

10-03-2012, 04:46 PM
:lol sorry.


10-04-2012, 01:05 AM
As far as teh blogs go, i read a lot of things from Japan from people who take their personal experiences and etrapolate it to "i saw it so everyone is like that". I'd not believe things like Kids stick their fingers up people's butt (never head of that, i mean never). Something so strange is probably just someone's personal experience.
um... niko.... no offense, but the concept of kancho seems about as clearly proven and described as any theory about japan ever described. do you want more evidence?

WP itself has a full entry about kancho built upon half-a-dozen entries. here's the main abstract from the world's #1 encyclopedia:

Kancho (カンチョー kanchō?) is a prank often played in Japan; it is performed by clasping the hands together so the index fingers are pointing out and attempting to insert them sharply into someone's **** region when the victim is not looking. It is similar to the wedgie or a goosing, although, as compared to kancho, the former mentioned acts do not involve physical contact which is quite as intimate or direct. A Kancho is often executed simultaneously as the offending party loudly emphasizes the second syllable of "Kan-CHO!".


or if you like browsing for material, pictures, tributes, stories, check out such major internet sites as these based upon the japanese tradition of schoolkids' steepling their fingers and attempting to stick them up a teachers' ass while they're not looking.

how about google images?

how about what azrael (a tall, well-built african-american man teaching english in japan since 2005 or so) described:

March 13, 2006

I was helping out a female sannensei student after school one day with English – she was concerned about the English part of her high school entrance exams, and wisely sought out my council. We talked about various things, eventually coming to my running rivalry with Watson. “He’s an ‘interesting’ dude, for sure,” she said. “But you know, he’s actually really, really nice. He’s always reminding us “don’t forget, it’s your turn to clean the bathroom” or “hey, don’t forget it’s your turn to erase the blackboard.” And sometimes if he has the time, he just does these things for us. He really is a nice guy.” Huh. This is a side of him I have *never* seen before. Of course, I’ve never seen a side of him that isn’t trying to violate my kibbles and my bits. At the same time, I suppose it’s not at all far-fetched, but I can’t even imagine a reality that involves this kid and not trying to grab someone’s dick. It’s just like what he does. Superman fights against evil and injustice. Jack Bauer is an anti-terrorist hardcore weapon of doom. Watson grabs *****. That’s just how the world works.

To prove my point, later that week…

There are times in life when you just find yourself in a “Oh shit!” situation. It’s like time just freezes, and the only thing that goes through your brain is the extent of how ****ed you are. Like if you were a Robeast, and you were fighting Voltron, and he pulls back and goes “FORM BLAZING SWORD!” You just know you’re ****ed, the end.

It’d been a while, but I had one of those moments today. I was on my way to class on the third floor. I was going up the steps when suddenly my Ascended Senses flared up and I turned around to see Watson behind me. On the steps.

For those not familiar with Kancho Dynamics 101, I’ll explain – nailing someone on the steps is like the Perfect Kancho Position. Having the ass above you provides for maximum finger/arm extension, and full Thrust Acceleration. It also puts the bullseye in a prime location, thus improving Thrust Accuracy by a full 67.3%. Kancho has to be one of the only offensive attacks where having the lower ground is actually the advantage.

So yeah, with Watson behind me on the steps, it wasn’t a matter of if I was shit outta luck, but by how much.

I’d love to tell you that nothing happened. I really would. That Watson and I simply went up the stairs and onto our respective classes like any two normal human beings would. I’d love to tell you that. But you and I both know that if that were the case, we wouldn’t be here right now, would we?

With me at a disadvantage, I did the only thing I could with the time I had – turned around and switched targets on him. Now, I know I have just potentially sacrificed my **** for my cornhole, but that’s just the reality of the situation here. Luckily, I caught his hands as usual, and we were once again interlocked into our Endless Waltz.

Watson’s going to graduate soon, so this may be one of the last times I see him. I tried another shot at reasoning with him. “Seriously, dude, it’s been three years. Three whole years. Do you even know what you’re doing anymore?” Watson’s reply? “Honestly, does it even matter at this point?” Is this what we’ve come to now? Is it just now a natural battle of opposing forces? Like Good vs Evil? Hunter vs Prey? Kanchoer/Dick Grabber vs Kanchoee/Dick Dodger? If Watson ever did actually get a grab at my dick, I’m not sure he’d even know what to do next. He’d just be stunned, like “Waitaminute, I got it. So the battle’s over now? Huh?”

Hurry up and graduate, kid. There’s a brand new, shiny, untarnished foreign dick just waiting for you in high school. Unless the English teacher at his school is female, in which case he’ll either be shit outta luck, or the rules of the game will change completely.

are you really serious when you say you've never heard about this practice? then again, you said you've only been a brief visitor to japan across the years, no?

times change, boychick...

