View Full Version : NBA releases flopping defining vid with actual game footage.

10-06-2012, 05:04 AM

Hilarious stuff...
These players should feel like asses. :facepalm

Some flop city, Tony P and others in there.

Al Thornton
10-06-2012, 05:17 AM
kind of insane. how would tony parker have to pay $5000 for getting fouled when they are admitting in that video he got fouled? who gives a fck if you embellish real contact as long it is real contact.

10-06-2012, 05:20 AM
They should have showed the Bosh one or one of LeBrons classic flails after no contact:lol :lol

Not sure how theyre going to review it? After the game then fine said player? Does each instance get put on report or does someone review every game???

I think its a positive move though, watching the Clippers pull that shit every game last season was disgraceful.. Miami werent much better either..

10-06-2012, 05:22 AM
Hard to believe it ever got to this point. The elite players should be ashamed of themselves for resorting to this.

10-06-2012, 05:23 AM
Right. Very expected...

I can see what's going on there, you can exaggerate contact and move in a way you are pushed, fall in a direction you were hit if you don't add to it (flailing arms, head etc.). You can act a glass doll if you want to, but don't add to it...

10-06-2012, 05:53 AM
Alternative link? This ****er doesn't want to open.

10-06-2012, 06:32 AM
I can see it already.. I really am happy they've done something to address flopping, but there's going to be a lot of **** storms throughout the season of people getting fined who claim that the rules aren't clear/specific.

10-06-2012, 06:40 AM
I like it.

10-06-2012, 06:48 AM
Alternative link? This ****er doesn't want to open.
just open it with a video player... or save target as might work

10-06-2012, 07:10 AM
If the Refs actually called it the way it's supposed to be called, then none of this would have gotten to this point....

Chicken or the egg....? :hammertime:

10-06-2012, 07:15 AM
If the Refs actually called it the way it's supposed to be called, then none of this would have gotten to this point....

Chicken or the egg....? :hammertime:

They used to, but its extremely hard to ref a game and a lot of them are so used to no flopping or low quality flopping so when players flop good they will blow their whistle.

We will provably see more skilled flopping in the future.I guess I would rather watch a great actor then a bad flopper

10-06-2012, 07:44 AM
I can see it already.. I really am happy they've done something to address flopping, but there's going to be a lot of **** storms throughout the season of people getting fined who claim that the rules aren't clear/specific.

It will be fun.
But I am more interested in if superstars will get away with flopping. Like (FOR EXAMPLE, NOTHING SERIOUS) a blatent and obvious Lebron flop going unpunished/ignored.

Its gonna be a fun 82 game season.

10-06-2012, 09:14 AM
So much clipper red in that video. Even a few that they said would not be fined even though it was an attempt to draw attention.

Josh Smith and Reggie Evans should be ashamed.

10-06-2012, 09:25 AM
:roll: @ that Chris Paul flop.

10-06-2012, 10:01 AM
I can see it already.. I really am happy they've done something to address flopping, but there's going to be a lot of **** storms throughout the season of people getting fined who claim that the rules aren't clear/specific.

+1 :cheers:

10-06-2012, 10:14 AM
:roll: :roll: :roll:

Chris Paul runs into a guy from the back and ends up flying back! :roll:

10-06-2012, 11:44 AM
S**t just makes me sick.

10-06-2012, 11:57 AM
Link doesn't work for me. Goes to WMP and says unexpected error as occurred.

10-06-2012, 11:59 AM
Gallo's flop:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

10-06-2012, 12:07 PM
LMAO at Wade. F'ing pansy. :oldlol:

10-06-2012, 12:43 PM
Lakers gonna be in trouble.


longtime lurker
10-06-2012, 12:52 PM
No Lebron or Blake Griffin=fail

10-06-2012, 12:55 PM
Not a flop according to these rules and would not be fined.

Yeah, Gasol will hemorrhage some cash. It's the European in him that causes him to flop.

Bad quality video. Maybe.

Not a flop according to these rules and would not be fined. Continuation of momentum.

