View Full Version : Shit is gettin' real on your Facebooks!

11-07-2012, 12:28 AM
Well, it is on mine, lol.

People are so ignorant, on both side. It's some funny shit though, but sad.

11-07-2012, 12:30 AM
copy paste some

friends on mine are just relieved

11-07-2012, 12:31 AM
People are ignorant as f*ck. People saying stupid sh*t like "LOL OBAMAAAAAAA" and "MY PREZ BLACK" and "ONCE U GO BLACK BITCH"

11-07-2012, 12:32 AM
I never knew so many of my "friends" were closet racists. Kinda creepy.

11-07-2012, 12:35 AM
I'm so happy this crap is over with. I hate having to hear from all these armchair policy experts all the time.

11-07-2012, 12:39 AM
Most of my FB friends are black (hs) so mostly positive responses as you might imagine. A few sarcastic responses from some friends who I'm not sure if they are republican, another party or democrats opposed to Obama, but nothing malicious yet.

11-07-2012, 12:40 AM
Luckily nearly all my FB friends are Liberals.

11-07-2012, 12:41 AM
I never knew so many of my "friends" were closet racists. Kinda creepy.

The only racism I've seen so far is black people with no knowledge of the issues voting for Obama simply because he's black.

11-07-2012, 12:43 AM
The only racism I've seen so far is black people with no knowledge of the issues voting for Obama simply because he's black.Not me. Multiple n-words from otherwise completely civil people.

11-07-2012, 12:44 AM
The only racism I've seen so far is black people with no knowledge of the issues voting for Obama simply because he's black.
Say word

11-07-2012, 12:44 AM
"In 4 years, i will vote for Obama cause i'm Asian."

then her younger sister responded

" Obama for life ~ Maaa *****"

:facepalm :facepalm Obama can't get reelected for a 3rd term, you knucklehead. Stop trying to sound like a smart kid

11-07-2012, 12:48 AM
here come the "I'm defecting" posts

11-07-2012, 12:49 AM
Half the people on FB are moving out of the country :roll:

11-07-2012, 12:52 AM
Damn, Al Jazeera taking shots at Obama. Criticizing him saying that his victory isn't "fate" or an "accident". And that he was addressing "that cozy little group that put him back in office." Got damn.

11-07-2012, 12:53 AM
Damn, Al Jazeera taking shots at Obama. Criticizing him saying that his victory isn't "fate" or an "accident". And that he was addressing "that cozy little group that put him back in office." Got damn.
Al Jazerra is your facebook friend?

11-07-2012, 12:56 AM
Being from Australia I see two groups, those screaming OBAMA! but with no real interest in politics, and those whinging about how the presidential race has no impact on our country so everyone should shut up about it.

11-07-2012, 01:01 AM
Al Jazerra is your facebook friend?
I wonder if she is hot. Can you post some pics, Loneshot? Pretty please <3

11-07-2012, 01:11 AM
Im like the lone democrat in my ap biology class.

11-07-2012, 01:23 AM
Here's my Facebook with some...

Someone typed in "RAGEQUIT!" with this picture...



Original post: Romney is still show the president a lack of respect

Reply #1: cuz his ass triflin!
Reply #2: he's Bitch made. that's all he kno. it's cool tho, look who his president is...lol put that in mitts


Original post: Now Romney don't want to say they lost Ohio give up do

Reply #1: Its a wrap. Dont be a sore loser


Original post: LOL@ all the whiners...it is what it is...get over it!!

My reply: Jen, I couldn't agree with you more. I'd give you a hug right now in agreement. LOL


This next one she's be posting like crazy, it's annoying as f*ck...

Candace: We came, we saw and we conquered x2.... Congratulations Mr. President

Candance: Yay... Repeat of 2008

She then posted the following picture... :facepalm



Original post: I'd feel better if I was a non working American on welfare, however I'm not and will soon have a degree which is pointless under this so call "leadership"

Replier #1: U mad?
42 minutes ago

11-07-2012, 01:30 AM
The only racism I've seen so far is black people with no knowledge of the issues voting for Obama simply because he's black.

