View Full Version : The biggest reason why Wade/Lebron have trouble co-existing

10-12-2012, 04:54 PM
Just a theory but....

I think the biggest reason why they can't co-exist is because their mentality on the game is different.

Wade plays at his best when he is angry while Lebron plays at his best when he is happy/having fun.

I think it explains why Wade was arguably better than Lebron was in 2011 because they were the villains and they both played angry every game to prove people wrong.

In 2012, Lebron was unquestionably better because the Heat started playing more happy/having fun. They were still hated that season but not as much in 2011 and they let their game do more of the talking this season.

che guevara
10-12-2012, 05:00 PM
In two seasons together, they have two Finals appearances and a championship. They are not struggling to co-exist.

10-12-2012, 05:01 PM
They have such trouble co-existing that they've been to two straight finals and won 1?:facepalm

10-12-2012, 05:06 PM
this has got to be a troll post

10-12-2012, 05:07 PM
together theyre the best team. without each other, neither couldnt get to the finals for a few years

10-12-2012, 05:08 PM
The point he's trying to make is that they can't both max out while playing together. Wade took a backseat this past season.

10-12-2012, 05:10 PM

10-12-2012, 05:10 PM
The point he's trying to make is that they can't both max out while playing together. Wade took a backseat this past season.

yes they can, arguably one of miami's most important games last playoffs was game 4 against indiana. wade went off and so did lebron. then they did it again in game 5 and 6.

its just not very often they do but when they both need to, especially without bosh, they will both rise to the occasion.

10-12-2012, 05:12 PM
I'd say it is D-Wade's lack of a decent jump-shot. If dude could knock down mid-range jumpers and three's then they would be perfect. Basically if it were Lebron and Prime Kobe on the same team. (the P in prime is capitalized because it counts as his first name.)

10-12-2012, 05:17 PM
this again?

did you watch the playoffs? SMFH

10-12-2012, 05:27 PM
2011 happened because Wade didnt want or couldnt fully perish to the 2nd fiddle role, especially not in the Finals when he all of the sudden went in the post conference (while Lebron sat right next to him) and i quote: "This is my team, i am the leader, i have to lead by example"... it caused Lebron to be more passive than he was the entire season (including playoffs) where Wade was actually more of a 2nd fiddle, took only 13-14 FGA in that Finals... it turned Lebron to a 2nd fiddle in the Finals all of the sudden, Lebron didnt mind it at all as Wade had it going, but then came the clutch time where neither could close out........

2012 happened because Wade approved (and verbally welcomed) the 2nd fiddle role completely and i quote: "Lebron is our best player, for us to be better Lebron has to lead the way, i dont mind taking the backseat", Wade was very comfortable playing that 2nd fiddle role and gave Lebron the full greenlight......... Lebron did the rest.....

What happened in 2012 should have happened in 2011.... They co-exist today very nicely as long as Wade keeps his end of that bargain Miami Heat will continue to be this successful... because what he said and everybody said is very true... that Miami Heat can go as far as only Lebron James can take them....

10-12-2012, 05:32 PM
What does coexisting have to do with winning a chip? There's more than just Wade and lebron on the team. Anyone who've watched heat games, have noticed Wade's decline although it my be his so-called "injuries".

10-12-2012, 05:34 PM
2011 happened because Wade didnt want or couldnt fully perish to the 2nd fiddle role, especially not in the Finals when he all of the sudden went in the post conference (while Lebron sat right next to him) and i quote: "This is my team, i am the leader, i have to lead by example"... it caused Lebron to be more passive than he was the entire season (including playoffs) where Wade was actually more of a 2nd fiddle, took only 13-14 FGA in that Finals... it turned Lebron to a 2nd fiddle in the Finals all of the sudden, Lebron didnt mind it at all as Wade had it going, but then came the clutch time where neither could close out........

2012 happened because Wade approved (and verbally welcomed) the 2nd fiddle role completely and i quote: "Lebron is our best player, for us to be better Lebron has to lead the way, i dont mind taking the backseat", Wade was very comfortable playing that 2nd fiddle role and gave Lebron the full greenlight......... Lebron did the rest.....