10-06-2012, 12:58 PM
The video is hilarious but the rule is stupid. I wish they would do it like soccer and if the player gets caught flopping in-game they get a technical for it.

longtime lurker
10-06-2012, 01:05 PM
The video is hilarious but the rule is stupid. I wish they would do it like soccer and if the player gets caught flopping in-game they get a technical for it.

I think the NBA will end up tweaking the policy to hand out technicals because while the fine will curtail some flopping it does seem like a money grab at the same time. Doing it in game is next to impossible unless the refs can be allowed to go back and review the video which would make games unbelievably boring to watch unless maybe they did it at half time or between quarters.

10-06-2012, 01:06 PM
Clipper players gonna be in trouble, better find that second job for extra cash.

10-06-2012, 01:11 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll:

Chris Paul runs into a guy from the back and ends up flying back! :roll:

His "tornado flops" are just hilarious. I honestly don't know how the refs buy that crap

10-06-2012, 01:40 PM
It doesn't mean that the refs would catch every single flop. Just like this whole video review after the fact thing isn't gonna dish out a fine for every flop either. I just think that if a player knows they are at risk of getting a technical in-game for an outrageous flop they will be less likely to flop than knowing they could still potentially be rewarded for the in-game flop in a pivotal playoff game for example and get a miniscule fine for it later.

10-06-2012, 01:55 PM
I love when the players do a ridiculous flop and the refs don't call it and the players looks like a complete ass.

10-06-2012, 01:59 PM
I love when the players do a ridiculous flop and the refs don't call it and the players looks like a complete ass.
Now imagine that exact same scenario with them actually getting a foul or a tech called AGAINST them on top of that. And them showing it on the replay and everything. That would be the ultimate embarrassment right there.:oldlol:

10-06-2012, 02:01 PM
It must be embarrassing that so many Clippers plays are involved. Really, any player should be embarrassed to find himself as an example of flopping.

10-06-2012, 02:41 PM
So many flops against the Grizzlies:rant

I hate it so much.

10-06-2012, 02:55 PM
No Lebron or Blake Griffin=fail

Goes to show that the claims against them are greatly exaggerated by fans like I've said all along.

10-06-2012, 03:11 PM
Goes to show that the claims against them are greatly exaggerated by fans like I've said all along.

Not true at all but if they showed both stars doing it from 2 huge teams, they'd get crucified from the teams fans for being "biased" even though they aren't.

10-06-2012, 03:13 PM
I don't blame the players as much as I blame the rules and officiating. If they want to eliminate flopping then they should change the rules.

Ane people wanna argue that today's era is better.:no:

10-06-2012, 03:19 PM
kind of insane. how would tony parker have to pay $5000 for getting fouled when they are admitting in that video he got fouled? who gives a fck if you embellish real contact as long it is real contact.


That Tony Parker flop was probably the worst flop in whole video and is a pure embarrassment to Tony Parker, the San Antonio Spurs, and the game of basketball.

10-06-2012, 03:21 PM
Correction: The Chris Paul flop in the video was probably the worst one. I don't even see how the commentator talked about it without laughing.

BGriffin's Dad
10-06-2012, 03:23 PM
galinari's was pretty bad because he chose to stay on the ground at the cost of actual gameplay

10-06-2012, 03:28 PM
Opening with a Reggie Evans flop :roll:

10-06-2012, 03:41 PM
That Chris Paul flop is hilarious.

longtime lurker
10-06-2012, 05:05 PM
Goes to show that the claims against them are greatly exaggerated by fans like I've said all along.

No it means the NBA trying to avoid looking bad by putting the two superstars they're golden boys in the video. That whole video could be examples of flops from Griffin and Lebron, it's they're that bad. I'm shocked the Chris Bosh flop of Carlos Boozer isn't in there or the Lebron flop then wink on Derek Rose. Those are two of the worst ones I've seen recently.

10-06-2012, 05:11 PM
I don't blame the players as much as I blame the rules and officiating. If they want to eliminate flopping then they should change the rules.