So whites who voted for Obama only did it because he's...........Black as well?

11-07-2012, 01:34 AM
So whites who voted for Obama only did it because he's...........Black as well?

No, because they care little for the future dominance of the US on the world stage and would rather continue receiving government handouts.

11-07-2012, 01:37 AM
I love getting shit for free
I love giving away my money for free to help my fellow man. :cheers: I give you take!

11-07-2012, 01:39 AM
No, because they care little for the future dominance of the US on the world stage and would rather continue receiving government handouts.

You may want to do some research on those so-called "Hand Outs". Ask the people on the east coast if they're saying no to any "hand outs" right about now...

11-07-2012, 01:39 AM
Yes. People want to continue receiving financial aid to go to school and build a future for themselves and their kids.

Yeah, and the rest of us just love footing the bill.

11-07-2012, 01:40 AM
No, because they care little for the future dominance of the US on the world stage and would rather continue receiving government handouts.

Damn, you've really committed to those GOP talking points. Keep living in that false reality tho if it will help you cope.

11-07-2012, 01:41 AM
Yeah, and the rest of us just love footing the bill.
I don't mind paying for it.

11-07-2012, 01:44 AM
Shut the f*ck up. What do you mean "us"? If a few dollars in extra taxes hurts your pockets then you need to get off your ass and find a better job. You think Romney gives a f*ck about you? He makes more in the time it takes to wipe his ass than you make in a month.

So you are entitled to the money I work my ass off for? And if I have a problem with this I should simply find a better job? Unbelievable.

11-07-2012, 01:45 AM
Yes. People want to continue receiving financial aid to go to school and build a future for themselves and their kids.

We're not talking about those "hands-outs". That's not a hand-out, that's an investment to improve our country for the long haul.

A hand-out is people with no ambition collecting social assistance and dealing drugs on the side. Then the middle-class families who worked hard and got an education are forced to pay MORE for Obamacare and those parasites through increased taxes.

Now you see why us republicans are upset? :coleman:

11-07-2012, 01:45 AM
My n!gga

To be serious, I don't' mind it. I know it helps people, some people get the money that don't need it, but I grew up in a home where my mother and I needed welfare to survive.

11-07-2012, 01:46 AM

11-07-2012, 01:47 AM
Yes. What is hard to understand?

11-07-2012, 01:49 AM
"Well, I'm happy for my gay/lesbian and union worker friends and family out there. I hate how our military is about to be treated. And if you don't have healthcare, be prepared to get another job just to afford them, cause we have to be able to give every alien that comes here free benefits."

11-07-2012, 01:50 AM
"Well, I'm happy for my gay/lesbian and union worker friends and family out there. I hate how our military is about to be treated. And if you don't have healthcare, be prepared to get another job just to afford them, cause we have to be able to give every alien that comes here free benefits."
I can't wait. :rockon: I'm looking forward to help this under-privileged people. They're human, I'm human, it's all good.

11-07-2012, 01:50 AM
Haven't checked my Facebook in months. Life is better without it.

11-07-2012, 01:51 AM

To be serious, I don't' mind it. I know it helps people, some people get the money that don't need it, but I grew up in a home where my mother and I needed welfare to survive.

Exactly!! And I'm sure that at some point your mom was working, or is working again, and is paying into that exact assistance program that helped you get back on your feet. I've been in the work world for over 20 years and I'll be damned if I'm not using financial programs that I've paid into for years, if I ever needed them.

11-07-2012, 01:52 AM

11-07-2012, 01:52 AM
Exactly!! And I'm sure that at some point your mom was working, or is working again, and is paying into that exact assistance program that helped you get back on your feet. I've been in the work world for over 20 years and I'll be damned if I'm not using financial programs that I've paid into for years, if I ever needed them.
After I was almost an adult she got to working, she's had health problems and unforuantely she's one of those people who will fall between the cracks, her health problems are to severe to get a st able job, no one will hire her, but the government denies her financial aid because they don't feel her health problems are severe enough to not get a job.

