View Full Version : Larry Bird took a sh*t load of PED's and steroids;

10-19-2012, 02:31 AM
I've got a hunch. I'm not gonna provide any links or sources - but I'm hoping with all the other doping / steroid threads w/o links and sources this will be deemed just as credible as theirs.

10-19-2012, 02:34 AM
Yep, the 80s and early 90s was both the literal and figurative steroid era.

No one played defense and everyone was roided out of their mind.

10-19-2012, 02:43 AM
Yep, the 80s and early 90s was both the literal and figurative steroid era.

No one played defense and everyone was roided out of their mind.
All I know is that Kobe and every player who has ever played in Euroleague have all NEVER done steroids or taken any form of PED's, they are clean and everyone should learn and appreciate them that much more for it :applause:

10-19-2012, 02:46 AM
Real talk. DWade took steroids after his knee injury before the FIBA games.

10-19-2012, 02:46 AM
Did anyone see that article ESPN's NBA section put out yesterday about the NBA's lax drug testing policies and that even though HGH is banned the players aren't tested for it?

10-19-2012, 02:51 AM
I think the players should be allowed to take whatever they need to recover from an injury. Aside from that PEDs should be banned.

Larry was definitely jacked. Just look at him.

10-19-2012, 03:10 AM
why do you guys even respond to trolls so much? stop giving them the attention they seek and they'll make less threads and eventually go away. just rise above...find something better to do than argue with nimrods that just want to instigate

10-19-2012, 03:18 AM
why do you guys even respond to trolls so much?

I guess it wouldn't be ISH anymore.


Though, I will admit that the trolling on ISH isn't Sherdog level.

10-19-2012, 03:21 AM
I guess it wouldn't be ISH anymore.


Though, I will admit that the trolling on ISH isn't Sherdog level.

:lol true enough. i can't even go on sherdog many times...i guess it comes w/ the territory when boards get popular

10-19-2012, 03:23 AM
Larry had that potato farmer/hick type strength. Insane strength from the core, and very static strength in the sense he could hold someone where he wanted them until he made his move.

Mitch Richmond was very similar in this sense.

10-19-2012, 03:34 AM
:lol true enough. i can't even go on sherdog many times...i guess it comes w/ the territory when boards get popular

This is true, I used to lurk around there a lot, but after while I have to stay away from it as far as possible. The discussion is good at times but there's so much trolling over there, I just stopped reading frequently over there.

10-19-2012, 03:40 AM
You know what OP, I noticed the bulge in Lebrons pants has been shrinking a bit lately. Do you think this may be attributed to his balls shrinking as a result of steroid use? Just a hunch..

10-19-2012, 04:04 AM
Roids = weak era = slow non-athletic players = no defense played. Bird is a scrub in today's league.

10-19-2012, 09:16 AM
Yeah, Bird sure looked like a juicer. :rolleyes:

10-19-2012, 09:47 AM
why do you guys even respond to trolls so much? stop giving them the attention they seek and they'll make less threads and eventually go away. just rise above...find something better to do than argue with nimrods that just want to instigate


it should go without saying

10-19-2012, 08:29 PM
You know what OP, I noticed the bulge in Lebrons pants has been shrinking a bit lately. Do you think this may be attributed to his balls shrinking as a result of steroid use? Just a hunch..
Im concerned that you are paying that much attention to another mans crotch that you would be able to determine its shrinkage:biggums:

get these NETS
10-19-2012, 08:44 PM
op was making a point...

certain that bird wasn't juicing, but if he was in half the pain that he says he was in after his back started acting up...he was on heavy drugs to be able to suit up.

try taking out trash cans with a bad back......and then imagine playing pro sports.......

10-19-2012, 09:39 PM
Did anyone see that article ESPN's NBA section put out yesterday about the NBA's lax drug testing policies and that even though HGH is banned the players aren't tested for it?


The NBA will tell you it has been vigorously testing for every kind of drug for decades and is just smarter than the other leagues.

Congress will tell you this: Under the NBA policy, NBA players face no random testing at all once they complete their rookie year. They are only tested once each year, during their one-month training camp. The policy also fails to cover a vast number of drugs. There are literally dozens of steroids and stimulants that are outlawed in Olympic competition that are still legal for use in the NBA. The policy fails to cover performance enhancers such as human growth hormone or EPO. And it fails to cover designer steroids."

As of 2009, the media reported it this way: Lawmakers on the House Government Reform Committee called the NBA's drug-testing policy "a joke," saying it's weaker than the NFL's or baseball's. As the NBA's steroids policy was branded "pathetic" by lawmakers Thursday, the head of a congressional panel said he will propose a law creating drug-testing standards for the four major professional sports leagues.*

Brick Rick
10-20-2012, 12:19 AM
OP is an old fart who sympathizes with past eras and he was simply making a point with this thread.

10-20-2012, 12:24 AM

yeah like Barry Bonds he started looking really bloated at the end of his career.

10-20-2012, 01:03 AM
You know what OP, I noticed the bulge in Lebrons pants has been shrinking a bit lately. Do you think this may be attributed to his balls shrinking as a result of steroid use? Just a hunch..

:roll: :roll: :roll:

10-20-2012, 04:44 PM
why do you guys even respond to trolls so much? stop giving them the attention they seek and they'll make less threads and eventually go away. just rise above...find something better to do than argue with nimrods that just want to instigate

I like to think of ISH like I do cable TV. You have your sh!tty programs, your good programs, your great programs, and your informative programs. Don't like a program, hey just change the station and keep moving. You usually know what you're gonna get based on the thread title and opening sentence anyway.

What I can't stand is that it's usually the boring, vanilla types that add no informative or entertainment value to a thread that do the most complaining. Stop whining, and start creating threads that interest people.

10-20-2012, 05:54 PM
I have a feeling that Jordan took the pill from Limitless.

10-20-2012, 05:56 PM
Im concerned that you are paying that much attention to another mans crotch that you would be able to determine its shrinkage:biggums:

I've been paying more attention to my own crotch recently.

get these NETS
10-20-2012, 05:57 PM
what I drew from the op was that......since people are throwing around accusations casually about who took what.....why not throw an icon of the sport under the bus also?

with predictable results

10-20-2012, 06:03 PM
Roids = weak era = slow non-athletic players = no defense played. Bird is a scrub in today's league.

OK, thanks for this. I believe this totally now just because YOU said it!

Same to OP

10-20-2012, 06:18 PM
what I drew from the op was that......since people are throwing around accusations casually about who took what.....why not throw an icon of the sport under the bus also?

with predictable results

I think Wilt used viagra. No way a man can bang that much without performance enhancers.