View Full Version : Garnett has earned nearly 100 million more than Duncan

10-26-2012, 02:26 PM
Career salary
KG: 291 million
Duncan: 204 million

And KG has played in 1380 career games to Duncan's 1301 career games. :facepalm

10-26-2012, 02:30 PM
and the point is? they're both filthy rich.

in perhaps related news, Tim Duncan is about to open up a car shop (customization) in San Antonio, called "BlackJack" (a reference to his number).


10-26-2012, 02:31 PM
Who gives a shit?

10-26-2012, 02:31 PM
Oh, wow, poor Tim Duncan.. :facepalm

10-26-2012, 02:31 PM
and the point is? they're both filthy rich.

in perhaps related news, Tim Duncan is about to open up a car shop (customization) in San Antonio, called "BlackJack" (a reference to his number).

:oldlol: So unlike his public image.

10-26-2012, 02:32 PM
not really thread worthy but are people really trying marginalize a hundred million? you f*cking serious?

10-26-2012, 02:34 PM
Good gawd I feel so bad for duncan..

But really who the fvck cares, you're talking like somebody whi has 200 million off of playing a game & being tall is some kind of travesty?

Aw I feel horrible that he doesn't have an extra 100 mil :rolleyes:

I hope he's able to get his family on medi cade.

Should I expect to see duncan in a soup kitchen sometime soon?

10-26-2012, 02:35 PM
not really thread worthy but are people really trying marginalize a hundred million? you f*cking serious?

No, we don't.

But to even start a thread like this is stupidity, what are we supposed to discuss? If Tim Duncan deserves as much or more than Garnett? That they both make way too much money? That RRR3 is a gay poster?

10-26-2012, 02:39 PM
Career salary
KG: 291 million
Duncan: 204 million

And KG has played in 1380 career games to Duncan's 1301 career games. :facepalm

I'm sure Duncan is happier with the 3 extra rings, extra MVP, the extra 3 FMVP's..........

10-26-2012, 02:39 PM
I here by have started a petition in order to get Duncan that 100 million he deserves. If all of ISH can band together and donate just a little out of our own pockets maybe we can make this situation right.

Quote this post & reply with how much you'll be donating, donations of any amount are welcomed as it is for a good cause.

I mean, Timmy's got to feed his children.

10-26-2012, 02:39 PM
he played 2 years longer and he we all know he was making like 30 millions in minnesota

10-26-2012, 02:42 PM
Testament to how much Minnesota had to pay him to get him to play there

10-26-2012, 02:43 PM
Duncan was obviously a better investment.

10-26-2012, 02:49 PM
Anyone who thinks their worth is directly tied to how much money they make is wasting their life. If Tim Duncan doesn't care, why on earth do you?

It's not a crime nor sin to turn down money and live a life without greed.

10-26-2012, 02:49 PM
When people say "Duncan had more talent, thats the only difference between him and KG" I laugh.

Kevin Garnett crippled his team financially so putting another marquee player next to him was next to impossible. They got incredibly lucky with Cassell.

Duncan always took slightly less than he would get on the open market(He still got the max essentially), but this allowed SA to fill talent around him more. Blame Kevin Garnetts greediness for his lack of supporting cast, not the Minnesota front office.

10-26-2012, 03:01 PM
Didn't TD take a huge paycut when he was in his direct prime? Compare that to Garnett who took the absolute most amount of money he possibly could have. I'm nt saying which way is better, but one player had more success, while the other has much more money.

10-26-2012, 03:29 PM
Good gawd I feel so bad for duncan..

But really who the fvck cares, you're talking like somebody whi has 200 million off of playing a game & being tall is some kind of travesty?

Aw I feel horrible that he doesn't have an extra 100 mil :rolleyes:

I hope he's able to get his family on medi cade.

Should I expect to see duncan in a soup kitchen sometime soon?

it is just amazing, someone straight out of high school. Also amazed at Duncans agility miles wise. How did KG manage to do so well financially, only one championship to Duncan's several.

10-26-2012, 03:33 PM
I'm sure Duncan is happier with the 3 extra rings, extra MVP, the extra 3 FMVP's..........

came in here to mention this

10-26-2012, 03:59 PM
Career salary
KG: 291 million
Duncan: 204 million

And KG has played in 1380 career games to Duncan's 1301 career games. :facepalm

That is the value of showing human emotions once in awhile:lol

10-26-2012, 04:23 PM
I'm sure Duncan is happier with the 3 extra rings, extra MVP, the extra 3 FMVP's..........