10-04-2012, 07:00 PM
Do real japanese girls moan and cry as if they are being murdered during sex? Or do they only do that annoying shit on Japanese porn?


Yup...surprisingly so...

10-05-2012, 08:37 AM
You should have PM'd me I would have helped you answer some of these ridiculous questions....

I am moving back next spring.:cheers:

10-05-2012, 09:01 AM
Yes Kancho exist yes it has happened to me yes the little ones do it to most male foreigners when they teach. They do not do it to strangers.

Most japanese people have no connection or relationships with foreigners so physically foreigners are a novelty. I can tell you changing at a public pools or anywhere that has to deal with changing clothes in public can be annoying.... Foreign woman if they are blessed with TNA will get touched by other Japanese women that are friends.

I hate flying back and forth personally before I decided to move there.

Azrael blogs are famous. They were hilarious he used to have a forum called OutPost9 but was shut down a few years ago.

Tokyo is hella expensive but it many ways you can find stuff for cheap.The things that are considered a necessity/luxury are usually are expensive.. cellphones, gas, cigs used to be $2.00 now they doubled, alcohol, some foods, property, rent etc.....

The 100yen store is a god send.

A person couldnt tell you if all Japanese women make that noise during sex because no one has slept with all. Generally they are quiet but its based on what they think the man likes. Which pretty much makes them a bad lay if you want someone to get it on with you. Most westerns sleep with western japanese ho's anyway. They pretty much give it up to any westerner and have been trained to have western type sex. I used to always ask so many foreign dudes they travel thousands of miles just to sleep with a ho impressive:rolleyes:

It does suck to be treated like a 2nd class or 3rd class citizen sometimes but overall its the safest most loviest place i had the chance to live. Its a xenophobic society you just gotta take the good with the bad.

Generally it takes a LONG time to get in the good graces of a Japanese family unless they are exposed to foreigners.

10-05-2012, 09:06 AM
Yes Kancho exist yes it has happened to me yes the little ones do it to most male foreigners when they teach.

I hate flying back and forth personally before I decided to move there.

Azrael blogs are famous.

Tokyo is hella expensive but it many ways you can find stuff for cheap.The things that are considered a necessity/luxury are usually are expensive.. cellphones, gas, cigs used to be $2.00 now they doubled, alcohol, some foods, property, rent etc.....

The 100yen store is a god send.

A person couldnt tell you if all Japanese women make that noise during sex because no one has slept with all. Generally they are quiet but its based on what they think the man likes. Which pretty much makes them a bad lay if you want someone to get it on with you. Most westerns sleep with western japanese ho's anyway. They pretty much give it up to any westerner and have been trained to have western type sex. I used to always ask so many foreign dudes they travel thousands of miles just to sleep with a ho impressive:rolleyes:

It does suck to be treated like a 2nd class or 3rd class citizen sometimes but overall its the safest most loviest place i had the chance to live. Its a xenophobic society you just gotta take the good with the bad.

Generally it takes a LONG time to get in the good graces of a Japanese family unless they are exposed to foreigners.

I often found the first time the girls give you the squealing "japanese girl" voice that they think you expect where things are more cutesy, and it gets less over time. Even my wife, at the beginning it was more "this is how i think you want me to act" and it got less because you can't keep that up really.

Where are you going to live? Let's have a beer in Japan!:cheers: (I will be there in July, every July for like forever...)

You have to get lucky with the family. I have two close friends who are african american, one of them was a soldier and the other a businessman, the soldier is LOVED by his inlaws. I'm not sure what happened, or why but he is a treasured member of the family, and was pretty early on.

The other one is an actuary, businessman and he was practically an outcast until the grandkids came. Once the grandkids come you are ok!

10-05-2012, 09:18 AM
I often found the first time the girls give you the squealing "japanese girl" voice that they think you expect where things are more cutesy, and it gets less over time. Even my wife, at the beginning it was more "this is how i think you want me to act" and it got less because you can't keep that up really.

Where are you going to live? Let's have a beer in Japan!:cheers: (I will be there in July, every July for like forever...)

You have to get lucky with the family. I have two close friends who are african american, one of them was a soldier and the other a businessman, the soldier is LOVED by his inlaws. I'm not sure what happened, or why but he is a treasured member of the family, and was pretty early on.

The other one is an actuary, businessman and he was practically an outcast until the grandkids came. Once the grandkids come you are ok!
Yeah the chicks do what they think the guy likes. But nothing definitive or absolute though. JHS and HS kids used to ask me why Americans make all those stupid sounds during sex.

I will be in West Tokyo I can PM you the details. I am by the Chuo and Keio lines.

Yeah Japanese family's can be hit or miss.