What happened in 2012 should have happened in 2011.... They co-exist today very nicely as long as Wade keeps his end of that bargain Miami Heat will continue to be this successful... because what he said and everybody said is very true... that Miami Heat can go as far as only Lebron James can take them....

This is entirely wrong. The Heat would have easily won if Lebron would have played like he does normally. Lebron basically robbed Wade of fmvp.

10-12-2012, 05:38 PM
This is entirely wrong. The Heat would have easily won if Lebron would have played like he does normally. Lebron basically robbed Wade of fmvp.

That being wrong is only a desperate wish... especially if you are a Lebron hater (or a butthurt Cavs fan) where only one thing is not wrong "Lebron choked"..... when Lebron actually didnt play bad, he shot 48% FG, led both teams in assists and rebounds basically aswell (with Chandler)... he was only passive like HELL, like ive never seen before, he took like what 14 FGA in that Finals? He was facilitating like a hot potato... and why is that? Read my post again above, especially that quote from Wade in 2011 Finals... Lebron didnt mind, Wade had it going and they were actually doing fine, but then came the 4th quarter... which was the ultimate reason to them losing the Finals... neither of them could close out games enough...

...and oh Lebron robbed Wade of FMVP? No... considering my assessment its actually Wade who robbed Lebron/Miami of a Championship because he didnt want to give Lebron the greenlight he openly gave to him in 2012.... he turned Lebron into a sidekick in the Finals, into a true 2nd fiddle, because thats how Lebron was playing... he didnt play bad, he didnt shoot bad, he only facilitated and took few shots... like a true Scottie Pippen would do.... and thats NOT LEBRON.... Wade knew he made a mistake in that Finals and changed his mindset in 2012, you dont see him go around and say anymore "I have to take charge, I am the leader of this team, this team goes as far as only I CAN TAKE THEM"..... thats basically exactly what he said/meant after the 2011 Finals Game 2 loss in the press conference while Lebron sat right next to him.... Lebron was basically "OK... lets see how that goes"..

Lebron played bad, you can say whatever you want, BUT THERE WAS A BIG REASON FOR IT........... the "He couldnt handle the pressure he had that year" i dont buy, thats absolutely hilarious pure bullshit...

2011 was simply a huge chemistry / co-exist problems between Lebron & Wade, anything from trying to figure out how to complement eachothers games... to self-centered decisions.... and it showed up at its fullest effect at the worst time...

10-12-2012, 06:15 PM
its actually Wade who robbed Lebron/Miami of a Championship
Never go full pauk. How delusional can you be?here comes another 3 paragraphs of rambling

10-12-2012, 06:20 PM
its actually Wade who robbed Lebron/Miami of a Championship because he didnt want to give Lebron the greenlight he openly gave to him in 2012.... he turned Lebron into a sidekick in the Finals,
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
omfg even this :roll: emoticon is not enough to show how much i am laughing right now!!:roll: :roll:

10-12-2012, 06:26 PM
Pauk I think you're a knowledgable poster and know what you're talking about, but Wade cost Miami the title in 2011 because of him not helping LeBron? :roll: What? Huh?

10-12-2012, 06:29 PM
That being wrong is only a desperate wish... especially if you are a Lebron hater (or a butthurt Cavs fan) where only one thing is not wrong "Lebron choked"..... when Lebron actually didnt play bad, he shot 48% FG, led both teams in assists and rebounds basically aswell (with Chandler)... he was only passive like HELL, like ive never seen before, he took like what 14 FGA in that Finals? He was facilitating like a hot potato... and why is that? Read my post again above, especially that quote from Wade in 2011 Finals... Lebron didnt mind, Wade had it going and they were actually doing fine, but then came the 4th quarter... which was the ultimate reason to them losing the Finals... neither of them could close out games enough...