Yeah I'm sure he's happy with some dumbass sports accolades instead of 100 million dollars. I would take an NBA ring over a 100 million in a heartbeat.

But let's face it: Tim Duncan is richer right now. KG spent most of his money on missile launchers and missiles.

10-26-2012, 04:24 PM
When people say "Duncan had more talent, thats the only difference between him and KG" I laugh.

Kevin Garnett crippled his team financially so putting another marquee player next to him was next to impossible. They got incredibly lucky with Cassell.

Duncan always took slightly less than he would get on the open market(He still got the max essentially), but this allowed SA to fill talent around him more. Blame Kevin Garnetts greediness for his lack of supporting cast, not the Minnesota front office.

Exactly. I hate to hear the excuses about KG and the lack of talent around him. With those HELLUVA contracts, how could a city (midwest, small market, freezing cold) sign talent around him? He signed not one, not two but THREE contracts with MIN when he could have gone some where else to try to win a championship.

Well, he's got his ring and his millions now, and his fans will forever be wondering WHAT IF?

10-26-2012, 04:36 PM
Didn't TD take a huge paycut when he was in his direct prime? Compare that to Garnett who took the absolute most amount of money he possibly could have. I'm nt saying which way is better, but one player had more success, while the other has much more money.

I often find myself wondering how people say such things without even looking into them. KG made 28 million in 2004. At his very best. 58 win WCF team MVP Kevin Garnett. Next season? 16. His contract predates the CBA. He..like Shaq...could get raises virtually forever. And Minnesota would have had to give he what he wanted. And what did he do?

Take the largest paycut in the history of basketball for a player in his prime. He went from 28 to...16...instead of to the 32 or 33 million WITH annual raises that was the true max for him.

KG literally took like....50 million dollars less than his max contract.

But people think he took all he could? Based on what? Where do you pull that information from?

10-26-2012, 04:55 PM
has somebody already contacted Amnesty International? If not this is probably one of the most unrecognized injustices of all time.

10-26-2012, 05:08 PM
I here by have started a petition in order to get Duncan that 100 million he deserves. If all of ISH can band together and donate just a little out of our own pockets maybe we can make this situation right.

Quote this post & reply with how much you'll be donating, donations of any amount are welcomed as it is for a good cause.

I mean, Timmy's got to feed his children.
Bro it's not that serious

10-26-2012, 05:17 PM
Basically Garnett went pro earlier and got his first big contract before the '99 CBA established the individual max. Duncan didn't. Ironically KG's is one of (perhaps THE) contracts that made caused the lockout (and so led to the limit on Duncan's earnings).

10-26-2012, 05:24 PM
I often find myself wondering how people say such things without even looking into them. KG made 28 million in 2004. At his very best. 58 win WCF team MVP Kevin Garnett. Next season? 16. His contract predates the CBA. He..like Shaq...could get raises virtually forever. And Minnesota would have had to give he what he wanted. And what did he do?

Take the largest paycut in the history of basketball for a player in his prime. He went from 28 to...16...instead of to the 32 or 33 million WITH annual raises that was the true max for him.

KG literally took like....50 million dollars less than his max contract.

But people think he took all he could? Based on what? Where do you pull that information from?

Do you realize how much $28 million was back in 2003? So he cut back from an OBSCENE $28m to "only" $16m - still more than Duncan ($12m) and Kobe ($13m) in 03. Even Kobe in 2012 (almost 10 years later) is making less ($25m).

Shaq's (whose contract also predates the CBA) highest salary is $27m and that was a year later. Shaq's 19 year career is $10 million less than what KG will earn in 19 years and over $36m less overall. Cry me a river over KG and his salary.

Kevin Garnett has made more in NBA salary than anyone. Ever.
Kurt Helin Aug 27, 2012, 1:53 PM EDT

Kevin Garnett took a pay cut to come back to the Boston Celtics this year. It’s three years, $34 million. We’d all like a pay cut like that.

But it was still enough — with his new contract Kevin Garnett passes Shaquille O’Neal as highest career earner in NBA history.

WarriorsWorld tweeted out a new list updated with current NBA contracts, and here is the top 10:

1. Kevin Garnett $328,562,398
2. Shaquille O’Neal $292, 198, 327
3. Kobe Bryant $279,738,062
4. Tim Duncan $224,709,155
5. Dirk Nowitzki $204,063,985
6. Joe Johnson $198,647,490
7. Jason Kidd $193,855,468
8. Ray Allen $181,127,360
9. Chris Webber $178,230,218
10. Paul Pierce $169,486,218

If you rolled your eyes at those guys, at least they care all great players, but No. 12 on the list is Jermaine O’Neal. LeBron is 24th, but he has a couple big contracts ahead of him.