10-05-2012, 10:13 AM
Yeah the chicks do what they think the guy likes. But nothing definitive or absolute though. JHS and HS kids used to ask me why Americans make all those stupid sounds during sex.

I will be in West Tokyo I can PM you the details. I am by the Chuo and Keio lines.

Yeah Japanese family's can be hit or miss.
I'm in Kawasaki (but if you step 10 feet to the left it's Yokohama.) Den En Toshi Line (Fujigaoka). Nice out there, far enough away from Tokyo to be quieter and calmer but Yokohama is right on the train one way, and Tokyo the other way. Can be in Shibuya in 30 minutes if you grab express train. Yokohama 30 minutes too (the center part). We will go every year July once school ends returning sometime in August (well, my wife will, i go like 3 weeks and they stay 5/6).

10-05-2012, 10:27 AM
I'll try again, Niko, do you like me?

10-05-2012, 10:45 AM
I'll try again, Niko, do you like me?

as an anonymous person on a message board i have no issues with you. If you want anything else might i recommend friendfinder or something like that..

10-05-2012, 11:01 AM
Niko, you're Puerto Rican right? You ever get weird stares walking in Japan when you're with your wife and kids? How are you treated?

I heard there is a decent amount of interracial marriages usually between American military personnel (white mainly) and Japanese chicks. Are these marriages seen as more socially acceptable compared to African Americans or other races with Japanese women/men?

10-05-2012, 11:03 AM
I'm in Kawasaki (but if you step 10 feet to the left it's Yokohama.) Den En Toshi Line (Fujigaoka). Nice out there, far enough away from Tokyo to be quieter and calmer but Yokohama is right on the train one way, and Tokyo the other way. Can be in Shibuya in 30 minutes if you grab express train. Yokohama 30 minutes too (the center part). We will go every year July once school ends returning sometime in August (well, my wife will, i go like 3 weeks and they stay 5/6).
Yeah I'm not to far from Kawasaki. I been there a few times to watch football games. Obviously the tourist stuff as well.

Before I moved there i was going 3 or 4 times a year.... ugh.... your lucky.

10-05-2012, 02:37 PM
With Japanese inlaws do you think they are more impressed with personality and responsibility over just good finances and toys. Of course this would differ from family to family, but as a whole. Because with my wife her family accepted me right away. I guess they saw that I was pretty simple, I was a guy that is responsible, treats their daughter really well, even though there was a cultural and language barrier I tried my best and never looked down on anyone. I helped out around the house and I'm not a guy that is self absorbed. So they saw that I was a good guy and they like that for their daughter. They never asked me how much money do I make.

10-05-2012, 03:03 PM
Niko, you're Puerto Rican right? You ever get weird stares walking in Japan when you're with your wife and kids? How are you treated?

I heard there is a decent amount of interracial marriages usually between American military personnel (white mainly) and Japanese chicks. Are these marriages seen as more socially acceptable compared to African Americans or other races with Japanese women/men?
Rameek, what do you think? See, i don't get stares. (Japanese people don't stare though.) I don't think anyone thinks my marriage is unacceptable. I don't think people think it;s wrong to have a interracial marriage, i think the question is if they would want their daughter to be in one.

I don't live there, i'm an american so i'm not sure what is thought of me is the same as someone who lived there.

10-05-2012, 03:04 PM
With Japanese inlaws do you think they are more impressed with personality and responsibility over just good finances and toys. Of course this would differ from family to family, but as a whole. Because with my wife her family accepted me right away. I guess they saw that I was pretty simple, I was a guy that is responsible, treats their daughter really well, even though there was a cultural and language barrier I tried my best and never looked down on anyone. I helped out around the house and I'm not a guy that is self absorbed. So they saw that I was a good guy and they like that for their daughter. They never asked me how much money do I make.
The mom was more concerned with if it was a good guy though they of course wanted me to not be poor. Some of the rest of the family, they like i make good money. That and the fact my family was close was good things for them.

10-05-2012, 04:45 PM
Is Akibahara that awesome?
Less than it used to be. When i was young, it was all these hobby type stores, and it felt more hidden. More for the person who really liked it, and much more fun to browse in. Now it's much more crowded, and more for shopping then browsing. Still fun but less so. I used to go there and just walk around and look at things. If i go now (i haven't gone in years) it's like a project. More stores but less accessible and more people. Less bargains too.

10-05-2012, 06:23 PM
Yes Kancho exist yes it has happened to me yes the little ones do it to most male foreigners when they teach. They do not do it to strangers.

Most japanese people have no connection or relationships with foreigners so physically foreigners are a novelty. I can tell you changing at a public pools or anywhere that has to deal with changing clothes in public can be annoying.... Foreign woman if they are blessed with TNA will get touched by other Japanese women that are friends.

