View Full Version : MJ is not a better mid-range shooter because he's smarter, quicker and makes better

10-18-2012, 06:18 PM

So how does that make him a better mid-range shooter again?

Yeah, MJ had a higher TS and FG% but that's because he was the better decision maker and had a better shot selection, not because he was necessarily a better mid-range shooter.
Great logic

10-18-2012, 06:19 PM
Better than who? Brian Cardinal? Context, m'boy, context. :no:

10-18-2012, 06:19 PM
Better than who? Brian Cardinal? Context, m'boy, context. :no:
The Only one worth a comparison. Don't pretend you don't know who am I talking about:coleman:

10-18-2012, 06:20 PM
The Only one worth a comparison. Don't pretend you don't know who am I talking about:coleman:
You're saying there's only one player in the history of the NBA worth comparing to Michael Jordan? That sounds like hyperbole to me. :confusedshrug:

10-18-2012, 06:21 PM
You're saying there's only one player in the history of the NBA worth comparing to Michael Jordan? That sounds like hyperbole to me. :confusedshrug:
lol mid-range wise. Why you keep quoting me out of context

10-18-2012, 06:22 PM
lol mid-range wise. Why you keep quoting me out of context
You're saying there's only one NBA player ever comparable to MJ in midrange shooting? That again sounds like hyperbole.

10-18-2012, 06:22 PM

10-18-2012, 06:23 PM
You're saying there's only one NBA player ever comparable to MJ in midrange shooting? That again sounds like hyperbole.
Anyone is comparable. But only a couple are close.

10-18-2012, 07:24 PM
The Only one worth a comparison. Don't pretend you don't know who am I talking about:coleman:

larry bird?

larry was probably better dude

10-18-2012, 07:58 PM
larry bird?

larry was probably better dude

I don't like the idea of comparing players from different positions. I think Dirk is a great mid-range shooter too but I won't compare him to MJ

10-18-2012, 08:00 PM
larry bird?

larry was probably better dude

Larry was a better mid range shooter.

But back on topic part of the reason Michael was a better mid range shooter (then kobe) was because he was able to get better looks at the basket. He was a better shooter period from the midrange regardless though

10-18-2012, 08:04 PM
Larry was a better mid range shooter.

But back on topic part of the reason Michael was a better mid range shooter (then kobe) was because he was able to get better looks at the basket. He was a better shooter period from the midrange regardless though
I disagree that Larry was better but it's debatable.

10-18-2012, 08:36 PM
I disagree that Larry was better but it's debatable.

Of course it is but you honestly can't go wrong with either one :cheers:

10-18-2012, 09:08 PM
I say Jordan is the better shooter simply because he had a better concentration and emotional control. Remember, when Jordan came into the league, he didn't care about shooting 3s, yet the 1st season where he decided to make it part of his game, rather than just shooting bailout ones (1989-90), he shot better than all off Kobe's 16 seasons, but one (2002-03). And I'm including Kobe's rookie year where he had the short line.

Jordan was always consider the better midrange shooter, so it didn't make sense about the 3 pointers until I started looking at the numbers. The more Jordan shoots, the better the rhythm, the less bailout 3 pointers.

Whenever Jordan took a significant amount like Kobe, or most players for that matter, their rhythm is better and their percentages goes up.

10-18-2012, 09:15 PM
I say Jordan is the better shooter simply because he had a better concentration and emotional control. Remember, when Jordan came into the league, he didn't care about shooting 3s, yet the 1st season where he decided to make it part of his game, rather than just shooting bailout ones (1989-90), he shot better than all off Kobe's 16 seasons, but one (2002-03). And I'm including Kobe's rookie year where he had the short line.

Like, Jordan was always consider the better midrange shooter, so it didn't make sense about the 3 pointers until I started looking at the numbers. The more Jordan shoots, the better the rhythm, the less bailout 3 pointers.

Whenever Jordan took a significant amount like Kobe, or most players for that matter, their rhythm is better and their percentages goes up.

To be fair, MJ shot less 3pointers than Kobe.

But, I don't think the numbers will change dramatically. There's even some evidence that suggests that that the more 3s MJ takes per game, the better his efficiency is. I don't doubt that his efficiency would stay relatively the same if he shot as many as Kobe does.

The problem with Kobe isn't that he takes 3s, its the 'type' of 3s he takes. He forces too many bad shots.

10-18-2012, 09:24 PM
To be fair, MJ shot less 3pointers than Kobe.

But, I don't think the numbers will change dramatically. There's even some evidence that suggests that that the more 3s MJ takes per game, the better his efficiency is. I don't doubt that his efficiency would stay relatively the same if he shot as many as Kobe does.

The problem with Kobe isn't that he takes 3s, its the 'type' of 3s he takes. He forces too many bad shots.