11-07-2012, 01:53 AM
So you are entitled to the money I work my ass off for? And if I have a problem with this I should simply find a better job? Unbelievable.

Yup. Obama hates Doctors, Lawyers, Pharmacists, Dentists, or anyone else who worked their ass off their whole life and still do to get where they are today. My cousin is a physician who sometimes has to wake up at 4am at night to go back to the hospital.He can't spend enough time with his family or get a good night's sleep. And Obama wants to take the one thing he has, a comfortable salary, and give it to lazy neckbeards living in their parents' basement playing Halo 10.


11-07-2012, 01:54 AM
So you are entitled to the money I work my ass off for? And if I have a problem with this I should simply find a better job? Unbelievable.

you probably dont know how a government works. there job is to set up a society for everyone to live in. the purpose of living is to be content and have security for yourself and your family. so you pitching in money to help the next guy is your insurance that if your ever in that spot then you would be taken care of and not tossed into the street.

11-07-2012, 01:57 AM
After I was almost an adult she got to working, she's had health problems and unforuantely she's one of those people who will fall between the cracks, her health problems are to severe to get a st able job, no one will hire her, but the government denies her financial aid because they don't feel her health problems are severe enough to not get a job.

Yeah, I'm sorry to hear that. But I'm sure you're doing everything you can to help keep her on her feet. If she can get her condition verified by a doctor stating she's truly unable to work, I think she'll be able to get aid then.

11-07-2012, 01:58 AM
Exactly!! And I'm sure that at some point your mom was working, or is working again, and is paying into that exact assistance program that helped you get back on your feet. I've been in the work world for over 20 years and I'll be damned if I'm not using financial programs that I've paid into for years, if I ever needed them.

:facepalm You guys do know the underground economy is in the billions and over 70% of drug dealers, prostitutes and loan sharks collect some form of assistance.

NO ONE'S TALKING ABOUT PEOPLE WHO NEED TO GET BACK ON OUR FEET. The problem I have is asking the middle-class to pay more in taxes because we don't have a way to control our assistance programs. And it's funny how a republican is a terrible person if he's more willing to help out small business and middle class and ignore "less" fortunate ones; but yet it's perfectly fine to ignore small business and the middle-class and put more effort into the less fortunate, since you know...those other people got money.

Yet it's unbelievably frustrating to hear such logic, when those same people in the middle-class have worked their asses off to live comfortably. I finished school just now and had a great job. I ate peanut butter sandwiches and pasta for a year straight when I was in school because students loans weren't enough to cover my living expenses. I struggled but persevered, and now I have a great job and I AM HELPING THE ECONOMY not taking advantage of it. So what do I get to show for it? Pay more taxes to pay people who have no ambition and no perseverance.
**** that!

And if you guys seriously think the government spends more money on assistance programs for people that actually need it against those who just abuse it, you really need to open your eyes to reality.

11-07-2012, 01:59 AM
So a guy getting money from the government to go to school isn't a handout but a dude getting money from the government to feed himself or take care of his kids while he's laid off is?

Both of those instances are people who need assistance, not abusing the system.

11-07-2012, 02:00 AM
Yeah, I'm sorry to hear that. But I'm sure you're doing everything you can to help keep her on her feet. If she can get her condition verified by a doctor stating she's truly unable to work, I think she'll be able to get aid then.
She can't the doctors don't know what the hell it is. She has a skin condition that flares up randomly to where she can even walk because it's in "delicate" areas to put it lightly. She's border-line kidney failure as well. Part of that is her own fault. 3-5 cans of Pepsi every day for 20 years will do that to you.

11-07-2012, 02:05 AM
Please let me know how this scenario or some variant of it always ends up in the welfare debates? Are you trying to say that there is wide-spread extreme misuse of welfare in this manner or is that just a made for TV movie scenario to highlight the problems of welfare?