What about Michael Jordan? He’s 87th at $90 million. But his endorsement money (to this day) would vault him way, way up the list.


10-26-2012, 05:24 PM
I often find myself wondering how people say such things without even looking into them. KG made 28 million in 2004. At his very best. 58 win WCF team MVP Kevin Garnett. Next season? 16. His contract predates the CBA. He..like Shaq...could get raises virtually forever. And Minnesota would have had to give he what he wanted. And what did he do?

Take the largest paycut in the history of basketball for a player in his prime. He went from 28 to...16...instead of to the 32 or 33 million WITH annual raises that was the true max for him.

KG literally took like....50 million dollars less than his max contract.

But people think he took all he could? Based on what? Where do you pull that information from?
Didn't know KG took a paycut.

I guess people are referring to the fact that Minnesota had to let go of Marbury because of money issues (lol at the irony)

Also, Garnett was the first one with the $100 million dollar contract, so he was kinda in the forefront in all of this at that time.

People forget that it was the Twolves own stupidity that wasted KG's prime years. That deal with Joe Smith (even more laughable than the Marbury situation) held them back soooo many years.

Joe Smith, reallly? If the Twolves had to do that boneheaded under the table move it should have been for someone else not playing the same position as K.G. Also, didn't they have googs as well?

I think the NBA made Minnesota an example with those forfeited draft picks. How about the Heat / Juwan? Did Stern block that for basketball reasons too? I don't remember any sanctions on them.

10-26-2012, 05:28 PM
Speaking of Juwan..... he had the same $100 million cap killing contract, and destroyed the future of the 90's bullets.

10-26-2012, 05:42 PM
The salary cap in 03-04 was $43.84m. How could any player (in good conscience) sign a contract which takes up 63.9% of the salary cap?

10-26-2012, 06:48 PM
The salary cap in 03-04 was $43.84m. How could any player (in good conscience) sign a contract which takes up 63.9% of the salary cap?
Because the organisation (in good faith) offered it to him? And because he didn't know what the cap would be when he took the deal (and the Wolves decided to significantly backload the contract, the last year being double the first).

On a more general note I do sometimes feel players can't win. If they give up money and stats (a la the Heat) they're colluding and evil. If they take the money they're greedy and don't care about winning and evil.

Personally I prefered it when there was no individual player max. It means elite players get what they're worth and removes much of the incentive for superteams (unless players are willing to take very substantial paycuts)

10-26-2012, 07:06 PM
Why do people ignore all the draft picks the Wolves lost with the Joe Smith fiasco and the bad decisions they made with their other picks when talking about KG's lack of success in Minnesota? There's a reason McHale is regarded as one of the worst GM's of all time, while I somewhere near a third of the league's GM's were once Spurs employees.

10-26-2012, 08:38 PM
I often find myself wondering how people say such things without even looking into them. KG made 28 million in 2004. At his very best. 58 win WCF team MVP Kevin Garnett. Next season? 16. His contract predates the CBA. He..like Shaq...could get raises virtually forever. And Minnesota would have had to give he what he wanted. And what did he do?

Take the largest paycut in the history of basketball for a player in his prime. He went from 28 to...16...instead of to the 32 or 33 million WITH annual raises that was the true max for him.

KG literally took like....50 million dollars less than his max contract.

But people think he took all he could? Based on what? Where do you pull that information from?

He did take all he could when he signed that 6 year, 126 million dollar contract, which was the biggest contract in history at the time. That 28 mil was in the last year of that contract, right? Was there any team at the time that would resign him to the same type of deal again? Either he had to take a pay cut or he was smart enough to take one because he realized that in 9 years, he only went deep into the playoffs one time.

10-26-2012, 09:01 PM
When people say "Duncan had more talent, thats the only difference between him and KG" I laugh.

Kevin Garnett crippled his team financially so putting another marquee player next to him was next to impossible. They got incredibly lucky with Cassell.

Duncan always took slightly less than he would get on the open market(He still got the max essentially), but this allowed SA to fill talent around him more. Blame Kevin Garnetts greediness for his lack of supporting cast, not the Minnesota front office.