I hate flying back and forth personally before I decided to move there.

Azrael blogs are famous. They were hilarious he used to have a forum called OutPost9 but was shut down a few years ago.

Tokyo is hella expensive but it many ways you can find stuff for cheap.The things that are considered a necessity/luxury are usually are expensive.. cellphones, gas, cigs used to be $2.00 now they doubled, alcohol, some foods, property, rent etc.....

The 100yen store is a god send.

A person couldnt tell you if all Japanese women make that noise during sex because no one has slept with all. Generally they are quiet but its based on what they think the man likes. Which pretty much makes them a bad lay if you want someone to get it on with you. Most westerns sleep with western japanese ho's anyway. They pretty much give it up to any westerner and have been trained to have western type sex. I used to always ask so many foreign dudes they travel thousands of miles just to sleep with a ho impressive:rolleyes:

It does suck to be treated like a 2nd class or 3rd class citizen sometimes but overall its the safest most loviest place i had the chance to live. Its a xenophobic society you just gotta take the good with the bad.

Generally it takes a LONG time to get in the good graces of a Japanese family unless they are exposed to foreigners.

I traveled all over the 4 islands...of course all the women are different....

but 6 outta 10 will sqeal like a stuck pig...............................always round up.

and it didn't matter where I went...they all were on the western tip...like white on rice.

10-05-2012, 09:47 PM
Yeah i got stared at. Its annoying sometimes. Ive made babies cry and the further you move into the countryside the more the stares are more impolite. But in a zenophobic society they dont know any better just ignorant (lack of knowledge).

Ive made my fair share of babies cry from just being my complexion. Its not the same for light or white complexion people because they are more common to see.

My eldest son looks mixed but he has become more used to being different looking. My youngest son looks more asian but he speaks no english so he doesnt really care because he knows he's japanese.

I think Japanese families would look at the goodness of the person extremely closely because foreigners dont have a good reputation in general but followed extremely closely by occupation then income.

Yeah the chicks do squeal like stuck pigs based upon what they think a dude wants. Western Loving Ho's I really cant speak about because thats not my style so I have no personal experience but enough of my chums tell me they have more Western techniques where the woman takes a more active role in bed. Many Japanese women have sex as a duty and not about self pleasure. many Japanese women will lie about the sexual experience to avoid a violent confrontation or potential violent confrontation.

Akihabara back in the day was kinda cool geekville and ecentric but now its just a place to get electronics and stuff.

I used to walk into the cemetaries just to look at the cool temples. The more you go to the suburbs you can see some really unique looking temples and its set ups.

10-05-2012, 10:42 PM
Yeah i got stared at. Its annoying sometimes. Ive made babies cry and the further you move into the countryside the more the stares are more impolite. But in a zenophobic society they dont know any better just ignorant (lack of knowledge).
i've found over and over again that japanese consider it rude to stare at each other but since foreigners are not japanese, the regular rules don't apply. men in particular will sometimes stare at you for any reason at all, whether you seem to stand out or don't stand out. sometimes you'll decide enough is enough and after a couple minutes stare right back at them, and they often still go right on staring!

again, i think it's because japanese typically consider foreigners to be subhumans... or in the very kindest sense, "outsiders."

this problem is so regular and widespread that someone came up with a fake bookcover that you slap on to whatever book you're reading on the train. the title is "Why Do Japanese People Stare At Foreigners?" i almost feel like blowing many thousands of dollars to fly to a major city later tonight and pull this same stunt. :lol

this is what it looks like:

Yeah the chicks do squeal like stuck pigs based upon what they think a dude wants. Western Loving Ho's I really cant speak about because thats not my style so I have no personal experience but enough of my chums tell me they have more Western techniques where the woman takes a more active role in bed. Many Japanese women have sex as a duty and not about self pleasure. many Japanese women will lie about the sexual experience to avoid a violent confrontation or potential violent confrontation.
many expats in japan have complained that women in general tend to talk in a high, piping voice when around men. one of the noisiest, annoying groups on the otherwise quiet trains is a group of near-shrieking teenage girls. they can be almost deafening... actually like the cities in general, which make most parts of NYC seem like quiet villages.

japanese cities are possibly the noisiest cities on earth.

one guy described how he was near a mother and her child in some suburban setting, and he observed how her ordinary voice was harsh and gruff, including towards her kid. then she got a cell phone call from her husband and her voice immediately shot up like three octaves and her voice was honey-dripping and infested with "kawaii" at every turn. if you know what i mean. then the call ended and she went right back to sounding like a sour crow. :oldlol: but that's apparently not unusual... that's more like the norm.