I know more people who are on welfare for more then 5 years, then people who are on it temporary. In those 5 years, is it really difficult to find a job? Probably not, they're just comfortable living like that and have no ambition to better themselves through school or find a job. You know why? Because most of those people have little education and have no motivation to get educated. Therefore the best job they'll get is slightly above minimum wage and they figure it's not worth working 160+ hours a month to only get 400 dollars more legitimately.

THERE IS A GIANT MISUSE OF WELFARE; not only from my own personal experience but look at the underground economy and its billions of dollars annually. You honestly think most of those people don't get money under the table because they don't want to get kicked off assistance?

Please be realistic, put yourself in those deadbeats shoes and think like they would. Fact is, when I lived in California a lot of my friends were drug dealers who just collected either disability or welfare; and 5 years later they still are in the same situation...

And you wonder why California was so unanimous in favor of Obama? :rolleyes:

11-07-2012, 02:11 AM
And what makes you think those kind of people aren't the majority? Times are hard man. Lots of people have lost their jobs and haven't been able to recover immediately.

That's my point, times are hard because for so long people were voting for presidents who offered hand-outs. The middle class, corporations and smaller businesses are catalysts for our economy, yet we consistently abuse them and ask for "more". To help our our assistant programs that have very weak controls in place.

The economy is hard and so many people are laid off because the country continues to vote for guys like Obama, who offers free health care and more assistance programs; taxes the middle class and the economy never recovers BECAUSE WE'RE TAKING AWAY FROM THE SOURCE THAT FEEDS OUR ECONOMY. Nothing is free in this country; people think Obamacare is actually free? Wait a few years, and ask yourself why a loaf of bread is 5 bucks, why our gas prices went up but most importantly ask yourself this WHY ARE WE IN A RECESSION.

You know why? Because we continually help out a lot of people who do not care about helping the country and are only looking out for themselves, and we neglect the people who do help our economy. And I love how politics created this perception that the middle-class or business people are simply "greedy".

Like go **** yourselves, go do what those people have done and achieved in their lives; how hard they worked to secure a comfortable life for themselves and their families.

That's why politics is so sensitive to people.

11-07-2012, 02:13 AM

11-07-2012, 02:18 AM
I still haven't received my rep for not voting. Who won Virginia anyhow?not official, but gonna be Barack

11-07-2012, 02:19 AM
[QUOTE=Meticode]Here's my Facebook with some...

Someone typed in "RAGEQUIT!" with this picture...



Original post: Romney is still show the president a lack of respect

Reply #1: cuz his ass triflin!
Reply #2: he's Bitch made. that's all he kno. it's cool tho, look who his president is...lol put that in mitts


Original post: Now Romney don't want to say they lost Ohio give up do

Reply #1: Its a wrap. Dont be a sore loser


Original post: LOL@ all the whiners...it is what it is...get over it!!

My reply: Jen, I couldn't agree with you more. I'd give you a hug right now in agreement. LOL


This next one she's be posting like crazy, it's annoying as f*ck...

Candace: We came, we saw and we conquered x2.... Congratulations Mr. President

Candance: Yay... Repeat of 2008

She then posted the following picture... :facepalm



Original post: I'd feel better if I was a non working American on welfare, however I'm not and will soon have a degree which is pointless under this so call "leadership"

Replier #1: U mad?
42 minutes ago

11-07-2012, 02:21 AM

11-07-2012, 02:28 AM

11-07-2012, 02:29 AM
Could it be altered to make sure it wasn't so misused? Sure.

I just want to know why would that even be a priority for you. Is this just to win an argument on here or something? I'm confused. The Government is spending amounts of money that the richest of the rich can't even fathom in other ventures.

While the concept of welfare and it's users are being vilified we have bigger, way bigger fish to fry. You are falling for the illusion here.

Why are you using outliers? I'm talking about the middle-class here not millionaire bachelors or the Kardashians.