Ane people wanna argue that today's era is better.:no:
Same here, it's like do you blame the system itself or the players who are smart enough to take advantage of it? It started as a thing where just a few main guys were consistently repeat offenders. And then when others in the league saw how they were getting away with it time and time again, and sometimes in the games biggest moments they decided to throw it into their gameplan because it works, like 75% of the time.

10-06-2012, 05:54 PM
Alternative link? This ****er doesn't want to open.

Same here... bad or slow link. Is CP3 & Blake in there?

10-06-2012, 05:54 PM
lebron isn't as bad of a flopper as people say. he embellishes contact but most of the time, he gets hit. his game is built around contact and finishing

his flops w/o contact tho are really bad

10-06-2012, 06:05 PM
I want to see CF86 try to defend this shit. Half of the clips involve clipper players.

10-06-2012, 06:16 PM
The vid and the commentary makes it unintentionally HILARIOUS! :roll:

10-06-2012, 06:17 PM
It must be embarrassing that so many Clippers plays are involved.

Why would they be embarrassed? They pride themselves in being known as Flop City

10-06-2012, 06:36 PM
I want to see CF86 try to defend this shit. Half of the clips involve clipper players.

What would I defend? I've always said CP3+Evans were two of the top 5 floppers in the NBA last year. It's Griffin who's flopping is GREATLY exaggerated around here which I defend.

10-06-2012, 06:54 PM
What would I defend? I've always said CP3+Evans were two of the top 5 floppers in the NBA last year. It's Griffin who's flopping is GREATLY exaggerated around here which I defend.

I don't think so. Many of Griffin's flops are absolutely disgusting. Almost as bad as the likes of Dwyane Wade.

10-06-2012, 07:07 PM
I don't think so. Many of Griffin's flops are absolutely disgusting. Almost as bad as the likes of Dwyane Wade.

The level of drama in the flops he's top 5. I defend the frequency of them. People act like the guy flops every game, which is a lie.

10-06-2012, 07:10 PM
That vid was comedy gold. :lol

10-06-2012, 07:17 PM
I want to see CF86 try to defend this shit. Half of the clips involve clipper players.


10-06-2012, 07:31 PM
Cant Really tell if this is a flop, or if he suddenly decided to take a piss...


A DUAL Lindy here...



10-06-2012, 07:42 PM
Cant Really tell if this is a flop, or if he suddenly decided to take a piss...




10-06-2012, 07:43 PM

Are you ****ing kidding me????

Blake Griffin did not just hit HIS OWN DAMN SELF in the face, then flop to draw a call. No, no I know he has more integrity than that. I know he does. Right?


10-06-2012, 07:43 PM
This is why we can't have nice things.

10-06-2012, 07:45 PM
Does anyone else think they took these video clips straight from the Clippers playbook?

10-06-2012, 07:47 PM
:roll: :roll: I can't believe how hilarious some of these are. They ruin the game yeah, but it's really funny seeing these players attempt this ridiculous shit.

10-06-2012, 07:57 PM
:roll: :roll: I can't believe how hilarious some of these are. They ruin the game yeah, but it's really funny seeing these players attempt this ridiculous shit.

You call it funny, I call it nauseating.

But, I must admit, that one clip of Lebron flopping on the drive against the Mavs...that is just so pathetic, I can't help but fall over laughing :roll:

In fact, I think that's the funniest flop I've probably ever seen. That and the Reggie Evans flop against the Grizz last post-season :oldlol:

10-06-2012, 08:37 PM
:roll: :roll: I can't believe how hilarious some of these are. They ruin the game yeah, but it's really funny seeing these players attempt this ridiculous shit.

I have to admit. They are pretty funny. :oldlol:

Al Thornton
10-06-2012, 08:40 PM

That Tony Parker flop was probably the worst flop in whole video and is a pure embarrassment to Tony Parker, the San Antonio Spurs, and the game of basketball.

flops are trying to create fouls that didn't happen, overreaction isn't flopping. the guy in the video even said that that was a legit foul u fkcing idiot.

10-06-2012, 08:41 PM
Wish I could see this video. Is there an alternate link or youtube video? All I get is a blank page. Also wont open in QuickTime.

Al Thornton
10-06-2012, 08:48 PM
Wish I could see this video. Is there an alternate link or youtube video? All I get is a blank page. Also wont open in QuickTime.


