View Full Version : NBA will penalize flopping from now on, confirmed today

10-03-2012, 02:06 PM
The NBA will adopt an anti-flopping rule beginning with the 2012-13 season, Executive Vice President, Basketball Operations Stu Jackson announced today.

El Kabong
10-03-2012, 02:08 PM
Good god, Raja Bell is ****ed. Thankfully he won't be playing for the Jazz this year.

10-03-2012, 02:08 PM
You can have 5000 pages of rules but it all boils down to how the refs implement them, I hope they show zero tolerance for a year at least.

10-03-2012, 02:11 PM
You can have 5000 pages of rules but it all boils down to how the refs implement them, I hope they show zero tolerance for a year at least.

Yea beyond that they need to stop showing favoritism. Whistle needs to be blown for every player that deserves it.

The reason scrub players really made flopping an epidemic in the NBA is because they won't get calls otherwise. If Rudy Fernandez gets mauled refs turn a blind eye without a massive flop. So as I said if they truly want to remove flopping, make the right calls.

10-03-2012, 02:11 PM
Floppers will attempt anyway. They will just choose better situations to do.

10-03-2012, 02:12 PM
I clicked "Submit reply" and was greeted by "Invalid thread specified" error :lol

:roll: :roll: Jeff "swagger jacked" my ass.

10-03-2012, 02:15 PM
6 flops = suspension.

The Clippers and Heat will lots of suspensions this year.

10-03-2012, 02:15 PM
And now thread replies getting deleted.... :roll: :roll: :roll:

10-03-2012, 02:16 PM
blake griffin's in trouble

10-03-2012, 02:19 PM
Greeeeaaaaaat. So the refs have another tool at their disposal to implement their subjective/bisased officiating.

10-03-2012, 02:20 PM
You can have 5000 pages of rules but it all boils down to how the refs implement them, I hope they show zero tolerance for a year at least.
I don't believe the refs will implement the rules. It appears to be a post game review enforcement

10-03-2012, 02:20 PM
I never understood why physically imposing players like Lebron and Blake Griffin feel the need to flop offensively. It's pathetic to watch. I'm happy they made an official statement about flopping but until I see players getting punished its all words to me.

10-03-2012, 02:22 PM
In before griffin gets suspended game 7 of the regular season

10-03-2012, 02:24 PM
Greeeeaaaaaat. So the refs have another tool at their disposal to implement their subjective/bisased officiating.

:applause: . This is what I'm talking about. People keep seeing flopping as the big issue and taking their focus off biased and poor reffing. If players get the right calls I doubt they just flop for the hell of it (at least most players). A lot of players get away with a lot of shit.

People need to stop saying Griffin. Despite Griffin leading the NBA in points in the paint and taking more flagrants than anybody in the game Dwight Howard averaged about DOUBLE the free throw attempts per game. This is WITH Griffin's increased flopping which Howard doesn't do. Bottom line is refs don't like Griffin and they make him pay. Dwight yells AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYE!!!! every time up the court and gets rewarded for it.

Griffin didn't flop in his rookie year really and it's because he got more calls. He dropped 2 free throw attempts per game this year, probably because he annoys refs which is wrong. Enforce the game's rules for EVERYBODY.

10-03-2012, 02:24 PM
No more MVP's for Lebron.

I think players will quickly adjust. The Euro's they may have the most problems, that flopping crap is so embedded in them.

10-03-2012, 02:25 PM
In other news, James Harden will announce his retirement today.

Reverend Hoops
10-03-2012, 02:25 PM

10-03-2012, 02:26 PM
Great. :rolleyes: More rules/laws to abide by. Now we'll start obsessing over what is/is not a flop. Right? A whole new set of distractions........

NBA is gonna turn into NFL. Football is becoming unwatcheable with all the rules/penalties/replays they have to do.

10-03-2012, 02:28 PM
So even if the flopper doesnt get the call his way he can still be reviewed and given a fine? This is awesome. Only 5 flops allowed until suspension? Some teams are in trouble. Some specific players can tally up 5 flops on opening day.

10-03-2012, 02:28 PM
:applause: . This is what I'm talking about. People keep seeing flopping as the big issue and taking their focus off biased and poor reffing. If players get the right calls I doubt they just flop for the hell of it (at least most players). A lot of players get away with a lot of shit.