Not sure what you're meaning to say. I basically said that when players take more 3s their 3 point percentage goes up, and when Jordan back in 89 decided to make the 3 pointer part of his game, his 3 point percentage was better than all of Kobe's 16 seasons but one. His percentage went back down next season when he only took 93 of them and the following season when he took 100. The season after that when he took over 200, it went back up to 35%.

10-19-2012, 03:56 AM
Better than who? Bird? No chance. Kobe? Probably.

10-19-2012, 03:58 AM
Not sure what you're meaning to say. I basically said that when players take more 3s their 3 point percentage goes up, and when Jordan back in 89 decided to make the 3 pointer part of his game, his 3 point percentage was better than all of Kobe's 16 seasons but one. His percentage went back down next season when he only took 93 of them and the following season when he took 100. The season after that when he took over 200, it went back up to 35%.

I dunno how I missed where you said that, you're right. I saw it after I made my post

10-19-2012, 04:05 AM
Better than who? Bird? No chance. Kobe? Probably.

jordan after 91 is in every way a better midrange shooter than bird

10-19-2012, 04:12 AM
Dirk has a strong case for best mid-range shooter. Dallas' offense basically runs through Dirks mid-range shooting and won them a championship.

10-19-2012, 04:29 AM
Dirk has a strong case for best mid-range shooter. Dallas' offense basically runs through Dirks mid-range shooting and won them a championship.

This. Dirk's midrange is insanely underrated

10-19-2012, 05:39 AM
Kobe went to the finals 7 times and won 5 chips using his mid-range as his primary weapon.. Jordan only became a good mid-range shooter during his 2nd 3peat while Kobe from day 1 was already godly in mid-range.. The difference between Mike and Kobe mid-range was Kobe make a lot of tough midrange shot becoz of tight defense while Mike make a lot open midrange shot becoz the defense in his era was weak(aka no defense era) compare to Kobe's era(aka the toughest defensive era..)

10-19-2012, 06:19 AM
Kobe went to the finals 7 times and won 5 chips using his mid-range as his primary weapon.. Jordan only became a good mid-range shooter during his 2nd 3peat while Kobe from day 1 was already godly in mid-range.. The difference between Mike and Kobe mid-range was Kobe make a lot of tough midrange shot becoz of tight defense while Mike make a lot open midrange shot becoz the defense in his era was weak(aka no defense era) compare to Kobe's era(aka the toughest defensive era..)

:oldlol: :oldlol: I sure hope you're just a dummy account

10-19-2012, 06:34 AM
jordan after 91 is in every way a better midrange shooter than bird

I wouldn't say Jordan was ever a better midrange shooter than Bird. I think, starting from 90, he was every bit as good of a midrange player.

10-19-2012, 07:20 AM
Kobe went to the finals 7 times and won 5 chips using his mid-range as his primary weapon.. Jordan only became a good mid-range shooter during his 2nd 3peat while Kobe from day 1 was already godly in mid-range.. The difference between Mike and Kobe mid-range was Kobe make a lot of tough midrange shot becoz of tight defense while Mike make a lot open midrange shot becoz the defense in his era was weak(aka no defense era) compare to Kobe's era(aka the toughest defensive era..)

Kobe's a decent midrange shooter, but his main weapon during the first threepeat was his ability to take it to the rim anytime, having Shaq there to make the buckets and by that you couldn't force him into taking shot after shot. Young, "start of prime" Kobe was so agile and unpredictable.

What happened when he solely relied on his midrange game, taking tough shots could be seen in the 2004 finals.

Calling the 90s weak defense era is a ****ing joke.

10-19-2012, 07:32 AM
Better Mid range shooter than west?


10-19-2012, 07:37 AM
The Only one worth a comparison. Don't pretend you don't know who am I talking about:coleman:


10-19-2012, 08:17 AM
Jordan only became a good mid-range shooter during his 2nd 3peat while Kobe from day 1 was already godly in mid-range..

You really are a fukking idiot.

10-19-2012, 01:23 PM
[QUOTE=andgar923]I dunno how I missed where you said that, you're right. I saw it after I made my post

10-19-2012, 03:21 PM
Jordan had an underrated shot. He was pretty accurate at mid-range.

Yung D-Will
10-19-2012, 07:26 PM
What makes MJ a better mid range shooter than guys like Dirk and Bird?

10-19-2012, 09:36 PM
What makes MJ a better mid range shooter than guys like Dirk and Bird?

Jordan was the best player and scoring leader in the league at age 35. How else can he be the best at that age without a godly midrange? Its not like hes. Bigman that can get easy baskets down low with others feeding him. Instead hes creating his own shots, at age 35, and is still the best and leading scorer.

Jus because hes not white doesnt mean he cant have the best midrange

10-19-2012, 10:31 PM
What makes MJ a better mid range shooter than guys like Dirk and Bird?

i honestly don't know if he is or not. If he is, it aint by much, if he's not it aint by much.