...and oh Lebron robbed Wade of FMVP? No... considering my assessment its actually Wade who robbed Lebron/Miami of a Championship because he didnt want to give Lebron the greenlight he openly gave to him in 2012.... he turned Lebron into a sidekick in the Finals, into a true 2nd fiddle, because thats how Lebron was playing... he didnt play bad, he didnt shoot bad, he only facilitated and took few shots... like a true Scottie Pippen would do.... and thats NOT LEBRON.... Wade knew he made a mistake in that Finals and changed his mindset in 2012, you dont see him go around and say anymore "I have to take charge, I am the leader of this team, this team goes as far as only I CAN TAKE THEM"..... thats basically exactly what he said/meant after the 2011 Finals Game 2 loss in the press conference while Lebron sat right next to him.... Lebron was basically "OK... lets see how that goes"..

Lebron played bad, you can say whatever you want, BUT THERE WAS A BIG REASON FOR IT........... the "He couldnt handle the pressure he had that year" i dont buy, thats absolutely hilarious pure bullshit...

2011 was simply a huge chemistry / co-exist problems between Lebron & Wade, anything from trying to figure out how to complement eachothers games... to self-centered decisions.... and it showed up at its fullest effect at the worst time...

cmon bro I haven't had an issue with you on this site, and you seem to know your stuff, but the bolded...uhhh no way man


please tell me you're trolling

10-12-2012, 06:32 PM
Pauk makes me ashamed to be a LeBron fan at times.

Wade was no more aggressive in the 2011 Finals, then he was in the Eastern semis against Boston where he averaged 30ppg on 52% shooting. And that did not deter LeBron from taking over the game in crunch time. Dead that bullshit theory.

As for the topic at hand, it's a complete myth that LeBron and Wade don't coexist. James and Wade had the best on court plus/minus, of all duos in the postseason by far last year.

10-12-2012, 06:33 PM
The point he's trying to make is that they can't both max out while playing together. Wade took a backseat this past season.


Good poster, but baffling post, to me. How is it Wade and Lebron can't "co-exist"? Healthy, they're the two best players in basketball (pace Durant). Last year they won a championship. They haven't always coexisted smoothly, but let me repeat. Two best players in basketball. How often does it happen that the second best player in basketball is all of a sudden not even the best player on his team anymore?

It took them a little while - and Wade being hurt a lot of the time helped, oddly enough - but they seem to co-exist to me. If you could elaborate a bit more on why you think they don't...

Concerning the point about how they flourish at different times: I call that complementarity. Sometimes the game isn't fun. Sometimes things get tight and tense, and Wade has always done well during those times; Lebron has had mixed results. In fact those moments, so far, have been Lebron's weakness. He didn't have to deal with Bad Boy / 90s Knicks style beatdown ball in the Finals and so he flourished. But if he has one of his 12/7/7 playoff games, that could be the same night Wade goes for 35 and wins it with 4th quarter free throws.

10-12-2012, 06:37 PM
yes they can, arguably one of miami's most important games last playoffs was game 4 against indiana. wade went off and so did lebron. then they did it again in game 5 and 6.

its just not very often they do but when they both need to, especially without bosh, they will both rise to the occasion.

I know that. But it doesn't happen with regularity. Regularity is important and they can't win again without it.

2011 happened because Wade didnt want or couldnt fully perish to the 2nd fiddle role, especially not in the Finals when he all of the sudden went in the post conference (while Lebron sat right next to him) and i quote: "This is my team, i am the leader, i have to lead by example"... it caused Lebron to be more passive than he was the entire season (including playoffs) where Wade was actually more of a 2nd fiddle, took only 13-14 FGA in that Finals... it turned Lebron to a 2nd fiddle in the Finals all of the sudden, Lebron didnt mind it at all as Wade had it going, but then came the clutch time where neither could close out........

2012 happened because Wade approved (and verbally welcomed) the 2nd fiddle role completely and i quote: "Lebron is our best player, for us to be better Lebron has to lead the way, i dont mind taking the backseat", Wade was very comfortable playing that 2nd fiddle role and gave Lebron the full greenlight......... Lebron did the rest.....

What happened in 2012 should have happened in 2011.... They co-exist today very nicely as long as Wade keeps his end of that bargain Miami Heat will continue to be this successful... because what he said and everybody said is very true... that Miami Heat can go as far as only Lebron James can take them....

You're gonna have to be wrong. Lebron is the best player, but Wade is not responsible for a loss because he didn't hand the reigns over to Lebron.