10-06-2012, 01:33 PM
i've found over and over again that japanese consider it rude to stare at each other but since foreigners are not japanese, the regular rules don't apply. men in particular will sometimes stare at you for any reason at all, whether you seem to stand out or don't stand out. sometimes you'll decide enough is enough and after a couple minutes stare right back at them, and they often still go right on staring!

again, i think it's because japanese typically consider foreigners to be subhumans... or in the very kindest sense, "outsiders."

this problem is so regular and widespread that someone came up with a fake bookcover that you slap on to whatever book you're reading on the train. the title is "Why Do Japanese People Stare At Foreigners?" i almost feel like blowing many thousands of dollars to fly to a major city later tonight and pull this same stunt. :lol

this is what it looks like:

many expats in japan have complained that women in general tend to talk in a high, piping voice when around men. one of the noisiest, annoying groups on the otherwise quiet trains is a group of near-shrieking teenage girls. they can be almost deafening... actually like the cities in general, which make most parts of NYC seem like quiet villages.

japanese cities are possibly the noisiest cities on earth.

one guy described how he was near a mother and her child in some suburban setting, and he observed how her ordinary voice was harsh and gruff, including towards her kid. then she got a cell phone call from her husband and her voice immediately shot up like three octaves and her voice was honey-dripping and infested with "kawaii" at every turn. if you know what i mean. then the call ended and she went right back to sounding like a sour crow. :oldlol: but that's apparently not unusual... that's more like the norm.

Have you been to Japan or do you just pull all your info off blogs and such?

10-06-2012, 05:15 PM
Have you been to Japan or do you just pull all your info off blogs and such?
I've been casually following it from afar for decades. Books, interviews, movies, documentaries, conversations with nihonjin in the states... blogs are just a recent thing... although definitely a useful find. You can't believe everyone's statements, of course, but you can sift the details and build a composite picture.

I've lived for at least a year on three different continents... not sure I'll ever actually do the same with Japan. And not trying to pass myself off as more than I am or say that I have more real experience in Japan than you do, but my head is indeed full of random information about the country going back years.

10-06-2012, 09:07 PM
I've been casually following it from afar for decades. Books, interviews, movies, documentaries, conversations with nihonjin in the states... blogs are just a recent thing... although definitely a useful find. You can't believe everyone's statements, of course, but you can sift the details and build a composite picture.

I've lived for at least a year on three different continents... not sure I'll ever actually do the same with Japan. And not trying to pass myself off as more than I am or say that I have more real experience in Japan than you do, but my head is indeed full of random information about the country going back years.
Nothing you wrote is inaccurate.

When I played baseball there for a company team my boy and I couldnt drive into the middle of tokyo it was too difficult. So we had to ride the train in uniform early in the morning that was just a reason for them to stare. My boys Japanese was much better than mine he would yell at the men staring and it worked occasionally but after a few minutes they would go back to it. Its funny even when the women/girls stare it does feel weird.

Women do what they think men like bottom line. Generally trains are quiet but the biggest culprits are JHS kids in general. The cities are noisy because of the shear volume of vehicles and people. Its like the Macy's day parade in most of the cities of tokyo... akihabara, shinjuku, harajuku, shibuya, etc etc....

10-06-2012, 09:33 PM
Nothing you wrote is inaccurate.

When I played baseball there for a company team my boy and I couldnt drive into the middle of tokyo it was too difficult. So we had to ride the train in uniform early in the morning that was just a reason for them to stare. My boys Japanese was much better than mine he would yell at the men staring and it worked occasionally but after a few minutes they would go back to it. Its funny even when the women/girls stare it does feel weird.

Women do what they think men like bottom line. Generally trains are quiet but the biggest culprits are JHS kids in general. The cities are noisy because of the shear volume of vehicles and people. Its like the Macy's day parade in most of the cities of tokyo... akihabara, shinjuku, harajuku, shibuya, etc etc....
thanks, and thanks to you and niko for all the info.

this following one is very weird..........

about the female pleasing instinct, i once read an extensive magazine article that said that a lot of japanese women are highly insecure about their pubic hair coverage. more hair is considered more adult and attractive, i guess. the bigger the beard, the more impressive the clam, i guess. so as a result, there's a whole industry in japan dedicated to producing 'toupees for the female crotch' that young women can wear on their wedding nights so as not to disappoint their new husbands. afterwards i guess they can say that they started trimming it back. :D

10-06-2012, 09:54 PM
thanks, and thanks to you and niko for all the info.

this following one is very weird..........

about the female pleasing instinct, i once read an extensive magazine article that said that a lot of japanese women are highly insecure about their pubic hair coverage. more hair is considered more adult and attractive, i guess. the bigger the beard, the more impressive the clam, i guess. so as a result, there's a whole industry in japan dedicated to producing 'toupees for the female crotch' that young women can wear on their wedding nights so as not to disappoint their new husbands. afterwards i guess they can say that they started trimming it back. :D
I dont know about this one. But from my chums the chicks that are not into western dudes have big bushes... utterly repulsive and disgusting IMHO! They do what the man likes cant say it enough.