10-06-2012, 08:50 PM
:roll: :roll: I can't believe how hilarious some of these are. They ruin the game yeah, but it's really funny seeing these players attempt this ridiculous shit.

I'm same way. If it goes uncalled and is super dramatic it's hilarious. Kind of like CP3's tornado flop AFTER the foul was already called. Didn't hurt the Lakers but was hilarious to watch.

10-06-2012, 09:55 PM
Thanks for the link. The video really put some clarity on what I can expect this season. Should be interesting to see how stern(pun) these guys are going to be on the players, initially.

10-06-2012, 10:00 PM
I'm same way. If it goes uncalled and is super dramatic it's hilarious. Kind of like CP3's tornado flop AFTER the foul was already called. Didn't hurt the Lakers but was hilarious to watch.

And Griffin hitting himself in the head and flailing :lol

10-06-2012, 11:12 PM
flops are trying to create fouls that didn't happen, overreaction isn't flopping. the guy in the video even said that that was a legit foul u fkcing idiot.

It was a foul, it was an arm-bar on Perkins. He stuck his arm out and it touched/grazed Parker. Parker's reaction was ridiculous though obviously.

If they were to limit it to only flops when there was no foul at all, it'd be pointless.

And any fan should agree (that ridiculously exaggerated movement has no place in the game).

The only opposing argument u can have to that is if you say you like flopping because it's hilarious.

10-07-2012, 12:04 AM
And Griffin hitting himself in the head and flailing :lol
by far Griffins flops have to be the dumbest looking ones i've seen :oldlol:

All Net
10-07-2012, 12:13 AM
Mr Hunter does not like...:lol

10-07-2012, 12:56 AM
Same here, it's like do you blame the system itself or the players who are smart enough to take advantage of it? It started as a thing where just a few main guys were consistently repeat offenders. And then when others in the league saw how they were getting away with it time and time again, and sometimes in the games biggest moments they decided to throw it into their gameplan because it works, like 75% of the time.

If the rules and the game is called in such fashion, of course they're gonna take advantage, it'll be almost dumb not too.

Everybody flops!!!


10-07-2012, 01:37 AM
Lol. Phukkin clippers

10-07-2012, 01:45 AM
Honestly that video makes the rule seem pretty lenient. You can still sell contact, you just can't do the outrageous CP3 heliflopter stuff.

I hope this makes guys think twice about even selling contact though. Hopefully it will help bring back some toughness into the NBA.

10-07-2012, 01:45 AM
Goes to show that the claims against them are greatly exaggerated by fans like I've said all along.

Just gotta love ISH and their ISHiots:applause:

The thing that kills me dead is how they sit there and try to defend the indefensible. A video/gif of Lebron BLATANTLY flopping to them it's "oh...well....you see. He got something in his eye, lost balance and couldn't see his defender, so that's why it looked like he was flopping, but he wasn't." BG hitting himself in the head, and it's "oh....you didn't see his head snap back form that forearm shot he got hit with." Then they have the gall to get mad when people don't take them seriously:roll:

10-07-2012, 01:46 AM
No it means the NBA trying to avoid looking bad by putting the two superstars they're golden boys in the video. That whole video could be examples of flops from Griffin and Lebron, it's they're that bad. I'm shocked the Chris Bosh flop of Carlos Boozer isn't in there or the Lebron flop then wink on Derek Rose. Those are two of the worst ones I've seen recently.

Even though I'm a LeBron homer, I've always said he's the greatest flopper of all time. The dude obviously flops. We all know it. The NBA knows he's the league's face right now. They're not going to use him as an example of something negative.

I guess they used Wade and CP3(+multiple clippers) to have the appearance of not being biased so they can say "hey, we used Heat and clippers players as examples". It's not fooling anyone though. They're not gonna use the face-of-the-franchise players.

10-07-2012, 05:39 AM
way to go nba for not including your love child lebron in any of the videos

10-07-2012, 05:56 AM
way to go nba for not including your love child lebron in any of the videos

This.. blatantly one of the worst offenders..