People need to stop saying Griffin. Despite Griffin leading the NBA in points in the paint and taking more flagrants than anybody in the game Dwight Howard averaged about DOUBLE the free throw attempts per game. This is WITH Griffin's increased flopping which Howard doesn't do. Bottom line is refs don't like Griffin and they make him pay. Dwight yells AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYE!!!! every time up the court and gets rewarded for it.

Griffin didn't flop in his rookie year really and it's because he got more calls. He dropped 2 free throw attempts per game this year, probably because he annoys refs which is wrong. Enforce the game's rules for EVERYBODY.

He gets flagrant fouled because players don't like flopping cry baby bitches that only stand up to point guards, I remember when Andre miller pushed his ass cause he kept trying to punk point guards and griffin was scared as fk, fake tough guy

10-03-2012, 02:36 PM
He gets flagrant fouled because players don't like flopping cry baby bitches that only stand up to point guards, I remember when Andre miller pushed his ass cause he kept trying to punk point guards and griffin was scared as fk, fake tough guy



Not to mention he's gotten into it with Grant Hill, Zach Randolph few times (you should know). Dude is far from a PG bully so stop trying so hard. Andre Miller cheapshoted him from behind so the idea that he "punked" him is so stupid it's laughable. If a 210 pound person charges you fullcourt and tackles you in the lower back you're going to go down too if you're not expecting it.

Miller is VERY lucky that Griffin didn't dish a flagrant back like he did with bigger Trevor Ariza, or Miller's career would be over.


10-03-2012, 02:38 PM
Greeeeaaaaaat. So the refs have another tool at their disposal to implement their subjective/bisased officiating.

agreed. that definition is WAY too broad. If that was all they can do then just do nothing and make the right calls. Im against this, but at least it is only fines and won't effect the games.

10-03-2012, 02:38 PM
Blake was cheapshotting him the whole night are you forgetting?

10-03-2012, 02:40 PM
Blake was cheapshotting him the whole night are you forgetting?

Huh? Blake pushed him out of the paint on a rebound once and that's what Miller got pissed about. Nothing classless or dirty like Miller's tackle from behind. You really need to rewatch the video (try not to jack off like you're already doing about it).

10-03-2012, 02:43 PM
He was cheapshotting him the whole night, there's even a video on YouTube go watch it. Andre miller is old school if you flop and cheapshot people that's what happens

10-03-2012, 02:50 PM
He was cheapshotting him the whole night, there's even a video on YouTube go watch it. Andre miller is old school if you flop and cheapshot people that's what happens

Stop trolling. Anyways back to topic as Sic said.... it's likely going to be interpreted differently and abused by refs. League favorites will continue to get away with it while everybody else gets fines.

10-03-2012, 02:54 PM
Stop trolling. Anyways back to topic as Sic said.... it's likely going to be interpreted differently and abused by refs. League favorites will continue to get away with it while everybody else gets fines.
ok. I tell facts you tell stuff with griffin's children spewing from your mouth.

10-03-2012, 02:55 PM
Any player who is determined to have committed a flop during the regular season will be subject to the following:

Violation 1: Warning
Violation 2: $5,000 fine
Violation 3: $10,000 fine
Violation 4: $15,000 fine
Violation 5: $30,000 fine

If a player violates the anti-flopping rule six times or more, he will be subject to discipline that is reasonable under the circumstances, including an increased fine and/or suspension.

The league will announce at a later date a separate set of penalties for flopping that will apply during the playoffs.


10-03-2012, 03:03 PM
:roll: So now under a player's summary we'll see: Points, rebounds, assists, turnovers... technicals and..... FLOPS?! :roll:

10-03-2012, 03:04 PM
I have a feeling that even if this new rule is strictly enforced that it will not be to the satisfaction of many fans, primarily due to the fact that fans and players (and presumably by extention, officials) perceive different people as the primary culprits. I keep reading on ISH how Griffin, CP3, Wade, and Lebron are the worst floppers, but last year when 152 NBA players were asked who the biggest floppers in the game were (http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/multimedia/photo_gallery/1104/nba.biggest.flopper/content.1.html)neither of those four players were even listed in the top 15.