The Heat won last year, with Wade taking a back seat. 100% it will not happen this season. That's absolute. The Heat are a great team because they have great players. The NBA is going to be great great this year on.

So Wade can be the 2nd best player. Lebron is the world's best player. Wade can be declined. But he better not try and be Robin. Be yourself and play your game. To be fair, a lot would change if their coach was real, but he isn't.

longtime lurker
10-12-2012, 06:38 PM
:wtf: @ Pauk. Please dear God tell me this guy is a gimmick poster. And to say Lebron and Wade can't coexist if stupid considering they have a title and two straight finals appearances as teammates. ISH :facepalm

10-12-2012, 06:47 PM
Healthy, they're the two best players in basketball (pace Durant).

I agree, and that's exactly my point. To be truly complimentary, then you have to be yourself first. If Wade has declined a bit, fine, but I don't think he's truly a compliment if he's subjugating his game specifically to fit alongside one other player. Maybe this goes beyond just how they're playing now, and has more to do with being together in the first place, but it's relevant now too.

Young X
10-12-2012, 06:53 PM
...and oh Lebron robbed Wade of FMVP? No... considering my assessment its actually Wade who robbed Lebron/Miami of a Championship because he didnt want to give Lebron the greenlight he openly gave to him in 2012.... he turned Lebron into a sidekick in the Finals, into a true 2nd fiddle, because thats how Lebron was playing... he didnt play bad, he didnt shoot bad, he only facilitated and took few shots... like a true Scottie Pippen would do.... and thats NOT LEBRON.... Wade knew he made a mistake in that Finals and changed his mindset in 2012, you dont see him go around and say anymore "I have to take charge, I am the leader of this team, this team goes as far as only I CAN TAKE THEM"..... thats basically exactly what he said/meant after the 2011 Finals Game 2 loss in the press conference while Lebron sat right next to him.... Lebron was basically "OK... lets see how that goes"..

Wade's FGA in 2011 season: 18.2
Wade's FGA in 2011 Finals: 18
Lebron's FGA in 2011 Finals: 15

Wade: 27/7/5 on 55%
Lebron: 18/7/7 on 48%

How did Wade rob Miami of a championship or keep Lebron from playing his game if he took LESS shots in the finals than he did in the regular season? You can't be serious. :facepalm

10-12-2012, 06:55 PM
Wade's FGA in 2011 season: 18.2
Wade's FGA in 2011 Finals: 18
Lebron's FGA in 2011 Finals: 15

Wade: 27/7/5 on 55%
Lebron: 18/7/7 on 48%

How did Wade rob Miami of a championship or keep Lebron from playing his game if he took LESS shots in the finals than he did in the regular season? You can't be serious. :facepalm
Not to mention him taking even more shots in the 2nd round than he did in the finals.

10-12-2012, 06:58 PM
cmon bro I haven't had an issue with you on this site, and you seem to know your stuff, but the bolded...uhhh no way man


please tell me you're trolling

Nah bruh, pauk's dead serious. If you get him really mad, he's going to go log in to one of his alternate accounts (nash/po3try) and come back in here and agree with himself. Then still expect people to take him seriously:facepalm

10-12-2012, 06:59 PM
Nah bruh, pauk's dead serious. If you get him really mad, he's going to go log in to one of his alternate accounts (nash/po3try) and come back in here and agree with himself. Then still expect people to take him seriously:facepalm


This guy talking about others getting mad. You're a ticking time bomb, Reigny.

10-12-2012, 07:02 PM
Nah bruh, pauk's dead serious. If you get him really mad, he's going to go log in to one of his alternate accounts (nash/po3try) and come back in here and agree with himself. Then still expect people to take him seriously:facepalm


maybe I should stay out of LeBron threads, then

10-12-2012, 07:05 PM

maybe I should stay out of LeBron threads, then

Yeah, especially when pauk is online. It's funny as hell watch that fool stoop to any level to defend Lebron.:facepalm

10-12-2012, 07:51 PM
thought this thread was 2yrs old when i opened it

10-12-2012, 08:01 PM
2011 happened because Wade didnt want or couldnt fully perish to the 2nd fiddle role, especially not in the Finals when he all of the sudden went in the post conference (while Lebron sat right next to him) and i quote: "This is my team, i am the leader, i have to lead by example"... it caused Lebron to be more passive than he was the entire season (including playoffs) where Wade was actually more of a 2nd fiddle, took only 13-14 FGA in that Finals... it turned Lebron to a 2nd fiddle in the Finals all of the sudden, Lebron didnt mind it at all as Wade had it going, but then came the clutch time where neither could close out........