Also what Japanese men find attractive is weird very selective... So the women self-esteem is basically trash.

10-06-2012, 10:08 PM
I dont know about this one. But from my chums the chicks that are not into western dudes have big bushes... utterly repulsive and disgusting IMHO! They do what the man likes cant say it enough.

Also what Japanese men find attractive is weird very selective... So the women self-esteem is basically trash.
makes perfect sense. also i would think the whole "women come second" thing probably plays in to it.

any thoughts on the japanese drive for perfectionism and difficulty in accepting mistakes, embarrassments, etc? know what i mean...?

10-07-2012, 10:41 AM
I dont know about this one. But from my chums the chicks that are not into western dudes have big bushes... utterly repulsive and disgusting IMHO! They do what the man likes cant say it enough.

Also what Japanese men find attractive is weird very selective... So the women self-esteem is basically trash.

Oh **** yeah. My wife has friends in japan who tell me and her constantly how fantastic i am. These are really attractive women, who take care of their kids, are not really needy and the husbands are just non entities. I've seen that a lot of Japanese men's ideal about women are very strange.

10-07-2012, 10:46 AM
makes perfect sense. also i would think the whole "women come second" thing probably plays in to it.

any thoughts on the japanese drive for perfectionism and difficulty in accepting mistakes, embarrassments, etc? know what i mean...?

i see that here all the time actually. If we go out with our friends, and i buy their kid ice cream (for like $1), at some point they want to pay me back (the other parent). HAVE TO. If the kid has a birthday party and you give a $20 gift, they have to give at least that. I think it's ridiculous, i told my wife on one occasion it must make friendships a burden because you owe for everything.

I think it adds tremendous stress to live there. Japanese has high suicide rates and i get it, its noisy, its crowded (so its hard to turn off the stress) and they stress on little things and how things "appear" as much as they are.

I would never want to work in Japan as a businessman type. My wife worked for Sompo Japan here in NY and it was ridiculous, she wasted more time on things that were for appearance as much as for work. Her $30k a year job took more stress and more time than my six figure job, both office jobs.

You should visit Japan, your focus on the little and the strange is going to give you a skewed perspective. Not that you are doing anything wrong (interest is always great) but it reminds me of Otakus i've met and how they see Japan, it's not Japan, it's Japan through a lens they created.

10-07-2012, 10:48 AM

When you went to Japan, was there ever and discussion about the Suicide Forest there?

10-07-2012, 11:31 AM
makes perfect sense. also i would think the whole "women come second" thing probably plays in to it.

any thoughts on the japanese drive for perfectionism and difficulty in accepting mistakes, embarrassments, etc? know what i mean...?
This is something that i still cant understand fully but for example I was teaching one day and called on a girl to tell me the english word why did I happen to choose the one super sensitive girl in the room. She knew the answer but because everyone looked at her she cried hysterically and left the room. They do not like being singled out for anything. Even as adults how you joke with them is super sensitive. I made a joke with one of my baseball teammates and he secretly hated me for 2 years. It wasnt even something serious (although I cant recall what it was specifically). At the time we were joking around in general with each other about each other.

I dont know where and how this sense of perfection or shame for emabarrassement comes from.... Its not something that is really taught outright but just a social norm and expectancy. I think this is where suicides are so high there.

Bullying (which is totally weak compared to america) in school is also why children/teens commit a high rate of suicide. But kids do become shunned like no one will ever deal with an outcast kid. There isnt anything anyone does about it either from parents to administration.

Japanese dont have good coping mechanisms in general in most situations because they are generally and rarely put in those situations.

Oh **** yeah. My wife has friends in japan who tell me and her constantly how fantastic i am. These are really attractive women, who take care of their kids, are not really needy and the husbands are just non entities. I've seen that a lot of Japanese men's ideal about women are very strange.
I found that in traditional households men roles and women roles are well defined. In their youth its more rebellious but as they get older they fall in line to the social norms. Men are rarely involved in the daily activities of the family unless the children are into some kind of sports activity but usually jobs takes precedence.

As far as beauty its crazy.... I couldnt even describe how particular they are about beauty from the fu-tai eyelids http://files-cdn.formspring.me/photos/20120421/n4f934fd3b5ec9.jpg
to shapes of heads, shape of eyes, breast size, leg length, face is the most important thing to them.... its crazy. Thats why most Japanese men dont care if foreign men mess with their women because the girls foreign men like are considered repulsive to them anyways!