So be prepared to see major fines imposed on non superstars the likes of Varejao, Scola, Battier, and Barea as opposed to superstars such as Griffin and Lebron. I expect to see numerous threads next season complaining about how the Clippers and Heat are not getting penalized for flopping.

10-03-2012, 03:08 PM
I have a feeling that even if this new rule is strictly enforced that it will not be to the satisfaction of many fans, primarily due to the fact that fans and players (and presumably by extention, officials) perceive different people as the primary culprits. I keep reading on ISH how Griffin, CP3, Wade, and Lebron are the worst floppers, but last year when 152 NBA players were asked who the biggest floppers in the game were (http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/multimedia/photo_gallery/1104/nba.biggest.flopper/content.1.html)neither of those four players were even listed in the top 15.

So be prepared to see major fines imposed on non superstars the likes of Varejao, Scola, Battier, and Barea as opposed to superstars such as Griffin and Lebron. I expect to see numerous threads next season complaining about how the Clippers and Heat are not getting penalized for flopping.

:applause: yup. It's because people let their personal negativity get in the way of fair opinions. Most hilarious of all is Kobe is on that list, not any of the Heat or Clippers players yet Lakers fans will STILL rip the Clippers apart as being floppers and ignore their own guys.

10-03-2012, 03:14 PM
Stop trolling. Anyways back to topic as Sic said.... it's likely going to be interpreted differently and abused by refs. League favorites will continue to get away with it while everybody else gets fines.:facepalm This guy. You didn't even click the link and read up on it The refs don't make the call. It's a post game league office ruling

Official Release
Posted Oct 3, 2012 1:25 PM
New York -- The NBA will adopt an anti-flopping rule beginning with the 2012-13 season, Executive Vice President of Basketball Operations Stu Jackson announced Wednesday.
"Flops have no place in our game -- they either fool referees into calling undeserved fouls or fool fans into thinking the referees missed a foul call," Jackson said. "Accordingly, both the Board of Governors and the Competition Committee felt strongly that any player who the league determines, following video review, to have committed a flop should -- after a warning -- be given an automatic penalty."
"Flopping" will be defined as any physical act that appears to have been intended to cause the referees to call a foul on another player. The primary factor in determining whether a player committed a flop is whether his physical reaction to contact with another player is inconsistent with what would reasonably be expected given the force or direction of the contact.
Physical acts that constitute legitimate basketball plays (such as moving to a spot in order to draw an offensive foul) and minor physical reactions to contact will not be treated as flops.
Any player who is determined to have committed a flop during the regular season will be subject to the following:
Violation 1: Warning
Violation 2: $5,000 fine
Violation 3: $10,000 fine
Violation 4: $15,000 fine
Violation 5: $30,000 fine
If a player violates the anti-flopping rule six times or more, he will be subject to discipline that is reasonable under the circumstances, including an increased fine and/or suspension.
The league will announce at a later date a separate set of penalties for flopping that will apply during the playoffs.

10-03-2012, 03:17 PM
You can have 5000 pages of rules but it all boils down to how the refs implement them, I hope they show zero tolerance for a year at least.

Exactly. If the refs don't implement the rule the same, it is pointless. But boy oh boy. I can't wait to see this rule in place. The Clippers are going to be in trouble. I still laugh when I see that Reggie Evans flop, from the Grizz/Clippers game. Oh my word. Oh and that Chris Bosh flop on Carlos Boozer. This is going to be good.

10-03-2012, 03:24 PM
I have a feeling that even if this new rule is strictly enforced that it will not be to the satisfaction of many fans, primarily due to the fact that fans and players (and presumably by extention, officials) perceive different people as the primary culprits. I keep reading on ISH how Griffin, CP3, Wade, and Lebron are the worst floppers, but last year when 152 NBA players were asked who the biggest floppers in the game were (http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/multimedia/photo_gallery/1104/nba.biggest.flopper/content.1.html)neither of those four players were even listed in the top 15.