2012 happened because Wade approved (and verbally welcomed) the 2nd fiddle role completely and i quote: "Lebron is our best player, for us to be better Lebron has to lead the way, i dont mind taking the backseat", Wade was very comfortable playing that 2nd fiddle role and gave Lebron the full greenlight......... Lebron did the rest.....

What happened in 2012 should have happened in 2011.... They co-exist today very nicely as long as Wade keeps his end of that bargain Miami Heat will continue to be this successful... because what he said and everybody said is very true... that Miami Heat can go as far as only Lebron James can take them....

Because the fact that Wade was injured had no affect on his play this past season...

10-12-2012, 08:17 PM
In order to fully maximize the Heat offense, they need a pg to run the show. Wade and Lebron would need to continue to work on catching and shooting and off ball movement...said pg would need to be able to shoot 3s also.

Young X
10-12-2012, 08:25 PM
Not to mention him taking even more shots in the 2nd round than he did in the finals.
Exactly, Wade also took MORE shots in the 2012 Finals than he did in the 2011 Finals.

Wade's FGA in 2011 Finals: 18
Wade's FGA in 2012 Finals: 18.4

10-12-2012, 08:25 PM
In order to fully maximize the Heat offense, they need a pg to run the show. Wade and Lebron would need to continue to work on catching and shooting and off ball movement...said pg would need to be able to shoot 3s also.
No, not at all. LeBron and Wade need the ball in their hands a lot, a PG like Chalmers who can space the floor and isn't a dominant ballhandler works much better for the Heat.

10-12-2012, 08:26 PM
They should really try some running variation on the triangle offense.

10-12-2012, 08:38 PM
thought this thread was 2yrs old when i opened it


10-12-2012, 08:47 PM
They should really try some running variation on the triangle offense.

They actually do at times.

10-12-2012, 10:07 PM
They should really try some running variation on the triangle offense.
It's funny that you said that because they do run slight variations of it at times between Wade/Bron/Bosh.

10-12-2012, 11:14 PM
Back-to-back Finals appearances, one 4-1 dominant win over a seemingly unbeatable team. (Should have been 2 ships but LBJ disappeared)

:biggums: :biggums: :biggums:

10-12-2012, 11:16 PM
That being wrong is only a desperate wish... especially if you are a Lebron hater (or a butthurt Cavs fan) where only one thing is not wrong "Lebron choked"..... when Lebron actually didnt play bad, he shot 48% FG, led both teams in assists and rebounds basically aswell (with Chandler)... he was only passive like HELL, like ive never seen before, he took like what 14 FGA in that Finals? He was facilitating like a hot potato... and why is that? Read my post again above, especially that quote from Wade in 2011 Finals... Lebron didnt mind, Wade had it going and they were actually doing fine, but then came the 4th quarter... which was the ultimate reason to them losing the Finals... neither of them could close out games enough...

...and oh Lebron robbed Wade of FMVP? No... considering my assessment its actually Wade who robbed Lebron/Miami of a Championship because he didnt want to give Lebron the greenlight he openly gave to him in 2012.... he turned Lebron into a sidekick in the Finals, into a true 2nd fiddle, because thats how Lebron was playing... he didnt play bad, he didnt shoot bad, he only facilitated and took few shots... like a true Scottie Pippen would do.... and thats NOT LEBRON.... Wade knew he made a mistake in that Finals and changed his mindset in 2012, you dont see him go around and say anymore "I have to take charge, I am the leader of this team, this team goes as far as only I CAN TAKE THEM"..... thats basically exactly what he said/meant after the 2011 Finals Game 2 loss in the press conference while Lebron sat right next to him.... Lebron was basically "OK... lets see how that goes"..