Like I said, implement better control over social assistance...
I have absolutely no problem paying $1,500+ in taxes a month to help out the homeless, poor or otherwise aspired students. I have a big problem with the government mismanaging my money and allocating it to people who abuse the system.

That's a wasteful program now, because rather then re-investing those taxes on other government initiatives they give my money to parasites.

11-07-2012, 02:34 AM
OK quick question: Do Government Assistance programs exist while Republicans are in office? Yes or no?

:facepalm Assistance programs are administrated by each state, the federal government monitors and regulates each state and establishes the annual budget.

And of course there are government assistance programs while a republican is in office. The regulations might be tighter and the overall budget might be less, but that's exactly how it should be. REGULATE OUR MONEY PROPERLY.

11-07-2012, 02:34 AM
Why are you using outliers? I'm talking about the middle-class here not millionaire bachelors or the Kardashians.

Like I said, implement better control over social assistance...
I have absolutely no problem paying $1,500+ in taxes a month to help out the homeless, poor or otherwise aspired students. I have a big problem with the government mismanaging my money and allocating it to people who abuse the system.

That's a wasteful program now, because rather then re-investing those taxes on other government initiatives they give my money to parasites.
I just don't understand why Americans like you immerse yourself in the fallacy that most of your money goes to social assistance programs like Welfare meanwhile the military eats the most of your tax dollar.

You make the drug dealing while assistance guy down the street out to be the source of nations problems instead of the people in Washington who are doing all kinds of ridiculous shit with your money.

I'm with you though, money needs to be managed properly on all levels and distributed to more deserving people... but do you want to fight over pennies or save dollars?

11-07-2012, 02:46 AM
I just don't understand why Americans like you immerse yourself in the fallacy that most of your money goes to social assistance programs like Welfare meanwhile the military eats the most of your tax dollar.

You make the drug dealing while assistance guy down the street out to be the source of nations problems instead of the people in Washington who are doing all kinds of ridiculous shit with your money.

I'm with you though, money needs to be managed properly on all levels and distributed to more deserving people... but do you want to fight over pennies or save dollars?

Military is a much bigger source then social assistance programs, but it's also the single most important reason America gets to dictate world politics. Our country will never cut down on military spending, and no I am not happy that my money goes to them either.

Another source is general mismanagement. The government spends so much of our money on miscellaneous items. For example a senior manager has a city hall VISA and can spend up to $500 a week for traveling, shelter (5 star hotels) and food (5 star restaurants). Better yet, during the morning conferences they'd get a 5 dollar muffin for breakfast and Starbucks coffee.

Who pays for all that? The people.
How do I know? Because I worked for the government before on a co-op terms. It's disgusting how irresponsible they are.

And honestly I don't have as much of a problem giving money to our soldiers or even to our government officials; one protects us from external threats and the other serve our needs (up to their best ability of course is questionable); but I have a big problem giving my money to drug dealers, and other parasites. They don't make our country better, they don't improve our economy; in the end I'm handing over my money to them and in return I get taxed more in the future.

See what I'm saying?
We both agree though, the government MUST manage our money better. :cheers:

11-07-2012, 03:00 AM
"I'm crying right now, Obama won!" 10 replies of "me too!":oldlol:

11-07-2012, 03:04 AM
I just don't understand why Americans like you immerse yourself in the fallacy that most of your money goes to social assistance programs like Welfare meanwhile the military eats the most of your tax dollar.

You make the drug dealing while assistance guy down the street out to be the source of nations problems instead of the people in Washington who are doing all kinds of ridiculous shit with your money.

I'm with you though, money needs to be managed properly on all levels and distributed to more deserving people... but do you want to fight over pennies or save dollars?
The military doesn't eat most of our tax dollars. Mandatory programs do.

11-07-2012, 03:08 AM
The military doesn't eat most of our tax dollars. Mandatory programs do.
Say word.