So be prepared to see major fines imposed on non superstars the likes of Varejao, Scola, Battier, and Barea as opposed to superstars such as Griffin and Lebron. I expect to see numerous threads next season complaining about how the Clippers and Heat are not getting penalized for flopping.
No doubt those players you mentioned are just as guilty as flopping. I think the difference between them, and say CP3, is the way in which they flop. CP3 has some legendary feminin style, limp handed, aerial acrobatic style flopping. Even before he was a Clipper. I think its that kind of flopping that mostly enrages fans and players and ultimately forced the NBA to make these kind of changes. Certain players will have targets on their backs for sure. Blake and CP3 are on the top of that list, one would think (along with Manu). Someone is going to be made an example out of, its juat a matter of time.

10-03-2012, 03:31 PM
:applause: yup. It's because people let their personal negativity get in the way of fair opinions. Most hilarious of all is Kobe is on that list, not any of the Heat or Clippers players yet Lakers fans will STILL rip the Clippers apart as being floppers and ignore their own guys.
In no way do I deny the Lakers have had some LEGENDARY floppers. Divac and Fish immediately come to mind. But so is Kobe, but not in the same way. Kobe is a verbal, fling his hands in the air and yell AEYYY, flopper. Chris Paul is a throw his head back, let out a faint sigh, backflip helicopter kick flail to the ground holding his balls and knee while looking at the ref, flopper. Not even in the same ballpark.

So no, I wont ignore the Lakers flopper.

10-03-2012, 03:42 PM
Players wouldn't need to flop if the refs made the right calls. It's seriously that simple.

10-03-2012, 03:42 PM
I hope they actually follow through with the suspensions after the fifth flop. I doubt they will. But that would put a stop to most of it.

Also, only five until the max money penalty? Manu Ginobili, if you didn't tell him of this rule, might get there in one game!

10-03-2012, 03:51 PM
Players wouldn't need to flop if the refs made the right calls. It's seriously that simple.
Um. No.

Some players try to create a foul from nothing. That's not "helping the ref make the right call." That's gaming the system.

The flops where you fall harder than you would with the contact given aren't as bad as the ones where you fall and weren't touched at all. I think you, of all people, should know the difference.

Also, awesome poll on ESPN right now:


10-03-2012, 03:51 PM
Players wouldn't need to flop if the refs made the right calls. It's seriously that simple.
I see your point but I disagree. A player not getting a call is not the only reason for flopping. Some could do it because it comes natural to them. Some could do it because their team is losing and they need to make something happen. Some could do it because, why not? There wasnt any penalty FOR doing it. Until now. Is soccer flopping blamed on the refs too? For not making the right calls?

10-03-2012, 03:57 PM
Um. No.

Some players try to create a foul from nothing. That's not "helping the ref make the right call." That's gaming the system.

The flops where you fall harder than you would with the contact given aren't as bad as the ones where you fall and weren't touched at all. I think you, of all people, should know the difference.

Also, awesome poll on ESPN right now:


ESPN pampering their goldenboy Blake Griffin as usual. They want to shove his dunks down everyones throats so they they intentionally left him out of the flop poll hoping people won't notice. His greatest asset of all isn't dunks tho - it's his league-leading arrogance, fake mean-mugging, and most of all, his dangerous flops.


look at him getting under Pau's feet right here :facepalm guy should be suspended for that sh*t.

10-03-2012, 03:58 PM
Players wouldn't need to flop if the refs made the right calls. It's seriously that simple.

The players took it too far, they make it look like they're dodging bullets out there.


10-03-2012, 03:59 PM
This will change the game drastically imo, players will think harder about standing in front of a driving player's lane and offensive systems will have more reign to do what they like, should be fun!

10-03-2012, 04:09 PM

ESPN pampering their goldenboy Blake Griffin as usual. They want to shove his dunks down everyones throats so they they intentionally left him out of the flop poll hoping people won't notice. His greatest asset of all isn't dunks tho - it's his league-leading arrogance, fake mean-mugging, and most of all, his dangerous flops.


look at him getting under Pau's feet right here :facepalm guy should be suspended for that sh*t.
You're reaching, man. I consider the guys in the poll worse/more frequent floppers than Blake Griffin. (Though he does flop a hell of a lot.) Can't include two Clippers, either! And CP3 has the Clipper Flop Crown on lock.

10-03-2012, 04:21 PM
Does any of this cover people instigating contact where there should be none? Like Durant's swipe through move. Or Wade barrelling to the defender and throwing a behind his back hook flip shot (obviously no real attempt to score, rather than to get fouled).