The Mamba
10-07-2012, 06:09 AM
Clippers are in serious trouble ...

10-07-2012, 08:16 AM
not every topic needs to be lebron. no rational people are out here saying he doesnt flop, but got damn are people really, really trying to say that lebron had a flop worse than gallos? thats just trolling to the nth degree.it is the nba forum tho, so carry on no lifes, carry on.

10-07-2012, 03:29 PM
If anyone has watched any Clippers or James Harden pre-season games, do you notice them playing differently in preparation for the flopping rules in the regular season?

10-07-2012, 03:30 PM
If anyone has watched any Clippers or James Harden pre-season games, do you notice them playing differently in preparation for the flopping rules in the regular season?

The only Clipper that flopped yesterday at all was Hollins twice.

10-07-2012, 08:52 PM
D-Wade talks to the official if someone looks cross-eyed at him. What's it going to be like when he gets called for one of these? Miami's going to burn two time outs per game while D-Wade bitches...

10-07-2012, 08:59 PM
The only Clipper that flopped yesterday at all was Hollins twice.

CP3 didn't play and Griffin was on the bench half the game.

10-07-2012, 09:01 PM
CP3 didn't play and Griffin was on the bench half the game.

Blakey didn't flop at all when he played. At most he sold some legit contact that happened. But none of that shit we saw last season.

Then again, the season just started. Who knows what'll happen.

10-07-2012, 09:03 PM
Blakey didn't flop at all when he played. At most he sold some legit contact that happened. But none of that shit we saw last season.

Then again, the season just started. Who knows what'll happen.

Yeah I didn't see any flops at all apart from the Hollins one CF86 mentioned, hopefully it makes a difference this season!

10-07-2012, 09:06 PM
tight nerd outfits, rivals chilling in the offseason, and flopping

:roll: :roll: :roll: :facepalm

10-07-2012, 09:07 PM
Yeah I didn't see any flops at all apart from the Hollins one CF86 mentioned, hopefully it makes a difference this season!

Maybe all the criticism got to him and I hope it did because even though I understand WHY he's flopping I'd obviously want him to stop doing it. He just looked like complete ass last night. He better dominate the next two China games vs Heat or I'm going to worry. All that work on his shot and he missed both midrange jumpers and went 2-6 from the line :facepalm .

10-07-2012, 09:21 PM
Maybe all the criticism got to him and I hope it did because even though I understand WHY he's flopping I'd obviously want him to stop doing it. He just looked like complete ass last night. He better dominate the next two China games vs Heat or I'm going to worry. All that work on his shot and he missed both midrange jumpers and went 2-6 from the line :facepalm .

Fingers crossed man, I'd be stoked if he didn't get fined for flopping all season, that would mean he's not doing it anymore. And agreed he looked garbage, I couldn't figure out what was going on with him. At least Bledsoe was looking really good.

10-08-2012, 11:55 AM
is this for real??

10-08-2012, 12:30 PM
tight nerd outfits, rivals chilling in the offseason, and flopping

:roll: :roll: :roll: :facepalm

Uconn avatar...

Mr. Jabbar
10-08-2012, 12:31 PM
:roll: @ the CP3 one :oldlol:

10-08-2012, 02:15 PM
I love this video. I'd post it on face-book but it tells you to open the link in a separate video player and there's still idiots out there that don't know how to do that.

LT Ice Cream
10-08-2012, 02:27 PM
What's with the narrator's voice? People don't talk like that anymore. Video seems fake.

10-08-2012, 02:33 PM

You can pretty much switch this play with Gallo's, and the comments from the video match up pretty damn well.

10-08-2012, 03:15 PM
I noticed that almost every team that flops is considered elite or at least solid playoff teams. I wonder if flopping keeps these a notch above the rest.

10-08-2012, 03:17 PM
I noticed that almost every team that flops is considered elite or at least solid playoff teams. I wonder if flopping keeps these a notch above the rest.

No, it's just that nobody pays attention to the bottom-feeders.

10-08-2012, 03:17 PM
I noticed that almost every team that flops is considered elite or at least solid playoff teams. I wonder if flopping keeps these a notch above the rest.