Minny was known for having the worst GM around. They lost several first round draft picks for KG's backup. Yeah. His backup! GM Made horrible trades. Couldn't even retain Nestrovic when he showed promise playing next to KG and SA stole him from Minny without compensation and it wasn't even cap reasons. Overpaid a high number of guys that were sixth men caliber. They didn't get anything substantial for Marbury. Didn't keep Sprewell at bargain prices and you are trying to say the GM's contract to KG caused it all. Slightly less than the market value was going to make a backward GM and upside down organization make Slightly less than the market value work.

10-26-2012, 11:54 PM
He was 27...right in the middle of his prime as the leagues MVP. And he literally took half the money that would be his max. Half. Instead of going to 32 or so and still rising...he takes 16. In a league with Finley making 15 headed to 20, Alan Houston making 17 to not play, Webber making 18 past his prime, Shareef making 14.6, Rasheed Wallace making 17, and Damon Stoudamire and Vin Baker still making almost 14. Jermaine Oneal was about to sign for 120 million. Howard had made 17, 19, and 20 million for 3 years. brian Grant made 13 and 14 million to not play. Zo had made 17, 19 and 20.6 to play...most of one of those seasons.

16 million is still a lot.....in the real world. But the NBA is not the real world. It was one of the best 16 million you could spend at the time. Then just as now half the guys on those deals were not worth it. KG was worth it and more.

He would have been able to get anything he asked for and it was a big discussion around here at the time. there were talks of agents in like 2003 wanting him and Shaq to get as much as possible because the players union ALWAYS wants contracts getting bigger and players to take all they can get to set the stage. To establish what you do to keep a player like that.

And he took what I suspect was the biggest paycut either by total or percentage a player on his level ever took in his prime.

And just 8-9 years later people actually think he:

took the absolute most amount of money he possibly could have
Its as if reality isnt even a concern.

Not that it really mattered considering the fact that by 05 Minnesotas salary WITHOUT KG would have been over the cap.

Was just a poorly ran team with a lot of bad luck(Brandons injury, people dying, losing 5 years of draft picks and so on). KGs contract? Barely even noteworthy all things considered.

Glenn Robinson was on the verge of getting 100 million as a rookie. Two teams wanted to give Howard 100(Heat and Bullets). Zo got like 105? Houston got 100 million. Jermaine Oneal 120? Guys like Baker, Kemp, and Penny were talked about as the next 100 million dollar men. Teams are still handing out 127 million to Joe Johnson types and 120 for Rashard Lewis. Arenas got what? 100? And that was with him giving some back.

Kg got 120 to be great the whole time. Guys are given 120 who were never great to begin with and then got worse when they got it.

Then he cut his pay in half even as guys like Michael Finley signed deals that got them 18.5 million....in 2008...and Keith Vanhorn made 15+ 7 years past his peak. Shit Theo Ratliff made 12 million in 2008 and he wasnt worth that in 2002.

KGs deal wouldnt even crack a top 100 list of deals teams would wish they could take back.

10-27-2012, 01:34 AM
Because the organisation (in good faith) offered it to him? And because he didn't know what the cap would be when he took the deal (and the Wolves decided to significantly backload the contract, the last year being double the first).

On a more general note I do sometimes feel players can't win. If they give up money and stats (a la the Heat) they're colluding and evil. If they take the money they're greedy and don't care about winning and evil.

Personally I prefered it when there was no individual player max. It means elite players get what they're worth and removes much of the incentive for superteams (unless players are willing to take very substantial paycuts)

And KG didn't know what his salary would be in the last year of the contract and how that would affect the organization's ability to pay for his team mates?

I feel that Lebron did the right thing leaving Cleveland to go to the Heat for a chance to win. When he gave it a good shot (7 years) and it's clear that they weren't going to win, why not? These players make a lot in endorsements too, and how much can one spend in a lifetime compared to the dissatisfaction of losing year after year.

I don't blame KG for grabbing as much as he could, but it comes with consequences. I just hate to hear fans make excuses for him, complaining about his team mates when any player's huge salary affects the quality of team mates around him. Common sense, you know?

Kobe 4 The Win
10-27-2012, 02:39 AM
I'm sure Duncan is happier with the 3 extra rings, extra MVP, the extra 3 FMVP's..........

A legacy is something you get instead of getting paid. lol.

Anyone here who thinks they wouldn't trade 3 rings and 3 FMVPs for 100 million dollars is full of shit.

10-28-2012, 08:30 PM
Career salary
KG: 291 million
Duncan: 204 million

That's just proof that just because you get more money, doesn't mean you're the greater player.