They were able to do something about Wade's pumpfake to throw himself to defender that he did a lot in '06. They should be able to do something similar.

I really think the "standing jump" rule should be enforced more. I like it back in the 90's where people went up to challenge the shot, not slide underneath and hope for stoppage of play. It ruins the flow in games. For cryin out loud, the offensive player is the one coming towards the defenders place, the defender just jumped.

10-03-2012, 04:21 PM
Um. No.

Some players try to create a foul from nothing. That's not "helping the ref make the right call." That's gaming the system.

The flops where you fall harder than you would with the contact given aren't as bad as the ones where you fall and weren't touched at all. I think you, of all people, should know the difference.

Also, awesome poll on ESPN right now:


:roll: The complete someone else section people voted for griffin :roll:

ESPN has to protect the highlight reel

10-03-2012, 04:44 PM
In no way do I deny the Lakers have had some LEGENDARY floppers. Divac and Fish immediately come to mind. But so is Kobe, but not in the same way. Kobe is a verbal, fling his hands in the air and yell AEYYY, flopper. Chris Paul is a throw his head back, let out a faint sigh, backflip helicopter kick flail to the ground holding his balls and knee while looking at the ref, flopper. Not even in the same ballpark.

So no, I wont ignore the Lakers flopper.

So basically you're saying he's more dramatic? I admit that with both Griffin+CP3 but to me a flop is a flop. Ones that are more dramatic don't mean anything to me, if anything they are more entertaining.

10-03-2012, 05:24 PM
The only reason why flopping has become an issue is because of how soft the league has gotten. It's a lot more visible now than it was in the 80's and 90's.

Dennis Rodman, one of the toughest guys to ever played the game, was actually quite a flopper himself. You just didn't notice it as much because of how physical the game was in the 80's and 90's.

I don't think fining and penalizing will stop flopping, it'll just make the league even more "pussified." Make the league more physical again, be more of a contact sport like it once was then players won't be flopping like bitches as much. They'll think twice when they do.

10-03-2012, 06:45 PM
6 flops = suspension.

The Clippers and Heat will lots of suspensions this year.

No they wont, players adjust.

10-03-2012, 07:12 PM
There's a fine line between flopping and drawing a legit charge. You have to sell it to an extent.

10-03-2012, 08:00 PM
This will change the game drastically imo, players will think harder about standing in front of a driving player's lane a

I cant tell how much I hate that call. An offensive player has a lane to the basket, and a defensive player can simply jump in front of his path out of nowhere at the last minute, and somehow its the offensive players' fault for "fouling" the defensive player.

10-03-2012, 08:23 PM
I believe this is just going to be another way for the league to open up the pockets out its players.

10-03-2012, 08:35 PM
So basically you're saying he's more dramatic? I admit that with both Griffin+CP3 but to me a flop is a flop. Ones that are more dramatic don't mean anything to me, if anything they are more entertaining.
If you're CP3 or Griffin, would you not agree a less dramatic flop would result in less thrown elbows and intentonal hard fouls against them? In particular, Mr Griffin? Making less of a flopping spectacle towards fellow players would lower their resentment, in exchange, lower the rage filled hard fouls? I agree a flop is a flop, but some types of flops get people elbowed in the head more than others.

10-03-2012, 08:41 PM
So how do you know what really is a flop and what isn't? Sometimes, something that doesn't look to bad on camera is actually really bad for the one receiving the foul. Its a stupid rule. Just let the ref decide, and if the player gets away with it, then good on him.

10-03-2012, 08:51 PM
So how do you know what really is a flop and what isn't? Sometimes, something that doesn't look to bad on camera is actually really bad for the one receiving the foul. Its a stupid rule. Just let the ref decide, and if the player gets away with it, then good on him.
From my understanding, play during the game will continue as normal. People may flop and get away with it or not. No flopping fines will be given out during the game. There will be a new team of personel whose sole job is to watch the game all over on tv afterwords and look for floppers. Fines will be given out the next day, probably.

longtime lurker
10-03-2012, 10:53 PM
So how do you know what really is a flop and what isn't? Sometimes, something that doesn't look to bad on camera is actually really bad for the one receiving the foul. Its a stupid rule. Just let the ref decide, and if the player gets away with it, then good on him.