If you are losing by double digits every night, what good does flopping do for you?

10-08-2012, 03:19 PM
man flopping is a solid skill, im gonna miss it. i remember a game my school played last year where we were up by 5 with like 2 minutes left. all our shooters were cold and our 20 point lead had come down like crazy. I got the ball off the screen and remember someone barely touched me during the process. by instinct I just fell to the ground and got 2 FTs. we won by 2 :lol

gotta do what you gotta do :pimp:

10-08-2012, 03:32 PM

You can pretty much switch this play with Gallo's, and the comments from the video match up pretty damn well.

Wasn't that a flagrant on Tyson?
I remember watching it like wtf:confusedshrug: :facepalm

Also, solid flail, arm flap, roll around, neck grab..
Stay classy Lebron..

10-08-2012, 04:15 PM
Wasn't that a flagrant on Tyson?
I remember watching it like wtf:confusedshrug: :facepalm

Also, solid flail, arm flap, roll around, neck grab..
Stay classy Lebron..

That was a pretty heavy shot with an arm he got right there, and it was completely unexpected. It wasn't a flop IMO, take a closer look at the gif/video.. It looks weird, as it was unexpected, but no flop, maybe a LITTLE exageration that the guy in the video said was not gonna be penalized. Just faking the foul/contact, which is not the case here, so give the guy a break.

10-08-2012, 04:19 PM
That was a pretty heavy shot with an arm he got right there, and it was completely unexpected. It wasn't a flop IMO, take a closer look at the gif/video.. It looks weird, as it was unexpected, but no flop, maybe a LITTLE exageration that the guy in the video said was not gonna be penalized. Just faking the foul/contact, which is not the case here, so give the guy a break.

He probably would not have been penalized on that particular foul but he definitely exaggerated more than just a LITTLE.

10-08-2012, 04:43 PM
He probably would not have been penalized on that particular foul but he definitely exaggerated more than just a LITTLE.

:lol :lol this..

After he copped the bump that should have been it. The flail and fall over was all acting..

10-08-2012, 04:47 PM
That was a pretty heavy shot with an arm he got right there, and it was completely unexpected. It wasn't a flop IMO, take a closer look at the gif/video.. It looks weird, as it was unexpected, but no flop, maybe a LITTLE exageration that the guy in the video said was not gonna be penalized. Just faking the foul/contact, which is not the case here, so give the guy a break.

I watched it live. It was pathetic..
There was no need for a flail and fall over. It's the same amount of contact anyone getting hit on a screen would recieve. He felt it, stopped, then overreacted..
I'm not saying bronzey flops all the time, he's no Blake griffin, but the times he does are shameless...

10-08-2012, 04:51 PM
I watched it live. It was pathetic..
There was no need for a flail and fall over. It's the same amount of contact anyone getting hit on a screen would recieve. He felt it, stopped, then overreacted..
I'm not saying bronzey flops all the time, he's no Blake griffin, but the times he does are shameless...

Please... Do you really think so? :coleman:

10-08-2012, 04:52 PM
That was a pretty heavy shot with an arm he got right there, and it was completely unexpected. It wasn't a flop IMO, take a closer look at the gif/video.. It looks weird, as it was unexpected, but no flop, maybe a LITTLE exageration that the guy in the video said was not gonna be penalized. Just faking the foul/contact, which is not the case here, so give the guy a break.

That was more than a little exaggeration. Lebron is 7'4", and weighs 380 pounds of pure muscle. No way a man that size looks like he just got shot from a slight check in the back.

I don't know if Lebron plans on making Space Jam 2 or what, but he needs to work on his acting.

10-08-2012, 04:54 PM
Wasn't that a flagrant on Tyson?
I remember watching it like wtf:confusedshrug: :facepalm

Also, solid flail, arm flap, roll around, neck grab..
Stay classy Lebron..
I thought they did a no-call on it because Chandler was in position and LeBron didn't get help to let him know he was there. LeBron's fault, LeBron's flop.