Unless you are really close close friends Japanese will do that tit for tat shat. Even then if you do it and they cant repay you may secretly make an enemy or shamed them. As the chinese say you must give them face!

The Mamba
10-07-2012, 12:17 PM
Japanese hookers, what are they like? Experiences, explain please.

10-07-2012, 12:20 PM
Japanese hookers, what are they like? Experiences, explain please.
I never have messed with ho's or hookers in any country.

10-08-2012, 01:01 AM
You should visit Japan, your focus on the little and the strange is going to give you a skewed perspective. Not that you are doing anything wrong (interest is always great) but it reminds me of Otakus i've met and how they see Japan, it's not Japan, it's Japan through a lens they created.
no, i'm pretty much on the opposite end of the spectrum from an otaku. it's amazing how much one can patiently explain some things in life yet still find themselves pigeonholed by people who want to put them in a box. although such a reaction is ironically very japanese on your part.

the kancho and pubic beard examples were mentioned because that's the kind of thing ISH thrives on. i could talk about lots of other stuff, from kimonos, chopsticks, and the way the mercantile and samurai classes reconciled themselves in the late 1800's, but nobody here would give a crap. i just thought i'd bring up some weird stuff for shits and giggles, assuming you have that same concept in rico (chistes y absurdos?)

also, you're flat-out wrong about the "little and the strange" being a skewed study subject for non-japanese. the little and the strange is EXACTLY what japan is all about. they have strange little rules about almost everything, and when you ultimately exhaust the good graces of hospitality that a foreigner enjoys in japan for a few weeks or months, your knowledge of such rules tends to be a big key to how well you survive.

10-08-2012, 01:32 AM
This is something that i still cant understand fully but for example I was teaching one day and called on a girl to tell me the english word why did I happen to choose the one super sensitive girl in the room. She knew the answer but because everyone looked at her she cried hysterically and left the room. They do not like being singled out for anything. Even as adults how you joke with them is super sensitive. I made a joke with one of my baseball teammates and he secretly hated me for 2 years. It wasnt even something serious (although I cant recall what it was specifically). At the time we were joking around in general with each other about each other.

I dont know where and how this sense of perfection or shame for emabarrassement comes from.... Its not something that is really taught outright but just a social norm and expectancy. I think this is where suicides are so high there.

Bullying (which is totally weak compared to america) in school is also why children/teens commit a high rate of suicide. But kids do become shunned like no one will ever deal with an outcast kid. There isnt anything anyone does about it either from parents to administration.

Japanese dont have good coping mechanisms in general in most situations because they are generally and rarely put in those situations.


interesting, and it totally rings true.

the japanese seem to have a very different concept of humor... generally lacking the kind of wit, subtlety and irony that we and the other ex-brit colonies tend to prefer. my japanese boss at a computer firm in the 90's did nothing to disprove that.

anyway, supposedly they are huge on puns, kawaii and other mild forms of humor that don't threaten another's face in any way. like you were saying.

a lot of other ESL teachers i've followed have marked how the kids come in to the schooling system full of life, energy and individually and come out of it scared stiff about offending whatever social circle they're clinging to, or the society as a whole. it goes right with the golden rule: "the nail that sticks up must always be hammered down."

at the same time i think there is something of a trade-off between their society and ours. we worry so much about being cool and stubbornly maintaining our individuality, and that creates a lot of needless strife in the states IMO. meanwhile they seem to aim for the opposite. their endless rituals, customs and phrases give their people a peaceful anonymity where we tend to worry about losing ourselves in the machine.

still, like you say... the suicides are kind of the ultimate test, no? the japanese are the most densely-living people on earth AFAIK and at a rough guess smoke and drink as much as any other peoples on earth. average age of mortality there is supposedly about 80, but it's hard to imagine that going forward with all the salarymen regularly destroying their bodies.

i still don't get how you can drink like a fish from your teens and somehow live to old age, but that seems to be what the japanese, the brits, the irish and the russians specialise in. :confusedshrug:

10-08-2012, 04:39 AM
I saw an interesting show about Sumo. Before I knew it was a Japanese sport with fat guys pushing each other out of a ring, but it's much more deeper. The places in which they live at are called stables. They have a mother figure that tends to their needs. The low class guys live together and the higher rank guys get their own rooms. They do a lot of studying beyond just wrestling. These guys give up their lives for sumo. It's very interesting and I gained respect for the art. Even children and communities participate in Sumo. It teaches kids respect and manners. I was impressed.

Nick Young
10-08-2012, 06:43 AM
I saw an interesting show about Sumo. Before I knew it was a Japanese sport with fat guys pushing each other out of a ring, but it's much more deeper. The places in which they live at are called stables. They have a mother figure that tends to their needs. The low class guys live together and the higher rank guys get their own rooms. They do a lot of studying beyond just wrestling. These guys give up their lives for sumo. It's very interesting and I gained respect for the art. Even children and communities participate in Sumo. It teaches kids respect and manners. I was impressed.
I saw on freakonomics, apparently a cheating scam in sumo was exposed. It's as fixed as pro baseball.