11-07-2012, 03:24 AM
The military doesn't eat most of our tax dollars. Mandatory programs do.

true it doesn't eat most, but it takes a healthy portion of them.

i'd rather you guys put that money into awesome shit like NASA. i'd like to see a man on mars in the near future instead of another war started to justify a bloated military budget.

11-07-2012, 04:38 AM
Military spending is too large at this point, but the US military does far more for peace keeping then war starting. Not just for the US either. You don't need to start a war to justify the US military.
Entitlements are a bigger problem than the military in terms of the budget though. Far larger in size, and completely unsustainable.

OK, so what would be your solution then?

11-07-2012, 04:56 AM
Canadian and other FB's:

"The U.S is for sure divided in half right now. While half is rejoicing the other half is probably distraught." - Used to live in Atlanta

"I feel like Canadians are more excited about the American election than their own..."

"Now...hopefully us Canadians can put in this much effort into our own politics and voting."

"You Americans do have sense !!! OBAMA again !!!!!" - Actually lives in the middle east

"That's it, That's all!! Obama Re-elected!:)"

"FLORIDA and Ohio haven't been this Important since the Lebron james trade! Lol" - Seriously, a trade. :oldlol:

"Once you go black, you can't go back! OBAMA 4 more years!!"

"Obama = 2nd term swag"

"Congrats America your country will not change to 'merica"

"This just in. Colorado has officially legalized marijuana. In other news, half of the players in the NBA have requested a trade to the Denver Nuggets."

"6 billion spent on the election. unreal."

"I think the point often missed is that no matter who is elected, they need to work together to better there country. I wonder if that's possible?"

"Found it interesting that even though America was split in voting, on tv and social sites, I barely found pro Romney items or statements"

11-07-2012, 05:08 AM
"FLORIDA and Ohio haven't been this Important since the Lebron james trade! Lol" - Seriously, a trade. :oldlol:

...it was a trade. 2 1sts and 2 seconds for Lebron.

11-07-2012, 05:15 AM
...it was a trade. 2 1sts and 2 seconds for Lebron.

Damn, it was... I can't believe it's been just 2+ years and forgot it was a sign and trade.

Oh well.

11-07-2012, 07:19 AM
My facebook friend Johan; Ja, fu*king Obama vann!

Me: Varf

11-07-2012, 07:22 AM
Half of these voters don't even know what each candidate stands for, I asked 3 people I play ball with at campus just to try the out and neither had any good points on why they were voting on their candidate.

But I find it amusing that some people see Obama as this big time socialist leader, haha. His points on healthcare is seem like something crazy by some while it's less than standard in Europe.

11-07-2012, 11:55 AM
Canadian and other FB's:

"The U.S is for sure divided in half right now. While half is rejoicing the other half is probably distraught." - Used to live in Atlanta

:eek: :biggums:

11-07-2012, 11:56 AM
:eek: :biggums:
I wonder how one goes from Atlanta to Canada?

11-07-2012, 11:58 AM
I wonder how one goes from Atlanta to Canada?
I used an airplane.

11-07-2012, 12:00 PM
I used an airplane.
I was thinking more along the lines of mentally.

11-07-2012, 12:15 PM
OK quick question: Do Government Assistance programs exist while Republicans are in office? Yes or no?

Underrated post.

I will say that the poor won't get less poor by making the rich less rich. More government regulations on companies will only make business not want to do business in the US and not hire american employees. Outsourcing is a direct cause of that. I doubt Mitt Romney would've done much to change this though.

I'm sure american companies would love to hire americans but they simply can't due to government regulations that make it hard to do business. Focus moreso on that than shit like welfare. Welfare is jokes for a lot of lazy people out there but social security and medicare are basically ponzi schemes. Let's focus on getting rid of that shit.

11-07-2012, 12:18 PM
Military spending is too large at this point, but the US military does far more for peace keeping then war starting. Not just for the US either. You don't need to start a war to justify the US military.
Entitlements are a bigger problem than the military in terms of the budget though. Far larger in size, and completely unsustainable.

Yeah, even if you shut down the government, we'd still be in a deficit.