10-08-2012, 05:00 PM
I thought they did a no-call on it because Chandler was in position and LeBron didn't get help to let him know he was there. LeBron's fault, LeBron's flop.

No. The original call was a Flagrant 2, with Tyson ejected from the game. Then they replayed it, and realized how much Lebron flopped, and took it down to a Flagrant 1.

At worst it should have been a regular foul, but in actuality it should have been a no call. Tyson wasn't moving, so you can't call moving pick. Lebron acted like he got shot with a 44 magnum, and the refs bought. That's specifically what the video is saying will be penalized from now on.

The Chosen One
10-08-2012, 05:05 PM
No. The original call was a Flagrant 2, with Tyson ejected from the game. Then they replayed it, and realized how much Lebron flopped, and took it down to a Flagrant 1.

At worst it should have been a regular foul, but in actuality it should have been a no call. Tyson wasn't moving, so you can't call moving pick. Lebron acted like he got shot with a 44 magnum, and the refs bought. That's specifically what the video is saying will be penalized from now on.

What the hell are you talking about that Chandler isn't moving? He's moving forward the whole time. Not only it is a moving pick, it's also a hit. LeBron probably embellished the contact a little but you can bet his neck was hurting.

10-08-2012, 05:17 PM
it makes no sense to fall to the ground like a damn ho

10-08-2012, 05:18 PM
What the hell are you talking about that Chandler isn't moving? He's moving forward the whole time. Not only it is a moving pick, it's also a hit. LeBron probably embellished the contact a little but you can bet his neck was hurting.


Watch it again, and watch JVG go off with "what kind of league are we becoming".

That's not a moving pick either. He wasn't shuffling around for position.

10-08-2012, 05:20 PM
While I would agree that flopping had gotten carried away, I'm a little worried about how this new policy is going to be enforced. There is already so much subjectivity present in the officiating. It's one thing to clearly see a flop after watching a video replayed from multiple angles. It's another to try and catch it in real time.

10-08-2012, 05:22 PM
Please... Do you really think so? :coleman:

Ever actually played sport?
Boxing out, screens etc you will cop a hit.. That was a small one on Lebron, and he flopped hard after it for the call..
Why defend it so hard??

10-08-2012, 05:27 PM
While I would agree that flopping had gotten carried away, I'm a little worried about how this new policy is going to be enforced. There is already so much subjectivity present in the officiating. It's one thing to clearly see a flop after watching a video replayed from multiple angles. It's another to try and catch it in real time.They aren't going to do it in real time. From my understanding it's going to be fines issued after games from replays.

10-08-2012, 06:09 PM
They aren't going to do it in real time. From my understanding it's going to be fines issued after games from replays.
And hopefully the NBA should publicly release those fines (no reason they shouldn't) and the biggest pundits be ridiculed is social media.

Seriously, that and Stephen Jackson might be the only thing good to come out of twitterverse from the NBA

10-08-2012, 06:52 PM
I love that they are trying to reduce flopping, but there is a lot of gray area in those interpretations.

10-08-2012, 06:57 PM

Watch it again, and watch JVG go off with "what kind of league are we becoming".

That's not a moving pick either. He wasn't shuffling around for position.

Since when are JVG's opinions respectable? They're ludicrous most of the time, actually.

Ever actually played sport?
Boxing out, screens etc you will cop a hit.. That was a small one on Lebron, and he flopped hard after it for the call..
Why defend it so hard??

Actually, my whole life.
I'm just trying to say that this situation shouldn't be put in the video as an example of flopping, as you all suggest. There's no question it was a foul on Chandler and Lebron kind of exaggerated, but as explained in the vid, flopping only occurs when a player is trying to fake contact and trick the officials into calling a foul that didn't happen. But when the foul really takes place and the fouled player exaggerates the contact, it's not considered a flop by the league.

10-08-2012, 07:16 PM
Since when are JVG's opinions respectable? They're ludicrous most of the time, actually.

Actually, my whole life.
I'm just trying to say that this situation shouldn't be put in the video as an example of flopping, as you all suggest. There's no question it was a foul on Chandler and Lebron kind of exaggerated, but as explained in the vid, flopping only occurs when a player is trying to fake contact and trick the officials into calling a foul that didn't happen. But when the foul really takes place and the fouled player exaggerates the contact, it's not considered a flop by the league.