10-08-2012, 08:53 AM
I never have messed with ho's or hookers in any country.
Neither have i.

10-08-2012, 08:54 AM

When you went to Japan, was there ever and discussion about the Suicide Forest there?

My wife talked about it once but i have heard about it more in the US than there.

10-08-2012, 08:56 AM
I saw an interesting show about Sumo. Before I knew it was a Japanese sport with fat guys pushing each other out of a ring, but it's much more deeper. The places in which they live at are called stables. They have a mother figure that tends to their needs. The low class guys live together and the higher rank guys get their own rooms. They do a lot of studying beyond just wrestling. These guys give up their lives for sumo. It's very interesting and I gained respect for the art. Even children and communities participate in Sumo. It teaches kids respect and manners. I was impressed.
There are some open gyms where you can go watch the lower level sumo's practice in the morning. Just walk into the building. Was pretty interesting.

10-08-2012, 03:39 PM
let me make this understood..... i am an old fart and I have never been a japanophile.... I dont like anime (cartoons), manga, porn, language, i dont find the women particularly attractive.

I just fell in deep love with a japanese woman.

I say this only because my experience there was about learning about where i was living and the people because i didnt have a full understanding of the people and their society. It wasnt a culture shock because i had been visiting there for years before I lived there months at a time.

as much as there are issues there I personally like the country itself. my kids still live there and i wouldnt have it any other way.

it is a xenophobic society that has rich deep history and culture that is remarkable. they have adapted some of the western culture but they remain on their own devices.

10-08-2012, 03:46 PM
i never heard of suicide forest personally.

i dont know much about sumo aside from what i learned there. i never watched a sumo match live although its suppose to be awesome experience. the gossip there about the sumo wrestlers is hilarious.

10-08-2012, 04:04 PM
What's with the red type? I can't read your posts like this.

10-08-2012, 06:43 PM
well Japan is a homogenous country, so I can kind of understand the xenophobic attitudes. From what I've hear it's not racist, they pretty much treat all foreigners as second class..is this true? Even in American you have xenophobia and that is in a heterogeneous country. I've been to other countries and the people seem to be more accepting of foreigners. Differs from place to place I guess. Or how much that particular country has been exposed to outsiders. I've been to other places where I would get stared at, but it never felt threatening..it was more curiosity. Unlike some places here in the States where I get looked at and I feel negative vibes. In Korea I was at the Airport and there was a couple. The girl seemed curious to me, but her husband/boyfriend told her let's go here..to go away from me. I took no offense to it. I don't bother strangers myself. I just find these things intriguing. I would love to visit Japan, but I would not like to feel like an outcast.

10-09-2012, 08:55 PM
i'm not much of a manga reader, but i randomly stumbled on this the other day... "angel densetsu." probably the most hilarious graphic novel i've ever read from any country or author.

it's all readable online, starting here:

btw, it reads right-to-left, not the other way around.

10-09-2012, 11:52 PM
i'm not much of a manga reader, but i randomly stumbled on this the other day... "angel densetsu." probably the most hilarious graphic novel i've ever read from any country or author.

it's all readable online, starting here:

btw, it reads right-to-left, not the other way around.
Just start reading, but I checked the art of the first and last episode, and damn that is quite an art evolution.

Edit: Wait a minute, is this from the same guy who writes Claymore!? :eek:

10-10-2012, 04:37 AM
Just start reading, but I checked the art of the first and last episode, and damn that is quite an art evolution.

Edit: Wait a minute, is this from the same guy who writes Claymore!? :eek:
oh... yea, so it is. you recommend it?

if it's anything like this one, i'm definitely on it. still got 70 chapters of uncontrollable giggling to go...

03-15-2013, 04:37 AM
I am also planning to visit Japan someday. How's the night life in Japan?

03-15-2013, 06:19 AM
I am also planning to visit Japan someday. How's the night life in Japan?
Leave the 14 year old girls wearing uniform alone, you pedophile. We all know that's your only reason for going there.

magic chiongson
03-15-2013, 07:11 AM
oh... yea, so it is. you recommend it?

if it's anything like this one, i'm definitely on it. still got 70 chapters of uncontrollable giggling to go...

best..... manga.....of all time imo.

03-15-2013, 02:36 PM
Leave the 14 year old girls wearing uniform alone, you pedophile. We all know that's your only reason for going there.
OMG I am pretty sure you are right:roll: :roll: :roll:

03-15-2013, 02:50 PM
How loud is it in the city?