Lebron played bad, you can say whatever you want, BUT THERE WAS A BIG REASON FOR IT........... the "He couldnt handle the pressure he had that year" i dont buy, thats absolutely hilarious pure bullshit...

2011 was simply a huge chemistry / co-exist problems between Lebron & Wade, anything from trying to figure out how to complement eachothers games... to self-centered decisions.... and it showed up at its fullest effect at the worst time...

Little ret**ded child(pauk) please:rolleyes:

I guess the thought never occurred to you that without Wade/Bosh, Lebron "king next MJ" James sorry a** would've never been in the Finals, much less 2 years, back to back....huh? The sad part is, not only does he intentionally post stupid stuff like this, but STILL fully expects reasonable NBA fans to take him seriously:facepalm

10-13-2012, 01:45 AM
2011 happened because Wade didnt want or couldnt fully perish to the 2nd fiddle role, especially not in the Finals when he all of the sudden went in the post conference (while Lebron sat right next to him) and i quote: "This is my team, i am the leader, i have to lead by example"... it caused Lebron to be more passive than he was the entire season (including playoffs) where Wade was actually more of a 2nd fiddle, took only 13-14 FGA in that Finals... it turned Lebron to a 2nd fiddle in the Finals all of the sudden, Lebron didnt mind it at all as Wade had it going, but then came the clutch time where neither could close out........

2012 happened because Wade approved (and verbally welcomed) the 2nd fiddle role completely and i quote: "Lebron is our best player, for us to be better Lebron has to lead the way, i dont mind taking the backseat", Wade was very comfortable playing that 2nd fiddle role and gave Lebron the full greenlight......... Lebron did the rest.....

What happened in 2012 should have happened in 2011.... They co-exist today very nicely as long as Wade keeps his end of that bargain Miami Heat will continue to be this successful... because what he said and everybody said is very true... that Miami Heat can go as far as only Lebron James can take them....

You're an idiot. Seriously.

I'm a Heat fan, not a Lebron hater, so you have no resort or out when I say this; Lebron f*cked up, and lost us the championship in 2011. There is no, if, and, but or maybe. Wade is exactly 5% responsible. Wade was clutch, he did his job. It was Lebron who sucked.

Once again, you're an idiot.

10-13-2012, 01:54 AM
So Wade had the BALLS to shut up and cheer his friend on while trying his best, while Bron got all upset and passive? :roll: So in this situation, LeBron comes off as a bitch.

10-13-2012, 04:39 AM
2011 happened because Wade didnt want or couldnt fully perish to the 2nd fiddle role, especially not in the Finals when he all of the sudden went in the post conference (while Lebron sat right next to him) and i quote: "This is my team, i am the leader, i have to lead by example"... it caused Lebron to be more passive than he was the entire season (including playoffs) where Wade was actually more of a 2nd fiddle, took only 13-14 FGA in that Finals... it turned Lebron to a 2nd fiddle in the Finals all of the sudden, Lebron didnt mind it at all as Wade had it going, but then came the clutch time where neither could close out........

2012 happened because Wade approved (and verbally welcomed) the 2nd fiddle role completely and i quote: "Lebron is our best player, for us to be better Lebron has to lead the way, i dont mind taking the backseat", Wade was very comfortable playing that 2nd fiddle role and gave Lebron the full greenlight......... Lebron did the rest.....

What happened in 2012 should have happened in 2011.... They co-exist today very nicely as long as Wade keeps his end of that bargain Miami Heat will continue to be this successful... because what he said and everybody said is very true... that Miami Heat can go as far as only Lebron James can take them....

Didn't you make a thread about a year or so ago... that you were glad the Heat didn't win because that would have meant Wade would win Finals MVP ?

I just can't read this and take you seriously, dude.

10-13-2012, 08:37 AM
So Wade had the BALLS to shut up and cheer his friend on while trying his best, while Bron got all upset and passive? :roll: So in this situation, LeBron comes off as a bitch.
It just means Lebron needed to be active and with the ball at all times for his game to work. He's not a shooter and until this last season(I'd say playoffs) he was shooting too much, Spo is still an horrible coach, Lebron had no business shooting so much(Pacers, Celtics), he just needs to attack the basket until someone stops him constantly. It was infuriating as a Heat fan to see Bron fail so much and force the jumper. Wade has no problem taking over and doing what needs to be done to the best of his ability.