Sorry. it was a terrible flop. He takes the contact from Chandler, and then decides to put on his show. Guys in the post bump each other harder than that constantly.. it's called maintaining/fighting for position. I absolutely hate that people have stooped to "selling contact" rather than just fighting to play good defense. so sad.

10-08-2012, 07:26 PM
More flop gifs MOAR

10-08-2012, 07:40 PM
Sorry. it was a terrible flop. He takes the contact from Chandler, and then decides to put on his show. Guys in the post bump each other harder than that constantly.. it's called maintaining/fighting for position. I absolutely hate that people have stooped to "selling contact" rather than just fighting to play good defense. so sad.

Don't you really see the difference between a situation when 2 players are engaged in a physical battle for position in the post and a situation when a player is running and suddenly takes a hard, UNEXPECTED hit from behind to his neck, with an elbow/forearm/whatever it was and is then grounded by the rest of Chandler's body? Sure, LBJ is strong as phuck but every human is extremely vulnerable to such hits when they don't expect it.

10-08-2012, 08:20 PM
Don't you really see the difference between a situation when 2 players are engaged in a physical battle for position in the post and a situation when a player is running and suddenly takes a hard, UNEXPECTED hit from behind to his neck, with an elbow/forearm/whatever it was and is then grounded by the rest of Chandler's body? Sure, LBJ is strong as phuck but every human is extremely vulnerable to such hits when they don't expect it.
No bra. Even if there was legit contact, lebron tried to sell more than it really was. If it was a foul or not from tyson is another question, but this is really a lebron flop.

About time really

10-08-2012, 08:52 PM
I love that they are trying to reduce flopping, but there is a lot of gray area in those interpretations.


10-08-2012, 08:53 PM
They aren't going to do it in real time. From my understanding it's going to be fines issued after games from replays.

OK. If that's the case then this makes much more sense.

10-08-2012, 09:06 PM
Don't you really see the difference between a situation when 2 players are engaged in a physical battle for position in the post and a situation when a player is running and suddenly takes a hard, UNEXPECTED hit from behind to his neck, with an elbow/forearm/whatever it was and is then grounded by the rest of Chandler's body? Sure, LBJ is strong as phuck but every human is extremely vulnerable to such hits when they don't expect it.

what I'm saying is he felt the contact, took the impact from it, then decided to try and sell it as a much worse thing than it was. he clearly takes the impact, is slightly effected by it and then a moment later throws himself to the ground as if he was shot by a 12 gauge.

10-08-2012, 09:42 PM
I must be the only one that thinks flopping brings something interesting to the game. It adds strategy where physically in-equipped players like Evans can compete to some degree.

Plus its funny as sh:t

10-08-2012, 10:12 PM
I love that they are trying to reduce flopping, but there is a lot of gray area in those interpretations.

They seemed pretty clear to me. Don't create actions to contact that didn't happen. Don't try to get a foul you didn't earn, so if you did get hard enough for a foul it's ok to try to sell it a bit. It also seems like they're going to go harder at flops that are designed to stop play. That Caron Butler one they're going to let go because he tried to sell contact but kept going and he also wasn't super crazy about it. All other fouls in the game are called on an advantage/disadvantage basis so I assume that's how they're going to call this as well.

10-09-2012, 02:52 PM
what I'm saying is he felt the contact, took the impact from it, then decided to try and sell it as a much worse thing than it was. he clearly takes the impact, is slightly effected by it and then a moment later throws himself to the ground as if he was shot by a 12 gauge.

By the league standards explained in the video, selling/exaggerating legit contact (foul) is not considered a flop and will not be penalized. Therefore, there's no place for this lbj situation on the video (at least in the first part of it)

10-09-2012, 07:29 PM
By the league standards explained in the video, selling/exaggerating legit contact (foul) is not considered a flop and will not be penalized. Therefore, there's no place for this lbj situation on the video (at least in the first part of it)

Not really true, watch the Parker flop again and see what they said about that.