Yes because that's worked out so well for the league :facepalm

10-03-2012, 11:11 PM
Yes because that's worked out so well for the league :facepalm
:lol Nash is a bit unclear on why this rule is needed

10-04-2012, 12:47 AM
Why did the hell did the Blake Griffin comment on flopping thread get deleted?!

no pun intended
10-04-2012, 12:59 AM
Now the main issue is HOW a referee perceives a flop. Let the controversy ensue.

10-04-2012, 01:12 AM
Wade has been so dependent on flopping since he got away with all that in '06. Let's see how he adjusts his game to the new rules Will be hilarious to watch though:lol

10-04-2012, 04:57 AM
Wade has been so dependent on flopping since he got away with all that in '06. Let's see how he adjusts his game to the new rules Will be hilarious to watch though:lol

fukk that, wade is awesome...........what about griffin.........his game is based on the art of flopping.........dude will be working at Mcdonalds soon

10-04-2012, 05:07 AM
The only reason why flopping has become an issue is because of how soft the league has gotten. It's a lot more visible now than it was in the 80's and 90's.

Dennis Rodman, one of the toughest guys to ever played the game, was actually quite a flopper himself. You just didn't notice it as much because of how physical the game was in the 80's and 90's.

I don't think fining and penalizing will stop flopping, it'll just make the league even more "pussified." Make the league more physical again, be more of a contact sport like it once was then players won't be flopping like bitches as much. They'll think twice when they do.

One thing about Rodman's flopping was this: He wasn't necessarily doing it for the call. He mostly wanted to get into the guy's head and under his skin. So many guys that he defended would eventually explode in rage and get T'd up after Rodman would do his thing.

10-04-2012, 12:19 PM
From what I understand, they will review the video after the game. That way floppers will know for sure they will be penalized eventually. I think it's the best way to deal with this problem.

10-04-2012, 12:24 PM
It's really become a problem and the league had to address it. Now the question is if they can make the penalty enough for the players not to risk it.

10-04-2012, 12:28 PM
I'm glad ,it's ridiculous at times. The exaggeration i don't mind so much as the non contact falling that's starting now. Refs were going to toss Chandler in a playoff game because Lebron was rolling around.

10-04-2012, 12:32 PM
So if it's gonna be implemented as a post-game rule then I believe the officials will get it right most of the time while turning a blind eye to 50-50 situations if a star is involved.

10-04-2012, 01:29 PM
Red Auerbach was anti-flopping decades ago (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IK3bvlyzpg)

10-04-2012, 02:23 PM
:roll: So now under a player's summary we'll see: Points, rebounds, assists, turnovers... technicals and..... FLOPS?! :roll:
:lol New league leader to keep track of.

10-04-2012, 04:05 PM
used to play in the court where few fouls were respected. if you called it, you were pusssy. everyone was embarrassed to call any touchy touchy fouls. you just don't do it if you got any pride... unless it was game point, then you argue all day over any bullshit. :oldlol:

anyway, now seeing these pros act like fairy bitches on the slightest air fart in the way, it's just disgusting to watch. the fk can a tiny midget point guard knock your 6'10" power forward vag!na ass over and you're crying on the ground and sh!t for ten minutes...

no more flopping, that's good. now bring back more physical play.

10-04-2012, 08:35 PM
From what I understand, they will review the video after the game. That way floppers will know for sure they will be penalized eventually. I think it's the best way to deal with this problem.

Just think how busy these people will be that review the games. A typical game has soooooo many flops.

10-04-2012, 09:33 PM
Just think how busy these people will be that review the games. A typical game has soooooo many flops.
Can you imagine the Clippers vs. the Thunder :eek:? I think someone's quiting their job after that one lol.

10-04-2012, 11:47 PM
Are they going to let defenders actually make a play on the ball without calling a foul every time?

That's why players are flopping more now than ever. They aren't allowed to contest shots without getting called for a foul, so the alternative is to just move in front of the player, fall down, and hope you get a call.

If the refs would call the rules correctly i.e. a defender is allowed his space vertically all the way to the ceiling, then perhaps players trying to flop all over wouldn't be such an issue. The truth is, refs are scared. They are scared not to make a call, because of the increased scrutiny on the game. So next time you complain about a flop, think about the non-foul call you just complained about.