As to what makes him (if I agree that he is), I'm assuming some are referring to his consistency, his ability to hit from any side, any angle, any position, and different ways.

10-19-2012, 10:33 PM
MJs more efficient because he finishes better at the basket

10-20-2012, 02:16 PM
Jordan was the best player and scoring leader in the league at age 35. How else can he be the best at that age without a godly midrange? Its not like hes. Bigman that can get easy baskets down low with others feeding him. Instead hes creating his own shots, at age 35, and is still the best and leading scorer.

Jus because hes not white doesnt mean he cant have the best midrange

Yeah, I always laugh when I read that only white guys can be "crafty" and "smart", while black guys only rely on "quickness" and "instinct" while on the court. You don't average 50% career shooting (even including sh!tty years as an old man) relying strictly on dunks and "instinct" alone. Even late 80s Mike had a great mid-range shot.

10-20-2012, 02:19 PM
MJs more efficient because he finishes better at the basket

Another good point. While most players make a play for the foul only, Jordan made plays for the And 1.

10-20-2012, 02:21 PM
MJs more efficient because he finishes better at the basket

And was better moving without the ball.

Money 23
10-20-2012, 02:52 PM
And was better moving without the ball.
And was a better mid range jump shooter, and better catch and shoot player.

10-20-2012, 03:21 PM
Who cares how good your shooting supposedly is if the shots don't go in?

Not only don't go in, but bounce hard off the rim, and are taken when teammates are not in position for an offensive position or to get back on defense?

Yung D-Will
10-20-2012, 06:30 PM
Jordan was the best player and scoring leader in the league at age 35. How else can he be the best at that age without a godly midrange? Its not like hes. Bigman that can get easy baskets down low with others feeding him. Instead hes creating his own shots, at age 35, and is still the best and leading scorer.

Jus because hes not white doesnt mean he cant have the best midrange

What in the hell are you talking about? What does Race have to do with it?

Lebron lead the league in scoring before and it's not like he had a godly midrange game, I'm not really understanding that line of logic.

No one said that Jordan didn't have an amazing mid range game, I simply asked what makes his midrange game better than Dirk/Bird. Was it shot selection? Efficency from that range? The amount of double teams? What? Don't give me this "acting like white players are the only players that can be smart" bull shit. Answer the god damn question


10-21-2012, 11:36 PM
MJs more efficient because he finishes better at the basket

He mainly shot mid-range jumpers in early 90s 91-93. It was because of his good shot selection and great movement off the ball and he is a good catch and shoot player. Plus he had lift in his jump shot.

It seemed like he was better than Bird because of his great efficiency on both the regular season and playoffs. At the same time, he wasn't really the better overall shooter because range. You could go into detail on why that is. There is no real proof to compare and contrast how many mid-range made/miss shots on stats yet. At least I don't think so. So, you would just have to watch the games.

It's a good and bad thing. While stats are faster, they don't tell the whole story. You don't know how many shots were close to the rim or jump shots. Watching the games are great to watch and to watch how fluent the offense were in early 90s and 80s in comparison to the current era. You can see the difference in defense, offense, and how it was officiated, but it's time consuming.

Either way, Jordan has a amazing mid-range shot. One of the best. I think Jordan is better than Bird at that, but if he was, it wasn't by that much in Bird's prime. Can't proof it though. You just have to watch them play and make the decision for yourself.

10-21-2012, 11:51 PM
I think Jordan was every bit the midrange shooter Bird ever was by 1991 - certainly by 1992. Sports Illustrated agrees with me. In their Athlete of the Year issue in 1991 (an award which Jordan garnered), they said of Jordan that "he's the best shooter in the league; from deep Bird still has the edge, but from 21 feet and in, he is without peer." To act like Mj isn't on the short list of greatest midrange shooters/players ever (not the same thing, but he's on both lists) is absurd. One can make arguments for guys like Bird, Dirk etc. but it's a short list.

10-22-2012, 06:43 AM
My top 5 best mid range shooter..

1. Kobe
2. Bird
3. Nowitzki
4. West


5. MJ 2nd 3peat (the time when MJ became a good mid range shooter while the above players were godly from day 1)

10-22-2012, 07:51 AM
My top 5 best mid range shooter..

1. Kobe
2. Bird
3. Nowitzki
4. West


5. MJ 2nd 3peat (the time when MJ became a good mid range shooter while the above players were godly from day 1)

You're telling me 18 year old Kobe who rode the bench his first season was a godly mid-range shooter from day one? How would you know what rookie Kobe was like? You weren't even born his rookie year but you speak with such authority on the topic :lol

10-22-2012, 08:18 AM
You're telling me 18 year old Kobe who rode the bench his first season was a godly mid-range shooter from day one? How would you know what rookie Kobe was like? You weren't even born his rookie year but you speak with such authority on the topic :lol

dude's an undercover lebronyte/jordan stan. No kobe stan is even that dumb.

stop hiding under that alt acct foo!