10-13-2012, 12:28 PM
Bump for pauk

10-13-2012, 12:57 PM
Still ****ing shaking my head at this bullshit. :facepalm

10-13-2012, 01:09 PM
Watching pauk CONSTANTLY getting owned and disowned by Heat fans, never gets old:roll:

Money 23
10-13-2012, 02:58 PM
This is entirely wrong. The Heat would have easily won if Lebron would have played like he does normally. Lebron basically robbed Wade of fmvp.
Pretty much.

LMAO @ Pauk saying Wade was second fiddle to LeBron going into the Finals.

They were dead equal in the first two rounds of the playoffs, LeBron had the superior ECF (even though Wade came up big in the clutch), and Wade had the vastly superior Finals.

10-13-2012, 03:15 PM
pauk wishes he was only trolling. He actually believes the shit he posts. It's a disease.

10-13-2012, 03:33 PM
Just a theory but....

I think the biggest reason why they can't co-exist is because their mentality on the game is different.

Wade plays at his best when he is angry while Lebron plays at his best when he is happy/having fun.

I think it explains why Wade was arguably better than Lebron was in 2011 because they were the villains and they both played angry every game to prove people wrong.

In 2012, Lebron was unquestionably better because the Heat started playing more happy/having fun. They were still hated that season but not as much in 2011 and they let their game do more of the talking this season.

So teh guys who won the ring arent coexisting well? The fact that their shit is the "highlight factory" means they arent existing well? The 94 ft alley oop from wade to lebron means they arent coexisting well?

It looks to me like they co exist well enough to get a ring. And will only get better and better as time goes on and wade and lebron can make more play soff the ball. The heat are a shoe in into the finals this year.

How do they not co exist? And wade loves having fun as well so idk where you get this. And lebron played mad in game 5 and destroyed. So yea i dont really see that.

10-13-2012, 03:39 PM
They just won a title together, so it's not THAT big of deal, but Wade and LeBron don't fit perfectly. Going ahead I think Wade really needs to work on being a better catch and shoot player. Wade can run the offense, but LeBron's special at it. Easily one of the top 5 playmakers in the league. At this point in their careers, Wade's role needs to be supplementing LeBron.

10-13-2012, 04:02 PM
pauk wishes he was only trolling. He actually believes the shit he posts. It's a disease.

That's why he has to agree with himself with his sock puppets like nash/po3try, since no reasonable person would actually agree with the nonsense he posts, pertaining to Lebron

10-13-2012, 04:10 PM
They just won a title together, so it's not THAT big of deal, but Wade and LeBron don't fit perfectly. Going ahead I think Wade really needs to work on being a better catch and shoot player. Wade can run the offense, but LeBron's special at it. Easily one of the top 5 playmakers in the league. At this point in their careers, Wade's role needs to be supplementing LeBron.
If Lebron is the best player in the game he shouldn't have trouble changing his game so that both of them can be playing at their best. So far its only been Wade thats been trying to fit with Lebron

10-13-2012, 04:21 PM
That being wrong is only a desperate wish... especially if you are a Lebron hater (or a butthurt Cavs fan) where only one thing is not wrong "Lebron choked"..... when Lebron actually didnt play bad, he shot 48% FG, led both teams in assists and rebounds basically aswell (with Chandler)... he was only passive like HELL, like ive never seen before, he took like what 14 FGA in that Finals? He was facilitating like a hot potato... and why is that? Read my post again above, especially that quote from Wade in 2011 Finals... Lebron didnt mind, Wade had it going and they were actually doing fine, but then came the 4th quarter... which was the ultimate reason to them losing the Finals... neither of them could close out games enough...

...and oh Lebron robbed Wade of FMVP? No... considering my assessment its actually Wade who robbed Lebron/Miami of a Championship because he didnt want to give Lebron the greenlight he openly gave to him in 2012.... he turned Lebron into a sidekick in the Finals, into a true 2nd fiddle, because thats how Lebron was playing... he didnt play bad, he didnt shoot bad, he only facilitated and took few shots... like a true Scottie Pippen would do.... and thats NOT LEBRON.... Wade knew he made a mistake in that Finals and changed his mindset in 2012, you dont see him go around and say anymore "I have to take charge, I am the leader of this team, this team goes as far as only I CAN TAKE THEM"..... thats basically exactly what he said/meant after the 2011 Finals Game 2 loss in the press conference while Lebron sat right next to him.... Lebron was basically "OK... lets see how that goes"..

Lebron played bad, you can say whatever you want, BUT THERE WAS A BIG REASON FOR IT........... the "He couldnt handle the pressure he had that year" i dont buy, thats absolutely hilarious pure bullshit...

2011 was simply a huge chemistry / co-exist problems between Lebron & Wade, anything from trying to figure out how to complement eachothers games... to self-centered decisions.... and it showed up at its fullest effect at the worst time...
I think you're the only person that says that lebron was passive because of wade and not say the truth of what really occurred, lebron had the worst series of his life and he chocked miserably.

12-10-2013, 11:11 AM
2011 happened because Wade didnt want or couldnt fully perish to the 2nd fiddle role, especially not in the Finals when he all of the sudden went in the post conference (while Lebron sat right next to him) and i quote: "This is my team, i am the leader, i have to lead by example"... it caused Lebron to be more passive than he was the entire season (including playoffs) where Wade was actually more of a 2nd fiddle, took only 13-14 FGA in that Finals... it turned Lebron to a 2nd fiddle in the Finals all of the sudden, Lebron didnt mind it at all as Wade had it going, but then came the clutch time where neither could close out........

2012 happened because Wade approved (and verbally welcomed) the 2nd fiddle role completely and i quote: "Lebron is our best player, for us to be better Lebron has to lead the way, i dont mind taking the backseat", Wade was very comfortable playing that 2nd fiddle role and gave Lebron the full greenlight......... Lebron did the rest.....

What happened in 2012 should have happened in 2011.... They co-exist today very nicely as long as Wade keeps his end of that bargain Miami Heat will continue to be this successful... because what he said and everybody said is very true... that Miami Heat can go as far as only Lebron James can take them....

That being wrong is only a desperate wish... especially if you are a Lebron hater (or a butthurt Cavs fan) where only one thing is not wrong "Lebron choked"..... when Lebron actually didnt play bad, he shot 48% FG, led both teams in assists and rebounds basically aswell (with Chandler)... he was only passive like HELL, like ive never seen before, he took like what 14 FGA in that Finals? He was facilitating like a hot potato... and why is that? Read my post again above, especially that quote from Wade in 2011 Finals... Lebron didnt mind, Wade had it going and they were actually doing fine, but then came the 4th quarter... which was the ultimate reason to them losing the Finals... neither of them could close out games enough...

...and oh Lebron robbed Wade of FMVP? No... considering my assessment its actually Wade who robbed Lebron/Miami of a Championship because he didnt want to give Lebron the greenlight he openly gave to him in 2012.... he turned Lebron into a sidekick in the Finals, into a true 2nd fiddle, because thats how Lebron was playing... he didnt play bad, he didnt shoot bad, he only facilitated and took few shots... like a true Scottie Pippen would do.... and thats NOT LEBRON.... Wade knew he made a mistake in that Finals and changed his mindset in 2012, you dont see him go around and say anymore "I have to take charge, I am the leader of this team, this team goes as far as only I CAN TAKE THEM"..... thats basically exactly what he said/meant after the 2011 Finals Game 2 loss in the press conference while Lebron sat right next to him.... Lebron was basically "OK... lets see how that goes"..

Lebron played bad, you can say whatever you want, BUT THERE WAS A BIG REASON FOR IT........... the "He couldnt handle the pressure he had that year" i dont buy, thats absolutely hilarious pure bullshit...

2011 was simply a huge chemistry / co-exist problems between Lebron & Wade, anything from trying to figure out how to complement eachothers games... to self-centered decisions.... and it showed up at its fullest effect at the worst time...

12-10-2013, 11:27 AM
:lol @ Pauk's bullshit.